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*MERGED* [OFFICIAL] R-Truth Is The New US Champion

truth winning the title is crap!
seriously i have no clue what anyone see's in him, his finisher is shit, he has no mic skills other than "whats up" and the fact that he even gets pops out of the croud is beyond me! but oh well he'll be handing the title off to either dibiase or the miz in a week or 2 and he'll be back to being nothing more than a lower midcarder...

Yeah, R-Truth gets a much bigger reaction than Dibiase gets.

He's hardly a "lower midcarder".

He's probably the 3rd most over Face on Raw behind Cena and Orton.

I like Ted Jr, but what exactly has he done to warrant a U.S. title reign so soon after R-Truth won it?

Besides use his father's gimmick, because he's having trouble getting over on his own.

R-Truth won the U.S. title because he's over. He got over on his own.

Without being shoved into a feud with the top guys in the company like some people.

Or because of who his daddy is or was.

I'm a bit of a wrestling purist myself, but I've read tons of posts on message boards saying wrestling ability doesn't matter and it's all about charisma and getting over with the crowd.

Well, R-Truth has done both, and he's being rewarded for it.
I certainly think that he deserves a title, for much of his career never winning one. It's really good to see that WWE are pushing the superstars that not only the fans, smark for, but for the superstars who truly put their heart, and sole into this business, who have never really had a major push. R-Truth is very talented, both in the ring, and out of the ring, when it comes time for interviews. Hopefully, the E will give him the sort of time that he totally deserves as the champion.
I was one that before tonight, thought that R-Truth had no business having a title around his waist.

I changed my opinion after seeing him come to the ring tonight. The crowd absolutely ate him up. If I stop thinking like a smark for a second, this guy is good for WWE. He gets the same response out of the crowd that John Cena used to.

Giving the title back to the Miz doesn't seem like it will accomplish much with his upcoming Brian Danielson feud. With the title going to R-Truth, it can add an element to his next feud. I could see something good with Zach Ryder in the works, with Ryder thinking that championship gold would get him more ladies.
I'm pissed off about Truth winning the US title. He is literally the single most repetitive superstar on the entire WWE roster right now. He does the same exact thing every week. He does the same "What's up" routine to the crowd, he even finishes it on the exact same goddamn verse every week, then he says the name of the city, another what's up...it's annoying as hell. He's the master of cheap pops and while some say "so were mankind and the rock", I say "mankind and the rock earned pops for more than just the cheap 'your city is awesome' bullshit".

Pretty much every fucking superstar on the roster does the exact same entrance every time they come out. That is a ridiculous reason to dislike someone. The man is over as fuck and is solid in the ring and on the mic.

is no one pointing out the obvious?.. R. Truth sucks.

He dances like a retarted chicken (more closely to a jirating dancing *****) and all he has is a catchphrase. He has no ability on the mic other than getting people to say "What's Up?" and he is still stiff in the ring. His finisher is weak and looks like it barely touches you upon impact (I could be wrong, but it looks awful).

So this is what we have to look forward to as far as entertaining television?! *Sigh*

Is Miz getting buried here?!

Like I said above he is one of the most over guys on the roster, can cut a good promo and is solid in the ring. What else do you want him to do? He is a perfect fit to be US champion and this should have happened a long time ago. I think someone is a little butt hurt that their boy Miz isn't the champion anymore. No one got buried here. If anything this opens the door for the Miz to move onto better things.
I had been a Truth hater for a while honestly. There was just something corny about his character and style tat I just couldn't really get into. I'm not sure what it is but they have, at least in my mind, turned that around. It could be that he has been booked meaningfully. It could be because he has been performing at a consistently good level for the past couple of months. More than likely it is a combination of all of the above. I still find his character a little corny but no more so than Cena. Both have characters that fit them excellently and that's something that a lot of wrestlers never find.

