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Sheamus' Milestone


Over the course of this year, Sheamus' run as World Heavyweight Champion hasn't gotten the attention of CM Punk's curren reign as WWE Champion. When you take into account that the WHC is featured primarily on SmackDown!, it's easy to understand as Raw is generally the show where major events take place.

However, Sheamus has been a very good babyface World Champion in my eyes. I'm not nearly as wild about him as a babyface than I am when he's a heel, but Sheamus has worked hard during his run and has participated in some memorable feuds and matches. He's heavily over with fans whether as a face or a heel, and has had a strong run in my opinion.

As I alluded to earlier, the WHC often is overshadowed by the WWE Championship. As a result, I don't think Sheamus has generally gotten enough credit. As of today, Sheamus has been World Heavyweight Champion for 169 days, which is roughly about 5.5 months. With Triple H ultimately being responsible for longer title runs, I think it's resulted in an increase of prestige in both the WWE and World Heavyweight Championships. After all, we've kind of gotten used to frequent title changes. In 2011, the World Heavyweight Championship changed hands a total of 11 time and the WWE Championship changed hands 8 times.

As of right now, Sheamus has the third longest reign with the WHC in the 10 year existence of the title, with Batista and Triple H having longer runs as 282 and 280 days respectively. All in all, Sheamus is probably the overall strongest WHC the WWE has seen in many years. With Dolph Ziggler looming with his MITB briefcase, Sheamus' run could be brought to an end at any given time.

How long do you think Sheamus' current run as WHC will last? When do you think he should drop the title and to who?
Sheamus should drop the title at Tables ladders and Chairs. Probably to Wade Barrett. The battle would be so intense that by the time barrett makes it to his feet after the win, ziggler rushes in and cashes the contract. Fameasser/ZigZag to Barrett and he wins the championship. A triple threat match for RR, the elimination chamber, and Wrestlemania matches are thus set up. Add Mark Henry/Christian, Del Rio, Randy Orton and possibly Ryback/Big Show to the mix for EC.
Sheamus should drop the title at Tables ladders and Chairs. Probably to Wade Barrett. The battle would be so intense that by the time barrett makes it to his feet after the win, ziggler rushes in and cashes the contract. Fameasser/ZigZag to Barrett and he wins the championship. A triple threat match for RR, the elimination chamber, and Wrestlemania matches are thus set up. Add Mark Henry/Christian, Del Rio, Randy Orton and possibly Ryback/Big Show to the mix for EC.

If I am reading this right then you are saying Barratt should win and lose the title within minutes which means a pointless "title win" for Barratt (just like Ziggler's 1st "title reign"). I disagree with you entirely.

To answer the original question I'm not really a Ziggler fan but it's obvious he's next in line and as a heel will cash in on Sheamus after he has had a beat down or something along those lines. It could even be this week on smackdown who knows.
Preferably I'd like him to drop it to CM Punk therefore merging the 2 titles but that topic has been over discussed already and isnt going to happen anyway.
I agree that Sheamus' World Heavyweight Championship reign has been great. These lengthy World title reigns along with successful title defences are essential in restoring prestige. The WWE has done a remarkable job in making both CM Punk and Sheamus successfully defend their respective titles. I do hope we don't see ANOTHER Sheamus vs Alberto Del Rio contest for a long time though. While I immensely enjoyed Sheamus as a heel, I think it's when he turned face that he started employing more moves into his repertoire and he has since established himself as not only one of the strongest but also one of the most versatile. I don't care if people hate Sheamus or think he's boring, I think he's the type of Champion that needs to be. I'm not exactly sure how long this title reign will continue for, but I do think Dolph Ziggler will be the next Champion someway somehow. I do see Wade Barrett as a good opponent for Sheamus considering their equal size, but I don't see him winning the title yet. Dolph Ziggler has reason to, unless of course they pull a Mr Kennedy on him by making Wade Barrett beat Dolph in a match with the MitB on the line. That would be asinine.
i think that its made me not care about the world title. I haven't watched a full match since him vs daniel bryan. Hes just not that talented.
I think he can make this run last through a feud with Randy Orton. I have been waiting and waiting for Orton vs. Sheamus for the WHC. The two can face off at the next two PPV's, Hell in a Cell and Survivor Series. Then, after a good feud between the two, Ziggler can cash in.

