**Merged** All Thing Chris Jericho Thread

Another thing I'm not getting.. Is Jericho honestly saying he introduced suits to the wrestling business? Anyone can wear them. Hell, Triple H and Evolution were wearing suits before he started to. JBL used to wear suits though I guess it was part of his rich man gimmick. Ric Flair has been wearing suits throughout his entire career "styling and profiling". If this is a work then Chris is doing one hell of a job though.

For example I don't like Jack Swagger one bit. He has a good look, is a great technical wrestler but to me it looks like he is ripping off Kurt Angle these days and as good as Swagger is, he is NO Kurt Angle. From the Ankle Lock to running up the ropes and suplexing his opponent he just comes off as a second rate Kurt Angle and he can be so much more.

Ziggler is in the same boat as more and more it seems like he is trying to be Mr. Perfect and once again he is NO Mr. Perfect. Ziggler is good in the ring and I just saw his interview from Monday, that is the first time Ziggler has shown me anything that felt he could be much more than another Mr. Perfect. The worst thing wrestlers can do is rip off others and in very few cases it can be done. Ric Flair ripped off Buddy Rogers but he added another depth to the nature boy character that made it work for him, same with Hogan ripping off Superstar Billy Graham, he took things from his character but mostly made the Hogan character his own. It's OK to take ideas from great superstars but carbon copies never work in the long run, maybe a few months here and there. Even Jericho ripped off other superstars, like his living legend gimmick was a rip off of Larry Zybysko which was a rip off of Bruno Sammartino, but they all took that idea and made it their own unlike Swagger who is a carbon copy of Kurt Angle.

"I mean, honestly, I'm a big fan of Kurt. He's one of the reasons I wanted to wrestle, I admired him as an amateur wrestler and admired him even more as a professional wrestler. To be compared to him, it's an honor, but at the same time, I think both of us are different people and different wrestlers. It might be apples to oranges, but at the same time it's nice to be in that category."

Those are Swagger's comments on drawing comparisons to Kurt Angle. You can tell he's trying to be his own character.

"I was a fan of his. He was great, he was a legend in this business, and when I look back in history at some of the greatest matches of all time, I've just seen these matches so many times that a lot of things rub off on me. Apparently I show those same traits in the ring, and what an honor for me to be compared to Mr. Perfect, Curt Hennig. I was a big fan of his, Shawn Michaels, Ric Flair ... those guys were the best at what they did and I always tried to take a little from each of them. Apparently it has rubbed off. Hopefully one day I have the career that they did."

And those are Ziggler's comments on being compared to Curt Hennig. I don't think he's trying to completely rip him off. I think Ziggler is doing a great job of playing a cocky young perfectionist. But if he was ripping off Hennig you'd hear him cut a promo almost every week on how "perfect" he was.

I don't think Jericho is challenging them to be their own characters because I think they are their own characters. Sure it might remind you of some legendary names but when you think about it that's more of a good thing than a bad thing.
Another thing I'm not getting.. Is Jericho honestly saying he introduced suits to the wrestling business? Anyone can wear them. Hell, Triple H and Evolution were wearing suits before he started to. JBL used to wear suits though I guess it was part of his rich man gimmick. Ric Flair has been wearing suits throughout his entire career "styling and profiling". If this is a work then Chris is doing one hell of a job though.

I too could've swore Ric Flair made wearing suits in wrestling popular. Not to mention the other guys you listed in your above post. And the slow talking IMO was another trademark of Ric Flair. So, if Jericho's serious here, then he's too has stolen alot over the years. Both moves and idea, which makes him look like a hypocrite who talks outta both sides of his mouth. Something I never would've expected from him.

If this is a work, which would get my common sense vote, then he's doing a very convincing job. But, it makes him look like a bitter, negative person by even working us in that manner. It may keep his name out there, but not in the right way.
Jericho has known to, in his interviews, say certain things in character, whilst keeping most of the interview true to life. He always seems like he says things to make people think "what does this mean? Is he going to come back and go against x person" and so on. When he was with the WWE he'd often be himself just shooting the shit, but when his actual wrestling accomplishments and so forth came up he'd go into Jericho mode and tell them that he is the best at what he does, listing his feats and such.

