**MERGED** World Championship/Sheamus Discussion

Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
I know, I know - you all hate Sheamus. You want to set him loose in a forest, hunt him down on horseback, roast him on a spit and eat him once his pale Irish skin becomes nice and crunchy. Well, the fella is starting to get back on my good side again, and so I'm not going to help in cannibalising him. He's been given time to talk, he's been having good matches (I hear his match at Extreme Rules was excellent), and basically developed beyond that dude that just shows up sometimes and wins a match. Oh, and he's world heavyweight champion.

Daniel Bryan's given up his chase for the world title and is pursuing the WWE championship. As the borders between brands erode faster than the ice caps, Chris Jericho seems to be doing the opposite. Alberto Del Rio - think "indifference" and I'm sure you'll remember - seems to be wanting to challenge for the big, gold belt too. Most surprisingly, or least surprisingly, Randy Orton seems to want to have a crack at it. I did squeal a little bit when he RKO'd Sheamus. Out of excitement, I mean - I wasn't, like, frightened or something.

Can't really think of anything else to type; I just thought this deserved to be commented on in some way. I'll be taking the lazy man's way out - bullet point questions:

  • How impressive has Sheamus been as a world champion?
  • How odd is it that number one contenders are switching titles?
  • What's your shoe size?
  • Fatal fourway at Over The Limit, anyone?
  • Where the fuck is Christian?
Just all round a quality post that made me laugh.

Shaemus has done what he can do with the tools that he has been given. It was unfortunate that up until Daniel Bryan's 'YES' catchphrase caught on, Shaemus was being cheered in and out of every arena that he performed in. I for one wanted him to get revenge on that coward Bryan and then Wrestlemania came along and in 18 seconds, I think the crowd viewed the situation differently. As clever as the idea may have been, I think that after he won the title, it became a tad underwhelming. Don't get me wrong, Shaemus is a proven player in the WWE and has since put on some great matches, especially at Extreme Rules. He's been impressive, but Bryan's popularity seems to have made his title reign no longer news worthy.

The number one contender situation is a strange one. I'm happy that Bryan and Punk are heading a PPV, who wouldn't. But I do agree that Bryan's switch from World Title to WWE Title is slightly strange as I don't remember it happening before. I guess the WWE are trying to capitalise on a wrestler who is very over right now.

My shoe size is UK 11.

The fatal four way is a good diversion from the norm in my opinion. Its good for all four men to get some main event time, especially Jericho after the losses to Punk. Should be good to keep all four men relevant.

Christian is working house shows now so don't worry yourself, his time is almost here.

I miss Christian too. I hope Sheamus keeps the belt just so Christian has a face to challenge. Though some might say he should be built back up first. Unlike ADR though, Christian can be inserted into the main event immediately and not be terrible.

As for Sheamus' run, I believe it's been lackluster as well. Part of it is overshadowing by DB and his recent popularity. The other part I think is just lack of importance in it's booking. The first part should be remedied by DB challenging Punk. And I think they're trying to add some interest in the title by inserting Jericho and Orton. They're 2 big names who can make a fatal four way exciting. And as long as ADR isn't speaking or trying to play the crowd in any way, just wrestling, he's alright too.

And I don't find it odd that the #1 contenders are switching. Jericho should be around the top while he's still here, and DB is being used while he's hot right now.
Christian isn't as over as his fans think he is.

Sheamus is fairly over and was REALLY over during his Royal Rumble push. I think they purposely jobbed DB quickly to get his fans to rally behind him but probably didn't think it was going to work this well. My guess is they wanted ADR vs Sheamus at ER and changed it because of how over DB was/is.

