Mexico Regional Final - British Bulldogs vs. LAX vs. Impact Players

Three-way climax!

  • The British Bulldogs

  • Latin American Xchange

  • The Impact Players

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This is in Mexico, this is not LAX's backyard,

Hey, hey, hey. Hernandez is from Texas. If my geography is correct - and it often isn't - then that's right north of Mexico. Irrefutable proof that LAX will win this match.

The TNA regional is between the Hart Foundation and the Hardys, this match here has absolutely nothing to do with TNA.

Could be argued the actual TNA final doesn't either.

Even though I voted for The British Bulldogs - because I think they are the very elite of teams - I would rather everyone else vote for LAX. Abandoning the whole kayfabe thing for a moment, they were just a damn entertaining team. Probably my favourite tag team of all time.
Cancel out all the managers and consider the fact that this is in TNA LAX's backyard and they have the youth and the same type of team the Bulldogs have and LAX gets the win here.

Since when is this in TNA? It's in Mexico, and that's not anyone's "backyard".

I can't believe the Impact Players are in 3rd right now. This a match with no rules, and the team that spent their entire professional careers in that environment, is getting no love. Seriously? What kind of success has Hernandez ever had in gimmick matches? What gimmick matches were the Bulldogs ever in?

This really should be a no-brainer...Storm can make any of these guys tap with the Calgary Crab, Credible is a well-trained wrestler...Shame on you WZ :disappointed:
What kind of success has Hernandez ever had in gimmick matches?

Quite a lot, actually. LAX reigned supreme when pretty much every fucking match was a gimmick match. TNA itself is pretty much one big gimmick. Their destruction of Triple X in an Ultimate X match was glorious to behold.

I can't believe I was foolish enough to give my vote to The Bulldogs. I'm kicking myself now. People of WrestleZone, I beseech thee:

Vote LAX
Sam said:
Mexico rules are identical to WWE rules except:
- Count-outs go up to twenty, not ten
- Piledrivers are illegal (I shit you not)
- Removing your opponent's mask (if he wears one) results in a DQ
- Every match is two out of three falls

Actually NSL, you are wrong. Mexico actually has more rules than the WWE if you look at it. There goes any advantage that you think the IP had.

I understand that you are a big fan of the IP and all, but how can you possibly say this is a "no-brainer?" They were a very good team in a not so great tag division in the 3rd biggest company in America. Plus, they have Justin Credible, who, no matter how much you try to convince people otherwise, sucks. Both in kayfabe and actual wrestling, he's not very good at all.

I went with LAX. I think they match up very well with both teams in size and speed. Any team where you have a complete and utter monster in Hernandez who is capable of taking down anybody and a solid, quick, experienced tag team wrestler in Homicide is going to be tough to deal with. Plus, as Sam said, they are just fun to watch. And they'll have the crowd behind them.

To me, LAX is the best choice in this match, and the IP definetly aren't.

Edit: If Sam wasn't a fool, it'd be tied right now.
Actually NSL, you are wrong. Mexico actually has more rules than the WWE if you look at it. There goes any advantage that you think the IP had.

Except that in a Triple Threat, there's no DQs, no count-outs...You win by pinfall or submission. Lance Storm is the only man in this match that has a submission hold, and as much as you may think Credible sucks, he has the same training as everyone else that went through The Dungeon.
Lance Storm is the only man in this match that has a submission hold,

So what? I'd take the Border Toss over Storm's Calgary Crab. It's pinfall orsubmission.

and as much as you may think Credible sucks, he has the same training as everyone else that went through The Dungeon.

Who gives a shit about training? Ablert Einstein go kicked out of school. If I spend over a decade of my life getting a master's degree so I can become a physicist, does that mean I'll be a better one than Albert Einstein? No way. It's because he has more talent than me, just like every other wrestler in this match has more talent than Justin Credible.
Um hello, MEXICANS, MEXICO. back fucking yard. Ok, so two teams ive never seen, and a team that Sam loves. Gonna go ahead and go with LAX. Wait I lie, I saw homicide wrestle a match once. and the big fucker powerbombed the ever loving bejesus out of someone, after the match. Yes, further solidified my vote. That powerbomb alone impressed me more than anything ive ever seen The Bulldogs accomplish.
They're not Mexican Norcal. They're both Americans. Homicide is Puerto Rican. Not Mexican. I'm not usually one to harp on about racial stereotypes, but this shit is getting ridiculous. LAX have a combined total of zero experience in Mexico. Just because people in the country have a similar shade of skin, they have an advantage? What kind of ass-backwards thinking bullshit is that?

Again----not Mexicans. Nor do they wrestle a Mexican style.
Um hello, MEXICANS, MEXICO. back fucking yard.

Homicide is Puerto Rican, and Hernandez is only half Mexican. Not their backyard. At least Hernandez is from Texas, but Homicide was born and raised in Brooklyn. Definitely not near Mexico.

Everyone needs to stop thinking they'll win there because they're latino. They have a strength advantage, but get outmatched in speed (Storm/Dynamite), skill (Again, Storm/Dynamite), and I'd say Bulldog is the most powerful man in that ring.

We recently saw Hernandez get taken out with a piledriver by Eric Young. What would make you think that Credible couldn't do the same? Add in that Storm can hit the superkick from almost anywhere, with a ton of force, and you have more reason to vote for the Impact Players.
We recently saw Hernandez get taken out with a piledriver by Eric Young. What would make you think that Credible couldn't do the same? Add in that Storm can hit the superkick from almost anywhere, with a ton of force, and you have more reason to vote for the Impact Players.

What about the fact that the piledriver is illegal? I know there are no rules cause it's a 3 way and all that, but still. No piledrivers in Mexico dude, not cool. Seriously.

And I don't see why Mexico isn't a homefield advantage for LAX. Sure, they aren't technically Mexican, but wrestling fans aren't that smart. They believe LAX are from Mexico or somewhere around there, so they'll give all of their support to them.
What about the fact that the piledriver is illegal? I know there are no rules cause it's a 3 way and all that, but still. No piledrivers in Mexico dude, not cool. Seriously.

There's no rules, so how would they be disqualified? I don't get how it's a problem for him to use it...

Even if he doesn't use it, there's still 3 different effective DDTs in his repertoire, as well as his own superkick. Any of those moves would work just as well to take out any of the competition.
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