Foley's Final Match

I got a few....

Morrison - Foley could be the guy to bring out an actual fire in Morrison, take him to the place Foley took Edge, a bit psychotic. Would be a nice side to see so we can finally know if Morrison is ready to break the main event.

Alberto Del Rio - I don't think his big stupid face deserves anymore spotlights but this would be another one that I think he could fit into, someone else already said it Money vs Slob, plus Del Rio has already had a cool spot with HBK, Shawn's last chin music. Foley could even come out and beat up one of his cars.

Rhodes - I would love to see this start with some sort of legend killer like angle, where Rhodes takes out his Dad, maybe even Goldie. Don't ask me how Mick gets into it, it would just be cool.

Miz - they seem to be continually furthing him from the title, this would work for him and would push him even farther.

Taker - don't see it, I see Mick putting someone over.

MY PICK - Christian - Edge had so many awesome moments with Foley, who else could bring out a mean streak like Foley's fat ass.

Hon Mention - Vince, Michael Cole, Mark Henry, Ziggles
now granted i havent read all the posts, but what the hell, give foley 3 ending matches. one for each persona.
mankind vs r-truth
cactus jack vs sheamus or mark henry(whichever would be violent)
and dude love vs cody rhodes or somebody of that nature
i have no problem with foley coming back or even stepping in the ring as long as he takes a little pride in himself and ditches the sweatpants and leaves the flannel to jack. jus please no more dude love though. him vs cody would actually have me cherring rhodes only if foley weas doing love
Honestly, if Foley was to have one last match I'd hate it if it were against one of the younger guys. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for pushing them but not like this. I just don't think ANY of them really deserve to end Foley's career or be in Foley's last match. The Miz is an overrated flop machine, John Morrisson can't talk and he can't wrestle either (yes I said it. He does cool moves and that's as far as it goes), Wade Barrett is a nobody who shouldn be nowhere near the Main Event right now, Del Rio already got his huge win - he won the biggest 'Rumble in history and that didn't do squat for his career which makes me think beating Foley won't do much either.

To me, whenever someone has a retirement match it HAS to be against another legend. The young guys can be pushed in a million other ways, fuck them.

As far as Taker goes, I take into account the HIGH possibility that this will be The Undertaker's last match. I just don't think Foley is the guy to go up against Taker in his last match. Then again, who is? Triple H? I'd like to see that, sure.

But Triple H is my pick to end Foley's career. He "did it" already and there's your premise. HHH wants to take him out for good. I sort of view Triple H ending Foley's career back in the day as the match that made him who he is to an extent so it fits.

As far as 'Taker goes, he can go ahead and have his last match against maybe Kane. Hell, have them both retire in the same night and write them off in some mystical way. Special effects and all. I never pictured 'Taker to have a normal last match. Just win/lose, then show up on RAW for his farewell speech and then disappear. Taker needs to go out in the fakest most obnoxious way ever. That's the way his character is. Maybe have Taker beat Kane and then the druids come out and take them away. Something like that.
Id like to see The Rock n Sock Connection team up one more time. It could be a warm up match for the Rock before Mania. Rock and Mick Foley vs The Miz and R Truth would be cool, the promos would be hilarious.
Buried as it may have been, Cebeards did propse an interesting idea - a match against Vince McMahon.

Vince's on-screen (and off-screen) character has wronged many men. Bret Hart. Shawn Michaels. Hulk Hogan. Shane McMahon. Steve Austin. And in each of those cases, Vince ended in a match with them that featured the talent "getting revenge" on Vince.

Foley has been fired like 2 or 3 times. Guess who else has - Jim Ross. Who wouldn't like to see a heel wrestler McMahon (since giving him his power back is foolish) put into a match with Foley by Triple H, only to have Vince cheat and nearly beat Foley only to have Jim Ross interfere and help his old friend?

That could have legs...
I can't see Foley having "one last (again) match" in WWE with anybody, really. Most guys who could work a great match with him are on non-wrestling roles. So far, his last match was vs Ric Flair at Before The Glory. One of the most brutal matches I've seen these last few years. If Foley wants to go out, it'll have to be just like he did for his last TNA match.