As far as the title win goes, it has potential. He is probably one of the most over performers in the company right now and the perfect person to carry a midcard title. I would have liked to have seen Miz with the belt for a while longer as he never really had a proper feud over it. This could be that feud though. As evidence by their match tonight, the two work really well together. That was surprisingly good match and really did wonders for both men. With a lot of the talent they have in the midcard right now on Raw there are tons of possibilities. You have Morrison, who I believe will be making a heel turn honestly before the summer is over. You have the supporting midcarders like Henry, Tatsu, Bourne and Ryder. Dibiase is a real solid character going on right now and could add to the title scene. There are many feuds available right now for Truth and many of them sound promising.
I use to hate Truth, but he was won me over recently. The guy is over and he is decent enough in the ring to have solid matches. I'm not fond of his finisher, but I can live with it if he is staying in the mid card. If he transitions to the main event he will need a new one in my mind (but that is for a different thread).

I for one was rather happy Truth won the title. I know Miz has been the fanboy of the forum for the recent months and people are going to complain and say this is a sign of him being buried and I will just laugh at that remark. The US title needed a new face as it was getting old with Miz just carrying it around and rarely defending it because he was a tag team champ. I fully expect a rematch between Miz and Truth at Fatal 4 Way (either in a Fatal 4 Way or just a singles match). After that it will probably go back to Truth and Teddy battling it out for awhile. I think the title run will be solid. A couple of months (probably ending around Night of Champions or Survivor Series). I'm certainly looking forward to how it will be booked.
The thing about R-Truth is.. he isn't the original he was in TNA. In TNA, when he won the Heavyweight Championship he was great. He was unique, and able to speak. In the WWE, he's K-Kwik with a name change.

Until R-Truth is allowed to re-come out of his WWE made shell, he won't be anything more than barely above Santino for humor. This is coming from a guy who loved Truth more than anything in TNA, and can barely stand anything from him now. I think its mainly because in TNA he pushed the envelope. He was able to say a lot more controversial comments and make more remarks than he's allowed to do in WWE right now.

I hate to say a heel turn solves everything, but to be honest it did wonders for Punk. I can't imagine them turning Truth heel, because he's one of the most 'pop-for' face Wrestlers there is right now. And I just don't see the fans booing him, even if he bad mouths them.

Do I think the title run will be worth anything? No. Simply put, no. Not unless Truth discovers a personality that goes beyond rapping "whats up?". For what its worth though, I believe he'll be a better Champion than The Miz. For some reason, I just don't see Miz being worth putting a Championship on - since his best quality is talking, and you don't need to be a Champion, to win with your mouth.
The thing about R-Truth is.. he isn't the original he was in TNA. In TNA, when he won the Heavyweight Championship he was great. He was unique, and able to speak. In the WWE, he's K-Kwik with a name change.

Until R-Truth is allowed to re-come out of his WWE made shell, he won't be anything more than barely above Santino for humor. This is coming from a guy who loved Truth more than anything in TNA, and can barely stand anything from him now. I think its mainly because in TNA he pushed the envelope. He was able to say a lot more controversial comments and make more remarks than he's allowed to do in WWE right now.

I hate to say a heel turn solves everything, but to be honest it did wonders for Punk. I can't imagine them turning Truth heel, because he's one of the most 'pop-for' face Wrestlers there is right now. And I just don't see the fans booing him, even if he bad mouths them.

Do I think the title run will be worth anything? No. Simply put, no. Not unless Truth discovers a personality that goes beyond rapping "whats up?". For what its worth though, I believe he'll be a better Champion than The Miz. For some reason, I just don't see Miz being worth putting a Championship on - since his best quality is talking, and you don't need to be a Champion, to win with your mouth.

I both agree with some of this and disagree with some. I absolutely think he is going to need to introduce something in his game to seem like a legitimate contender for a world title. He's coasting on a midcard gimmick right now, which is fine but if he wants to breakthrough something will have to be added. I wouldn't take away what he does now because it has done him well thus far, but there is surely something lacking.

