**Merged** Orton Verbally Lays the Smacketh Down on Rock's Candy Ass

Pro Wrestling is FAKE

Occasional Pre-Show
Following is a part of an interview of Randy Orton with ESPN guy John Robinson

Robinson: The Rock recently came back to WWE. What do you think of his return so far, and what can we expect to happen when he's actually live on Raw this Monday and he's finally inside the same ring as John Cena and The Miz?

Orton: That's an interesting topic. I know them both and I know Cena a lot better than I know The Rock, obviously, but I've been in the ring with both cutting promos and wrestling. I have to say, though, talking about the whole ring rust thing, John Cena has had about 2,000 matches in the last seven years. The Rock? A big, fat zero. So when it comes to ring rust, I don't care what type of athlete you are, and The Rock is obviously an athletic dude, but Cena has been in the ring. He's been at every show and in every show and making appearances and he has been on the road with the WWE over 300 days a year for the last seven years. The Rock? Virtually nonexistent. You see the interviews that The Rock does and he says that he doesn't want to be known as a wrestler. He doesn't want to be known as a sports entertainer or a performer with WWE or a WWE superstar. He wants to be known as an actor. Now all of a sudden he's back in our world telling the fans what they want to hear. He's telling them, "I promise that I will never go away again. I promise that I'm back for good and that I'm here to stay." He said that, what, six or seven weeks ago? Have we even seen him live since then? No. Via satellite. I think Cena will own The Rock. I think Cena is wittier and can go off the cuff. Cena writes his own stuff, while The Rock has stuff written for him. It just all comes down to who you are in the ring and what kind of performer you are in the ring, and I think Cena is 10 times the performer in the ring that The Rock is. This Monday in Chicago, he'll prove it.

Now before we move any further into the topic, there is a very clear statement that very few will disagree with "ROCK IS A BETTER SUPERSTAR THAN CENA!!" Now not every-one, but I still say that a majority will agree with this..

Keeping that in mind, after reading the comments of Randy Orton do you think that the locker room is much more firmly behind Cena at this point of time.. Of course most of the adult section of the WWE Universe is firmly standing behind their favorite "Rocky" because of the nostalgic reasons, but apart from that do you think that the Locker room is resenting Rock for coming out and stealing their lime-light.. Keep in mind, Last Year's Wrestlemania was a bit more star studded than this time around.. This time their are more new members in the show.. Do they think that Rock being there will take the attention away from the time, the first time they are being asked to do so..??

Please discuss and no spamming..
No, sounds like partial kayfabe to me.

These guys should be thanking THE ROCK, If it wasn't for him nobody would give a SHIT about this years WrestleMania, because of him, ungrateful pieces of trash like Randy Orton are going to get bigger paychecks
I was pretty shocked when I read this. I am not to sure if this is the general consensus backstage but I do believe it is the real opinion of Orton.

For me I think there is a bit of jealousy from Orton. I do not think he likes the fact that the Rock can return after 7 years and still be the main focus of the show, still be as loved as he is and still get a bigger reaction than he does.

I am certainly sure some of the wrestlers backstage are not too happy with the Rock coming in and taking the limelight but I also believe many of the wrestlers love it. The Rock is a wrestling Icon and a true superstar, he should be an inspiration to these wrestlers as he is the only one to truly make it outside of wrestling.

Orton certainly put in some jabs, like how the Rocks promos are written for him while Cena's are natural, but there is no way Orton seriously believes Cena is !0x the superstar the Rock is. If he does then Orton is a douche!
Randy Orton.

I don't think a thread's been done on this but i saw it on the main page and just thought it sounded crazy. Here's the whole thing;

In a recent interview, WWE Superstar Randy Orton predicts that John Cena will prove he's a better Superstar than The Rock on this Monday's WWE Raw show.

