**MERGED** Big Show Discussion- Keep it all in here!


Getting Noticed By Management
Big Show is probably on his last run with WWE and the time was probably now for his heel turn.

Do we like what he could produce now ? or do some fans still prefer him to come down as the gentle giant , put a hat on a kids head and play fair?

I know Show and Cena has been done before, but Big Show has been a face for far to long and i must admit i like this heel turn.

I think Big Show looks much better as a heel as he has ever looked as face. (Cena did a good job of selling his heel persona last night) People will probably say he is to old, but i think Show can be a great heel at least for 2012 and maybe help build some promising faces.

Big Show turning heel is a great thing for him. Big Show has been very dull for a long time as a face and him turning heel and getting a major feud with John Cena is refreshing. I intially wasn't looking forward towards this feud but after watching raw tonight these two have got me slightly interested and I'd like to see their match at no way out in a cage.
I do believe that Big Show doesn't have many years left in the business. He's around 40 and he's definitely past his prime. At this point, he can only be good to put younger talent over, like Kane.

Big Show is very stale. His on-screen persona doesn't make him interesting to watch on TV anymore. But if he's going heel, I would only hope he can be a monster heel, like how he was back in 2002-2003. He was at his best at that time in my opinion.
I dislike it. The main reason I dislike it is because we are pretty much guaranteed to have to sit through an entire month of Cena and Show feuding on Raw, more long, drawn-out segments featuring Johnny Ace and less emphasis on actual wrestling. Big Show turning heel doesn't do anything for him; he's just another guy for Cena to feud with.
I don't dislike the turn, I dislike how they are doing it. Sunday was so predictable it was transparent. They had Cena pretty much sum up why it was dumb for him to do it because the new GM would have hired him back. Now he's gonna be all "I got soft", "I was crying" and "I should be a giant". We havn't seen that kind of writing in forever.....since Kane forever ago....ok it's not fresh at all. They need help.
The Big Show in the role of the beloved is not perfect and never his childish to far and humiliate abnormally either cardamom It creates directory and RAW today Khill gets scenarios legendary waiting for a match Big Show and Cena sons of Wei and August make sure my words that Big Shaw Sabda and will return Big Xu old I hope everyone knows that honors the world championship this year because he deserves it Mazloum
What is the point of the Big Show heel turn ?

What was the point of Kane's return ?

What was the point of Brock Lesnar's return ?

The answer is to put over a guy who has spent more time on top then Hulk Hogan.

Look how much effort WWE makes to make people like Cena. Few months ago, they brought "Rowdy" Roddy Piper to put over Cena,then they brought Edge to put over Cena,then they made CM Punk put over Cena, HHH etc all put over Cena.

In return Kane's return was ruined, Lesnar's return was ruined because he lost his first match after returning to WWE to Cena. Big Show will probably put over Cena at No Way Out.

CM Punk is WWE Champion yet he still isn't main eventing.

Wrestlemania 18 : Rock vs Hulk Hogan was on the card yet HHH vs Chris Jericho main-evented Wrestlemania because it was for the WWE Undisputed Championship. Royal Rumble winner used to main-event Wrestlemania but now they open the show meaning Royal Rumble has lost the prestige it once had. Titles are degraded.

No matter who is the champion Cena is always the main focus and always in the main-event.

This is one of the reasons of today's downward spiral of WWE. They only focus on 1 guy and not the others.
Shouldn't Show be terminated

Didnt Cena vs Big Johnny have a stipulation where if an employee of the WWE interfered in the match than he would be immediately terminated?

John said the Big Show was hired back last Saturday which would of made him an employee at the time of interference.

Therefore the Big Show should be fired.

Clownshoes i tell ya....Clownshoes

meh...guess i missed the update....Big Show to me is boring as are almost all big guys...The Undertaker was one of the few who made it interesting...in other words...Big guys are boring
I like it. As long as he can be somewhat of a monster giant. I hated the happy go lucky cry baby giant he had been doing for years.

