**MERGED** Championships WWE Should Consider (keep it in here!!)

WWE Junior Championship, could it work?

  • Y'know what Steve, you might be onto something here...

  • Na'h, let's keep the odd titles and maybe unify them, but that's it.

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wwe have a lot of work to do making the titles they currently have mean something before they even think about bringing back any other titles. firstly they need to split the brands like triple naitch said. then wwe need to choose who there four top guys are on each brand. after which each brands champion face's off to unify both titles and have only the champ apear on both brands. then have the ic title defended on raw and the us title defended on smackdown that way it will make room for the ic and us titles to take centre stage more often with both titles being defended in there own shows main event know and again. then we have the tag division. again i would like to see only the tag champs appear on both brands. with at the very least two more tag teams brought in. then on shows like nxt and superstars have local wrestlers come in and job to the established tag teams to put them over more. then 0nce wwe have managed to do this. then they can start thinking about bringing back another title but not before.
For starters, I would definitely bring back the Hardcore Championship, but with a newer and more modern design, with maybe a spinning trashcan or something on the front. It would give a certain number of mid-carders or jobbers to shine in a portion of an event or PPV. My only concern would be not giving the title to someone and having him/her hold the title for a very long time. Hold it for a few weeks or days and lose it. With the 24/7 Rule, the title would definitely be relevant again.

I would bring back the Cruiserweight title back too, but if the rumors of a reviving Cruiserweight division is true, why put it all right here.

Fav 5: Punk, Bryan, Rhodes, RVD, Barrett

I mentioned something that relates to this subject on another thread. After all, my two favorite things about Professional Sports Wrestling Entertainment are 1 – Championships and 2 – Stables.

Stables of the past that I enjoyed the most were the 4 Horsemen, the New World Order, D-Generation X, Evolution, and the Main Event Mafia.

Here’s a little storyline I came up with the other day while thinking of why I love Professional Sports Wrestling Entertainment…Championships and Stables. I was thinking of how I could merge the two and make a huge impact in today’s shows.

I’d start with Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar. I want to see a storyline where Paul Heyman brings up the fact that he never lost the World Title. He was in fact, stripped of the World Title half of the Undisputed Title and it was awarded to Triple H by Eric Bischoff. That should plant the seeds for the rest of the members I’m about to name.

Layla would be my next target. I’d have Paul walk and talk to her about being Divas Champion, blah, blah, blah, but why did she retire the Women’s Title?? I’d go as far as saying things like, bringing “prestige” back to the Divas Division. The rightful Undisputed WWE Women’s / Divas Champion. This, of course could turn Layla Heel, which I think suits her more anyway. That’s your Diva.

Ezekiel Jackson is number 3. Paul can bring up ECW. He can talk about the history and mention that even though he was a part of “WWECW” (imagine Heyman using the term WWECW on WWE TV), he was and still is proud that Jackson was the last ECW Champion and would like to restart his Title run. He’s your Upper-Mid-Carder.

Next up, I’d like to bring in Ted DiBiase just to give the Million Dollar Boy something special to do. I think he could have done wonders with the Million Dollar Title, but he wasn’t really given much of a chance with it. Give him some of Paul’s Kool-Aid, and you have Lower-Mid-Carder.

Of course, like all great Stables (look it up), we’re going to need a Tag Team. I want Heyman to announce that he’s bringing someone back from the past. He’s a former Champion and he’s the rightful holder of this retired Title. That turns out to be D.H. Smith. Team him back up with Tyson Kidd as the World Tag Team Champions with a grudge against the current WWE Champions.

This, of course, would seem complete. Towards the end of a 5-on-5 match with Paul’s (Heyman) team vs. Paul’s (HHH) team, a 6th man appears and helps Heyman’s team win. That 6th man…the last WWE European Champion…the last WWE Hardcore Champion…Rob Van Dam!!

