Shaq At Wrestlemania? (Keep all Shaq discussion in here)

They don't have to turn Big Show heel to fit Shaq in a wrestlemania match. Why can't he face somebody like Tyler Rex or Mark Henry?

Theres no reason to turn BS heel at this point in his career. He's doing just fine as he is in the spot he's in at the moment.
There are three basketball players I am aware of in the world. Michael Jordan (who doesn't know him, especially after Space Jam), Lebron James (I Googled him after Miz kept making references every 12 seconds in 2010) and Shaquille O'Neal. I don't know very much about him, but I know enough. He's one of the greatest in the modern era and has appeared on WWE TV before. The guy is clearly a monster in terms of size, and I assume, strength. These factors are all I need to buy into this match.

Shaq will provide Show with an opponent that is similar in stature and has similar attributes too. Show's shown that he can work with big men in recent months after the feud with Mark Henry and even if Shaq's not a trained wrestler, he's an athlete. Athletes normally do okay in these scenarios and if a "Clash of the Titans" like this were to go down, I'd be interested enough to watch. It'd be a spectacle for sure.
Shaq is a once in a lifetime specimen, athletically, and looked VERY comfortable in the ring when he hosted Raw. Personally though, I still feel like him teaming UP with Big Show against two fuckheads (A team of Miz and Ziggler, maybe?) would be better for a match. Mayweather against Big Show went well because of the size difference....Mayweath could get thrown around like a ragdoll, and had an obvious reason to have a posse there backing him up, all of whom also got their asses whipped, in hilarious fashion.

Well, there won't be any of that in this match. Its King Kong and Godzilla, and it won't be pretty or a whole lot of fun. If you get two guys to face them who have a lot of charisma and can bump like crazy? Whole different story...

Either way, itll be a huge deal, one that I can say I support.
It should be a great match towards the middle of the card. Shaq is probably the second most popular basketball player of all time after Michael Jordan and will surely be a great draw. He is very charismatic and seems to be a genuine fan of the business unlike someone like Mikey Rourke or even Pamela Anderson, who seemed to be feigning interest only for the money. Ideally, I would have a 5-7 minute match between the two and I would insert it between the Punk/ Jericho match and the Rock Cena match just to slow things down a bit.

Should be a great spectacle that Big Show will end up losing. I just want to see what move Shaq performs on Show for the win. Hell, I just want Shaq to perform a wrestling manouver.
I thought the quick loss of the WHC at Survivor Series would act as a catalyst to a Show heel turn in order to be in the right role for this match, however Bryan went heel instead.

I could see things being changed to Shaq vs Henry or maybe Shaq & Show vs Henry and a partner like Christian or Barrett.
I know there's threads out on the potential matches themselves, even though it's been rumored there's no way LeBron can make it. I dont buy it because he could easily make cameo appearanes on Raw and wrestle for one damn night, but this isnt a match thread. I simply want to know would people think it a step backwards or not to do this move for just a one off feud with two NBA stars?

ShowMiz one more time? A heel tag team it was and both would have to be to wrestle either star one on one anyway, so why not make WrestleMania bigger and just book both vs Big Show and The Miz.

I guess the other question is what would you rather see more?

1. Shaq vs Show 1 on 1

2. LeBron vs The Miz 1 on 1

or the tag team match of Shaq & LeBron vs ShowMiz? would it not be to your liking with Shaq and LeBron teaming? Would it seem unfitting or okay for a one time only teaming up between them and between Show and Miz just for this big money match?
1. Shaq vs Show 1 on 1

2. LeBron vs The Miz 1 on 1

or the tag team match of Shaq & LeBron vs ShowMiz?

Out of all these I'd pick Shaq vs Show (maybe Shaq could pull out some of his Shaq fu moves:)).

I have no clue of whether or not LeBron James would be able to fix his agenda according to a Wrestlemania appearance but regardless of that obstacle Show vs Shaq seems more interesting to me. When you look at it, both men are larger than life and the selling point of the feud would be both the celebrity factor and the size of the combatants. Show seems like the perfect guy to be in the celebrity matches because more than that puts the star as an underdog against the world's largest athlete. Now O'Neal is taller than the Big Show so again that just puts some more hype and a big atmosphere around the match.

