**MERGED** What Are They Going To Do With Jericho IF He Returns?

I would like to see Jericho return to SD just in time for Christians return and enter a month long feud with him to get rid of any "Ring Rust" and just ease back into it rather than go straight in to a feud with the "new face" of the WWE and champion, Punk. With Orton gone for half a year, SD needs a new main eventer to step up and Big Show, Sheamus and even Christian bore the shit out of me at the moment... But I did love the Jericho/Christian feud of '04.

However, more likely than not Y2J will return to get angry at Punk for putting some words of the back of his T-Shirt... :disappointed:
I think that the WWE is going to try to fake us all out with this.

What will happen is either at the beginning or middle of the show, they will make the "big reveal" of the 1/2/12 character and it will be Brodus Clay or Skip Sheffield or something.
Then at the end of the night, during the Punk vs. Ziggler match, the Jericho countdown will come on the Titantron and everyone will go crazy. Jericho will then come down to the ring (with Stephanie in tow), and cut a promo against Punk, thus starting the feud.
I gotta say Jericho is probably due for a return and wants his Mania pay off, but consider the posibility that Jericho isn't working the internet and actually WWE has really worked all of us....

Think about the promo itself....why the little red head girl? For those thinking that it's Stephanie why a red head to depict her?....couldn't find a little brown haired girl to stand around and coyly smile? I don't think it's Steph and I don't think it's Jericho.


The Edge character would totally relish in pulling a super swerve like this and the return promo would be phenomenal. He could reference the fake tears, farewell t-shirts, putting over Christian as a final act...it would be heeltacular and priceless. I mean think about it...what if he just needed a surgery and/or lots of recoop time?

I think Edge feuds w/ Punk because Edge owes him one for cashing in his 1st MITB on him, "And he is coming to reclaim what's his." Also Lita and Punk have history.
Personally I think that he should start out by having a feud with skip scheffield which would solve 2 problems... And then he should go for Zack Ryder's U.S. Title. And then from there he can regain the title (BEST IN THE WORLD)
i kinda hope its not jericho that comes back. i like Y2J, but after he came back with the Save Me junk he became dumb. he not funny, or entertaining. and he is getting old. he would feud with Punk, then what? maybe Ziggler? im hoping its not the undertaker either, for the same reasons... I hope its Vince McMahon and some change will be brought to the WWE. ATTITUDE ERA NEEDS TO MAKE A COMBACK!
That wouldn't make any sense.

Don't you remember before Orton punted him off WWE TV, he was about to announce the GM. Said he had traced the IP address.

The girl in the video is Stephanie ("She holds the key to my arrival"). Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley is the GM and she will take over for John Lauranitis. She has been the one he has been texting and is pulling the strings. She lowered the Hell In A Cell allowing Truth and Miz to destroy Punk. She sent Nash in to take out Punk. She kept turning Punks microphone off. This was all revenge for embarrassing her, her father, and husband......essentially the entire McMahon family.

"How many times did you say: 'Well ya know I just don't think he has what it takes' while you are lying in bed with your wife?"
~CM Punk to Triple H on Monday August 8, 2011

"Are you gonna beat me up, you gonna fight me you gonna punch me in the face? Or do you have to ask your wife's permission first?"
~CM Punk to Triple H on Monday August 8, 2011

"You don't wear the pants in the family, but you do wear her panties don't you? ... Pipe Bomb!" ~CM Punk to Triple H on Monday August 29, 2011

Jericho is angry with Punk for referring to himself as "The Best In The World". Jericho has often said. "I'm the best in the world at what I do." And used to call himself the "King of the World." Stephanie and Jericho have some sort of arrangement, he holds off announcing her and he can have whatever he wants. Like a chance to prove to CM Punk who the Best in the World truly is, on the grandest stage of them all......Wrestlemania.

"The world will never be the same again."

"Do you understand?"

Anyone who actually thinks that Jericho is not the one who will be returning next week is an "ass-clown" and an "ignoramus".

And he is NOT going to be the GM.

"He's coming back to reclaim what is rightfully his."

The World......The Universe.

He can't reclaim what he never had, so he's not gonna be the GM.

The only part I want to know is.....where does Triple H fit into all of this and why wouldn't he be apart of this and why would he face taker if all of this is going on?