I'd actually pick Christian. He's good with hardcore matches. Foley could put him over some more and maybe we can get a match similar to the one Edge had with him at Wrestlemania 22. Though I doubt we'll get the flaming table Spear.
This is good news, hearing that Foley wants to wrestle one more match. Taker vs Mankind HiaC at WM28 and having Mankind end the streak is just poetic justice IMO. Mankind is IMO the quintessential foe for Taker, and if there is anyone that deserves to end Taker's streak, it's Mankind.
Cody Rhodes in Foleys final match has to be the dumbest idea ever... sorry.

I would do Foley vs. Triple H. They have had great matches together.
This is good news, hearing that Foley wants to wrestle one more match. Taker vs Mankind HiaC at WM28 and having Mankind end the streak is just poetic justice IMO. Mankind is IMO the quintessential foe for Taker, and if there is anyone that deserves to end Taker's streak, it's Mankind.

I think that's an awful idea. Hell in a Cell? At Wrestlemania 28 between two old somewhat out of shape guys way past their prime, in this era? You think the WWE will allow Mick to take his usual fall of the cell, or even through it? A Hell in a Cell match between these will likely besmirch their first Hell in a Cell match. Foley shouldn't end the streak. What is he to gain from it? Absolutely nothing. Especially in his last match. He doesn't need putting over. He doesn't need another accolade. Awful idea.
Mick Foley's final match should be one where he passes the torch; whether his is still lit or not, to some younger guy who can run with it, using it to propel their name higher into the rankings of the WWE, I mean Foley is a former WWE Champion and he still has something left in him - whether it be hardcore or not, I'm not too bothered.

Some people seem to forget that Mick Foley was a member of WWE's past PG rated television show. Mankind vs. Undertaker's original meetings were during WWE PG back in the mid '90's. He can wrestle.

As for who he should face - really its about who'd be the most realistic person, as well as who would it benefit the most. On the current, active WWE Roster I'd have to say Cody Rhodes. Obviously his gimmick has similarities with Foley's Manking persona, both mask wearing, dark, disfigured freaks. Mick could use this as a reason to face Rhodes, attempting to get him to possibly remove the mask, as Cody's face whether it be in be in storyline or not, is healed.

If I were to pick someone I think could fit the bill whose either not signed by the WWE, is a former employee or is in development - Tyler "Seth Rollins" Black.

This is all hypothetical, but if Black were to bring his Ring of Honor persona to the WWE, he'd be dark in ways. He has that dark look about him and that could mesh well with Mick, he's young, would probably be in need of a big match at this point as no matter how he debuts, I can't see WWE wasting him at his first WrestleMania and whether it be a straight wrestling match or a hardcore match - it would be good at the least.

Black could potentially take Edge's place from the Edge/Foley feud/meeting, with Black being pushed to a very high position after.

Rhodes is still my most likely candidate. Black is basically who I wish for, but Cody Rhodes feuding with Mick Foley would be interesting.
I think that's an awful idea. Hell in a Cell? At Wrestlemania 28 between two old somewhat out of shape guys way past their prime, in this era? You think the WWE will allow Mick to take his usual fall of the cell, or even through it? A Hell in a Cell match between these will likely besmirch their first Hell in a Cell match. Foley shouldn't end the streak. What is he to gain from it? Absolutely nothing. Especially in his last match. He doesn't need putting over. He doesn't need another accolade. Awful idea.

No, not Foley, Taker.

Foley can put up a fight, and with enough gimmicks and well placed spots they could put on a decent match, but when you do your final spot and it doesn't even have to be that long of a match to get over because it's all about the finale here, Mankind chokeslamming Taker through the top of the cell, through the mat, and have the hole fill with "smoke" with Mankind standing up on top laughing, pulling out his hair, and screaming "Have a nice day!" And then at least on TV you don't show Taker leaving the arena, nor give him a live farewell where he comes out like Flair and HBK did, they just talk about how Mankind finally got his revenge and no one knows what happened to The Undertaker, and then have the superstars come out and say their goodbyes to Taker like a funeral. yeah I think it'd be a very fitting, sad, and awesome end to The Undertaker, which is what he deserves. He's the deadman, and if he gets in the ring in tears and says goodbye and how he loves the fans, I'm going to barf. Give him a funeral, that's fitting.

