Million Dollar Champion: Ted DiBiase, JUNIOR?


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On the Best of Saturday Night's Main Event DVD set, during Disc 2, Ted DiBiase Jr. went on to talk about his Father and how great he felt he was with the Million Dollar Championship. Ted Jr. went on at one point, to even go so far as to blatantly say he will bring the Championship back one day.. .. maybe.

Now on that note, I'm pretty sure it means he fully intends to want to bring the Championship back, but he had to end with "maybe" on the off chance that Vince McMahon may not wanna push him, with that Championship.

So, with this newly found information, and because it's been discussed before when DiBiase first debuted. What is everyone's opinions on this subject? Should Ted DiBiase bring back the Million Dollar Championship? And if he does, what do you believe he should do with it? Just show it off, defend it, lose it?

I think currently, DiBiase Jr. needs to focus on gaining enough credibility to even carry that Championship. And hey, it's not even sanctioned by the company ("on record") so to say he needs to earn the credibility to carry it, it pretty much means.. he doesn't even deserve to BE a Champion at this point.

His Father was a proud man, and even held the Heavyweight title through a minor point in his career, until it was taken away. At that point, DiBiase Sr. did what everyone would love to do, and that's create his own Championship. Currently, Jr. isn't anywhere near his Father and as such, doesn't deserve to hold that title JUST yet. But I do believe firmly that by this time next year, if pushed right.. he could go into WrestleMania 26 with it around his waist.

What are everyone's opinions on the thought of Ted DiBiase Jr. one day bringing back the Million Dollar Championship? Please make sure to explain yourself fully, and add as much detail as you can, thank you. Discuss.
It's been a long time since we've seen a specialized belt (Edge's Rated R Spinner not included). I'd like to see it make a return, in part because the belt just looked great, and because DiBiase could go on to be a very good heel.

If they plan on pushing him beyond the mid-card, then having him bring back the Million Dollar Title would be a great move, if timed properly. It would have to be nothing more than a prop, since it's clear there's enough belts as is, but it could help elevate his heel status. If they bring it back to soon, it makes him look like a pompous ass, and while that works to make people hate him, it doesn't make him a legit heel. I call that the JBL-effect. If they wait too long, then it looks like he can't win a real title, so he resorts to bringing back his dad's pride and joy. Again, he'd suffer the JBL-effect. I'm not sure when the "right" time would be, but it would have to work with his current standing in the company, and work to give him a title shot, not be a rebound from not getting one.

If they only plan to push him to the mid-card, then by no means should they bring it back. That would not only demean the belt, but would hurt his father's legacy. It was made as an alternate World Title, worn by the best heel the WWE has ever seen. To put it on a fledgling mid-carder would be pointless, and may anger the long-time fan.
To put it on a fledgling mid-carder would be pointless, and may anger the long-time fan.

Not for nothing, the last time the Championship was in use.. was when "The Ringmaster" (Steve Austin) was wearing it, and crowned the new Million Dollar Champion. This was also during the time period in which Steve Austin was a, how'd you word it, "fledgling mid-carder". He was losing matches to Savio Vega, for sakes. Doesn't get much lower and worthless than that.

As far as the "right time", like I said, in roughly a year if he's given a good enough single's push this year.. I can see it happening. By good enough single's push, I mean let him be the guy that defeats C.M. Punk for the Intercontinental Championship. After that, allow him to carry the Intercontinental title for the majority of the entire year. (a good 6 monthes at least)

Let him drop it to a worthy mid-carder, who will likely one day be a Main Eventer in his own right. At that point, put DiBiase in a meaningful feud against a Main Eventer, that isn't the Heavyweight Champion. (Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho as examples) Let DiBiase go over them, on Pay per view. (likely Unforgiven or No Mercy, at the very tail end of the year, as right now he's getting owned by Shane, which is horrible)

Then, around the Royal Rumble, let him bring his Father back, as his Manager. And at that point, have his Father deem him the Million Dollar Champion. It will only work perfectly, if his Father returns for a period of time with him anyways, in my eyes.