For $#!+s and giggles, I’d add Hornswoggle as well. Heel turn + Cruiserweight Championship + Paul Heyman = something better than anything you’ve seen from Vince Jr. Jr. before. Now that he can talk, maybe now he can be taken seriously, at least for a month.

You could also throw CM Punk in there if you can figure out a good way how. I was thinking maybe he should not have come back right away last year and this storyline could have fit him well with the other’s but whatever. You get the gist.

So to recap:
WWE Champion, CM Punk
World Champion, Brock Lesnar
ECW Champion, Ezekiel Jackson
European / Hardcore Champion, Rob Van Dam
Cruiserweight Champion, Hornswoggle
World Tag Team Champions, The Hart Dynasty
Million Dollar Champion, Ted DiBiase
Woman’s / Divas Champion, Layla

I’d like to call them, The New Dangerous Alliance!!

So, pretty much, I want the WWE to bring back all the Belts, sanctioned or unsanctioned for storyline purposes only. In WWE 12, I loved how Sheamus replaced the United States Title and brought back the European Championship.
I would like to see the Hardcore Title to come back. I think it would be interesting and exciting of seeing the 24 hour rule and see what kind of wacky story lines they make up with the Hardcore title. It would be good for some segments on Raw since Raw is 3 hours now.
The hardcore title, just ditch the 24-7 rule, and make a new rule, every hardcore championship bout will be a hardcore match, that would be cool, you guys miss the old stuff, well this title could bring about more hardcore matches where guys beat the shit out of one another. I mean this title could be brought back in the right way, it could become a big prize as oposed to just another title.

The US title and IC title should be unified.

The WHC and WWE championship should stay separate, brings more feuds that way, might as well have 2 champs while haveing 2 or more guys chasing the respected title.

Also bring back the Light Heavy Weight tittle for the smaller guys, that or the Cruiserweight title, just don't give hornswoggle another fucking shot -_-. The LHC or CW championship would give smaller guys that will never make it that far in the wwe something to shoot for, at least they would get something.
With all of this TV time WWE is trying to fill, they need to create a Legends title. No not a gimmick belt that means nothing like Booker T had in TNA and not a title that all wrestlers will compete for. But a title that is defended one a month on RAW and only features wrestlers over 50.

BUT... to make it different and to capitalize on the nostalgia the Champion will always come out first and his challenger will be unknown until the announcement. After the champion is announced there is a slight pause as we wait for the music. Will it be Dusty Rhodes? Jimmy Snuka? Roddy Piper? Hillbilly Jim? Bret Hart? Ric Flair? Hulk Hogan? Or somebody else?

The kayfabe reason for this will be to say, "A true Legend has to be prepared to face ANYONE at any time." but the real reason is to build the suspense for the nostalgia pop.

Once a month (to play off of the old school 30 day rule - and to prevent the nostalgia from wearing off) the champion will return to RAW to face a yet unnamed challenger. The match will consist mostly of stalling and playing to the fans and very little wrestling. But that is the point of bringing these older guys back. For the fun factor - something that is seriously lacking from WWE today.

In WWE all the focus goes into the entrance and the finish. Very little thought or attention is given to the match anymore. So this would be a perfect fit.

It will help fill in TV time with wrestling (even if the action is minimal), it will be the perfect way to use the older guys and help them still seem relevant - "WWE as given these legends one more goal to reach, one more mountain to clime. The WWE LEGENDS Championship!" it won't take spots away from the younger guys, and it will bring in some old school nostalgia to help bring back viewers who have stopped watching.

They should take the WWE Legends logo - add "Champion" at the bottom and that would make a perfect center plate for the belt.

