**MERGED** Brodus Clay Discussion- KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!

i was initially disappointed that we didn't get the big angry scary monster because that's what we were expecting BUT i loved this gimmick. it's unique, interesting, funny and brodus actually seemed to do it really well
I watched Brodius Clay's debut, and I am not sure what saddens me the most: The fact that I actually sat through it or the fact that the WWE just took that much time out of my life that I will never get back.

How about you just quit watching then? If you're going to complain from one night... I'm not sure what saddens me the most, your complaining or the fact that you're pathetic. You just took that much time out of my life that I will never get back for responding to a ignorant troll.
Oh come on people. This is wrestling, lighten the hell up. That was one of the funniest things I have seen on a wrestling program in my life. I literally came here to post about it. If he had shown up as the typical giant, bad ass monster as expected, everyone would be talking about how boring and redundant the WWE is. Instead, we get a total surprise. It's cheesy as hell, but that's what made it so fantastic. The wiggling and gyrating in the ring busted me up. Also, loved how he was talking throughout the entire match. I'll say this, if he had returned as expected, I wouldn't have cared about him at all. At least with this, he got my attention.
This was the best thing Brodus could have done. His debut went from a boring squash to a memorable debut that harkins back to One Man Gang becoming Akeem. I admit it, tonight I marked for the man from Planet Funk!
So it looks like Huggy Bear debuted tonight and frankly I don't understand what they were going for. I have no idea why they decided to go against the monster Brodus Clay and thought it was a good idea to bring back Flash Funk but I really don't get it.

Brodus Clay already had a good gimmick before this and they had absolutely no reason to go in this direction. Maybe they thought that there were too many monsters since Kane re-debuted not too long ago but I think they couldn't have found a worse gimmick for a guy who looks like Brodus Clay, funkasaurus just doesn't fit the guy, it just doesn't work. You could tell that he was trying to make the gimmick work and just couldn't do it and the thing is its not his fault. Did they do this because he was Snoops bodyguard? I don't get it but I've already seen Flash Funk and I have no desire to see him again, especially on a 350 pound white guy who looks like he has about as much rhythm as Michael Cole, just ridiculous, utterly ridiculous!
I think it's good that Brodus didn't come out with the "monster" gimmick everyone thought he would of. WWE have had way too many of these gimmicks and simply once they have been defeated once they are no longer relevant to the WWE (bar Kane and Taker ofcourse). Khali after his feud with John Cena was quickly forgotten about. Umaga seemed to lose every couple of weeks. Big Show, while still considered the worlds largest athlete and a devastating monster, still loses all the time. So after Brodus was to lose a few times then he would of just become another stepping stone for superstars to look like they can do anything.

Although this gimmick is kinda silly and stupid, it is definately fresh and quite interesting. It'll be interesting to see where they go with this gimmick for Brodus. He definately has potential to make it far because it is actually decent inside the ring and he showed some personality out there. So I for one am happy they didn't go with the same old monster gimmick and actually look forward to see what they do with his character.
This was awesome.

Brodus would have done well as the 1,394,837th monster heel the WWE has rolled out, but this gimmick is not only much more entertaining, but also gives Clay a chance to be more than a flavor-of-the-month monster who fades away every now and again, a la Mark Henry until 2011. I can't wait to see more of the Funkasaurus.
So it looks like Huggy Bear debuted tonight and frankly I don't understand what they were going for. I have no idea why they decided to go against the monster Brodus Clay and thought it was a good idea to bring back Flash Funk but I really don't get it.

Brodus Clay already had a good gimmick before this and they had absolutely no reason to go in this direction. Maybe they thought that there were too many monsters since Kane re-debuted not too long ago but I think they couldn't have found a worse gimmick for a guy who looks like Brodus Clay, funkasaurus just doesn't fit the guy, it just doesn't work. You could tell that he was trying to make the gimmick work and just couldn't do it and the thing is its not his fault. Did they do this because he was Snoops bodyguard? I don't get it but I've already seen Flash Funk and I have no desire to see him again, especially on a 350 pound white guy who looks like he has about as much rhythm as Michael Cole, just ridiculous, utterly ridiculous!