Plus he still is COO is he not?

This is what I am hoping for, Jericho would give Punk a top star contender and Steph would give him an authority figure that he could really unload on and that the crowd would understand better as they know her.


As you can see at the link above Steph has gotten into fantastic shape and it wouldn't surprise me at all if she came back.

I'm also interested in how Jericho presents himself, he said if he ever came back he wouldn't rehash his two previous characters, so given the darkness of the vignettes I could see him showing up with a very different look and presentation than we've seen before.
I would like to see him in authority type role, like GM of RAW. That would be awesome. With his serious gimmick, it would fit perfectly. You can have Steph be his assistant or something and put CM Punk through hell until before Mania, setting up the said match between Punk and Jericho. When you think about it, would you rather see Punk argue with Johnny Ace or Chris Jericho? Don't worry, I'll wait. Johnny is a simple interim and if I'm not correct, didn't Vince say that the full time GM wouldn't be from the McMahon family? This fits perfectly.
I would like to see him in authority type role, like GM of RAW. That would be awesome. With his serious gimmick, it would fit perfectly. You can have Steph be his assistant or something and put CM Punk through hell until before Mania, setting up the said match between Punk and Jericho. When you think about it, would you rather see Punk argue with Johnny Ace or Chris Jericho? Don't worry, I'll wait. Johnny is a simple interim and if I'm not correct, didn't Vince say that the full time GM wouldn't be from the McMahon family? This fits perfectly.

Thank you because you agreed to my point. Returning as GM is such a fluent way to put Jericho into a fitting storyline.

But what about Orton? He needs to deal with Orton if he punted him but I guess Ortons out of action!
A feud with Punk is the biggest possibility seeing as the man that took him out, Orton, is injured. Of course I see them feuding once Orton once he returns and going to Smackdowon but as it stands a rivalry with all the top RAW guys seems like the logical idea. Once the Punk thing gets old, that'll probably be 2-3 months into the rivalry he could feud with Cody as he seems to work better when involved with experienced talent in the ring (Orton, Rey, and most recently Booker). Then the heel turn and a rivalry with Orton happens.
I can't see them putting Jericho on Smackdown. If anything, they'd bring Orton to RAW, but they're not going to do that anytime soon, either, since Orton is their Smackdown face. They don't have to feud...there's been plenty of times where a returning star hasn't feuded with the guy who "took him out."
That wouldn't make any sense.

Don't you remember before Orton punted him off WWE TV, he was about to announce the GM. Said he had traced the IP address.

The girl in the video is Stephanie ("She holds the key to my arrival"). Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley is the GM and she will take over for John Lauranitis. She has been the one he has been texting and is pulling the strings. She lowered the Hell In A Cell allowing Truth and Miz to destroy Punk. She sent Nash in to take out Punk. She kept turning Punks microphone off. This was all revenge for embarrassing her, her father, and husband......essentially the entire McMahon family.

"How many times did you say: 'Well ya know I just don't think he has what it takes' while you are lying in bed with your wife?"
~CM Punk to Triple H on Monday August 8, 2011

"Are you gonna beat me up, you gonna fight me you gonna punch me in the face? Or do you have to ask your wife's permission first?"
~CM Punk to Triple H on Monday August 8, 2011

"You don't wear the pants in the family, but you do wear her panties don't you? ... Pipe Bomb!" ~CM Punk to Triple H on Monday August 29, 2011

Jericho is angry with Punk for referring to himself as "The Best In The World". Jericho has often said. "I'm the best in the world at what I do." And used to call himself the "King of the World." Stephanie and Jericho have some sort of arrangement, he holds off announcing her and he can have whatever he wants. Like a chance to prove to CM Punk who the Best in the World truly is, on the grandest stage of them all......Wrestlemania.

"The world will never be the same again."

"Do you understand?"

Anyone who actually thinks that Jericho is not the one who will be returning next week is an "ass-clown" and an "ignoramus".

And he is NOT going to be the GM.

"He's coming back to reclaim what is rightfully his."

The World......The Universe.

He can't reclaim what he never had, so he's not gonna be the GM.

The only part I want to know is.....where does Triple H fit into all of this and why wouldn't he be apart of this and why would he face taker if all of this is going on?

Plus he still is COO is he not?

