Hornswoggle, "the Biggest cancer in wrestling today"

Hornswoggle is not a cancer in any way, shape, or form. WWE has always done comedy a certain way, and they will continue their brand of comedy every week on Raw, whether Hornswoggle is there or not. I understand that he is very annoying to some of you, and he gets on my nerves once in a while as well, but it's not that hard to change the channel for five minutes. Wrestling has always been a circus, as the poster above me stated, so I don't really see what exactly Hornswoggle has changed for so many people. A "cancer" would be something that is actively destroying what it resides in, and Hornswoggle is not actively destroying the WWE. He's a little annoying, but he's far from the biggest problem.
I don't really care about Hornswoggle. He's a comedic character that I don't find funny. So is Shawn Michaels at the moment, it's of no consequence to me, because the segments are short. However, the recent exploitation of dwarfs is nothing short of ridiculous and watching the little people court segments was like taking a trip to the dentist.

The thing is, he isn't a problem if he's peripheral. If he's DX's mascot, I don't care. It is only when shows are centred around him, or he is in the ring in some sort of farcical segment that he detracts from the show. I wouldn't call him a cancer, but they really need to tone his appearances down to a backstage/non-combative segment a week.
He's with DX now. Both are directed towards the younger children. They're not meant to entertain the older fans. This is the way it's gonna be. I find Hornswoggle entertaining. The only times he annoys me is when they throw him in the middle of what could have been a good match. Hornswoggle isn't as bad as everyone thinks he is. The dude that plays Hornswoggle; Dylan Postl, has to be one of the happiest guys alive right now. He's living what many people would kill for. Plus, think of how much he's succeeded. Not many little people actually succeed in wrestling. I don't mind the occasional Hornswoggle appearance. But really? "Cancer" is a bit too harsh.
Hornswaggle is an entertaining act that is no where close to being a central figure in the grand scheme of WWE's planning. He makes WWE money with merchandise sales, and fans seem to really enjoy his antics. He is in no way a "cancer." Whatever it is with the IWC drinking the Hornswaggle Haterade should really cool off, as the guy really isn't that big of a player.
Do we know this for certain, or is this merely an assumption because you see Vince shoving him down everyone's throats?

We know what his purpose is, but my question is "Is he really selling merchandise?

That may be Vince's hope to sell merchandise to the little kids, but do we know that they find Hornswoggle funny and appealing enough to buy his crap? I don't know that. I haven't seen the numbers.

Vince may simply be trying to force him down everyone's throats because he wants the kids to find him appealing, but unless we see the numbers, we don't know if he really is fulfilling Vince's desires by appealing to kids or not. Vince is going to keep trying and keep trying.

Being paired with DX is absolutely no accident. He is obviously being paired with them because he wants the popularity of DX to rub off on Hornswoggle. And by mixing Hornswoggle in DX programs, this is Vince's way to get the "little bastard" (pun intended) on TV in a more prominent role so he can try to peddle more merchandise.

So Vince clearly does not care if people think being paired with DX is a bad thing or not. By hook or by crook, he is going to try and shove him down your throat so you buy his merchandise.

Anyone that has little kids on here, or knows of them in the family ... and if those kids like wrestling .... tell us if they like Hornswoggle or not and whether they buy his merchandise or not?

When we know the answer to this question, we can perhaps determine how big of a cancer he is to wrestling. My intuition tells me that he is the biggest cancer in wrestling today because my intuition tells me that not even the little kids think he is all that cool or appealing by today's standards.

I would say yes, i go to an average 10 shows a year, ( i Live in CT so its really easy for me to go to the shows in CT, NYC, and NJ) and ever since Hornswoggle has made his " Face turn", he has gotten big pops. When considering little kids big pops equal big money. And when my nephew showed up this past week with two Cena shirts and a Hornswoggle shirt, to be honest i was not surprised.
And as for you asking for the actual numbers, i bet i could get them. I actually am a shareholder in WWE. ( not to be confused with a WWE shareholder as you like to say), and as a part owner, I intitled to them, no?

And to get back on the topic at hand, I would say he isn't really "cancer" as much as a bad character. He's not effecting the outcome of storylines, nor is he an intrical part of them. He is certainly not in any part of creative or a booker. So Cancer? No. In all honesty he is no worse than the Shockmaster, maybe we should be calling him a benign tumor
Hornswaggle is an entertaining act that is no where close to being a central figure in the grand scheme of WWE's planning. He makes WWE money with merchandise sales, and fans seem to really enjoy his antics. He is in no way a "cancer." Whatever it is with the IWC drinking the Hornswaggle Haterade should really cool off, as the guy really isn't that big of a player.