Who else likes this idea?
Although I like your logic, I find this idea completly flawed. Let's just say within a year span the title changes every month, so we have 12 legends as champs. Who will these legends be... In Vince's mind he likes to screw the fans, so here is my month by month breakdown of who the champs would be

Jan- Phineas Godwinn
Feb - Brooklyn Brawler
Mar - Barry Horowitz
Apr- Iron Mike Sharpe
May - Gillberg
June - Val Venis
July - Also Montoya
Aug - 2 Cold Scorpio
Sept - Hacksaw Jim Duggan
Oct - Tatanka
Nov - Ahmed Johnson
Dec - GodFather

Seems like an impressive list, doesn't it? I'm sorry to mock your post, it just seems to me that this title will be used for professional nobodies or just another reason to put Roddy Piper on Tv weekly (Yay! sense sarcasm)
I think you missed his point. The title would be defended once a month against a legend. It wouldn't need to change hands. I would add the wrinkle that the legend never holds the belt. Every two weeks, the champ would defend against a different current wrestler. On the opposite two week period, they defend against a legend. If the legend wins, then the next week, 4 guys have a mini semi final, and the next week, the next champ is crowned.
One of the main issues with the E is that there are too many lower card guys that are wallowing away in nothingess, theis would given them something to do.
On a side note, I would, if I'm the E, steal an idea from TNA, and offer the NXT champ the chance to trade in his title for a shot at the mid card belt of their choice at NoC.
I wouldn't be so cynical (for once).

This doesn't have to be something immediately relevant to the fans, not much of what's on tv today ever is.

I think that since we live in the information age, people would be excited to look up the history on certain performers who make surprise appearances. They wouldn't even have had to be WWE legends, just obscure wrestlers from way back when granted some new exposure.

Jan - Tommy "Wildfire" Rich
Feb - Greg Gagne
Mar - Nubihiko Takada
Apr - Kevin Von Erich
May - Tom Zenk
Jun - El Satanico
Jul - Octagon
Aug - DeWayne Bruce
Sep - Pierroth Jr.
Oct - Michael Kirchner
Nov - Tatsumi Fujinami
Dec - Austin Idol

It would give more visibility to different periods of wrestling from different parts of the world, Cole or Ross could shoot off with random facts about each guy (who they trained, etc). Personally, I think this is an awesome idea.
I really like your idea & I've had a simular one myself, as well as seen some others closely related.

The only the thing I'd change is the over 50 rule. That adds extreme limitations to both booking & match quality. Why not just everyone who is on a Legends contract or is a "Legend" aka a non-fulltime competitor who has competed in WWE or a company WWE owns the rights to. That adds a million more things you could do.
I apologize if I offend anyone, but this is a horrible idea. Alot of those guys are retired, and they are retired for a reason. For some, this would give them a taste of what they once had, and possibly convince them that they still got it, which in most cases they don't. I get the nostalgic feelings, I get that it was kinda cool to see guys like Vader and Sid leading up to Raw 1000, and we all love when the occassional star of yesterday shows up out of the blue. However, the WWE doesn't need to employ any senior citizens. It's bad enough they, and some of you, are considering bringing Flair back into the company. Instead of using talent budget dollars for something like this, they should continue to develop their FCW talent while plucking the odd TNA or ROH gem that comes along.
I like the idea, I think it's a great idea, But they won't get a very good pop, due to the fact that most of the current watchers wouldn't know who the hell these guys are. It's a sad truth.

The first name that popped into my mind was Jake Roberts. If he succeeds in his DDP rehab, I think it would be great to give him a feel good moment.
With all of this TV time WWE is trying to fill, they need to create a Legends title. No not a gimmick belt that means nothing like Booker T had in TNA and not a title that all wrestlers will compete for. But a title that is defended one a month on RAW and only features wrestlers over 50.

Jan- Phineas Godwinn
Age 43

June - Val Venis
Age 41

July - Also Montoya
Age 39

Aug - 2 Cold Scorpio
Age 47

Nov - Ahmed Johnson
Age 42

Seems like an impressive list, doesn't it?

Seems like an ineligible list, actually...

