Meltdown 48/Ascension 23

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Who will you face? The only certainty is that your fate is decided by a random draw. Will you earn a title shot? Will you be thrown into a Steel Cage? Which show will you be on? The mystery will be unveiled soon enough.

As this thread is a practise for the Lethal Lottery, EVERYONE on the roster is to post an RP in this thread. No shows will be dealt the same way as usual.

RP Deadline is Tuesday 16th November 23:59 EST

All Extension requests must be received before Sunday 14th November
The cameras begin rolling as we are brought to the scenery of a stage, with DK in the camera’s sights. He is standing there gazing at the ceiling in a rather uninspired mood, whilst talking to his self.

“So it just had to be me? Why must everybody think I am doing things wrong here? I came here to make an impact on this business. I came here to show that regardless of my past involvements, that I am a wrestler of “Great “. No not “Great” but “Superior” calibre.”

DK suddenly moves towards the center of the stage looking out towards the empty seating. He stands there seemingly staring into the waste land like setting with his hands in his pockets.

“Why I had to be ridiculed by most? Why did I have to go through self hell and do nothing but harm the legacy of my families’ namesake? Wilton? What kind of Wilton am I? We are strong, proud, innova....”

DK soon jumps backwards as he soon realises all of the words that have been coming out of his mouth. He then adjusts his black jacket, cracks his neck to the side and begins to have an amused look on his face.

"Lethal Lottery..."

DK Turns his back to the audience seating and begins to walk around on stage continuously talking to himself once again, as his expression grows even more amused.

“Lethal Lottery, if I perhaps qualified for it let alone proved dominance during the match. I would be able to make history. Not only by being a strong option for a championship contender. But I could be the man to win at Lethal Lottery. The first man ever to hold a Grammy & become a WZCW World Champion. Either way, I can taste the championship gold in my future. But first, I’m going to have to do a couple things...”

The scene fades to black as we see DK with a very inspirational look on his face.

The screen comes back again as it notes that it has been somewhat of a week passed. We see Mr.Wilton sitting in his living room, with a sinful grin on his face he lounges in his seat. Across from him we see Leon Kensworth asking him various questions.

“DK with your recent loss to Blade what is your exact mindset right now?”

Leon looks over to DK, who still has that large grin on his face.

“My mindset is... how do you say? Very FOCUSED. You see, I had an epiphany. My loss to Blade wasn’t because I was the weaker man. It was because I got ahead of myself. I was so intent on winning that I couldn’t focus on the actual match. With that said, give me the next question."

“You had an epiphany? Care to explain more?”

DK trails his finger along his pant leg as he hunches over in a toying like manner.

“Did I not for the next question? But if you MUST know of my epiphany, then so be it.”

DK laughs so himself and rolls his eyes as he begins to speak again.

“I went back to where it all began, Mount Royal College, Where my music career had its jumpstart. I wondered endlessly on stage, trying to figure out what I had been doing wrong. Hoping that things could come Full Circle. And I found out not only that I had a lack of focus in the ring, but I found out what I was sent here to do.”

“And what exactly were you sent here to do”

“Simple, I was sent here to be Innovative. Like Michael Winters, GOD talks to me as well. Even if I’m not some wack job, devoted catholic. See, the big guy above, or just my brilliant mind told me that If I proclaim to be innovative I should follow through with my words, and that’s what I will do. Be Innovative

Leon straightens up in his seat and gives DK a rather rude rebuttal.

“You do know that he has been labelled one of the most fastest rising superstars in WZCW history? Let alone he is on a Major Roll”
DK look back over at Leon with a confused yet determined look on his face.

“Well, you are right about something Leon, he has been on quite a roll lately. But didn’t he lose that match at All or Nothing? Look at him, I mean seriously there is nothing superstar or “Face of the company” like on this guy. Come on we are soon enough going to be running on the Catholic Television Network if this jackass keeps running around claiming that people represent the seven deadly sins. What next Winters? Are you going to come out in a priest gown exclaiming from the top of your lungs that you are now known as “Father Winter”? Hell, if you want call yourself “Father Christmas” because like Santa Claus, your nothing more than a false figure. I can see you for who you truly are.”

