Mick Foley's Last Match?


JC CooL 420
Credit PwTorch.com

TNA wrestler Mick Foley is teasing that his Last Man Standing match against Ric Flair on the October 7 live Impact could be his final career wrestling match.

Foley acknowledged in a TNA promotional interview that he's said that before, but he hopes the match with Flair will be the end for him in the ring.

"I think it's safe to say I'm worried it's the last really good sentence I'll ever construct. Wrestling being what it is, it will then become a semicolon and an extended run-on sentence. But in a perfect world with a perfect ending, you'll never see me in the ring after October 7, 2010."

Foley added: "You never say never, but in a perfect world with a really great match - the type of match I think I can draw out of myself and that Ric can draw out of me, it will be the last time I ever set foot inside the ring."

Also in the promo-style sit-down interview, Foley talked about his current storyline feud with Flair and trying to draw something from his past issues with Flair to "feel alive" in the ring again.


Could the 7th really be the last time Foley wrestles?

It seems like he left some open room for him to get back in the ring in the future...

What would you like to see from Foley if he does retire from in-ring action? Could he revise his role as a color commentator? I think he would do a great job, probably better than Taz... Hopefully Xplosion makes it on Spike one day soon and it would be cool to have JB and Foley do the callings...

Or do you think Foley will just fade away from TNA all together?
I think it would be really unfortunate for Mick to have his last match in a TNA ring. With that said, if you're gonna end a career you do it with someone like Flair.

I hope for Mick's sake though that he closes his career at a Mania someday in the relatively near future. Then I think he would make a fine commentator for either company (though I know he won't return to role in WWE since he's expressed his displeasure there)
In my opinion, I could never see Mick Foley hanging it up for good... But then again, I did say that about HBK so... as far as foley in TNA..

I feel as if for the most part, that he has out lived his usefulness. We have seen him do the whole "commish"/ authority roles before... To me, it seems to stale. When he was the color commentator he did a great job, but I just don't see him being one in TNA.

mainly because they have taz already in that role, and as far as I know... this "xplosion" show isn't going to happen any time soon... I mean... Impact can barely draw above a 1 most nights.. I think it will be along time before this xplosion show can get off the ground. TNA would need at least a 2-2.5 before they should even consider another show with more production costs ect.

Maybe the will have Mick be like an MC for the TNA dvds or work behind the scenes.
To be ungenerous, I think Foley will hang around TNA as long as he can collect a paycheck. For this reason, I don't really see him "fading away" from TNA. And, as you note, he doesn't need to be actively working in the ring to be of value to the company.

I personally enjoy his promos a great deal still, and I think they could find some way to use him much as Flair is currently being used, as a mouthpiece to help young talent get over. I found the backstage segments where he was going to etiquette school etc. to be pretty funny, so he can also contribute to the program in that way.

As much as we (well, most of us) love Foley as a worker, TNA is continuing to place less emphasis on hardcore style matches, so it's just as well that he be phased out for the sake of his longterm health as well as to help move the company toward what they seem to view as their future conception of TNA as a product.
Foley's one of the many who has said he would retire but never does, so I doubt it. And TNA isnt really the place to retire. WWE is the grand stage, Wrestlemania is the way to go out for a legend.
The fact is, Foley (and ironically Flair too) DID have their "last" match at Wrestlemania, only to come back a few years later. Foley was suppose to be done at NWO 2000, but was convinced to go out the following month at Wrestlemania. He did come back of course, but for about a good four years, Wrestlemania was where he had his final match.

In a way, I can understand Foley's mindset. He already won the TNA world title, and also held the Legends title. So he has accomplished a good deal in his run with TNA. Though Flair is not in the same position Triple H was when Foley retired the first time (Foley put over Triple H to help build Triple H. Flair obviously doesn't need that.), Flair is an appropriate candidate for Foley to have his last match with.
Not to take anything away from Foley but I think it is about time he retire. I love the guy for his willingness to put his body on the line week in and week out just for our entertainment. I remember enjoying plenty of his work from feuding with The Rock to Edge. But he has definitely lost a couple dozen steps in the ring and I would even rather watch an Abyss match nowadays. He is still one of the funniest guys around so hopefully TNA keeps him around in some mic-related role. In a perfect world he would replace that god-awful Taz on commentary. But in a perfect world I would also have all 10 of my fingers on my left hand so my right hand would just be a fist for punching.
When is the last time someone said they were going to retire, or that this was going to be their last match, and actually stuck to it? (besides HBK, but we'll see on that one). Wrestlers don't retire anymore......ask Flair.
Wrestlers don't retire anymore......ask Flair.

