Better WHC run Sheamus' current title run or Mark Henry's from 2011


Pre-Show Stalwart
Who does everyone feel had a better more dominate and interesting WHC title run. So many people believe that Sheamus deserved the title and evertime he gets teh strap IMO his title runs just arent interesting at all. I thought Mark Henry's WHC run last year was as dominant as any and as fun to watch as Punks rise in the company which happened at the same time.
Gotta wait until Sheamus' title run has ended before we can get a real answer towards this. Sheamus started off his title run against the hottest heel in the WWE not named John Laurinaitis which cultivated in a tremendous match against Daniel Bryan. Right now it looks like Sheamus may be transitioning into feuding with either Jericho or Orton and either feud for Sheamus will be good.

I enjoyed Henry's title run but really his whole title reign was a feud with Big Show. I don't think Sheamus' reign is as successful yet but he's well on his way for his current reign to completely trample Henry's reign in late 2011. I've heard they have plans to make Sheamus a long term champion so unless some incident happens that puts a kibosh on it I would expect Sheamus to make a great champion and have a better run than Henry.
Mark Henry's was better by default. We had to wait 15 years to see it happen, he's always been convincing whenever he's gotten serious pushes, he's had more experience playing the role of a monster heel, and their was shock value in that most people thought he'd never win anything.

Sheamus' debut & title run with the WWE championship was the most convincing he's ever been. He was an irish brute who wanted to solidify himself in Cena's league. He was pushed heavily and surprisingly wasn't well-received by most of the Cena haters. (I loved the guy back then - just throwing that out there!) However, his current run is not a big deal to most people in comparison to Mark Henry because it doesn't have ANY of the factors that his did. There is no shock value in Sheamus getting another title run, there was no loooong wait for him to get a championship, and he DOESN'T have a lot of experience playing the face type of role he's in.

Sheamus' reign of the WHC had more anticipation because we knew he'd eventually win something else. But he's not well established enough as the face character he's portraying for it to really matter as much as say a guy who's been around forever playing mainly one role for the last 10 years. He's still a great character if they let him lose the comedy schtick but he's got a little bit further to go.
Gotta wait until Sheamus' title run has ended before we can get a real answer towards this. Sheamus started off his title run against the hottest heel in the WWE not named John Laurinaitis which cultivated in a tremendous match against Daniel Bryan. Right now it looks like Sheamus may be transitioning into feuding with either Jericho or Orton and either feud for Sheamus will be good.

I enjoyed Henry's title run but really his whole title reign was a feud with Big Show. I don't think Sheamus' reign is as successful yet but he's well on his way for his current reign to completely trample Henry's reign in late 2011. I've heard they have plans to make Sheamus a long term champion so unless some incident happens that puts a kibosh on it I would expect Sheamus to make a great champion and have a better run than Henry.

You have a point here, i am curious how long Sheamus title run last, after Sheamus losing the title, then we can say who had the biggest reign of the two.
Sheamus. Easily. His reign has not ended yet, so anything could happen, but it has already been memorable unlike Henry's reign because it was the worst World Heavyweight Championship reign since Khali. Henry's reign was awful and I cannot fathom how anyone liked it. He cannot be taken seriously as a top guy and his matches are boring. Henry's feuds with Orton, Big Show, and even against Bryan were all so boring. They tried so hard to make him into this "intomidating monster" but all his promos did was make me laugh at him.

Sheamus, on the other hand, 100% deserves his reign. He has good matches, great promos, and after only a couple of months has been far more entertaining than Henry was. The Bryan feud was great, as was the Fatal Fourway at the last PPV, I am even looking forward to the upcoming Del Rio match. With Sheamus' reign I anticipate each match, whereas with Henry I fast forwarded past most of his matches to spare me further boring torture and only anticipated him losing the title. You guys who picked Henry are entitled to your opinion but I strongly disagree. I just don't see it. Henry is boring AND a joke. Not a very good combination when looking for a potential World Champion.
Personally, I'm not a fan of smiling, happy Lobsterhead. Like RKO, I think Sheamus needs to be a tweener. Over with the fans, but not the superface that John Cena is. Sheamus cutting face promos is cheesy. He should be an Irish badass.

Orton should never smile. He should just RKO people and win matches.

I would like Sheamus to drop the belt sooner then later though I don't see it happening to ADR.
Henry's was easily preferable to me. He played his part magnificently and was believable in the role of unstoppable juggernaut, the hall of pain was a great concept and generally Henry was solid on the mic. His fueds with both Orton and Big Show were good, whilst the matches may not have been the best the build and emotion were at least viable.

Sheamus by contrast as a face just makes me cringe. His promo work is terrible and his charcter has no depth beyond I'm Irish and I'm gonna kick your arse fella. It kind of seems like he's being shoved down peoples throats as a face despite the fact that the reception to his title riegn has been fairly lukewarm.

