Release Jeff Hardy

Ah, how the tides turn...just this January, you TNA fans were all excited about Jeff Hardy, thought he was going to help take you to the top, or to at least challenge the WWE. You thought that he would be one of your heroes, and now he is one of your zeros. Didn't WWE fans like myself try to tell you to be careful with what you wished for? Didn't we tell you Hardy was more trouble than he was worth? That he was a fuck up waiting to happen? Oh no, you said...Hardy has turned over a new leaf....HA. I am so glad that he is TNA's problem and not the WWE's anymore.
I'm going to start this off by saying I am not a Jeff Hardy fan. I never could understand why the crowd was so into him (and I'm not even the kind of fan who bases their favorites solely on a wrestler's in-ring skills).

However, I think it is a joke that people on this thread are saying that Jeff needs his brother and/or WWE to keep him in line. I can't believe people actually think that they know what Jeff, or any other person they don't know personally, needs in his life to keep him off drugs. As of right now all of this is rumors. Maybe he isn't even on drugs and he just had sloppy matches. Maybe he IS on drugs and TNA management asks him to clean up and he actually does this time. Who knows. This might just me giving someone the BOTD, but it's aggravating to see page after page of posts bashing him for not being able to hold himself together after leaving the WWE when none of us really know anything.

Ah, how the tides turn...just this January, you TNA fans were all excited about Jeff Hardy, thought he was going to help take you to the top, or to at least challenge the WWE. You thought that he would be one of your heroes, and now he is one of your zeros. Didn't WWE fans like myself try to tell you to be careful with what you wished for? Didn't we tell you Hardy was more trouble than he was worth? That he was a fuck up waiting to happen? Oh no, you said...Hardy has turned over a new leaf....HA. I am so glad that he is TNA's problem and not the WWE's anymore.

Are you kidding me? You sound like you are taking joy in the fact that somebody (Jeff) might be going through a hard time, just so you can prove all us miserable, horrible TNA fans wrong. Jeff is obviously going to be under a lot of scrutiny from TNA management / all the fans now, EVEN IF THESE RUMORS ARE FALSE. But I guess that's all worth it just so you can scold us and tell us to 'be careful what we wish for'.
He only going to be scrutinized now? He was arrested well before signing with TNA, they knew he was in trouble, knew he could end up going to jail, and still took him. Hardy is a repeated substance abuser,TNA encourages his behavior by their complete lack of drug testing. The WWE has testing, wrestlers are held accountable, but TNA has jack shit for accountability. Any problems that TNA gets as a result of their truly pathetic lack of accountability is completely on them. Jeff Hardy is a fuck up. But TNA doesn't care, nor will they try to give him help.
So, allegedly TNA management is concerned for Jeff Hardy's well being, due to a number of issues including his attitude and his on screen performances both in promos and in the ring.

I'm going to have to echo Davi's sentiments. There were a LOT of us who said that Jeff would be more trouble than he's worth, and now we're seeing just that. Now I'm going to address the main reasons/excuses that you guys have put forward.

TNA is less strict than WWE when it comes to drugs

Indeed they are, but that's not a good thing. I've yet to read of anybody being admonished or punished in TNA for anything other than disagreeing with the booking........ until now. The 'E' actually fine people for taking the drugs that aren't listed in the Wellness Policy (just ask Brian Kendrick who had his push stopped and was fined repeatedly for smoking weed, until they eventually released him). TNA are also going to want to keep Hardy around so they can leach off of his drawing power, but if he's going to become dangerous to other talent, they'd best start cracking down on him.

Jeff had all these problems before leaving the 'E', so don't blame TNA

That he did, and was punished accordingly was he not? Plus after his 2nd violation, he stayed out of trouble for nearly a year straight, and only got in trouble again when his contract with the 'E' was about to expire anyway. Furthermore, his current legal issues are for being in possession of ridiculous amounts of prescription drugs, the amount you'd expect a dealer to have, not for simple possession of weed or coke.

