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**Merged** Orton Verbally Lays the Smacketh Down on Rock's Candy Ass

I'm not sure what to think, but it seems that Randy Orton throws people under the bus, like Mr. Kennedy who was getting bigger than him. I'd be pissed too, if I was number two or three guy in the company, then be overshadowed by a guy who jumped ship for movies then came back and everyone took a back seat to him.
Why would any superstar be mad at The Rock? I'm pretty sure he didn't just show up out of the blue, grab a live mic and decide himself that he was going to be the host for Mania.

Shouldn't any anger be directed at Vince? Clearly Vince did not and does not think that these new superstars can properly sell Mania to the public. He felt he needed a spark and brought The Rock back to provide that spark.

And again, if Orton is correct and the staff writes everything for The Rock, but Cena gets to go off his head, doesn't that mean that anything The Rock says shouldn't be attributed to him, but to the writing staff?

It looks like all the Cena marks want to jump on this and put everything on The Rock because, quite frankly, he is making their boy look like an amateur.

I should also note that I am not a Cena hater. I like him and I don't think he's as terrible as everyone says he is. He's this generations Hulk Hogan, not in the sense of mainstream success, but in the sense that he is this generation superhero wrestler, just like the unbeatable Hogan was in the 1980s.

But regardless of anything, if one looks objectively at the facts, I don't see how you can put any heat on The Rock for what is, and has, happened.
Orton and Cena are friends off screen so it seems fitting for him to side with Cena. Onscreen however Orton is supposed to be this loner renegade viper so going on twitter exalting praise on the guy who's father he PUnted seems a bit stupid to me. Nevertheless the general population know's that the Rock is the greater entertainer, otherwise Vince wouldn't have brought him back to host the biggest event of the year after a 7 year absence! Give us 7 years without Cena and see if he's even missed. If there is ANY validity to the scripted vs unscripted statement by RKO then Cena should let them script him cuz he absolutely, positively, 100% SUCKS when compared to the Rock in a promo.
Thank you, you nailed it right on the head. For the posters who have said that Randy Orton is a "douche" for defending Cena, get over yourselves. It has been clear for quite a while that Orton and Cena have a ton of respect for each other, so Orton coming out and doing this interview shouldn't be surprising to ANYONE.

Quite frankly, as much as I liked The Rock back in the day, his actions speak a lot louder than words, and to me his actions don't hold much weight with me. He says he loves the WWE Universe and how he's back for good, but like Orton said, he appeared ONCE live upon his return and then has been either via satellite or in taped segments, whereas Cena has been there day in, day out. I have more respect right now for John Cena than I do for The Rock because Cena's actions prove his words. And The Rock? His words have rung hollow for seven years now.

I think today's superstars should have every reason to be pissed because of The Rock's return stealing their spotlight. They have busted their asses for the last year to carry the company with the retirement of HBK and the injuries to Triple H and the Undertaker. Guys like Morrison, Ziggler and Sheamus have been reduced to bit players after being the focus of the WWE, and it's not fair to them.
Both Cena and Orton have noted reputations for being selfish and refusing to help put anyone else over. The Rock never did. Before you defend Orton, just remember Mr Kennady, Kofi Kingston, and Husky Harris. People whos careers took a nose dive because Randy 'the Career Killer' chose to bury them and Cena is no better. Maybe they both feel threatened because the Rock is at a level neither ould be able to attain.
For the Rock the first time he was not involved with wrestling was when he left in 2004. That's 30 odd years in the thick of the business...

30 years?The Rock debut in 1996 and he last wrestled in 2004.That's 8 years.Just because he grew up in a family of wrestlers doesn't make him a 30 year vet.That's like saying I'm an experienced lawyer because my father was a lawyer and I got to visit his office often as a child.Make-a-wish kids get to visit the locker rooms too,it doesn't mean they're in the thick of the business.Besides,read his biography 'The Rock Says' and you'll know he only got started in pro wrestling because he couldn't make it in American football.He has wrestling in his blood,but so does Orton.Would you count Orton as a 30 year vet?

I do think part of the interview is kayfabe to try to sell the Cena/Rock feud but take away the last 3 lines of the interview and what Orton is saying is basically the truth.I have a feeling that the guys in the WWE locker room feel the same way.As fans,they'll be excited to see The Rock,but as wrestlers I'd expect them to be pissed,since a guy that hasn't been on WWE for 7 years suddenly comes back and they all have to play second fiddle to him.Even guys like Triple H and Undertaker must feel a bit hurt by the fans' reactions.They're all trying to sell a match and a PPV but they know their efforts are for nothing because all the fans want to see is The Rock.

