*Merged* All Tag Team Division Discussion


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I've always been a fan of tag teams, but I think we can all admit the division is pretty pathetic. Now that Evan Bourne has been suspended AGAIN, there are literally only 2 tag teams in the whole WWE, neither of which blow me away. With no Air Boom or other upcoming teams is it time to get rid of the tag team division??

I personally thought R-Truth and Miz should have had the titles for a while. Since they are both in the main event picture, it would have helped give some much needed prestige to the titles.

At the moment I wouldn't care if they got rid of the division. As I said before there is no star power or actual teams. Plus we get a 6 man tag match every week on Raw (booooo)

So what do you think, should they scratch the titles/division?
Generally speaking, the tag team scene in WWE is still stronger overall than it's been in the past couple of years. As of right now, it's certainly no worse off than TNA's as their tag team picture is only made up of 2 teams at the moment, namely Matt Morgan & Crimson and Samoa Joe & Magnus.

There have been some bumps in the road when it comes to WWE's attempt at reviving the tag team picture momentum, there's no denying that. There's Evan Bourne's screw ups being a big one. Now than he's flunked his second one, I'd say Air Boom is pretty much done with. The WWE originally planned to bring the Kings of Wrestling in as a tag team but Chris Hero flunked a drug test before he signed a contract, so the deal fell through.

There are still lots of talented wrestlers on the roster WWE could use to make a couple of viable & significant teams if they choose to go that route. It wouldn't take as much work to get things back on track, it'll just take longer for the overall goal to be reached.
No. Tag Teams has always been an integral part of wrestling. They create great, exciting match and act as a great opening for PPV. They also help establish future main eventers (Shawn Michaels), give wrestlers who aren't used something to do (Primo), and simply for entertainment factor whether if it's an unlikely team like Awesome Truth or teams like DX. Also some wrestlers like the Road Warriors dedicated their whole lives to tag team wrestling.

If the division suck, then fix it. Give it competition and relevance like WWE is trying to do, albeit slowly. Getting rid of a division just because it's at a low point is just plain stupid. What will they do to tag team wrestlers like the Usos? Have them off TV like Tyler Reks? How are they going to recruit stars like Kings of Wrestling? Why make it tougher to make stars when the roster is as weak as it is now?
No. Tag Teams has always been an integral part of wrestling. They create great, exciting match and act as a great opening for PPV. They also help establish future main eventers (Shawn Michaels), give wrestlers who aren't used something to do (Primo), and simply for entertainment factor whether if it's an unlikely team like Awesome Truth or teams like DX. Also some wrestlers like the Road Warriors dedicated their whole lives to tag team wrestling.

If the division suck, then fix it. Give it competition and relevance like WWE is trying to do, albeit slowly. Getting rid of a division just because it's at a low point is just plain stupid. What will they do to tag team wrestlers like the Usos? Have them off TV like Tyler Reks? How are they going to recruit stars like Kings of Wrestling? Why make it tougher to make stars when the roster is as weak as it is now?

I wish we'd have more tag teams like The Road Warriors. Meaning, why can't some people just be a tag team for life? Why does everyone have to break up the team so one or both can go after the world title? Not everyone needs to be a world champ. Some can stay in the tag division most of their career, it wouldn't bother me any. I love tag wrestling and it sucks not having much of a division these days. I say reunite Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel, right there could be another tag team. And i'm sure there's others on the roster doing nothing that could be thrown together and hopefully make it work. I hate The Miz, but I thought him & R Truth worked well as a team and was looking forward to them holding the tag titles. But that obviously didn't happen :(
I don't think gettin rid of the tag division is a good idea. Honestly I would rather have the pathetic tag division we have now than none at all cuz as it's already been said, it gives guys who aren't doing anything something to do. IMO the only real problem is lack of proper feuds, I mean all of Air Boom's feuds consisted of them in a match, getting cheated out of a victory, and so having to defend their titles at a PPV. If they just let them have a proper personal face to face promo or a post match beat down or something every once in a while then maybe it would be better. Also it would be nice to see a team with a gimmick or a special selling point, instead of just being a team because they are a team if you know what I mean. I like tag wrestling I think we should improve it, not get rid of it.
No. They need to really commit to it. Basically what happened -- or at least what it seemed like -- is they thought creating Air Boom was all it took. They had that brief feud with Miz and Truth, but that was all. They didn't commit to building a division and the result is Epico and Primo, a team that by all accounts should have at least minimal value that in actuality has none (because they are never featured).