With that being said, now is not the time for it. He has a midcard title so carrying the gimmick and character of a midcarder is fitting. If it's not broken, don't fix it. Right now it's still working. He gets some of the biggest pops and keeps the crowd hot throughout an entire match which is something that many midcarders cannot do. They are in the strengthening process right now. The fans already like Truth and right now creative is letting it soak in get the fans emotionally invested in the wrestler after the interactive entrance is over. Without that connection they won't care about him later and a heel turn would mean nothing. It did wonders for Punk because it was a natural fit and people didn't give a shit about Punk at the time. I don't think that Truth is a natural heel. His character and charisma lends itself so much better to the face side of things.
With that being said, now is not the time for it. He has a midcard title so carrying the gimmick and character of a midcarder is fitting. If it's not broken, don't fix it. Right now it's still working. He gets some of the biggest pops and keeps the crowd hot throughout an entire match which is something that many midcarders cannot do.

I agree that he gets some of the biggest pops during his entrances, but only because its an interactive entrance. The fans love it, because they feel apart of it. That doesn't mean they love Truth beyond the music.

During the Dibiase/Truth match, I don't recall them going wild. I recall silence. I imagine it'll be much the same for most of Truth's forth-coming matches. Pops for sing-a-longs, silence for matches. If only he could start/continue singing.. during the matches.

They are in the strengthening process right now. The fans already like Truth and right now creative is letting it soak in get the fans emotionally invested in the wrestler after the interactive entrance is over.

I think the fans enjoy Truth segments, because he's good on the mic. Hes quick, snappy, and fun. But for some reason that doesn't translate over to in-ring work. I don't know how to explain that either, because he hasn't changed much and yet I thought he was better in the ring in TNA.

Maybe its because when a ton of Mid-carders are being pushed as Main Eventers, it makes them look amazing. Then when they get tossed in with actual Main Eventers, you suddenly realize shit doesn't shine even with polish.

Don't get me wrong though, I do enjoy Truth. I just think maybe something is missing beyond his heelish mic-work from TNA. (perhaps it was the Rock Bottom he used?!)

Without that connection they won't care about him later and a heel turn would mean nothing. It did wonders for Punk because it was a natural fit and people didn't give a shit about Punk at the time. I don't think that Truth is a natural heel. His character and charisma lends itself so much better to the face side of things.

Truth won me over from his heel work in TNA, actually. Cutting promos in tossing in the race card. I viewed him as a TNA born original - Nation of Domination formula mix.

Truth's character hasn't strayed far from being able to use that same race card gimmick, either. However, because he's a 'face' he wouldn't dare blame "the white man" for holding him down. The closest he's come is Dibiase wanting him to become (more or less) a 'slave'.
I agree that he gets some of the biggest pops during his entrances, but only because its an interactive entrance. The fans love it, because they feel apart of it. That doesn't mean they love Truth beyond the music.

During the Dibiase/Truth match, I don't recall them going wild. I recall silence. I imagine it'll be much the same for most of Truth's forth-coming matches. Pops for sing-a-longs, silence for matches. If only he could start/continue singing.. during the matches.

For that particular match, no they weren't that hot. Honestly though that crowd was dead during a lot of the show. You can watch his match with Miz from last nights Raw and they were definitely into the match. He consistently got decent to good pops during his teaming with Morrison and it definitely wasn't John because you can hear Hornswaggle pissing on cotton ball during his singles matches. The crowd pops for Truth's offense like creative wants them to pop for Morrison. It definitely think it's more than just the entrance. Granted that has more often than not been the biggest pop, but to say that his matches doesn't do anything for the crowd is a false generalization.

I think the fans enjoy Truth segments, because he's good on the mic. Hes quick, snappy, and fun. But for some reason that doesn't translate over to in-ring work. I don't know how to explain that either, because he hasn't changed much and yet I thought he was better in the ring in TNA.

