**Merged** This is Indeed a Dark Hour (The Jeff Hardy Champion Thread)

If you ask me this is just Rey Mysterio all over again. Champion wins the belt in a triple threat match because he couldnt get the job done one-on-one.

I've noticed a few people saying that he has gone over Y2J, Orton, HHH, Undertaker and HBK this past year when the only person he has gone over is HBK. Jericho is 4-0 against Jeff Hardy, Orton is 2-0 against Jeff Hardy, HHH has only ever lost by roll-up and has dominated Jeff at all other times. Undertaker lost after interference by the Big Show, also lets not forget how he got dominated by Koslov. Matt put in a stronger performance against Koslov incedentially.

In reality I cant see Jeff having a long prosperous title reign, I think this was just a shock tactic and it wont be long before Jeff is chasing the belt again and rightfully so, while I wont argue about Jeff becoming champ is probably good for the short term I wouldnt keep the belt on the guy for too long because he is a proven liability.

This was just a move to appease the Hardy masses.
Jeff Hardy winning the title is a double edged sword. First of all, Hardy has been around the block. He has worked his way up the ranks and has paid his dues. He spent years in the tag team division and was built up in the mid card range after becoming a singles wrestler. He had some success as Intercontinental champion well before moving into the main event scene. This is the way it is supposed to happen. He's definately no over night success or flash in the pan.

Secondly, he is fresh blood. He's not a new face, but he's new to the championship scene. It gets extremely boring seeing Edge and Trips pass the belt back and forth. There needs to be the unexpected- and that is Jeff Hardy. It may be a little easier for me to swallow because I actually enjoy watching Jeff Hardy. But regardless of whether you like him or hate him, it still throws a bit more excitement in the mix.

I agree with pretty much everything that has been said here. I am all for Hardy being champion, there isnt a doubt in my mind that Hardy has put his body through an incredible amount of punishment and for that reason alone he is worthy of the title.

On the other hand, there is the ever looming issue of substance abuse. Hardy is a risky guy to put the belt on. His demons have been well publicized over the past couple of years. He has already accumulated 2 strikes in wellness policy infractions, which puts him in a very dangerous place in regard to job security.

This is Hardy's test. At the very worst, he will be nothing more than a transition champion. Or this could be Hardy's time to shine. I guess only time will tell.

Isn't Randy Orton also a risky guy to put the belt on? I'm quite sure Orton has had at least 1 suspension for use of drugs.

I reckon this will be some kind of test to see if Hardy is capable of holding the title because as you say he is one hell of a risky guy to put the belt on.

I think and hope Hardys troubles are behind him because he has potential to be great.
I know that Jeff has been in the company for many years but that does not mean he should be champion. I mean he wins the three way against Edge, which probably won't last long. He will either lose against Edge, so he can get the belt back, or HHH will win it back, whoopie.

He has had all these chances and screwed them up. Does he realize that he more likely will die young if he keeps this rebel attitude who may take drugs? If he did not screw his chance with the IC he would more likely still have the belt, or have had it several times.

Jeff, do us a favor DON'T SCREW THIS UP!
I know that Jeff has been in the company for many years but that does not mean he should be champion. I mean he wins the three way against Edge, which probably won't last long. He will either lose against Edge, so he can get the belt back, or HHH will win it back, whoopie.

Don't understand that. So, they going to give Jeff the title, something most of the fans have wanted to see for a very long time, but then give it back to Edge after a week or so? And that would make good business sense becausee? Seriously, you're so stupid. 'He wins the three way against Edge which probably won't last long'? What has it being a 3 way got to do with it? He's on the title, move the fuck on. It's gonna last long because it makes good business, and the guy deserves it.

He has had all these chances and screwed them up. Does he realize that he more likely will die young if he keeps this rebel attitude who may take drugs? If he did not screw his chance with the IC he would more likely still have the belt, or have had it several times.