In order for a division to work, it has to have more than one team. There is no logical reason they couldn't have 4-5 active teams. A freakin' backstage vignette takes about 45 seconds. As an absolute bare minimum, couldn't they do that if they're in a time squeeze one week? Come on.
The tag division's only real weakness is not having the full support of the WWE behind it. If WWE makes a conscious effort to have a strong tag team division, it will succeed. They have several talented wrestlers right now to make it work, and even if they didn't they could simply go out and buy more talent.

We just need to see WWE actually care about their tag team product, and it will improve. Why they haven't made more of an effort to improve it is behind me, because tag team wrestling is a great vehicle to enhance your talent and make for some real exciting matches featuring multiple people.

Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels would not have become the megastars they did without their background in tag wrestling. They received exposure for years they wouldn't have received in WWE if they were singles wrestlers from the start. It's how they got over.

It's a simple formula, really. I have no idea what WWE is thinking these days sometimes. At least RAW was good this week :)
I am completely in agreement that Tag Teams allow wrestlers to become stars by being the most entertaining part of a show.

I recently saw the '91 Royal Rumble on In Demand and it started with a pretty meaningless match between The Rockers and The Orient Express. It was fast-paced and fun and they let it go on long enough that it built a story and a pretty satisfying finish. Again, this was nowhere near a focal point of the show but it brought great energy and was a building block to a show that wound up with that typical 'Hulk-Hogan-Wins' ending.

It also lets them hone their craft in the promo department. If you watch promos from The Rockers Shawn Michaels was the weaker of the two promo-wise but with the two guys saying their generic stuff for a while they got better and more comfortable on camera and eventually built The Greatest of All Time. I wonder how Shawn would have become one of those athletic guys who never broke through to the Main Event without simply being around and learning through the tag teams.

Establish some great teams and you can then find the next generation of singles stars.
wwe have so much potential if they used the stars that don't get much Tv time or some mid carders all these guys could be mixed and match to form some great tag teams if the right combinations where picked who would you guys put together out of this list
alex riley
curt hawkins
drew mcintyre
eziekel jackson
heath slater
johnny curtis
justin gabriel
mason ryan
micheal mcgillicutty
trent barreta
tyler reks
tyson kidd
yoshi tatsu

to name a few

my pics would be not taking whether they been a team before or if there face/heel purely what i think might work.
drew mcintyre & mason ryan (the whole welsh and irish connection could work)
trent barreta & justin gabriel (high flyers)
curt hawkins & heath slater ( i think there persona's would gel)
tyler reks & ezekiel jackson (the monster destructive team)
alex riley & micheal mcgillicutty (no idea but sure it could work)
yoshi tatsu & tyson kidd ( i know they feud but it could come full circle and the team out of mutual respect)
JTG & johnny curtis (scrapping the barrel now)
They need to realize who they can put together, i can make an entire roster right now for the tag team scene:

Ted and Cody = Legacy (Being as Cody dont need a team anymore)
Ted and Miglicutty = Fortunate sons (I spelled his name wrong i know)
Kofi and Evan = Air boom
Uso bros
Trent and Curt = Dude Busters
R Truth and Brodus Clay = True Funk
Justin and Heath = Nexus/Corre
Yoshi and Goldust (Remember that? Remember how good that was?)
Showmiz (If Show goes heel. it'll give them something to do. besides Show excels really well in tag matches)
Regal and Zeke = The Round Table (They did well)

all real legitimate tag teams and stars that could use the push. at the same time PROMO PACKAGE tag team feuds!!! much like Hardy boys vs Dudley.

no need to put away the division just frigging open your eyes (WWE) and use what you got! key word !!!USE!!!
Why get rid of something clearly on the rise? WWE started the division back up with puting the titles on Bourne and Kofi, a team that was just kinda thrown together. Now WWE has an ACTUAL tag team that is carrying the titles, and another to feud with them.

