**MERGED** Championships WWE Should Consider (keep it in here!!)

WWE Junior Championship, could it work?

  • Y'know what Steve, you might be onto something here...

  • Na'h, let's keep the odd titles and maybe unify them, but that's it.

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Internet Championship is the way to go on this one seeing WWE actually has Internet shows like Superstars and NXT, so have the title be defended on those shows each week being kinda the main title for those shows(ala ECW title for ECW), and the champion could make title defenses once a month on each show on T.V.... And like TNARage2 said have it get defended on the pres how of the PPV's..... It would build a superstars again IMO if done correctly as it already kinda did for Mr. Zach Rhyder......
Yes, I want to see the TV TItle return. Popular, yet not true championship material Wrestlers like Santino, Zack Ryder, Evan Bourne, etc should compete for it. It would be like a steping stone to the IC or US belt. I remember a lot of losers had the WCW TV Title, though a few like Booker T carried it well and went places.
I loved the TV Title back in the NWA and early WCW days. But I would have to say no to having it relaunched in the WWE.

The WWE is failing to maintain or improve the value of their current Titles. Any "New" Titles would be a waste and would further devalue all those already in place.

What purpose does a 'prop' (Not how I see the Titles...but hey) actually have? If they are treated with no value or genuine importance??
Internet Championship is the way to go on this one seeing WWE actually has Internet shows like Superstars and NXT, so have the title be defended on those shows each week being kinda the main title for those shows(ala ECW title for ECW), and the champion could make title defenses once a month on each show on T.V.... And like TNARage2 said have it get defended on the pres how of the PPV's..... It would build a superstars again IMO if done correctly as it already kinda did for Mr. Zach Rhyder......

The Television Championship seems like a good idea but you'd have to do a few things first.

1. Only one World Champion. Either unify it with the WWE Championship, or since it's pretty much a solid #2 title, have the Intercontinental Champion win it, so that they can be "the first guy to hold both titles simultaneously" and then quietly phase the WHC out. The WWE Champion would be THE #1 guy, and the IC Champ would be THE #2 guy

2. The brand split needs to be re-enforced, with only a select few guys being allowed to cross over. Those select few should be of course, all of the champions. I'd keep the United States Championship, but he should be exclusive to one of the brands.

3. The Television Championship should only be defended once a week, whether it be on RAW, SmackDown, Superstars or NXT. In regards to Rita Repulsa's comment about how the TV Champ would quickly become a boring guy who never loses, I'd say that the TV Champion could lose in a tag match so that they can lose with out losing

I'd prefer a "Television Championship" over a legit "Internet Championship". The Internet Championship was an "imaginary" title that Zack Ryder created purely for self validation because he wasn't good enough to contend for any of the "real" titles. It would kill Ryder's underdog appeal if the belt he made up became real.
I'd like a TV title but I feel (like many other people) there are too many titles just floating around not doing anything. In a perfect world we wouldn't have 2 "world champions" nor would we have both the IC & US titles not to mention the fact that the tag team titles seem to be an virtually non-existent. If it were used with a time limit and a weekly defense on raw or smackdown I'd be interested but I get the feeling that most other people would rather see the cruiserweight championship make a comeback so I'd guess that would be the title to bring back if there were to be another title introduced.
They could. They have enough people to do so. But I would prefer if they made the tag division more relevant. I m not sure what brand should have it on. Raw is pretty much packed with storylines and championship matches and if you put it on shakedown no one will see it there. Get rid of the split already.
So i was checking the WWE title history and there's a lot of retired Championships so my question would be which retired Championship would you want the WWE to bring back
First, before we bring back any titles, I think they need to get unify the World Titles. Even if they started re-enforcing the brand split, there should be only one WWE Champion, with all other champions being regarded as close seconds

Now, for belts to bring back...

WWE Light Heavyweight Championship.


The Light Heavyweight title needs to be brought back, except that I don't want it as a low card belt. I want main eventers and upper-midcarders who happen to be under the title's weight limit (i.e. Cody Rhodes, The Miz, Dolph Ziggler) carrying it around and treating it a like big deal. The reason I chose the Light Heavyweight title over the Cruiserweight title is simply because the term "Light-Heavyweight" sounds a bit more prestigious.