Orton stated, "You see the interviews that The Rock does and he says that he doesn't want to be known as a wrestler. He doesn't want to be known as a sports entertainer or a performer with WWE or a WWE superstar. He wants to be known as an actor. Now all of a sudden he's back in our world telling the fans what they want to hear. He's telling them, 'I promise that I will never go away again. I promise that I'm back for good and that I'm here to stay.'

Orton continues, "He said that, what, six or seven weeks ago? Have we even seen him live since then? No. Via satellite. I think Cena will own The Rock. I think Cena is wittier and can go off the cuff. Cena writes his own stuff, while The Rock has stuff written for him. It just all comes down to who you are in the ring and what kind of performer you are in the ring, and I think Cena is 10 times the performer in the ring that The Rock is. This Monday in Chicago, he'll prove it."

While i can fully agree with what he says in the first paragraph as Rock wanting to be seen as an actor and not a wrestler, it's the second part where i just think "is he serious?"

I can't say that i know whether Cena writes all his own stuff and Rock doesn't but i sure know which sounds better. A cena promo consists of a cheesy joke, possible implication that rival is homosexual followed by a "passionate" speech about never giving up blablaba.

Rock is definitely the wittier of the two, compare insults of any opponents for that.

Cena is 10 times the in ring performer?! Rock isn't the greatest in the ring but certainly doesn't bore the majority of the crowd to death whenever he was in the ring.

Just had to have a rant about this, your opinions?
No, sounds like partial kayfabe to me.

These guys should be thanking THE ROCK, If it wasn't for him nobody would give a SHIT about this years WrestleMania, because of him, ungrateful pieces of trash like Randy Orton are going to get bigger paychecks

Well I understand that the partly the WWE Creative team has gone lackadaisical and partly they do not possess the superstars that they did a few years back, but how does the return of The Rock provides bigger paychecks to Randy Orton and co.?? :wtf::wtf::wtf:

Also partial kayfabe on ESPN..?? Dunno..
There's a big difference between The Rock and John Cena that no one has really pointed out.

Everyone in WWE keeps using the line that "Rock Left" like he's some kind of traitor. And Cena specifically keeps using the fact that he's been in the WWE for 9 years as a fact that somehoe gives it all more justice.

John Cena has indeed been in the WWE for 9 years. Where was he before that?
No Where!

For Cena being a part of wrestling is still relatively new.

For the Rock the first time he was not involved with wrestling was when he left in 2004. That's 30 odd years in the thick of the business...

... and to believe Cena is to basically agree that Rock has no choice but to be a slave to wrestling.
After 30+ years of being knees deep in the business it is no wonder that he needed a break.
Cena has been in a professional wrestling environment for 9 years? Let's wait and see if he is still there in 21 years time. I very much doubt it.

To actually answer your question so I'm not Trolling..
I can see why guys like Seamus would be angry because they're supposed to be the ones who took the torch last year and they've ended up being pushed aside for old talent.
For Randy Orton.. I'm pretty sure he'd stab Cena in the back if it meant him taking the glory, and I'm pretty sure that in this interview it is just him saying what he thinks is the most politically beneficial thing for him to be saying.
Cena is great and definitely not far from reaching Rock's level, but even though Randy Orton is my favorite - I can't take the statement about Rock's promos being scripted seriously. Like, what the hell was he thinking about?

The Rock always goes off-script, so has Cena in the latest few ones against Rock too. But to say Rock's material are written by the writers of WWE is stupid. And take it from a huge Orton fan.
Sounds like Orton is jealous to me.
The Rock got a pop in his return that Orton can only dream of, and know he'll never get. The Rock, being gone "seven long years" comes back and gets the response from the crowd that you never see for any current WWE Superstar.

However, thanks to The Rock, Orton's WrestleMania bonus check will be better than it would have been, had The Rock not agreed to host WM.
Well I understand that the partly the WWE Creative team has gone lackadaisical and partly they do not possess the superstars that they did a few years back, but how does the return of The Rock provides bigger paychecks to Randy Orton and co.?? :wtf::wtf::wtf:

Also partial kayfabe on ESPN..?? Dunno..