Plus, Big Show should have been fired anyway, again. Since Johnny Ace said that he had re-hired him on Saturday. Meaning no one on the roster could get involved in the match that happened on Sunday. Show was part of the roster when the ppv happened. But yeah, WWE's just gonna overlook that little detail and forget it was ever said in the first place. :(
I dislike it for many, many reasons. And I shall explain why. Firstly, because Show has always been one of my favorite superstars. And to see him go from putting hats on fans' heads to aligning himself with that no good, power hungry, douche bag Johnny Ace is just sad. I mean, as much as I absolutely LOATHE John Cena to the core, I was so shocked when Show gave him the W.M.D. last night and raised Ace's hand in victory.
Another reason is because now that Show is a heel, he'll prolly be like all the other 'giant heels'. Just another giant used as a body guard and running thru everyone left and right. How many times have we seen that?
My final reason is because like I said earlier, he's one of my very favorites. I'd absolutely hate to root against him. If he happens to be in matches against people other than Cena. Like for example, C.M. Punk or Randy Orton, two other guys I love.
However, if he gets into this whole heated feud with Cena, then it's a whole different story (with the exception of him still being on Johnny Ace's side which REALLY SUCKS). Then I can root against Cena no problem. But in general, this whole Big Show heel turn really sucks.:disappointed:
alot of interesting points. but deal with it. arent some of you guys the same ones that wanted stables back? if thats were this is going, what better front man to have big then show? otunga isnt no where near ready for the main event, so why not have big show head up his stable. big show=wwe champ, otunga=u.s. champ, eve=divas champ. not a bad start and keeps johnny ace in control.
I'm kinda sick of the Big Show. I have been bored of him for quite a long time now and I thought he was going to retire this year but having him turn heel and feud with Cena just keeps his career going. He is better as a face, at least he is entertaining and funny but as a heel i just can't be bothered with it.

Big show as a heel is so boring. Him playing this unconquerable giant has been overdone and is repetitive. I really want him to just leave the WWE and spare us what will be a very bad match or even matches. There are other guys who are younger who go do exactly what he is going to be doing in this feud. Basically all you need is someone who is much bigger than Cena. Matt morgan,Mason Ryan, Ryback, Reks all could do it and save us from the monotony.
I have no problem with the Big Show as a heel alongside Laurinaitis. The only thing that I was a little disappointed in was that time was not taken to accentuate it, as in Show should have come out acted more as a reluctant heel, telling Cena and the fans that he had no choice. He needed his job. He could not take the chance that the next GM would not rehire him.

Then over the coming weeks, with Cena and the fans not buying it and him getting booed, Show could have turned up his anger at them for not understanding the position he was in.

I would also have him transition into more of a bodyguard type character, much like the Big Boss Man was for Vince during the Corporation.
What is the point of the Big Show heel turn ?

What was the point of Kane's return ?

What was the point of Brock Lesnar's return ?

The answer is to put over a guy who has spent more time on top then Hulk Hogan.

Look how much effort WWE makes to make people like Cena. Few months ago, they brought "Rowdy" Roddy Piper to put over Cena,then they brought Edge to put over Cena,then they made CM Punk put over Cena, HHH etc all put over Cena.

In return Kane's return was ruined, Lesnar's return was ruined because he lost his first match after returning to WWE to Cena. Big Show will probably put over Cena at No Way Out.

CM Punk is WWE Champion yet he still isn't main eventing.

Wrestlemania 18 : Rock vs Hulk Hogan was on the card yet HHH vs Chris Jericho main-evented Wrestlemania because it was for the WWE Undisputed Championship. Royal Rumble winner used to main-event Wrestlemania but now they open the show meaning Royal Rumble has lost the prestige it once had. Titles are degraded.

No matter who is the champion Cena is always the main focus and always in the main-event.

This is one of the reasons of today's downward spiral of WWE. They only focus on 1 guy and not the others.

Yep,and as soon as Cena's gone then what are they going to do?

I honestly don't care about the Big Show. I haven't cared about him for years. This heel turn just means that Cena's next rivalry (ie. the WWE's next series of main events) involves another old man.
I do not really care. I haven't seen Raw so I am unsure how his turn has been protayed- is he a reluctant bad guy or a full on heel?

Reluctant bad guy is all that would work. Plus he should be scaled back now - he is an attraction wrestler, and needs to rest his aging bones.

Sorry Paul.
What is the point of the Big Show heel turn ?

What was the point of Kane's return ?

What was the point of Brock Lesnar's return ?

The answer is to put over a guy who has spent more time on top then Hulk Hogan.

Look how much effort WWE makes to make people like Cena. Few months ago, they brought "Rowdy" Roddy Piper to put over Cena,then they brought Edge to put over Cena,then they made CM Punk put over Cena, HHH etc all put over Cena.

In return Kane's return was ruined, Lesnar's return was ruined because he lost his first match after returning to WWE to Cena. Big Show will probably put over Cena at No Way Out.