The rebel attitude who may take drugs? Hold on. I might take drugs, does that mean i'll die young? I mean, i'm not going to but I MAY take them, surely that means I'm going to die young, right? And what chance with the IC Title, he got given the title, ran with it and only used it as a prop. He's above that belt and only had it because the WWE doesn't care about the belt, so they gave it to Hardy to help legitimize him as a worthy champion. You moron. Go back to school.
slyfox said omething about 7-12 year olds not knowing hardy issues....im 12 nd i know and all my friends do weed....i hate people thinking 12 year olds dont know shit....but to the subject...finally....jeff needeed this i dont want to tell my kids someday o yea...jeff hardy was the shit but never won a belt...either way what is the chancs of my kids liking wrestleing...but hes better then every champion this year...i also think he is in his prime and i think he willl get more and better opertunities to be champ...this man is way more deseved then a IC and a tag championship....or a crappy feud with umaga...he is top of the line main event marteriall.
Don't understand that. So, they going to give Jeff the title, something most of the fans have wanted to see for a very long time, but then give it back to Edge after a week or so? And that would make good business sense becausee? Seriously, you're so stupid. 'He wins the three way against Edge which probably won't last long'? What has it being a 3 way got to do with it? He's on the title, move the fuck on. It's gonna last long because it makes good business, and the guy deserves it.

And why wouldn't they give Edge back the title after a week or so? Batista won the the title at cybersunday and lost it to Jericho a week later. The same can easily happen to hardy especially since vince likes Edge more as a champion then a title chaser. Winning it in a 3 way after countless times not being able to win it in single competition makes him look weak. And i was not aware that having constant fuckin drug issues for years makes you deserving of a title reign, news to me.

And don't call him stupid just because you don't agree with him.
And why wouldn't they give Edge back the title after a week or so? Batista won the the title at cybersunday and lost it to Jericho a week later. The same can easily happen to hardy especially since vince likes Edge more as a champion then a title chaser. Winning it in a 3 way after countless times not being able to win it in single competition makes him look weak. And i was not aware that having constant fuckin drug issues for years makes you deserving of a title reign, news to me.

And don't call him stupid just because you don't agree with him.

Firstly, called him stupid because there was no reasoning behind his opinion. no logic. Secondly, they gave the title back to Jericho because they knew Cena was going to win at SS, and they couldn't blow Batista vs Cena AGAIN away from WrestleMania, so they had to give it back to Jericho.

& having constant drug issues for years makes him deserving of a title reign? Right, soo Guerrero didn't deserve a title reign, forgetting the fact that he was amazing in the ring and the crowd loved him, but since he had drug problems, the WWE should have forgotten about him? Hardy was given the title because it needed to be done. If he fucks up he's fired, we get that, but with this storyline Hardy needed the belt at some point, and he deserves it for putting on great matches over the years and entertaining millions.
Firstly, called him stupid because there was no reasoning behind his opinion. no logic. Secondly, they gave the title back to Jericho because they knew Cena was going to win at SS, and they couldn't blow Batista vs Cena AGAIN away from WrestleMania, so they had to give it back to Jericho.

So then what was the point of strapping the belt around Batista for a week if they were just gonna give it back to Jericho so he can lose it to Cena? I doubt any of us really know the answer to this, but the most logical thing would be they did it to surprise us. Maybe putting the belt around hardy was just another attempt to surprise us.

& having constant drug issues for years makes him deserving of a title reign? Right, soo Guerrero didn't deserve a title reign, forgetting the fact that he was amazing in the ring and the crowd loved him, but since he had drug problems, the WWE should have forgotten about him? Hardy was given the title because it needed to be done. If he fucks up he's fired, we get that, but with this storyline Hardy needed the belt at some point, and he deserves it for putting on great matches over the years and entertaining millions.

Eddie wrestled in a time when wrestlers using steroids or any other substance was not public knowledge the wellness policy was not even instated yet. There for it was no problem putting the belt around him. But now in days the media jumps down the WWE's throat when some high profile star gets caught fucking up.

P.S He deserves it for putting on great matches? Lol.
So then what was the point of strapping the belt around Batista for a week if they were just gonna give it back to Jericho so he can lose it to Cena? I doubt any of us really know the answer to this, but the most logical thing would be they did it to surprise us. Maybe putting the belt around hardy was just another attempt to surprise us

The WWE know if Hardy loses the belt within the next month, there is ZERO chance that he will become a legitimate champion in the future. Fans were already getting annoyed at Hardy not winning the belt after the Rumble, because him winning it then would have been PERFECT, so if they gave him the belt now and took it off him days later, it's Hardy as champion ruined. Plus, it devalues the WWE Championship by having it change hands week in, week out.

Eddie wrestled in a time when wrestlers using steroids or any other substance was not public knowledge the wellness policy was not even instated yet. There for it was no problem putting the belt around him. But now in days the media jumps down the WWE's throat when some high profile star gets caught fucking up.