But again, we don't have the merchandise figures to prove he draws. Where are the figures and where is the proof?

Either one of two things is happening. Either:

1) Hornswoggle is a proven draw and produces a lot of merchandise revenue for the company

2) Vince is in the process of TRYING TO MAKE Hornswoggle a merchandise cash cow.

I do not see the Hornswoggle merchandise in the audience to make the determination that he currently is a cash cow. And given that, I don't see how it justifies the amount of screen time we see of him on TV each and every week, and in the major angles we have seen him in such as with Vince and now DX, and the 6 month feud he's had with Chavo Guerrero.
I do not see Hornswoggle as a cancer for the WWE but I also do not see him as anything special either. He is just a character that makes Vince and all the little kiddies laugh. I sometimes find him humorous given the right situation but I also find him very annoying. I guess you could say I am indifferent when it comes to him.

A lot of people on this forum got their panties in a bunch about the little peoples court segment, however I did not think it was all that bad. I didn't care that WWE was doing, probably because I have gotten use to the dumb sketches they write, but I also wasn't inclined to watch it.

Really at the end of the day it boils down to the fact that Hornswoggle may be considered a big part of the show by some, but if he was released tomorrow not a single person would care or even remember who he was in five years, at least I wouldn't. He is not going to be a memorable character in the future so just let Vince have his fun for now and if you want to watch wrestling then watch TNA or Smackdown.
I liked Hornswoggle. I found/find him funny. The problem I have is that he's officially in DX. That's something that should've never happened. I'd be cool if he was part of the "DX Army" but actually being in DX and being the "mascot" is something I might not be able to forgive. If he loses the lame music and acts a bit different it would probably be ok with me, but how he acts is just not fitting into my DX idea.
I do not see Hornswoggle as a cancer for the WWE but I also do not see him as anything special either. He is just a character that makes Vince and all the little kiddies laugh. I sometimes find him humorous given the right situation but I also find him very annoying. I guess you could say I am indifferent when it comes to him.

A lot of people on this forum got their panties in a bunch about the little peoples court segment, however I did not think it was all that bad. I didn't care that WWE was doing, probably because I have gotten use to the dumb sketches they write, but I also wasn't inclined to watch it.

Really at the end of the day it boils down to the fact that Hornswoggle may be considered a big part of the show by some, but if he was released tomorrow not a single person would care or even remember who he was in five years, at least I wouldn't. He is not going to be a memorable character in the future so just let Vince have his fun for now and if you want to watch wrestling then watch TNA or Smackdown.

Couldn't have said it any better my man.

Hornswoggle is not a cancer, simply because no matter if he's on the show or not, not much changes. I mean really I just block him out. I'm like he's around, so what, but he won't kill wrestling which cancer does. He doesn't even give it a canker sore. People are indifferent to him for the most part. He's keep around mainly now to do 'funny' skits with DX, to make the kiddies laugh and want to buy DX merchandise.
I am A HARDCORE WRESTLING FAN and I think the hornswoggle addition to DX is a great thing. I see think it would be the core to the invitable dx split. How great would it be for Sheamus to ultimately destroy horny then HBK to sweet chin music to Triple H.Then talking about how HHH has become obsessed with having fun!! Letting HHH know he is a 13x world champ in case he 4got, and that he has let himself go. Then reveal that it was all a plan for the wm24 retirement match against Flair, so that DX as a unit would go down simply as planned and that was the best. with HHH a 17x champ and HBK (well the history explains itself). Then WM26 HBK VS HHH FINAL ENCOUNTER!!!
Is hornswoggle the best thing in wrestling? No!!! Is he the worst? No!!! He's getting ppl talking. he gives everything 100%!! he's doing everything that is asked of him and he does it well! the problem lies squarley with creative. if they gave him a proper fued i think he could become of legend status. bring in more little ppl and get fueds going. have horny become dominant and rule over the midget world of wwe. also he needs to start talking too.

WOW really? your joking right? hornswoggle a legend?! the only thing legendary is how bad he sucks ass! I WANT HIM OFF TV! i agree with the poster, hornswoggle is ruining wwe right now, if he was gone it would be better, cuz he is in almost every dumb ass "comedy" skit on raw.
Why are people so hard on Hornswoggle? I never get it.

