**MERGED** - What's Next For Miz?

Will Miz ever be a world champ again?

  • Yes he will

  • I want him to be one but don't think he will

  • No he will not be a world champ again

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The question is exactly what the title says.

What is next for The Miz after his feud with R-Truth?
Do you ever see The Miz winning another world title?

Personally After the feud is over I hope he does get another run with the title. (I admit I may be a little bias though) To me he was one of the best WWE champions in awhile. He has had the longest world title reign since HHH's back in 08.

anyway what do you guys think?
I think it's probably too early to tell. The way they're building this current feud up, I could see this match being held off until Wrestlemania for the payoff. They'll interact in tag matches, they'll both probably end up in the Elimination Chamber, then they could end up settling everything at Mania. Shit, now that I think about it, they rarely ever end a program at Mania these days so odds are the feud will continue into the next PPV.

That's easily 4 months of programming to sit through and who knows how either man is going to look after it all? It may very well be Truth that ends up being the bigger star and seeing himself lined up for the next big push.

It wouldn't surprise me to see Miz shine through all of this, though. But it really depends on who the champion is, who the big time faces are, and how much relevance Miz has by the time it's all done with. 4 months is a long time in wrestling.
i think he'll feud with cm punk but prolly not until after mania. his feud with truth will prolly last till then and i don't see him and punk fighting for the title at mania this late in the game
I think he'll go on to feud with the WWE Champion after the feud with R-Truth. It's inevitable,Vince likes Miz,he won't let him slide down the cards.Worst case scenario,Miz gets a partner and wins the tag team titles,or he feuds with Ryder over the US title.

Personally,I'd like to see him on SmackDown. Miz vs. Daniel Bryan would be pretty interesting,considering they are polar opposites.
Miz is a valuable commodity as a singles wrestler and in whatever title hunt he may be in as one of the better heels currently on the roster. His value can really only go up from here, so there's no question that he'll be back in the WWE title hunt in due time. I never did take him too seriously back when he was the idiotic host of Tough Enough, so he has come a good long way since then. Someone that can seize opportunity like that will never be away from the spotlight for long.

I disagree that he needs to go to Smackdown though, but he could be instrumental in continuing to cement Daniel Bryan's heel push with a little camaraderie throwback to their NXT days. He's fine right where he is otherwise.
In my opinion they should definetley give him at least another run with the WWE/World Heavyweight Championship depending on which brand he is on following the WWE Draft, after his feud with R-Truth which I think should go all the way to Wrestlemania and not let them have a one-on-one match until then to hype it up (have them both in the Rumble obviously, and have them both in the Elimination Chamber), afterwards I think they should put the belt back on The Miz, whether on Smackdown or Raw and have him lose to the Champion at Extreme Rules and then win the belt at the following PPV which I presume will be Over the Limit. Then as I said he will lose the belt before the end of 2012, and then possibly win it back towards the end of the year.
In 2012 Miz needs to move to Smackdown and prove he can hold down a show. Be the face of the company. Vince has faith in him so prove it by letting him become the new edge. Miz could fued with many faces on Smackdown, orton daniel bryan sheamus maybe a face turn for christian and miz could fued with him. Give him the World heavyweight title and put him on top of the smackdown pile. I dnt believe it will happen but it should. Be a great shakeup. He can be an edge type guy. not in charactor or style but as the heel who everyone tries to get the title from. Defo best for Miz to prove his worth.
I think Miz should go on to SmackDown in the draft and there he will be one of the top superstars if not the top on SD so he can be World Heavy Weight Champion
i think miz will get many more title runs before his career is over but right now is dolph zigglers time to step up into the main event miz will end up either in the rumble match or he will face r-truth or do both and im sure miz will have a spot in the elimination chamber next month as for what he does at wrestlemania..if hes done with truth by then i have no idea who hes going to face but i just cant see him being in a mania match with truth but i dont see him in the title match...maybe money in the bank again? :shrug:
His feud with R-Truth will likely culminate in a WrestleMania match. That may seem a long way off, but if you think about it, they'll likely eliminate each other in the Royal Rumble to build up the grudge. No way they get a singles match there. There's been talk of having both of them in the Elimination Chamber, and with neither winning that would again build up the grudge even further. The only thing left after that is WrestleMania... I'm on board if they want to stretch this out over the next 4 months. We don't get enough long-term feuds, and I can't think of a better way to make these two seem important. What else is Miz or Truth going to do at Mania?

After WrestleMania they'll likely have a few matches and tag encounters against each other on Raw. Maybe a rematch at Extreme Rules with a gimmick thrown in - they really like doing that. At whatever the next PPV is, I could see them involving both of them in some sort of contender's thing, or putting them BOTH in a title match. Basically, I think this feud will solidify them both as main event guys, and they won't be rid of each other fully until well into 2012. Miz will, at some point, be a WWE or World Champion again, and I wouldn't be surprised if it happens before the year is up. Before SummerSlam even... You never know what happens in the draft, if there is one.

My predicted schedule:
Royal Rumble: Miz participates in the Rumble match, but does not win.
Elimination Chamber: Miz participates in the title/chamber match, but does not win.
WrestleMania: Miz vs. R-Truth
Extreme Rules: Miz vs. R-Truth with some sort of "extreme gimmick"
Over the Limit: Miz is involved in the WWE title match, which will likely be a multi-man match involving Truth as well, if they stay on the same brand
Bragging Rights: If they do SvR, Miz will likely be on one of the teams
Money in the Bank: If he's not champion, he'll be in the MITB Ladder match
SummerSlam: Wouldn't doubt if Miz is WWE Champion by this time
What is next for The Miz after his feud with R-Truth?