If Orton and Sheamus were to face off, It wouldn't matter to me if either turned heel or both stay face. I just think it will make for some good TV and a few excellent matches. I don't really think Randy should win the title from Sheamus, but there is always a way to make both guys look good. I.E Cena and Punk last night.

So, I say give Sheamus a few more months, and then let Ziggler cash in and be the next World Heavyweight Champion.
How long do you think Sheamus' current run as WHC will last? When do you think he should drop the title and to who?
Next PPV is "Hell in a Cell". Orton won and JBL suggested that he should be WHC contender now. Lets say that will happen and that it would be Sheamus, Orton, and probably Barret or Del Rio. Sheamus wins, is worned up after the match, probably even RKO-ed at the end and the Ziggler comes in and cashes in. Standard WWE logic. :)
Who cares how he drops it, all that matters is he does. He's very boring to watch in the ring and they really need to allow someone who says more than fella every 5 words to have the belt for a bit.

Ziggler will win it next, then I see he and Orton feuding (after the 10000 rematches Sheamus gets) with Orton winning the belt to lead to a feud with Barrett.
Over the last few years, the World Title has been passed around too often. I applaud WWE's attempt to make longer title reigns and having Sheamus keep the WHC longer makes it seem more prestiegious and important. I've always been a big fan of Sheamus and the only downfall of his reign has been the lack of top contenders to challenge him. I have only really enjoyed his challenges by Daniel Bryan and Ziggler. I would like to see what Orton could do against Sheamus once turned heel. Or even Christian against Sheamus again if he ever turns again.

Having the multiple defenses against Del Rio has made Sheamus look weak and I haven't enjoyed their feud at all. Del Rio is boring and not capable of getting Sheamus the sympathy a great heel challenger should be able to garner for the face champion. Their matches haven't been anything above mediocre and it's not Sheamus' fault. Del Rio sucks and WWE need to move on and make better contenders. The only positive of the Del Rio/Sheamus feud is that they've done a great job getting the Brogue Kick over by banning it.
Next PPV is "Hell in a Cell". Orton won and JBL suggested that he should be WHC contender now. Lets say that will happen and that it would be Sheamus, Orton, and probably Barret or Del Rio. Sheamus wins, is worned up after the match, probably even RKO-ed at the end and then Ziggler comes in and cashes in. Standard WWE logic. :)

agreed on the bolded points. I think they should have a great triple threat WHC title match between...

Hell In A Cell Match
(c) Sheamus vs Randy Orton vs Alberto Del Rio

have a grueling match, highlighting points where Sheamus is soo close to losing the belt but in the end coming out on top and is laying down, worn out, then have Ziggler (who should have another match earlier in the show) come out and cash in, thus showing Sheamus as a great WHC who did successfully defend his championship then giving Ziggler a ton more heat!

Having the multiple defenses against Del Rio has made Sheamus look weak .

Weak??? He beat him every single time, if anything it's made Del Rio look weak lol
with all of the cheat shops, with having otunga, and ricardo out there sheamus still won, makes him look strong in my eyes
Good reign, but I felt that the ADR-Sheamus feud was supposed to take his reign to the next level, yet it didn't. But that wasn't Sheamus fault. ADR stock is not high anymore.

I do enjoy the long reigns, and I do think his next feud should be against Orton. Orton has impressed me since coming back and a Orton-Sheamus feud can be what takes Sheamus to the next level.
I've enjoyed Punk's long reign, not Sheamus'.