Miz/James would be a big money maker, but in a non-business point of view it doesn't interest me that much. I wouldn't mind seeing it seeing as James is much more agile than Shaq (coming from a guy who rarely if ever watches basketball) due to his size so it may be of faster paced, but the skill level of it seems to be left a mystery. I say put Miz in another match and leave the bulking mass mastodons duke it out and put Miz in a match with R-truth, a feud that promises to be entertaining due to the mic work of both men. A tag team match on the other hand is just, unnecessary at all. Like Show/Henry before it the simple fact that huge men are going at it doesn't need to be combined with another match, it would loose it's epic feeling.

In the end, I could live without seeing these matches, but if WWE wants to pursue both men for the event, I wouldn't be appalled.
There is a zero percent chance of this happening.

1. Lebrons gonna be in Boston on Mania day.

2. David Stern would commit mass murder before there was a chance the leagues biggest star had a chance of getting injured.

It would be sweet but it won't happen.
there is one massive problem with this and that is the fact the Lebron has a game in Boston that day, i doubt he wud bother to show up for Mania. shut this thread down
Good god no. The last thing we need is LeFake at Wrestlemania... It's bad enough to have to be in the cHeat arena for the Hall of Fame cermony. Of course this will be 2 nights after the Mavs kick their butt on Thursday night!

As far as Shaq goes, I'm not opposed to the Shaq/Show match, but I don't exactly like the idea either. The celebrity factor is there and the two big guys sure, but I really think itd be damn boring.
I guess the other question is what would you rather see more?

1. Shaq vs Show 1 on 1

2. LeBron vs The Miz 1 on 1

or the tag team match of Shaq & LeBron vs ShowMiz?

I'm not too sure on the idea of ShowMiz getting back together just to face Shaq and LeBron. I really enjoyed the ShowMiz team's run but if they are getting back together it should be to face Air Boom for the Tag Team Championship or something. That would make a perfect opening match to the show. I highly doubt that LeBron would even do the appearance, let alone work a tag team match with Shaq. It sounds a lot better on paper than it actually would be in the ring. The basketball team would likely pick up the victory too, as celebrities often win their matches for publicity reasons.

I think that Miz VS LeBron would be the worst of the three options. It would be a huge demotion for The Miz to go from retaining in the main event against CENA to jobbing for someone like LeBron. Why ruin the build up that someone like Miz has gotten so far? His win against Cena last year would be wasted if he does not obtain more Wrestlemania victories. Show VS Shaq, on the other hand, I still have my fingers crossed for it taking place. Shaq did great when he was guest host and I have wanted to see this match ever since their staredown that evening. I do feel a little sorry for Big Show though, this would be his 3rd time to job to a celebrity. The sumo match, mayweather in 2008, and now Shaq if they do this match. At least Shaq and Show would be able to put on a memorable angle. I hope it still happens and it would be the best option out of the three because Miz deserves a more important match and LeBron probably won't even do the appearance if offered.
I can't see Big Show turning heel between now and Wrestlemania; it wouldn't make sense. Obviously he won't be facing Shaq as a face, so I think a good alternative matchup would be The Miz vs. Shaq w/R Truth.

This is how I see it going down: The Miz has some sort of interaction with Shaq at Elimination Chamber (or before) and injures R Truth later that night. Truth then claims Little Jimmy is coming to face The Miz at WM because he can't, and eventually reveals Shaq as “Little Jimmy.”

The Miz does what he's great at and promotes the match on various talk shows (possibly coming face to face with Shaq on one or two occasions). Come Wrestlemania, Shaq (who would have been "trained" by Truth) defeats The Miz with his mentor's help in what's sure to be a well-covered confrontation.