Cena is better at going off the cuff,because he doesn't use catchphrases anymore.The Rock's promos involve nothing BUT his catchphrases.That's why Cena's promos are failing,because he has to stay within the PG guidelines while The Rock can curse like a sailor,and The Rock knows exactly what to say because he's been saying it since 1998,whereas Cena doesn't know what would work with the audience and what won't.Rock's promos are like throwing stuff that's coated with superglue to the wall while Cena's just throwing whatever he can at the wall and hoping some of them stick.I thought the shirt that says "I Bring It...via satellite" was genius.I thought Cena's rap where he told The Rock to blow him was great,but you knew he got chewed out backstage because his next promo was awful.

Anyway,I'm going to be in Cena's corner when The Rock does decide to wrestle him,and Orton's right when he said that Cena is the better wrestler because with the amount of ring time that The Rock has in the past 7 years,Cena would rip out Rock's intestines and play jump rope with it.

Both Cena and Orton have noted reputations for being selfish and refusing to help put anyone else over. The Rock never did. Before you defend Orton, just remember Mr Kennady, Kofi Kingston, and Husky Harris. People whos careers took a nose dive because Randy 'the Career Killer' chose to bury them and Cena is no better. Maybe they both feel threatened because the Rock is at a level neither ould be able to attain.

Just adding to this, remember that The Rock did put a lot of people over through his tenure, and his final goals were to put over stars of the future. I've yet to see Cena really put somebody over. If he loses, he's been cheated. He and Randy Orton will bury endlessly, and freak out whenever somebody looks like ascending to the limelight. Even if it's not their choice, they will. Remember when they teamed up and buried the entire Raw roster?
I actually agree with Orton here. I mean lets look at facts here. After leaving WWE, he tried to distance himself from his time in WWE as much as possible. He went on from being called Dwayne "the Rock" Johnson to simply Dwayne Johnson. And now are we seriously supposed to believe that he is back and won't leave the WWE fans ever again? I don't believe it. Orton correctly pointed it out that over the past few weeks, we have seen the Rock live only once. The rest of the times we have seen him was via satellite. And as someone else has pointed out, the Rock left only after 9 years. John Cena is still here after 11 years. I don't like Cena as a wrestler but as a person, I like him. I can tell that not only does he have a passion to the businees but he is loyal to it as well.
Interesting that this comes up now. I just watched the Top 50 Wrestlers DVD on Netflix (yes, the one where Hogan is 23, but this isn't about him). Rock comes in I believe at # 5 and something jumped out at me. Whereas all the others in the Top 50 had a lot of highlights shown and formers and current stars singing their praises for their in-ring ability when it came to the Rock it seemed like 90% of what was said was that he was electrifying, could talk as well as anyone, etc. The main point of his highlight package was a montage of all his catch-phrases. Nobody said he was a good worker, nobody said "one of the best I was ever in the ring with". There was very little praise for his ability beyond him being a good athlete.

Don't get me wrong. I like the Rock, and marked out when he returned. But, maybe what Orton said is a more widely held belief among the guys in the back then we have known. Just food for thought.
Okay, true that Rock always says his 45 catchphrases on every promo. But nicknames like "yabba dabba bitch" just don't seem to be something the WWE creative would have told him to say.

uhmmm and you think wwe told cena to say 'You aint gonna whip my candyass dude, i make sure you kiss it !' or 'to go play fairy with a tooth' .. or 'dont go racing to witch mountain .. cuz your mountain is brokeback' ??
I AGREE with Randy Orton! Now go ahead and hate...

The Rock come's back and tell's the fans what they wanna hear, meanwhile he's been avoiding the WWE for seven years. I think he lost his Rock mojo, because his promos aren't as entertaining as they were back then. I used to LOVE watching the WWF back then and watching The Rock insult everyone, like the Hurricane and Kevin Kelly. But now, he gets so serious, talking about how WWE is in his blood, and that Cena's comment affected his family. I think Cena's promos are WAY better than The Rocks, in '11.

