**MERGED** What Are They Going To Do With Jericho IF He Returns?

The Architect of Anarchy

Leannardo Da Vinci of Pro Wrestling
I know there's high speculation at the theory that Jericho could be our 1/2/11 guy. So IF were that to become true - what kind of feud or story-line do you think he should be involved in once he comes back to Monday Night Raw.

You should only answer this thread considering it as a theory! It's just what people think and it's still not true!

So with that being said, I think in my opinion, Taker will be hungry when he returns for a worthy opponent, Wade Barrett isn't even considered worthy because of his lack of experience and I know he's a great heel and he's talented, but nowhere near the Taker's level or legacy. Jericho on the other, hand , if he has been working out during hiatus, then I'm sure they'll put on hell of a match at Wrestlemania. Jericho is a great heel and can put Punk to shame on the mic! The guy has talent and experience.

That's one thing they could put him in. Or even make him feud with Cena? Why you ask? Well, Cena is really getting heat and is being forced to turn heel, Jericho has a problem with him and will come to save us from Cena's bad jokes and ect, then he'll bring back the atittude era with him maybe??

Well then you have that theory with Stephanie McMahon as they've been linked before in the past. So what how can they be put into a storyline?

I made this thread because I wanted to know what ideas you guys had for Jericho's future if he's made a possible return in the company.
I think the most logical thing would be to have him feud with CM Punk. He "stole" the best in the world bit from Jericho, so that's basis enough to start something. Plus, I think the two of them would have a spectacular match.
part of me wants him to come back as Y2J but odds are he'll be that annoying guy in a suit going "I am the best in the world at what I do" and will probably feud with punk... or he could come back as a face and maybe try and save the WWE from a heel again... maybe the miz?

Either way I'm looking forward to him coming back even if it will most likely be a part time basis!
I, too, think, if, he comes back it will be to feud with Punk to but punk over as the best in the world. I can't see him feuding with the undertaker as long as Triple H. and Kane are around. I wish he would bring back the attitude era, but, I wouldn't get my hopes up. With a big kid fan base, the WWE will probably stay pg for a while yet, unfortunately. with those criptic messages for the 2nd of january, it fits jericho well. It says something like only she knows of my return or something. Maybe Stephanie will return on january 2nd to let us know she's back in control and she's brought the best back with her to get the WWE on track.
There is NO chance that the attitude era will return with Jericho or any other late 90's/early new millenium wrestler. That era was filled with some of the best mic talent in the history of wrestling, Austin, Rock, Jericho, Hall, HBK, Foley, HHH...just to name a few. All this would be would be Jericho. Cena is not attitude- he is too corny. Maybe Orton could- but hes not very good on the mic. Punk doesnt have the look or style to draw long term. Ziggler may have a future but I doubt will ever be a top drawing guy.

If Jericho returns it wont amount to anything too exciting. He is getting old and he was getting fat last time we saw him. If he comes back not in great shape then lets be honest, it will be mediocre at best.
Jericho has unfinished business with Orton and a war brewing with Punk, i'd either or both of those is there plan, if it was me i'd put him with Punk get some retribution then put Punk over that much more.

all the while turn up on a PPV or Smackdown and cost Orton a match.

Taker vs Jericho i dunno, looks good on paper

but whatever it is it's likely only gonna be between end of February and end of April as Fozzy are booked up for touring and recording outside of that according to there website.
I myself would want the suit wearing, "best in the world" Jericho back. Jericho was the perfect character when he left. By far my favorite incarnation of Chris.

However I believe he will feud with Punk leading to a match at Wrestlemania. It would be a solid undercard main event and an interesting and entertaining storyline. I hope it's Jericho who returns. If not then I'm sure I'll be surprised by whoever it is. I have absolutely no idea who it could be and I will stray from any article that may give hints or something.
He would feud with punk. They would put on a few great matches. Then Jericho would move on to some other guy. I mean he could have a good feud with cena or Kane. Hell he could feud with ziggler or he could form a tag team with the miz.
If you look at Fozzy's schedule, after Wrestlemania they get pretty busy. I honestly think he'd return like The Rock. A few appearances, promote a match, then after Wrestlemania go back to Fozzy. But he'd definitely feud with Punk. But I think that's the only thing he will have time for.
Given the subtext of the vignettes and couple it with Jonny Ace's texting fetish, I'm going for Steph attempting a coo on Hubby's COO position and Chris is going to be the guy to provide the muscle. The history is there between Steph & Jericho and the Billion Dollar Princess being miffed at the WWe board looking past her to put, junior member, Trips into her Dad's role writes itself.