Leon quickly interrupts DK and speaks out.

“Are you calling Winters out?”

“No not at all. I’m just telling you what I think of him. Look this week, there has been a lot of confusion going around in terms of what to do next. Right now, I will announce my intentions for the near future... are you ready for it?”


“Leon Kensworth and WZCW Universe, I DK Wilton will reign Glorious & Dominant at the Lethal Lottery and be the first man to hold a Grammy Award and to very well win someones prized WZCW Championship. And this week, I will take my first steps into succeeding with this task. And boy oh boy will a Title Shot in WZCW ever taste great. But that’s only the first half of this "Magnificent” blueprint. Something that the WZCW Universe will remember. The question is Leon, who's championship am I after?

The scene then fades to black. A WZCW logo appears on the screen.
Toyota waits for Барбоса to get back to his feet, and picks him up with a fireman’s carry. Барбоса fights out of it and runs the far ropes and hits a forearm to Toyota’s jaw. Барбоса runs again, but this time is caught with a Samoan drop.. Toyota signals over toward Hammond and tags him in. Hammond picks up Барбоса and the Brothers connect with the Walking Wounded.

*The cobwebs clear in Барбоса's mind just in time for him to look up and see what looks like some kind of eclipse. In the split second that it takes his fatigued and, let's face it, damaged brain to recognise what is happening, all Барбоса can do is call out in shock…*

OH SHI…mmph!

*The rest of the exclamation is muffled by a mouthful of sweaty Japanese gooch and mawashi jockstrap. Барбоса is not conscious enough to realise that Hammond has covered him for the 1…2…3 or that Harrys has announced his elimination.*


*The scene opens to the same darkened, smoky room which is again lit by a single light suspended from the ceiling. The same three men are around the table as before but it appears that very little if any poker has been played. The restless player is reading from a list; the depressed player is unsurprisingly sitting bent over with his head in his hands while the smoker is stomping back and forth across the room furiously drawing on another cigar. The silence is eventually broken by an exclamation from the restless player.*

Ah yes, what about Kravinoff? He's not doing anything, is a former tag champion and has a similarly vicious approach as you have…

*Neither of the other two seem to have heard this suggestion and continue in their contemplative ways. Unperturbed by the lack of reaction, after having scored out Kravinoff's name from his list, the restless player continues to talk.*

No, you're right. Kravinoff is too unpredictable and unreliable. OH OH OH! I know! What about Lars Reidar? YEAH ! He is half of a former champion… I think… and… and has a similar dark outlook on existence as you. What do you think?

*Again neither of the other two act like they have not heard the suggestion.*

Hey guys! Did you not hear me? What about Lars Reidar?

*The depressed player lifts his head from his hands and turns towards his restless counterpart.*

The reason why neither of us is answering you is that we have no interest in continuing down the tag team route.

*The restless player seems to think on this for a few seconds before nodding his head.*

Oh, I see… we need to add some more variety rather than having someone the same as us… well this is a bit of a blast from the past but what about Anthony Michaels? He's a former tag champion and even held the titles by himself just like you tried.

*The pacing smoker stops and turns towards the restless player*

Are you deaf as well as a fidgety simpleton? We are not looking for a tag team partner! This was a one off to show WZCW that we are a force to be reckoned with! Had we won the tag titles then maybe we might have been looking to hold some auditions but as it happens, thanks to Bateman, we did not win. And in spite of some superheavyweight nearly flattening our skull…

*The depressed player's muffled voice can be heard from behind his hands.*

I cannot get that sight or smell out of our head.

We have no interest in getting involved in the trivialities of the Graham Crackers quest for revenge on the Peristallein Movement while the Armed Sisters mug for the crowd.

Oh right… then what are we going to do?

Well if you had been paying attention, you would have noticed that I went out there tonight and defeated a young, up-and-coming tag team all by myself and at the same time achieved a modicum of revenge on Hays for making a fool out of you during the Battle Royale by beating him in the middle of the ring.

