**Merged** Alberto Del Rio

The Doctor

Great and Devious
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Tonight on Smackdown, we saw a vignette for an upcoming superstar called Alberto Del Rio. Del Rio is actually Dos Caras Jr./Alberto Banderas, son of Mexican luchador Dos Caras and nephew to the legendary Mil Mascaras.

Del Rio also has a background in Mixed Martial Arts, with a 9-5 record.

I thought the vignette was...interesting, to say the least. I must say I'm kind of confused right now. I suppose he's a "better-than-you" heel, but it was a little hard to make out through his accent. He calls himself the only man who never lies...and that's really all I got from him.

It will be interesting to see where his character and the wrestler playing him goes.
Tonight on Smackdown, we saw a vignette for an upcoming superstar called Alberto Del Rio. Del Rio is actually Dos Caras Jr./Alberto Banderas, son of Mexican luchador Dos Caras and nephew to the legendary Mil Mascaras.

Del Rio also has a background in Mixed Martial Arts, with a 9-5 record.

I thought the vignette was...interesting, to say the least. I must say I'm kind of confused right now. I suppose he's a "better-than-you" heel, but it was a little hard to make out through his accent. He calls himself the only man who never lies...and that's really all I got from him.

It will be interesting to see where his character and the wrestler playing him goes.

:lmao: I understood him just fine.

Anyway, yeah it's pretty interesting since there's also a "better-than-you" heel in CM Punk and his SES. He's basically saying how people continue to lie as they grow up, and he's basically out to prove he's an honest man, and yes, that will establish him as a heel. Hopefully, he doesn't get lost in the shuffle when he debuts (Remember Kizarny?)
Only the WWE can make a guy thats says drugs are bad for you and a guy who says he's honest and lyings wrong the bad guys.:lmao:

But i think Dos Caras is lucky to debut on Smackdown since Raw is already overcrowded and i just want to see what he's going to do to stand out from all the other new talent that came up from NXT and the eventual new guys comin up from NXT2
I have to admit it was kinda refreshing actually seeing a vignette for some superstar once again, we haven't seen that in a very long time with the exception of NXT, and that to me doesn't really count.

I do believe he could become interesting, he has a decent look, I'm curious how they're gonna play him with the whole "honest" guy and the fact that the vignette took place in some big house that had him looking rich.

I think with the honest thing that perhaps they could play (if he is a heel) him towards being one that just tells it like it is, in an insulting manner towards the superstars, divas and the crowd, and I think that could be hilarious to see some of the reactions if he interacts with divas for example.
The gimmick is a bit random but a classic heel persona, simple yet annoying, holier than thou. Dos Caras is really good. He is 6'5" but moves like Rey Mysterio. And the fact that he's a Mexican luchadore that can speak English is great. The Mexicools were very good but they could barely speak English and the crowd just can't connect with wrestlers who never speak, for the most part. (Kane is one exception for the first part of his career). I believe Dos Caras is the only Mexican-born guy on the main roster now (Mysterio is American-born).
Sounds like he's saying there's TOO MANY LIES and he's here to expose them all.I thought he was gonna be a face until he called everyone a liar.This looks like it might get boring fast.I hope creative knows what they're doing or this could be a waste of good talent.
Interesting, classic gimmick. If they wanna push this guy they are gonna put him in a feud with Rey Mysterio. Maybe with him getting involved with the Swagger/Mysterio match at MITB.
But thats unlikely.
Hopefully they will have him cut shoot style promos that have been used more and more lately on WWE televison, but who knows.
But I am looking forward to his debut.
For those that haven't seen the vignette and would like to, it's here for your own enjoyment:


This should be a very interesting character to say the least. He seems to be one of those heels that perceives himself as loved by the crowd (ala JBL) and will fight for all of the "good reasons," despite the amount of negative criticism he will tell the WWE Universe. The accent will go hand-in-hand with the gimmick, as shown in that vignette. Del Rio talking in that particular accent has made that promo a little bit more special and convincing. Many people would have to fake an accent to do it as good as Del Rio.