He doesn't have Matt to guide him

He's a fuckin' adult for christ's sake, if he truly needs his brother to hold his hand when he's over 30 years old, then he should have a special needs assistant or something and certainly shouldn't be working in a profession where not only his health is at risk, but other people's health as well. Plus he's asking Matt to jump ship, because:-

A) He knows that TNA will push Matt whether Matt does fuck all or not.
B) They can work less, and enjoy themselves more without having to worry about being punished.

If Matt is truly passionate about wrestling he'll stick with the 'E' whether they push him or not. Look at guys like Kane and JBL. Both mid-card nobodies in the 'E' for years, until eventually their hard work and dedication earned them a spot in the ME where they more or less remained for the remainder of their careers. Then look at Carlito who whinges repeatedly and they do nothing with him.

Matt's time will come if he stays dedicated to the 'E'. He's been held back most likely due to his unprofessionalism concerning the Edge/Lita affair, and has had to start from scratch, but if he hangs on, i think Vince will eventully give him a run with the belt. Even if it's just because everyone else is hurt/busy. I feel it's the same reason they don't use Christian. He left and therefore all the respect etc he earned went away with him, and Vince is going to make him work his way up from the bottom again because Vince has 'graciously' brought him back into the fold.

He's got ring rust

And yet Burke, RVD, Moore, Kendrick, Anderson and anyone else who had to wait a month + before they could compete again aren't being singled out as flight risks, so why is Meth Hardy, the exception?

Also, I find it hilarious that when i first came across this thread, 'hogan is the greatest' got 'Future Endeavored' while i was changing pages. Deservedly so i might add.
He only going to be scrutinized now? He was arrested well before signing with TNA, they knew he was in trouble, knew he could end up going to jail, and still took him. Hardy is a repeated substance abuser,TNA encourages his behavior by their complete lack of drug testing. The WWE has testing, wrestlers are held accountable, but TNA has jack shit for accountability. Any problems that TNA gets as a result of their truly pathetic lack of accountability is completely on them. Jeff Hardy is a fuck up. But TNA doesn't care, nor will they try to give him help.

I meant that with these rumors making headlines on wrestling news sites, it's only going to get worse for him. Which is why it is kind of upsetting that somebody would take joy in that.

Don't believe for a second that WWE's drug testing is as honest as they claim. If it was, then I'm pretty sure every wrestler who's name was released as having been tested positive would have been suspended. Orton was part of that steroid scandal in 2007. With Orton they made some BS excuse that he had already served his suspension VIA a previous injury (as if none of the other wrestlers had ever been injured). With that they've shown they bend the rules for certain wrestlers so I can only imagine whether other guys like Batista are even tested.

Or how about when WWE already knew that DH Smith had failed the drug test and yet they brought him onto TV solely to prove a point and make themself look better with his suspension? You can really call that responsibility?

I'm not saying that TNA didn't take a risk by hiring Hardy. They've done it before by keeping the freaking title on Kurt Angle even after he was arrested. I never said it was a smart thing for them to hire him.

But I don't get how you seem to know that TNA isn't going to do anything to help him. I mean, they might not send out a press release about it but that doesn't mean they won't speak to him about getting help.

Oh and I think it's worth stating again that at this point, the 'Jeff Hardy on drugs again' reports are all rumors.
The logic here is kind of baffling. TNA encourages drug use somehow by not testing? Now every job in the world that does not drug test wants you to become a drug addict? Yet, WWE does right by its former employees by sending them a letter once and a while acknowledging they know you have a problem? Wouldn't management expressing concern in the rumors here be way more committed than that lazy pr move wwe gets credit for?