*The smoker flashes an angry stare at the restless player who refuses to make eye contact on this occasion.*

So I don't see what we have to do differently next time out. Another performance like All Or Nothing and even the top brass in WZCW will have to pay attention to us - "Showtime Power Trip" could easily be enlightened to our brand of aggression. Even the WZCW Champion will be wary of us.

*The room descends into a brief silence as the smoker smirks at his proclamation of future dominance and recognition. The quiet is eventually broken by the depressed player.*

While our performance at All Or Nothing will have brought us some appreciation and respect…

*SCRIBBLE SCRIBBLE SCRIBBLE He is interrupted by the doodling of the restless player. Another stare from the smoker stops the distraction.*

Despite this respect and wariness, I think we still need to figure out a new game plan for our next match and for the foreseeable future.

Yeah, I mean what if High Society come looking for revenge for being beaten? We might need some help! HEY! What about Steamboat Ricky? He's also a world champion. In fact he had his own world title belt and headed his own faction. What about hi…

*Exasperated, the smoker dives across the table, grabs the writing hand of the restless player, drags him forward onto the table and clamps on the Bipolar Disorder. The flailing of the already manic player reaches new heights as his face goes bright red. The smoker is almost euphoric at the pain he is doling out, while the depressed player has barely moved. The manic victim starts to go purple and then blue before the depressed player stands up and forces the smoker to let go, much to his chagrin.*

Why did you do that? I could have rid us of him for good!

*The now restful player slumps on the table top before sliding down, hitting the floor with a thud, unconscious.*

While your aggression was successful against the High Society, we cannot afford to be so one-dimensional. You might have dealt with Hays and Cooper but your strategy was lacking for by the time Toyota and Hammond got out there you were exhausted and unable to make any real impression against them.

*The smoker's ire has reduced a little as he takes this all in.*

And we cannot forget your lack of tact when it comes to verbal confrontation or negotiation. You might have been able to get us a title match on a big PPV but I would say that the demeanour you used towards Mr. Bateman was at least partially, if not completely, responsible for our no hope situation in the Gauntlet. No tag partner and the first "team" out there…

Grrr… yeah, I am sure Bateman had a good chuckle to himself when we saw us eclipsed by the Mount Fuji of asses. Wait until I get my hands on him! He won't know…

*The depressed player interrupts, pointing a finger at the irate smoker.*

You see? It is this kind of misdirected aggression that is only going to see Bateman and Myles repeat our being thrown in at the deep end at All Or Nothing! We need to temper your aggressive style in the ring with some strategic and tactical thinking both in and out of the ring.

*The smoker is again taking this in.*

You make a good point. As fine an athlete as I am, there are only so many obstacles that I can overcome and it would be better to have access to your more measured approach to forming a multi-layered game plan for our matches and as well as your more tactful approach backstage… However, that still leaves me with the question of why you don't want me to dispatch this worthless simpleton here.

*The smoker contemptuously gestures towards the unconscious figure under the table.*

Again my myopic colleague you do not see the big picture. You may have the in-ring skills and I may have the planning abilities but we are not different enough in demeanour to illicit any kind of sympathetic response. You are too aggressive and I am too sarcastic. So as much as I do not like him, we might occasionally need the simpleton to further our ambitions so long as we can train him to follow our carefully laid plans.

*The smoker takes a draw on his cigar before sighing, seemingly accepting the argument. *

Maybe you're right… but we can still beat him up, right?

I would lay off on that too for a while to make sure we do not alienate him. We need his cooperation so he won't interfere in matches.

*The smoker bangs the table out of frustration.*

FINE! But I am going to need another punch bag. I get het up if I do not have something to assuage my violent tendencies on.

Well, it is almost certain that we will have an opponent at Madness or Anarchy; possibly even multiple opponents in some god-forsaken type of match where blood and guts, tables and chairs will be flying anywhere. You could find yourself going toe to toe with Wunderbar in a hardcore match for the Mayhem title; in First Blood Hell in a Cell match with Winters or even a WZCW World Heavyweight Title match with Ty Burna.