I like Sheamus, he carries his character well and his in ring style and storytelling is on point. I don't have a problem with the WHC situation, I like that it's in a frenzy.
I like sheamus as champ, he has a powerful move set, he looks the part (despite being paler than a certain friendly ghost) and he does well on the mic.
As for the number 1 contenders switching paths, it makes sense as most fans want to see punk v DB (i am not one of these fans btw) and Y2J will always be in an around the title picture.
My shoe size is a uk 9, thank you for asking as its not something im usually asked and i love the originality lol
The fatal four way is a great idea, 4 very talented and deserving guys who had the best match on raw and could easily steal the show at OTL, im hoping for an orton victory as its been too long since he held gold.
As for christian..... who knows but it would be nice to see him back soon,
I like Sheamus in general, but I don't think he makes for a very good World Champion. His current reign has been disappointing, if for no other reason than he's yet to face someone that actually had a shot at winning. Daniel Bryan is a better wrestler and character than Sheamus, but I don't think anyone actually believed he was going to win the strap back so quickly. I don't really love the Alberto Del Rio feud, and adding in Randy Orton and Chris Jericho hasn't excited me all that much, either (though I do like it a lot better than Sheamus versus ADR one-on-one). I realize this basically reads like "I hate everything!", but if I'm being honest, this situation just isn't all that intriguing to me, mainly because the champion is always the pivot point and I think Sheamus is an underwhelming title-holder.

That said, I'm glad the contenders have switched a bit. I enjoyed the Punk/Jericho matches, but I think the feud had run its course. And Daniel Bryan was going to be completely wasted spinning his wheels against Sheamus.

As for Christian, well, I just don't get it. Why is he so beloved? He's a passable wrestler, I guess, but I think he's very vanilla and repetitive on the mic. He's one of those guys that can cut a promo without it sounding rehearsed or fake and without tripping over every other word, but he just isn't particularly interesting. I'd rather see a guy with some intensity flub a word here and there than to hear a guy with good annunciation deliver every promo with the same charisma level (seriously, how did this guy become "Captain Charisma"?).

I'm not really fawning over Cody Rhodes, but I think I would have rather seen Big Show keep the Intercontinental title for a while and maybe slide Cody into a feud with Sheamus, or at least get him closer to that title picture. The same could be said for Dolph Ziggler, who I think is a huge wasted asset right now. I suppose they don't want to rush either of those guys into the picture and are instead letting Sheamus have a reign (I don't think he'll lose to Orton, ADR, or Jericho), so that's fine. But in the future, hopefully those two guys can bust onto the scene. In general, I want to see the champions battle a more rotating roster of challengers. I think they need to work to have long-term, over-arching rivalries while rotating in and out challengers. In other words, instead of having Sheamus wrestle Daniel Bryan for three months straight, have their feud continue even while Sheamus defends against, say, ADR or whomever. I think they over-simplify by saying "this guy is feuding with this guy, so he can only wrestle against this guy until the feud is over."
Thing is the switching titles to chase by number one contenders is no big deal or surprised having the same GM for both shows pretty much has gotten rid of the brand stuff personally i would like for them to unify the world and WWE championship I know alot would not like it but it would set up more fued availability and possibility of better championship storylines. Currently i find there are too many championships I thought it was better back when there was only the WWE championship Intercontinental Tag Team and Womens Championships made the titles mean more than they do now. I also liked it when the WWE championships were long reigns when title reigns were almost a year or longer. The worst year for title changes was in 1999 when there was a massive 9 title changes in a year.
Well for me it is a bit better with having Jericho in the WHC picture cause I honestly don't care at all for Sheamus or ADR as for Orton I like him better as a heel.
Switching the contenders isn't new and it's refreshing(kind of). The only good from that is the Punk/Bryan match and with having one GM I think that switching the contenders will happen very often.
As for Christian he has been doing house shows so I expect his return by the end of the month and I can't wait cause he is great and will be a fresh heel for Sheamus to feud.
How impressive has Sheamus been as a world champion? Aside from his Extreme Rules match I've been less than thrilled; but I'm not an avid watcher of Smackdown.

How odd is it that number one contenders are switching titles? Keeps it fresh, Bryan/Punk for the WWE Championship sounds pretty epic, same can't be said for the World Heavyweight title.