Why does the little girl have to symbolize a female? The narrative spoken states, "A familiar force will return... On the eve of my arrival", it isn't our arrival, it is one sole entity. People have developed several different things these videos could symbolize, Stephanie McMahon isn't one. Why would WWE promote the return of someone who featured on television only three months ago three weeks in a row?

Little girl doesn't have to symbolize a female, it could easily stand for CM Punk. Girl is trying to peak into the boys notepad, is unable, boy stands in the corner and the girl reads what he has wrote, the boy standing in the corner could easily represent Jericho stepping away, the girl takes what is wrote and implements it, e.g "Best In The World", the familiar back to the crowd pose, using the odd same manuevers and the slightly similar personalities. The girl is standing under the spotlight while the little boy is in the dark.

This is another one of the theories people are conjugating as to how some female like Stephanie McMahon will accompany this person. If the videos are anything to go by the girl and the boy represent two different stories, they aren't aligned.

Tomorrow night Chris Jericho returns, just Chris Jericho.
Won't Jericho have to eat his words seeing as he's kinda been denying it left in right on twitter?Anyway if were talking storyline wise i think he just causes a distraction for punk,punk loses the belt to ziggler,Jericho doesn't inerfere he just stares at punk from the entrance ramp. Then a few seconds late Lauranitis just to the entrance and stands next to jericho and smiles. Jericho doesn't speak, he doesnt move,he doesnt even flinch, he just keeps his gaze on punk and the show ends. Punk and jericho are in the rumble. Jericho wins.Ziggler loses the title at elimination chamber back to punk.
I have no idea who it is but I'm hoping it's Goldberg. Goldberg is the ONLY man that can improve ratings to where Vince wants them. Goldberg has never stopped being the man and he is without a doubt the best in pro wrestling history.
Jericho is returning at Raw tomorrow night. What Im hoping happens is that as Punk vs Ziggler is nearing the climax of their WWE Title fight, the lights go out in the arena and they play the final "It Begins" clip on the Titantron. The crowd will be making serious noise and then silence.
BANG, THE theme of Brock Lesnar is nplayed. The crowd will go nuts, the commentators sell the shit out if, could it be, could it be......as the lights come back on we see Jericho in the ring with Punk completely laid out, Ziggler has run off thinking Lesnar is coming out but its actually Jericho. He will have INSTANT heat as he will have fooled the IWC and the crowd and the closing moment is John Lauranitis standing on the ramp, texting on his phone. Jericho has returned, flattened the WWE Champion and giving the impression he is aligned with Lauranitis
Well, Jericho is back. No matter how confusing his return was, they need a strong Y2J type face role out of Chris Jericho to keep Cena heel after (or I guess 'if') he turns. Jericho v. Taker doesn't make much sense to me personally, but what I do know is the man, Chris Jericho will be a good locker room role model for the up and comers like Ziggler, Ryder, Swagger and definetly Cody Rhodes.

What I would like to see out of Jericho is a Jericho/CM Punk fued. Just like Mysterio vs. Guerrero from back in the day, I think a Jericho/Punk program would be PHENOMENAL!! Either one of those 2 can be the heel, and either one of them could be the face, it's a match made in heaven! Pure Gold, WWE, don't let it slip away.
Jericho got boo'ed because the Memphis crowd was slow to realize how badly they all just got played. Jericho's entire return was to set him up as a heel, not a face. he was MOCKING the crowd. It just took them a little while to figure it out, and then they got mad that they weren't smart enough to figure it out quickly. People don't like being the butt of a joke, and they most definitely were.
Quite simply one of the best returns ever. Definitely unique. Everyone thought he was back as y2j and just went crazy. The jacket was perfect too, then he just left after completely trolling the entire audience. Jericho, well played good sure.
Quite simply one of the best returns ever. Definitely unique. Everyone thought he was back as y2j and just went crazy. The jacket was perfect too, then he just left after completely trolling the entire audience. Jericho, well played good sure.