The guy is funny to watch sometimes. Not to mention, his program with Chavo was pretty decent. I mean incase you haven't noticed, WWE is trying their best to use him to help little kids realize a lot of things. Like for one, not let the bullies scare you and even the smallest of people can be the biggest heroes. Not to mention that, as HHH said, even the littlest of big dreams can come true.

Not to mention, he's no different than any other manager minus the fact that he's 4ft tall.

Seriously people, quit hating on the little guy. After all he must be doing SOMETHING right seeing as he's the only midget in WWE.
But again, we don't have the merchandise figures to prove he draws. Where are the figures and where is the proof?

Either one of two things is happening. Either:

1) Hornswoggle is a proven draw and produces a lot of merchandise revenue for the company

2) Vince is in the process of TRYING TO MAKE Hornswoggle a merchandise cash cow.

I do not see the Hornswoggle merchandise in the audience to make the determination that he currently is a cash cow. And given that, I don't see how it justifies the amount of screen time we see of him on TV each and every week, and in the major angles we have seen him in such as with Vince and now DX, and the 6 month feud he's had with Chavo Guerrero.

Sid. Have you ever gone to a WWE live event? Like...ever? Have you ever looked out into the stands?

There are these little green hats that people wear that look like leprechaun hats. Oh...they look very similar to the hat that Hornswoggle would wear to the ring. They are everywhere. Just look...you'll see them.

Hornswoggle = draw.
Sid. Have you ever gone to a WWE live event? Like...ever? Have you ever looked out into the stands?

There are these little green hats that people wear that look like leprechaun hats. Oh...they look very similar to the hat that Hornswoggle would wear to the ring. They are everywhere. Just look...you'll see them.

Hornswoggle = draw.

Ricky, I guarantee I have been attending Live Events longer than you have, so lose the condescending attitude. However, in the interest of fairness, I have not attended any WWE event since Survivor Series 2006 in Philly, as I have lost interest in attending WWE live anymore, with my disgust with the direction the product has gone in.

With that being said, I still have friends that do attend Live Events and I do have a television set. Not only have they said they do not see Hornswoggle merchandise in the stands, but nor do I see it in the crowds.

Now, being that Vince wants to sell Hornswoggle merchandise to the kids, and is obsessed with shoving him down everyone's throats as a result, don't you think if kids were wearing those derbies, that they would be featured in close up shots on television? Ironically enough, they aren't.

So no. That is why I am highly skeptical that he is actually a draw as far as merchandise goes, and why Vince may very well be in the phase of trying to make him a merchandise draw. Of course, he has been trying his heart out for some time now. And I guarantee in this process, he has lost adult viewers over time. But he has made his priority known that families with children are his primary target, as he feels they are more profitable. So if he has to lose some adult fans, so be it.

You might also want to lose the "Sid, I am just waiting for a reply ..." bullshit, as well and actually look in the thread next time before you make accusations that I didn't answer your post (which you never made clear you were addressing me, anyway, and necessarily looking for a response).
Hornswoggle should not be main eventing though. That is where the disgust is coming from. I don't care how many children cheer for the guy, it is just obnoxious and offensive to those who actually can work a match, tell a story and really captivate a crowd.

The merchandise he is pushing is the DX merchandise. He doesn't need to sell his own. He was brought on board to boost merchandise sales for DX.

The guy is a novelty act and I feel when its all said in done will go down as one of the biggest fails in wrestling history.

He should've stuck with Finlay and kept his ass under the ring. Keep him the fuck out of the main events.
Ricky, I guarantee I have been attending Live Events longer than you have, so lose the condescending attitude.

Only when you quit pretending that I don't know what is involved in moderating the forums. ;)

However, in the interest of fairness, I have not attended any WWE event since Survivor Series 2006 in Philly, as I have lost interest in attending WWE live anymore, with my disgust with the direction the product has gone in.

Ok. Hornswoggle was where at Survivor Series '06?

With that being said, I still have friends that do attend Live Events and I do have a television set. Not only have they said they do not see Hornswoggle merchandise in the stands, but nor do I see it in the crowds.

Do your friends wear bifocals? Because when I went to Summerslam...there were Hornswoggle hats coming out the rafters.

Now, being that Vince wants to sell Hornswoggle merchandise to the kids, and is obsessed with shoving him down everyone's throats as a result, don't you think if kids were wearing those derbies, that they would be featured in close up shots on television? Ironically enough, they aren't.

When was the last time there were ANY close ups of kids on TV?