I'm impressed with that entire vignette as he did it from start to finish without interruptions. He played a good character and seemed confident. I can't wait to see what he has to offer.
Alberto Del Rio, huh? Could they have managed to get a more generic Spanish-sounding name if they had tried? Seriously it cannot just be me?

Anyway, I found the vignette really interesting to a certain extent. Right now, I find myself second guessing what alignment he will be when he eventually gets here. By the sound of it, it sounds as though he is going to try and run with it as a heel gimmick but I doubt he will maintain his composure as well as he did with his vignette. However, it could just as easily ne a face gimmick and no one would bat an eyelid. He looks the part and could actually be a good addition to the Smackdown roster and perhaps go right into the main event, depending on how good he initially starts out.

Apart from that, I am very excited to see him and what kind of wrestler he will be. I would imagine that he will be very similar to people like Batista in the way he composed himself as a face. I imagine he will be very composed in the ring and will be quite methodical like a bigger Randy Orton. Of course, I base this off of absolutely no evidence whatsoever, it’s just the feeling I get from him. Hopefully, he will be a big deal on Smackdown when he does actually get there and I could imagine him in any position from the bottom of the card, all the way to the top. What I will say though, is that the WWE must be putting a little stock into him to give him the vignette in the first place. It is very promising, to say the least.

In any case, at least he’s not Kizarny…
I'll reserve judgment until seeing some follow up vignettes because after the first one I'm not quite sure where they are going to go with the character. He obviously was talking like a heel but nothing really stood out with anything he said. I guess we'll see where the whole "I'm the only man who never lies" thing goes but for now I'm indifferent.
Like many others, I am looking forward to his debut. I hope they continue with the vignettes for a few more weeks, that way we can get a feel for the character before he joins the roster. I am interested to see if he will come in as a main event talent or a mid-carder. I also wonder if the WWE will mention he is second generation wrestler.

With all the new talent coming into the WWE I hope Alberto Del Rio dose not get stuck on SUPERSTARS or just plain released. From what I saw of him on youtube, he looks to be very exciting. I just feel as a heel they wont let him use the lucha style, as the crowd will react the wrong way.
I already like this Alberto Del Rio. His vignette was very interesting and unique. He's shown very comfortable at his house talking about how everyone lies, but he is not like everyone else. Only he refuses to lie.

I liked the vignette a lot. It didn't seem forced, it looked natural, and it was new. I hope we see more vignettes from in the next few weeks. Hopefully he will have a successful career on Smackdown and in the WWE.
I'm a fan of Dos Caras Jr. I like him with his mask on of course and yes, his moves are fascinating. The man is extremely agile for his size and it shocked me when I first saw him wrestle. I'm expecting many entertaining matches from this guy, although I have little to no idea how this current gimmick of his will affect his move set, which could be for better or for worse. I still had mixed feelings over Nova's Simon Dean gimmick in which while innovative, he went nowhere.
I'm actually a big fan of his wrestling style, he's an awesome wrestler with a very good background. I wasn't able to see his vignette, but I can't wait to see him wrestle and take some of the superstars to the limit. And heck he might take over Mysterio's spot in the near future(As a Mexican Wrestler), but we will just wait and see.
I saw him wrestle a dark match in the UK, he did an awesome promo on how we should speak spanish as it's the better language then proceeded to do a promo in Spanish. Add to that his in ring work was pretty good and has a good family lineage. The vignette was pretty good, and he has me intrigued to say the least, even down to the fact his name has a logo already. Good to have a Mexican breaking stereotypes!