At that point, DiBiase could begin receiving a mild-level Heavyweight title push, yet get derailed by someone who takes us into next year's Mania, in a rarity match where the Million Dollar Championship is put up for grabs.
I say bring it back, definately, but at the right time.

In my opinion, bring it back when they finally decide to break Ted and cody up. Then during their feud, have Ted Sr. and Dusty be in their sons corners and relive the feud they had back in the day.
Why not make that belt tie into the MITB match...instead of them getting the opportunity to wrestle for the big championship, have that as the "prize". Bring back the ladder match for the belt...the belt has so much history, why not restore a little history with it.:undertaker2:
I think Dibiase is going to be great one day, and in his father's footsteps already, I think it'll end up being a great heel. He uses a form of his father's gimmick with the whole "Priceless" gimmick and incorporating the Million Dollar Dream into his finisher. Sometimes reusing things like that doesn't work, but he seems to make it and is getting over along with Cody. I think being in Orton's Legacy will be huge for both and push them to superstardom.
Once that happens, I can definitely see an angle where he can't win the world title or beat some of the top main he brings back his own title, or his dad's really and defends that. It wouldn't be permanent but it would be cool to see that title make a return with Dibiase's son if only for a few months. It is probably still a couple years away at least though, and rightfully so. He needs to be a singles star before bringing it back and be a fairly big deal at least. They could probably even incorporate The Million Dollar Man into the storyline as a manager giving the title to the true heir (as Austin held it briefly during his time as the Ringmaster).
Another scenario could set up a face turn for Ted. Jbl purchases the million dollar belt and Ted goes out to get it back
Ted Dibiase should revive the Million Dollar championship. He remeinds me of a new cutting edge version of his father , and the belt would help rasie him to main t event staus just like it helped his dad. With the introduction of his father, Ted Sr., into the mix and the revived million doller championship, Ted Dibiase jr. can finally have that main event push he deserves.

Well I am sure if Ted has a decently long career in the WWE, then he will surely receive the belt.

Will has something similar to how I see it. It would get the original Ted back on TV and give Jr a chance to live up to his old man. I would however bring it one step further along and have the juniors with their dads get into a short feud, with the seniors taking on the juniors in a new generation versus old match. That would be a great match for say The Great American Bash.
tna brought in a custom unsanctioned ledgends championship and its deemed as a joke, if wwe was going to create any chapionship it would be a custom championship like an omg championship and give it to jeff hardy someone really over with the fans. You can't give a custom unsanctioned championship to a heel unless they are at the peek of their heat and with booker he's washed up and with ted jr he's not yet reached his peek. The only two right now that wwe can put a custom championship and be sucessfull are either jeff hardy or randy orton. Some minor stars that they could somehow make something work with is dreamer, punk, kane, kingston, miz, or mvp
Do we really need another belt? and to put an unsanctioned belt on either hardy or orton would be crazy as they are both competing for the two main belts. Ted jr is surely the only one who can get this belt! but i agree not yet he`s not ready as for old generation matches please no, my memories of the million dollar man are ones of one of the best workers and greatest heels the company created please dont spoil that by letting him get back in the ring! Am i alone in thinking there are too many belts as it is to be bringing in another one. How cares about the us title, do all brands have to have titles? if so where`s the ecw tag team title? I know i am from an earlier era but scarcety is what makes things more valuable, I kinda liked it when there was just three main titles then you could throw in unsanctioned belts, could we not try and unify the belts we have? edge vs hhh for undisputed new world title at wm25? wouldnt be bad would it
The Million Dolar Championship would be a great idea for Ted Dibiase Jr. Of course not right now though, as he is trying to get over in Priceless and
Legacy. But once the Legacy stable blows over and he and Rhodes do all they can in the tag team division (ALREADY 2 time tag champions) feud with Snuka and Manu, hopefully revive the tag division somewhat, I expect him to branch out. Probably mid to late this year. And if he is catching on as a young heel I think the Million Dollar Championship would be a great accessory for him. Plus it could usher in his father to briefly be in his corner for late 2009 and early 2010. If all goes well he should be expected to fight Taker and WM26.
Of course this is a fantastic idea. Ive said it since day ONE, he should have the million dollar belt, the old MDM theme music, the whole nine yards. People might say itd be bad for him to be a clone of his dad, but hwhat else is he as of now?? A mini Randy Orton?? (look, music, gang affiliation)....itd be much better for him to have a defined gimmick that hasnt been done in over ten years, than to have a vanilla chracter that is simular to a guy already around.
Right now DiBiase is in the whole Legacy thing.Now if that breaks off due to Orton leaving for Smackdown during the draft or because of his Royal Rumble win.Then I could see DiBiase being pushed as a singles superstar. I find him right now to have more personality than Rhodes so I think Ted(also being one of McMahon's favorite guys right now) would be in line for a steady singles push. What better way to do that than to bring in his fathers championship and carry it around like it counts as an actual championship. Cody could turn face and feud with Ted over his new belt. The two could then go on to one day feud over the IC belt and the World title.Possibilities are endless I think Ted has what it takes. He is nowhere near his father yet for sure. But hes on the right track.
There are so many ways that bringing back that legendary championship could go. If he gets the push that he deserves to get and becomes a main event performer within the next year or so, I say bring it back as the world heavyweight title or wwe title depending on which show he is on at that time. It could be called the world heavyweight championship, wwe championship, the million dollar championship, or some combination (i.e. the million dollar wwe championship). If they decide to continue unifying titles the way they are doing with the tag titles, it could become the undisputed championship with the million dollar championship look to it. It being one of the main titles with him being a main heel for WWE would be my preference.