I personally also enjoyed his ring work more in TNA. It's a different style he has had to adapt to though in the WWE. If there was any Truth...heh... to the rumors that Vince and friends were worried about him being able to work their style than it makes sense why his ring work differs now. He has had some dud moments but I definitely think that the crowds are really getting behind his style now and he gets good pops when he hits his signature moves. The style may be different now but it needs to be.

Maybe its because when a ton of Mid-carders are being pushed as Main Eventers, it makes them look amazing. Then when they get tossed in with actual Main Eventers, you suddenly realize shit doesn't shine even with polish.

Don't get me wrong though, I do enjoy Truth. I just think maybe something is missing beyond his heelish mic-work from TNA. (perhaps it was the Rock Bottom he used?!)

That is usually true with all midcarders. From the ones who were bound for midcard purgatory to the ones who escaped and went on to win world titles. Some look a little more natural and the is a glimmer of greatness there, but it always seems out of place at first. Keeping Truth doing what he is doing now is going to strengthen how the viewers and crowds see him. It won't seem so out of place if and when he is ready to step it up.

Truth won me over from his heel work in TNA, actually. Cutting promos in tossing in the race card. I viewed him as a TNA born original - Nation of Domination formula mix.

Truth's character hasn't strayed far from being able to use that same race card gimmick, either. However, because he's a 'face' he wouldn't dare blame "the white man" for holding him down. The closest he's come is Dibiase wanting him to become (more or less) a 'slave'.

This is definitely the type of character they could use when he's ready for his heel run. If he ever gets there. The thing is, he fits so much better as a face. Personally I liked him in TNA as you do. I can also understand though when a wrestler naturally leans more to one side. It's not like he has to be a face for eternity. Since he seems to be a natural face though, it is the strongest and easiest way to build his credibility. Without this credibility being there first a heel turn would fall flat.
I had been a Truth hater for a while honestly. There was just something corny about his character and style tat I just couldn't really get into. I'm not sure what it is but they have, at least in my mind, turned that around. It could be that he has been booked meaningfully. It could be because he has been performing at a consistently good level for the past couple of months. More than likely it is a combination of all of the above. I still find his character a little corny but no more so than Cena. Both have characters that fit them excellently and that's something that a lot of wrestlers never find.

As far as the title win goes, it has potential. He is probably one of the most over performers in the company right now and the perfect person to carry a midcard title. I would have liked to have seen Miz with the belt for a while longer as he never really had a proper feud over it. This could be that feud though. As evidence by their match tonight, the two work really well together. That was surprisingly good match and really did wonders for both men. With a lot of the talent they have in the midcard right now on Raw there are tons of possibilities. You have Morrison, who I believe will be making a heel turn honestly before the summer is over. You have the supporting midcarders like Henry, Tatsu, Bourne and Ryder. Dibiase is a real solid character going on right now and could add to the title scene. There are many feuds available right now for Truth and many of them sound promising.

I have to agree with you about the promise his reign shows and i refuse to rag on his reign the day after it has begun as no-one know what could happen. The IWC goes wild for Morrison but he hasn't been on RAW consistently as a wrestler so how are we expected to put the belt on him? Truth is over without the need for toilet humour or coarse language, which i suppose in the PG era is a great feather to his bow.
With the midcard heels that RAW possess in Dibiase, Miz and Regal, i could see some potential good feuds over the belt but overall, my expectations of this are not high. As much as everyone states that Truth is 'red-hot' and gets amazing reactions, i tend to believe this is only applicable to his entrance. If he was competing every week on American Idol, then great... well done mate cos you're on top form. Sadly, this is WWE RAW and i don't believe the crowd pops as wild as people suggest during his matches.
CM Punk is a 4x former world champion. A Triple Crown Champion (did that in less than a year). Back to Back MITB winner with a 100% win rate when cashing it in. His character has developed to a point where he doesn't need to be involved in a title match to be relevant or interesting. This is what happens when you are at the top of the card. CM Punk passed upper mid-card when he became a Grand Slam Champion. Phil Brooks is one hell of a wrestler and CM Punk is one of the most captivating characters in wrestling today. That combined makes every segment and match he's involved in worth viewing.