This idea is somewhat interesting, but I'd find it doubtful that the could find enough contenders to keep it interesting for more than a few months. If they find a big enough "roster" it could be fun.
Nah, it makes legends look like has beens, look there's stone cold legends champ use to be a legend could kick anyone's ass now he is the old guy champ if he's old enough to still wrestle you want to think he could still be the real champ. Not even getting into how bad some of those matches might be, why couldn't Val venis just be us champ if he can still go. If there good enough they don't want full time schedules anyways, just have them enhance the current talent put them over keep the cycle moving.
It's good thinking but simply can't have a good execution. I don't think you can really count on two 50+ wrestlers to have a decent match, let alone a long enough match to be worth any sort of championship. Plus, someone like Roddy Piper or Flair would likely have to hold onto the belt. As mentioned above, you don't really want someone like Tatanka with it do you? And would that matter to the fans? Really? On top of that, everyone would likely be a one off, which is why the same people would have to hold the title.

Like I said, it's a decent idea, but I don't think it would be something that would actually work out.
Your idea is good and it make young viewer to search for legends history and if the action is good it can even make them look for their matches in the past i would like to see some old wrestler back in action like ric flair mick foley goldberg iron sheikh vader animal and so on but as long as wwe bookers and specially vince mcmahon allow themselves to interfere in matches they do nothing but to screw up noble ideas
great idea in theory, but shitful in reality. I am sick to death of seeing Piper, Snuka, Slaughter, Rhodes, and other 60+ year olds whenever a LEGEND needs to be brought back. I really enjoyed Heath Slaters angle leading to Raw 1000 When real legends like Sid, Vader, DDP came back.
You would really have to make sure the LEGEND who came out was a LEGEND, not just a guy who was in WWE in the 80s or 90s. Secondly they would need to be in some form of condition to be able to have some form of match. Whichever LEGEND holds this faux title, they would need to still be reasonably athletic, otherwise once the LEGENDA hit the ring, the tv channel will be changed in millions of households.
The best way to utilise LEGENDS is to have them help get current superstars over. Simple
It's good thinking but simply can't have a good execution. I don't think you can really count on two 50+ wrestlers to have a decent match, let alone a long enough match to be worth any sort of championship. Plus, someone like Roddy Piper or Flair would likely have to hold onto the belt. As mentioned above, you don't really want someone like Tatanka with it do you? And would that matter to the fans? Really? On top of that, everyone would likely be a one off, which is why the same people would have to hold the title.

Like I said, it's a decent idea, but I don't think it would be something that would actually work out.

I agree.

The idea is something that has some degree of merit but, it doesn't have a very good chance of being something that's at all relevant or have good execution.

It's something that might, just might, appeal to fans that are heavy on nostalgia for a while but I think it'd quickly lose steam. It's going to be difficult finding two 50+ year old wrestlers that can go out there and put on a decent, competitive match that fans will care about.

Not only that, but you'd have to find guys that are not only able to still go inside the ring but are also healthy enough to actually go out there and do it.

It's just not a feesible idea. If WWE was to actually need another title, they'd be far better off reinstating the Cruiserweight Championship or creating a new title that's aimed more towards smaller guys on the roster but doesn't have a weight limit, like TNA's X Division used to be.
Short answer no it doesn't. Why? because how does this help WWE, with ratings and more PPV buys? legends, christ aren't we trying to create future world champs and ppv sellers?
All these 'legends' have had their time.

I admire the idea but WWE should drop the US title in my eyes and bring in a lightweight belt, to give some fast paced action like WCW did.
I think that's a terrible idea. The legends will all be over no matter what they do, they are referred to as LEGENDS for a reason. The WWE needs to focus on building its future and fixing the prestige of the titles it currently has, let alone start working on a new one that would be exclusive to legends. Other than the WWE Championship NONE of the current titles are treated with the respect they deserve and have all lost prestige. They need to fix that before ever adding a new belt. WWE have to keep their priorities in mind and something like this would be toward the bottom in importance if they were ever to try it out as an idea. They have far more crucial issues to think about at the moment than adding a division exclusive to legends.