He's probably just trolling the wrestlers and fans alike. He always says things and leaves them so that he can use them later down the road and incorporate them into storylines.
I guess the Jericho can have somewhat of a complaint with The Miz. The Cena/Miz feud was rather similar to the Jericho/ Goldberg feud and their promo cutting styles are similar. But then again, the question is, how original was Jericho's gimmick anyway? Yeah, people were impressed by the way he talked and the words that he used but if you broke it down it was just another arrogant heel running his mouth who could not back it up in the ring. That's hardly original, eh Chris?

The rest of it is even more bullcrap. Kelly used what a Boston Crab in some match of her's!? Big deal. That was around before Jericho. Cody Rhodes has an original gimmick and his transfomation from Dashing to Deranged has been one of the best character transformations that I have ever seen. Punk and Chris have nothing in common except for "The Best...." catchphrase which has to be one of the most overused catchphrases of all time. Punk is a rebel, Chris Jericho wasn't in any shape or form.

I just cannot find anything right about Chris' statements. He can obviously have an opinion but it is not fact by any means. He may find the product boring but to me 2011 has been a great year. The rise of guys like Christian, Cody, Henry and of course Punk , the evolution of Orton as an in ring performer has ensured that someone like Jericho is not missed and I think most people will agree with me there.

I have never liked Jericho a lot to be honest. He comes across as overrated in almost every department. He is a good in ring performer, a good promo man, good at pushing lower level talent to greater heights. But he has never been the best in any of these departments. In fact there are quite a few people above him in all the categories. Right now he comes across as a whiny little bitch.
Jericho is just a whiny bitch. Just like Angle over in TNA. Someone uses a similar move...boo fucking hoo. Jericho has developed his move set and characters from various wrestlers over the years so this smacks of hypocrisy. His ego is also out of control. Have a little class like Austin does and take it as a compliment.

Lets face it, Jericho was never an Austin, HBK, Rock, Hart etc. He is a second level wrestler that will be remembered fondly like Henning, Rude and Dibiase.

I hope this is a work but if not I have lost a little respect for him here.
Lets face it, Jericho was never an Austin, HBK, Rock, Hart etc. He is a second level wrestler that will be remembered fondly like Henning, Rude and Dibiase.

Let's run down some of the stuff Jericho will be remembered for.

- One of the greatest IC champs of all time.
- Multiple time WWE/world heavyweight champion.
- Main Evented Wrestlemania 26 and retained the world title.
- Beat Steve Austin and The Rock in one night.
- Tag team specialist.
- One of the greatest heels in WWE history.
- Had a very memorable debut in the company with a back and forth conversation with The Rock.

Just to name a few. So I don't think he's just another Rude, Perfect, DiBiase, etc.

Jericho has innovated some very unique things in the wrestling business but I don't know if he's selfish enough to complain about others using some of those things. So I'm kinda stuck here odds are it's a work. Hell, he insulted Mickey Rourke live on TV which he didn't reveal was a work and never spoke to Rourke before doing it. You really never know when it comes to Chris Jericho.
Those are Swagger's comments on drawing comparisons to Kurt Angle. You can tell he's trying to be his own character.

Trying maybe but succeeding hardly. Hell, sometimes his attire is exactly the same as Kurt Angles (see WM26 as an example), same finisher, same deal how he runs up the ropes, similar moveset. You know what though, I'm all ears tell me EXACTLY how Swagger is different from Kurt Angle outside of blond hair and a lisp?

And those are Ziggler's comments on being compared to Curt Hennig. I don't think he's trying to completely rip him off. I think Ziggler is doing a great job of playing a cocky young perfectionist. But if he was ripping off Hennig you'd hear him cut a promo almost every week on how "perfect" he was.