I didn't really enjoy Taker against Trips at WM, so I've no desire for it to be 'same again' this year. For a twist, I'd like to see a heel Taker taking on a top line face (Orton?) as I think this could provide a, slight, belief that he may not win.
Given the subtext of the vignettes and couple it with Jonny Ace's texting fetish, I'm going for Steph attempting a coo on Hubby's COO position and Chris is going to be the guy to provide the muscle. The history is there between Steph & Jericho and the Billion Dollar Princess being miffed at the WWe board looking past her to put, junior member, Trips into her Dad's role writes itself.

I didn't really enjoy Taker against Trips at WM, so I've no desire for it to be 'same again' this year. For a twist, I'd like to see a heel Taker taking on a top line face (Orton?) as I think this could provide a, slight, belief that he may not win.

Not only that, if Jericho does return with the billion dollar princess by his side and goes after Punk for stealing his "best in the world" bit, Punk has also had some not so nice things to say about Stephanie.
Not only that, if Jericho does return with the billion dollar princess by his side and goes after Punk for stealing his "best in the world" bit, Punk has also had some not so nice things to say about Stephanie.

Part and parcel, milady. Both CM and HHH are having their issues with Laurinaitis, but mere insults would be a slight reason initially for Steph to be involved if Punk was the initial target. Your hubby having more power in YOUR inheritance, however... now that's something to be miffed about!

However, I suppose they might actually follow the old theory of the power that comes with being WWe Champion to target Punk and bolster their position against Trips though.
Part and parcel, milady. Both CM and HHH are having their issues with Laurinaitis, but mere insults would be a slight reason initially for Steph to be involved if Punk was the initial target. Your hubby having more power in YOUR inheritance, however... now that's something to be miffed about!

However, I suppose they might actually follow the old theory of the power that comes with being WWe Champion to target Punk and bolster their position against Trips though.

Very true. I could see it either way. But I'm personally hoping IF it is Jericho that we see Jericho/Punk play out. I think they'd give a good match.
Based on reports I've read, the idea has been for Jericho to feud with CM Punk for the WWE Championship. Plans can often change, however.

There've been talk & rumors that WWE might take the title off Punk soon. If that doesn't happen, however, then Punk needs a high quality opponent going into WrestleMania and Chris Jericho can most definitely provided that. Both can deliver on the mic, both are loaded with charisma and a WM match between then has potential classic written all over it.

If Jericho does return next week, I'd rather see him go after Punk at this point than anything else. It'll be a great program for both of them and will deliver some damn good promo segments and in-ring action.
Since he is expected to return....

What role will he have in the company?

Well, he might have a feud with CM Punk as people are speculating for the 'best in the world' title as promos 'kind of' show it. However, what better way to feud with CM Punk if he becomes Raw Gm and takes over half the company.

How could this be possible?

Stephanie is also linked with Chris Jericho by wrestling enthusiasts in the cryptic promos. Since Stephanie is against Punk because of him foul-mouthing her, there would be no doubt if she returned as a WWE executive, she'd get revenge on Punk!

So Steph might put Jericho as Raw GM! Both of them have socialized with each other before over in the attitude era.

How would this effect stroylines and the landcape of the company?
Alot of change, you could find the WWE Championship change hands due to Jericho enforcing the rules and ect.

What about John Lauranitis

He repeated his role like 30 times over the past couple of months that he is interim! So, Jericho could squeeze into this role like butter.

So give me your thoughts on this, this is my thought, not my view on what might happen but what if!