What's your shoe size? Shoe fetish running wild???

Fatal fourway at Over The Limit, anyone? King of the Ring over any other WWE B show PPV.

Where the fuck is Christian? Best bet would be chilling with his wife or playing on his 360.
* How impressive has Sheamus been as a world champion?

All in all, Sheamus has been ok as World Heavyweight Champion. His reign wasn't all that much to talk about until his match at Extreme Rules with Daniel Bryan. His match with Bryan was, in my view, the best of Sheamus' career and Sheamus came off looking like a tough, courageous babyface World Champion. Things have gotten better for Sheamus since as the injury storyline with his shoulder keeps him looking like a strong competitor willing to take on all comers and under any circumstances. His feud with Del Rio has been ice cold. I like Del Rio, but he just hasn't recovered from the awful booking he got while he was WWE Champion, being out for much of the first third of this year didn't help things either. He just doesn't have the credible heat to be in the main event spot.

* How odd is it that number one contenders are switching titles?

It's odd but in a good way in my view. Jericho is a high quality wrestler whether it be on the mic or in the ring. Having him involved in the World Heavyweight Championship picture can only be a good thing as he's capable of having a good match with damn near anybody. As for Bryan vs. Punk, the feud hasn't been great overall, but Bryan continues to shine in his character as does Punk. We all know their match at Over The Limit will almost certainly steal the show and certainly already has match of the year potential written all over it. The champ vs. champ match they had on the Raw after the Royal Rumble and the match they had that Friday on SD! are the two best tv matches of the year in my opinion. So, if nothing else, we can look forward to a fantastic match between two guys that are insanely good.

* What's your shoe size?

Depends upon the make of the shoe. I have a wide foot so I generally have to wear a size 12.

* Fatal fourway at Over The Limit, anyone?

The Fatal 4-Way match is a great thing in my view. As I said earlier, Sheamus vs. Del Rio just isn't interesting and I'm glad that WWE realized this. Injecting two heavily over guys, quality wrestlers and big names like Orton & Jericho can serve to make a great match at the ppv. I think WWE has a good formula to these matches: they don't tend to be all over the place with seemingly random & chaotic action, all the wrestlers get an opportunity to show their stuff and the pace feels just right in most cases. If Sheamus retains, it'll give him even more credibility as champ as he'll have technically beaten Orton & Jericho even if it's Del Rio he pins. This match could also be the start of a title feud between Orton & Sheamus that'll culminate at SummerSlam.

* Where the fuck is Christian?

I'd say that Christian is still having trouble with his ankle. He was pulled from the GM vs. GM match at WrestleMania due to his ankle and, if memory serves, he was scheduled to make his return a few weeks ago on SD! but he hasn't. I can only guess that his ankle is still a bit iffy at this point.
How impressive has Sheamus been as a world champion? Honestly, not very good but i don't think WWE is anywhere done with him as champ so I won't judge too harshly till its over. Let's see how OTL plays out.

How odd is it that number one contenders are switching titles? Really Wierd!!!!! I don't like how they just switched basically but everyone, more or less, needed a new feud.

What's your shoe size? 14W

Fatal fourway at Over The Limit, anyone? I like this. Alot better than just Sheamus vs. Del Rio and could spawn new feuds!

Where the fuck is Christian? Right?!?!?!?! I thought FORSURE him and Sheamus would feud for title! Christians last feud before getting injured was w/Sheamus and he has the belt now!? What happened to One More Match?????? I hate when obvious and good story lines present themselves and WWE doesn't take advantage!
I like the fatal four way. It looked like we were going to get Sheamus vs. Del Rio which wouldn't have had anyones interest. Adding Orton & Jericho is perfect since they both had nothing to do, both came out of big feuds, Orton on top Jericho not so much, but they are both entertaining and both can bring a lot of good attention to the world title. All men are qualified to be in the match. Good idea to add another good match to OTL. How often are both title matches compelling? WWE usually slacks off this time of year but they haven't slowed down. WM delivered as well as any other WM, ER did more than i expected and was fantastic, and OTL is shaping up nicely. Keep it up WWE, your actually entertaining again.
How impressive has Sheamus been as a world champion? He hasn't been impressive. Don't get me wrong, I'm a fan of his, but none of his feuds have any substance. The only feud he had that meant anything was when he feuded with Triple H, and that didn't even have an ending. I'll take the easy way out and blame the writers. They need to write story lines.

