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*MERGED* [OFFICIAL] R-Truth Is The New US Champion

I think he has potential in da main event scene if kofi can do why not truth?and as far as a continued fued with dibiase isn't he supposed to be forming a tag team with his brother soon?unless truth does I really don't see it working out too well...just one man's opinion.....
Truth will be regarded as the third top face on RAW right now... and depending on Orton being out, may have to step up once more (unless Triple H is rushed back ? As someone asked above, is he out due to healing injuries? Or filming a movie?)

Truth's rapping may not to be everyones tastes, but theres no doubt about it that he is over, and the thousands who pop when he comes out, and 'rap' along all buy into it... his move set is weak in my opinion, but a few tweaks here and there, and a better, move convincing 'finisher', and he could be a real believeable asset on RAW, and someone who could be elevated to Main Event sharpish.

JoMo is another one who needs a few tweaks to get there... Im a fan of his in ring style, he's not the best on the mic, but far from the worst either... but, I think it is the gimmick... the 'rock star' gimmick worked with him being heel, when he considered himself above everyone, but as a face, it doesnt particularly work for me.

Oh how RAW could currently do with two people who ended up drafted to Smackdown right now, in Kofi or Christian... this couldve been the PERFECT opportunity to finally push Christian as a bonafide main eventer... further a rivalry between Edge and Christian and solidify him as one of RAW's top stars along with Cena, Orton, Triple H, Batista (until he's finally done with the company), Sheamus
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John Morrison is a great wrestler, he's far from overrated. He's good on the mic, great at wrestling, whats overrated about him?

On to the subject, I hope they push R-Truth soon. R-Truth is pretty old, 38. He's older then Matt Hardy and Matt Hardy been in WWE longer. K-Kwik doesn't count because they never recognized him ever since R-Truth came back. R-Truth needs a world title push. He's only seven years aways from the age where HBK retired. R-Truth has some great mic skills and wrestling skills. He needs a good push, and they could give it to him because it's sort of similar to how they treated Khali (which turned out bad). But R-Truth could turn out good with a fast title push for his age, it worked for Booker T right. So yes, I do see him getting some sort of push. I'll be pleasantly surprised if he's going for the WWE champion in Fatal 4 Way.
I think it is a sad state when you can say that R-Truth is the number 3 face on raw. I think Truth is very over-rated, I think his raping stinks and whenever he does his entrance, I just fast-forward it. Besides 4 or 5 moves he has, R-Truth is not a very gifted wrestler as well. Not to mention, Truth is not a young guy by any stretch, the guy is like 38 years old. I think the ship has sailed on Truth, and the younger guys need to be pushed over him.

I can't believe that at the end of the draft, this guy is being pushed as the third face after Cena and Orton. I understand that RAW is top heavy with heels with Batista, Sheamus, Edge, Jericho, Miz and DiBiase but I fully expected younger talent such as Morrison to step up and make a name for themselves. But when you're barely on RAW unless to be used in a 8 on 4 handicap match with Goldust, whatdya expect?
Full credit to Truth, his entrance gets a reaction and he appears to be over, but do you se him carrying RAW or SD! in two years time ala Swagger?
I think Truth's push shows how both RAW and SD! suffered in the draft. As much as SD! would love a top heel back in Edge and Jericho, Swagger is getting his education and CM Punk is doing his thing. But how badly would RAW kill for a decent face midcarder in Christian, Kofi or even MVP?
Truth's push only undermines how badly Morrison has floundered and how guys like Yoshi Tatsu, Mark Henry and Evan Bourne aren't ready to step up.
The best thing about this thread is that im reading it after R-Truth won the US Title. He is now officially the Number 3 face on Raw. Congrats Truth
Tonight on Raw, R-Truth won the vacant US title. I thought this would never happen because of Truth's age, but I'm glad to see him win the gold. Truth is way over with the crowd, and he has tons of charisma, so this was a great move by WWE. I thought Truth would remain in a tag team with Morrison when he was drafted to Raw, and I surely didn't think he would win the US title. I thought Truth would be buried, but now he's the US champion, and I hope his momentum run will continue.

I think Truth will hold on to the title for a while, and he will probably have matches against John Morrison, Ted Dibiase, and others. I'm hoping WWE will let Truth have a nice run with title because he can be a good champion.

What do you think of Truth's win?

Will he have a lengthy reign?