WWE does the minimum on keeping people clean while they are useful and as soon as they are less useful or the problem gets too big they cut ties to avoid a pr situation and surprise surprise the situation gets worse. Then we get some memo that is supposed to sound contrite for what happen but is basically not so subtly saying we cut ties with him a while ago like that is something to be proud of. In wwe your boss used steroids and almost went to jail for distributing them to wrestlers. Not exactly the role model for staying clean...
The logic here is kind of baffling. TNA encourages drug use somehow by not testing? Now every job in the world that does not drug test wants you to become a drug addict? Yet, WWE does right by its former employees by sending them a letter once and a while acknowledging they know you have a problem? Wouldn't management expressing concern in the rumors here be way more committed than that lazy pr move wwe gets credit for?

WWE does the minimum on keeping people clean while they are useful and as soon as they are less useful or the problem gets too big they cut ties to avoid a pr situation and surprise surprise the situation gets worse. Then we get some memo that is supposed to sound contrite for what happen but is basically not so subtly saying we cut ties with him a while ago like that is something to be proud of. In wwe your boss used steroids and almost went to jail for distributing them to wrestlers. Not exactly the role model for staying clean...

I would read this blog by Lance Storm. To see what someone who is in the business thinks of WWE and TNA when it comes to their drug and wellness policy. I don't think TNA is encouraging drug use but they sure don't prevent it very well. As Storm says in this blog TNA endangers wrestlers safety. Atleast WWE does something.
WWE only does the minimum, shattered dreams? Offering every ex-WWE wrestler a trip to rehab on the fed's dime is only the minimum? Does TNA do that? The facts are simple. The WWE busts people and suspends them, while TNA is busy signing guys like Rob Terry, who looks like he just came from an audition to play the Incredible Hulk! But that guy isn't juiced up, is he? Of course he is, but as long as he is in TNA, he won't get tested.

That reminds me, while you are blasting the WWE testing, what is TNA's testing, exactly? Let me know when you can come up with anything.
Saying WWE does the minimum to help is stupid. They sure as hell do more to help their wrestlers health than TNA. I Remember hearing that not to long MVP was discovered to have some kind of heart problem. It was all because of the wellness test or he would have died. If he was in TNA he would of died. I don't know how legit the drug testing is, but at least they do something .

I read on Lance Storm's website commentary. That he was done with TNA because they don't look out for their wrestlers health. He was pissed that they had Rob Terry take a unprotected chair shot to the head. Two days after Kanyon's suicide. When it's been proven that concussions cause depression. Especially in guys whom used steroids like Terry obviously has or still does.
dude, no, why would they care about Hardy being on drugs, HE IS A FUUCKNG MASSIVE DRAW, I'm pretty sure that TNA management dont care, all the Hardy marsk will be right into TNA right now, so why would they fire him, are you gonna start another thread soon, fire RVD maybe, or fire Ric Flair?
dude, no, why would they care about Hardy being on drugs, HE IS A FUUCKNG MASSIVE DRAW, I'm pretty sure that TNA management dont care, all the Hardy marsk will be right into TNA right now, so why would they fire him, are you gonna start another thread soon, fire RVD maybe, or fire Ric Flair?

1. Massive Draw? TNA is pulling a .6 to .8 rating on average, they were doing a bit better Prior to Jeff Comming at least then the periodically broke a 1 neilson rating . his drawing power is not translating for TNA

2. No RVD and Ric Flair have not wrestled in a long while, both have been in semi-retirment for a while now, and having some ring rust, and being a bit out of shape is understandable.

Jeff Hardy on the other hand just got off two of the biggest fueds of his Career (Edge and CM Punk) was putting some great work in the WWE, had an amazing fued with his brother Matt, and Only took a few months off between his WWE Stint and TNA, He shouldn't have a massive amount of ring rust, that amount of time off should give him the proper time to heal his previous injurys, relax, and come back to TNA running. The Guy's been a disaster in ring, and on the mic since he's been in TNA. All I am pointing out is TNA has GOT to be paying this guy an awful lot to cross the line, and they are getting minimal out of him. He's collecting a paycheck and it sets a bad example for the rest of the locker room. They are trying to build up a legitmate competitor of the WWE, and that isn't going to happen with guys like Hardy giving the minimum and making the big dollars.
We are getting off topic so I think I will post my response and if we want to continue this debate we should start a thread just for this discussion.