CM Punk is WWE Champion yet he still isn't main eventing.

Wrestlemania 18 : Rock vs Hulk Hogan was on the card yet HHH vs Chris Jericho main-evented Wrestlemania because it was for the WWE Undisputed Championship. Royal Rumble winner used to main-event Wrestlemania but now they open the show meaning Royal Rumble has lost the prestige it once had. Titles are degraded.

No matter who is the champion Cena is always the main focus and always in the main-event.

This is one of the reasons of today's downward spiral of WWE. They only focus on 1 guy and not the others.

Somebody else said they couldn't have said it better but I couldn't have said it worse. Ok maybe that's an exaggeration, but there are a couple problems with what you said. I think you conveniently ignored the fact that in one of the biggest feuds in history the "old" guy went over at WM 28. Going back to ten years earlier, everybody knows that Rock-Hogan should've main evented anyway. WWF made a mistake then and they knew it this time. All those segments you talk about. Were they not entertaining?

Btw, fans are starting to like Cena so whatever it is, it is working. Sure you still get the customary "Let's go Cena." "Cena sucks." But I think the fans are coming around. I'd call it Kurt Angle syndrome. Now I know there are people who still dislike/hate Cena, but at this point the phrase is almost one of endearment. Much like when the fans chanted "You suck" at Angle. Of course, you'll still get your smarky idiots in Chicago, Philly, NY, places like that. Maybe I'm hearing things. Oh and WWE is not in a downward spiral as much as you'd like to think. They wouldn't be going 3 hours if they were.

As for the Show heel turn, I like it. Sure it may be cliche, but he's a giant anyway, it's just natural to not like the guy in character. I've been impressed with Show over the last few weeks, and I think Cena's promo cutting has actually gotten a lot better, and I think that may have to do with him having more of an edge (i.e. more himself) than he did when he was "PG" which WWE seems to be veering away from these days. Liked JL since he became a character. He's a heat magnet. Of course this feud will be a downgrade from Rock and Lesnar. Pretty much anything is a downgrade after Rock and Lesnar.
Big Show's situation in WWE reminds me of Mark Henry's. Both are huge guys, both are essentially mid-carders and it's been useful to have them around to augment the programs of up-and-comers in the business. In other words, Show and Henry sit around.....popular but push-less..... until needed to suddenly turn into a brutal monster who will abuse the other guy, but eventually be taken down by his smaller enemy, who gains instant credibility. In Show's case, the most recent three performers he has put over are Daniel Bryan, Cody Rhodes and even John Laurinaitis. That's what he and Mark Henry do.

Occasionally, these two get a push of their own. In Henry's case, the last push was as massive as he is. The company stayed with it until Mark got hurt (again), then quickly took the title from him and shipped him back to the mid-card.

Okay, so now we have Show on a mission, perhaps for the last time. He can play a heel or face equally well, which has always made him a presumed favorite of management. He'll wreak devastation in the name of John Laurinaitis for awhile, stir up some excitement, then go back to distributing woolen caps to young fans at ringside.......at least until it's time to pack it in for good.

Hey, it's a living.
I dislike it. I've always hated it when Big Show is a heel. To make it worse it was one of the "The fans turned on me so I turned of them turns" which always feels so damn forced seeing as the crowd (before they turn) is cheering for them. The fact that he turned heel for the worst possible reason (IMO) makes this horrible. Would of much preferred the "being forced to do this so I'm doing my job for now".

Hopefully this turn only last for a couple of months as the angry giant gets old fast. Get this feud with Cena over with, then he has nothing to do and turns face again.
the problem i have with big show turning heal, was like people said, its been over done, vince mcmahon brought him in to take out autsin, then he sold out to vickie to face the undertaker. now he is with laurenitis, what would have been better for his heal turn, would have been, when big show shoved big johnny into cena and when cena f-5 him he accidently hit big show, this gets rid of laurenitis, then the big show attacks cena for hitting him(lke shamus and randy) so on monday night raw big show is re-instated and tells cena hes the reason he beat johnny ace, and what was the deal hitting me, sets up big show as a heal, sets up a new big show cena feud and gets rid of laurenitis, hopefully next monday the bod will fire johhy and big show only to have cena save big shows job so he can inact his revenge
Shouldn't Show be terminated

Didnt Cena vs Big Johnny have a stipulation where if an employee of the WWE interfered in the match than he would be immediately terminated?

John said the Big Show was hired back last Saturday which would of made him an employee at the time of interference.