You raise a good point. The wellness policy wasn't in force at the time, however, the risk was still there. Eddie on drugs was an accident waiting to happen, and if Eddie died while being WWE Champion then the media circus would have started then, instead of a few years later. While the outsiders may not have known the dangers of steriods, Vince and the WWE knew, so putting the belt on him was still a risk.

P.S He deserves it for putting on great matches? Lol.

Yes. Over the past few years Hardy has managed to produce some great matches. Sound surprised? Get your head out of your ass. The man has put on some sound performances, especially recently, and while you might find him a 'spot monkey' or anything else, the fact of the matter is that he has put on good matches. Look to his match against HHH while he was still champion, a fine performance.
The WWE know if Hardy loses the belt within the next month, there is ZERO chance that he will become a legitimate champion in the future. Fans were already getting annoyed at Hardy not winning the belt after the Rumble, because him winning it then would have been PERFECT, so if they gave him the belt now and took it off him days later, it's Hardy as champion ruined. Plus, it devalues the WWE Championship by having it change hands week in, week out.

How can you even consider him a legit champion now? He won the title in a triple threat match after losing constant one on one matches for the title. The fact that he had to win it in a triple threat instead of a one on one match takes away his legitimacy.

You raise a good point. The wellness policy wasn't in force at the time, however, the risk was still there. Eddie on drugs was an accident waiting to happen, and if Eddie died while being WWE Champion then the media circus would have started then, instead of a few years later. While the outsiders may not have known the dangers of steriods, Vince and the WWE knew, so putting the belt on him was still a risk.

How do you know Vince knew? I am sure he had an idea that he was taking some kind of substance, but how would Vince know how serious it was? They didn't test so Vince had no way of knowing.

Yes. Over the past few years Hardy has managed to produce some great matches. Sound surprised? Get your head out of your ass. The man has put on some sound performances, especially recently, and while you might find him a 'spot monkey' or anything else, the fact of the matter is that he has put on good matches. Look to his match against HHH while he was still champion, a fine performance.

I am not gonna debate with you his performance. If you find his matches entertaining that's fine it is your opinion.
I won't write anything that i already wrote yesterday but let'S face it, Jeff Hardy is screwed. He got the WWE Championship to early and instead of getting the WRestlemania push like he should have gotten, he's stuck with a title reign that will probably mean nothing when it all said and done. It'S only been three days since he won the title and am already forgotten about it. This title change was only made to shock peoples but when the initial shock is gone, what's left? The same old Jeff Hardy but with the belt. I'm not going to argue about the fact that the guy is a great performer because he is, but that's pretty much it and as much has i like to see him perform, am getting tired of him everytime he opens is mouth. So yes, after everything he went through, he does deserve a title run, too bad that the title run will probably look like that one Rey mysterio and C.M. Punk got.
You forgot Jeff Hardy won the title already? I imagine you haven't watched RAW or ECW this week, then, considering WWE won't stop reminding us. lol You're right, Jeff's reign will likely be forgetable, akin to Rey Mysterio and CM Punk's considering he'll likely be booked weakly against SmackDown's top tier main event talent but oh well. At the end of the day he can at least say "JEFF HARDY, DOUBLE, DOUBLE E CHAMPIOOOOON." You know, in the way where he sounds constipated.
I don't know why people are believing Jeff's reign won't be anything special. I've been considering that they (WWE Creative) were going to give Jeff the belt at Survivor Series, but they replaced it with the shock value of Edge returning.

Back at Survivor, people thought that if he won it there, he would be more likely to have a solid run - and now, it seems people simply believed that because of the PPV name. One PPV later, won't make much of a difference. If what I was thinking is right (he was going to get it at SSeries), then he will still get a long solid run with the title.

Unless he messes up of course.
Well, two ways to llok at this. The Jeff Hardy WWE character standpoint, and the Jeff Hardy the dope head fuck up stand point

Im not so sure why everyone is flipping a bitch about him winning it at Armageddon, and how it "devalues" it. If anything, I would think it makes it better, becuase a title win at Mania is OH so predictable. Add to the fact there is absolutely ZERO to garuntee he wont still be winning the belt at Mania. He very well may loose it between here and then. I also dont see why it matters what the reighn will go like, or if he drops it. Just weeks ago, his fans were crying about how they just wanted to be able to belive. Now, Armageddon wasnt good enough for them. Greedy. There are still a shit ton of options for this, him, and Mania, so stop crying. Feel fortunate that WWE even took the chance with your major fuck up of a hero.

