**MERGED** Brodus Clay Discussion- KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!

What The Funk was that?

Could be his catchphrase. I can see him wearing a "WTF" t-shirt lol.

Seriously though, why have WWE been teasing us for soooooooooooo long only to deliver, THAT!!!!!!!

WWE is laughing at us all because we keep watching no matter what crap they spoon feed us.

They know it. We know it. Round and round in circles we go.
Best return of all time..

Was not expecting that but it was epic.. Jericho and rock returns were poor compared to that of the funkasaurus!!
Love it.. I'm in planet funk now... Cant wait to see where this goes.

Why so much hate?

AJ Styles, samoa joe, robert roode, james storm, kazarian, austin aries, motor city machine guns, kurt angle.....these guys are better in the ring than 90% of the guys on the WWE roster.

oh TNA can definitely compete with the WWE....if only they BOOKED their talent CORRECTLY!!!!! TNA needs to stop being WWE part 2 and just be impact WRESTLING, with an emphasis on WRESTLING....but anyway, thats another thread completely....

as far as brodus 'debut'....read my post on page 19 for a detailed analysis and where i stand. i'm a diehard wrestling fan and i HATED it...

the gimmick was horrible, but first and foremost, brodus clay SUCKS. he just plainly doesnt have 'IT.' he doesn't have the CHARISMA, the MIC SKILLS, the WRESTLING ABILITY, the LOOK, ....no matter how you repackage the guy, he just SUCKS. i honestly don't know what vince sees in the guy skill-wise or look-wise. even if he came out as a monster heel i would have cared less.

these dancy/ funky gimmicks, unless you are ALEX WRIGHT (the FUNNIEST character in the history of wrestling) are DOOMED to fail.

since when has a dancing / funky gimmick ever led the wrestler to a WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP?? NONE. so why bother

we don't need another santino, or another big daddy v, or another stupid comedy act. WWE needs the next austin, it needs the next lesnar, the next HBK....we are short on awesome talent.....and brodus clay should have NEVER made the main roster to begin with

I'm not going to argue about how you think those wrestler's are better then the wrestler's in WWE, or why you think TNA can become competition, because that's a entirely different topic.

What I will say though, is that Brodus is agile and quick for a big man. He has mic skills and charisma. He has alot of talent for someone his size. Just watch him matches, listen to his promo's, the guy can talk and wrestle.

You keep saying WWE needs the next Lesner, or Austin, or Shawn Michaels. Here's the thing, star's aren't born overnight, it takes time. Austin didn't debut at "The Rattlesnake", Michaels didn't debut as "The Showstopper," The Rock didn't debut as " The Great One," Triple H didn't debut as "The Game." It takes time to make stars. The last guy who was instantly a star was Lesner, and that didn't end well for the WWE.

And yes, a funky gimmicky superstar has never won a World Championship, your right. But, who say's this will be his gimmick for the rest of his career? He can be a monster heel and still be believable as a threat.
I thought it was cool. I mean most people bitch and moan that WWE Superstars lack character. So, they decided to have Clay debut as the Funkasuars, who, has personality and a legit gimmick. So what if he isn't a devastating none gimmick character who mops people in 30 seconds. We have Kane, Big Show, Mark Henry, and maybe one day Big Zeke. So what is wrong with Clay being what he is now? The sole fact they gave us vignette after vignette of this monster who didn't debut that way. No, instead they gave of the Funk Man with a dancing gimmick who is still a destroyer in the ring. Way to go WWE for actually giving us a character that we the fans can connect with. Not another monster which we really don't need do we? We have a guy who seems to like his gimmick and who still can get it done in the ring.

I personally enjoyed it as we can have a Superstar who isn't boring and bland like some others on the roster.
Really mixed feelings on this. On the one hand it's a good thing that he's not just the next fat monster. But will this character instead get him very far?
It seems to me that this wasn't a swerve so much as a last minute change of plans. That would explain why his debut got pushed back so often. I only wonder if he pissed somebody off that this happened...
Not every one who debuts NEEDS to be the definite next World Champion either.

Not to mention this is only the start of his gimmick. It may get him over, and he'll evolve into a different one in the future. That's generally how it works.
I just don't see what was the point of the videos if you're going to redebut Brodus as this? Why not be more creative and say oh there's a new funky guy coming, and just leave it way open? I think I would have been ok with this. Like the Jericho vingettes, I mean you didn't honestly know it was jericho right away. If you play a video of Brodus stomping people, then he should come out and stomp people? Not dance around, and act like something we've already seen before.
You keep saying WWE needs the next Lesner, or Austin, or Shawn Michaels. Here's the thing, star's aren't born overnight, it takes time. Austin didn't debut at "The Rattlesnake", Michaels didn't debut as "The Showstopper," The Rock didn't debut as " The Great One," Triple H didn't debut as "The Game." It takes time to make stars.