Therefore the Big Show should be fired.

Clownshoes i tell ya....Clownshoes

meh...guess i missed the update....Big Show to me is boring as are almost all big guys...The Undertaker was one of the few who made it interesting...in other words...Big guys are boring

Wow, I didn't think of that when JL brought it up, but you're right. Show, technically, should have been fired because he was an employee going into the match.

They totally screwed that one up. They should have set the stage for JL to bring Show back LAST NIGHT instead of saying Saturday.

When Big Show was holding JL before the AA, it looked to me like Show was asking JL "If I do this, you promise I get rehired?" That's the way I took it. And I was expecting Show to be go back into the audience instead of the back.

Damn they botched that one big time.
I do not really care. I haven't seen Raw so I am unsure how his turn has been protayed- is he a reluctant bad guy or a full on heel?

Reluctant bad guy is all that would work. Plus he should be scaled back now - he is an attraction wrestler, and needs to rest his aging bones.

Sorry Paul.

Full on heel. He bitched at the audience last night and said any one of them would have done the same thing. And he knocked Cena out with a WMD backstage to end the show.
Well, it didn't turn out quite like I thought it would, but I'm actually OK with this heel turn.

What I'm not OK with, however, is how they did it.

Show needed something to freshen him up a bit, and nothing does that like a good old fashioned flip. I expected him to be the "reluctant heel" in this, only doing Johnny's dirty work to get his job back and eventually turning back face. Well, what we get is a pissed off Big Show coming out and berating Cena and the fans for not supporting him for what he did. Really? I understand the reasoning of his doing it to save his job and support his family in establishing this heel run, but it just seems like a stretch for him to go off on Cena and the fans. I guess the heel psychology of "everyone is against me" just automatically comes back when you flip, right? Nonetheless, he needed a turn and, honestly, a main event run to get him out of the midcard for a while. Let's see where it goes.

As others have pointed out, they flubbed a bit in explaining the situation. Johnny did say that Show was resigned Saturday, which would have put him as an employee of WWE and would have gone against the stip in the match. I noticed it right off the bat. It took Cole and Lawler to point it out later and try to backtrack and explain what happened. Just goes to show you that Johnny still has a lot to learn (or re-learn, I guess) about being an on-camera talent.
I hate this idea. Absolutely true ProWrestlingFan, I totally agree with your thoughts. Pretty much since John Cena picked up this SuperCena gimmick. Let's just see, let's see in these two years, how many deus ex machina finishes I can think of right now that are all poor attempts of putting over Cena.
Randy Orton 60-Minute Iron Man Match
Randy Orton "I Quit" Match
The whole Nexus angle (post-2011 Royal Rumble with Hornswoggle)
One-Man-Tag-Team Championships with Jen Hudson
CM Punk post-Summerslam
Rey Mysterio post-Summerslam
Piper's Pit
The Rock post-WM28 speech on RAW
Kane masked return
Edge pre-Brock Lesnar match
Brock Lesnar Extreme Rules
....... Big Show? Anyone?
The only reasonable finish to me is probably Sheamus TLC match. Nothing else. John Cena, sorry to say that he earns millions and millions for the company with his merchandise sold all over the world, and WWE will NOT let the face of the company look weak. Big Show, I salute you and your career.

Forecast: John Laurinitis being forcefully fired with directions from the "Board of Directors" by John Cena, sooner or later.
I choose C - None of the above..

Like a lot of people I could care less, he's had his runs and anything that keeps him away from the championship is ok with me. How many times are they going to do the "your fired' / "your hired but have to worship me" routine?

In real life if someone the size of Big show got pissed off there is no way most people could beat him esp. someone like Cody Rhodes. But how many times are we going to see Cena give him the AA, will they have the ring collapse also?

IF they bring back more guys who Johnny has fired so Show is part of a stable and doesn't have to carry the load in the ring or on the mic then it may work.
Per LaBar:

Error On Big Show Contract

Last night on RAW, John Laurinaitis said Big Show was signed to a contract on Saturday. This of course would technically mean he should be fired since he got involved in the pay-per-view match with Laurinaitis and Cena.

This was actually written in the script according to F4Wonline.com and WWE realized the error when fans flooded Twitter talking about the obvious lapse in logic. This then caused Michael Cole to be fed a cover up explanation during commercial to explain Big Show actually didn't sign until Monday morning.

If you're creative, how can you screw something like that up? I mean c'mon. That's even worse than lazy writing.

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