**MERGED** Big Show Discussion- Keep it all in here!

I don't dislike the turn, I dislike how they are doing it. Sunday was so predictable it was transparent. They had Cena pretty much sum up why it was dumb for him to do it because the new GM would have hired him back. Now he's gonna be all "I got soft", "I was crying" and "I should be a giant". We havn't seen that kind of writing in forever.....since Kane forever ago....ok it's not fresh at all. They need help.

I agree with this completely. It was beyond lazy, and it was predictable and honestly insulting to fans. Nobody cares about the big show anymore. People on here complain and complain about how they don't push the new talent, and they continue to pass up opportunities as older guys come back and take their spots. OK, Rock and Lesnar draw money. You think anybody is going to pay $1 to see the Big Show and his ridiculous "Knockout Punch" take on John Cena.

Nobody cares about this. WWE has done a decent job of distracting people away from realizing how much they hate Cena's stale character by putting him against Johnny Ace....but they've done so instead of actually taking the time to creatively transition Cena into something else. At the end of the day, Cena is the SAME character he was before his feud with the Rock and Lesnar. He's the same guy.

And really, I personally can tolerate that when he's in a good feud with someone else. Big Show is a dud and he's finished. This is not the feud to excite anyone...but it's probably better than Tensai.
Sigh. I like The Big Show because of what he's contributed to wrestling over the last decade and a half, but he is just not entertaining to me anymore regardless of his allegiance to the fans. He's little more than a novelty act, a step above Santino, in my opinion. They've tried to do this so many times before and it usually works out pretty well for a couple of months and then Show switches back to a face. The resurgence of ECW is coming to mind at the moment and Big Show surprisingly won the ECW title. I just don't think the Big Show is very interesting anymore. I'd much rather see guys like Cody Rhodes and Dolph Ziggler get more of the focus than Big Show.
Love the Big Show as a heel. He has always been at his best when he was doing the whole pissed off monster character. Good guy/jocular Big Show, while fun, isn't a monster in the ring. Big Show is one of my personal favorite wrestlers, always had a soft spot for the guy...but I always preferred him as a monster with a bit of a snarl.
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Anything is better than watching everyone make a fool out of him every single week. I'm happy he's heel again, and hope this doesn't end up like the 2009 Cena/Show feud when Cena won a series of mediocre matches.
I disliked it because you could see it coming a mile away. As soon as he was fired & the stipulation for the match was that any interference would cost Big John his match against Cena and also his job, you just knew Big Show was going to turn. Heel turns are no longer shocking, given the rate most stars turn heel or face. The last great heel turn was Daniel Bryan's. Two or three weeks ago there's Big Show mocking John and then two weeks later he comes out, tries to cut a heel promo and it's like, man whatever. Nobody cares. The fans really didn't buy into it and I wish they would've kept him fired for a bit & brought in somebody new into the company that Cena's never dealt with before. Been there/done that. It's old, worn down and not like this is the 1st time that Show's been heel. I'm not buying it at all.
I like the heel turn,just not the way they did it. Show should be a no-friends,monster, wrecking machine heel. Not a laceky bodyguard type heel. Show should of let Cena win at OTL,THEN KO Cena. But the way that they did it makes it look like Show is JL's puppet.
I prefer Show as a heel, it just fits in much better with his look and general presence. All in all, he's done a good job since he came back late last year, in my opinion, but he definitely needed a change.

While I can't say I'm overly thrilled about his feud with Cena, it's possible to change my mind, depending on where they go from here. Last night, I liked how they touched on Show's anger at being judged by Cena and the fans as a sell out. I'd like to see them expand on that in the coming weeks, such as continuing to point out how nobody in the WWE Universe or any of the guys in the back, including Cena, stepped up to show any "sympathy" or to even at least try to help save his job.

Having Show being resentful at Cena's judgement and adding some more real world context to the feud, like maybe pointing out how Cena's WWE's golden boy and hasn't had to worry about being "fired", could add a real personal element to the story in my eyes. Like Show said, if it came down to "selling out" in order to keep doing something that you truly love doing, most people would've done the same thing.
I like him better as a heel, it just suits him more.

I think he always does best as a monster, indestructible heel and being paired with the top heel in the WWE is only gonna help Big Show in the long run. As a face Big Show is fine but I don't really care for him as a face, its really easy to get sick of that always smiling, everything is great giant every week. For my taste he is just much more believable as a monster which is helped even more by his physical stature.

I also liked the reality elements thrown into it. Although Big Show is heel its easy to understand why he's a heel and why he feels he has to be a heel. It's something people can relate too, especially anyone who has sold done things they didn't want to do to keep their job and livelihood going.
i dislike it simply because , just like Kane , he will be held back nd unable to the true dominant heel force he could and should be. After that poor episode of raw im not watching untill the 1000 ep anyways so we shall see!
He is better Heel but he wasn't Face all that long and his turn was weak. But i think WWE is scared to have any Heel kick butt and take names and be a real bad guy because they would just start getting cheered.
I like it because Big Show sucked as a face IMO. He was so boring and childish. I also hated when he was burying young talent like Jack Swagger, Wade Barrett (and the Corre) and Cody Rhodes.
Giants should be heels.

