*MERGED* [OFFICIAL] R-Truth Is The New US Champion

Big Sexy

Deadly Rap Cannibal
I'm a big R Truth fan and believe he has deserved a push and some kind of title run for a while now. When he was first drafted to Raw I didn't like it because I thought the little push he had on Smackdown would be coming to an end, but looking at the RAW roster it's clear that outside of Cena and Orton right now Truth is the top face.

Triple H is injured, John Morrison is overrated and can't get a reaction to save his life, and Mark Henry's initial push on RAW has died down significantly. R Truth just got a big, unexpected win over Ted Dibiase at Over the Limit and depending on the extent of Orton's injury he could really continue the roll that he's on. With the Fatal Four Way ppv coming up I figured it would be Cena, Sheamus, Orton, and Edge but now it could potentially be R Truth getting that spot.

So what do you think of R Truth's current position on RAW and what do you think will come of it? Short main event stint? US title reign? or just continue to be extremely over and get a nice win here and there?
John Morrison is overrated and can't get a reaction to save his life,

John is overrated? not to bash R-Truth or anything, but if we're to call anybody overrated, I think R-Truth of all people has the most overrated over him, with the Lie Detector finisher perhaps being one of, if not the most overrated finisher on the whole roster, John is getting good reaction from the crowd, but not as big as R-Truth may possibly be getting (I haven't compared really) and it doesn't really matter, just felt like saying that I wouldn't call John overrated.

Onto the actual subject.

I don't feel R-Truth is ready just yet to be doing anything in the main event section, he'd still need some kind of pushing onto being a believable contender, and I wouldn't call anything main event if it's a main event star putting over, so we have to get that before anything.

R-Truth may very well be suited to go into some kind of United States championship reign, or being contender for it, and right now that's all I see happening, eventually we could be seeing him gracing the main event, but not yet.

As it looks right now, the potential for the feud with Ted DiBiase and R-TRuth to continue, seems like the most possible thing happening for R-Truth for the coming month, or two's time, before going into any kind of title match consideration.
I like R Truth he is pretty talented and fun to watch. As for his current position on Raw he is pretty much a Upper Mid Card who can be called to the main event just about anytime. As of right now I think he it is best to continue the feud with Ted and then after that go after the united states title.

But if wwe keeps using him right he should be in the main event by the end of 2010 or early 2011.
John is overrated? not to bash R-Truth or anything, but if we're to call anybody overrated, I think R-Truth of all people has the most overrated over him, with the Lie Detector finisher perhaps being one of, if not the most overrated finisher on the whole roster, John is getting good reaction from the crowd, but not as big as R-Truth may possibly be getting (I haven't compared really) and it doesn't really matter, just felt like saying that I wouldn't call John overrated.

All I've heard about Morrison the last couple years is how great he is and how he's going to be the next big main eventer. I just don't see it. He puts on the occasional good to great match but his mic work is atrocious and I just don't see him as a believable top guy.
I don't feel R-Truth is ready just yet to be doing anything in the main event section, he'd still need some kind of pushing onto being a believable contender, and I wouldn't call anything main event if it's a main event star putting over, so we have to get that before anything.

On Smackdown over the last few months he has been involved in feuds with main event guys and he received clean victories over the likes of CM Punk and Chris Jericho.
As it looks right now, the potential for the feud with Ted DiBiase and R-TRuth to continue, seems like the most possible thing happening for R-Truth for the coming month, or two's time, before going into any kind of title match consideration.

One reason I made this topic was because of the injuries to Dibiase and Orton. Depending on the severity they may be out for a few weeks so that leaves Truth with nothing to do and a main event spot open.
I'll I've heard about Morrison the last couple years is how great he is and how he's going to be the next big main eventer. I just don't see it. He puts on the occasional good to great match but his mic work is atrocious and I just don't see him as a believable top guy.

Sure, in that manner he could very well be considered overrated, but the fact that he can't get a crowd reaction isn't true, quite obviously.

On Smackdown over the last few months he has been involved in feuds with main event guys and he received clean victories over the likes of CM Punk and Chris Jericho.

CM Punk is one I would hardly regard as anything but an upper mid-carder, the same goes for Chris Jericho, while Chris is on the very verge of being considered a main event, he still qualifies for bumping down and taking care of the mid-card division from time to time, which is what he did for R-Truth, and he didn't feud with Chris in any manner.

And even with that, we could still say that John Morrison did the exact same thing, but he'd still need another feud to say the least to get anywhere in the main event scene.