WWE only does the minimum, shattered dreams? Offering every ex-WWE wrestler a trip to rehab on the fed's dime is only the minimum? Does TNA do that? The facts are simple. The WWE busts people and suspends them, while TNA is busy signing guys like Rob Terry, who looks like he just came from an audition to play the Incredible Hulk! But that guy isn't juiced up, is he? Of course he is, but as long as he is in TNA, he won't get tested.

That reminds me, while you are blasting the WWE testing, what is TNA's testing, exactly? Let me know when you can come up with anything.

The thing is it is hard to praise the WWE for sending guys to rehab that they basically aided and abetted in using drugs in the first place. That is too little too late IMO. Where was this offer before the Benoit situation? Since it was not there you can see how people might wonder how much they care about the wrestlers opposed to their image. Have they been able to get one active WWE wrestler into rehab? No, that I know of.

There are many ways to beat a drug test. There are likely even more ways to beat a drug test when it does not appear to be independently run. The eye test is a total crock. One guy in TNA looks like he is on steroids, so that is a huge issue? Well, at least half the WWE roster LOOKS like it so by that awesome logic of the eye I can prove their testing is a joke.

Here, is the ultimate issue. I am not condoning TNA's method. They seem to do less than the minimum, at least publicly. However, TNA's shortcomings do not make how the WWE handles it good by any stretch of the imagination.

Saying WWE does the minimum to help is stupid. They sure as hell do more to help their wrestlers health than TNA. I Remember hearing that not to long MVP was discovered to have some kind of heart problem. It was all because of the wellness test or he would have died. If he was in TNA he would of died. I don't know how legit the drug testing is, but at least they do something .

I read on Lance Storm's website commentary. That he was done with TNA because they don't look out for their wrestlers health. He was pissed that they had Rob Terry take a unprotected chair shot to the head. Two days after Kanyon's suicide. When it's been proven that concussions cause depression. Especially in guys whom used steroids like Terry obviously has or still does.

Hyperbole much. Now not only is TNA management trying to addict everyone to drugs but MVP would have died. You recall hearing that because WWE like to get publicity out of its program. How about the people that have died from WWE, both before and after the policy was enacted? That wellness program really helped Umaga... If you do not know how legit the testing is, shouldn't that be a big problem?

I know people love to post that blog and act like it is the bible. Why I will never know. WWE had taken out shots to the head literally a week or two before he posted that. Why was he not complaining about it before hand? We did not learn about the issues from concussions from Kanyon, they have been well known and quite obviously played a huge role in the benoit incident. Once again a public opinion move well after the fact is what it looks like with the chairshots.

What I would be talking about on a blog would be how wwe claims they are not still obsessed with size but look at who is breaking through and getting held back. However, the biggest problem is the wwe schedule. TNA might allow wrestlers to do what they want in the ring but they do not force them to wrestle 300+ times a year. The toll that takes on the body is almost assuredly much worse than 1 chairshot. It has led many many wrestlers down a path to problems with painkillers and the need to recover from injuries quicker is going to make steroids enter their mind.