Who will he feud with?
I think this is awesome Truth desverd the title. IF he is booked right he should be almost ready to be a main event. But for how long he will hold the title I think he will hold it til Summerslam and losing back to The Miz or Ted Dibise Jr. or someone like that.
First off, how funny is it that Morrison is once again the "Jannetty" of his team? :lmao: ;)

Second, I am VERY happy to see R-Truth win some gold. I am a major fan of Truth. He has boatloads of charisma, is mad over, is exciting in the ring and on the mic, and deserved at least some gold. I thought this would happen earlier, but better late than never! I hope he has a strong run with the title, and maybe he'll get elevated to the main event eventually.

There are several people he could feud with. The Miz, Zack Ryder, a turned Mark Henry, and a few others. He could even have some face vs. face feuds with John Morrison or Yoshi Tatsu.
What does age have to do with it? Undertaker was winning the WHC in his 40s. HHH is almost 40. Ric Flair won the IC title in his 50s.

I'm glad Truth finally won it. I think he'll have about an average length title reign, probably will lose it around Summerslam or something. I can see him feud with the Miz definitely,but I would really love to see him lose it to Evan Bourne. Just a fantasy though.
CM Punk is one I would hardly regard as anything but an upper mid-carder, the same goes for Chris Jericho, while Chris is on the very verge of being considered a main event, he still qualifies for bumping down and taking care of the mid-card division from time to time, which is what he did for R-Truth, and he didn't feud with Chris in any manner.

And even with that, we could still say that John Morrison did the exact same thing, but he'd still need another feud to say the least to get anywhere in the main event scene.

"He didn't just say that... TELL ME, he didn't just say that!!!

Jericho and Punk as nothing but Mid-Carders?
This is one on the most irrational statements I've heard this entire year (at least)!!!

I'm going to share my opinions on R-Truth, and I wish there was another thread about wrestlers who can fit well in both the main event and mid-card (thread-makers... HINT HINT), but I'll keep it simple:
Total Championships between the two :
World/WWE: 9
Tag: 6
= 25!!! And 20 of those are from Jericho!!!
(Not to count any of the championships from ECW/Indies/Japan/Mexico)


Anyway, I think you can say with confidence that R-Truth is a credible #3 Face. Here are some reasons:
- He is way over with the crowd
- He knows how to get "cheap pops" more than anyone in the WWE right now, and think about two other former WWE(F) wrestlers who mastered the "cheap pop" -- Foley and Rock -- and both of them share something in common ... FORMER WORLD CHAMPS
- He is appealing to kids (which is a plus for the WWE considering it being PG)
- He is quick and good in the ring (yeah, he needs a new finisher, but it's not terrible)
- HE IS SOMEBODY NEW TO PUSH! This is in all caps on purpose: Finally there would be someone different than seeing HHH, Cena, Batista, Orton, and Edge for SO MANY YEARS NOW (about 5 1/2 to be specific)

-- So I would recommend giving it a shot; he doesn't necessarily have to win the title, but at least they can build a feud around him (against maybe Edge... or Sheamus) for the title and let it culminate at a minor ppv, with him losing.
:lol:i,m happy r truth is u.s champ he deserved it i saw him in tna and he was great but i didn't see his nwa title run anyway i think he will have a feud with ted debiase they seem to be giving him a big push as well. r truth u.s champion of the world:worship:
This is awesome. R truth is like in my top 15 list of my favorite superstar currently in the WWE. I was happy to see R truth win a title. I hope he can continue to move up on the roster. Now I'm not saying I want him to win a world title anytime soon because he is definetly not ready for it but I would like to see R truth wrestling with guys like Edge and Chris Jericho. I see him holding the US title for atleast 4 months or more reason being there isn't that many contenders for the title except maybe Mark Henry, JoMo, Miz, and DiBiase. The rest are either maineventers in a tag team or just people not worthy to have US title reign.
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R Truth is the #3 face on Raw? Really? Because he was getting booed when he won the match tonight. And there was a feint "Let's go Awesome" chant going on, favoring the fucking Miz. So...R Truth the #3 face on Raw? Hardly.