One reason I made this topic was because of the injuries to Dibiase and Orton. Depending on the severity they may be out for a few weeks so that leaves Truth with nothing to do and a main event spot open.

DiBiase has a concussion, it's one show he'll be mixing max if you ask me, although if it truly is a bad thing, you could see him missing maybe two, but I still think he'd be able to come out and do some kind of promo perhaps to work it.

I'm not sure although, but I still only see R-Truth doing some kind of mid-card feud to say the least, and continuing the feud with Ted DiBiase would be one of the only things that would make the most sense.
CM Punk is one I would hardly regard as anything but an upper mid-carder, the same goes for Chris Jericho, while Chris is on the very verge of being considered a main event, he still qualifies for bumping down and taking care of the mid-card division from time to time, which is what he did for R-Truth, and he didn't feud with Chris in any manner.

They are both former multiple time world champions. Very few guys in the WWE are considered elite main eventers that spend basically all the time at that level. I'm not saying R Truth can or will ever be one of those guys but a short little stint there like being part of the WWE title match at fatal four way could definitely work. He is one of the most over guys in the whole company and he deserves to have his push continue. A short main event stint and a US title run should definitely be in the cards for him in the near future.
They are both former multiple time world champions. Very few guys in the WWE are considered elite main eventers that spend basically all the time at that level. I'm not saying R Truth can or will ever be one of those guys but a short little stint there like being part of the WWE title match at fatal four way could definitely work. He is one of the most over guys in the whole company and he deserves to have his push continue. A short main event stint and a US title run should definitely be in the cards for him in the near future.

Sure they are, but the fact is that CM Punk, ever since loosing the belt to Undertaker, has been wasting himself with mid-card feuds (with the exception of trying to regain the championship, with the rematch he is entitled to) so I would therefore regard him as a upper mid-carder.

Sure he will eventually grace the world championships, but it won't be for long, or for a multitude of times, to say the least not for at least a year or two's time, he will most likely be stuck with the mid-card, much like John Morrison, but with one, or two world championships in WWE.
I think he needs that US title run to be honest..he would be a great champion and the us title would do it for him....do i see him getting a world title push? yes...winning? not soo much..but it would be good to see him in the main event scene...when he signed with TNA, he won the NWA world champion twice...
I can see Truth getting involved in the chase for the US title. I hope he doesn't get involved in the tag team scene anymore, like when he was with JoMo.

He's good in the ring, very charismatic, over with the crowd. I can only see one problem with him, and that's his crappy finisher. He can never be in the main event level with his current finisher.

Why did he stop using the axe kick?? That was a decent move, and it's not like WWE have anyone else that uses it these days.
R-Truth may becoming more and more popular, and his push might be getting stronger, but I just don't see him getting a ME match anything soon. They will continue his feud with Ted for a little while to test both of them, and see how a midcaqrd feud like this will play out, hopefully it pushs em both.

As far as him being the #3 face, I guess I kinda have to agree, which makes me wonder, what the hell happened to the WWE? Either way, he's about to be bumped back a spot, because if Orton won't be back for a while, you can bet a dollar HHH will return for the open 4way spot.
I think it is a sad state when you can say that R-Truth is the number 3 face on raw. I think Truth is very over-rated, I think his raping stinks and whenever he does his entrance, I just fast-forward it. Besides 4 or 5 moves he has, R-Truth is not a very gifted wrestler as well. Not to mention, Truth is not a young guy by any stretch, the guy is like 38 years old. I think the ship has sailed on Truth, and the younger guys need to be pushed over him.

I was kind of thinking along the same lines yesterday, not should Truth be a high face, but rather who was the next top face after Cena, Orton and HHH. I thought this because I was trying to figure out a new face world champion, and a face champion who would not be one of the top 3, as the heels on raw have all faced these guys constantly, so something fresh. If you look at the top heels on raw, its a plethora of top guys. You have Edge, Jericho, Batista (for now), Sheamus, Miz, and then further down there is Dibiase and Ezekiel Jackson. Raw just does not have a fourth face who could be thrust into a main event or semi-main event. I would love to see Morrison, but I don't think he is ready and he has seeminly been lost in the shuffle on raw.

