**Merged** Miz MITB contract Discussion - ALL IN HERE

Do you think Miz will be seccesful in cashing in MITB

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I think this could be an interesting plot device if you were to have Miz come down and cash in on Kane after the Undertaker interferes. The refs assume that it's legit and go ahead with the match. The Miz could beat the injured Kane and bring the WHC to Raw the next night. However, the GM reveals to Miz that the SD title can't be won with the Raw MitB. Miz is stripped of the title, which is returned to Smackdown.

I like this idea for several reasons.

1) Miz would still be able to refer to himself as a former champion, garnering more heat from the crowd.
2) The audience would get a kick out of seeing the Miz's disbelief and powerlessness once he realizes that he has cashed in and lost his MitB shot for nothing.
3)This allows the Taker/Kane feud to continue without the belt, so someone like Swagger or Punk could regain it.
4)Miz now has to work his way to the title legitimately, which puts him over more when he finally wins it.
5)It's an unpredictable ending to a MitB storyline.

The only problem is that it makes the Miz look like an idiot since we've already heard that the Raw MitB is only applicable to the WWE championship.
I understand that there were 2 money in the bank matches but they never said that it had to be defended on Raw there is no Raw label on the briefcase.

The briefcase may not have the Raw log plastered all over its façade but I do not think that they would legitimately have him cash in on a Smackdown superstar, even if it was allowed.

Think about this, The Mix is easily the most promising superstar after John Cena in the eyes of Vince McMahon. Now, with that in mind, how does it make any sense to move him to, what many consider to be, the B-Show? It honestly makes no sense to do that right now and it would just be a fail move from the WWE. Not only would it backfire horribly but it would also take away from the momentum that the WWE have built for him and would leave a lot of fans disappointed.

I personally think that he is best served staying where he is. He is definitely going to be a Champion at some point in the near future of the WWE and they don’t need to rush into that. Whilst the case might not have a Raw logo on it but it is red and the Smackdown case was Blue. Both respective cases have been traded in on those shows thus far and I guess that many, including me, would take that to be suggestive of where the red case is eventually going to be cashed in.
It's true that there is a RAW(red) and SD!(blue) case, but they never clearly stated that each case must correspond with specific shows. That being said, they probably did this as a back-up. If, and that's a big IF, there was an issue with the SD! main event due to injuries or suspensions, then you could see The Miz switch shows. But that would be at the bottom of the list of options. I personally see Miz holding on to the case for some time, maybe even as far as the Rumble or maybe even Elimination Chamber(cash it in "Edge-style").

As for SD! if Taker isn't quite ready to compete, they could drag out the angle with the usual Taker "mind-games" like having the lights randomly go out and hearing the gongs and all the effects. Or they could bring Swagger or Punk or even Big Show back into the ME mix. There's more than enough options.
Actually, last NXT, Jamie Keys announced The Miz as the "RAW Money in the Bank Winner". That seems to imply to me that he can only cash it in on the RAW brand.

Even if that were not the case, I wouldn't want him to cash it in on anyone on the Smackdown roster. The Miz, to me, belongs on RAW for the time being. He's the hottest rising star in the company and he's just a perfect fit for a brand featuring "big names". The Miz is definitely talented enough to be a Big Name, and really I would love a Sheamus/Miz or Cena/Miz or even Orton/Miz feud more than a Kane/Miz, Taker/Miz, or Mysterio/Miz feud.
Actually, last NXT, Jamie Keys announced The Miz as the "RAW Money in the Bank Winner". That seems to imply to me that he can only cash it in on the RAW brand.

Even if that were not the case, I wouldn't want him to cash it in on anyone on the Smackdown roster. The Miz, to me, belongs on RAW for the time being. He's the hottest rising star in the company and he's just a perfect fit for a brand featuring "big names". The Miz is definitely talented enough to be a Big Name, and really I would love a Sheamus/Miz or Cena/Miz or even Orton/Miz feud more than a Kane/Miz, Taker/Miz, or Mysterio/Miz feud.