Pause at 4:45
To be honest, I've been thinking the exact same thing. If Jericho wouldn't be coming back to "wrestle", then maybe coming back to "entertain". They said that the full time GM wouldn't be someone from the McMahon Family and it would certainly be a great swerve in the storyline of Punk and his "Quest for Change" in the WWE. He really could fit the role with the fact that he has a much more serious character as opposed to back when he was the "Ayatollah of Rock'n'Rolla".
It would be fun if that happens, one of the reasons is that the WWE fans love to hate him, and having him enforce his power might make his relationship with the fans more entertaining, plus he has some unfinished business with Randy Orton, so it will definitly be something very interesting to see..........
I like the idea. I also can only imagine Chris Jericho and CM Punk cutting classic promos. However at same time I want to see where all this is going between John Lauranitis and CM Punk as it has been buildimg for quite some time.
I still think Jericho is one of the more likely candidates to be the identity behind the cryptic videos. With that being said, if they do lead to him returning next week then I think one of two scenarios will end up happening. The first of these is that Jericho will face The Undertaker in what might be the final undefeated streak match. The second is Jericho entering a feud with CM Punk over the WWE Championship. Either one would make for an excellent Wrestlemania angle and a great way to use a legend like Jericho. I personally will just be happy to see him back no matter what role he is placed in or what angle they end up doing because WWE needs him. Whether he is putting over Punk, stealing the show with Taker, or in some other storyline, he is a veteran who will be able to make almost anyone look great.
That wouldn't make any sense.

Don't you remember before Orton punted him off WWE TV, he was about to announce the GM. Said he had traced the IP address.

The girl in the video is Stephanie ("She holds the key to my arrival"). Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley is the GM and she will take over for John Lauranitis. She has been the one he has been texting and is pulling the strings. She lowered the Hell In A Cell allowing Truth and Miz to destroy Punk. She sent Nash in to take out Punk. She kept turning Punks microphone off. This was all revenge for embarrassing her, her father, and husband......essentially the entire McMahon family.

"How many times did you say: 'Well ya know I just don't think he has what it takes' while you are lying in bed with your wife?"
~CM Punk to Triple H on Monday August 8, 2011

"Are you gonna beat me up, you gonna fight me you gonna punch me in the face? Or do you have to ask your wife's permission first?"
~CM Punk to Triple H on Monday August 8, 2011

"You don't wear the pants in the family, but you do wear her panties don't you? ... Pipe Bomb!" ~CM Punk to Triple H on Monday August 29, 2011

Jericho is angry with Punk for referring to himself as "The Best In The World". Jericho has often said. "I'm the best in the world at what I do." And used to call himself the "King of the World." Stephanie and Jericho have some sort of arrangement, he holds off announcing her and he can have whatever he wants. Like a chance to prove to CM Punk who the Best in the World truly is, on the grandest stage of them all......Wrestlemania.

"The world will never be the same again."

"Do you understand?"

Anyone who actually thinks that Jericho is not the one who will be returning next week is an "ass-clown" and an "ignoramus".

And he is NOT going to be the GM.

"He's coming back to reclaim what is rightfully his."

The World......The Universe.

He can't reclaim what he never had, so he's not gonna be the GM.

The only part I want to know is.....where does Triple H fit into all of this and why wouldn't he be apart of this and why would he face taker if all of this is going on?

Plus he still is COO is he not?
1st of all there wasnt shit at 4:45

2nd of all the girl in the promo is clearly awesome kong and the boy is mike adamle
Mike Adamle is coming back to regain control of the wwe and change it because he wants revenge on triple H, Daniel Bryan, and Booker T and awesome kong is controlling him because she is large and in charge and together they will conquer the wwe
I'm not against the idea, but I'm not too fond of it either. I want to see Jericho return as a wrestler and face CM Punk at WrestleMania.

As for the GM role, perhaps Mick Foley could work there.
return and cut promo after the punk/ziggler match(who will fight again at the rumble) say HE is best in the world not bryan, not ziggler, and not punk. backstage promo at rumble with punk/jericho. jericho will win rumble, after punk wins his elimination chamber match jericho will beat him down to close ppv, set up world title match at wm, should be match of the night..... hopefully
If the anonymous GM thing hasn't been scrapped yet (I have no clue), then he could be brought back in that role. It would fit with all the messages in which Jericho keeps insisting that he won't be "wrestling" for the WWE again. But I don't want that. I'd rather see him compete preferably with Punk. He could be the guy who John Laurinitis keeps texting and be brought in as part of an alliance of sorts against Punk. Maybe even cost Punk the title in his match against Ziggler. Not that I'd like to see Ziggler win the title now but just throwing that possibility out there. But a feud with Punk and putting him over would be great. Either that or a potential Wrestlemania match with Undertaker should he also return.

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