If the push doesn't quite put him at main even status, but gets him close, they could use it as the intercontinental championship. Using him as an up and coming heel verging on breaking into the main event level, and using the million dollar championships design and/or name in some way could be what regains the IC title's prestige. Think about how vastly it would change the way the title is used and the way it would be viewed. That would be a great deal better than the way it randomly changes hands and goes to guys that people quite frankly don't care about now.

Whatever the plan for the title and for Dibiase himself, it all just has to be done the right way and at the right time. Bringing back that title too early would make people think he is resting on the laurels of his father. It would also damage the credibility of the championship. The right set up with that title and Dibiase has huge potential to say the very least.
His Father was a proud man, and even held the Heavyweight title through a minor point in his career, until it was taken away. At that point, DiBiase Sr. did what everyone would love to do, and that's create his own Championship. Currently, Jr. isn't anywhere near his Father and as such, doesn't deserve to hold that title JUST yet. But I do believe firmly that by this time next year, if pushed right.. he could go into WrestleMania 26 with it around his waist.

What are everyone's opinions on the thought of Ted DiBiase Jr. one day bringing back the Million Dollar Championship? Please make sure to explain yourself fully, and add as much detail as you can, thank you. Discuss.

Instead of having it around his waist at Wrestmania 26, it would make more sense to make him fight for it AT Wrestlemania 26. Ted DiBiase Jr. is good. If this guy is pushed propperly, and booked propperly, I can see him becoming once of the next big things.

Who would he be fighting over the belt with? None other than watered down, Milion Dollar Dream Ted DiBiase Senior. Why? To earn heat. He came out, said he was better than his old man. What if when Legacy breaks up, it was for his dad. His dad brings back his championship, holds it around his waist. The glory days, ya know? Saying hes better than him Then all of a sudden, few months down the road. Boom, Jr turns on his father. Saying "Hey, I'm better than you in ever shape form or fashion, stop riding off of my sucsess as a competitor. Because I'm better than you ever were" Then, at Mania 26 Jr wins the tilte from his father. I'm sure the booker would have this more organized and such. But it could work.
I think TD Jr. should bring it back, because his father had the belt years ago and it would be neat to see it kept in the family. It was a beautiful belt too. Plus TD Jr. would look good with it around his waist.