How odd is it that number one contenders are switching titles? It's pretty confusing. Hopefully the draft will come and un-blur the lines. Or they'll scrap the brand split all together.

What's your shoe size? Men's 15

Fatal fourway at Over The Limit, anyone? Considering it's already been announced, I'd say it's a safe bet.

Where the fuck is Christian? Hopefully preparing for a face turn because I think he's much better as a face. I know I'm in the minority in saying that, but his only good heel run was in TNA. I don't know why he can't recapture that magic, but he sucks right now. I think him and Y2J should reform their tag team and try to save the tag team division. They can drop the titles before Jericho goes on tour.
Taking it point by point

How impressive has Sheamus been as a world champion?
I personally think that Sheamus has been pretty good with the World Heavyweight Championship around his waist. I was not a huge fan (was anyone really?) of the WrestleMania booking and it CLEARLY put Daniel Bryan way over, which, by default, could have crippled Sheamus' reign, but it didn't. Sheamus has done well with the added mic time ... has looked good in the ring ... and put on a stellar match with The American Dragon at Extreme Rules. How good he looks from here on out will largely have to do with booking and if Smackdown! can somehow make Alberto Del Rio seem solid again.

How odd is it that number one contenders are switching titles?
I thought this was really odd honestly. I was watching the whole Daniel Bryan moving on to CM Punk thing and thinking ... really? He just loses to Sheamus and says fuck it, I will go after the other guy instead? Same with Jericho ... after all that, Punk and Jericho have nothing to do with each other anymore?

I understand feuds have to end and new ones have to begin, but it just seemed odd to me that they both just decided they were fine with losing, time to focus on something else.

What's your shoe size?
Depends on the brand and if it is sneakers or flip flops or whatever. But lets just go with 10 1/2.

Fatal fourway at Over The Limit, anyone?
I think this will be great because I am not sold on any of them absolutely losing. I think any one of them could win this match (though, obviously, Jericho never wins shit anymore and is reportedly about to leave). I think that all four of these guys are talented in the ring and can really pull off a solid match. As stated, Del Rio vs. Sheamus straight up just would not have been good for either guy. Del Rio can't win that match without making Sheamus look really weak and Sheamus gains nothing by beating Del Rio ... at least not right now.

Where the fuck is Christian?
He must still be hurt or he would likely be in the mix here. I could easily see him moving into Jericho's spot when Y2J takes a break. I think he must have had some serious unforseen setbacks. Whether Vince wants to put a strap on him again or not, he seems to realize that Christian works as upper-midcard or main event level and will probably get him back there shortly upon his return.
Sheamus is a good champ but winning like he did makes him look bad. Had Bryan won it back and then Sheamus beat him in a good match, it would have been better but all in all,, i have no issue with Sheamus as champ.

the guys switching and going for the other title shows just how little the titles really mean and that the brands are meaningless. kind of makes Sheamus' reason for going for the World Title a joke - what is so important about the World title when you can just go for the WWE title if you don't win?

10.5 WIDE

Fatal 4Way makes me think that the WWE doesn't know what to do. I think both Orton and Jericho are without a feud so they toss them in to give them something to do. classic case of too make guys overexposed - if they kept the brands separated, then this wouldn't be such a big issue.

with Punk and Bryan being smaller guys, i could see Christian returning to Raw and going for the WWE title. Don't know how his injury is going but wouldn't be surprised to see that.
How impressive has Sheamus been as a world champion?
boring and dull, just like his WWE championship run, king of the ring reign, and royal rumble win.