Because if Rock draws in so many more fans for such a show, then that would entail Orton and Cena and others getting more money.

But on topic, I think they are pretty interesting comments, and Orton is much closer to Cena then he is Rock, so I can see why he would comment on Cena's behalf.

But there is no chance in HELL, that Cena is a better talker or entertainer than Rocky. Do you honestly believe Orton when he says Cena comes up with everything on his own? I know for a fact that Cena comes up with the raps on his own, as he would always do it when him and Samoa Joe were travelling buddies in UPW. Other than that, Orton is full of crap. You mean to tell me, that with their strict PG rating on all of their talent, that WWE Creative wrote the profanity laiden promos Rock has been giving that people LOVE to hear? I highly doubt that. Even if they write stuff down for Rock, I have a very good feeling it's just points that he needs to hit, and then Rock goes and makes it his own. He's been doing it for years.
Its either WWE behind it showing 'the boys stick together' or he is being sarcasitic.

There is no world that exists where Cena's promos are better than the Rocks, scripted or unscripted. Cena's jokes are cheesy and not funny and his whole "never lay down, fight to the end' is so over done and cheesy its beyond boring.

That first promo Rock hit on his live appearance was amazing, it was electric and it had the fans behind him in an instant. Nobody... NOBODY least of all Cena could show up after 7 years and get that done.

As for his points on the Rock being an actor etc and pushing himself as such.. ofc... he is... he has been for some time now. He isn't just a wrestler anymore, and until he wrestles he wont be.

I for one think this is just part of the storyline showing "Orton has Cena's back" and continued use of Twitter by WWE for storylines.

I don't think Orton is stupid enough to think that statement was the truth...
Well for starters, Orton is hardly known for being one of the best at delivering promos, and when he does they tend to be the standardised monotonal gubbins. If say, Jericho, had been the one quoted then it would be different because he is one of the best at delivering promos and perhaps understands it better.

Also, aren't Orton and Cena good buds behind the scenes? How much interaction with Orton has the Rock had?

Orton probably feels inclined to stick up for his friend, so I would have been more surprised if Orton was leaning the other way. He's had his opinion and any ranting and raving that may come about won't change it. I personally don't think it's a coincidence that last week's Raw numbers were down when Rock wasn't appearing.
I wouldn't be surprised if it was a view held by the locker room. They bust their asses day in day out and then The Rock decides he's going to return and is straight away the focus of the show. You can understand why they'd be pissed off.

Also if you give the whole interview a read it doesn't appear he was working in kayfabe. However for all you know he was told to say something along those lines if he got asked a question like that. It's always hard to guess with the WWE.
Guys, get real. Its a work. It's purpose is to show that a big star like Orton is backing Cena. It's meant to help put Cena on Rock's level, and get people behind him instead of Rock. Thats how I see it anyway.
Keeping that in mind, after reading the comments of Randy Orton do you think that the locker room is much more firmly behind Cena at this point of time.. Of course most of the adult section of the WWE Universe is firmly standing behind their favorite "Rocky" because of the nostalgic reasons, but apart from that do you think that the Locker room is resenting Rock for coming out and stealing their lime-light..

First off, it's not like the Rock just barged back into the WWE without anyone knowing, he and Vince had been in contact for a while.

I don't think the locker room should be resenting the Rock if that is the case. He's being utilised to draw in more viewers for their biggest showcase of the year and he's not constantly eating up a whole lot of time, so what the guys in the back should be doing is going out and getting themselves noticed while there are more viewers. I understand it's tough as Raw is 'the promo show', but instead of lamenting the fact the Rock is back (if that indeed is the case which I doubt) they should be capitalising on it.
You see the interviews that The Rock does and he says that he doesn't want to be known as a wrestler. He doesn't want to be known as a sports entertainer or a performer with WWE or a WWE superstar. He wants to be known as an actor. Now all of a sudden he's back in our world telling the fans what they want to hear.