No one can end Taker's streak legitimately. No one. Except Mankind, and let's face it, Mankind deserves it too.
I'm thinking Cody Rhodes, he has the whole mask gimmick going on like Mick foley had with mankind so I see them going at it, but it's gotta be on a grand stage. Like wrestlemania? The cards gonna be good so why not have a good match for mania, foley vs Cody, rock vs cena, miz vs hhh, y2j vs cm punk it would be a good card
Well I want it to be one of the younger guys because if they could beat Foley on his 'last' match it may help their career. I think Rhodes would be a good choice as he is doing that paper bag thing and saying that everyone is ugly or whatever and with Foley being a rather ugly guy it could work well (I didn't know how to put that without sounding gay).
no it doesnt need to be a younger guy ..... Triple H is the man - its so poetic - hes ended him before so why not now - also it stops undertaker vs triple h 3
Ending on a nostalgia match wouldn't work for Foley. He's a storyteller, through and through, and he'd do best making this a big feud. For this reason, I don't think Triple H is the right choice. Foley vs HHH could only go a couple of ways, and none of them are any good. A battle of respect between faces, or HHH turns heel to face him. I really don't think HHH should turn for the sake of wrestling Foley, though if he is a heel by the time it might happen, I'd be willing to reconsider the point. Battling as faces just doesn't work, for me. You'd never get the intensity that Foley can bring to bear, it just wouldn't happen.

There's only two options, in my mind - Cena or Punk. He could go into a big time match with Cena as a tweener - playing a similar angle that Punk is right now, appealing to the parts of the crowd that want the Attitude Era back, that hate Cena, the IWC, etc., etc. Call him a pox on the business, talk about how his wrestling style is sterile and boring, how he's not hardcore like Mick is, so on, so forth. End with a brutal hardcore match (that we know Cena can participate in) at Mania.

I think Punk is my favorite choice, however. Foley is probably the best storyteller of his era, and Punk might be the best of this era. Put these two together and who knows what might happen. Punk's character would probably be received like a heel if he played Foley off like a chump, like he was worthless, the "glorified stunt man", if you will. Could be some serious magic in that feud. If Foley gets one more match, this is what I want to happen.
He's a great idea nobodys said yet.....Shane Mcmahon, imagine the crazy spots there'd be in a match between these two. Imagine shanes match against kurt angle at king of the ring crossed with foleys hell in a cell match against taker. It would be f#ckin awesome
No, not Foley, Taker.

Foley can put up a fight, and with enough gimmicks and well placed spots they could put on a decent match, but when you do your final spot and it doesn't even have to be that long of a match to get over because it's all about the finale here, Mankind chokeslamming Taker through the top of the cell, through the mat, and have the hole fill with "smoke" with Mankind standing up on top laughing, pulling out his hair, and screaming "Have a nice day!" And then at least on TV you don't show Taker leaving the arena, nor give him a live farewell where he comes out like Flair and HBK did, they just talk about how Mankind finally got his revenge and no one knows what happened to The Undertaker, and then have the superstars come out and say their goodbyes to Taker like a funeral. yeah I think it'd be a very fitting, sad, and awesome end to The Undertaker, which is what he deserves. He's the deadman, and if he gets in the ring in tears and says goodbye and how he loves the fans, I'm going to barf. Give him a funeral, that's fitting.

No one can end Taker's streak legitimately. No one. Except Mankind, and let's face it, Mankind deserves it too.

THAT'S how you want the streak to end?! I know everyone's entitled to their opinions and all... but come on, this is 2011, not 1998. 13 additional years of wear and tear as well as age, and you want one of, if not, the eldest in-ring competitors to take THAT kind of bump!? What's wrong with you people who keep asking for this!? Just because WWE's trying to push young guys doesn't mean they have to fucking kill off the older ones!

Mick has been great at putting talent over and solidifying people as "the real deal" for some time, and he has good options to work with that he can help:

Miz has worked his way up by talking and working hard, so him being put through the ringer by a hardcore vet may be the final piece of the puzzle to cement his status.