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say there really is no clean cut #3 face on Raw. #1 is Cena, #2 is Orton. #3, at this point, might very well be the Hart Dynasty. They get very consistent pops.
r truth needed that. he is like the new booker t. swag, pizazz and wrestling talent. what more do you want
R-Truth's US Title is well deserved and one of the most over guys in the WWE right now. I could see him holding it till Summerslam or Night Of Champions even with some Decent Feuds coming up with Dibiase or John Morrison for starters. Congrats to The Truth.
I'm pissed off about Truth winning the US title. He is literally the single most repetitive superstar on the entire WWE roster right now. He does the same exact thing every week. He does the same "What's up" routine to the crowd, he even finishes it on the exact same goddamn verse every week, then he says the name of the city, another what's up...it's annoying as hell. He's the master of cheap pops and while some say "so were mankind and the rock", I say "mankind and the rock earned pops for more than just the cheap 'your city is awesome' bullshit".

I don't like R truth. Never have. Didn't even like him in TNA when he was with 3LK. He's boring, repetitive, and annoying. And it amazes me that people harp on John Cena for having a limited moveset and then don't say anything about R-Truth.
is no one pointing out the obvious?.. R. Truth sucks.

He dances like a retarted chicken (more closely to a jirating dancing *****) and all he has is a catchphrase. He has no ability on the mic other than getting people to say "What's Up?" and he is still stiff in the ring. His finisher is weak and looks like it barely touches you upon impact (I could be wrong, but it looks awful).

So this is what we have to look forward to as far as entertaining television?! *Sigh*

Is Miz getting buried here?!
I couldn't agree more,R-Truth annoys the hell out of me and i think him winning the U.S title the worst thing to happen to that title EVER!
I like his U.S title win and this is a great push he's finally getting. As the #3 face, I can see him in the Fatal 4 Way ppv now with Orton being banged up pretty bad and being in the main event scene for a short while. Hopefully, creative will take advantage here and push Truth pretty hard. Chances like this don't come often.
I'm pissed off about Truth winning the US title. He is literally the single most repetitive superstar on the entire WWE roster right now. He does the same exact thing every week. He does the same "What's up" routine to the crowd, he even finishes it on the exact same goddamn verse every week, then he says the name of the city, another what's up...it's annoying as hell. He's the master of cheap pops and while some say "so were mankind and the rock", I say "mankind and the rock earned pops for more than just the cheap 'your city is awesome' bullshit".

I don't like R truth. Never have. Didn't even like him in TNA when he was with 3LK. He's boring, repetitive, and annoying. And it amazes me that people harp on John Cena for having a limited moveset and then don't say anything about R-Truth.

Really? and "FINALLY! THE ROCK HAS COME BACK TO _______" isn't a cheap pop?

The US title needed to change hands, they weren't doing anything with it really. This isn't like he won a world title yo. This honestly isn't as bad as Khali winning the WHC title, Hornswoggle winning the Cruiserweight, and David Arquette winning the WCW title.

Again, I am glad for the guy. Maybe the championship will build more character.
R-Truth winning the US Championship, meh.

I don't like R-Truth and never really have. His finishers to matches are definitely underwhelming and certainly an anti-climax. Is this to take away from his deserving it? No. He does deserve it and this win has been long overdue for Killings. However I do not like it.

Miz losing cleanly is not the end of the world really. As KB was saying in another thread, WWE works as though we have a couple week memory span. Miz will come out next week demanding a rematch.

What R-Truth winning the title could also mean is a John Morrison heel turn. This could be the chance to actually get the fans to react to John Morrison by attacking a very over superstar in R-Truth. Interesting to see where this goes but loving the WWE at the moment and the unexpected turns we are seeing every week.
I lost all respect for Truth as a legitimate wrestler a few months back when he started that psuedo-feud with Jericho.

He got his ass whupped on the previous Raw, Jericho bashes him the following week and calls him out.

How in the blue hell do you come out to confront your assailant and dance first?
K-kwik is just a average wrestler. I have to admit I think his finisher is awful. It doesn't look powerful. any on else find it interesting u.s. and IC holders are black? I think it is a good thing. just pointing out
R-Truth, I'm sorry but you are keeping that title warm until everything starts to fall into place. Get ready to be the transitional champion to Ted Jr. I enjoy him in the ring, I enjoyed him as The Truth, but come on! This guy will be handing the title over to Ted on the silver platter he was born with.

With his Fortunate Sons stable on hold for the time being, R Truth holding the title buys some time for them too be ready. Its only a matter of time before you are the Virgil to this group.....
truth winning the title is crap!
seriously i have no clue what anyone see's in him, his finisher is shit, he has no mic skills other than "whats up" and the fact that he even gets pops out of the croud is beyond me! but oh well he'll be handing the title off to either dibiase or the miz in a week or 2 and he'll be back to being nothing more than a lower midcarder...

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