Push the Usos as competitors and have Tamina escort them. Then you could have a feud between the two teams, a feud with Rosa and Tamina, and the 6 of them feud together.

From there you have a team in FCW ready to come up and challenge.

Then once you have enough teams ready (say 3-4) you can go back to having matches like Dudleys/Hardys/Edge & Christian...although not to the extremes that they had.

NOW, you have 3-4 teams challenginf for the titles and 1 holding them. Bring up another (if you have one ready).

WWE is primed to restart this division. You have large guys that could work together and challenge for the titles like back when you had DOD, Legion of Doom, Demolition, Natural Disasters, etc.

With FCW and NXT included, and the roster of guys currently not doing anything...I can already see at least 4 other solid teams that could be made.

So yes...lets just hope WWE kills one of the rising things its working on. These things take time to build up...so give it time and see what happens.
They shouldn't get rid of it, they should rebuild it. Tag Divisions in the past have been awesome, always fun to watch. If they put the time and effort into rebuilding it they could easily make themselves another good divisions, put together a couple guys who aren't doing anything, sign a couple more and boom you've got a good new tag division.
Getting rid of the division would be a very unfortunate thing to do imo. Like others have said, the WWE has all the tools to build a nice tag team division...they just need to put them all together and commit to it. I know that Epico & Primo aren't everyone's cup of tea, but I like them and I think things can be built up around them with the following teams:

The Usos: Probably the best tag team in recent memory. I think if the WWE gives them some meaningful airtime on the major shows, they will get over with the fans.

Southern Rock: I say that the WWE should pair up Heath Slater with Husky Harris to form a redneck-themed tag team. While it would erase Slater's monkier as "the one-man rock band," I don't think anyone will really care.

Larger Than Life: If the WWE isn't going to do anything with Ezekiel Jackson and Mason Ryan, they might as well give this a shot.

Curt Hawkins & Tyler Reks - As far as I know they are already a tag team. Now just bring them up to the main show. I say give them a rockstar twist and add in the scorching hott Kaitlyn as their valet.

The Lowriders - I don't think Hunico is going to go very far as a heel, but I love his gimmick. Him and Kamacho could be a feel-good tag team.

Justin Gabriel & Yoshi Tatsu - Two underused international high-fliers.

JTG & Titus - Ruthless heel thugs.

Imagine the possibilities with those teams if they gave them time to develop.
I think there's potential with the Usos and Primo & Epico, but you need more. You need 3-4 good teams on each show (Raw & Smackdown) so they're not facing the same teams over and over again. You can bring some new guys from FCW as a team or create a few teams from guys who have nothing going for them right now.

Tag team wrestling was flying high in the 80's in the WWF (British Bulldogs, Hart Foundation, Demolition, Killer Bees, ...) and in the NWA (the Road Warriors, Koloffs, Midnight Express, Rock & Roll Express, ...). It flourished again during the Attitude Era (Edge & Christian, Hardys, Dudleys, Hollys, APA, ...) and it could get a new life if done correctly, meaning actually push tag teams instead of using them as cannon fodder so John Cena to once again overcome the odds.
WWE has a tag team division? I don't think 3 teams (now 2) makes up an entire division. TNA had an amazing division for a while, but now they don't have much either. I'm thinking tag team wrestling is just not what it used to be and is losing popularity. Who knows, maybe some great new team will rip through one of the companies and get people excited again.
The issue is that WWE is not using what it has as a resource, valuable teams of yesterday... Why not take 2 of the FCW guys and make them the new Demolition? I always felt they should have given the Basham's that gimmick... but someone like Dean Ambrose would be great in that team and they let Dakota Darsow go...