Interesting question. If TNA is going to get blamed for Jeff continuing down a path that clearly started while he was still with the E and being tested theoretically then will they actually get credit if he cleans up his act even though they do not have a "wellness program"?
I'd say Jeff getting released is kinda like standing on the edge of a knife. The Jeff Hardy story is either going to be a wrestling tradgedy or one of those rare feel good tales. It's all up to Jeff, but I'd say TNA releasing him would be the kick in the pants he needs. He could definitely pick himself up by the bootstraps and realize he's got something thousands of young guys only dream of, not to mention that he's got millions of people pulling for him. I've never been impressed with Jeff's in ring work, as much as I've been impressed with the connection he's got with the fans. But for me I don't know how they can constantly come back for more dissappointment. I think where Jeff is now, is where Shawn Michaels was before he found God. Just spiraling outta control and he needs that moment of clarity and I honestly don't think he can find it in TNA.
"who cares about hardy's drunk abuse he is a big draw!!!" are u stupid or u were born with a disfunction? dun be a dumbass...but neway letz say we think like u..we actualyl kno that TNA does..hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm big draw huh... i can fit the attendance in the Impact Zone in my house and i live in jersey...look u TNA sorry to tell ya...i really do cuz i would LOVE if TNA was something special...but umm..itz blows..more than cena's moves list..(speakin of cena..this guy seriously needs to get sum new moves...even in the WWE video games itz boring to play wit him cuz he has no moves lol)...ok hardy as a drug problem...ok he might not be the greatest wrestler..but did u see what WWE made that guy? remember his first championship win..i think it was a triple threat against RKO and triple H? i could be wrong i dunno..buT WOW...who wasnt buggin bout when he got 3 count to win it! In the beginin i was juz think "eh they juz put him in there to make the match better but itz either HHH or orton" even when he hit the S-bomb..i was like "eh kickin out at 2 3/4" but he got the 3 and i was like HOLY SHIT! HARDY HARDY HARDY!! andddddddd letz move to TNA...hogan is hoggin the camera time...massive brawl like always...blood comin from everyone that we really dun care bout...Abyss tryna be kane...AJ rollin his eyes as he is tryin his best to the company on his shoulders...sting wishin his bat was red...Flair tryin not to trip over his own tits(no offense cuz clearly flair is doin his best to actually HELP unlike hogan)...scott hall drunk in the corner...syxx-pac tryin to find another chick to make another porno...while all this is happenin Kurt Angle is sayin "God vince you right..itz better to go with the evil i know..than the evil i dunt".............................AND thEnnnnnn OH LOOK ITZ JEFF HARDY!!...he jumps into the cluster-fuck and fights off the heels...BUT whyyy...what does he have against the heels..we are suppose to cheer cuz he is fan favorite and he we are dumb..WHERES the build UP! wheres the back story...wheRes the COMMON sense...jeez TNA..u AINT down with that so i got juz 2 words for YAAA....

U SUCK!!!!
"who cares about hardy's drunk abuse he is a big draw!!!" are u stupid or u were born with a disfunction? dun be a dumbass...but neway letz say we think like u..we actualyl kno that TNA does..hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm big draw huh... i can fit the attendance in the Impact Zone in my house and i live in jersey...look u TNA sorry to tell ya...i really do cuz i would LOVE if TNA was something special...but umm..itz blows..more than cena's moves list..(speakin of cena..this guy seriously needs to get sum new moves...even in the WWE video games itz boring to play wit him cuz he has no moves lol)...ok hardy as a drug problem...ok he might not be the greatest wrestler..but did u see what WWE made that guy? remember his first championship win..i think it was a triple threat against RKO and triple H? i could be wrong i dunno..buT WOW...who wasnt buggin bout when he got 3 count to win it! In the beginin i was juz think "eh they juz put him in there to make the match better but itz either HHH or orton" even when he hit the S-bomb..i was like "eh kickin out at 2 3/4" but he got the 3 and i was like HOLY SHIT! HARDY HARDY HARDY!! andddddddd letz move to TNA...hogan is hoggin the camera time...massive brawl like always...blood comin from everyone that we really dun care bout...Abyss tryna be kane...AJ rollin his eyes as he is tryin his best to the company on his shoulders...sting wishin his bat was red...Flair tryin not to trip over his own tits(no offense cuz clearly flair is doin his best to actually HELP unlike hogan)...scott hall drunk in the corner...syxx-pac tryin to find another chick to make another porno...while all this is happenin Kurt Angle is sayin "God vince you right..itz better to go with the evil i know..than the evil i dunt".............................AND thEnnnnnn OH LOOK ITZ JEFF HARDY!!...he jumps into the cluster-fuck and fights off the heels...BUT whyyy...what does he have against the heels..we are suppose to cheer cuz he is fan favorite and he we are dumb..WHERES the build UP! wheres the back story...wheRes the COMMON sense...jeez TNA..u AINT down with that so i got juz 2 words for YAAA....