So, from my perspective, The Rock is used to getting stuff written for him, since he is an actor, and simply lost his WWE mojo.
It is no secret that Cena and Orton are friends outside the ring so that may be why Orton said it.Another reason is the WWE writers want from us to think that Orton has Cena's back and the current faces of the company are together against the former face.And the reasons go and go and go but for me it is another tric by the writers to draw more viewers to see what will happen.
Welll at one point i can really see what Orton wants to say!!
I dont know if you realize but WWE is a PG Show now, in the Rock and SCSA era they could almost do anything they want, and believing or not, that thing make an impact, bleeding all over the body does make an impact!!

Why do you think that is so difficult to have new main-eventers?
Its hard now, and both Orton and Cena are still projects from the non-PG Show, so as HHH, Undertaker, Jericho, Edge and Mysterio, however they manage to stay and still be the top boys, Rock always was the best on the mic, but he certanty was a non-pg character, so right now it was kinda difficult for him, but i'm sure if he was again in the WWE he was one of the top dogs!!

But imagine that way, John Cena is the most known superstar of the WWE, withouth a doubt, he has the haters and the CeNation, but if after WM he goes away, and get back in 7 years, we all were going to say that he is a legend, i am pretty sure of that!!

Dont get me wrong, i dont have anything agaisnt Rock or the Non-PG era, i loved it and i think that WWE was by far better in those years, however i think people dont give credits to those who make us watch WWE NOW, so as Cena or Orton!!
Cena was awesome in the ring back in the days, it isnt his fault that he was built as a Super John Cena, like he his now!
But i'm sure and you all are that if they both clash in the ring, it is going to be a epic match, and i'm sure that super john cena would disappear in that fight, but for they have to be very well worked...

One more thing, Orton told us, that in the present Cena can fuck up Rock in a match, and if you think that Rock is still young and that can do the same wrestling moves, you are a little bit ******, of course that if they clash at WrestleMania in a fight, John Cena has to be the one that lead the fight :x

P.S Thris Stratus is the Diva of the Decade, and she was gone for what 3 years?
Well she came back, and she really failed a lot of moves, so Rock was going to do the same, think a little...
Also the John Cena rap-thing was awesome, and if he was the one to write it, he is indeed great!!
Oh but just to make clear, i love when the Rock say "you cant xee me! XD" he is the most charismatic wrestler and he now has the Hollywood experience in how to act and lead with the fans, he is also great :p
Orton's a turd.

If Cena was such a better superstar than Rock, you'd think he'd be able to pull in at least half the people that Rock does. Orton is Cena's bestie so he's just talking up his friend while ignoring every shred of fact.

My favorite part is how he says all of Rock's stuff is written for him. When Rock was big WWE didn't have any promo writers and all of the wrestlers wrote their own stuff, and even more ludicrous is he insisting that Cena writes his own. I could see Cena writing the raps but that's about it, and I consider those very overrated (we get it, The Rock's gay, yet you're the one describing sexual acts between the two of you)

Orton is so high on the smell of his and Cena's farts that he doesn't know his ass from his elbow, let alone talent. Infact at Wrestlemania, he's set to bury the most talented guy on the roster.
"You never let somebody come from outside the business, have their way with the business and then leave the next day and laugh at you." - Roddy Piper

I just thought I start my reply to this subject off with this because I think what is said by Roddy Piper pretty much sums it up.

Now I think EVERYBODY knows that The Rock is 10x if not 100x better than John Cena. And I can see Randy Orton's argument in the fact that John Cena has been running with the ball for seven years as The Rock abandoned them for those same seven years. It might be jealousy, but at the same time looking from a business point of it all and at Roddy Piper's comment it makes sense to what Randy Orton is saying. The Rock for seven years has been saying, "I don't want to be known as a wrestler, WWE Superstar, or Sports Entertainer. I want to be known as an Actor." And now you have him coming into the WWE basically feeding the fans what they want to hear... That's VERY hypocritical and contradicts EVERYTHING The Rock has said for seven years.

