**MERGED** What Are They Going To Do With Jericho IF He Returns?

Yeah, you're not alone good buddy, I don't wanna see the winey Big Show bitch we saw last time... Yeah I went there! LOL.

But something tells me that when Jericho took the time off he was really contemplating not coming back and he did! Which tells me that someone like Y2J will not risk his health and come back without good reason and I don't that reason was to walk down the ring in a $30 suit calling people hypocrites again... At least I hope not. :-/

To be honest, Jericho in my opinion needs to be a face, NOT a heel because there's a whole bunch of heels at the moment and those heels are mostly young and could benefit from fueding with a veteran like Chris. So this is why I hope our Mr. Jericho can become a face and maybe sell some Y2J merchandise and kiss babies...

Plus I would love to see him fued with guys like Dolph, Cody and ESPECIALLY Wade, being that he was his mentor in NXT, there's some good bad blood grapes that can be made into some delicious wine!
Long time Wrestlezone fan. First time poster. I had to comment because, as a Jericho fan, hell as a wrestling fan, his promo skills when he turned heel in 2008 until 2010 were some of the best promo work he has ever done. His promos and his matches, according to Chris himself, were some of the best he's ever done. Sure we can get the catch phrases, the glitz and the glammer, Raw Is Jericho, Never...EEEVVEEER, but why? When he talks low it makes you want to listen. If you were a wrestling fan you wouldn't walk away from the tv. You would care what he has to say because it's important.

RKO the world, you want a "cold manacle" (I assume you mean maniacal and not a handcuff), yet you say you hated his late heel character. That WAS cold and maniacal. Also, people don't scoop to levels, they stoop to them.

It almost doesn't matter because part of the reason he's back is to show that even though people can steal your gimmick, your style of promo and your moves, Jericho can comeback and reinvent himself and make you love or hate him in a different way than before.

I guess you would want Kane to all of a sudden go back to using the voice box too?
Last time Jericho was a heel, people here were literally in awe of how crazy good he apparently was. People claimed him as one of the best heels ever in WWE.

And at the time, I saw him so over-rated and so stale. Now obviously at first his monotone, no emotion, boring persona was a great idea to be a heel, but it literally was like that for 8 months. Every week was the same thing. He came out in his suit, picked up the mic, called the fans hypocrites, termites, etc. and someone would just interrupt and so on. It went on for months. His matches were once interesting and just became slow, boring, and painful to watch. He was being praised for what he did, while Cena's reputation was being puked on 10x more for the same reason (granted Cena's gimmick has been running the same for 5 years).

So no, I absolutely do not want to see that Jericho return. We don't need anymore uninteresting characters, we already have an entire company made up of that.
I doubt he will be the suit wearing, slow talking Jericho this time. I think we're gonna see a different version of Y2J we've never seen before. Y2J but not Y2J if you know what I mean. The last incarnation of Jericho was the best ever. BEST. He won't be like he was then tho.
I really dont think Jericho will do the same thing. He said himself before that he likes to change up his character everytime he comes back and do something different. I still don't know what he's going to do this time around.

But the one time I really hope that doesn't happen is that he gets the IC title again. He doesn't need it. I don't think he needs to help elevate the title and give it credibility because the young guys seem to be in the right direction to do that. This young guys are doing wonders and the wwe has worked very hard lately to move this guys up and make them seem like legit challengers. We got Wade Barrett "call me crazy" im also going to say Jack Swagger and with Jack Swagger being with Vickie that may not be a bad idea and give Vickie more credibilty from moveing people up. Eventually you could through Brodus Clay in that picture as well. Also we could put Drew McIntyre in this picture. So you see there are a few of the names that I tossed around that can benifit from the IC title more then Jericho and im sure this young guys are more then able to help continue what Rhodes has done.

So Jericho do what ever you want except go for the IC title again.
i hope his character is exactly what we saw last week...he comes out overacting like a baby face with no promos...to clearly make fun of how stupid the fans are and how silly the whole babyface catering to the fans gimic is...its actually very funny...jericho use to disrespect the fans calling them parasites he goes away returns and they love him again...
The whole No Country for Old Men thing was weird. I didn't hate it but I didn't feel like that was the Jericho I grew up with in the early 00s and late 90s
To the guy wanting Jericho to "scare" Taker how in the world can you scare the Dead Man? You can't because Taker has battled everyone and beat everyone so that one is out. I just hope whoever he works with it is worth the time and money they pay him cause the WWE needs it. Punk sucks as champ and they have to get that belt off him.
I think I have an idea where they maybe going with this. I have a feeling it is going to be a "Actions speak louder than Words" thing, maybe he intervenes and costs Punk the title at RR?

Im not to sure but it seems like what they maybe doing with him, 2 weeks of not speaking being "overwhelmed"

Anyone else think the same?
I don't know if anyone's posted this but it's something that crossed my mind.

Jericho is very happy and is the Y2J version of himself now when he said he would no longer pander to the people.

MAYBE, just MAYBE, they're going with a Chris Jericho with memory loss angle (From being punted hard in the head). It seems like his character has completely forgotten who he was last time. What if his character doesn't remember the last time he returned? What if he thinks this is his second run?

Obviously the real Chris Irvine knows, but speaking from a Kayfabe perspective he could have memory loss from being punted. Or perhaps his character is just a little bit 'special' in the head from the punt.

It just seems very strange and yes I know the whole, oh he's just getting the cheers over and done with before turning heel but it just seems very strange <.<
I don't know if anyone's posted this but it's something that crossed my mind.

Jericho is very happy and is the Y2J version of himself now when he said he would no longer pander to the people.

MAYBE, just MAYBE, they're going with a Chris Jericho with memory loss angle (From being punted hard in the head). It seems like his character has completely forgotten who he was last time. What if his character doesn't remember the last time he returned? What if he thinks this is his second run?

Obviously the real Chris Irvine knows, but speaking from a Kayfabe perspective he could have memory loss from being punted. Or perhaps his character is just a little bit 'special' in the head from the punt.

It just seems very strange and yes I know the whole, oh he's just getting the cheers over and done with before turning heel but it just seems very strange <.<

Wow. I never even thought of that at all. If they go that direction, you deserve tons of credit for even thinking of that! Well done sir.

For Jerichos return so far, its so obvious they are just delaying Jericho and Punk until the rumble. I think they screwed the return up a bit though. I thought the return was genious, but the second week killed it completely. I tuned in this week hoping we get Jericho revealing something, anything really, and we just got the same thing last week in just a different fashion. Instead of him smiling hes crying /:
I feel a lot of people lost interest this week and Jericho lost a lot of steam now. Hopefully next week Jericho can regain it, I watch Raw every week so me not tuning in because Jericho is "boring" right now isn't an issue, but it may be for the casual fans.
Jericho has referred to himself as the 'Madonna of wrestling' before and in a sense he is. Since his debut he has gone through a series of character developments that have made his angles and returns memorable. I think when he turned heel against Shawn Michaels his persona was awesome.

But. Is it just me, or does anyone miss Y2J of old?
The latest I've read on the Jericho situation seems to confirm something that most of us have suspected but with a bit of a twist.

Based on what I've read, the current plan suggests that Jericho is going to win the Royal Rumble. In all honesty, I think that's something we all expected the moment we realized, rationalized or simply found out that it was going to be Jericho returning. Allegedly, the idea is for Jericho to keep silent until after the Rumble, in which he'll give his big victory speech where he'll also wind up calling out CM Punk.

Jericho can talk and WWE knows that people want to hear him talk, so it looks like they're going to be milking this for a bit longer, if this is indeed the legit plan.

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