Rhodes' look perhaps counts against him as he is quite skinny looking, so again him coming through a match with Foley would maybe make people think again about him.

Ziggler on the microphone is nothing special or really memorable (in a good way) but in the ring the guy has a lot of talent. Benoit proved you can be a crap talker but still get over by what you do in the ring, Ziggler is not as intense as Benoit, but his match with Edge at the Royal Rumble had people singing his praises.

Any of those 3 would be good.
THAT'S how you want the streak to end?! I know everyone's entitled to their opinions and all... but come on, this is 2011, not 1998. 13 additional years of wear and tear as well as age, and you want one of, if not, the eldest in-ring competitors to take THAT kind of bump!? What's wrong with you people who keep asking for this!? Just because WWE's trying to push young guys doesn't mean they have to fucking kill off the older ones!


"If done right" (hehe I know how people love that term around here) it doesn't have to be a terribly high impact move. Just rig the damned thing and keep reminding Taker, this is your grand finale. It's better than watching someone pick Taker up like an old man and gently set him back down on the mat and call it a slam. Get some f**king stage workers in there, practice the move, make sure it can be done without being anything like the accident Foley had, or the crazy stunt they pulled when "good god almighty he's been broken in half!" The ring collapse when Lesnar superplexed Big Show was a work, and it was awesome. If they can do THAT, they can pull off the move I'm suggesting without hurting taker anymore than any other move he'd normally take.

Fact is, people are looking for a return to the attitude era, and Undertaker AND Mankind deserve one last hurrah, let's give those rabid fans what they want here, and let the Mankind character have the revenge HE deserves too.

Seriously, name ONE person that deserves to end the streak against Taker? Anyone who's not Mankind? Not really. Kane is the only one I wouldn't throw a fit over seeing win, but he doesn't deserve the win, Mankind does.
Personally, I don't think Taker/Foley at Mania would be a bad idea. Foley would really have to sale it as far as mic work and how he carries his character, but it could work. The big thing is they want somebody who could be believable in beating Taker face him at Mania, the reason they made no referance this past year to Mania 17. Unless they build a monster over the course of six months or bring in some big name, Foley makes the most sense. Mankind pushed Taker to the exteme for years, and handled him better than anybody else he fueded with aside from maybe Austin. I mean these two beat the hell out of each other for about two years. Foley could play the crazy basturd saying he will kill himself trying to end Taker's streak. Have the announcers sale the extremes Foley has went to throughout his career and you have a believable candidate to beat Taker. If Foley were to put somebody over in his last match, I say Cody Rhodes is the logical choice. Foley has been known throughout his career and has even poked fun of himself for not being good looking and having a lackluster physique. I think this would work well with what Cody is currently doing. That being said, I don't think they would want to waste Foley's drawing potential on Smack Down and have him fued with someone on Raw. In that case, I think The Miz would be the logical choice if they do it soon. Right now Cena and Punk are the main draw and Alberto Del Rio is waiting in the wings to be the next top heel. If Miz is to stay relavent they need to put him in high level fueds. After Mysterio who is left for Miz to fued with Kofi? Big Show? Evan Bourne? Anyway it's a downgrade for him. Foley/Miz would at least have good mic work and it would keep Miz in the spotlight without having him chase the title.
why does Foley need another "final match"? he retired a decade ago yet was back for Mania a month or so after he retired. around 7 years ago, him and Rock teamed together against Evolution for another Mania match. a few years back, he had a match with Edge. he had his match against Flair in TNA. i understand he might not want his TNA matches to be the last thing his fans remember but enough already.
It seems highly likely that one last Taker vs. Foley match could happen. I don't know if it will be Hell in a Cell or No Holds Barred, but I don't see any other contenders to face Taker at WM 28 besides Triple H again. It looks like Triple H may have a program with Punk. The only problem is that no one will believe Foley will be capable of beating Taker at Mania. He could be put in a match with Christian or The Miz, or a young up and comer like Cody Rhodes. Foley losing to someone like Rhodes really does little for either competitor though.

