Mitt Romney Is Not Qualified To Be President. Source: Mitt Romney


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House

Back in July, regarding his taxes, Romney said:

"Frankly, if I had paid more than are legally due, I don't think I'd be qualified to become president," he said. "I'd think people would want me to follow the law and pay only what the tax code requires."

Today Romney released his 2011 tax returns and the following was said by Romney's attorney:

The Romneys’ generous charitable donations in 2011 would have significantly reduced their tax obligation for the year. The Romneys thus limited their deduction of charitable contributions to conform to the Governor's statement in August, based upon the January estimate of income, that he paid at least 13% in income taxes in each of the last 10 years.

In short, Romney donated $4 million to charity last year. He was legally allowed to claim that amount as a charitable contribution, but only claimed $2.25 million as charity. Translation: Romney, by his own definition, isn't qualified to be President.
Tough week for Mitt Romney. Apparently he's lost two more votes this week, as neither Mitt nor his father can vote for him this election.
Wow. The guy gave away 4 million dollars to charity. You really got him there. Great job. At least he didn't claim change cannot come from Washington DC while running for the highest job in DC after campaigning 4 years ago about all the hope and change he was going to bring to DC.

But, getting back to, when you thought he only paid 13 percent of his taxes, he was a tax cheat, scum of the earth millionaire who used tax loopholes to avoid paying taxes. Now that its known he paid well above that rate, AND gave away 4 million to charity, you bitch about that too? That he DIDN'T exploit all of the tax loopholes available to him? Make up your fucking mind.
I don't complain about the taxes. I complain that this guy, by his own words, shouldn't be president and he can't keep any of his two stories straight. If this is the best the GOP can do (speaking of the GOP, according to McConnell, their top job is keeping Obama out of office. If he gets reelected, shouldn't McConnell and all of the people that lined up behind him resign due to failing their most important mission?) then they deserve to be laughed at.
Wow. The guy gave away 4 million dollars to charity. You really got him there. Great job. At least he didn't claim change cannot come from Washington DC while running for the highest job in DC after campaigning 4 years ago about all the hope and change he was going to bring to DC.
No, Romney has already made it clear he's not expecting the so many of the American people to do anything except bend over if he's made President. Whereas Obama was saying he's going to work harder to communicate with Americans about making change, Romney just said he's unqualified for the job.

Small difference. Well, large difference actually.

But, getting back to, when you thought he only paid 13 percent of his taxes, he was a tax cheat, scum of the earth millionaire who used tax loopholes to avoid paying taxes. Now that its known he paid well above that rate, AND gave away 4 million to charity, you bitch about that too? That he DIDN'T exploit all of the tax loopholes available to him? Make up your fucking mind.
No no, we still feel as if he's taking advantage of loopholes as well as probably hiding money offshore, not to mention outraged at the fact he paid a lower tax than I did.

We're just saying that, according to Mitt Romney's own logic, neither he nor his father could vote for him as President this year. Don't confuse our position with Mitt's position. We didn't say George and Mitt couldn't vote for Mitt, Governor Romney did.
I got as far as the obvious troll reaction from the right side and lol'd.

I can actually get insured now. I'm at the best job I've had since Bush took office. School is starting to look affordable. My bank isn't trying to fuck me in the ass every time I take my eye off them. Hoped for some change and it came.
DirtyJosé;4133439 said:
I got as far as the obvious troll reaction from the right side and lol'd.

I can actually get insured now. I'm at the best job I've had since Bush took office. School is starting to look affordable. My bank isn't trying to fuck me in the ass every time I take my eye off them. Hoped for some change and it came.

Here's what sums it up for me:

Obama got a law passed that got 33 million more people access to affordable healthcare, eliminating a lot of worry and anguish while at the same time bringing new customers to insurance companies. Rather than having people be afraid to go out when it's windy because it might be cold, they can live their lives without the fear of being wiped out because someone sneezes on them and an illness taking away everything they've built up over the years. This law has been deemed constitutional legal by the US Supreme Court.

Mitt Romney says that's not ok and that the old ways are better with people not being able to have that peace of mind.
Rather than having people be afraid to go out when it's windy because it might be cold, they can live their lives without the fear of being wiped out because someone sneezes on them and an illness taking away everything they've built up over the years.

I'll go one better. It helps people get over being afraid of going to hospitals and clinics for fear of debt among other things. It gets people seeing physicians and doctors and potentially catching dangers that would have otherwise gone unnoticed for too long. More people taking charge of their health is only good for everyone.
That's where part of that 47% video makes him look even worse. He mentions people in that 47% expecting to be entitled to things like food and healthcare. Yes, I do in fact expect to be able to have access to those things. The difference is that I don't expect them for free, which is what Romney seems to think they are. The law doesn't give you free healthcare. It makes it accessible, as in it lets you PAY for it. Why a businessman would think this is a bad thing is beyond me.
Speaking of contradiction...


I don't know. Can anybody else tell...did she actually answer ANY of the questions thrown at her? At the very least, Romney has GOT to be better than Bachmann...
How does the one contradict the other? I can't point out the ridiculousness of KBs rant while still not being enamored with Romney? I am not exactly sure what your point is here.

Enamored <> like.

My point is you come on here consistently defending someone you don't even like.

Nah, my point is I have this bizaare memory and I like to use the search function.
I only defend Romney against the stupidly ridiculous attacks like this one. Who really gives a flying fuck about what he said? Is it really something is even remotely going to change ANYONE's mind?