WWE Hardcore Championship

However, I do not want them to use the WWE version of the belt...
I would rather they adapt the WCW Hardcore Title design.


It looks more like a championship title, and thus symbolizes scratching and clawing to reach a big prize. I would ditch the 24/7 rule, as it devalued the title. It may be impossible to do real hardcore matches in the PG era, however, we've seen wrestlers do pretty decent "Street Fights" in recent years, as well as "No-Disqualification" and "Falls Count Anywhere" matches. Not to mention gimmick matches such as Cage Matches and Table Matches. It would be nice to center those things around a championship. The Hardcore Championship will allow your low card guys to pay their dues and get over as tough guys. You can also give this belt to high fliers who wouldn't be able to compete in the light heavyweight/cruiserweight division due to their being over the weight limit (i.e. Alex Riley, JTG). The midcard can carry the load of gimmick matches, and you can spare your top draws from having to risk serious injury.
Let me guess. How about none of them?

Instead of bringing titles back, how about improving the ones we have. Have any of you given that a thought once in a while? I don't mind unifying the world titles but how about we raise the importance of the U.S. and Intercontinental Title? The European title was shit and nobody cared about the Cruiserweight title. I don't need to see the Hardcore Title again. I'm fine with what we have now and don't want to see anything added.
i think alot of people will say none, but for me, i would firstly get that US Title OFF Marella and into the hands of a future world champion contender. As for what titles to bring back, only got two on my mind. 1) the Crusierweight title which would bring up great matches and can start off shows and pay per views with and 2) The Hardcore Title which usually had fun matches and was entertaining, especially with that 24/7 rule they had. Crash helped make that title interesting with his reign
I'm going to sound stupid by saying this but, The Undisputed Title. Merge the WWE and WHC. The brand split is no longer existent and have everyone aiming for that one belt
I think the WWE is having enough trouble promoting the titles is has. They probably will try to promote a cruiserweight division but I don't see WWE having the discipline to stick with it.
I will answer this in two ways. In the current WWE there is no room for another title. They can't even keep the ones they have relevant. It's quite sad actually. I don't even understand why it is so hard for them to at least have the belts defended regularly. That being said, if they were to magically get it together and figure out a way to give the belts importance again I would want to see the crusierweight title come back. I loved that title in WCW, and it was an important title. I don't think it was ever the same in WWE, but I am just saying in a perfect world they could have a good crusierweight division again, and feature that title.
Instead of this new NXT Championship, I would have brought back the European Championship. It was always a great title for midcarders to chase, whether they be lower midcarders like D-Lo Brown or higher on the card like British Bulldog. There were times when the European title had the best matches on the card on a regular basis.
its got to be the hardcore title complete with twenty four seven rule i dont mean for super violent match or anything but it would be funny to see santino involved and it could give a lot of wrestlers that arnt been used somthing to do it would lead to some funny slapstick comedy segments i think
need to make the WWE Championship belt look like something important, not a kids toy.
Too many titles as there is, the US Title and Tag belts are treated like a joke. No need to bring any belt back, but if they did, a WWE TV title that was ddefended on Raw every week would be good, have the actual talented wrestlers compete for it, like Tyson Kidd, Swagger, Ziggler etc, a real mid card title that would be prestigious based on the matches being competed in for the belt, like the IC Title used to be held in such esteem
I'm going to sound stupid by saying this but, The Undisputed Title. Merge the WWE and WHC. The brand split is no longer existent and have everyone aiming for that one belt

It's not stupid because that is the title that needs to come back. You don't need 2 world titles with no brand split so why not have 1 Unified title? It would make the MITB match mean more if you only have 1 case and 1 title to choose from. It would make the Royal Rumble more important because the winner of that match get the only world title match at WM instead of 2.