They could create a new Harlem Heat with Booker as the manager... Orlov and Rusev the new Bolsheviks with Volkoff as their manager... There's a web campaign to bring back the Headbangers... do it! bring use guys like Rotondo and James who made their career in tag teams and a few veteran teams to revitalise it... but make it a "nostalgia" thing for the parents if need be... all those old teams could be updated, it worked for the Harts... and with the Legends House stuff it would be a great way to promote it by having a few of them onscreen...

Now that Evan Bourne has been suspended AGAIN, there are literally only 2 tag teams in the whole WWE....

In essence, that's the point: there is no tag team division; it's just that sometimes we see four wrestlers in the ring instead of two. The seldom-used wrestlers probably love tag teams because it gives more of them a chance to perform in front of the camera. In fact, they most likely love six and eight man teams even more......and Battle Royals probably send them into gales of joy.

But there isn't as much use for tag teams today as in the past. So many of the one-on-one match-ups are "storyline oriented" and have drama attached that is separate from the actual ring work.....it's just that they need to settle matters in the ring, which is how it should be. Most of the singles are engaged in feuds, which lend themselves more easily to individuals.

Alternatively, when we do see tag teams, they often have no story attached. Look at Epico and Primo. They don't have a storyline attached to them; they're just a pair of bad guys who function effectively in the ring. Yes, they're playing an "ethnic" team (which political correctness doesn't allow us to mention, lest people be sent into spasms of outrage). But even that isn't a storyline; it's just two guys beating up their opponents.

Really, it's all good. There will always be tag team matches, even if there's no particular division in which they function. Meanwhile, the apparent demise of Air Boom drives another nail into the coffin of tag team wrestling.
I'd like to see Husky and his brother Bo bought up to the main roster as a tag team.
Also I'd like to see McGillicutty and DiBiase in a team and call them the Sons of No-One.
They should come out to the song Bastards of Young by the Replacements too!
Also I like the idea somebody else had of putting Slater and Hawkins together.
I like to see proper tag teams rather than the belts being put on two random main eventers just to build a feud.
Ok there is a lot of talk about people wanting an improved Tag Team Division and most important they want the Tag Team Division to be relevant again...

How exactly would you go about doing this with the Talent available.

Realistically what talent could you use to build up the division.

Myself off the top of my head, I am finding this difficult, even having Ziggler and Swagger team together may rob talent from the rest of the card.

A few years ago, there could of been a big push to the tag division as you had

*Rated RKO
*The Spirit Squad,
*D-Generation X,
*Could of teamed Taker and Kane together,
*Both the Hardy's were in the WWE
*Both Benjamin and Haas were still both within the WWE too I think.
*The Blue Bloods (Any team with Regal will be good)
*Flair and Batista

This was a situation where the WWE could really have made the Tag Team division a focal point and pushed some younger teams to the sky.

I would have problems pushing the Tag Team division at the very moment.
Well there are two Tag Teams at the moment I think WWE could focus the division around currently. The current Tag champs the Primo and Epico and also the Usos. Me personally I enjoy the work of the Primo and Epico a lot and was glad to see them become champions. Focus around these two teams having them feud for months over the belts while slowly building other teams within the division as well. I would say to give Primo and Epico as well as The Usos some credibility would to bring in (not likely to happen, but would be cool) Rikishi and Carlito back. Have them be leaders of a faction like team.

Examples for other teams in the division would to team back up Gabriel and Slater because they've been one of the more successful tag teams in recent history. Maybe team up Regal and McIntrye to use good talent in this division that aren't doing much lately(although I think SD is attempting something with McIntyre).

What the WWE needs to stop doing though is breaking up tag teams i.e The Hart Dynasty and others.
The tag team division is dead at the moment. Other than the champions, they have no one is an actual tag team, not the same old shit where they throw two singles wrestlers together to form a tag team, and attach some catchy name to their team.