Wrong. Wrong. It worked great. The crowd was into it, and a lot of people thought it was fun.

Like another poster said, GIMME MORE FUN GIMMICKS!!!
I'm not really sold on Clay's current gimmick, but I'm not horrified by it either. We seem to have something of a cross between a professional football player and a Las Vegas Emcee. Now if he can talk like a Vagas Emcee, then perhaps we've got something. I'll give it a shot.

My only issue with this debut is that it really wasn't worth the build they gave him. It wasn't really spectacular or even noteworthy. It was a fairly mediocre mid-card debut. Not badly done, but not really worth the extended build-up of week after week teasing his debut. Now it's possible that this week is simply a red herring and that after a couple of weeks of this silliness there's going to be a major moment where we really get something amazing out of this guy. I honestly hope it happens, but I'm not holding my breath.

That being said, the big guy has potential to be very entertaining. Perhaps do a few comedy skits with Santino and perhaps team with him for a tag-team title run. Let him bulldoze through most of the mid-card and if he can talk, let him do a few funny promos and vignettes. I don't see this guy going anywhere near the main event just yet, but for now I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.

I will say this: For a big man, he's sure light on his feet.
Wrong. Wrong. It worked great. The crowd was into it, and a lot of people thought it was fun.

Like another poster said, GIMME MORE FUN GIMMICKS!!!

No, no it didn't. All they did was give him the Flash Funk gimmick and it looked awkward on him. I'm not against more gimmicks or even fun gimmicks but give him a gimmick that he could work with a little better. When I see Brodus Clay the word "funk" is the last thing that comes to mind. The guy looks like a complete and utter bad ass, let him be one. Just because he's a monster doesn't mean he can't be different.
I hated Brodus Clay before this debut, but now I am entertained by this guy!!! I love it and laughed so hard on how the IWC was waiting for this monster, but all they see is the Funkasaurus! LOVE IT!
How about you just quit watching then? If you're going to complain from one night... I'm not sure what saddens me the most, your complaining or the fact that you're pathetic. You just took that much time out of my life that I will never get back for responding to a ignorant troll.

Well I must not of taken up too much time out of your life if you can post such a well thought insulting reply about my opinion.

Tell me though genius, since I am such an ignorant troll, where does Clay go from here? Enlighten me as to how the WWE make Clay anything more than a dancing idiot? What relevance does he have to the ANY title picture? I mean really, what more are they selling me but an oversized knock off 1989 rapper wannabe? This is supposed to be SPORTS entertainment sunshine, not the comedy channel.
I don't think this gimmick lasts. I think it's supposed to be ridiculous only for him, as a monster heel, to unleash and start going off on people.
At first I was wondering if Vince was trolling us but I'm starting to warm up too it! I know RAW doesn't more comedy but it's nice to see a "different kind of monster." It's Godfather meets Mark Henry.
I don't know how long it will last but it was fun to watch.
The crowds at WWE shows have been dead lately. WWE shouldn't be worried about ratings, they should be worried about the crowds boredom.
Well it didnt take long for the WORST moment of the year to take place. Yes i was laughing like others but not by being entertained but rather at how pathetic that was. Much like Del Rio, I never got what the big deal is with this guy. Hopefully this is not a long term thing or will be reading how Brodus was wished luck in his future.
Hah! In most circumstances, I would be appalled of this decision. But Brodus kind of pulled it off. They must have had a mic on him, or something, because his quips and body language during the match were pretty great. I'm interested to see where it goes from here...

And, once this gets old, as ridiculous as this gimmick is, all they need to do is give him a black pair of trunks and have him beat up Yoshi Tatsu or Evan Bourne or something, and he can go and be a boring old monster heel.
Doesn't anyone here have a sense of humor? I loved his debut. It was something different and completely unexpected. Do we really want another monster heel again that no one will care about in a few months or someone that can be fun and make at least some of us laugh? This gimmick sort of reminds me of "The World's Largest Love Machine" gimmick Viscera had. Anyways, I love this idea and am curious to see how far Brodus can run with it. "Somebody call my mama!!"
Ernest "The Cat" Miller + Flash Funk + Big Daddy V + Bam Bam Bigelow = This new Brodus Clay.

