**MERGED** Brodus Clay Discussion- KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!

tbh i could see this working but only as a sort of PG rated godfather type gimmick. he had the dancing girls and the funky type music which sorta fits that kind of character. i do agree that this gimmick is ridiculous but lets just hold on and see if it goes anywhere. who knows maybe it will stick.
Well.. that was unexpecting i guess.. reminded me a bit of the too cool days with rikishi but a little bit more.. camp. Ah well i'll see how it plays out before I judge.
I really don't know what to think of Brodus' debut as of right now, but I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard, while watching a wrestling show. I couldn't catch my breath, and I was literally in tears during this debut. Brodus' debut provided one of the funniest moments I've ever seen on any WWE/WWF show, and I will never forget this. The girls, that awful red sweatsuit, and Brodus' dance moves were all great, and I couldn't believe what I was seeing on-screen.

I guess a lot of us (myself included) were expecting Brodus to debut as the scary and unstoppable monster, who would destroy some random jobber in a matter of seconds. Truth be told, this type of debut probably would've been boring as fuck, and we've seen so many other big men in wrestling debut with this same type of gimmick. I have no idea where all of this is might be going, but Brodus' big Raw debut did feel like something different. This debut did catch my attention, and I do want to see what the future holds for Brodus.
How could people not love this!? It's hilarious. Stop taking wrestling so seriously and enjoy it. Sure the gimmick might not last long but who really knows? The world now a days is unpredictable.

This is amazing. :laugh:
I was kind of disappointed with this debut.I will always think that Brodus would be an awesome monster heel with fueds against Cena,Punk,Orton etc.But I guess creative knows what they're doing at least I hope
At the end of the day you gotta remember that they wanted to push him as a monster and what better way then to give him a horrible gimmick and he gets soooo mad at the fact that he is given this gimmick he decides to go ape on John Lauranitis and the rest of the roster....only person i can think of who on air spoke out against his ginmick (although scripted) was Goldust in WCW when they had Dustin play that creepy dead cowboy and he had to change due to the network thinkin it was borderline pedophile like
Brodus should join with zack ryder and they would be called the Bro train.

At first I was wondering what WWE creative smoked to come out with this gimmick but after giving it a few thoughts i can easily say that i've enjoyed it. Or at least i can say that i'm intrigue about where this is going.

It's been too long since we've seen a different gimmick like that

Anyway, worst case scenario, WWE can always go back to the big monster road if it doesn't works
Did anyone notice that one of those dancers were naomi from nxt. Anyway lol, I reallly hope they go somewhere with this. Im sure they. Everyone is complaning because he debuted as a dancing monster babyface but what can u really say bad about this guy. He deserves a chance jus like all the past gimmicks and I really think those dancers need to be replaced with a tag team ala too cool. That would be cool
People are taking this way to seriously just relax about it. I never understand why people get so angry about a gimmick. Well unlike most I thought that debut was funny as hell. I was laughing so much at the insane entrance and everything. Instead of the monster heel we got something different which is what everyone is always talking about. When the WWE gives you different people shit on it, chill out. As I said I thought it was funny and I enjoyed it. I like seeing something different instead of the same monster heel we get every time a big guy debuts.
At first I thought his debut was underwhelming. But mulling on it, there's not much else that could have been done. Only one real monster can be running around at a time and that's Kane right now. -Edit- Plus it is good to see something different. I can only think of Santino as out of the norm when it comes to the other roles that are used -End edit-

So maybe this Funkmaster thing will turn into something good. I hope it does at least for Brodus' sake. Would be terrible if the powers that be screwed up his career at the start.
The bad, we all know the gimmick is stupid. Just gotta get over it.

The good, that song cracks me right the fuck up. Reminds me of Ernest 'The Cat' Miller dancing at the Royal Rumble years ago.
My Reaction:

Announcing his entrance-
Finally, Brodus Clay! Planet Funk...Funkasaurus?

During his entrance-
(Facepalm) WTF, they really messed this up! We waited weeks for this? I hope we don't have to sit through this every time he has a match.

During the match-
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Clay has some intensity, and he was funny as hell.

After the match-
Don't know what to think. I went from mad, to pissed, to huh, to uncontrollable laughter, to bewilderment. I think I liked it? Need to see it one more time. Gotta give Clay credit though, he did better with that gimmick than I thought he would.
Now don't you think that VKM needs to hand over his authority to someone else? WWE is failing bad, i mean it worry's me now. WWE is in serious trouble if the trend continues.
Here's the bottom line:

I am more entertained by this gimmick than what we expected him to be. We were all expecting a no-reaction big monster type character who would face people you didn't know existed for 2 months until he crosses paths with a slightly "over" superstar. He'd have that rivalry, then eventually drift off into nowhere and be released a year later.