Foley losing to a younger guy used to be a pretty significant victory, not anymore. I would love to see a heated feud like we saw years ago with Flair and Foley. I just don't know who could be in that feud with Foley unless they do the traditional Kane or Undertaker match.
Am I the only one who has absolutely no interest whatsoever in seeing Mick Foley return to the WWE for one last match, again? How many "one last match" scenarios has he been involved in over many years? Back in the day, I loved Mick Foley, in all of his various forms, but that ship has sailed, a long time ago. I used to like Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, Sting, even Tommy Dreamer, yet I consistently bash TNA for focusing on them in 2011. It would be inconsistent for me to suggest that making Mick Foley a focal point in 2011 would be a good move for WWE.

Mick Foley may want this but he does not need it. I'm all for him leaving TNA, this was a bad move in the first place which accomplished nothing for no one. Return to the WWE in a non wrestling capacity: an announcer, a backstage guy, an agent, shit even as the anonymous GM, whatever, but as an in-ring competitor in 2011, no thanks. His in ring legacy in the WWE has long been established. He should be a shoe-in for the WWE Hall of Fame. He has accomplished a lot, and he doesn't need a nostalgia run, a trip down memory lane, to supplement his legacy. If he wants nostalgia, he may as well stay with TNA, that's much more their thing than WWE's.

Regardless of the opponent, does anyone really benefit from defeating Foley in 2011? For Cody Rhodes, or John Morrison, or Sheamus, or any other young superstar to receive a boost by beating a man of Foley's age or physical condition, I just don't see it. If any of these young superstars couldn't beat Foley nowadays, they're not push-worthy anyway.

Any sort of Taker/Foley or Rock/Foley or HHH/Foley program will invariably be compared to the originals, and they would obviously never be able to compare favorably, so how does anyone benefit here. And the suggestion that Foley should be the one to end Taker's streak is absolutely preposterous.

When Foley left WWE to go to TNA, if I recall correctly, he wasn't fired by WWE. His contract expired and he left voluntarily looking for greener pastures elsewhere, taking some pot shots at WWE along the way. His TNA run was lackluster, and TNA continues to flounder. Let's face it, if he had the impact on TNA that he wanted or hoped, if TNA was challenging WWE at all, if he had been making any difference at all, he wouldn't be slinking back. I say he made his bed and now he should lie in it. He left by choice, vocally at times, and only wants back because he fizzled out like so many others. Why should he be now given a high profile feud in the company he left, when it provides so little benefit to them.

I say welcome back Mick, but in a low profile, backstage capacity. Anything else benefits no one, except an aging superstar's ego and unwillingness to let go.
What about Triple H?

Foley and The Game have alot of history together, and have had several classic brawls (the Street Fight at the Rumble and the HIAC at No Way Out spring to mind). As Trips is currently in the position of authority on Raw, Foley could be announced as being the anonymous GM, and then end up feuding with The Game, who would state that he thought he had ended Foley's career 10 years ago.

Hunter would need to be a heel for this, but I do hope we see him as a bad guy in the near future anyway. A heel authority figure is always best in my eyes, and although for this to be the case Foley would have to wait for his last match but I do believe it would be worth the wait.
I like a cody mankind type feud like mankind tells cody he dont know what disfigured is like and build them up for mask vs mask mankind win he goes back to dashing cody rhodes and cody hit the main event stage
I think that the only guy that could fit with Mick Foley in a wrestling match is Drew McIntyre.
Mick Foley isn't a main event star, sure he is a legend with his gimmicks as Mankind and Cactus Jack, but the truth is "Mick Foley" doesn't draw and he isn't that much popular with the fans.

But the fact that he is a legend can help other superstar, and Drew McIntyre really looks the type of guy that could fit him.
We haven't seen the devious and hardcore side of Drew McIntyre and when we saw that (Elimination Chamber) I remember people talking kindly about him and how mis-used he was.

I think that not Dolph Ziggler nor Cody Rhodes fits Mick Foley, it would turn out to be a fight between a model and a really attitude era guy, and it would look weird.
Drew McIntyre character is an intense guy, much like Randy Orton but with a complete different move-set, he can be hardcore and Mick Foley could work very well with McIntyre that is very good in the ring and that can sell very well.

WrestleMania match? Hell No!! Survivor Series or TLC PPV? I would love!!

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