*The smoker grins widely at the thought of such devastation and potential glory.*

Surely that should temper your desire for carnage and destruction for now?

Okay… I'll go alone with your little plan. Just remember that I am the in-ring specialist here.

No need to worry about that. I know my place is in planning and strategising. I'll even keep the simpleton out of your way.

You'd better…

*His irritation replaced with anticipation, the smoker moves away from the table and starts throwing some punches and kicks, checking his form in the shadows cast by the single light.*

Of course you could find yourself on the receiving end of a six-on-one handicapped match or an Evening Gown match…

What did you say?!?

Oh nothing…

*The smoker stares at his depressed comrade suspiciously before eventually returning to his shadow boxing. Having turned away to help the unconscious restless player up onto his seat, the depressive speaks one more time out of earshot…*

I just hope you remember to shave our legs before the roulette begins just in case Bateman is not finished with us…
Alex Bowen is setting in an open area in his home town, the lawn isn't mowed and the house seems to be in disrepair. He's in his lugg boots and a pair of jean shorts with a black coat and shirt on; he's smoking a cigarette and talking on his android phone while setting on an old park bench. The sun is just coming up and we can see the dew on the grass and the leaves rustle about with small amount of wind in the area.

Alex: Man I call them like I see them.

Alex looks at his phone and flips open a text message and text's as someone yells

Phone: The Hell with that!

Alex laughs and continues to text away tapping frantically at the board with a worried look on his face.

Phone: Quit texting I can hear your keyboard damnit!

Alex: Don't tell me what the hell to do you don’t have a ring on your finger. I'm talking to David. We're gonna go out and do some stuff later.

Phone: I'll tell you to do if I feel like it, keep talking like that and I'll break your collar bone.

Alex Stops and looks with a raised eyebrow and a confused look on his face.

Alex: Wait a second here I'm not your friends you can't talk to me like that... you better step back off that high horse and take a look at yourself.

Alex goes back to texting his brother David and doesn't listen to the phone. He's tapping away as the line goes dead and we hear a loud tone. Alex shakes his head and spits on the ground in front of him and stands up and his left knee cracks loudly. He steps off the bench and rubs his knee and walks over to the back of the house and flicks his smoke out. He reaches out and grabs the back door and opens it up with a loud squeak. He walks in the house and down a hall and to a kitchen. Pots and pans are hung up on the wall. He walks over to a large old fridge. opens it up and moves over a case of beer and grabs a Mt. Dew. Mr. Bowen looks around the house and puts his phone down on the counter. A small smile comes over his face as the phone begins to vibrate. He puts down the Dew and answers the phone.

Alex: What’s up punk? How yeah been!?

Alex smile as the phone is next to his ear, it’s been almost a year since he's had this voice talking to him.

Alex: David what the heck are we gonna do with you. Dude you need to get out more. What are ya doing tonight?

Alex scrunches up his face and nods his head.

Alex: Man you in town?

Alex reaches down and grabs the dew and cracks it open and takes a drink, then throws it in the trash can by the fridge.

Alex: Well that's good; you need to get your ass over to my place... tonight. Man its been to long since I've seen you. Anyways I've got some real talk for you we need to talk. ......Hell yeah dude! That sounds great. Of course I'll be in this hell hole... But not for long that's what I need to talk to you about, this isn’t a picnic fool I just don't make you drop your stuff to come over and have tea with me. I got a lot to talk to you about man.

Continuing to hold the phone to his ear he taps his fingers on the counter rapidly. Looking up at the clock he shakes his head and smiles. Alex laughs and reaches into his pocket and pulls out a pack of Newport's and a lighter and lights up a smoke and inhales deeply.

Alex: yeah dude I'll have a pizza and some Coors's at my place. But if your fat ass isn't at my place by 7:30 I'm eating without you..... Yeah man I love you to.