I thought WWE wanted to be more real with their products and not go with gimmicks. This is one of them that really didn't work back in the day, and it won't work now. He was held off TV for this? I will see how it pans out before I completely bash it.
Once again. At first I was like WTF? In the end though, he completely played the character perfectly! His reactions during the match, the things he was saying, it was completely entertaining.

He still looks like he can kill someone, even with that personality.

If Mick foley can get away with being dude love. Brodus clay can deff get away with this. Brodus has NO personality with his past gimmick. I was shocked to see the guy can even be happy. Loved it
I absolutely loved it. You can tell he's been watching a lot of Dusty Rhodes tapes to get some of those moves. That was the first thing I thought when he was in the ring wrestling. I also at first was like wtf but when he got into the ring it was very, very entertaining. Loved it.
This has to be the best thing that has happened to the WWE in a while. But seriously that was so entertaining, and Vince definitely was loving how he literally rick rolled every single person that was anticipating this debut. How can we not enjoy something funny, i'd rather have the resident of Planet Funk than some boring 'monster', we saw how that turned out for Mason Ryan...

Loved how Brodus asked "should I get him?" in his match. Priceless.
You know, I find it ridiculiously pathetic how WWE fans will go out of their freaking way to defend an obviously flawed storyline, product of that creatively constipated team of half-witted monkeys called "WWE Creative".

1. They advertised the return of a Monster

2. Then they advertised it more, delaying his debut week after week after week after week

3. And finally, we get some bozo.

And nobody seems to notice that the monkeys who write the show are so negligent, so dried out of ideas and so useless that they hyped his return and totally changed their plans mid-way, CONTINUING to hype his return and finally having him debut as .. this? What is the explanation? How did this character transition from a wrecking ball to whatever the fuck he is now? What sparked the change? WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON? Stop insulting our intelligence, we're wrestling fans but we're not ******ed. Then again, seeing how everyone reacts, we might be.

If this had been ANY other wrestling company, the same people who like this crap will be squatting all over it at this very moment. First it was Zack Ryder and his goofy ass, now it's this dude? Are you kidding me? Is this what wrestling has become? A place for unfunny, cheesy, cartoonish characters that wear tacky clothing? What is this? 1987?

I though this was "the reality era". Bull-fucking-shit. If we have this jackass, then where's Doink The Clown? Where's Max Moon? Where's Oz?

I don't know what the hell this company is trying to do anymore. This move is a signal that the people in the back and especially the old fart at the top have ZERO clue what they're doing, they have no long term plan, they just have bad ideas pouring out of their pores.

It's just flashes, glitter, lights, pyro, pretty colors, sparkly unicorns and no content, no drama, no nothing. Absolutely dreadful.

This clown was the straw that broke the camel's back. Please, WWE, when you feel like living in 2012 - call me. Me and every sane fan out there who doesn't have their head up their ass. WAKE UP!

Fans loving this shit is like waiting to buy that new hot car you've been seeing in commercials, that awesome monster who purrs like a kitty and drives like the wind ... and then getting a golf caddy and saying how cute, neat and compact it is. Give me a break. I feel sorry for that crowd, you could hear them blink during the entrance.
Thank you, Philly. I had the Dr. of Style's theme running in my head..."Jive Soul Bro". The dancing was reminiscent of Rikishi as well. It might work, and I am hopeful it will.
When I first heard the name...I was watching intently for Gene Oakerland to come out with a gigantic egg. The Funkasaurus From Planet Funk, I was thinking along the lines of the Gobblety Gooker.
Oh the humanity the guy that was supposedly meant to debut as another generic monster heel who'd be fed to Cena within 6-12 months has debuted as a more comedic based dancing funkasaurus. The gimmick probably has the same life as what his monster heel gimmick would of but who cares.

I'd rather get a few months of funkasaurus then months of monster heel squashes zack ryder. Get a sense of humour and lighten the fuck up people.

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