First off, WWE doesn't give a rats ass if you were 5 times world champion in an indy promotion, look at Bryan Danielson, he's a 3 times world champion, and has been eliminated from NXT with a, how much? 1-10 score?

CM Punk wouldn't be positioned higher because he won the ROH world championship, and sure CM Punk has done his share of things, but that doesn't put it any less of a true story that CM Punk has, and is doing mid-card feuds right now with Rey Mysterio, and hasn't fought a main event wrestler in quite a bit of time.

Just because you're a Grand Slam, or a Triple Crown champion, doesn't make you any less of a mid-carder if that's all you're doing.

Besides, I don't recall calling him a mid-carder, I recall calling him an upper mid-carder.

Chris Jericho...your comment...well, I just...my god...*facepalm*...we must be watching completly different WWE programs. Are we talking about the same guy? The Jericho (a 6x champion) that defeated the Rock & Stone Cold in the same night to become the 1st ever Unified Heavyweight Champion? The guy that has held nearly every belt that the WWE every had in it's entire history? The Triple Crown & Grand Slam Champion?

The Chris Jericho who constantly puts over WWE talent, the Chris Jericho who has yet to defeat John Cena, the Chris Jericho who hasn't gone on last on a Pay Per View since Elimination Chamber (as a unit because of an actual main event quality star was present, The Undertaker) but as a singles in a one on one match hasn't been the last act since Survivor Series 2008, where he wrestled the biggest name in the company.

The Chris Jericho who after loosing the Undisputed championship went back to doing mid-card feuds alongside Edge and Christian, the Chris Jericho who didn't win a world title until 2008 again, the Chris Jericho who doesn't spend a year without contending for the Intercontinental championship or the tag team championships, something we rarely see the main event wrestlers doing.

Chris Jericho is a upper mid-carder who spends time being a transactional champion to the bigger names of the business, I'm not saying Chris isn't a big name of the business, but he isn't the champion that WWE puts the title on for him to hold it for months, he holds it for the sake of passing it on to someone else.

That's a guy you consider a mid-carder?

You heard me.

Like Punk, the Chris Jericho character is beyond the necessity of a title to be interesting. He's done it all and more! I know I might sound like I want to be Jericho's best friend, but come on...give the man his props. You might not be a fan of heels or you just dislike the Jericho character, but without him, things are more boring. He's such an enormous asset to the WWE.

Shawn Michaels is the only wrestler that has ever been able to be considered a main event wrestler and main event material without holding a world championship or constantly wrestling in the main event, and I'd say thats pushing it even.

Oh and don't say I dislike Chris Jericho, I'm one of the biggest marks for him you'll find on this side of the globe, okay that's pushing it again, but he's my 3rd favorite wrestler of all time, behind Triple H and Shawn Michaels.

And yes things are more boring without Chris Jericho, but that doesn't make him any less of a upper mid-carder at best, things would be boring without Christian as well, things would be boring without Santino Marella (don't deny it) but they're still mid-carders, hell Santino is nothing more than a comedy act, he's not even on the mid-card.

On to topic:

I see R-Truth won a WWE title, good for him, still would've rather seen The Miz win it, at least for now, have them feud over it, which could very well still work in case they continue to work that feud, I'm hoping for it, their match was pretty decent yesterday, and I'm looking forward to seeing how they're gonna do it with the title run.
Im glad he won his first major title in wwe, it's refreshing..i didn't want to see miz win that match, because IMO, he was beginning to look boring as champion..he qould be better as a heel with no belt..anyway back to r-truth, now he can start proving that he is worthy of holding the us title..and proudly.
I feel bad for him though, he's pretty much over everywhere but he was facing the Miz in Ohio. So his entering reaction was pretty much non existent. But when he won he received a solid reaction. This is honestly refreshing. They were running out of things to do with The Miz. So they can feud now because Truth is probably done with Ted Dibiase. Unless they wrestle one another at the Four Way PPV. Which seems unlikely. Also his match with the Miz last night was solid. This could be the start of a mid card feud we havent seen in quite sometime. Truth is a good mid card face and this is new. He could even feud with a heel turning Morrison? Highly unlikely, but they can go somewhere with this. Like throw Jericho in there because he's not doing anything nowadays.
Finally back on here.... feels good. I chose to start with this thread because I have really noticed the Truth's come up. He got the feel that he is going places, with this title run he should be well on his way within the next 2 years. He gets good reactions from the crowd and has a pretty decent moveset. All though if I had to pick one thing that he needs to work on, id say it would be in his best intrest to tighten some of those spins in his moves. Honestly sometimes it is really hard to believe that he can pick up the win with a move that just looks good to the eye. I still can't believe miz got beat that stupid ass move.... anyways I think all in all he will be ok, let's just hope that he dosent have any problems with the wellness policy, that's the only way I see him going out the door. He puts the kids asses in the seats and if vince could chew some more of that flavor from the big league chew, Truth still got his spot ;)....
I think that R-Truth both needed and deserved a run with the title. I like the guy ok and he's shown himself to be a hard worker, so it's always nice to see effort rewarded. While I wouldn't have minded The Miz winning the title at all, he doesn't really need it right now. Since last October, The Miz has been the United States Champion and he was half of the tag champs simultaneously for about three months.

R-Truth is also getting older, he's not too far from being 40 so he's probably not going to be given all that many more opportunities in the WWE.
As a Truth fan, I'm very happy that he's finally won the US belt, something that should've happened a long time ago. I love Miz, but he wasn't doing anything with the belt and it was time to give someone fresh a run with it. If it bombs, Miz can easily win it back. I don't see why Truth's age is relevant here; Batista wasn't exactly a spring chicken when he won his first world title, so why not Truth?

While I'm happy that Truth won, I don't see him being champ for too long. Maybe a couple of months before he loses it back to Miz or, most likely, Ted Dibiase. Still, I think Truth will make a solid champion; he's extemely over, so he can get people to care about his title defenses and, in turn, the title itself, which is always a good thing. Now that he's a champion, this is a good time to expand his character and add some more depth to him; he can't rely on "What's up?!" forever.

Overall, this is a good move and I'm excited to see how his run turns out.
Have you all forgotten that R-Truth is a former 2 time World Heavyweight champion in TNA...and not to mention the first ever crowned TNA champion back when they were under the NWA banner??? He's obviously had experience carrying the "main" belt of the company...but then again seeing how most of us consider TNA a second rate company and/or still the "minor" leagues...i guess hes not main event worthy...hmm...

Well, I like TNA but the thing is that not because he was a main eventer there it means he can be a Main eventer in the WWE, not because TNA is second rate,but because like it or not, WWE is THE Wrestling company in the World.

He has never handled a Main scene like that, not saying is not capable of doing so but has never done it, besides, he was in TNA at a time when anyone could be the champion.

The run he is having now, hopefully will be a good one so he can prove he belong on a bigger stage, or to prove he is right were he belongs.

I think is a good test for him now, let see if he can with his present task.
I'm very happy about this. Personally, I feel that a major singles title win for Truth has been a long time coming and I'm glad to see he's finally getting the push that I feel he should've gotten when he made his debut/return a long time ago. I hope that WWE doesn't pull a fast one on us and takes the title off of him earlier than they need to. I would love to see a lengthy US title reign out of him that will include good matches and putting over the younger talent and midcarders.

Hopefully, this will solidify Truth as a legit Main Eventer and smoothly transition him from the upper midcard to the world title scene where I feel he deserves to be. From here, I see him feuding with the Miz and other midcarders. I also feel that a John Morrison heel turn may be in the works with so many people making the whole Morrison-Janetty comparison.