Alex closes the phone and grabs a phone book and rifles through the pages looking for a number. He finally find the number he's looking for under the j section in the yellow pages and picks up his phone and starts to dial the pizza shops number.

*About an hour later.*

A large knock on the door, Alex is setting on a large lazy boy sofa with his feet kicked back eyeing what’s on the TV reading a revolver magazine. He flips the bi monthly subscription on the table in front of him. Two large pizza boxes are in front of the magazine with a rocket on the box symbolizing Jet's pizza. He gets up kicking back in the lazy boy's foot recliner and walks over to the door and looks through the peephole with a smile on his face and opens the door with a creak.

Alex- You old fu....

Alex is cut off by his much larger brother David's advancing bear hug. David picks him up off the ground and swings him a little bit. The chains on his bondage pants jingle as he puts Alex down. Alex laughs

Alex- Wow dude you haven't changed.

Alex looks up at his much larger brother. He is wearing a large brown carhartt coat with a grayish black hooded sweatshirt under it. He's large, the scars on his tell us a story only made in horror films, but still he smiles. He has a burly brown beard covering his face.

David- Wow man, I don't know what to say.

Alex- Nothing to say, let’s get to business. We got stuff to eat and stuff to talk about.

David- Sounds good brother.

Alex backs up as his larger brother walks hunched over through the doorway. They walk into the front room and set down and begin to eat.

About 20 minutes later

Alex and David are laughing and looking at ear other smiling ear from ear. David is eating a sliced of pizza and points it at Alex with a disapproving look on his face.

David- You’re going back to WZCW? Why? I'm sorry but I hope you don't expect me to come with you? I'm done, never again dude...

Alex Nah, Don't worry man. I got unfinished business dude. All the other places, I all had titles in. I've never had a title in WZCW; it kind of makes me mad. They offered me some cash, I had nothing going on and I got a buddy in there now.

David looks taken back with a surprised look on his face.

David- Who would that be?

Alex- Cory, he wrestles. I met him a while back, kid was getting jumped by some punks over in Delray.

David shakes his head.

David- And yeah?

Alex- I jumped in and knocked some punks down, he got up and cleaned house. He just needed a helping hand. We’ve been friends since. You know I ‘m not gonna settle for some clowns beating up a brother.

David snorts, and looks up at Alex sharply.

David- Brother? What the hell are you talking about?!

Alex- No not him he's long gone. Dude was wearing some Psychopathic merch, I seen it and just made myself a part of it. I don't like to see anyone get jumped in my town let alone another Juggalo.

David- Yeah that's been getting bad around my place here lately now to.

Alex- Yeah me and him got signed to WZCW, were tagging together now.

Alex chuckles a little bit.

Alex- Pretty cool huh? I got some help getting a belt in WZCW now dude. They aren't gonna even see us coming. You can read the story on my skin, I've done what I can for this business. I'm done being the martyr, done being the stepping stone for people. I'm done with it all, its my time to come into the conversation, and stop being a reference point for people. I'm in the building now, I'll never go back to the front yard.

David shakes his head in agreement and smiles.

David- Right... right.

Alex- I've jumped off of buildings, ring posts, cars for ten years. I beat people within an inch of their lives for nothing more than food money. Walked to the back and been best friends with them. Did that get me any-ware? Apparently not, I'm sick of it David....

David looks at his brother with a stiff brow.

David- Yeah it did get you places, you’re still alive aren't you? Without wrestling you would be dead Alex you know that...

Alex looks down, but in agreement. He pulls back his hair out of his face and sets back in his chair.

Alex- You know, I've all ways wanted to put on a show for the folks... I did it, I loved it I need this for me dude. No secret deception, I'll note the past, So I can spare the pain. My Words match my deeds with brutal honesty, So I'll never forget these choices were made by me. I made my path in the business. I chose to be a human pin cushion.

David- That is true Alex, but do you really regret it?

Alex- Not really, my strength's been tested, I wear the scars that prove that, Still I believe that this calling will see me through. I'm coming to WZCW On a mission with Cory, David I'm ready.