Why is everyone saying going to smackdown is the end of the world for the miz?If anything it will better his career.Raw has an over crowded roster and to many storylines going on right now.I say bring Miz to smackdown untill everything cools down and he establishes himself as a threat.Then once he gets Main event or Star power send him back to Raw.
The briefcase is Red, he is announced as the Raw MITB winner and during the match and leading up to the PPV the commentators talked about how there would be two MITB matches and how the winners had to cash in on the World Champion of their respective brands.

Lets just say none of that matters and assume he was allowed to cash in on SD do you really think that Vinde would do that, he is being called the future of Raw, he is being called the next John Cena by Vince do you really think that Vince would send his next big star to his B-Show where half of the people who watch Raw wouldnt see him any more. The Miz is so hot right now and on such a huge roll that moving him to SD would be a waste. Also if he did cash in on Sunday that would leave Raw with no midcard titles and that isnt happening.
this would be a good idea but i would rather have him cash in on kane be stripped of the title and be given back his case to cash in on the raw champ then he can brag that he won the world title and still win the wwe title,this is my first post
Just got done checking the PPV and they did say "Inside is a contract for a guaranteed WORLD title match" for the Smackdown match and "Inside is a contract for a guaranteed WWE title match" for the RAW match.

Therefore, it is RAW winner(Miz) goes for the RAW title and SD winner(Kane) obviously went for the SD title. The interesting thing, I feel, would be the Miz holds onto the briefcase until after the post-Wrestlemania draft where the WWE champ is moved to SD and the World champ is moved to RAW, while Miz is left on RAW. Then you have him come out after the WWE title match at the following PPV(whatever it will be called at that point) and win the title moving him to the much less crowded SD and throwing a surprise for everyone without breaking the rules they set.(which we all know WWE doesn't care about anyway.)
I have to be honest I am not a fan of Miz, my personal belief is that he will try to cash it in at SS and lose, becoming the first to have ever done that. But I think even if he loses the MITB title shot he will still have made a statement and be in the title picture. If he dosen't cash in a SS then who knows he may wait Mania in the ATL, my home, and cash it in there. By then Miz could have made the switch to face or, somehow, be on Smackdown and win Raws title. And for those of you who will question my opinion of the Miz, and I know you will, I don't dislike him based off his skills because he is very talented , even more so than Shamus honestly, I just don't like his gimmick. After being fired in keyfabe a couple of years ago he came back more focused and less talkative but now he has gone back to the loud mouth arrogant guy who thinks he is better than anyone. He might just be too he just need to drop the mic and bash skulls more.
I agree with both sides of the argument. In past situations when a raw member (Edge and Swagger) switched brands just to cash in MITB and won the belt. It was after winning a traditional MITB at Wrestlemania.

At the MITB ppv I remember the announcers saying winners gets a shot at any title. Not ever saying they could only challenge foe their brands title. I also recall on NXT and Raw him being referred to as the Raw MITB winner. To me that doesn't mean anything. There were two MITB matches Kane already cashed it in yet he was referred to as Smackdown MITB winner this week.

I wouldn't be surprised at all if he is moved to Smackdown to win the WHC. I've seen reports with Smackdown moving to SYFY this fall Vince wants it to be more equal to raw. Plus Raw is loaded with top heels at the moment.
Hey guys I've been wondering this for a while is miz free to cash in on a smackdown superstar? I mean there is nothing really stoping him from doing so. We never heard offical word that this contract must be cashed in for the Wwe championship.Ok now it is rumured that Undertaker is suppose to show up in some form at SS. Have Kane beat Rey( which I doubt ) Undertaker chokeslam Kane and leave the ring,Miz run to the ring and cash in. Noone would expect it. This could move Miz to Smackdown because i feel there is to much going on in Raw for Miz to get the exposure he needs.What do you think?

They announced it on the MITB ppv that the SD winner can cash in on SD and the Raw winner can cash in on the Raw winner. So that elminates any speculation of Miz jumping to SD.
Why is everyone saying going to smackdown is the end of the world for the miz?