This would be a great high profile feud to ensure The Miz is relevant come Wrestlemania, and I can't think of anyone else capable of promoting a match like. Sure it won't be a ***** encounter, but it'll surely bring in some buys.
Definitely wouldn't mind seeing it. Shaq is a known fan and is very charismatic in his own right. Add that along with being athletic and it leads to an interesting Big Man showdown. It's just weird imagining Big Show turning heel between now and then, and it's even harder to picture Shaq as a heel. Then again they could go face vs. face but that wouldn't work for a match like this. Anywho, still sounds like a fun match that I'd love to see.
Piper boxed a fake boxer at mania 2. This isn't a bad idea at all. Shaq is a huge star who transcended basketball. Big Show is a huge guy so people will go "wow, wrestlers are big". Show also isn't a hugely over guy that will draw in a regular match, but he's a big enough name and well known enough that he works well in celebrity matches. Show isn't a guy who's credibility will get hurt if he loses because he's never been a top guy and he's 7' 500 pounds plus everyone knows it's "fake" so who gives a shit. Third, you need these kinds of matches to make it "wrestlemania" it's sort of the concept. Fourth, This match will draw more than Tyson Kidd vs Davey Richards or whatever bastardized kickpadfest IWC "dream match" you can conceive.

In other words, yes, please do this match. Who gives a shit if it's not 5 stars, it brings more eyes to the product.
I cannot wait! As usual Internet fans fail to see bigger picture.

Shaq is an international celebrity, very charismatic, and a great athlete. Instead of shitting on everything why don't you guys wait and see how it plays out? Oh wait, internet knows better, let's put Tyson Kidd vs Tyler Reks. That will generate interest!
So based on what has happend thus far with the Big Show, Cody Rhodes and Mark Henry I see there being a WM match with these 3 in it. However I don't see it being a triple threat match, or a handicap match but a tag team match. I see it going down as Big Show is faced with versing the two of them at WM but he has to find a partner, so he calls out Shaq to be his partner and there is your match. This works in a couple ways because there is no way Big Show is turning heel at this point when he has a feud with Mark Henry and Cody Rhodes, so him versing a face Shaq is not happening. Also Big Show can carry the match against Mark Henry while Shaq goes in there with Cody near the end and dominates him or something like that. Opinions or alternate setups?
It seems like they're setting up a feud between Show and Rhodes leading to Wrestlemania with the focal point being Show's lackluster record. No complaints here, the IC title could benefit from having 2 credible guys fighting for it at the big dance.

However, with all of the rumors about Shaq being a participant this year and Show being out after being considered the odds on favorite to face him, that leaves an opening.

Enter Mark Henry.

Lets face it, the match is going to suck no matter what, and seeing as Show would have to turn heel to face Shaq(no one's going to boo Shaq) and Show and Henry are pretty much interchangeable as monster heel characters, why not just insert Henry instead of Show? I don't see any reason why it would have to be Show and frankly, I think the Rhodes/Show program is going to be a lot better. Especially if Rhodes keeps doing what he did tonight with the "Big Show's most embarrassing Mania moments" stuff.

What do you think, could Mark Henry vs. Shaq be a good idea?
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I think it is a great idea!
It seems more interesting then Show and Shaq.
My choice would be not to have Shaq wrestle at all, but if he does, i would like this idea.
I would prefer if they made him the guest host of Wrestlemania. It will still get national attention and he wont have to see him wrestle. Just give him a couple of quick segments and be done with it.

Mark Henry vs Shaq would be a disaster. I wouldn't be shocked if he ends up on Team Teddy Long or in a tag match. I think it would be a mistake putting him in a 1 on 1 match.
Nate's Shaq VS Henry idea is not bad. If they insist on having Show face Rhodes then this is a fine back up plan. Show should be the one facing Shaq though honestly, since the two have history going back to their staredown when Shaq guest hosted Raw in 2009. He was one of the very few guest hosts who were tolerable. It does give Henry something to do if he faces the NBA star, and if it keeps him as far away from the World Heavyweight Championship then I am fine with it.

Shaq obviously should win, regardless of if he is facing Show or Henry. Or this match might not even take place. They might just have Shaq do a spot with Show after the match like they did with Rourke after Jericho had defeated Steamboat. Shaq could jump into the ring and hit some type of move on Show after another staredown. I think he'll be working a match though. A guest host spot or a random appearance are not going to be enough for someone like Shaq who not only is a legit fan, but would also be able to work a decent match as far as non-wrestlers go. Plus, he has already confirmed that he will be wrestling. Then again we cannot always trust what the reports say. If he is competing I'm sure it will be announced soon.
I'm getting a little confused by where this is going. Tuesday, reported that Shaq would be at WM but that he wouldn't be competing as a wrestler. However, Shaq appeared on ESPN Radio, on the Mike & Mike in the Morning show, Wednesday morning and said that he would be competing as a wrestler.