Not many people can pull off long title reigns without it getting stale, I liked Cena's first reign but not his year long 06-07 run, HHH's 10 month reign in 03 bored the crap out of me but I didn't mind his 7 month reign in 08.

Basically what I'm saying is Sheamus reign hasn't impressed me just because it's lasted a while.
I'd rather have the strap on Sheamus than on ADR. Del Rio has improved in-ring, but I don't know if Sheamus is over enough to give him that big of a rub.

The way the Ziggler/Sheamus angle with Mitb was booked puzzles me. Ziggler is a heel, yes, but just how chickenshit is he going to be made to look? Since his first failed attempt at cashing in the briefcase, not once did I think he was actually going to win the damn title. That pretty much sums up Sheamus as a face for me as well - the guy can't be beat. He smashes Del Rio on a regular basis and he instantly recovers from every beating he gets, so that Ziggler probably won't win the title anytime soon...
Sheamus has been absolutely dominant as Champion. In the last five months no one has really ever got the better of him. Even in non-title matches or tag matches. the guy just keeps winning. He is booked as a bulldozer and now because he is so dominant a new storyline has been put in to try and make him vulnerable by banning his Brogue kick.

For me due Sheamus being so dominant whoever beats him will be huge for their career.... UNLESS... it's with a MitB cash in. This would indeed protect Sheamus would he drop the belt, but it wouldn't actually put anyone over, which is usually the reason you have one fo these long title reigns.

I want to see Barrett beat Sheamus in juts a huge beat down, drag out fight which has both guys just beat the snot out of each other. barrett come sout on top and looks like a million dollars for beating Sheamus who at the moment is just kicking ass and taking names.

Maybe Cena needs to go after Sheamus... face vs. face. Sheamus beats Cena to solidify just how dominant he is at the moment. In any case some people have thought his run to be boring, but for me, he just has been basically unbeatable, even with a damaged arm he was able to win the day in his amtches against Bryan and Del Rio.

As stated before I hope it is not a Ziggler cash in that ends this reign as it will really put over whoever beats him for the belt.
people are saying that his long reign has brought prestige back to the title. Well there is something that is 10 times more important and thats entertainment. And what i mean by that is if the title reign is boring and isn't memorable then what does it really matter anyhow. I mean hes had one really good match against the best worker and the rest has been filler bullshit.
Sheamus has had a decent title reign overall. His win at Wrestlemania was a complete and utter joke. It made Daniel Bryan look like a weak champion and it made the entire World title scene look pointless. I haven't been to into his feud with Del Rio.I really think that the highlight of his run was his match with Daniel Bryan at Extreme Rules. They brought the house down. I think that Sheamus was supposed to feud with Orton at Summerslam but when Randy got suspended... plans changed.

I think Orton vs. Del Rio vs. Sheamus at Hell in a Cell will happen, and that Ziggler will cash in after. Although, Orton is taking time off to work on his movie so I guess that's up in the air as well. At any rate, Sheamus will drop it to Ziggler when the time is right.

To sum it up, I haven't been into Sheamus as a World champion. It's good to see a long World title run, but it should have gone to Mark Henry last year. He had the potential to be a long running champion. So far all I've see is Sheamus vs. Del Rio. It's rather boring and he keeps beating him. Enough said.
I say he'll drop it in Ultimate Warrior fashion at The Royal Rumble. What I simply mean by that is Sheamus will go into RR to face someone NOT named Dolph Ziggler. I suspect the WWE wants to have Ziggler "main event" WrestleMania (I'm not sure who against however) and he'll need to have the title going INTO the event. This gives him his chance, finally. Sheamus will go against, let's say idk, Randy Orton (throwing a name out there). Sheamus will be on the verge of victory and then suddenly Ziggler comes out, smashes Sheamus with the briefcase, ensuring Orton wins. But not so fast...So Ziggler then waits for Orton to get up & then he'll attack, getting the win & the WHC title. Makes sense, and perhaps we'll see a Triple Threat match at WM featuring all three. I'm gonna hold off on giving Wade Barrett the belt till maybe next Spring. But for now, that's my take on how it'll all go down.
When I think back to the title reigns last year, I begin to think that it might not be the length of the title reign but the quality which imbues the belt with prestige. Radical thinking, I know. Off the top of my head, the champions who held the belt last year were:

  1. Edge
  2. Christian
  3. Randy Orton
  4. Mark Henry
  5. Big Show [insert shrugging emoticon here]
  6. Daniel Bryan
Tell me if I missed anybody. The belt might have changed hands eleven times - which is a wee bit misleading when you think that Big Show held it for about a minute, Orton held it three times and Christian held it twice - but I was honestly more compelled by what was happening with the belt then than I am now. Edge retiring as champion was pretty bloody significant. Christian's first win was one of the moments of the year. Randy Orton absolutely tore it up as champion. Mark Henry's rise to prominence was astounding. Daniel Bryan used the belt to make something out of himself.

It's honestly up in the air whether long runs make for more prestigious runs. Arguably, everybody in 2011 bar Big Show had a more significant run than Sheamus is this year. Certainly, I'd argue that the reigns made for much more compelling television, prestige be damned.

I don't want to deride Sheamus too much - I live in fear of the idea that a wrestler will one day take exception to my comments, fracture my skull and have their way with me down a dark alley. Sheamus has worked hard; he has done well; he has had very good matches; he is not, by any stretch, a bad champion. It's just, ever since his feud with Bryan ended, it's felt like he's going through the motions - or he at least he hasn't been teamed up with anybody he has any particular chemistry with, or given any particularly good material to work with.

Do I want a new champion every month? Probably not. Does applying the super glue make for compelling television? I'm unconvinced.

I am one of those nerds that likes to think the world title has a longer lineage than ten years (not that it particularly matters). Batista and Triple H can blow it out of their arses. If masked men broke into my house, put a gun to my head and asked me who Sheamus should drop the belt to (I assume they'd be WrestleZone members), I'd tell them...

Zack Ryder. Yeah, left field choice. Not really sure why - it just struck me as I was browsing through the roster list. Shock value. Underdog. Dream come true. That sort of thing. I think Ryder could still be something; deliver the career equivalent of a massive jolt to someone who's having the career equivalent of cardiac arrest.
people are saying that his long reign has brought prestige back to the title. Well there is something that is 10 times more important and thats entertainment. And what i mean by that is if the title reign is boring and isn't memorable then what does it really matter anyhow. I mean hes had one really good match against the best worker and the rest has been filler bullshit.

I kind of agree here. I mean the WWE is more for entertainment and if people aren't interested in seeing title matches because the same person is defending everytime, they must have the champion drop the title.

I also agree with others that his reign has brought prestige back somewhat, but I don't think it's going to be a memorable run. Let's just say, hypothetically, that Sheamus retains his title past Batista's reign, making the longest reigning WHC ever. That feat will be forgotten as it's also been overshadowed by Punk's feat as champion. They're following Punk's reign day-by-day, which means WWE must have something in store for him. They don't do that for everyone, I don't think. They certainly don't do it for the WHC, so doesn't that kind of devalue the WHC? If WWE doesn't pay attention to both their titles equally, one has to over-value, if you will, the other. I think Sheamus has been a tremendous champion, as someone said earlier a very dominant one. I'm impressed by him really. Even if it is boring having him as champion, I still don't want him giving it up. What I mean by that is, it seems like he's been champion for too long, but I know if WWE wants to solidify him as a great then they need him as champion for a long time. He's great when he's a champion, there's really nothing I dislike about the guy.
Sheamus is Champion from Wrestlemania but his matches. His match with Daniel Bryan after Mania is only noteworthy IMO till now. Del Rio feud and short run with Ziggler wasn't as interesting.