If the belt does get brought back, he should show it off because it's a flashy belt, he should defend it to give others a shot and possibly lose it one day to another wrestler, but not lose it right away. I would keep it on him for quite a while.

I could see Cody Rohdes wanting to go after it at some point and possibly Orton wanting to go after it. I can slightly see his father somehow getting involved to possibly take the title away from him, just to show some family rivalry.
simply bring it back as part of his costume, have it be known he's the million $ champion, just don't have him defend it, and when he does have it against someone like Kofi Kingston who Ted Jr would beat, and build him him up but have the belt as part of his attire rather then a championship.
What makes this idea even BETTER is...whats worse than a self made millionaire who runs around with his own title acting like an asshole??

Someone who did nothing to earn his money, and runs around acting like an asshole. A self intitled, spoiled little brat, who is only what he is becuase of daddies money. This is qan even BETTER reason he should have that belt, and the old MDM music. Its one of the most easily hatable characters you can come up with. I will be completely shocked if thats not the direct they go when they splinter legacy. It would be more than easy enough for Dibiase to say he is "better" than them becuase of his riches, and strike out on his own.
While it makes sense for Ted jnr to bring the MDB back & be chief title holder.Im wondering,for what purpose & who,d benefit from it. most.At the moment,as part of Legacy,Ted jnr isnt number 1 bad guy & just now no big notch on the win post.It,ll certainly be useful to give him a push in the future but when rosters are shrinking,title unifications MaY be on the cards & rumble,MiTb & the much forum discussed possibility of bringing KingOfTheRing back (as usual,some say yes,some say no) some might say theres too many belts for too little rosters already.
I think the MDB might end up as useful as TNAs Veterans belt & about as well thought out.
I think I'm torn on this issue. On one hand, I was a fan of Ted Sr. and allowing Ted Jr. to bring back the Million Dollar Championship would be a very flattering gesture in honor of his father's legacy. Afterall, part of Junior's gimmick is fashioned in the same light as his father. They do have alot of similarities and I think Junior would would able to carry on that legacy rather successfully.

On the other hand, I'm an even bigger fan of Ted Jr. and I would really like to see him step outside of his father's shadow and go his own way. Bringing back the Million Dollar Championship would be simply riding daddy's coattails. I think Junior will be better than that. Thus far, he has shown tremendous potential and I would hate to see him pigeon-holed into one particular gimmick. Especially one that has already been perfected by his father.
This is a case where I don't necessarily think riding Daddy's coat tails is a bad thing. Ted Jr. being the Heir to the throne, so to speak, and the boy born with a silver spoon, would be perfect for him. I would even go as far as to suggest that in the tradition of his father, he should be given a bodyguard.

But Dibiase presenting his son with the Million Dollar belt would only help get Teddy over, which he desperately needs right now. I seriously hope they start concentrating on both Orton and Rhodes after Mania.
The belt should only come back unless it has meaning to it, and that meaning has to have a valid story to back it up. What if there was some mystery about the million dollar title? Perhaps it is made from the same gold as Undertakers urn, the original urn? Word breaks loose, and this peaks Taker's suspicion. Teddy Sr is the one who first brought Taker in, but then Teddy Jr tries to take the Deadman out of the WWE. A belt made from Taker's parents original urn. It could be a secret of Ted Sr that he kept from his family for years, and was a result of his greed.

Teddy Sr could even tell his son that is why he has devoted his life to Christ, which he really has. Dibiase is a religious man now. Anyhow the title's history brings disaster. Teddy Jr uses this story to his advantage, and tells the story live on RAW. Eventually it leads to Taker/Teddy Jr is a standoff, but Taker can't harm Teddy. The belt holds a mysterious power over Taker, and whom ever holds the "belt" controls the Deadman.

Eventually the story takes a turn, and someone steals Teddy's belt. It turns out his father pays off Cryme Tyme to steal his belt away from him, and we never see it again, or do we? Months later, or even a year later they should show Teddy meeting with Kane at a restaurant with Teddy holding a haliburton brief case.

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