So no. That is why I am highly skeptical that he is actually a draw as far as merchandise goes, and why Vince may very well be in the phase of trying to make him a merchandise draw. Of course, he has been trying his heart out for some time now. And I guarantee in this process, he has lost adult viewers over time. But he has made his priority known that families with children are his primary target, as he feels they are more profitable. So if he has to lose some adult fans, so be it.

And your skepticism is a stretch, at best. The little guy is a mascot of titanic proportions and kids and adults alike find him entertaining. The only reason my dad tunes into the show is because of the hilarious antics of Hornswoggle.

You might also want to lose the "Sid, I am just waiting for a reply ..." bullshit, as well and actually look in the thread next time before you make accusations that I didn't answer your post (which you never made clear you were addressing me, anyway, and necessarily looking for a response).

You said you were going to respond the next day. I checked the next day. No response. Since the thread got buried, I assumed you didn't respond.

And why would I want to lose that?

Hornswoggle should not be main eventing though.

Oh for crying out loud.

Hornswoggle is NOT main-eventing. That would be like trying to make the argument that Liz main-evented...or Debra when she was coming to the ring with Stone Cold. Heck...with that line of argument, Michael Buffer is the greatest main-eventer of all-time.

Because the dude is out there with a couple of main-eventers does not mean that the guy is a main-eventer himself.
No. No, no, no. He's not even close to being the biggest "cancer" in wrestling. Not when there's the IWC, not when there's Russo running rampant, not when there's doctors out there still willing to supply steroids and pain killers. None of these things are better than Hornswoggle. To even call Hornswoggle a cancer is the height of overexaggerating ridiculousness.

He's annoying, sometimes very annoying. But he's tolerable. Just like all the awful posters on here who make threads like this. He even has some mildly entertaining moments, in fact. One bad character doesn't make a bad show. You wanna complain, complain about the booking or Cena being stale. Don't complain about Hornswoggle beign the worst thing in WWE. If you think that Hornswoggle leaving would solve most problems in wrestling, then that's so unbelievably ignorant that it's funny.
I hate Hornswoggle. But, since WWE is a PG rated show now, Hornswoggle is used to appeal to little kids. It is sad, but as Vince says "it's good.....for business."
Oh for crying out loud.

Hornswoggle is NOT main-eventing. That would be like trying to make the argument that Liz main-evented...or Debra when she was coming to the ring with Stone Cold. Heck...with that line of argument, Michael Buffer is the greatest main-eventer of all-time.

Because the dude is out there with a couple of main-eventers does not mean that the guy is a main-eventer himself.

Oh don't get that technical over the little troll. He is not a main-eventer himself I agree. However when you have a main event with big stars on your flagship show, a great match going then you throw Hornswoggle in the main event segment doing crotch chops and tad pole splashes, it just kills to whole moment. The drama is gone, and it becomes silly.

You don't have Santino dressing up, or Chris Masters tittie jumping, or even Divas in main event segments. Why Hornswoggle? We've been watching wrestling far too long and have seen to much to accept these segments as entertaining. However, if that's your cup of tea, I'll pass you the sugar because I don't want it.
I hate Hornswoggle. But, since WWE is a PG rated show now, Hornswoggle is used to appeal to little kids. It is sad, but as Vince says "it's good.....for business."

So that is why you accept him right? Because he's what's good for business and because he makes Vince money?

We have another WWE Universe Fan here, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the Forum.

Oh don't get that technical over the little troll. He is not a main-eventer himself I agree. However when you have a main event with big stars on your flagship show, a great match going then you throw Hornswoggle in the main event segment doing crotch chops and tad pole splashes, it just kills to whole moment. The drama is gone, and it becomes silly.

You don't have Santino dressing up, or Chris Masters tittie jumping, or even Divas in main event segments. Why Hornswoggle? We've been watching wrestling far too long and have seen to much to accept these segments as entertaining. However, if that's your cup of tea, I'll pass you the sugar because I don't want it.

You are going to have to excuse Ricky, Suneeboy. Ricky is concerned with what makes Vince money more than he is concerned about what entertains himself as a fan. So in many ways, he is also a WWE Apologist.

He could have no interest in Hornswoggle himself, but if it makes Vince wealthy, then so be it.

As I said, though, before ... the proof is in the pudding. And I absolutely am dying to see the merchandise figures for whatever Hornswoggle-exclusive merchandise produces. That is the only way to measure how much he actually contributes to the business. But then, you have to take into consideration how much he contributes in merchandise vs how much he costs WWE in terms of disgruntled adult viewers who may purchase PPV's and tickets to shows.