I'm not happy about his feud with John Cena though, it has been done too many times
There is a lot of Big Show slating here. Granted he is in his 40's and his best years are probably in the past now. I did think he acted out that promo really well though (The one where he was in tears in the ring). He certainly helped JL get more heat that night, even though the promo did drag on a bit to long.

Maybe WWE thinks that Show deserves a final run around the main event scene for a while (a bit like Mark Henry had)

Does seem a bit like this heel turn is making Show fodder for Cena, to get another clean win over a Monster to make him look strong for a BIG match at Summerslam (Simular to when Cena beat Kane easily in that Ambulance match, so he looked Strong against The Rock)

Maybe Tensai was planned to be Cena's Opponent for No Way out but they pulled the plug on it, as they didnt want Cena to bury someone they seem more invested in than Big Show.
Big Show utilized this devastating finisher during his days in WWECW. Now that he's supposed to be this giant monster heel again does any body else feel he should reincorporate this move in to his repertoire?

I liked the move it made Show look so dominate. He would just rag doll his opponents with this maneuver. I would like to see him start utilizing this move again.

I think the knockout punch will probably stay as his finisher. There's no real reason for him to have to submit his opponents these days.
umm this was just a sig move that lead to the chokeslam usually not his finisher i wouldnt mind seeing him using it to set up his finisher but it wouldnt make a good finisher.
I agree the move did look pretty cool, but it should just be used as a setup to a finisher. I have to admit I like the knockout punch. When he hit Cena backstage last week it looked badass. The Cobra clutch back back breaker is fine as a setup.
Finally after what seemed like an eternity, last night on RAW we got to see Big Show return to being a dominant monster. Some might say too little to late but last night I was thoroughly entertained thru Big Show's promos and then at the end he showcased his abilities against the 22-0 Brodus Clay and the very formidable tag champs, completely destroying everyone that stood in his way.


Now with his contest against John Cena at No Way Out being a steel cage match, I believe Cena will win, hopefully it will be like when Show threw Stone Cold into the cage causing it to break. It would still let Cena save face but still make Show look dominant but afterwards I wouldn't mind seeing him feud with CM Punk, not win the title but just have a program with him.

I'm really enjoying the direction there going with Show but i wanted to know how everyone else felt.
I thought the punch on Cena last week looked terrible, it just didn't look believable so close up.

I wouldn't mind seeing him start using the cobra clutch backbreaker again, it looks pretty brutal so suits a heel, he hasn't used it in his last couple of heel runs though I don't think so can't see it coming back.
I like the idea of him throwing Cena through the cage to give Cena the win but making Show look dominant, either that or if he chokeslammed him through the ring and Cena crawled out under the ring but these have both been done before so hopefully they come up with something creative.
i dont know i mean i dont think it to late but i think the timming sucks i never cared for the big show. but i say the timming sucks cause if they did not have alot of good talent in the wwe then i would say yeah this is great but since they do i got to say this is pointless why waste time pushing the big show when you have talent good young talent or other wrestlers that only needed a little push nowthey have to stand behind bigshow they already have to stand behind cena ass. i dont like clays gimmick but to feed him to the big show to make the big show seem more legit was crazy to me cause big show has been in the wwe for so long he might have played the happy face but hell we seen him throw cena thru some shit we already know he can be dominant so what the point ? i dont mind the direction of how they did the bigshow but i just think someone else could have had this push
Yes Big Show has been dominant before but its not what you have done that matters in wrestling but more of what have you done lately. With his actions on raw it reasserted into peoples minds that Big Show is a legit contender for Cena.

As far as you thinking Show feed on Clay just think that match actually never happened, there for on paper, Clay is still undefeated. I don't agree he's receiving a undeserved push. This man after all is a seasoned Vet who has paid his dues and if you discount the Undertaker (IMO) he's the best big man in wrestling today.

The problem with today's up and comers is they don't know how to work the crowd which is something Show knows how to do. I think you will be pleasantly surprised with his program with Cena.
what i have to agree with you on some of that the only thing is you said the other guys cant work the crowd well have they even had a chance to work the crowd? big show has main event plenty of times some of theses guy have not im just saying i think some of the others guys deseve a shot over big show .
They will get there shot but Show has a connection with the fans that already exist. Most of the new talent are young guns and have plenty of time to develop the same relationship but it takes time and as of now they don't have it and Cena needs someone to feud with and show fits the bill.
The Big Show has always been a more compelling character as a dominant, unstoppable monster giant of a heel. Anything other than that makes a giant seem too weak. If WWE can keep Big Show consistent, he could well be back into main event status. And who better than a 7 foot 440 lb giant to dominate? Some people should be the same throughout their entire careers. Big Show is talor-made to be the badass heel and WWE should never make him face because they try to make him seem like the beatable, loveable giant. They are doing something right but I can only wonder how long it'll last because WWE cannot keep consistent lately. Most likely, in two months, he'll be back as a beatable, loveable face stuck in mid-card obscurity. Maybe I'll be wrong here, but, I doubt it.

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