Milks review on HHH's career

I have no idea how you can say the way to improve the mic skills of the young guys is to emulate Triple H's promos. That is a blind mark talking, not the rational poster I know you are. Young guys get little freedom or time on the mic, far different from the situation Triple H normally finds himself in. It has nothing to do with the young guys lacking mic skills, as Punk in particular could give Triple H a run for his money if given the freedom to do so. Having AJ Styles take notes on a Triple H promo won't help him though. Not everybody has it on the mic, and Triple H isn't some fucking gold standard on the stick who will solve those problems.

Triple H sucks on the mic. He's boring & non charismatic that thinks it's good to crack some LAME, CORNY joke from time to time that isn't even funny! :blink:

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