I think the biggest point here is that John Cena has been in the business and it is only smart to hype up your current star not somebody who came back for a couple weeks and will leave in the next few months. John Cena is here to stay while The Rock is only here to get a good paycheck and to bring in some buyrates for the WrestleMania PPV this year. We don't know what The Rock meant in terms of, "I am here to stay." And we all know that The Rock is not done making movies. He makes more money doing movies and it's a lot less stressful both mentally and physically than Pro Wrestling is. Like what Roddy Piper said in that quote at the top of the page... It refers to The Rock in this sense. The Rock comes in gets his way and laughs as he leaves that's not good for ANYBODY! All it shows is that WWE's superstars of today are not as good as WWE superstars of yesterday. This is similar to Hulk Hogan vs The Rock... Why have someone like Hulk Hogan win the match when in the next coming years Rock will be the thing in and Hogan could be gone? Why have The Rock win this feud when in the next coming weeks Cena will be in and Rock will be gone?

So what Randy Orton is saying as far as John Cena running with the ball while The Rock left them I can completely relate to and I'm sure Randy Orton isn't the only one feeling this way. I would not be surprised if some guys like Sheamus or The Miz felt the same way (even though he is working with The Rock). As far as Randy Orton saying, "John Cena is 10x better?" That's just completely dumb, but smart. Randy Orton is only hyping John Cena because he knows when the chips are down Cena will be there and Rock will be gone doing movies. It could be to hype the show, it could be his honest opinion, we don't know except for Randy Orton, but when it all said and done Randy Orton did the right thing in my opinion hyping up John Cena (And The Rock is one of my favorites of ALL time).
For starters Randall Orton has the personality of a fish finger. He could only dream of cutting a promo like The Rock does. Second of all he can also dream about reaching the status and fame The Rock has. Orton isn't even close to that amount of superstardom.

I dont mind Orton, but for him to say these things about The Rock is ludicrous. Rocks promos are written for him? Do me a favour!!! Some will say Randall has got his buddy Cena's back. Maybe he has but I think he is secretly hoping to work with The Rock. Maybe he is planting the seeds for this to develop when The Rock/Cena thing is over. Randall is probably pissed because he isn't the top guy getting to work with The Great One. He p[robably feels hard done by.

Oh and like someone said earlier...the locker room should be greatful for The Rock returning because Wrestlemania was going to bomb in my opinion. It stunk until this all developed. Rock also put many over...Goldberg, Lesnar...even Hurricane.

Its great to see people still bitter about The Rock leaving and 'distancing himself'. Yeh he left in 2004, but he has being back a couple of times since...The Rock character wasnt laid to rest!!! And he's back. Thats the fact jack. He is now back to give WWE a kick up the arse!!!
Wow! Randy Orton finally did something I like!

I'm very impressed with Randy. First of all, he really spelled it out for the fans, and I'm hoping he opened a few eyes. I've never doubted The Rock's love for the WWE, but I'm 100% sure that he doesn't love professional wrestling as much as he loves acting and making movies, because like Orton said, Dwayne Johnson has stated many times that he wants to be known as an actor, not a wrestler.

Some people in this thread claimed that it's probably a case of the boys sticking together, and I think you're probably dead on. While I doubt anyone really views The Rock as a trespasser on WWE soil, I think the WWE superstars still want to let the world know that they could put on a great show with or without The Rock.

And going so far as to claim Cena is a better star than The Rock? That's pretty ballsy stuff coming from Mr. Orton. I'm a big Cena backer, but even I don't know if I would go so far as to say that he's better than The Rock. Those are some big time props from Randy Orton, and I'm sure this will only add fuel to the fire.

Tomorrow night's face-off between Cena and The Rock should be brilliant, and I think Cena is more ready than ever to go toe-to-toe and word-for-word with The Great One.
Cena's promos have never been good, PG or not. If you go back on youtube and watch his old promos they're the same ridiculous, crappy 'battle-raps'. Even if Rock was having his promos written it doesn't make them worse than Cena's. That's like me writing a crappy script to act in and saying I'm better than Al Pacino because I wrote it myself.

To whoever said Rock came from an era where you only had to blade to get over. I beg to fucking differ. That era gave us Angle, Benoit, Jericho and many others who could actually wrestle. Rock didn't get over because of his in-ring work but he had a great sense of psychology and his matches were always exciting. Cena clearly didn't get over because of his in-ring work because his in-ring work is shoddy, his psychology is terrible and he can't sell for shit. I know part of that is WWE limiting him and his moveset back in the day was more diverse but even still it wasn't his ring skills that got him over. I think you'll find that both Cena and Orton originated in a non-PG era too as 2002/2003 was not a PG time.

