** MERGED ** Miz face turn (Keep it in here!!!!)


Last night on SD!, The Miz took on Kofi Kingston for the IC title. After another good match, Miz failed to recapture the title. After the match, while selling his sadness at being unable to get the job done, Miz came up to Kofi and offered him a handshake while looking pretty humble. Kofi delivered a dropkick that sent Miz out of the ring, whereby he angrily stalked around the ring kicking things while holding his face. It had me wondering if this was possibly the first step towards Miz turning face or if it was just a meaningless gesture in which he'd have simply attacked Kofi if he'd accepted the handshake. Miz also openly quit the heel team for Survivor Series this past Monday, citing Punk's cowardice for abandoning the team to be decimated by the faces the previous Raw.

Miz is someone that's needed a change for a while and, all in all, 2012 has simply not been a good year for him. He's been in the WWE doghouse for a long while and it's dogged his career throughout the course of this year. It also got me wondering if Miz might be selected as Ryback's replacement on Team Foley this coming Monday in which Miz maybe explains his actions a bit and goes full face. If that happens, then it might be something of a ruse by the heels to have Miz as a plant on Team Foley where Miz sort of sabotages the team by turning on them at the right moment and helping the heels score a win.

At the same time, nothing might come of all this. I just don't see that, however, as that one little show of sportsmanship from Miz is just completely out of the norm for his character.
That's exactly what I was thinking Monday when he quit Team Punk (at the time). Maybe they didn't want him associated with heels because he's gunna turn face soon.
One of the current heels needs to. I'm talking about the Miz, Cody Rhodes, Ziggles, Swagger (MIA), Del Rio and all those other heels that have been a heel for the past 3-5 years where at this point they've been doing the same thing over and over and someone is in need of a chance. A face turn for The Miz might be just what he needs, he has fought against the entire face roster (winning some feuds, losing some) and is in need of a chance.

I'm sure The Miz can play a face, when he is out doing media talks he always seems like a decent like-able guy, I'm sure if he was given the chance he'd be able to excel as a face.
He will be having a face turn. You could see it coming when he left team Punk, the triple threat WWE title match created, and an opening on team Foley created. Putting Miz on team Foley creates an opportunity for Foley/Miz to promote "A Most MIZerable Christmas" for the Christmas season.
Yes, he seems to be going face but I love the subtle way they're going about it....at least, as "subtle" as anything can be when the combustible Miz is involved.

In the olden days, when a heel extended his hand, the deed was done.....the transformation was complete. Hail to the new good guy!

Not anymore. I expected Kofi to either accept the peace offering.....or be fooled as good guys often are, getting sucker punched by Miz. Instead, it was the other way around and I halfway expected to see a heel turn by Kofi, as unlikely as that seems.

Having a great talker like Miz go face is a practical step for the company because we need good guys. In recent months, two major faces: Big Show and CM Punk have gone bad.....with Randy Orton sure to soon follow. IMO, they'll turn Ryback heel after awhile, too. Everybody wants to be a bad guy but somebody's got to play the hero, no?

Miz is a good candidate.
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I think Miz can easily make a good face. He's hardworking, does a lot for WWE kind of like a John Cena. I thought the video shown before he made his entrance at Wrestlemania 27 would be a great face video, how he fought against adversary like JBL, refused to give up and got to the top. He's on the poster for Survivor Series which means that he will do something big at the event, possibly as the last member of Team Foley.
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I'd be all for it. I dunno why some people are against a Miz face turn, as some posters here have pointed out, the guy is hardworking, he goes out and promotes the company just as much as Cena does even on his days off I've heard, he's a good talker, he can easily get a reaction out of the crowd, and he doesn't have the best catchphrases in the world but he gets the fans chanting along with him- Miz just screams babyface all over. If Miz as a babyface doesn't work out, they can just always turn him back, it's not a big deal. Plus The Miz seems to be running out of fresh opponents as a heel.

Like Jack-Hammer said, Miz offering Kofi is just completely out of the norm for his character, I'm expecting Miz will come out on RAW next Monday and he'll cut a promo about how Kofi has earned his respect, then some member on Team Ziggler, maybe Ziggler himself or Del Rio will come out and blast him, saying he's losing his touch, starting something up between Miz and that other heel, slowly leading to Miz's face turn and Foley recruiting him on his team to get a piece of that member. It probably should be Ziggler, he ran down Jericho for losing his touch and The Miz would be a good credible opponent to put him over on his journey to the World Heavyweight Championship.
» I am enjoying those hints and those teases for him, when last Raw started and I saw him dumping Punk's team I thought right away that he would be great playing the babyface role. Let's face facts, The Miz has never been face since his debut in the WWE, he started out as one of the stupidest things you can start out and he evolved a lot, I mean a lot in every sense of the word, both in the ring, his looks, his ability to speak and even his character gained that whole "bigger than life" feel. If you follow WWE since his debut, you'll most certainly think that the guy at least deserves your respect and the respect from his peeps.