Which brings me to the other side, Jeff Harvey the dope head fuck up. Obviously (lets hope) the WWE has seen enough improved behavior to warrant them pulling the trigger on this. That sort of thing probably wouldnt be reported on as lavishly as him fucking up, becuase to news media, and talking heads, good news isnt news. So there may have been improvements made that we are unaware of. Another way to look at it, is the WWE getting all they can out of him, while they can, as he is a ticking timb bomb of liability. They may as well give him the title run, and cash in on it while they can, ,before he fucks up again, and gets fired. Either way, they made to decision to take this risk, and they know more than I do. What I do know, if he fucks this up, none of the delusional fan boys will EVER hear the end of it, and Jeff Hardy may as well just go jump off a bridge.
True and solid point, NorCal. And if I am understanding you correctly, it provides a basis for my argument:

There is (presumably) a difference between "Jeff the Wrestler" (JTW) and "Jeff the Man" (JTM). True, the two are inseparably connected, but they are not mutually exclusive -- if that makes sense. While what JTM does has direct consequences to JTW, it is JTW that is the champion, not JTM.

Obviously, Vince has given him another chance, the ultimate chance, to prove himself. We can complain and bring up dirt on Jeff all we want, but it changes very little of the present situation, nor is it of any consequence to the present situation. Jeff is clean now, and (because of that fact) Jeff is champion now.

Like I said before, I am excited to see where this reign goes, and hope that it defies all expectations and lasts and wows and resonates as one of the best reigns ever. This is a great moment for JTW, and for JTM as well. But! I am tuning in to SmackDown this Friday to see what JTW does, what his character as champion does. I am not interested in the backstage antics of Jeff Hardy, and believe that some slack should and very much can be cut.
Sorry for the late reply, i've had a busy few days.

If you shine a turd long enough, guess what it is in the end still, a shiny turd. What can you do with a shiny turd. Well, you might find some people gullable enough to say "Hey, that's just not any plain old turd, it's shiny, I want it". But when you take it home, open it up, and look at it, in the end its a turd and it still stinks like shit, that's Jeff Hardy. Jeff Hardy has improved, how so? Instead of being stuck in lower to mid card level feuds, the WWE and it's marketing machine has done everythign in its power to shove Jeff Hardy down our throats since his return. In this process, he's been in the ring with guys like Randy Orton, Shawn Michaels, and Triple H. These guys can have a good match with anybody. For every "good" Jeff Hardy match, there are two to three terrible Jeff Hardy matches. The improvment of Jeff Hardy is merely an optical illusion brought on by the real m ain event calibre opponents he faces. The world will get to see how "great" Jeff Hardy in when as champion he has to carry someone to a good match, that's assuming that they keep the title on him long enough, and assuming that they trust him in a match that doesn't include the likes of Shawn Michaels, Triple H, the Undertaker, Edge, Randy Orton, Chris jericho, or a list of any other people that are better and good enough to cover up the crap that is Jeff Hardy.

First of all, he has improved in the fact that he can get the fans to care about him. While before he had to jump off something to get a reaction, if you watch him now he gets a reaction no matter what he does. The most important skill of a wrestler is to provoke a strong emotional response from the audience. Jeff can do that better than anyone at the moment, he had the fans eating out of his hand to the extent that he was cheered over Triple H. You can say this is a case of WWE shoving him down our throats, but why does John Cena not get the same response? Or Batista? He IS the most popular guy in WWE at the moment.

Second, name them. I cannot recall a single bad match Jeff Hardy has had in a good while. Probably the worst one i can remember is the Last Man Standing match with Umaga, which is not recent by any means.

As I said earlier, when has Jeff Hardy actually carried anyone to a good match. The "good" matches Jeff Hardy has that people associate with Jeff Hardy often include him jumping off of something high, or going through a table. Yippie fucking do. That's not a great worker, that's a glorified stuntman, nothing more, nothing less. Unlike Mick Foley who will take a bump and make both guys look good, Jeff Hardy can only do big bumps,b ecause it's the only reason why anyone gives a damn about the guy.

Not at all true. He had people on their feet for that dreadful Ally-Oop on Brian Kendrick, and the same reaction every time he has done it since. As i said, Jeff Hardy has had the audience eating out of his hand since returning from his last suspension, and you cannot deny unless you haven't watched the show.