David looks at Alex with a confused look on his face. Alex looks back at him and picks up the beer in front of him and motions for his monster of a brother to pick up the one by him. They crack them open and move closer for a toast, then toast their Coors'. A little beer spills on the pizza boxes below.

Alex- This is a toast, a toast for a new future. I do not know who my opponent is this week David. Or who Cory will be facing or even if we will be tagging together. The matches aren't set so the cards will deal me whatever they see fit. Meltdown or Ascension will be a good fit for us. Really I'm not worried. I've been through this all before. I can't wait to see everyone's opinion on me though.

Alex scratches his head and wipes his forehead with his sleeve.

Alex- But I'm getting off track aren't I brother?

David laughs and sips his beer.

Alex- I'm going to WZCW with Cory to make a statement. I actually can't wait to see whoever and whatever they throw at me. I'm not worried, anyone will do. Any two will do, the way I see it is that there all just stepping stones for me and Cory on our way to The Tag titles.

Alex reaches in with his beer and David gets the gesture and puts his in to. They crash with a small clink, and they both drink.

David- To you and Cory!

Alex- No David to WZCW and whatever poor soul they put in front of me this week! Nothing is going to stop me David. I'm offically putting wzcw on notice... Again, the hardcore juggalo is coming back. No one will stop me this time, whatever I want i'm taking! This is going to be a great future for Cory and I. We are going to grow into wzcw's best tag team ever.... Peroid

Alex and David lean back in respective seats and focus on the TV in the corner of the room. The scene cuts off.
We find Ferbian standing in front of the window, looking out over the still busy New York Wall-street traffic. Judging by the light outside the time is approaching late evening. Ferbian stands with his arms crossed and a remote in his hand.

Change. That's what I need, I need change to make this work. All I hear is momentum this and momentum that. Well where's my momentum? They all say I look strong in defeat. That won't do. Eventually I'll have to do something to rebuild the momentum I had making a debut in this company.

Ferbian brushes the palm of the hand not holding the remote across his cheek. We get a brief look outside of the window that Ferbian is looking out of again, as he continues once more.

So, obviously All or Nothing didn't go as planned. Baller got away with the victory due to my Deal-breaker.. My Deal-breaker. But as the saying goes, can't cry over spilled milk. I'll just hope that Mr. Myles has something up his sleeve to allow me to qualify once again. Lethal Lottery is where it matters, and I'll get to Lethal Lottery no matter what.

Ferbian takes a quick breather before continuing.

So, how exactly do I plan on making this change? That's a great question, it's like I've tried everything. But I'm surrounded by great athletes who has excelled in this business longer than I have. But then again, the very same thing could be said about me in this very office. Surrounded by elder executives that have been in the business for many many years, but they all share one thing in common where I stand out. They're my employees. And that's exactly why I'm confident that the past with WZCW was all a bad dream. All a bad start, like going broke on taking a chance. But you learn from your mistakes, I learn from my mistakes. And that is why I plan on turning my luck, turning my momentum. Making a change!

Also, it's been said that the upcoming two shows of Meltdown and Ascension will be very very random. I like randomness, and that's because there's a chance for everything. Bateman and Myles promises that ones wildest dreams, or craziest nightmares could come true inside the ring next week. Yet the best part is that I don't know who I'll be facing. I could literally end up facing anyone in any kind of match. Now some might think it's against MY odds. Yet I like to believe that I could for once have the odds in my favorite.

But of course, my only chance of truly excelling in the future of WZCW, to become a major player in this promotion, is change. Change of pace, change of attitude, change everything that you know of Ferbian. Erase every opinion they ever had about me, and turn it around, use it to my advantage, regain momentum!

Ferbian momentarily adjusts his suit a little bit, before he continues.

You know what? No of course you don't. But listen up, come Meltdown 48.. Or Ascension 23, this will become the make it or break it moment of my career. If I don't succeed this time, I don't know what I'll do. Maybe I'll for once listen to all my colleagues, my friends and all the people in my life and just simply remain the CEO of this company. What do you think?