Whilst the match against Bryan at Extreme Rules was very good, the actual fued was awful, the majority of it consisted of pointless run-ins, with Sheamus turning up every second week and throwing Bryan back into the ring. I can't remember a single memorable promo segment. The fatal four way was only interesting because of the friction with Orton, which has now been sidelined for what will no doubt be a snoozefest with Del-Rio.
Sheamus' WHC run has barely started, I don't know why it's time to compare it to a complete run. He's not even two opponents in yet.

Furthermore, Henry was a heel run, Sheamus is a face run. Those are different animals so it's tough to compare them.
It's too early to judge Sheamus' run, but so far I've preferred Mark Henry's by miles and miles. I like Sheamus, but I don't see him as a guy that can elevate a title. They've been building him as more or less unbeatable for well over a year, giving him the Royal Rumble win and the title, and I still feel like putting the belt on him was a step down. His character is bland (seriously, does no one else see that his gimmick is the exact same as Fit Finlay's "I'm Irish and I like to fight"?) and I just didn't feel that way about Henry. I know he was just another "monster heel," but he wore it well.
From an overall perspective thus far, I'd have to go with Mark Henry.

A lot of what made Henry's run so good was just how surprisingly unlikely it was. Henry is someone that damn near everybody had long since written off. Let's be honest, the guy's entire career had amounted to a big fan zero in the grand scheme of things. There was hardly a week that went by in which there wasn't posts in some section practically begging WWE to future endeavor him. Henry became one of the biggest and most pleasant surprises of 2011 in pro wrestling. I mean, Henry was suddenly....good. No...the guy was great actually. His matches became interesting to watch, his promos were damn good and he was the kind of legitimately intimidating heel presence that we really haven't seen in wrestling for quite some time. Henry was a guy that had fans "worried" for their favorites. When Henry won the title from Orton, it was a shock. It was even more of a shock that Henry won the title cleanly and successfully defended it against Orton cleanly at the next ppv. Personally, it wouldn't have bothered me at all if WWE had gone forward with the David vs. Goliath scenario that was originally planned between Henry & Daniel Bryan. Henry would've held the title through WM before ultimately dropping it to Bryan. Henry did a damn good job as WHC and if WWE can recapture the magic with him, whenever he returns, I wouldn't mind seeing him get another run.

Sheamus' run has really only gotten interesting within the past month or so. Sheamus is a guy that's a lot of fun to watch in the ring and he can talk on the mic. In my opinion, however, Sheamus just isn't nearly as compelling as a babyface than he is when he's playing a heel. Like Henry, Sheamus is someone fully capable of being a great, bully style heel. That's not to say that Sheamus has done a bad job as champ, because he hasn't. He's been having a lot of good matches as champ lately, his match with Daniel Bryan at Extreme Rules was the best match of Sheamus' career, and he's believable as a tough, courageous, stubbornly prideful babyface champion.
One more for Mark Henry. The build up towards the title was fun to watch. The Hall Of Pain was exciting and his eventual run was great as well... Not really a fan of Sheamus, he's better off as a heel.
This is an easy one.

Mark Henry because he was a heel ... and I am a member of the IWC ... so I only like heels!

Seriously ... It is probably Mark Henry's, which I actually enjoyed quite a bit and think was cut shorter than they wanted because of injury. Though Sheamus still could have a ways to go and change my tune.
I'm going to say Mark Henry's reign, a bit premature to judge Sheamus' reign but the guy just doesn't interest me. I can appreciate he is a pretty decent inring worker, all of his matches as champion at PPVs so far have been good, but I hate how Sheamus is built, cause it typically hurts the people around him. I mean who in the right mind sees ADR beating Sheamus at No Way Out?.
Right now it looks like Sheamus may be transitioning into feuding with either Jericho or Orton and either feud for Sheamus will be good......................

I would expect Sheamus to make a great champion and have a better run than Henry.

The only thing I agree with is the fact that you state Sheamus will make a greater champion than Mark Henry. Mark Henry - the dominant force - is (dare I say it) almost at Big Show's in ring skill. Do you think he even put up a good PPV match while being the WHC?

Anyway, where did you get the idea that Jericho is likely to feud with Sheamus? You posted this about a couple of days after his 30 day suspension and after he stated this was his last title run!

BTW, I do respect your opinion.
Mark Henry's easily. I don't mind Sheamus in the ring but he never does anything that truly gets me invested in his character. It makes perfect sense for him to be champ because he's portrayed as being near unbeatable. I think he does more damage to himself when he smacks his chest than his opponents do. His feud with Bryan had great matches but what did he actually do in the rest of the feud? All the interesting promos etc came from the Bryan camp in my opinion. He needs a character overhaul or he will just stay boring.