As far as carrying someone go, you answered your own question. There is no one to carry, including Jeff Hardy. WWE haven't put someone incapable in the main event since The Great Khali. Since when has WWE's main event scene been based on who can carry who anyway?

And yes, I can damn well say in a 100% completely unbiased opinion that Jeff Hardy has no respect for the wrestling business and only sees it as somethign that gives him a paycheck. You don't respect the business when you walk out of two different companies, and piss away multiple opportunities so you can get your fix on, and still not admit that you have a problem. Men work their entire lives that love and respect that title, and don't sniff it. Jeff Hardy thought it was too ahrd, so he picked his ball up, and left two companies when it got too tough.

Correction, he has admitted he has a problem. That is why they let him back into WWE in the first place. Do you really think they would give a chance to a guy who was in denial of a past drug problem. And look at the word i used here, PAST drug problem. He doesn't have one any more. If you turn around and say that he shouldn't be given the opportunity based on his past problems, then i will accept that as a valid opinion, but only if you say you felt/feel the same way about Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, Brian Kendrick, MVP (he, of course, was in prison), RVD, and anyone else with a shady past.

No, the long gloves hiding the track marks on his arm give me the indication of what Jeff Hardy is on, damn those WWE HD cameras for picking up little subtle things like that. And when did I say Meth head in this thread, checking once, checking twice, nope. I say he had a substance abuse problem, and regardless of what you want to think or not, things are illegal for a reason. He failed twice, whether it's something minor (unlikely) or major (given his track record and his unrepentant history of not admitting his problem, I'll take this one). With any place in life, if you can prove what you have is prescribed by a physician, you fail. It's simple. Stay off shit, no matter what it is, that will get yous uspended. Seems pretty simple.

Yes, you saw something that no one else saw. It is clear that the first half of this paragraph is a lie based solely on the fact that no reputable source picked up on it. If they can pick up incidents through Chinese Whispers, like Hardy being taken off a flight, or Joey Styles' confrontation with JBL, and sensationalise it then surely they would pick up on something they would plainly see on TV.

Also, the latter half is also not true. Sure, it isn't false logic to believe that if Jeff Hardy is a popular as he his, so could get away with it, but what about, to use the example again, William Regal. Someone who was in a major storyline but lost his momentum due to the suspension, so could have easily been removed. And moreover, Dolph Ziggler, who could and would have been removed from TV and the company if it was a serious violation, but was not only put back on TV but also put on TV WITH A PUSH. That is undoubtable evidence that a wellness violation with always result in suspension, regardless of how minor it is.

I've actually said plenty on why Jeff Hardy is terrible. Son I've forgotten more about wrestling then you will ever know, is that something to be proud of, maybe not. You want to bust out the wikipedia thing, typical crap argument last defense move on your part. I've watched wrestling since 1985, I've seen good people come, I've seen bad people rise to the top. I've watched every Royal Rumble since it's inception. You simply go to the Jim Duggan and his only major accomplishment, so I obviosuly don't know what I'm talking about. I happen to remember Jim Duggan being one of the most over faces in the company for many years. Remember the pops he got as far back as Wrestlemania 3, nope probably not. Jim Duggan has been as over with the fans as Jeff Hardy could ever have hoped to be, yet you assume that I'm only throwing him out there to slander Jeff Hardy. No, Jim Duggan was more over for a longer period of time, when the business was actually popular. Yet, the, well he's popular argument never flies with Jim Duggan? Why not, it's essentially the only argument Jeff Hardy fans have. He's popular, you knwo what, alot of people are popular, you don't see them carrying gold belts around their waste.

And you continue to bust out generalisations, assuming you know me and my knowledge of wrestling. You don't.

You missed the entire point of Jim Duggen. Sure he was popular, but has never been THE guy in WWF/E. Are you seriously suggesting he was more over than Hulk Hogan? Or Randy Savage? Or Ultimate Warrior? No, he never was. Jeff Hardy on the other hand gets the biggest face reaction in the entire WWE at the moment. That is the major difference. Rinse and repeat with every other guy you've listen.

No. It's because the WWE invest money into guys taht are no longer here. Here they have a situation where they know what they have, and yet still put their belt on the guy with two strikes. By giving the belt to Jeff Hardy with him being as unrepented as he has been, essentially enables the guy to do whatever he wants without any fear of consequence. What reason would Jeff Hardy have not to screw up again when the WWE is going to do nothing to him?