I don't agree with all of your posts but this just set in stone logic. Great point and because of it I'm not going to write the guy off just yet but I am far from hopeful.
I didn't exactly hate it, but when I first saw it all I could think of was, "what the hell did I just see?" Brodus did seem to be having fun with it, and it is refreshing other then the typical "big guy wins squash matches until losing to the almighty John Cena" role.

I'm just curious why they kept having John L delay his redebut for weeks and weeks..for that? I thought the fact they kept pushing his return back meant that he would come back SERIOUSLY pissed. So I wonder what the explanation for the delay will be. Oh yeah, this is WWE, so there probably wont be.

I don't know why, but I have a feeling that they are actually leading up to something with this gimmick. Maybe he told John L he'd be a fun loving guy so he would actually let him debut, instead of being a bad guy that people liked? Or maybe he'll have some kind of gimmick where each week, he comes out as some kind of different gimmick? I don't know, both ideas seem pretty stupid now after I said them out loud, but oh well!!

I didn't hate the re-debut, but it was anything spectacular either.
I just don't see what was the point of the videos if you're going to redebut Brodus as this? Why not be more creative and say oh there's a new funky guy coming, and just leave it way open? I think I would have been ok with this. Like the Jericho vingettes, I mean you didn't honestly know it was jericho right away. If you play a video of Brodus stomping people, then he should come out and stomp people? Not dance around, and act like something we've already seen before.

The videos were ages ago now, and he WAS supposed to debut back on that first date in November, he kept getting bumped from the card on the day of the show for weeks. I'm guessing after a while of that they decided to repackage him altogether and debut him differently.
I think they realised, that there was just no need for another monster heel. And supposedly it was Brodus' idea anyway. So he can do this for a while, as it's fresh, and lets be honest none of you expected this. Once this gimmick becomes stale, he can then transition into a monster heel.
I think it is interesting. I can see them using Brodus in this gimmick similar to The Big Show's gimmick going into Backlash 2000 where he wanted to have fun. They could play with him wrestling against people that want him to be serious, and have him be a jolly big guy that could kill you. Additionally, at some point down the line, presumably when Henry stops being the big, scary bad guy, they can have him dump the gimmick, splash the dancer chicks, and continue on his way as the monster heel we all expected from him in the beginning.
In a promotion stocked with generic monster heels, its good to see a breath of fresh air with "Funkasaurus". Sure it might be Rikishi fused with the Godfather with a drop of Earnest Miller, but its still refreshing in a way.
That shit was hilarious. I think the gimmick is interesting. It was a big curveball. I am tired of the monster heel that wins a bunch of squash matches, looks unstoppable, and then does nothing and gets released. This was funny and different. Plus, anything that brings Naomi back on TV is great in my book. Thats what you call curves.
People complain WWE is too predictable.. well they just gave you something no 1 expected.

With Kane on Raw and Henry on Smackdown. Having Clay become another dominant monster type of heel would of been a little redundant. I kind of like that they went in a different direction with Brodus Clay.
It was rally good.

I miss the good old days that you actually had characters on the show. The whole showbiz is built around interesting characters, and Monday night we got one.

At first I was really surprised, but then the match begun and I couldn't stop laughing. Stuff he said during the match was really funny and that smile after Hawkins slapped him was super-hilarious.

This kid's got talent, I hope they help him grow.
Watched it again and have come to think it was really amusing. I like when he said "my bad". Hilarious!!!!!!!
The crowd seemed to be completely dumbfounded.

Still dont understand the build up they had.
IMO - Both sides of the argument have merit.

On one hand, it is different then your average big man who debuts as a force to be reckoned with. He came out with a gimmick that'll definitely have him stand out from the bunch. He also seems (Just from my impression) to enjoy the gimmick he is doing. It was a swerve no one saw coming.

But on the other hand, this debut for the gimmick makes no sense for the build up they were giving him. The crowd didn't seem at all interested much into what he was doing. Also, this also means his push into world title status anytime soon has been severely shot. He will also have to live knowing he did this persona for the rest of his days (See Mark Henry's Sexual Chocolate for what I mean).

I personally was at a lost for words when I saw this. I didn't hate it, but didn't love it either. All I can really say is - I think everyone's opinion here (Whether positive or negative) has merit.
I think they had to change the gimmick on the fly because as said before, there are too many monsters in the WWE already. Plus, isn't that Skip Sheffield's new gimmick too?

With this, it allows people to care about him, like him, get behind him, so when the eventual heel turn comes, people will care about the heel turn.