I mean The Miz is in the WWE has a villain since 2006, we are talking about six years non-stop with the same persona. I don't recall for once hear that Miz was out injured or he was having a vacation of some sort, so take it from the evidence and push Miz to your main event spot, because he earned every bit of it. As a heel there is not much thing left for him to do, he already had two rivalries with John Cena, he has already worked with Sheamus and Randy Orton, he even had a match with The Rock (tag team ok, but it was a match) and he already lost to them too so I guess it is time for him to go face, and WWE needs good faces that can talk and captivate a crowd.

If this is a swerve or a full time babyface turn I will be pleased, it means that they are actually working with him and he at least had restored his status in the WWE. However I would like to see him go face for some time, him and CM Punk have a lot of history and I mean backstage history since Punk stated already that he does not like The Miz (God knows why, I for once smell sour grapes) and they would work in a fantastic way since they are both highly entertainers in the mic. The only problem I can see with him go face is that I can't see him actually go out there and just attack an heel that he has a problem with, after that time where he would just ran away, I guess it will feel a little awkward at first. In England I guess he's already a babyface since the crowd was chanting "Miz is awesome" and "Let's go Miz" so I guess he can make people react to his babyface persona if he turns.

I guess that if WWE really bets on him, he can be a guy that can actually fill the second babyface spot. He works a lot, at least John Cena already stated that, he is always out doing promotional work, he does everything WWE asks him to and he looks great in everything. I saw his appearances in shows like Conan and Jimmy Kimmel and he seems like a good and funny dude with the Hollywood type of thing in him. One thing we can be almost 100% sure is that he will have a good role in Survivor Series, he isn't scheduled for a match and he may actually be their 5th biggest draw in terms of being a household name. Let's hope WWE works with him and don't rush things.
Interesting note:

Smackdown 2003, A then heel john cena is approached by Paul Heyman to join his heel team at Survior series. John teases the idea of joining but rejects the proposal and ends up joining the face team and in turn ends him officially face

Raw 2012: A heel Miz is approached by Paul Heyman to join his heel team at Survior series. Miz agrees to join but eventually rejects the proposal and .... TBC
I can see them turning him into a face, I just dont know if it will go over well with the crowd, as its easier just to hate miz.(i always loved him though) Plus with all of the commentary they been having him do for the side tv shows they really need to make a decision on if they want him to be a heel or a face, I mean how can he be on main event sucking up to big show and then turn around and try to be all sourpuss the next second, I dont think the whole tweener thing can work for the miz.
Easy formula for face Miz:

1. Do the "Really?" Bit on annoying heels. The crowd already loves that.
2. Have him talk often and be funny. He's excellent live on the mic.
3. Give him a face manager like Jerry Lawler or Mick Foley.
We definitely need some faces at the moment, and I am at least interested to see how The Miz will do. He is a guy that is easier to hate, but to me seems like a guy that if done right can get over as a face to. He definitely needs a change, and I think him joining Team Foley will finish the face turn.
I'm all for The Miz turning face. He's pretty decent on the mic, and is quite the charismatic guy. He might be actually turn out to be a pretty big babyface, if Creative so desire.

Also, I really like how WWE is going on about this.
Miz turning face is honestly worth trying. He is (for lack of a better word) awesome at promos and has improved some in the ring. It would not be too hard to pull off, he can do the whole "really!?" thing against heels rather than faces. His sarcasm in his promos can translate over to face remarks without too much difficulty too. As much as some of the fans dislike the guy, he would do fine as a face. He can't be a heel forever. Well, he could.... but he risks getting stale. There is nothing wrong with trying a face run after having been heel for so many years.

The other thing to consider is all of the publicity appearances Miz does for the federation. Imagine if he were attending all of those events as a face persona. Yes, wrestlers break kayfabe in interviews, but if he was a face his popularity would grow and he could do even more PR work to improve word of mouth for the federation. That, and he might be a little more believable as anything above the midcard. This could refresh his character. The annoying guy running around refusing to shut up about how "awesome" he is has gotten old. A face counterpart would at least be something different.
Miz turning face seems to be what's happening. I don't get it, but that's what they're doing.

I'm an anti-Miz guy, always have been. I don't think he's very good at much of anything. Some say he's a good mic guy. Whatever. Maybe he is, but I don't think he's spectacular. He's at least a somewhat decent talker, but that's due to his cocky/arrogant attitude. I don't see how it will work as a babyface.

Another important thing to consider - will the fans accept him? I'm sure they'll cheer at first, because that's what they're being told to do. However, if recent reports of Miz becoming a main event guy again are true, will fans go along with it? I don't know if the fan base is sold on Miz. If they hate Cena because "he can't wrestle" or whatever, how will they feel about Miz? He's most certainly an inferior in-ring performer to John Cena and as a babyface doesn't have half the charisma.