But they will. They suspended William Regal who was the most hated guy on RAW at the time, putting an end to that storyline. They suspended Mr Kennedy on the cusp of the massive Vince McMahon's son storyline. RVD's de-push is another example. Of course they would do something about it. If it happens you'll see, but considering he has not officially failed a wellness test due to drug use since returning, why would he?

Actually I just did, again and again. You offer nothing but the same old sorry well the guys over argument which has about much weight to it as a paper clip. The guy is below average in the ring, has Warrioresque ability on the microphone. The only reason the guy is over is because he's colorful and does stuff thats going to leave him with a permanent bend in his back by the time he is 35.

No you haven't, you keep posting sensationalist comments with have zero backing. You cannot prove any of it. My points on the other hand are backed up. Watch Smackdown if you don't believe he is over. Watch the reaction when he won the title if you don't believe people were behind him. And of course, being over and getting the crowd behind you is the main reason why someone should become a champion (with some exceptions, such as Matt Hardy being a ring general and Khali being a monster allowing a face opponent to have a greater journey).

Your entire argument has been you believing you know more than WWE, a billion dollar business that dominates the wrestling industry, which everyone knows is not true. You used the term 'unbiased' earlier, which is hilarious, because you are everything but unbiased. If in two decades you are still on one of these forum, Jeff Hardy has been put into the Hall of Fame and is being named as one of the greatest of this era you would still call him a spotmonkey that didn't deserve his spot. You are just too stubborn to accept Hardy now as a contrast to Hardy gone.

And why in the world would anyone want to pay to watch Triple H vs. Jeff Hardy yet again on pay per view? You can only have this match so many time before people have had enough. What incentive would anyone have to buy this besides the fact that it is the Royal Rumble?

There are a number of reasons. One reason is because Jeff Hardy did not pin HHH and won due to hitting his move from nowhere on HHH, stealing the victory. Second reason is because it is the Royal Rumble and people WILL buy for the Rumble Match in any case. Third and Fourth reasons, which are the most important is because it is Jeff Hardy versus Triple H. It is a continuation of Hardy's rise to the top which, while it has been somewhat damped by his win at Armageddon, but still exists never the less. The heated feud HHH and Hardy have had with Hardy seemingly snapping and the potential that HHH was Hardy's attacker. And of course, because they are both over a rover.
I'm happy for Jeff. He worked very hard through his entire career and put his body on the line every night for the WWE. He provided countless highlight reel moments (some that even appeared on ESPN) and sold millions in merchandise. This was a good time to put the title on Jeff. He chased it for nearly a year and during that time he became arguably the most popular wrestler in the WWE. I'm not very sure how long he'll hold the title but i could see him retaining the title at Wrestlemania 25 then holding the title for a few months before bieng screwed out of the title by whoever wins the Money in the Bank ladder match. Then i see him in a upper-midcard role much like Rey Mysterio. Bieng one of the most popular wrestlers who gets title shots every few months always coming close but always losing.
Its seems like someone was going to complain about jeff hardy no matta if he won the title or not which seems very pointless cuz its vince decision in the end. Let hardy have his title reign geez everyone knows his history but like it has been said before he is over plus what other face can get title on sd kung fu naki lol. Hhhate and undertaker have enough title reign let hardy have his turn. And to response to hardy having a transitional reign I remember edge being a multiple champion reigns and his first title reign was 3 weeks and still was given the ball again. Don't judge the man so harshly if didn't walk a mile in his shoes if vince is taking a chance why can't u. Wrestlers are just as human as anyone else I bet if jeff wasn't a star this wouldn't even be that serious. You can't complain about wwe needing a change of pace then complain about the change. If it was jeff then it would have been someone else people would have complain about instead. Jeff getting title wrestlemaina would been the most predictable thing wwe could of did. I though him winning now not only was better but now it makes u wonder how long will he hold it and if has to mania who's his opponent. I believe jeff will do well if he doesn't its not wwe responsibity its on jeff so stop whining. Kudos to wwe
I'm actually glad that Jeff Hardy won the title. He's been going after the title since last year. He's had almost a year (considering the time out when he was suspended). Although, i do think it will be like a Rey Mysterio title reign. He'll get up against the big dawgs, and he might have a few non-title loses. But, they'll still try and make him look strong. Who knows, we will just have to wait and see what happens.

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