U SUCK!!!!

Give Jeff a chance mate!! He has issues in his life as i expect every one has but hey, just because he is a wrestling superstar, he has his issues used in storylines, Gets it spashed all over the forums and people slagging him off. Yes playing with drugs is stupid especially when you are are a professional wrestler but people make mistakes and they can change if given the chance. TNA have signed him and it will improve the ratings a hell of a lot. They have given him the chance to do what he does best. Wrestle and to be a superstar
i just talked about how great his first title win was that bashin him..i wasnt bashin him at sayin TNA sucks..itz not Jeff's fault he should get released..but the fact that TNA cant book for their life..they have jeff AJ angle wolfe anderson sting etc etc etc...and they book the main event of a pay per view ABYSS vs AJ..WHAT THE FUCK..and abyss gets a fuckin ring that gives him HULK powers..thatz more ******ed than having hornswoggle being vince's bastard sON...TNA story lines are like a parallel universe to the olD WCW..but where WCW storylines were great....TNA story lines are thin strips of crap...we all kno vince is in his office..watchin TNA and juz laughin at how bad they no dude i aint hatin on jeff hardy..he has a drug problem..he is not really controllable...but he is great..mid-card or main eventer...but TNA aint gettin gettin out shit from him but lettin him get a free paycheck while he is runnin wild
Do you all know what Hardy's drug of choice is? Marijuana. He likes to smoke marijuana. Do you know who else likes to smoke pot? Practically everyone and their mother. Its not a drug; its a plant. It doesnt turn your life into a train wreck. The criminalization of marijuana causes most of the negative effects. Getting caught buying, selling, or growing it is one of them. Getting tested for it at your work place is another one. He wasnt coming to work high. Its something he did in his spare time yet it shows up in the system for up to a month after just smoking once. You cant blame Hardy's sloppiness in the ring on marijuana. There are plenty of successful athletes who smoke. Let's start making individuals responsible for their actions instead of blaming a simple plant. Its only been used since well over 5,000 BC. Its not nearly as harmful as the American propaganda machine makes it out to be. If it wasnt for the endless waste of tax payer money called the War on Drugs, Jeff Hardy wouldnt have any legal issues. If marijuana was decriminalized, as it should be, Hardy would still be working at WWE headlining PPV's.

Hardy might have shown up to the Impact zone a couple times with a hang over from being out late drinking with the boys and suddenly the IWC is demonizing him. Jeff Hardy doesnt need help. Jeff Hardy needs the world to evolve and stop riding his ass all the time. Do you know why Jeff has been sloppy in the ring lately? Because he hasnt been booked properly to work off the ring rust. They just tell him to go out there and kick it into high gear after spending months out of the ring. Even RVD is showing alittle rust but not as much as Hardy because RVD has worked many shows in between his time at WWE and his time at TNA. Once again the IWC is making mountains out of molehills.

Just for the record, the two times he was suspended in the WWE was not about Marijuana because they didn't start to actually act on it at the time, then theyt started fining people, but only that, only after he left they started suspending people.

The two times he got suspended he knew that what he was doing was wrong and accepted it.

No now the topic, out of the few that said don't hire him, most people supported the idea when he got out of the WWE form to go to TNA, now that he is in TNA and poorly booked, because that is a fact, same goes for RVD, everyone jumps to him to the same lame excuse of him being drug addict and someone who cannot handle himself properly which has not being proved.

The transition Jeff is having to TNA character wise is normal because now TNa seems theirselves in a position where they don't have to push the guys from WWE to the moon right away and that is a good apporach, why? because it shows the company as a tougher challenge, even if it is not like in this case, I think it was a mistake for Jeff to get over A. J. I know Jeff was the new star, but at the same time in knocked the top heel from the company a notch for a new comer to the company (I know he work there before but still).