How odd is it that number one contenders are switching titles?
not very considering punk and bryan are the number 1 and 2 guys on the roster, and 1 is a face, the other a heel. seems like a logical choice to me.

Fatal fourway at Over The Limit, anyone?
will be a solid match. gets orton back into the picture, but jericho has REALLY lost it, the return has done nothing for him, and i am a HUGE jericho fan, love adr. as long as sheamus does not retain, i will be happy, but i am sure he will.

Where the fuck is Christian?
should have retired when his mealticket, i mean edge did. as much as everyone on here loves to rave about him, the guy has NEVER been a maineventer or a big ticket draw. he will always have his fans and his following, but he will never make the E a ton of cash and that is sort of the point of this business.
How impressive has Sheamus been as a world champion?

Very much so, I am behind him 100% and definitely do not want to hunt him down and go to cannibalism...... I think he is doing great, the live crowds are behind him, he is one of the wwe's top guys, he is "fighting" through an injury (a babyface thing to do), and has just overall improved since becoming, hell, over the last year he has stepped his game up, i am enjoying him being the WHC.

How odd is it that number one contenders are switching titles?

Not to odd, i mean, jericho is a main event guy, of course he will stay in the title picture/main event picture as long as he is around. And the wwe didn't have much choice then to put their (arguably) most over heel into the wwe title picture, i mean they need to make up for the whole 18 second thing, plus punk and bryan will put on great matches. I have noticed lot's of matches (even divas matches with layla to some extent) have been stepped up lately (given friday night smackdown is still lacking a bit) so i expect good things from this.

What's your shoe size?

Size 12 my good man.

Fatal fourway at Over The Limit, anyone?

Oh this match will be worth watching, Sheamus has been doing great as of late, orton is in the title picture which adds star power, del rio uh idk just del rio (personally does nothing for me), and jericho makes up for del rio being in the match, cause jericho "is the best in the world at what he does" and he always puts on great matches so I'm looking forward to most of the match anyways.

Where the fuck is Christian?

Christian is being a good boy and is taking the proper amount of time to heal up in hopes he will last another run or so before getting injured again (sorry, i like christian but i question the current condition of his body to continue on because of all the injuries he has been suffering lately). Think it may be getting to that time for Cptn Charisma to throw in the towel and think about his bodies longevity as opposed to constantly hurting himself. I'm thinking 2013 - 14 could be the time for him to hang it up. Hopefully I'm incorrect, but idk, for his own health retiring could be the best plan in the near future.
Shaemus as Champ is horrible. I'm not saying he doesn't have potential but he is just so boring in his current babyface gimmick. I really don't think he's the best guy on the roster to be world champ right now. He would have been a better choice to align with Johnny Ace then Tensai for Gods sake. I agree it's time to unify the titles. Probably should have been done two years ago.
Sheamus has been OK as world champion. Not bad, not great but OK. That has been mostly because his feuds haven't been all that personal, just your standard champion vs challenger of the month sort of feuds. He has had no real reason to fight the other guy except for the fact that he is champion and he wants to defend his belt. Standard, but at the same time, pretty boring too. It's hard for him to have a personal feud, though, since he really has no history with anyone on the roster except for Triple H. A long competitive feud like Orton/ Christian could be the turning point for him and make him into someone whom I want to watch. Bryan/ Sheamus could have been that feud. He is in the "I'll take him because he's decent" category for me nowadays.

As for Christian, I guess he is still injured. Or else he would have surely been feuding with Punk who put him out of WrestleMania. That would have really been the perfect summer feud for Punk. But I guess Bryan has been drafted over to Raw because Christian is injured. I still expect Christian to return on Raw, though, and have some sort of program with Punk.