The Rock
Stone Cold
Shawn Michaels
Brock Lesnar
The Ultimate Warrior
Randy Savage

That's probably all the guys who could possibly wrestle right now, but have reitired. With the exception of Batista, Warrior, and Savage it's all the guys you wish would keep going....
Like a lot of people, I've heard the "this may be my last match" speech so many times that it doesn't necessarily mean anything. It might be Foley's last forseeable match of the near future, but I have little doubt he'll step back into the ring again at some point as a wrestler.

In my opinion, I think it's time that he hang it up. Foley's body has just been put through too much over the years and a lot of his injuries have caught up with him. Any match in TNA I've seen him wrestle in has been pretty bad as he just simply can't go like he used to. When it comes to physical condition, Foley is worse off than Flair is despite the fact that Ric Flair is in his early 60s. Don't expect this to be some sort of all time classic.
I'm also with the crowd that doesn't think this will be Foley's last match. I've heard a lot of wrestlers say that "this is it," but a lot of them wind up coming back anyway, and Foley seems as if he would be one of those people. Mick has lots of passion for the wrestling business, and I just don't see him walking away from in ring competition now.

Although, I think it is time for Mick to stop wrestling. He really can't go anymore, and as we all know, his body has been through tons of punishment. So if the match on October 7th is going to be his last, then we shouldn't expect much from it. There will probably be lots of blood, and Foley is sure to dive off of something, but this won't be remembered as a high quality match.
I think it should be his last match, but I don't think it will be. He's one of those guys that wont stay retired. He said ten years ago when he retired the first time that he wanted to go out on top. He also said he didn't want to be one of those guys that wrestle way past their prime. That's exactly what has happened. He has had some great matches with Edge and Orton after his retirement. However he hasn't had a great match in a long time in my opinion.
This is a match I don't want to see. Both these guys have had great careers and are legends. I'm a huge Flair mark and really like Foley too. I remember many great matches from these two, when either was on the card you knew it was going to be good. These days, not so much. Flair & Foley need to stay out of the ring and restrict their involvement to occasionally mixing it up during a promo or outside during a match. I guess this proves these two will never give up, just as they have been doing since they started in the business.

Foley's one of the many who has said he would retire but never does, so I doubt it. And TNA isnt really the place to retire. WWE is the grand stage, Wrestlemania is the way to go out for a legend.

Wow. This is the dumbest thing I've read all week.

TNA isn't the place to retire? Come on now. You work there, your a legend. You do not need to go to a company that has a fanbase that won't know who the fuck you even are. That's disrespectful.

If you actually want TNA to look professional and be a big major league company alongside WWE. Then retiring legends like Foley on Bound For Glory...THEIR biggest stage is the way to go about it.

You retire the way you want. If he is having fun in TNA then let him retire there. It's about how he feels not what the fans want.
Dizzy eventually the fans stop watching. Wait this is impact not a problem nobody watches it anyway. It is about what the fans want because the fans dictate business. That is why TNA still cannot maintain any kind of momentum and WWE has dropped its quality. If people watched TNA business would improve and Vinnie Mac would feel a need to up his product. but as he can make a large sum of money and be the number one brand in the industry with out improving his product he wont. Its supply and demand and as TNA supplies only an inferior product there is no demand for a better industry altogether.

Every year I hope I have seen Foley's last match. I wish he would have staid retired back when HHH retired him a decade ago. But Foley is the ultimate nugget he he keeps coming up no matter how many times you flush him. Foley ought to be putting younger guys over. But since he has been in TNA he has only put over the guy who is a cross between kane and mankind and not a good one at that, Abyss.
Bah, Mick says that a lot. He'll step in the ring again flor sure. Physically he's just not there anymore and if he could get back into shape he sure as hell doesn't try to. If this IS his last match then its not a great send off, his feud with Flair in 2006 was poor match wise. with more years on the body, this rematch in TNA isn't going to be pretty
I'm also wondering if this has anything to do with his big announcement that he is going to be making later on today...?
Foley's one of the many who has said he would retire but never does, so I doubt it. And TNA isnt really the place to retire. WWE is the grand stage, Wrestlemania is the way to go out for a legend.

One person that Foley has always had great chemistry with is The Rock, and maybe this is me dreaming. I don't think that Flair is the guy for Foley to put on his retirement match with. I think that it should be the Rock vs Mick Foley one more time, at WRESTLEMANIA. Rock never had a proper retirement match either. This could be their farewell to the fans, and it would be classic.

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