Also, he has not being the for over a quarter of the year and he is a draw even if you don't want to accept it so al least should be given a chance, also like I said before, being just thrown out in a tag team match just for the Hell of it is waste, they should have given hm a little more deep and a different direction, not everything should revolve about who has more power in the company or the title.
RVD and Hardy vs Beer Money wasn't an amazing match? Name the last RAW fight that was better?

Just another know-it-all internet smark who lives his gospel by the dirtsheet reports.
We are getting off topic so I think I will post my response and if we want to continue this debate we should start a thread just for this discussion.

The thing is it is hard to praise the WWE for sending guys to rehab that they basically aided and abetted in using drugs in the first place. That is too little too late IMO. Where was this offer before the Benoit situation? Since it was not there you can see how people might wonder how much they care about the wrestlers opposed to their image. Have they been able to get one active WWE wrestler into rehab? No, that I know of.

There are many ways to beat a drug test. There are likely even more ways to beat a drug test when it does not appear to be independently run. The eye test is a total crock. One guy in TNA looks like he is on steroids, so that is a huge issue? Well, at least half the WWE roster LOOKS like it so by that awesome logic of the eye I can prove their testing is a joke.

Here, is the ultimate issue. I am not condoning TNA's method. They seem to do less than the minimum, at least publicly. However, TNA's shortcomings do not make how the WWE handles it good by any stretch of the imagination.

Hyperbole much. Now not only is TNA management trying to addict everyone to drugs but MVP would have died. You recall hearing that because WWE like to get publicity out of its program. How about the people that have died from WWE, both before and after the policy was enacted? That wellness program really helped Umaga... If you do not know how legit the testing is, shouldn't that be a big problem?

I know people love to post that blog and act like it is the bible. Why I will never know. WWE had taken out shots to the head literally a week or two before he posted that. Why was he not complaining about it before hand? We did not learn about the issues from concussions from Kanyon, they have been well known and quite obviously played a huge role in the benoit incident. Once again a public opinion move well after the fact is what it looks like with the chairshots.

What I would be talking about on a blog would be how wwe claims they are not still obsessed with size but look at who is breaking through and getting held back. However, the biggest problem is the wwe schedule. TNA might allow wrestlers to do what they want in the ring but they do not force them to wrestle 300+ times a year. The toll that takes on the body is almost assuredly much worse than 1 chairshot. It has led many many wrestlers down a path to problems with painkillers and the need to recover from injuries quicker is going to make steroids enter their mind.

Interesting question. If TNA is going to get blamed for Jeff continuing down a path that clearly started while he was still with the E and being tested theoretically then will they actually get credit if he cleans up his act even though they do not have a "wellness program"?

I never once said nor do I think TNA is trying to get people addicted to drugs. Umanga chose not to go to rehab if he had he may be alive. I don't blame them for letting him go or anyone else that refuses help. You do make some good points. All I'm saying is at least they do something. It was to late or Eddie, and many others may still be alive.

TNA willingly hired Hardy knowing his past and that he was facing prison for drug possession. If he does go to prison all the media outlets will be calling him a TNA employee. Which is going to give TNA bad press, and he didn't even work there at the time of his arrest. The media isn't going to research that their just going to bash TNA for having no wellness policy.

TNA doesn't need any kind of bad press in this case the only thing their guilty of is bringing him back. They are not responsible at all for his arrest. If he is on drugs again they need to try and get him help. They need to cover their ass. I don't think they should of hired him, but they did. If they just fire him. They'll look take a bunch of crap from people saying they turned their back on someone that needed help. It's a lose lose situation thats why I think they shouldn't have hired him back yet.
RVD and Hardy vs Beer Money wasn't an amazing match? Name the last RAW fight that was better?

Just another know-it-all internet smark who lives his gospel by the dirtsheet reports.

I wouldnt call it amazing, very good yes. Why does it need to be benchmarked against RAW btw?

Dirtsheet? Are you a worker from the 80's or something?

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