Yeah, it's a bit odd that number 1 contenders are switching champions but that is only because WWE does not pay a ton of attention to it's midcarders. The likes of Ziggler should have been able to have a main event program with Punk by now but it seems that he still needs to be built up. Cody seems ready but I guess they want to wait till a big PPV before they push him.

Having a fatal four-way is a good idea because Sheamus/ Del Rio does not sound like a very interesting match at all. Orton and Jericho sure add starpower to that match.
1. The way the Extreme Rules 2/3 Falls match between Sheamus and Bryan made DB look like an absolute badass, with him getting himself strategically disqualified putting himself 1 fall down to win the next two automatically, begged for DB to walk out on Smackdown and say that Sheamus only beat him legit once out of the two falls and he hasn't proved anything. DB and Sheamus should have had another go round on ppv with a strong build... but it was fast tracked and DB looked to be squashed on that Smackdown, considering Sheamus' arm was destroyed by both Del Rio and DB.

2. Very happy with Punk vs. Bryan, however not so happy with the execution. As I just mentioned DB was rushed off of his feud with Shemaus and wanting the WHC back and going straight into a beat the clock against blah Jerry Lawler! WTF! Should have been someone like Ziggler.. but then again that match up would be dissapointing if Bryan squashed Ziggler so he could face Punk. But with the momentum DB has with the fans right now, and his loss in 18 seconds he deserves to squash someone a bit more up the chain than Jerry Lawler. I hope AJ tries to win back DB's love by costing punk the title and DB becomes the new WWE Champion.

3. Sheamus as WHC seems to be a good choice as any given who is on SD at the moment.

4. Jericho/Punk's feud sort of has finished abruptly also... It's funny how The Rock only appears 8 or 9 times leading upto the biggest match of the year, and only wrestles twice in that time and he is better for it. Brock returns and does pretty much the same... but Jericho, an attitude era and every other era legend, still week after week turns up to put over talent.. His unselfishness and love of the business continues to hurt his kayfabe legacy...

5. I don't like Christian. He doesn't interest me, and with DB so popular now, his character seems a bit redundant...
How impressive has Sheamus been as a world champion?
I don't like sheamus. He's good in the ring but I find his gimmick/personality just boring to watch. Daniel Bryan got more fans when Sheamus became champ. I think him winning the royal rumble was a mistake and it should have gone to jericho to help build that feud that was one of the worst build ups to wrestlemania ever.
How odd is it that number one contenders are switching titles?
Eh. I think the WWE knows the fans wanna see Dbry vs Punk and they are right, we do. I was actually expecting Dbry to win the belt back and battle CM Punk to become undisputed champ since they are seemingly merging the brands back together.
What's your shoe size?

Fatal fourway at Over The Limit, anyone?
Should be a fun watch. I'm glad theres no mark henry or big show or kane. should be an interesting watch. I always enjoy seeing Orton and Jericho in the ring together as I think they work well together, even if Orton casts a shadow Jericho because of his natural in ring talent.

I'm expecting Del Rio to win.
Where the fuck is Christian?
I've been wondering this as well. It would be nice if he showed up but I would rather have him come back and feud with Punk during summerslam as a heel then have him go back to smackdown and watch more boring Orton vs Christian matches.
How impressive has Sheamus been as a world champion?

I'm not overly impressed,apart from how he won the title at WrestleMania (yes,the 18 second match). I thought he was blazing hot from Royal Rumble to WrestleMania,but after he won the title they seemed to try their best to make him look less threatening,I guess to make Bryan look like an equal. The Extreme Rules match was extremely impressive though,and one good thing that has come out of his title reign is that the title is important again i.e. His feuds have been about the World title and not a personal feud.

How odd is it that number one contenders are switching titles?

Very odd,but it's a switch up and that's cool.

What's your shoe size?

Size 9 US,8 UK,42 Europe,but depending on the shoe I may go up to a size 10 US,even size 11. I can PM you my address if you want to send me a pair of Church's dub-monks. Brown,not black. Suede or leather,either one is fine. Gracias.