So, I'm not sure what the situation is. Maybe wanted to try and keep Shaq's participation at 'Mania as a wrestler under wraps for a while and Shaq spilled the beans. After all, WWE wanted to keep the whole thing secret for a while anyhow but Shaq blabbed that he'd almost certainly be part of WM. Maybe he's made the same mistake again.
First off, Shaq wrestling at Wrestlemania won't be a pretty sight no matter who he's facing. There's really no getting around that. It'd be way better if he were somehow just involved in a match as a manager or something along those lines, sort of like Mickey Rourke's appearance a few years back. But, if he were to wrestle, it'd probably either be against Mark Henry or Big Show. Now although I'd rather see him verse Show, I think it would actually make more sense for him to verse Henry. Why? Because Shaq would be the natural face, and I think Henry would be the more sensible heel for him to face, not Show (who isn't even a heel right now). What beef would Show have with Shaq to actually draw some heat as the heel? Just for some revenge from a few years back? I don't know, I think Show is too much of a face right now to go down that route, whereas Henry could step right in and involve himself in a classic face/heel feud with Shaq right away. Plus, it seems as though they are trying to set up a Rhodes/Show match for 'Mania.

So, in conlusion, although I'd rather see him verse Show, it'd probably make more sense for the WWE to go with Henry. But I kind of have a feeling it'll still be Shaq/Show at Mania for some reason.
If they do go through with Cody Rhodes defending the Intercontinental Title against Big Show at WrestleMania, then I really see 3 scenarios for Shaq Diesel:

1) Since they're replacing MITB with Team Long vs Team Laurinatis, I can see Shaq being on Teddy Long's team. But seeing as how Celebs ALWAYS win at Mania and WWE is probably gonna have Laurinatis' team win, that'd be a bad move.

2) I like Nate's idea to put Shaq against Mark Henry. Let's think about this. It most definitely won't be a 15 minute clinic. It'll be along the lines of maybe 5 minutes or so. A little stare down, some shoving here and there, Shaq powerslams Henry and that's that. You guys act like Shaq is going to work the ropes and execute dropkicks. I'm pretty sure they'd keep his moveset very limited.

3) Shaq will play the Snoop Dogg role and have a very long backstage segment with some superstars. Funny, long, but a very effective break in between the action.

I really have no interest in seeing Show & Shaq against Rhodes & Henry cause it'll pretty much be a squash, Shaq and Show will have the obligatory handshake and stare down, leaving the crowd wondering "What If?" and we'll be saying "Why couldn't they just have a friendly match against each other instead?"

Also, It's not fair to Rhodes or the Intercontinental Title. It's been far too long since we had a decent Intercontinental Title match at WrestleMania and Rhodes has done a Damn good job with his character and bringing prestige back to the Title. I feel as if he and Show can put on a good match. If Bryan and Orton can compete with Big Show, then so can Cody Rhodes.
So sometime around November the internet was flush with rumors of a Goldust v Cody Rhodes, brother vs brother match at Wrestlemania. Than maybe two weeks ago the rumors of a Big Show v Shaq match were starting to heat up again. Now we get The Big Show vs Cody Rhodes for the IC strap.

I'll give you two paths to follow here...

1. So what went wrong? Did someone back out or was this all just the rumormill from the start? Screw it, speculate all you want. Some of you really wanted a Goldust return at Wrestlemania, and you almost had me convinced it wouldn't have been a bad idea. This is your last shot to plead your case.

2. Clearly there are better matchups. I'm sorry but we already have a bigman vs technical wrestler combo going for the Championship (Sheamus Bryan). How would you have booked these two for Wreslemania?
I think Gold Dust was the only one really pushing for the match between he and Cody. As much as a lot of his fans would have liked to have seen it, I don't think Vince or any of the boys in the back had any real interest in seeing this match become reality.

I am betting in Shaq's case that he is probably not in any kind shape to put on a even half way decent match with someone like Big Show. I could see Shaq possibly doing something on the show but wrestling is something that I just don't think he would be ready to do right now if ever.

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