Now, we have a gimmick that will be "tolerable" for 2 more weeks, he'll have that rivalry with a guy like Sheamus, and then he'll slowly fade away and be released in about a year.
I think the debut of this gimmick shows who takes wrestling as light entertainment and who take it as a passion. I thought it was hysterical and freshened things up & threw a curveball at us... granted it may still suck but I for one enjoyed it because he still showed some intensity! Will reserve judgement to see where they go with it but I think some people are taking this really too seriously!


More and more gimmicks are starting to pop up like Crazy Truth, Funky Clay, Broski Ryder, and even the Character Bryan has. Also the Masked Kane.

Good move to me, we didn't need another monster.
That was hilarious! Brodus Clay is a fun as hell big man to watch and I love goofy gimmicks like that. I'd be totally fine with him having a silly three minute match every week. Pure entertainment and there's nothing wrong with that.

My favorite part was that there was the humor in the gimmick but the match was still exciting and intense, just like we've come to expect from Big Brodus.

It wasn't what I expected, but dammit if I didn't love what I got. SHEEEEEA.
At the end of the day you gotta remember that they wanted to push him as a monster and what better way then to give him a horrible gimmick and he gets soooo mad at the fact that he is given this gimmick he decides to go ape on John Lauranitis and the rest of the roster....only person i can think of who on air spoke out against his ginmick (although scripted) was Goldust in WCW when they had Dustin play that creepy dead cowboy and he had to change due to the network thinkin it was borderline pedophile like

I was actually thinking of that Dustin Rhodes gimmick when Brodus first came out. I thought, "There's no way he's going go to for this. He's about to do a worked shoot saying how John Laurinitis has screwed him over." But it didn't happen.
Anyone else feel him channeling Akeem, the African Dream? Kind of liked the old school feel to it. He's cool yet tough at the same time. I think it may grow on people.
This is the big man version of Ernest 'The Cat' Miller. Doubt he has the moves like The Cat...
Even had the same theme, or at least a similar one to it.
I'm ultimately not sure what I think at this time. At the very beginning, I was pretty damn mortified. The whole thing struck me as silly beyond imagining, and it still does to some degree. The more I thought about it, however, the more I saw it from a different perspective.

A lot of people were expecting Brodus Clay to debut as this one dimensional monster heel. It's understandable and it's a role that Clay could pull off very well. At the same time, his debut would most likely have been pretty forgetable had they gone that route. Not only did they go in a completely unexpected direction with Clay, but Clay had what has to be described as a memorable debut that garnered a pretty good reaction from the live crowd. Clay showed some personality and showed that he can be more than just your stereotypical, angry 350+ pound heel and that could possibly do a lot for his career in the long run.

This could all be a huge waste of time or it could be something that's fun and entertaining. I do think that Clay's debut is further indication that a lot of people really don't like unpredictability in spite of whatever complaints are made. As I said, people were expecting Clay to debut as this dull big heel with no personality and they got the exact opposite. Of course, people are automatically going to hate it because it's not what they expected and won't even remotely give it a chance to succeed or fail and that's a sad thing about a lot of wrestling fans these days. If they don't immediately like it or it doesn't fit into their own personal scenarios, they automatically hate it.
I watched Brodius Clay's debut, and I am not sure what saddens me the most: The fact that I actually sat through it or the fact that the WWE just took that much time out of my life that I will never get back.
I thought this was a great swerve and direction. They say monster heels dull plus boring, now we have something somewhat different and interesting and could be used as a relevant face, overtime can transition easily into a heel but looks like he is having fun and could be interesting if done well.

Mark Henry - Sexual chocolate
Mable - Viscera

I don't see this as a bad thing - I wanna go funky town !!!
I think this move with Brodus has a no-fail guarantee.

If it works, it works and WWE has an energetic new face on their hands.

If it doesn't work, it can go in to the whole story of Lauranitas (sp?) waiting for months to debut Brodus, and Brodus can blame JL for botching his debut and being the one who suggested the failed gimmick. Then, Clay can become the monster we all assumed he would be, snapping on JL and everyone else to prove he should be taken seriously.

The funkasaurus was fun tonight--I love the music! Interesting surprise, WWE!
I really enjoyed Brodus Clay's debut for what it's worth. The WWE was once full of larger-than-life characters then went eventually to stale, normal looking everyday people. If this is played right it can definitely vault the Funkmaster up the ladder! We need more gimmicks in this mundane era. I for one am pleasantly pleased.

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