If they bring back the Unified title then I would like to see the Cruiserweight title brought back as well so there is another title to fight for. But maybe they should just work on getting the tag team division working again so the tag titles mean something.
I wouldn't bring back the old titles, and the reason for that is because WWE and Vince McMahon at the end of the day won't care about it. I would rather see the Women Championship than the Divas Championship and the old format of the WWE Tag Team Championship but that's it! No new titles, just new formats of the current ones.
The WWe needs to return to being the WWe, all the purpose that the WHC and US Title seem to exist for these days is a reminder that Vince won the Monday night wars.

The WWF won their war with a world belt, an IC belt (US title equivalent), a European belt (TV title equivalent), a Hardcore belt, Tag Team belts and a Women's belt. With the exception of the Hardcore Title (which doesn't fit in with the PG landscape), and bringing back the Light Heavyweight belt, these would make sense for the WWe to carry forward.

WCW and ECW are both dead well over a decade now, I think it's about time that the WWe was just the WWe again - their belts should reflect that.
WWE cannot define their title divisions now. Most divisions[tag team, US, IC] are jokes really. And since the brand split is pretty much non-existant, I'd say WWE needs to unify belts and start rounding out their divisions. How do we buy a title being prestigious when there are no real contenders?
Definitely the cruiserweight/Light Weight Title. Go watch WCW from the late 90's, some of the best matches you'll ever watch. Especially Rey Mysterio vs Dean Malenko. I'd like to see the IC and US Titles have the prestige it used to when the likes of Henning, Rude, Warrior, Bret Hart, Shawn Michael, Ric Flair, Sting, Luger, held these titles. Not Santino Marella as funny as he is.
not return championships, but make the ones there relevant.
primarily the World Tag Team championships
Womens title, not the crappy Diva's but since that's not gonna happen they may aswell get rid of women's wrestling in WWE altogether, though i will say AJ has been singlehandedly showing everyone up the last few weeks and doing more to promote females in WWE then anyone in the past few years.

nothing else that needs to return that would be relevant or even used

Don't need a cruiserweight title cause there are bugger all "cruiserweights" and they are getting there own show anyway "maybe"

The European could be a possibility if they get rid of the US title don't need 3 upper mid card titles
WWE cannot define their title divisions now. Most divisions[tag team, US, IC] are jokes really. And since the brand split is pretty much non-existant, I'd say WWE needs to unify belts and start rounding out their divisions. How do we buy a title being prestigious when there are no real contenders?

The brand split is not non existant though, they are still 2 seperate shows just cause some people move back and forth is irrelevant, a brand split end would mean all the main eventers, title holders and upper midcarders are on both shows every week and everyone else is used ad-nauseum

I agree with unification but they've made it pretty clear atleast for the forseeable future that the brand split will not end and titles will not be unified.

Let say they do unify the US/IC and the 2 world titles
i can see from a Champs perspective, they already have a full schedule if they were the only US/IC or World champion then they would be doing double duty with all the touring of both brands and weekly tv tapings and ppv's

Burn out pretty quick. With multiple champions that atleast a) builds up 4 people at once instead of 2 and allows them to spread out to more areas at once.
I would unify the WWE Championship with the WHC. Then I would unify the US Title with the IC Title.

Next I would bring back the TV Title which only gets defended on TV

Finally create the Internet Title and have it defended Pre-show at PPVs and post show Raw online.
I think the first thing that needs to be done is the unification of the two World titles. If the brands are being run as they are now, with wrestlers popping up on the other show, then there is no need for 2 World titles. It just devalues both belts, and will take away the opportunity to put the World title as the opening match at WM's- that pisses me off SO much.

They need to first work on ensuring that the US and Intercontinental titles remain prestigious before introducing any more belts- getting the US belt of Marella and onto someone credible would be a damn fine 1st step. At DEFEND THE BELTS occasionally. Cody Rhodes barely put the IC title up for grabs in his reign.

But, if I had to see a title return it would be the Cruiserweight title. High-flyers always get over with the WWE fanbase, especially the kids and there are enough talented cruiserweights around to make this title worthwhile having, and offer us something different than the usual heavyweight style matches WWE offer. Sign up Alex Shelley, Jack Evans and Amazing Red, but Mysterio, Sin Cara, Tyson Kidd etc into the division, let them entertain the fans and it will make the title mean something.

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