Fatal fourway at Over The Limit, anyone?

It'll be a good match. Sheamus,Orton and Jericho can handle the promos and Del Rio can hold up his end in the ring. I'm looking forward to it.

Where the fuck is Christian?

According to Lilian Garcia and Tony Chimel,he currently resides in Tampa,Florida.
Ive never been a fan of Sheamus, but I have to say he has the "it" factor, he certainly has the look, physical talent, and style, plus putting his accent aside Ive never heard anyone say he's horrible on the mic.

I think the problem is that Sheamus is from this current generation where guys are just "handed" belts. Guys like Drew Mcyntire, Jack Swagger, to name just a few. Sheamus never truly paid his dues in the WWE. He was WWE champion within what 6 months? Plus him being Triple H's "boy" doesnt help out either.

This may be hard to explain or for others to understand, but guys from the past like Austin, Rock, Orton, Michaels, Taker, HHH, Foley, Edge, these guys went through hellacious matches, Hell in a Cell, barbed wire, thumbtacks. Im not saying every wrestler has to go through this to be accepted, but fans truly appreciate when a wrestler pours his heart and leaves it all in the ring. It never leaves the memory of the fan. They think "this guy, did everything he could in the ring, he gave us our moneys worth" With Sheamus, we just dont get that.

Do you guys think this is the problem.
In my opinion, and bear in mind that this is just my opinion, Sheamus (as a character, not as a person) represents a lot of what's wrong with today's professional wrestling product.

He's a big strong guy, yes. He has a unique look, certainly. He also has a unique (for pro-wrestling anyway) speaking style and accent. But when you peel those layers off, what else is there? What makes him stand out? What differentiates him from the rest of the pack?

Giant Gonzales was a big strong guy, but the other key factors of a successful pro-wrestler weren't anywhere to be found. Orlando Jordan had a unique look, but that couldn't save him from an unfullfilled career in WWE and even less regard when he went to TNA. Ludvig Borga had a unique speaking style and was also a big strong guy, but his tenure in WWF was remarkably short, achieving really nothing of note.

Ultimate Warrior had all of the same traits Sheamus has, but his time in wrestling was incredibly short as well when all things are considered. Whether it was from his own doing or otherwise, his career comprised of only several key highlights and as time went on, quite a few low ones as well.

Sheamus is that big, strong guy with a unique look and multiple title reigns that the fans are expected buy into simply because he's big, strong, and seemingly unique. Where's the passion for wrestling, or even sports entertainment out of Sheamus? I certainly haven't seen it. Other than his milk white skin and irish accent, where is Sheamus personality? How has he transcended the almost stereotypical demeanor of his character? Again, I can't come up with one way.

Though some of the classic formula still works in wrestling today, some of it decidedly does not. It's a different product and the demands and expectations of the audience are different now. I think we've moved beyond the big, strong guy having a main event spot simply because he's big and strong. If this wasn't true, the Great Khali would be headlining Wrestlemania.

Speaking of the biggest show of the year, Sheamus defeating Daniel Bryan for the title in a squash at this years WM was a travesty. It was done utlimately not to hurt Bryan, but to make us care about Sheamus because he's a big, strong guy doing big strong guy things. Daniel Bryan, a true student of the game and naturally gifted wrestler, got cheated out of displaying his talents (win, lose or draw) so the big, strong guy could dominate.

To be blunt about it, the whole thing stinks and I don't like it. Needless to say, I don't like Sheamus very much either.
Sorry for the odd title but i could not think of anything better. So my question is why are they pushing the WHC more than the wwe title now? and while im at it can anybody explain to me the reason why that promo from cena happened? I apologize if i seem like im going on a nerd tirade but i would just like to see if someone is getting what im not? (the lack of pushing a story with two of the most over stars in the company today.) Any answers would be greatly appreciated.

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