Rock should be able to come back to wrestling whenever he damn wants. He made it mainstream, he made it cool, he drew money and he accomplished a lot in his short time period. Lesnar wasn't there for long. Should we moan if he comes back? I'm sorry but Rock isn't taking up anybody's spot at Mania. He isn't in a match...the guys that don't make the card wouldn't be making the card if Rock wasn't there.

It's a testament to The Rock that he's still cheered by the fans after all these years and a damning indictment of the modern WWE that they haven't been able to build anyone up to get near the same reaction that he did. Don't say Cena as a good portion of the crowd boos him. If you're the top babyface and people are jeering for you then your promos are not good.

The guys backstage should welcome Rock with open arms and appreciate what he's done for the business. In the end, the fans are right anyway and the majority of fans do want The Rock back.

In the end it's all good because The Rock will end up putting Cena over. I seem to remember Rock and Foley putting over Orton and Evolution back at Mania in 2004 too. Hell, without bringing back legends and old stars the gimmick that got Orton over in the first place never could have happened.

Brainwashed? Give me a break.
I had just joined these forums because I did want to throw my 2 cents into this discussion, plus I love this website. Now first I am a Rock fan, have been since his days with the Nation, didn't like the Rocky Miavia character, but I doubt anyone did. But when he became the Rock, he was awesome. That was 1998, it is now 2011 and I still think he is one of the greatest superstars ever. Now before everyone flies off the handle cause I am a Rock fan, I do appreciate what Cena does, not just for what he does for the WWE Universe, but for charities and such. He busted his ass to get where he is and still continues to do so, he's has my respect for that. Orton is a current favorite of mine as well, but the Rock overshadows all of them in my opinion.

Yes, the Rock left for Hollywood, and I hated it like all of the other Rock and WWE fans, but I still supported him with his movies, except for the Tooth Fairy, I have no idea what to think of that. But hey, I have seen all this other ones, and have liked them all, he is great as an actor just like as an entertainer. Now don't get me wrong, I also liked the Marine and 12 Rounds, 12 Rounds especially, that was very good, haven't seen Legendary yet, but its in my Netflix instant queue.

Anyway, my main point is this, when WCW was kicking WWF's ass in the Monday Night War, besides Stone Cold, who carried the WWF over WCW, The Rock did, along with Triple H, Undertaker, Mankind, Kane, etc. But when Stone Cold went down due to injury in 1999-2000, who was the main face of the WWF, the Rock. He and Triple H carried WWF over WCW with their rivalry. Could Cena have taken Stone Cold's torch in 2000 when he passed it like the Rock and Triple H did, I don't know for sure, but I doubt it.

Cena is his best now because this is his time, the torch was passed to him to carry the WWE, and he has been for the last few years. Not knocking him for that cause he is doing it day in and day out. But you cannot possibly say who is the best between the two, two different eras there. If you can somehow have the Rock of 1999-2001 face Cena of today, then we would get our answer, but that won't happen. You can argue that if there was no Rock, there might of been no Cena.

If you read Chris Jericho's last book, Undisputed, you will see who he liked wrestling with the most. Won't tell you who, cause that book was a great read as a whole and I would recommend it to anyone.

Lastly, when the Rock returned last month, I missed it live on RAW cause I don't watch RAW anymore, I catch up on the news on Wrestlezone. But I watched it the next day on Youtube at work, and it was so awesome, it made me forget how much I don't like my job, haha. He still is the best on the mic, no doubt about it. He held the crowd in that arena and everyone watching at home in the palm of his hands, like he always did. Look up "Rock's funniest moments" on youtube and see the greatness in action. Anyway, I watched the following week's RAW anticipating another awesome promo whether live or via satiellite, but I was let down by the current product, Cena's rap was pretty good, I laughed a little bit, and I do enjoy some of the superstars like John Morrison (who is being screwed at Wrestlemania) but thats it, I was so bored that I actually changed the channel to watch "Masters of the Universe", yes, the Dolph Lundgren He-Man movie. I haven't watched a RAW since then, if something cool happens, I will watch it on Youtube, but tomorrow, when the Rock is live, I will be watching along with the rest of millions.
Of course Orton is going to back Cena thats his boy, how come nobody went back to when this all started and looked at Mysterio and Jerhico's ( 2 guys who were around through the heyday of both men ) statements about the 2 and how they all said the Rock was the best on the mic.