Also, not sure if anyone caught it (i'm not reading through 23 pages of posts), but did anyone hear Jerry Lawler say "can somebody call his mama"?? A total homage to Ernest The Cat Miller, acknowledging that was his old theme music. Very cool.
I personally thought the debut was Tremendous. It was very WTF, but also extremely funny. I watched both the 8:00p.m show and the replay at 11:00pm(Canada), and found both quite entertaining. I especially enjoyed the commentary. Brodus-"my bad' after throwing Hawkins into the corner. King- "I think he just apologized!" Very funny.
At first, I reacted the same as the live crowd, jaw just hitting the floor like, what in the wide wide world of sports is THIS?!? But then, the second he stopped his routine with the girls, the cat was out the bag. This gimmick has The American Dream's fingerprints ALL OVER IT. From the gyrations to his speech patterns, it's clear with the success of developing Cody and Dolph, Dusty's getting a chance to put a character out there that's an urban, monster version of himself. Everybody knows that ideas get recycled with a twist from time to time, and this is exhibit A right here. Brodus hasn't cut a promo yet, but he's a pseudo hip-hop dancer character, so he'll prolly be talking in some form of rhyme without trying to rap per se. If he starts talking about something along the line of Dusty's 'kings and queens/pork & beans', you heard it here first. Dusty worked with Ernest Miller in WCW, but this music hasn't been heard in almost 10 years. Doesn't matter if the grown folks remember it 'cause we're not this guy's ultimate target audience; our place in the marketing department is to be able to reminisce about times gone by. If done right, Brodus could become 2012's Bizzaro version of Zack Ryder-a merchandise machine that's fun enough for the kids to love, intense enough for the 20 & 30-somethings, and harmless enough for the parents to root with their kids for.

BTW, never heard of or seen Naomi before, but....WOOOO! Hot and thicker than fish grease--I'd rat-tat-tat-tat-tat-that ass anytime.
IMO - Both sides of the argument have merit.

On one hand, it is different then your average big man who debuts as a force to be reckoned with. He came out with a gimmick that'll definitely have him stand out from the bunch. He also seems (Just from my impression) to enjoy the gimmick he is doing. It was a swerve no one saw coming.

But on the other hand, this debut for the gimmick makes no sense for the build up they were giving him. The crowd didn't seem at all interested much into what he was doing. Also, this also means his push into world title status anytime soon has been severely shot. He will also have to live knowing he did this persona for the rest of his days (See Mark Henry's Sexual Chocolate for what I mean).

I personally was at a lost for words when I saw this. I didn't hate it, but didn't love it either. All I can really say is - I think everyone's opinion here (Whether positive or negative) has merit.

Why does everyone debuting need to revolve around how quickly they can get into the World Title scene?

The likes of Lesnar, Del Rio or Sheamus, where they were into the World title scene not long after their debut, are the exception to the rule. Most people are around for years before they are built up into that role.

The mid card exists and is just as important for the show as the main event.
I am tired of the monster heel that wins a bunch of squash matches, looks unstoppable, and then does nothing and gets released. This was funny and different.

I agree 100%. Other than Undertaker, Kane, and Big Show who cares for monsters. Lets be honest Mark Henry is just lucky he never got reeased. He just poped up here and there but for the most part did nothing. Also look at the other monsters. After they loose to a big name that is pretty mush the end of their run. Everything always goes down hill. All respect to Umanga but after he lost to Cena he was just their to help build other stars and same goes for Khali. What did monsters like Snitksy and Big Daddy V ever do? Nothing.

If they want him to a be world champion they can turn the character down some but just let him dance every now and then.
OMG, at first when he first came out I was like, great here we go Godfather/Rikishi and didn't think the personality fit him well at all. After watching the match, I have to be honest when i say I fell to the floor laughing when I saw how good the match was. The crowd was so silent in compared how I thought they should have been. "Should I get him?" and "Oops, my bad" got my abs hurting I was laughing so hard. Please Vince, keep Brodus from Planet Funk!!!!!

Let's see: Take a little bit of the One Man Gang turning into Akeem, add some Godfather to it, mix in a pinch of Flash Funk, a little Santino Marella comedy element, and some Dusty Rhodes, and what do you get? You have Brodus Clay.

When we kept being teased about the return of Brodus Clay, this is definitely NOT what anyone pictured. I have no idea how long this Funkasaurus thing will last, but gotta give credit to the WWE for not just doing the same ol' same ol' monster gimmick. We have 23 pages so far devoted to talking about Brodus. If he had come back in a black singlet, not said a word and destroyed Hawkins, we simply wouldn't give a damn. Certainly not this many pages worth. Is the Funkasaurus goofy as hell? Absolutely. But, it's gotten us talking.

With that being said, if he EVER says "Pimpin' aint easy", I am gonna toss my TV off of my balcony.

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