The tag team division is on life support, the divas haven't been relevant in about 6 years, the midcard titles are a joke, and the World Heavyweight Championship is nowhere near as important as they try to book it to be. Until all of this is fixed, no new belts should be added. If they did add a new belt it should be used to help establish new stars not help older stars keep hogging the spotlight because that would mostly just waste everyone's time. That idea sounds better on paper than it actually would be. Legends segments can just be what they are, no belt is needed at all.
It's a nice gimmick that will last maybe 7 months but then it will die out. At least that's what I think. First create compelling storylines for the titles you already have and make those divisions hot, then see about creating a title.
Honestly, I don't like it and no I'm not saying this idea was extremely whack or something no. But props for trying to come up with some new type of championships. As many others have said in this thread already, it would be hard to keep this consistent. How many wrestlers that have worked in the WWF/E that would be willing to do this? Better question, how many of them are over 50? Even better question, how many of them are still in somewhat sort of wrestling condition/shape? Your main draws would be: Hulk Hogan, and Ric Flair. Hogan isn't touchable since he's the GM over at TNA. Flair? Is he even still walking? Anyways, I'm always willing here to listen and see with what members here are thinking about improving the WWE. I think another title would be good so then the current superstars could have something to work for.
I think a lot of you missed the point with this title. It's not about starting an old timers division. It's about coming up with a way to use the legends and their continuing appeal to help fill up TV time. As far as match quality goes... there will be very little wrestling. This isn't about having them wrestle, it's about using them in a way that will be fun.

The main attraction will be the music. That's why the champion comes out first. Because we already know who that is. Again the kayfabe reason for the champion coming out first is to say, "a true legend has to be ready to face anyone at anytime with no time to prepare", but the real reason is to build suspense for the challenger. After the champion comes to the ring the announcer says, "And his opponent..." (just thought of something... the announcer for the legends title should always be Howard Finkle) there is a slight pause then the music starts. THAT is where the pop will come from. Be it Bret Hart, Roddy Piper, Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan, Hillbilly Jim, or even the Red Rooster it will be hearing the familiar music that the fans will pop for.

As for the "match" itself, it will be minimal and full of stalling and playing to the crowd with very little action... much like a match on Saturday Night Slam. After all the fans don't really want to see the old guys wrestle, they want to remember how much fun these guys were and - if only for a moment - FEEL like they are going to wrestle. That's nostalgia.

For those who said they don't like the over 50 age, this is so the young guys never have to lay down for the old farts. It's keeps the Legends in this little nostalgia world and away from the current action.

For those who say all of the 50+ guys are retired... on the contrary most of them still wrestle - some quite frequently - on the indy scene and are ready to lace them up at any time.

And finally for those who say there aren't enough wrestlers over 50... that's the best part. EVERYONE (barring some tragedy) is going to be over 50 at some point so they will never run out of talent.

I love this idea. It's certainly a better way to fill TV time than watching touts of marks.
Years ago during NBA All Star Weekend the NBA would host a Legends Game. It was a disaster. Some of the greatest names in league history trying to relive past glory but mostly just spent their time tearing ligaments. I'm not saying that is what is going to happen with wrestlers but the body has limits.

Still though, I am old so I like seeing guys that I grew up with. I think promoting an occassional legends match may have a place. When I was a kid I remember seeing a gray haired Bruno Sammartino slap around a heel (may have been Macho) and that moment really stuck with me and made me a bigger fan.

No Legends Title is necessary and there is no reason to make a competitor a surprise (its probably too hard to keep the surprises interesting). WWE should consider throwing and promoting this type of match on Main Event or Smackdown and it would certainly draw me in and maybe some young fans as well who want to learn about prior generations of talent.

Putting it on Raw is likely a crowd momentum killer.

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