It wouldn't be the end of the world for The Miz, but it wouldn't help him either. Raw is a perfect fit for The Miz right now.

If anything it will better his career.Raw has an over crowded roster and to many storylines going on right now.

Nah it won't better it, look at it this way dude. There is actually only two major storylines right now. They are Sheamus and Orton feuding and Nexus vs. the WWE. However there are smaller storylines interwoven with the major ones and The Miz is still standing out from them all. His promo at SS was amazing and proves that he is not lost in the shuffle on Raw and is a major player.

I say bring Miz to smackdown untill everything cools down and he establishes himself as a threat.

Cools down? We don't want it to cool down. We want it to stay amped up, fired up, out of control man, it makes for awesome TV. He has already established himself as a threat, so he doesn't need to go to Smackdown to do it.

Then once he gets Main event or Star power send him back to Raw.

He already has the main event and the star power, he doesn't need anyting to better himself. He is good in the ring, great on the mic, charismatic as hell and is being pushed like crazy right now, so really there is no reason to move him to Smackdown, unless it's to help the show, not him.
Yeah, I got the impression that the red case was RAW exclusive, the blue case was SD exclusive when they held the MITB PPV.

And honestly, Miz wouldn't get the talking time at SD that he gets with RAW. The way the shows are built, it seems that SD is more about wrestling, less about mic time, at least it was until the Kane/Undertaker feud started gearing up. Some weeks it seems nobody has much at all to say to the crowd on Smackdown, whereas EVERY week on RAW they come out and open with a monologue of some sort. That's where Miz is his strongest, on the mic.
I'm getting really sick of people making comments about what happens to stars when they piss off Randy Orton... Mr. Ken..er...Anderson had it coming. Maybe if he would have stayed healthy for more than 3 weeks at a time, and had not dropped Orton on his neck, and been a douche backstage...maybe he would still be with the WWE. But enough about that...

No, I really don't think Miz will fail. And if he does, it will only be to further an ulitmate plan of making him the face of the WWE. Seriously, if Michael Cole says something, you know it's the straight opinion of Vince McMahon. He's a puppet on a string, and he says whatever comes through the headset and usually goes way overboard.

Miz is going to be the next thing on Raw. He's already pretty much there. The guy is super over as a heel, his work is fantastic, and...he's awesome. Whether or not he loses his MITB cash in match, he's going to be WWE Champion.
No I do not believe he will as I feel WWE is making him the next............(I can't belive i'm saying it as I hate miz and this is my all time favorite) The Rock due to the fact that as soon as The Rock started to get over they pushed everything on him to fast. Which is what is happing to The Miz.
No miz will not be unsuccessful at cashing in MITB because everyone who has WON MITB has gotten a big push and went on to be main eventers the same will happen with the Miz because quite simply whether you love him or hate him he is over with the fans hell michael cole gave it away that Miz will be pushed as the next face of WWE
I thought this would be an interesting poll. At some point over the next year Miz is going to cash in his money in the bank, but who he does it on will probably end up being quite significant.

I think the WWE wants to push Miz as one of the next main eventers(mistakenly imo) but i doubt theyll let him cash in on one of the top guys. e.g. John Cena. At the same time they probably don't want another Jack Swagger reign so it would be better for him to cash it in on some one big and get into a main event feud straight off. Personally I think there are two good options.

Firstly Wade Barrett who becomes a dominant champ after 6 pack challenge and Miz turns face when he cashes it in sort of ending Nexus' dominance and leading them to unveil the bigger plan.

The other option which I think would be really good is if Randy Orton finally won the WWE championship at some point after his months of being dominant as hell then coming up short when it mattered but Miz cashed it in immediately. This would make him an even bigger heel and get some proper heat off of the majority of the fanbase plus would put him in a feud with a big guy and give him a chance to prove himself and end up with a reign similar to angles 1st...