He hasn't faced any big contenders. Bryan faced Big Show and Mark Henry when he had title who were bigger than him and made him look good. Sheamus needs somebody to make him good in these feuds.

Orton if heel would make perfect sense but that's a different story. Sheamus needs someone Bigger than him to challenge him so that he can go against odds and win outright and over with fans. I still feel he's not as over as Bryan at this moment, sure he gets cheers they aren't big enough for World Heavyweight Champion.
He hasn't faced any big contenders. Bryan faced Big Show and Mark Henry when he had title who were bigger than him and made him look good. Sheamus needs somebody to make him good in these feuds.

This is exactly my meaning from my prior post. Sheamus hasn't had an impressive list of top challengers to say the least. I enjoyed the brief back-and-forth of Sheamus & Daniel Bryan and thought they had the best chemistry of all his feuds thus far. Mark Henry even managed to look quick and somewhat agile against Sheamus, giving us alot of big impact moments that really made you notice their matches.

Del Rio has done nothing of importance in his numerous opportunities for the World title and has proven he's nothing more than mediocre. I truly believe those considered "mid-card" like Ryder or Christian could do better with World Title shots more than ADR. At least those guys do subtle and not so subtle things to stand out that Del Rio hasn't so far. Hell, I'd even welcome The Big Show as a challenger more than yet another failed attempt at giving ADR an opportunity he so obviously does not deserve.

I like Sheamus better as the dominant heel Celtic warrior as opposed to the current comedic Sheamus. His work stood out more to me when he was heel and the feud potentials were much better. His face work is too bland and boring currently, which I wouldn't mind seeing a turn soon.
Frankly I never really cared about Sheamus even when he was heel. While I don't mind the whole monster heel, and dominate baby face kind of set up he just doesn't have the "it factor" that makes me want to give a damn about him.

I mean when Danial Bryan first cashed in his MiTB I was very unimpressed and I kept thinking about how weak he looked, but then his Yes chants really started to catch on and his title run felt much better. He was able to make me care about his run even though I really didn't like it at first. Sheamus simply can't, he's boring and stale and his run means nothing to me, especially when he is beating up someone like ADR who is another person that means absolutely nothing to me.

His milestone is just as irrelvent to me as his run. Frankly I'm hoping we start seeing some build up with Ziggler into cashing in his MiTB because the WHC needs something to make it matter again because Sheamus is failing miserably.
Looking at recent world heavyweight champions...Orton, Henry, Daniel Bryan, Christian were all better champions. They had better matches and storylines. Sheamus has been in a crappy feud with ADR for a lot of his run. Nothing really special about his reign besides the length.

Long title reigns can at times be overrated. Cody Rhodes had a very long ic title reign, but he barely defended it. I dont consider him a great ic champion. Also, every new champion having a long title reign kind of makes it less special. I think they need a mixture of longer and shorter reigns (a couple of months).

They just need to stay away from playing hot potato with the titles like they did after MITB last year. They went from Punk-Rey-Cena-Punk-ADR-Cena-ADR-Punk in the span of a couple of months. That was ridiculous.
Preferably I'd like him to drop it to CM Punk therefore merging the 2 titles but that topic has been over discussed already and isnt going to happen anyway.

I just had a radical idea that won't come true but would actually make sense to the booking they're doing.

Dolph is over with the crowd and the majority already likes him as a heel. You can see the face in him similar to The Miz. If they were to book Sheamus vs. Punk for the championship, you could have Punk go over, but have Ziggler come out and cash in after a hard fight. Punk'd be puzzled and Ziggler could go on to say that he is the first one to beat CM Punk, who would, however still keep the WWE championship. The two could have their run-ins over the next few months thus turning Ziggler face. Vickie can go manage an up and comming tag team and in time, Punk loses his championship to a worthy competitor... Just a crazy idea, that won't happen; mostly because of the potential they have with Paul Heyman around, as the timing to pull the trigger on this feud is, basically, now.

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