I really wish I could see a breakdown. The funny thing is that I have a contact, who I don't really keep touch with anymore, unfortunately, in the WWE Merchandise department, and if anyone knows, it's him. We just haven't spoken in several years, and the problem is that I don't want to email him just for this. Besides that, I know he is friendly with Hornswoggle and he may take exception to me asking about this info. Being that I don't go to the shows anymore, I don't see him in person, either.
So that is why you accept him right? Because he's what's good for business and because he makes Vince money?

We have another WWE Universe Fan here, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the Forum.


I never said i accepted him. I can hate Hornswaggle and accept him at the same time. It doesn't make sense. But since i do understand business, and Vince being a businessman, i know why he's keeping that little midget. Sorry for being well informed :)
Hornswoggle is the most annoying and least deserving member of the WWE roster today. I will not debate that, that cannot be argued. The cancer that's killing the company? I wouldn't say that.

Consider all the other things WWE has done in 2009 besides push Hornswoggle. The guest hosts, the hotshotting of both world titles, pushing new guys for about three months and then forgetting them afterwards, the stupid storylines.....

I despise Hornswoggle and look forward to the day where I don't have to see him on my TV anymore. But a cancer? That's a bit much.
I never said i accepted him. I can hate Hornswaggle and accept him at the same time. It doesn't make sense. But since i do understand business, and Vince being a businessman, i know why he's keeping that little midget. Sorry for being well informed :)

And you don't think I am well-informed as to his intentions?

I never said that "I don't understand why he's there". I said that "I understand what his purpose is" however I have always challenged the notion that he actually pushes merchandise. Vince is clearly attempting a strategy and all I want to know is if that strategy is successful, or is he still trying to shove it down everyone's throats to make it successful.

If we see some actual Hornswoggle numbers than we can justify whether or not he deserves his place on the roster or not.

However, what I have zero tolerance for sir, is someone who puts what's best for business first, over what their own interests are as a fan. So if you don't personally like Hornswoggle, you can make that clear first and foremost ... because that tells me that you actually do have some standards first, as opposed to simply going with whatever Vince gives you.
You are going to have to excuse Ricky, Suneeboy. Ricky is concerned with what makes Vince money more than he is concerned about what entertains himself as a fan. So in many ways, he is also a WWE Apologist.

I should report you for flaming me, but I shall let it slide this time. I'm concerned with what makes Vince money? I guess? It's Vince's company...he can do whatever he wants with it, much like I could take a whiz on my TV if I wanted to do it. Vince clearly sees some money to be made in Hornswoggle, and the logic is clearly sensible.

He could have no interest in Hornswoggle himself, but if it makes Vince wealthy, then so be it.

You're right...I haven't had a whole lot of interest in Hornswoggle since his feud with Chavo. Though, I really did like when Horns and Trips were playing around with the skateboard. Regardless, even if I'm not interested in Horns at the moment, I'm not going to launch my toys out of the crib because he's part of the show. It's really not that big of a deal.

As I said, though, before ... the proof is in the pudding. And I absolutely am dying to see the merchandise figures for whatever Hornswoggle-exclusive merchandise produces. That is the only way to measure how much he actually contributes to the business. But then, you have to take into consideration how much he contributes in merchandise vs how much he costs WWE in terms of disgruntled adult viewers who may purchase PPV's and tickets to shows.

I bet purchase of DX glow sticks at live events is pretty nuts. And the DX Army Valentines Day Package is listed on the top sellers...so Horns at least can't be hurting matters.

I really wish I could see a breakdown. The funny thing is that I have a contact, who I don't really keep touch with anymore, unfortunately, in the WWE Merchandise department, and if anyone knows, it's him. We just haven't spoken in several years, and the problem is that I don't want to email him just for this. Besides that, I know he is friendly with Hornswoggle and he may take exception to me asking about this info. Being that I don't go to the shows anymore, I don't see him in person, either.

Yeah, avoid this guy so you can continue to make assumptions so you have some angry threads to make.
I would accept Horni as a RAW roster member if he just does some funny segments and nothing more.But thing we watch nowadays has a different story.

WTF? Hornswoggle pinning somebody in RAW's main event?

It seems his push happens faster than Kofi! Kofi had a feud with Randy but he never won a main event.

The solution is to end the friggin' DX.This is a PG show and dx should have something for kiddies,so they chose Horni to becomae a member of DX.If there wasn't a PG DX,there won't be a main eventer-Hornswoggle.

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