Let me put it this way. I am not a New York Giants fan, I am a Detroit Lions fan. Always was, always will be. Yet, whenever the Giants play the Dallas Cowboys, I root for the G-Men. Why? Because while I am still a Lions fan, I like how NY goes about it's business. I like their tough, disciplined way of doing things more than I like the Dallas Cowboys partially organized chaos. I can't watch an NFL game completely neutrally, I always end up picking a side, whether I set out to do so or not. And yet, against a different NFL team, I might find myself rooting against the Giants because I like the players on the other team better, like the coach, or for whatever reason. I might root for the Giants over the Cowboys, but might root against them if they were playing the Patriots or something. Its entirely circumstantial.

So it is with Romney vs. Obama. I cannot stand the President's politics, therefore I will take the side of the lesser of the two evils. I am not a big Romney fan, but I am closer ideologically to him than I am to Obama. Yet, I am not a registered Republican, nor have I stated that I am going to vote for Romney with absolute certainty. In fact, I am seriously considering voting Libertarian, because I am not sold on Romney. If my only choices were Obama or Romney, sure, I would be completely in Romney's camp. But, I have other choices. They may be completely meaningless in the long run, since there is not a chance in hell any of them would win, but the choices remain none the less.

There are legitimate complaints against each candidate, and there are truly asinine, mind bogglingly stupid ones. Guess which type I think this one falls into?
The kind where people cry about birth certificates and hating America?

Also, this is the GSD, you can relax a little bit chief. Mitt isn't going to get hurt by one thread.
I only defend Romney against the stupidly ridiculous attacks like this one. Who really gives a flying fuck about what he said? Is it really something is even remotely going to change ANYONE's mind?

I don't know how serious he is being with this one. The main point is incredibly trivial. And no, I don't see how anyone can be so indecisive or unsure that this is going to persuade them.

Let me put it this way. I am not a New York Giants fan, I am a Detroit Lions fan. Always was, always will be. Yet, whenever the Giants play the Dallas Cowboys, I root for the G-Men. Why? Because while I am still a Lions fan, I like how NY goes about it's business. I like their tough, disciplined way of doing things more than I like the Dallas Cowboys partially organized chaos. I can't watch an NFL game completely neutrally, I always end up picking a side, whether I set out to do so or not. And yet, against a different NFL team, I might find myself rooting against the Giants because I like the players on the other team better, like the coach, or for whatever reason. I might root for the Giants over the Cowboys, but might root against them if they were playing the Patriots or something. Its entirely circumstantial.

When are you going to sack up, take the LSAT, a fat loan, and go to law school? You can't use words like circumstantial and tell me you don't want to be a lawyer.

Of course, you still were part of the posse last year that argued that there was no argument that could be made that Eli makes the Pro Bowl over Stafford. I hate myself for this but Eli has been awesome over the past two seasons, and he was shockingly good on SNL.

So it is with Romney vs. Obama. I cannot stand the President's politics, therefore I will take the side of the lesser of the two evils. I am not a big Romney fan, but I am closer ideologically to him than I am to Obama. Yet, I am not a registered Republican, nor have I stated that I am going to vote for Romney with absolute certainty. In fact, I am seriously considering voting Libertarian, because I am not sold on Romney. If my only choices were Obama or Romney, sure, I would be completely in Romney's camp. But, I have other choices. They may be completely meaningless in the long run, since there is not a chance in hell any of them would win, but the choices remain none the less.

There are legitimate complaints against each candidate, and there are truly asinine, mind bogglingly stupid ones. Guess which type I think this one falls into?

This one is clearly trivial but I can't ever see myself voting or defending someone who I don't like. I really think that Romney's views are closer to mine than yours. He is just stuck in a party that is asking him to be something he is not and he isn't bright enough (and wants so badly to be something his dad failed at) to be that guy without saying stupid things.
So it is with Romney vs. Obama. I cannot stand the President's politics
Like what? I don't know that I've ever seen you list the things about Obama's politics you don't like. I know you were giddy with the thought the Affordable Healthcare Act would be repealed by the Supreme Court, but I don't know that I've ever really seen any other criticism about Obama from you, just you mostly defending Republicans.

Is it his decision to not enforce Don't Ask, Don't Tell, or his belief homosexuals have the right to marry like heterosexuals? Is it his desire to raise revenue to help pay for Medicare and Social Security, easily the two biggest causes of our debt? Is it his actions in removing troops from Iraq, and his plan to remove them from Afghanistan? Do you not like the fact government jobs have been greatly reduced under Obama? Do you not like the way private sector jobs have increased for 30 consecutive months (please note, I'm not trying to make a political point here, nor accuse you of not like job creation, I'm referring specifically to the manner jobs were created). Do you not like how Obama has taken the $1.5t deficit spending of the government he inherited and reduced it by $300b during hard economic times (meaning, do you think the government should have spent more to help recovery)?

What is it about what Obama has done do you not like?
Speaking of contradiction...


I don't know. Can anybody else tell...did she actually answer ANY of the questions thrown at her? At the very least, Romney has GOT to be better than Bachmann...


I just watched this, and it was great. She is such a buffoon.
Speaking of contradiction...


I don't know. Can anybody else tell...did she actually answer ANY of the questions thrown at her? At the very least, Romney has GOT to be better than Bachmann...

Jesus, Bachman is a moron. Can't answer a simple question to save her ass. As far as Romney goes, as of late its not looking good for him at all. I keep hearing about his "tax" issue, then the leaked video. I'm not voting for him myself, but chances are folks who were already going to vote for him aren't being swayed. But he's gonna need a hell of an October to stand a chance.

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