I'm going with Wade Barrett although WWE might just make him win it off Cena which is predictable so probably more likely.
I picked John Cena by more process of elimination than anything. I think it would be stupid for him to cash in at NoC after potentially losing his US Title. (If he cashes in then he likely lost earlier in the night anyways). IMO it's too soon for him to cash in and he definitely has to do it on a face right now. He's too good of a heel right now to suddenly turn face for no real reason. I pick Cena cuz he's been there before in winning a big match then being taken advantage of. Orton is in a place right now where he's just too good to be cashed in on. Not saying he can't lose, but look at how dominant he's been lately. I think they'll run with that for awhile. I guess Triple H could work eventually, but we don't know his timetable right now.
I voted Orton. I think if they want to put massive heat on the Miz when he does cash in, it just makes sense for him to hit their hottest face. Cena is of course the face of the company, but Orton is the one the fans are loving at the moment. He gets bigger pops than Cena and with his current momentum, it just seems they need to let Miz get a cheap win over him and then retain the title in a straight up match to cement his status as a "deserving" champion.
I honestly believe that after the Undertaker wins a Mania for the unified titles or beats kane at NoC then Miz will try and cash in his MITB contract and will lose to the Undertaker.

Think about it for a second. Miz vs Bryan, Miz loses his US title to Bryan and he is pissed and wants to have a title. Kane vs. Taker strolls along and Taker wins in a epic bout and long behold AWESOME! hits on the speakers. Miz rushes in and the bell rings hits take with his finisher and poses for a second. Then grabs the mic and says he just won the WHC because I'm the Miz and i'm.....Taker sits up. Tombstones Miz and there goes the MITB. (However i want Kane to win the match but i think this would be a cool way for Miz to get rid of his briefcase and his title in the same night)
Wwe doesn't want randy orton with the title , have you noticed everytime orton is 3 seconds away from winning the title something always happens ? It wouldn't be orton I think it would be against sheamus but not at night of champions .. I remember reading a article where the wwe champion sheamus will be in a match in october ? So sheamus will be champion in october .. or miz might wait til the ppv before wrestlemania because he always wanted to headline wrestlemania .
I'd say orton aswell. Orton is getting the biggest pops out of everybody in the WWE. If the WWE wants the Miz to take over as a massive heel on RAW, then he would be the wise choice. People would cheer if the miz chose John Cena to cash in on... If the WWE want fans to truely hate the Miz, have Miz cash in the night after Orton wins the WWE Championship then the heat on him would be a huge amount which his character or gimmick is lacking. A huge heel is needed on RAW. If the miz pisses people off and takes the belt from orton, he will officially take over as a main eventer. Any champion on Smackdown would be pointless. Miz has proven himself as a star on the number one wrestling show, Raw, why would he go down a level. He needs to cash in on orton.
I honestly believe that after the Undertaker wins a Mania for the unified titles or beats kane at NoC then Miz will try and cash in his MITB contract and will lose to the Undertaker.

Think about it for a second. Miz vs Bryan, Miz loses his US title to Bryan and he is pissed and wants to have a title. Kane vs. Taker strolls along and Taker wins in a epic bout and long behold AWESOME! hits on the speakers. Miz rushes in and the bell rings hits take with his finisher and poses for a second. Then grabs the mic and says he just won the WHC because I'm the Miz and i'm.....Taker sits up. Tombstones Miz and there goes the MITB. (However i want Kane to win the match but i think this would be a cool way for Miz to get rid of his briefcase and his title in the same night)

For fuck sake. The unification of both world titles is a fucking rumour. Nothing more. Nothing less. At no point have WWE stated that they're going to unify anymore of their titles besides the Divas and Women's championships at Night of Champions. Show me clean evidence that WWE have EVER said they're unifying the WWE Championship and World Heavyweight Championship. Why can't you people just leave well enough alone?
Well he Can only cash in on taker if the titles are unified or if undertaker is very very very unlikely drafted to raw and wins the gold.

As the MiTb is only for RAW as it was the RAW MiTb Miz won . As stated at the PPV itself

But im hopeing for Orton it seems likely to be the best feud for the title out of all the over guys

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