Regardless, I'm very happy to see Truth finally get a singles title and I'm excited to see where he goes next.
Here's what I'm thinking. Originally, Miz was champ because they were going to have Daniel Bryan win NXT and challenge for the title. Now they are going this new route, and they put the belt on R-Truth, so I way Otunga wins and will challenge him for the title. Lets be honest, these rookies wont get a PPV Heavyweight shot. And NXT will be over by Fatal 4way, so a pro from the who still had a protege had to be champ by then. Gabriel and Hardy get along. Christian and Slater get along. Jericho and Wade get along. This is the only feud that makes sense.
If wwe gives R-Truth the right oppertunity's to get over with the title then this can be a success, but he has to Seize any oppertunity they give him, and let his big push of his caeer take off from there
I was pretty stoked when I saw this happen. Truth has been a favorite of mine for a long time. Shit I liked him as K-Kwik back in the day with Road Dog. But honestly, Do you really think anything will come of this? Many a year now we have been bitching about the redundant and cyclical Main Event scene on Raw, yet has there been any change? The top faces are Cena, Orton, and HHH. Only difference is Orton is a face now, but he still has his Main Event status. Sheamus is a new top tier heel that has emerged but other than that, it's Edge and Jericho. By my calculations(That I admittedly just made up) unless you are just too over to discount(Cena), it takes about 2 years for someone to get to Main Event status after winning a midcard title,and shit that might even be to generous. For most it's a long slow rise to the top level in the WWE, and Truth may have missed his chance. Through no fault of his own I might add. I sincerely hope I'm wrong, but I don't think I am. I have honestly just given up on the E taking any risks, so I just eat what's force fed to me like a good little sheep.
When I saw this match I got extremely excited. R Truth being the US champion is a breath fresh air. Not only does it allow for new challenges and feuds in the US title scene, but it also frees up the Miz to feud with some of the other guys, possibly moving him up the card a bit.

I hope though that this isn't just a way to give the belt back to the Miz without him having to wrestle Bret Hart. Then again, that wouldn't surprise me in the WWE. However, I'm looking forward to what happens now, I'm thinking this may tie in to NXT with the winner getting a shot at him. I'm hoping though, that they will use this as a way to bring Otunga and Barrett to Raw, now wouldn't that be something unique and good.
I thought this was a great move on WWE's part, as you can see from my signature. R-Truth should have been US Champion back in his feud with Shelton Benjamin. Truth should have been the guy Benjamin dropped it to not MVP. But now talking about this seems like ancient history.

Back in February I posted a thread while Truth was still on Smackdown stating how he should have been next in line for an IC title run. Then he got drafted to RAW and has now become the new US Champion. Which is great to hear. Truth got over on his own and even though it took him nearly 2 years his hard work has payed of and he has won his first title in the WWE.

When this match was announced on RAW this past week it made sense as Truth is obviously the most over mid-card wrestler in WWE, and The Miz is perhaps the most over mid-card heel. However I was afraid, due to knowing Truth's history in title matches that he was just in the match for The Miz to defeat, regain the title and look dominant while doing so. And throughout the whole match until the finish I was just praying for a R-Truth victory.

Luckily he pulled through and won the title. I hope this reign proves to be decent in length as Truth has worked hard to get where he is at. Also in my opinion when your that over you need to be pushed.
What if the only reason they let R truth win title was just so this feud with dibiase so he could have his first singles title? I mean carrying that last name means you have to live up to your father to a certain point, maybe even surpass your father, but still make an impact.

I just think that Truth shouldnt even had gotten this title cause frankly he doesnt deserve it. everyone knows who this fued is gonna benefit in the end. Thats Dibiase. I know he has the million dollar strap but isnt a real title, its just a belt for showing off the money he and his father had. But i digress, I do believe since wrestlemaina Ted has been more than ready for at least a secondary title(US title).

So my question is to you guys(and girls) do you think dibiase will win the us title from r truth? does truth even deserve it(the title)? and most importantly... Do you think that r truth will be forever pushed as only a "transitional Champ"?


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