Cena is great but he is just a Hulk Hogan reincarnation right now, The rock is an original

So what he left for a higher paying job, who wouldnt, Do you think there would be WWE films without Rocks hollywood glory. You tell me if you had that oppurtunity you wouldn't leave. If WWE films was around when Rock started acting he would probably still be here doing both.

As for in ring Orton needs to relax as to when Austin-HHH-Rock fought each other over and over for years there was never a cry to bring someone else into the picture because it was alwas entertaining. We had to beg and Booo their matches so we can get a change.

The Rock is the biggest draw in the company next to maybe Hogan ( I once thought Austin but the crowd reaction upon his return was nowhere near the Rocks which made me change what I originally thought )

Orton said the Rock has people write stuff for him, but in many interviews in the past the Rock has stated that he writes his own stuff.

Wrestlemania buys were slow until the day after The Rock appears and only as guest host. thats what a MEGA STAR does Cena could get to that level but he doesnt have the opponents that The attitude era or Hogans Era had to make exciting storylines or feuds that can be remembered. Come on he fought Orton a 1000 times are any of them memorable. Look at the change in Cena since the Rock came back, he has been amazing nothing really boring at all.
Cena is on the level of the Rock or maybe just under he just doesn't have quality opponents to keep the fans interest for him to feud against. This is the best feud Cena has had in a long time and its only been a war of words.
obviously the Rock is a bigger superstar than John Cena. when the Rock returned to monday night Raw it was the first time I ever heard WWE talked about on ESPN along with breaking news. although both of them lack in wrestling skills i would pay to go see the rock wrestle cause he is more entertaining than Cena. When im watching Cena i always take that time for a bathroom break. lol
Now how the hell did this turn into a who's better fight? As for Mr. Orton, it's most likely a kayfabe interview. Orton's a face and is buddy with Cena so he wasn't going to say Rock's better. As for what he thinks in real life it doesn't really matter. I for one, am glad that Rock and Cena will face off!
I love how when someone states their opinion, it turns into a bashing session on how that person's opinion doesn't really matter because they have a bland in ring personality.

First of all, this isn't about Randy's personality, he isn't comparing himself to the Rock. While yes, most of us do think, feel, believe that the Rock is probably in every way better than John Cena, its also true that this same lot of us were pretty angry with the Rock for leaving the world of wrestling and sports entertainment to acting.

Randy's emotions aren't "jealousy". I'm going to disregard the comments on whose stuff is scripted and whose isn't because its something I'm not aware of, but all Randy is saying that John Cena has earned his spots over the last 7 years, he's been there day in and day out while the Rock hasn't. The Rock just showed up and told everyone "he's not leaving." I'm happy the Rock is back, but I'm also not stupid. I'll see it when I believe it, and Randy's opinion is very, very valid.
Guys, OP for this thread here.. Just a quick reminder that all I wanted to discuss here is WHAT IS THE LOCKER ROOM MENTALITY ON THE RETURN OF ROCK..

Jeez please stop fighting and bitching over Rock's better or Cena's better or Orton's an asshole..

We all may agree that in terms of entertainment factor Rocky beats almost every one by a mile, But Cena has been kept on a leash because of the PG structure and has shown that if the shackles are removed he is more than willing to go toe-to-toe with the great one...

This is the situation..

Now Randy Orton's comments suggests that if they do go face-to-face than Cena will lay the smacketh down on Rock's candy ass.. What does it mean??

Is he speaking out of jealousy?

Is he speaking for the whole locker room?

Is it kayfabe?

Is it Orton being an asshole?

Is it Orton backing his buddy Cena up?

Please continue discussing....
Im loling at the guys who bitch about rock coming back taking up tv time and being a piece of shit for coming back 7 years later. So.... if he came back when YOU wanted him to itd be fine what 5 years ago? Then your hero cena never would have been as big as he is now. How bout the hogan style? Keep showin up just to bring others down? Him leaving benefitted himself mcmahon and your superhero john cena.

There is no real hate between these two. There is no real hate between orton and dwayne. Its all an act guys. Lets not go overboard.
Ok, I feel Orton is backing Cena up, like I feel Austin or Foley would for the Rock, or anyone who went through the Monday Night Wars with the Rock and the Attitude Era would do. Plus Orton's a face so he should back Cena or else he might be looked upon as a heel again. His comments don't surprise me at all, why praise the old stars when you want the current ones to stand out over the older ones.

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