Henry on the other hand was the best thing going on SD last year and the start of this. He came out of a career of merdiocrity and became the monster he should of been the whole time. For christ sake a Mark Henry Big Show feud actually managed to be interesting! That makes him the winner by default I would say. I still think he should have held it until Mania and lost it to Sheamus or Bryan there as that would have been the perfect push for him but unfortunately injuries and so on just caught up with him.
The only thing I agree with is the fact that you state Sheamus will make a greater champion than Mark Henry. Mark Henry - the dominant force - is (dare I say it) almost at Big Show's in ring skill. Do you think he even put up a good PPV match while being the WHC?

Anyway, where did you get the idea that Jericho is likely to feud with Sheamus? You posted this about a couple of days after his 30 day suspension and after he stated this was his last title run!

BTW, I do respect your opinion.

Henry put up respectable matches at WHC, with someone like Henry a good match is different than with someone like CM Punk having a good match. Different styles, different psychology, different everything! Its apples and oranges really. BTW yes I do think he put on some good matches given his in ring skill.

Jericho is the type of person who plays the IWC like a violin because he know we will bite. They could always have Sheamus have a blow off match until Jericho comes back, maybe do a couple week program with someone like Rhodes and come feud with Jericho when he comes back. I assume his next real feud will probably be with Jericho or Orton though, regardless of the suspension. They already had Jericho pin Sheamus in this title run so they already laid the groundwork for it. Just because Sheamus is fighting someone else at No Way Out doesn't mean he can't have his next feud with Jericho. I should also say when I say feud, I mean a real feud, not just some random heel Sheamus defeats at No Way Out to kill some time between feuds.

Honestly, I think Jericho will be the next big feud Sheamus has when he comes back, he really is the best person for Sheamus to face for his summer feud probably culminating in a match at Summerslam. Just because Jericho is suspended doesn't mean he can't feud with Sheamus when its over. Not saying that's what will happen but its entirely possible.
Even if you compare both titles runs when at the same point in the title run I still say Henry's run was far more interesting. Henry's title run was must see T.V IMO at the time. He was just destroying everyone in his path. Plus Sheamus he just seems to get become extremely boring once becoming champion. I don't dislike Sheamus I just don't see the excitment in his run or the Awe like I did when Henry had the title last year.
Probably isn't true but there are rumours floating around that WWE are trying to make Sheamus the new "Supercena" and once his Merc sales match Cena's then Cena will heel turn. I myself laughed at this rumour because i prefer Cena as face and Sheamus as Heel. The Irishman works his tail off on both the main shows week in week out, he is pretty good in the ring and on the mic. Sheamus though even with the WHC just isn't interesting as a Face. As a heel he was Gold. he just has that heel look about him imo.

I Didn't care to much for Henry's run either, like an earlier poster stated his reign was all about Big Show, and a lot of the time i found myself skipping past Henry's matches even when he was champion (or if i was watching Live i thought great i can have a toilet break while Henry is on)

Apart from The Bryan/Sheamus match at Extreme Rules the title matches just havn't seemed that interesting.. (Maybe Smackdown being the B show degrades the title i don't know) When Del Rio became No.1 Condender recently i cringed, I find Del Rio really hard to watch at the best of times. I will sit through it just to see how the WHC picture unfolds.

It's a tough call for me who who's reign as WHC is better between Sheamus and Henry, as i think the title has needed a lift for a long time. Jericho was put in there to help this but that idea is out of the window now.

Will go with Henry based on the fact that Sheamus could pull some interest during his stint. Maybe when Barrett returns it could get interesting. Brit vs Brit for the WHC would certainly be something different and interesting.
I preferred Henry's. I admit he isn't great on the mike, not graceful in the ring. With those faults, it should have been a failure.

But it wasn't. His reign was a complete surprise, I had no idea that he would ever see a main event match let alone be WHC. He worked for me because he was different. He didn't try to be too fancy and do things that didn't work for him. He wasn't the greatest monster heel ever, but he played the monster heel well enough to keep fans (including myself) interested in watching. I would like to see another Henry run only if they write a more interesting run for him and possibly give him Abraham Washington as his manager/ mouthpiece.
Mark Henry's easily. I don't mind Sheamus in the ring but he never does anything that truly gets me invested in his character.

This. Mark's reign was awesome, because he portrayed his character so damn well. In all his promos he seemed so genuinely pissed that he was near tears. Shockingly good acting from the guy who had been smiling then promptly getting whooped by The Miz or MVP for the past four years or so.

Not Sheamus's fault necessarily, but I can't remember anything he's said on the mic, really. He sort of has no character right now, so it's hard to get into any feuds.