The Rock is without a doubt an utter piece of shit. The people here who are ripping into this, are the same fans that The Rock has brainwashed. I don't understand why he came back because even with the roster that WWE had now, WrestleMania would still have been a great fucking card.

John Cena has had about 2,000 matches in the last seven years. The Rock? A big, fat zero. So when it comes to ring rust, I don't care what type of athlete you are, and The Rock is obviously an athletic dude, but Cena has been in the ring. He's been at every show and in every show and making appearances and he has been on the road with the WWE over 300 days a year for the last seven years. The Rock? Virtually nonexistent.

Once more, Randy has a brain and you fans don't. The only thing you have to go off of is The Rock's past which was in an era when all you needed to do in a match was blade and you got a push. Cena and Orton wrestle in an era where, believe it or not, their IN-RING WORK gets them over. They need the blood, the pre-written catchphrases, or to come back to the WWE when their movie career fails... because they have the in-ring work to draw in crowds.

On a side note, that sort of relates to this topic, I've read the entire interview and I found it was a very interesting read up to say the least. I highly recommend anybody to go check it out.
There's a big difference between The Rock and John Cena that no one has really pointed out.

Everyone in WWE keeps using the line that "Rock Left" like he's some kind of traitor. And Cena specifically keeps using the fact that he's been in the WWE for 9 years as a fact that somehoe gives it all more justice.

John Cena has indeed been in the WWE for 9 years. Where was he before that?
No Where!

For Cena being a part of wrestling is still relatively new.

For the Rock the first time he was not involved with wrestling was when he left in 2004. That's 30 odd years in the thick of the business...

... and to believe Cena is to basically agree that Rock has no choice but to be a slave to wrestling.
After 30+ years of being knees deep in the business it is no wonder that he needed a break.
Cena has been in a professional wrestling environment for 9 years? Let's wait and see if he is still there in 21 years time. I very much doubt it.

To actually answer your question so I'm not Trolling..
I can see why guys like Seamus would be angry because they're supposed to be the ones who took the torch last year and they've ended up being pushed aside for old talent.
For Randy Orton.. I'm pretty sure he'd stab Cena in the back if it meant him taking the glory, and I'm pretty sure that in this interview it is just him saying what he thinks is the most politically beneficial thing for him to be saying.

Well you made me do some researching to reply to your post...

See Cena will turn 34 this April while Rock will turn 39 this May, so there is a gap of 5 years in their age..

While Rock's family was involved in wrestling biz apparently Rock wasn't.. He joined University of Miami in 1991 to play defensive tackle and graduated with a degree in Bachelor of Science.. Meanwhile he was a part of Miami Hurricanes National Championship Team and was sidelined due to injury.. Post graduation he again went into football joining Calgary Stampeders in Canada.. It was only after he cut after the first two seasons did he came back and decided to take wrestling as his profession in 1996.. At that time his age was 25..

On the other hand Cena, graduated from Springfield College in 1998, Cena began developing an interset in body building and stuff and by the end of 1999/early 2000 was in the wrestling business.. At that time his age was 24.

Basically what I am trying to point out is that Rock and Cena developed interest in wrestling at almost the same stage and while Rock left WWE after around 9 years, Cena is still here after 11.. Rock was never in the business for 30 years.. Neither was Cena.. So now, where was Rock before 1996.. NO FREAKIN WHERE...
Cena is great and definitely not far from reaching Rock's level, but even though Randy Orton is my favorite - I can't take the statement about Rock's promos being scripted seriously. Like, what the hell was he thinking about?

The Rock always goes off-script, so has Cena in the latest few ones against Rock too. But to say Rock's material are written by the writers of WWE is stupid. And take it from a huge Orton fan.