So its sad that by default R-Truth becomes one of the top faces on raw. I would say a younger guy should step up, but besides Morrison and Bourne, there isn't any one else.
Have you all forgotten that R-Truth is a former 2 time World Heavyweight champion in TNA...and not to mention the first ever crowned TNA champion back when they were under the NWA banner??? He's obviously had experience carrying the "main" belt of the company...but then again seeing how most of us consider TNA a second rate company and/or still the "minor" leagues...i guess hes not main event worthy...hmm...
I would LOVE to see this. I've made it no secret that I am a big R-Truth fan and think that he would make a great main eventer. He's insanely over, has a good name, can fly around that ring, and is one of the most exciting talkers in the WWE. He also has experience.

Every time he makes his entrance, the crowd comes unglued. He deserves to win the US Championship based on reaction alone. If Orton and DiBiase's injuries push Truth up the card, that's just fine with me. I was amazed to see that he won, as I fully expected DiBiase to win in order to get more heat. I really hope this leads to something huge. He may even win the US Championship tonight or sometime soon, depending on what happens with its situation. I just want to see him get pushed!
CM Punk is one I would hardly regard as anything but an upper mid-carder, the same goes for Chris Jericho, while Chris is on the very verge of being considered a main event, he still qualifies for bumping down and taking care of the mid-card division from time to time, which is what he did for R-Truth, and he didn't feud with Chris in any manner.

What is this? Nonsense.

CM Punk is a 4x former world champion. A Triple Crown Champion (did that in less than a year). Back to Back MITB winner with a 100% win rate when cashing it in. His character has developed to a point where he doesn't need to be involved in a title match to be relevant or interesting. This is what happens when you are at the top of the card. CM Punk passed upper mid-card when he became a Grand Slam Champion. Phil Brooks is one hell of a wrestler and CM Punk is one of the most captivating characters in wrestling today. That combined makes every segment and match he's involved in worth viewing.

Chris Jericho...your comment...well, I just...my god...*facepalm*...we must be watching completly different WWE programs. Are we talking about the same guy? The Jericho (a 6x champion) that defeated the Rock & Stone Cold in the same night to become the 1st ever Unified Heavyweight Champion? The guy that has held nearly every belt that the WWE every had in it's entire history? The Triple Crown & Grand Slam Champion?

That's a guy you consider a mid-carder?

Like Punk, the Chris Jericho character is beyond the necessity of a title to be interesting. He's done it all and more! I know I might sound like I want to be Jericho's best friend, but come on...give the man his props. You might not be a fan of heels or you just dislike the Jericho character, but without him, things are more boring. He's such an enormous asset to the WWE.

And R. Truth? Well, I really like the guy, but his move set is wack. If he's going to launch his body into someone or kick someone, he doesn't need to rotate his body. It's just a waste of energy.
I think Truth is very over-rated, I think his raping stinks and whenever he does his entrance, I just fast-forward it.

Raping does stink but I don't think R Truth has ever raped anyone. The word you're looking for is rapping and the thousands of fans in attendance that shout "What's Up" disagree with your personal taste.

Besides 4 or 5 moves he has, R-Truth is not a very gifted wrestler as well

R Truth is very solid in the ring. Not the most spectacular wrestler but more then adequate to get the job done. I enjoy his in ring work.

Not to mention, Truth is not a young guy by any stretch, the guy is like 38 years old. I think the ship has sailed on Truth, and the younger guys need to be pushed over him.

So once a guy reaches a certain age he shouldn't be allowed to get a push? There's nothing wrong with pushing a veteran who is extremely over. Especially when the young faces like Morrison aren't getting the job done. Truth is good in the ring, good on the mic, and insanely over. I see nothing wrong with a guy like that getting a push.
I like truth hes entertaining and hella ov er with the live crowds but he has a shitty finisher and he workin a midcard feud with dibiase he wont be elevated to the main event for fatal four way if anything the raw fatal four way they could just have cena vs three heels. Instead of putting truth or morrison two guys who arent ready to just bethrust into the main event. I will say you say morrisons overrated but hes more main event ready then truth is. Hell he pickd up a clean victory over jack swagger just a couple weeks ago. I like truth but he isnt main event ready and wont get a push. Most likely it will just be cena vs three heels in the main event at fatal four way
I've always been a huge fan of R-Truth. As far as his spot on the card is concerned, I see him as an upper midcarder and I see that happening for awhile. He's got a lot going for him right now after the unexpected win at Over the Limit and I see him being a top contender for the US title right now. But who knows? It's not too far fetched to see him take part in the Fatal 4 Way main event. Don't forget that he was in the Smackdown Elimination Chamber (albeit he was only in there for a short time).

I've always thought Truth deserved to be in the main event. Having him go over DiBiase was a good first step to solidifying him into a true Main Eventer. I don't see him winning a world title in the foreseeable future but I do see him hanging around the main event scene for awhile. I'm excited to see where he goes next.