Also, from a booking standpoint, the 3-way feud between Bryan, Henry and Big Show was really, really well-conceived. Sheamus's booking has been much more lackluster.
Sheamus. Easily. His reign has not ended yet, so anything could happen, but it has already been memorable unlike Henry's reign because it was the worst World Heavyweight Championship reign since Khali. Henry's reign was awful and I cannot fathom how anyone liked it. He cannot be taken seriously as a top guy and his matches are boring. Henry's feuds with Orton, Big Show, and even against Bryan were all so boring. They tried so hard to make him into this "intomidating monster" but all his promos did was make me laugh at him.

Sheamus, on the other hand, 100% deserves his reign. He has good matches, great promos, and after only a couple of months has been far more entertaining than Henry was. The Bryan feud was great, as was the Fatal Fourway at the last PPV, I am even looking forward to the upcoming Del Rio match. With Sheamus' reign I anticipate each match, whereas with Henry I fast forwarded past most of his matches to spare me further boring torture and only anticipated him losing the title. You guys who picked Henry are entitled to your opinion but I strongly disagree. I just don't see it. Henry is boring AND a joke. Not a very good combination when looking for a potential World Champion.

WTF are u smoking? Henry by far. He was at his best on the mic, matches, and he wasn't cheesy like Sheamus. Come on dude go back and watch Henry's reign. WTH.
WTF are u smoking? Henry by far. He was at his best on the mic, matches, and he wasn't cheesy like Sheamus. Come on dude go back and watch Henry's reign. WTH.

First of all, I have never, nor will I ever, smoke anything. Secondly, did you even read my post!? I clearly stated "You guys who picked Henry are entitled to your opinion but I strongly disagree. I just don't see it. Henry is boring AND a joke. Not a very good combination when looking for a potential World Champion". I am entited to my opinion just as much as you, pal, and I happen to think Henry had the absolute worst reign since Khali. The man is such a joke that he can never be taken seriously. Finally, as for you asking me to go back and watch that awful title reign again? Forget it. I would never put myself through such torture. That reign was horrible and he should never even have held the belt. The matches against both Orton and Big Show were incredibly boring. Sheamus' reign is superior, it has already delivered good feuds. We will just have to agree to disagree.
Sheamus' run has been good but not as amazing as i thought it would be. He had really impressed me as a face which is something I was unsure he would do. The matches he had put on have been of a good quality and his mic-work has been very good.

Henry was also good. It was very refreshing and I'm glad that he finally got his run as a champ. He deserved it and I didn't hate his run although i hate watching him in the ring.

Overall, simply because he deserved, I would say i preferred Henry's but Sheamus' was of a better quality.
The other thing is Henry was clearly a transitional champion. Smackdown was supposed to be Orton's show, but WWE botched the whole damn thing. Christian has the belt, fans were behind him and then they made him lose the belt to Orton and have him become heel. Why is that a problem ? Orton is more comfortable as a face and imo, more effective and also, the fans had been dying for Christian to become champ and they didn't even get time to see how he would do or if they'd be all for it. Christian and Orton feud, the ratings for SD fall into the toilet for whatever reason. They scramble and take the belt off Orton, give it Henry who had higher tv ratings than Orton even though he isn't nearly as good in the ring. He has a short run until they find a way for Daniel Bryan to get it so that he can lose to Sheamus is less than 30 seconds at WM.

It's a tad bit unfair to compare Sheamus to Henry only because , Henry didn't get the duration as champ, and therefore the number of different challengers and/or matches that Sheamus is likely to get. But like Orton, Sheamus doesn't seem to be getting the ratings either, when he wrestles, so it might be a short reign also.
First of all, I have never, nor will I ever, smoke anything. Secondly, did you even read my post!? I clearly stated "You guys who picked Henry are entitled to your opinion but I strongly disagree. I just don't see it. Henry is boring AND a joke. Not a very good combination when looking for a potential World Champion". I am entited to my opinion just as much as you, pal, and I happen to think Henry had the absolute worst reign since Khali. The man is such a joke that he can never be taken seriously. Finally, as for you asking me to go back and watch that awful title reign again? Forget it. I would never put myself through such torture. That reign was horrible and he should never even have held the belt. The matches against both Orton and Big Show were incredibly boring. Sheamus' reign is superior, it has already delivered good feuds. We will just have to agree to disagree.

You say Henry is boring and praise Sheamus in the same post? You have some balls, my friend.

This is Mark Henry for me and it isn't even close. Why people are entertained by Sheamus is still a mystery to me. He's Irish and he loves to fight. What else is there? I saw it the first time with Finlay and liked it a whole lot better than. I have no reason to care about Sheamus. Henry put the fear of God in some people as JR will attest to that. The man was a force to be reckoned with. He had no mercy on his opponents. He beat Orton clean twice. Wake me up when Sheamus does that. Mark Henry doing commentary during a Bryan/Show match entertained more than anything Sheamus has ever done. You better recognize before you end up in the Hall of Pain.

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