So you mean to tell me that The Rock going with same old, tiring, and bland punchlines is going off script? Please, that seems like more of a lie than George W's first election.

Cena's promos have always been different. Until the end, you have absolutely no idea what Cena's going to say... but when The Rock goes and does a promo, I can pretty much quote it word for word before he even says it. Here, Rock's script PROBABLY looks like this...

1. Open with that "Finally the Rock has come back" bullshit.
2. Repeat what the previous opponent said and say something like "I'll come lay the smackdown"
3. Tell the interviewer it doesn't matter what he thinks
4. Say something stupid that makes no sense.
5. Finish with "If you smell" bullshit.

Am I right? Don't tell me I'm not because I'm always right.
So you mean to tell me that The Rock going with same old, tiring, and bland punchlines is going off script? Please, that seems like more of a lie than George W's first election.

Cena's promos have always been different. Until the end, you have absolutely no idea what Cena's going to say... but when The Rock goes and does a promo, I can pretty much quote it word for word before he even says it. Here, Rock's script PROBABLY looks like this...

1. Open with that "Finally the Rock has come back" bullshit.
2. Repeat what the previous opponent said and say something like "I'll come lay the smackdown"
3. Tell the interviewer it doesn't matter what he thinks
4. Say something stupid that makes no sense.
5. Finish with "If you smell" bullshit.

Am I right? Don't tell me I'm not because I'm always right.

They really haven't. Like i said in my original post, Cena's promos consist of a couple cheesy jokes, followed by never giving up or wanting a fight or some shit, The Rock follows a formula in his promos but it's more entertaining.
Okay, true that Rock always says his 45 catchphrases on every promo. But nicknames like "yabba dabba bitch" just don't seem to be something the WWE creative would have told him to say.

The Rock is without a doubt an utter piece of shit. The people here who are ripping into this, are the same fans that The Rock has brainwashed. I don't understand why he came back because even with the roster that WWE had now, WrestleMania would still have been a great fucking card.

Once more, Randy has a brain and you fans don't. The only thing you have to go off of is The Rock's past which was in an era when all you needed to do in a match was blade and you got a push. Cena and Orton wrestle in an era where, believe it or not, their IN-RING WORK gets them over. They need the blood, the pre-written catchphrases, or to come back to the WWE when their movie career fails... because they have the in-ring work to draw in crowds.

On a side note, that sort of relates to this topic, I've read the entire interview and I found it was a very interesting read up to say the least. I highly recommend anybody to go check it out.

Thank you, you nailed it right on the head. For the posters who have said that Randy Orton is a "douche" for defending Cena, get over yourselves. It has been clear for quite a while that Orton and Cena have a ton of respect for each other, so Orton coming out and doing this interview shouldn't be surprising to ANYONE.

Quite frankly, as much as I liked The Rock back in the day, his actions speak a lot louder than words, and to me his actions don't hold much weight with me. He says he loves the WWE Universe and how he's back for good, but like Orton said, he appeared ONCE live upon his return and then has been either via satellite or in taped segments, whereas Cena has been there day in, day out. I have more respect right now for John Cena than I do for The Rock because Cena's actions prove his words. And The Rock? His words have rung hollow for seven years now.

I think today's superstars should have every reason to be pissed because of The Rock's return stealing their spotlight. They have busted their asses for the last year to carry the company with the retirement of HBK and the injuries to Triple H and the Undertaker. Guys like Morrison, Ziggler and Sheamus have been reduced to bit players after being the focus of the WWE, and it's not fair to them.

The Rock is without a doubt an utter piece of shit. The people here who are ripping into this, are the same fans that The Rock has brainwashed. I don't understand why he came back because even with the roster that WWE had now, WrestleMania would still have been a great fucking card.