On a side note, I'm not a fan of the Lie Detector being used as a finisher. It looks to weak to me.
I am a HUGE Truth fan. I've always wanted him to receive some sort of push. Even a U.S title run would be fine with me. His only problem I believe is his age. He is currently 38. Vince is trying to push up the younger guys, like Morrison, Miz, etc. If he were to get a push it'd have to be now. He doesn't have many years left.
I will say you say morrisons overrated but hes more main event ready then truth is. Hell he pickd up a clean victory over jack swagger just a couple weeks ago. I like truth but he isnt main event ready and wont get a push. Most likely it will just be cena vs three heels in the main event at fatal four way

Morrison picked up a clean win over Swagger, that's true but that makes him more ready for the main event than Truth? Have you forgotten that Truth got multiple clean wins over Punk and Jericho when he was on Smackdown? Those are multiple time world champions who never jobbed to Hornswoggle, we're talking about here. I think Truth is just as capable as Morrison is of headlining a PPV if not more capable.
I've become a big fan of Truth over the last year or so. The guy is crazy over and I think a push is deserving. Not sure if he is main event quality, but I really believe that Truth (out of everyone on Raw) deserves the US title. Hart isn't going to carry it and he will drop it and maybe at Fatal 4way we have a match to determine the champ between Truth, Teddy, Bourne, and Henry. (Or throw Miz in instead of Bourne or even Morrison).
R-Truth is very deserving of a US Title run. The guy gets a great reaction out of the crowd and now that there have been a number of injuries on Raw he probably is the number 3 face on the show. I would love to see him get somewhat of a push.
Cena is the number one pushed face on Raw. Orton is the number one over face on Raw. So depending on how you look at it they are both ranked in the top, but they for sure make up the Top two. Triple H still has a death hold on that third spot though. I know he is currently out (Is he just healing up from nagging injuries or is he filming a movie?) but how long will he really be gone for? Another month at most?

So going along with the current situation of Triple H out, that does leaves John Morrison and R-Truth vying for that third spot. I really don't see much of a difference between the two. John has been around longer and had more memorable matches. Unfortunitally R-Truth doesn't always get to show case his talent.

I would say this. The third spot is currently up for grabs. Either Morrison or R-Truth could step up and take it. I hope one of them does. But Triple H will be back before you know it.

as for Ferbian, your disqualified for think CM Punk is only upper mid-card at best. Your double disqualified for thinking Jericho is the same
After looking at the rosters, it does appear Truth is the number 3 face on Raw. Is that a good sign for him or a bad sign for Raw? I don't know. With Orton's injury now, it appaers Truth is up to #2. Shocking, I know. I'm thinking he should get the US Title after they do whatever the hell they're going to do with it. Truth isn't ready to be thrust into the main event scene just yet.

As for those who argue John Morrison is ahead of Truth, just no. Do people care about Morrison? Not at all. There's a reason he was nowhere to be seen last night with Truth actually got a match. Arguing for someone like Tyson Kidd to be #3 would be far more compelling.
I don't know if it's been said already, but has anyone noticed that they basically just switched R-Truth and Kofi Kingston? I mean look at their respective characters and their places on the shows. Fairly similar if you ask me. I think that's essentially what they did, took Kofi's spot on Raw and gave it to Truth to see how he runs with it. So far he isn't doing any worse. But in all honesty, the one change that needs to happen for him to be taken more seriously is to stop the live rapping during his intros. Sure it entertains the kids and whatnot, but it wreaks of mid-card stuff.

As for the Morrison arguement, JoMo needs a heel turn big time. Maybe he could turn on Truth or something, but that's for another topic altogether.
Truth is Raw's number three at this point. He's hella over and deserves it in that right. However, John Morrison is being sold short by some in this thread. The man is damn good in the ring, worlds better than Truth. The mistake being made with him is his gimmick. Not enough is being done to make him the Zen Masta of the WWE. He needs to harness his unique skills to distinguish himself. I'll give it time and keep the hope.

But for now, Truth comes built in with something that keeps the crowd pumped and has had screen time on Raw and a feud to show for it. Good for him. But I'm not counting JoMo's career a failure or saying he's overrated just yet. As for Truth, his future is hard to call. For now, he has a long way to go before he looks main event ready. He barely looked ready for DiBiase and a lot of people were surprised he got the win. Shooting him to the main event doesn't seem realistic. It's wait and see at this point, really.

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