I said Ziggler is starting to come into his own and I used his promo from last Monday (and last nights RAW) as an example for this. Ziggler is just starting to come into his own. By the way he has often talked about how he is perfect in the past, hell its in his damn theme song the first 4 words are "I am Perfection, Perfection". Sounds pretty damn close to Perfect to me. I know he doesn't choose his theme song but its obvious what the WWE is going for. Also like I said he is starting to come into his own, its only happened recently and I hope he does develop more into his own, I think he can.

I don't think Jericho is challenging them to be their own characters because I think they are their own characters. Sure it might remind you of some legendary names but when you think about it that's more of a good thing than a bad thing.

I think I explained how Swagger ISN'T his own character and Ziggler is starting to show he can be his own character. In regards to reminding you of legends, I agree its not always a bad thing. For Example, Ric Flair reminds me of Buddy Rogers, HHH often reminds me of Harley Race but they are still their own characters. It's OK to be reminded when looking at someone but in Swaggers case he comes of as Kurt Angle 2, not Jack Swagger and thats the difference. Similarities is OK but blatant rip offs aren't (case and point the Psycho remake of '98 or the fake Undertaker of '94).
As soon as I read this, the first thing I thought of was a return of Chris Jericho to the squared circle, and probably more imminently than I had thought. How better to set up a program with CM Punk, or the Miz, or someone like that, but to "call them out" for stealing his moves. This sounds like a typical comment from a classic heel still in kayfabe mode. If he does actually return, he has set the groundwork for a couple of feuds. If he does not return, no harm done. People would be crazy to read his comments and take them too much to heart. It's most likely that he is keeping some channels open for an interesting return if he and the WWE choose to do so. And he's having a little fun with the IWC along the way, something he is notorious for doing.
If i may borrow a fitting quote from The Rock (Look i gave credit yay! :p) "What in the Blue Hell" did Mason Ryan take from Jericho? I mean this in the nicest way possible :). I've heard comparisons to Batista but not Jericho.

The Miz i can see how he took Jerichos "Intelligent, large vocabulary, nice suited heel".

He's seriously nitpicking if he thinks that Sin Cara stole "his" lionsault. It's a high-flying staple, Jericho just popularized it in recent times. So now using a Boston Crab is stealing from Jericho?
So it's been fairly well noted that Mr Irvine has been taking exception to some of the current WWE talent using some of his stuff.

The way i see it is that this would be a great addition to his character if he were to return. He could come back claiming that everyone is just ripping him off and he could take credit for the success of certain superstars he says are ripping him off like Punk, The Miz, Sin Cara ect

Heck he could even come back more egotistical than ever and claim that everything you see today is all because of him.

What do you guys think?
I know that Jericho doesn't want to come back unless he can reinvent himself for the industry again. He's never been one to go out there and do the same thing week in and week out. If and when he does return, he's going to have to do something different, and there's no question he plays the heel 10x better than the face. Weirdly enough, while he was away, certain heels made it cool too cheer for the bad guy and boo the hero just because. Hell, Jericho can actually claim that he started that trend too!

If CM Punk/Austin doesn't happen at WrestleMania, and my dream match of Jericho/Undertaker doesn't happen, I think a Punk/Jericho feud is the next best thing. You've got CM Punk with his current character and Jericho who could return claiming that without him Punk would be a nobody. The fan support for a heel, the conspiracy theories, going against authority, and getting over with a mid-weight look...all Jericho before it was Punk. It's a match made in heaven.
He will return at which time he will be the "mastermind" behind all the turmoil in the last few months. And as I said before in a similar thread he will agian change the face of the wrestling.
The title says possible, but I know that Chris Jericho will be returning to the WWE. An article here on wrestlezone says Jericho is negotiating with WWE for a return program leading up to a match at Wrestlemania 28. I for one am happy to hear this news. I have been a Jericho fan ever since he debuted in the WWE.

Do you think he would return as a heel, or face?

Who would you like to see Jericho have a program with?

I wouldn't mind if Jericho returned as a heel to have a best in the world vs. best in the world fued, meaning Chris Jericho vs. CM Punk. In this match, I personally would not care who won, because Chris Jericho and CM Punk are awesome in the ring and on the mic, so I think this would be a great fued.

What do you think?

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