Once more, Randy has a brain and you fans don't. The only thing you have to go off of is The Rock's past which was in an era when all you needed to do in a match was blade and you got a push. Cena and Orton wrestle in an era where, believe it or not, their IN-RING WORK gets them over. They need the blood, the pre-written catchphrases, or to come back to the WWE when their movie career fails... because they have the in-ring work to draw in crowds.

On a side note, that sort of relates to this topic, I've read the entire interview and I found it was a very interesting read up to say the least. I highly recommend anybody to go check it out.

I agree whole heartedly with the poster.. Seriously man if you work to get to a level in your job for months or years and a retired MVP comes in for a few seconds flash, won't you be pissed.. And seriously you can't deny Cena is at par with the greatest wrestlers for being the "company man" as well as a good human being..

Thank you, you nailed it right on the head. For the posters who have said that Randy Orton is a "douche" for defending Cena, get over yourselves. It has been clear for quite a while that Orton and Cena have a ton of respect for each other, so Orton coming out and doing this interview shouldn't be surprising to ANYONE.

I think today's superstars should have every reason to be pissed because of The Rock's return stealing their spotlight. They have busted their asses for the last year to carry the company with the retirement of HBK and the injuries to Triple H and the Undertaker. Guys like Morrison, Ziggler and Sheamus have been reduced to bit players after being the focus of the WWE, and it's not fair to them.

Exactly the points that I was trying to make in both the cases..
well you know what, one "Finally" by The Rock is greater than anything I can ever remember Cena saying during his entire career
Orton has basically followed the basic career start that The Rock did. I think he's upset that no one gives a flying shit about him compared to The Rock. As for who's the best entertainer, it has to be The Rock. I was actually enjoying Cena's promos and segments until the one with the Miz last week on Raw. That was horribly weak, and it's plainly obvious that he can't work the crowd as a face as well as The Rock can. More often than not he just comes off as some annoying kid, whereas The Rock is the lovably arrogant but devoted hero. (I know he's been gone for a while, but he's devoted to the people in his promos)

Cena as a badguy eclipses Rock as a badguy though. Possibly only for the hostile reaction Cena can get from the older crowds nowadays. The best example would be looking at his match vs RVD at One Night Stand 2006. He played off the crowd heat and was forced to play the heel, and he relished it and performed fantastically. With Rock the fantastic face, and Cena capable of playing the heel, a Rock v Cena feud could actually have some weight.

As for Orton, he can criticise when he shows some talent.
Can we open our eyes for a second? 1 Orton sees things we don't, so he would know. 2 during the rocks second promo, he kept taking 20 seconds to say something and Cena even mentioned that the Rock was reading of something. 3 In the ring is hard to say, because Cena is a strength\Brawler wrestler and Rock is an athletic/brawler type. But peope be honest, on the mic, when cena drops the pg he kills the rock on the mic.

The Rock is without a doubt an utter piece of shit. The people here who are ripping into this, are the same fans that The Rock has brainwashed. I don't understand why he came back because even with the roster that WWE had now, WrestleMania would still have been a great fucking card.

Once more, Randy has a brain and you fans don't. The only thing you have to go off of is The Rock's past which was in an era when all you needed to do in a match was blade and you got a push. Cena and Orton wrestle in an era where, believe it or not, their IN-RING WORK gets them over. They need the blood, the pre-written catchphrases, or to come back to the WWE when their movie career fails... because they have the in-ring work to draw in crowds.

On a side note, that sort of relates to this topic, I've read the entire interview and I found it was a very interesting read up to say the least. I highly recommend anybody to go check it out.

I keep forgetting the amount of dumbasses that call Rock a 'sellout' for what he did. If he stayed in the ring and eventually ended up like Benoit, you morons would be crying to Vince to do something. Wrestling is a form of entertainment, not the Yakuza. The in ring performers have a right to have a life outside of the industry. I give the Rock credit for choosing to act while he is still physically and mentally capable to do it and overlooking the idiot, fickle wannabe fans that want you around until you can't perform anymore and then hate you for not being willing to kill yourself.

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