Maybe I'm 100% wrong on this, time will work that out. We'll see, I guess. I'm not excited. Not at all.
A Miz face turn just seems stupid to me, he's just such a naturally unlikable asshole that I really can't see why anyone would ever want to cheer for the guy. If this is the route WWE is taking then I can't see it lasting very long.
I wonder how Miz would do as a face. I'd hate to see him change since he's such an excellent heel, but who knows. Then again, Morrison was an good heel and a horrible face.
I was thinking this was in the works when he quit Team Punk on Monday Night Raw. While I don't know how Miz would work as a face, I think his current gimmick as a heel is played out, and it would be a refreshing change for him. I've read articles where it's been implied that Miz is in line for a push, but I don't see how in his current gimmick. He's a good talker and all, but the "Really's" and "Awesome" just seem to have reached their expiration date as a heel.

With Ryback leaving Team Foley, I think Miz will be revealed as the fifth member of Team Orton. It will be a tough sell for the team, but a good showing, with Miz perhaps emerging as a survivor, would be a great start to a face turn for him. I don't see him being left off the PPV, so I think that despite protests from Kofi and others, Miz will be included in the 5 on 5 match on the "face" team.

I like Miz, and I'd like to see a slow burn face turn for Miz. After all he's done over the past few years, it should be a hard sell for the other superstars that he's "changed", but an evolution over time for his character could ostensibly create another star for WWE, something that's badly needed right now. I think Miz has hit the preverbial glass ceiling as a heel, but there's still alot that could be explored with him as a face, possibly returning him to main event status even. Miz already does a TON of publicity for WWE, and comes across very likeable in his late night appearances on the talk show circuit.

I imagine, that, while it may take time, wrestling fans will see him in the same light. And Miz has the mic skills and charisma to pull it off.
I think it might be good for him. He's pretty much been where he's going as a heel and it's time for a change. If not a face turn then at least add a new dimension to his character. A wrestler can only keep doing the same thing for so long before he or she gets stale.
I'd enjoy a Miz face turn. If he doesn't turn face, either Ziggler, Del Rio, Rhodes, or Swagger should. With The Miz's charisma and mic skills, he'd definitely draw a good reaction from a crowd. It was very un-Miz like to actually offer a handshake to Kofi Kingston, someone who he's regularly feuds with. If he does turn face, I expect him to either go after Cesaro's US Championship, or maybe feud with Dolph Ziggler.
I among of the biggest supporters of The Miz going face. I believe there will be a good future when older superstars retire and i see Miz as one of the top faces. But with Dolph Ziggler heading into the feud with John Cena, my question is who do you think Miz will feud with?
Personally I think him and Alberto could make beautiful music together, think about it, Miz invites him to Miz TV, they talk on the couches like an ACTUAL chat show, Miz asks some really insulting questions, Alberto gets offended like "I don't need to take this from a reality show reject" and the rest is history...

Or dare I say it? CM Punk, the champ himself? Personally I've always wanted a fued between them for AGES... I would prefer if the face and heel were the other way around, but I know they can do amazingly together. Both huge talkers who have the loudest personalities in the WWE.
Personally I think him and Alberto could make beautiful music together, think about it, Miz invites him to Miz TV, they talk on the couches like an ACTUAL chat show, Miz asks some really insulting questions, Alberto gets offended like "I don't need to take this from a reality show reject" and the rest is history...

Or dare I say it? CM Punk, the champ himself? Personally I've always wanted a fued between them for AGES... I would prefer if the face and heel were the other way around, but I know they can do amazingly together. Both huge talkers who have the loudest personalities in the WWE.

You beat me to it dude. I feel like Del Rio hasn't really had a memorable feud since debuting in the WWE. I guess his feud with Edge counts, but not by a lot IMO. If anybody can pull off a good feud with Del Rio and make him look good for a change, it will be The Miz.

They can really play off each other and have some great promo battles in the ring. I like the Miz TV idea too. That'd be a great way to start it.

Another option would be if they really go through with a heel turn for Orton which they are slowly building to, I'd like to see him feud with The Miz. I feel like they have some unfinished business from their feud in 2011.
Well even though he's a face, I'd like to see The Miz feud with Randy Orton, where the whole locker room and even Booker T finally accept Miz as a babyface and put their trust in him, but Orton is the only one on the roster who questions his face turn and still doesn't trust him, thinking that he's just deceiving everybody. On occassions, Booker can pair the two together in tag team matches so they can try & get along and so The Miz can try & prove to Orton that his face turn is legit, but Orton still doesn't buy into it and he constantly argues with him during their matches and RKO's him anytime he thinks Miz is gonna turn on him, costing the both of them their matches, leading to them having backstage fights or brawls in the ring after their matches are over. Then at TLC, they're put in a match to settle their issues and The Miz pulls out a big clean win over Orton, proving to Orton that he's a fully-fledged babyface and he finally earns his respect & trust.

If they plan on turning Orton heel soon, then after TLC they can continue to pair Orton & Miz in tag matches together and slowly build up Orton's heel turn in their tag matches before they officially make him turn on Miz.

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