I see The Miz going over in his R-Truth feud then returning to world title scene, probably on The Smackdown roster. The Miz won't get another shot at CM Punk or Cena for awhile, it's just been done to death.

Do you ever see The Miz winning another world title?

Surely. Mark Henry got a three month reign, and he's nowhere near the star The Miz is. Even since he lost the title in May, The Miz has gotten alot of mic and TV time. The WWE isn't going to waste that momentum.
I would love to see CM Punk vs Y2J vs The Miz in a triple threat match at wrestlemania. This would still the show. All three stars are mega mic stars and will deliver at any cost. This will bring prestige back to wrestlemania and the wwe title. Dont expect miz to win the wwe this year. I see him winning the world title.
As much as I like Miz, I think he should stay off the title for a bit longer. The WWE is full of stars and champion contenders that putting him in the title picture again would seem way over crowded. Staying at the upper midcard to develop a little more and let the old guys retire and whatnot is what is best for Miz. He can have some awesome fueds that don't involve the WWE/WH title which alot of people seem to forget.

It is essential that WWE keep the Miz heel however because his character is too good to give up. Miz will definately be a world champion again, just not in the next few years.
I want him too one day. I think the issue is that he is a good heal but isn't the top heel at this point. I'm not even 100% if they are gonna give Truth a face turn so Miz is in a weird spot right now. Give it a little time to play out because all the champs are tied up right now and they need to finish a story for once
Okay it seems that miz will face thruth soon but surely this wont last to mania? with punk possibly facing jericho for the wwe championship surely one of the biggest stars cant be thrown in the money in the bank match. Ive thought of the easiest method to keep the miz relevant. Have mick foley cost miz the rumble by shockingly eliminating him from the match. Then get miz to beat down foley after the match. thenthe miz challenges foley for a match. foley doesn't answer until returning as mankind with rtruth in his corner for the lil jimmys!

What you all think?
I think they will stretch Miz and R-truth until mania. Foley and miz is a huge match that will make miz a star and give him credibility as a legitimate tough guy which is something he badly needs. Just look at what foley did for edge and orton. Unfortunately I think this mania will be too rushed, and it would have to happen afterwards. possibly summerslam
Foley would be great but I think he might just win the MITB. All the top ppl are getting their shots at the title except for Miz, and this is a great time for him to cash in and look more dominant doing it.

Another idea I have is making Cena vs Rock for the WWE title then Miz wins the MITB and cashes in during the middle of the match and wins the title. Cenas beat down and lauriatis says the match isnt over which allows Rock to beat Cena and walk away from the WWE without having the title.
When was the last time we've seen a Double-Turn? I think that's exactly what we need with The Miz and R-Truth.

Truth can become a fan-favorite trying to mess with Miz. But when The Miz wins a WWE title match against CM Punk on Raw, Truth's obsessive side breaks out and he costs Miz the match by beating Miz up. He beats him so badly Miz is taken out for a few weeks. Then Truth starts cutting promos about how it isn't his fault and that Miz took him out first. Faces like Punk, Cena and others can start antagonizing him saying he hasn't changed, and Truth can lash out attacking them. One day when he's attacking Zack Ryder for the same reasons, The Miz comes back and saves Zack solidifying him as a face.

Zack and Truth have a US title match at Elimination Chamber, and Miz helps Ryder win the match and then celebrates with him. The night after, Truth beats the living hell out of Zack Ryder taking him out of action and forcing Zack to relinquish the US title. This brings out hate from all of the Broskis out there and Truth becomes a top heel again while Miz challenges him to a Street Fight at WrestleMania.

Zack eventually feels better and accompanies Miz to the ring at WrestleMania as insurance for the crowd to respond to Miz's face turn. And when Miz beats Truth, Zack and Miz film a post-celebration for Ryder's web show.

After that, Miz is drafted to Smackdown and becomes the top face over feuding with Jericho and eventually becoming World Heavyweight Champion.
I think the R-Truth/Miz will go on into WM. I dont think there will be a one on one match between them till Mania. Maybe one on on RAW that ends in no contest. I see the fued going into the Royal Rumble match and one of them eliminates the other. Then I could see them both in the Elimination Chamber match where they continue their fued in the match. Finally to cap it off at WM with some type of stipulation.

As for after Mania. I would really like to see Miz get drafted to SD and be the top heel on SD. Im hoping for an Orton return as a heel and back on raw so maybe Miz will take his spot on SD. Unlikely though.
Miz miz mizzzz....

When he was against cena and holding the "pride" for the anti-cena crowd, i liked him. However i always felt he had the Edge syndrome.

Build, or lack of.

I (hate to say this) agree with Batista's recent comments about people just not looking like they can beat someone up.

Go back a few years circa 2001 when E&C were going solo, the wrestlers were bigger built and Edge looked out of place as a heavyweight, just didnt make me believe he could win matches properly.

Nowadays i believe the "build" is a lot smaller generally, yet Miz still looks like he has a 12yr old boy's physique.

Yes i may be tainted by growing up with 80s wrestling but i do think Miz needs to do a couple of things:
1) look like he could fight out of a paper bag
2) work a bit more inring
3) Give Evan Bourne back his corner clothesline

Characterwise i love Miz, i just think he needs to hit the gym a bit more.

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