I gotta say that the reason why this is getting mixed responses is all got to do with the WWE not executing the entrance properly. I mean, they were taking a risk with him coming out with this stint - was it worth it?
do the same style of promo/talking he was doing before he left. That slow delivery, suit wearing heel

i believe he always said if he came back he would be different. Still think hes going to play some sort of full of himself heel similar to what he did during his WCW days. Maybe some sort of mix. I dont think he can be full face Y2J rocker type , and i dont think he can be that slow delivery suit wearing heel either

has to be different, wouldn't surpise me either if they have bigger and better things for him than just throw him in a feud with Punk. Seems to obvious, especially considering the recent reports of Punk-Laurinatus feud escalating further

Who knows, guess the crowd will decide, i kinda miss the days when the crowd dictated who was face/heel based on reaction, instead of being force fed reactions
That whole talking slow thing he did before he left was awful. It made me want to punch him in the face and wish he'd never talk. Why scoop to that level when he is in my opinion one of the top 5 guys on the mic in the last decade. When he would talk and cut a promo I literally got up and walked away from the t.v since I wasn't ready to sleep. He used big words, spoke soft, and then when it was over I never understood what the blue hell he was talking about. I was happy when he left because he seriously needs to "reinvent" himself again.

I miss the long hair, bad ass Jericho who would tear you apart in serious fashion with just the mic. Jericho when he debuted as the rock star gimmick was on fire. It was one of his best runs during his time in WWE. His promos were solid, fun, entertaining and actually worth the listening.

I hope he doesn't come back as the "Rocker" Jericho but more of just him being him. He has earned the right to be Jericho and do whatever he wants to do. As long as it isn't the whole slow monotone boring Jericho he was back then. I would like him to be a heel as he is one of the best heels in the business. I also don't want to see a Punk/Jericho feud. I'd rather see him take on The Undertaker and this is why he is here. The end begins for The Undertaker!

Now that I think of it, I think Jericho should become a cold manacle person and want to take out Taker unlike the last victims haven't been able to do. His promos should be cold, dark and tainted to try to scare the dead man. Jericho has yet to be a really cold dark character before so this would be fun to see.
That's not what Jericho will do, if he did it would go against everything he stands for in Wrestling. Like you said he always talks about being new and fresh especially when returning and I think that he'll bring in a new style. When he came out as the slow talking suit wearing guy he was going for a Nick Bockwinkel look and used the big vocabulary like him but the slow talking was something he took from a character from No Country For Old Men.
I feel like this time around he's playing a lighter heel, not that he won't be ruthless but I think he's going to be more joking and open. If there's one thing I know about Chris it's that he evolves with the business and always delivers, don't give up on him and he'll give us an unforgettable run.
Jericho is so unpredictable (except with when he is going to return). What we saw last night could potentially be NOTHING like what he is going to be doing. He could become something like what we saw from The Rock after he made his first couple movies. Rocky became a larger than life movie actor and let Hollywood get to his head and became an insulting heel that acted as if the fans still loved him despite being an arrogant cocky asshole. Then again, maybe Jericho could be playing a heel like he did last time. He didn't want to give the fans what they wanted and thus changed his entire persona to a boring, egotistical, maniacal, calculating, slow talking, and intelligent heel. Maybe he will just with hold his speaking and let his in ring work and actions speak for themselves. It would be the ultimate slap in the face to the fans that love him so much. With hold what they love the most about him. His speaking abilities.
His comments regarding coming back as a new, fresh character could just be part of a larger work that we have been sucked into. I liked the heel that he most recently played, he did a good job ticking off the fans with all of the characteristics described above and helping to put over other guys.

Regardless of what he does, he is one of the few guys who I will give the benefit of the doubt and have patience with whatever he is trying to accomplish.
Jericho is the kind of guy that can make any character interesting as well as fun to watch week in and week out.

When he is a heel, he manages to tick people of with his slow, monologue voice that annoys many including me. When he is face he is an exciting, screaming, and enthusiastic son of a bitch. For me I have no preference of one over the other. Sure a face personality would replenish the interest on him, rather than him doing the same shtick again, but I doubt he would not be able to make a heel character intriguing, if he chose to go that route. In the end the point is that Chis Jericho, a veteran, fantastic talent, and an all-around great asset, has returned to WWE and now we are going to see some very enthralling storylines in the coming week, whether he be a hyper fun face or a devilish heel.
dont worry you arent crazy. I dont want jericho doing the same thing.

However, it wont be a problem because he is the best in the game at reinventing himself. We will get a new brilliant heel character from jericho. Just wait and see.

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