I think they should just do away with tag-team wrestling for the moment and start looking for teams to bring in to the fold.
Demolition would walk out and people were scared.. Nasty boys would walk out and everybody would be disgusted by them.. Everybody instantly hated Money Inc.

The current generation of cookie cutter tag teams like the Usos, Air Boom, Primo Epico etc. are all small to midsize wrestlers with no exciting attributes or distinguishing personalities... You can't even tell who is meant to be the heel any more in the Tag Team division, it's basically come to the point where it's 'oh look air boom are playing to the crowd, so guess we must boo the other tag team'... People need to invest their interest in the match. If you bring back the monsters (size & personality) in the ring, you will bring back the emotions of the fans for the faces. Stupid things like having an annoying manager doesn't make people actually hate the heel tag team long term. Get some huge bodied wrestlers people are repulsed by, and let them win.
The Tag Division is dead and it doesn't look good now with Bourne suspened and Air Boom will be gone for good this time. Epico and Primo aren't well known yet and the Usos have done little to nothing since their debut. Best thing that can be done right now is have these two teams face off in tag and one on one matches for several months and in different types of tag and singles matches. Slowly plug in some other teams, and at this rate if it takes putting two singles guys together then so be it because at least those wrestlers will have something to do.

The Tag Division can be saved and the champs don't need a whole lot of air time. A quick match or promo and be shown on both shows (if possible) on a weekly basis.
1st off they need to change the way the belts look. because the way the look now is just awful.

Kofi and Justin Gabriel - if they still want kofi in the tag divison and Gabriel aint doing much right now

Daniel Bryan and Christian - it would be a good heel tag team. Bryan and Christian gemick are about the same.

Uso's - they have to lose the who dance thing at the beganing cause noone cares, the Rock is samoen and he didnt do it.

Ted Dibiase and David Otunga - Hear Me Out. Money Inc(part 2) yea he's not the IRS but still a lawyer. Everyone has a price......Again or Still

the Miz and Zack Ryder - Woo Woo Woo--AWWWWWWWWsome, they both have there self hype they believe in.

GoldDust/Dustin and Cody (managed by Dusty)


Del Rio, Hunico, Primo, and Epico- LWO, Del Rio needed bodyguard or hired hitmen as a storyline

GoldDust, Santino, and R-Truth - like an Oddball stable

Regal, Barrett, and Drew, Zeck, Sheamus, Mason Ryan or/and Yoshi, Mahal, Gabriel, Kofi, . you can get a few stables out of this like a United Nations thing or Euopean gemick.

Lets face it we need big names to make the tag divison relivent again or things that shouldnt work but do. and we need stables to make it differnt so we can mix and match to see what works. all the stables they had back in the day. remeber rock and sock connection, golddust and booker, the ministry of darkness, DOA, nation of domination, Los Boricuas , etc. we need that
Tag Team wresting doesn't sell tickets. The only Tag team that sold tickets was DX, there will never be a more popular group as DX. WWE won't push a division if it's not going to make them money. But I do love tag team wrestling.

-Sign Shad back, Cryme Tyme
-Sign that Croft guy, Member The Dudebusters
-Obviously since Rhodes isn't going to be in the World title picture soon, team him with Dibiase, why not? Rhodes is considered a "Main Eventer" now, it will make him and Ted more relevant.
-Stop wasting 20 minutes each show on stupid crap, ex. John Lauranitus's constant introduction, Santino's pointless minutes on TV, Michael Cole's tirades, "EXCUSE ME!!!", Squash matches. Instead use those minutes for a nice tag match , maybe Epico & Primo vs The Uso's on Raw this week, on Smackdown have one of The Uso's vs Epico or Primo. Then next week have The Uso's cut a promo, get relevant, and beat Epico & Primo, get a title shot, lose and have a decent rivalry in tag team wrestling again.
-Put Tyler Reks & Curt Hawkins on TV. And here's a way, have Hawkins & Reks attack Brodus Clay, didn't Brodus beat Hawkins like a'zillion times now? Yeah Hawkins & Reks won't beat Brodus, but they'll be relevant.

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