I can't see him mucking up as he's been doing dark matches for a while. Little note, how awesome would it be if he turned out to be the masked man for SES? He has been wrestling both in and out of a mask!
I was really impressed when I saw him wrestle a dark match against Evan Bourne. His promo was very entertaining, and half of it was in Spanish which had the crowd firing up the ol' USA chants. I am not sure if it was because of how over Bourne was that night or what, but he was garnering some major heel heat. I really like this guy, and not because he used a torture rack. Since he is on the Smackdown brand I expect him to make an immediate impact.
I found this very interesting, his not lying gimmick almost sounds like they are pushing another Y2J "Honest man" character, but if this guy can move like Mysterio at 6'5 then i'll be happy to see a refreshing character, only thing is that for his sake i hope he doesn't get lost in the shuffle and it looks like he has alot of potential.
This was a really good vignette/ introduction to the character. It has me intrigued yet I'm not quite sold on him yet. I think after a few more vignettes and possibly a debut promo I'll be a bit more sold on his character. It's obvious he is going to be playing a heel , I just hope they do this right and don't have him debut and forget about him. They need to give him a push at least in the midcard, possibly close to a championship. He looks to have potential though and I can't wait to see the next vignette if there is going to be one.
Like others in this thread, I find the best way to describe the vignette is "interesting". It was certainly different and not the sort of thing I'd expect to see to hype a debuting wrestler, but I kinda liked it. I thought Del Rio certainly looked competent and confident during it. I'll be interested to see if we get another one this week.

As for Del Rio himself, I'm looking forward to seeing him as I have really no idea what to expect. I've not seen any of his previous work, so the first time I see him wrestle will presumably be his Smackdown debut. As for the character he displayed in the vignette, I suppose it's tried and tested, so not a bad way to start off with a gimmick that we know can get over, as long as he does it well. So, yeah, I'm looking forward to his debut. It's also nice to see a debut being advertised with vignettes as that doesn't happen as much as it used to.
Alberto Del Rio, eh? Hmmm...

His vignette was good. Very good in fact. He looked comfortable and his gimmick seems pretty exciting. A heel who never lies? It'll be interesting to see how that works out. I saw him at a live show against MVP and I have to say I was impressed. He didn't talk but he put on a good performance.

On a show which has decent mid-carders queueing round the corner, I don't know where he'll fit in. I presume he'll come in at a mid-card level. But look who you've got: Hardy, McIntyre, Christian, MVP, Ziggler, Rhodes, Guerreo, Gallows and JTG. Maybe his mask would've made him stand out more. Or even keeping his original name would have, it is an unusual name.

I like him at first glance. Even from his first vignette, I infinitely prefer him to the other unmaked Mexican, Chavo.
I've been waiting for this guy since it became known that he was headed to WWE a bit ago. I was wondering how they would introduce him, and how they would play him up, and quite honestly I am very pleased. Smackdown is a perfect fit for him right now, with many previous mid-carders being moved towards the front ever so slowly and leaving room for other new stars to start developing. And jeez, that voice/accent is infectiously smooth.

In closing, I don't think I've ever enjoyed a vignette so much since the first time I saw Razor Ramon (William "Man's Man" Regal doesn't quite count...).
The initial vignettes we saw were a little annoying. However I thought he carried himself well enough during them. I still don't think his character is that good but I am willing to give it a try. I can't also assume he is gonna be shit since he hasn't actually debuted yet. I will have to wait for that and see how his in-ring game will fair.

Again I will repeat by saying I am not a fan of his character. He came off a little bit bland to me. What is he a honest rich man? i have no idea but i guess the more we see of him, the more we will get to know about the character he is gong to portray. I think he has potential but those vignettes last night did not do a very good job of promoting his debut in my humbled opinion
Terrible, terrible video I saw yesterday. Thought I was watching the opening to a Spanish porno or something. I was thoroughly confused as to what the hell was going on and then realized it was actually a part of Smackdown.

Couldn't understand what he was supposed to be saying, something about character and not lying and stuff? Alrighty then. I've heard of him, which is something I can't say about basically everyone else in FCW, but this character looks pretty awful.
Terrible, terrible video I saw yesterday. Thought I was watching the opening to a Spanish porno or something.

:lmao: Anyways, I saw this guy when I went to Monday Night Raw on May 17th when he was still being called Dos Caras Jr.(Apparently he belongs to one of Mexico's best known wrestling families) and he faced Primo in dark match. Nothing special from him but he was pretty good. He was impressive not sure about his Gimmick though. I also saw him on AAA Mexico Wrestling on the fight Network while he was sill wearing a mask, still pretty good. The fans in Mexico really hated him too. So he must be a decent heel:shrug: So, I'm not going to be so quick to judge.

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