Without giving whomever should be listening a chance to respond Ferbian quickly continues.

No wait, it doesn't matter what you think. Because in the end, I know that I can succeed this time. I know that I have what it takes, and I know that it doesn't matter who I face, because either way I plan on coming out victorious, making an impact, and then go out and celebrate. Are you up for that?

Finally Ferbian turns around to look back into the open Office. The Camera pans around the big CEO office as it stops at a figure on the couch, the figure seems to be a person in deep sleep. Ferbian sighs as he walks over to the figure, standing in front of him as he quickly shouts.

WAKE UP, Marcus! I know you've had a rough day, but this is important to me!

Marcus quickly sits up again without much hesitation as if he was abruptly awaken by some sort of nightmare.

God, I'm really sorry Ferb. You were saying?

Ferbian walks towards the window again, pressing the remote as music starts playing in a semi-loud tone in the stereo surround system as Ferbian yells out to try and overtone the music.

Next time I step into the ring, I will be victorious. Are you listening Marcus? Of course you are! I will become a success. And with hope, I will become...

*Ferbian takes a deep breath once again*

.... Unstoppable.

After a while the music can clearly be identifies as E.S Posthumus - Unstoppable. The rain starts to pour against the window as the sky lights up as the sound of thunder echoes throughout the New York Wall Street area, as the camera fades to black.
The heavy rain pours down on the already-drenched ground, leaving an odour in the air. As the rain continues to pour, the ground begins to turn to mulch which is only interrupted by the sudden footsteps of the condemned. Chained and shackled together, they are the very picture of guilt and remorse as they make their way through the deteriorated surface below them. Huddled together, they make their way through the parted crowd and into an old courtyard, the likes of which is very scarce now-a-days. As they properly enter the packed courtyard, they notice their fate ahead of them. A wooden beam, stretched across a wooden walkway some distance below. On the wooden walkway, a man in a hood stands before a lever. With a gulp and sigh, the prisoners begin to move again, one step closer to their sealed fate.

Moving through the sludge that encompasses their feet, the prisoners keep their heads bowed and into their chests. As they reach the structure, an air of silence fills the air of the courtyard as 5 rope nooses fall from the uppermost beam. The crowd begin to mutter amongst themselves as the prisoners begin to make their way up the wooden steps, knowing what they face.

As the 5 prisoners reach the top of the steps, they take their places behind the nooses that await their feeble necks. The hooded man steps forward and paces up and down the walkway. Looking them all in the eye as he passes, he shakes his head in sympathy before returning to his position and turning to the expectant crowd.

Hooded Man: Scitis quid acciderit te Peccata tandem adsecutus te reniteris quod iniquum in mundo! Fata est ullum certius quam obscura nocte. Denique profectus erit et omnes caecum tui ab hac terra rubigine. Quidam vocant venari-pythonissam vocant aliae vero firma iustitia.

Quicquid est certus possum compatiuntur.

The crowd look eager for the executions to begin but a raised hand from the masked man silences the eager mutterings from the viewers.

Hooded man: Yes! A witch-hunt has come to our lands.

The acts of these poor people have finally caught up with them and their fate rests in the eyes and hands of others. They have practised their foolish antics for far too long, gone unpunished and now they face to face the mighty wrath of justice. Just like the sun eventually rising through the darkest night, we all know that it must come... Almost like the death of these people.

So, what would it take for these people to be freed of their trespasses? Would it take a higher power to realise that they have not made any fundamental mistake? After all, why is it our place to decide what is right and wrong? Is it our place to take it upon ourselves to do the work of the almighty? Is it our place to punish those who will eventually be judged by a power who is not biased in any way? In the eyes of the Lord, who are we to carry out acts of vengeance?

Yes, a witch-hunt has come to us and we have embraced it.

The hooded man steps back to his lever and beckons for the prisoners to put their necks into the nooses. The rain lashes their scruffy clothes as the bloodthirsty crow begin to get their wish. The prisoners hesitantly insert their heads into the rope as tears begin to fall from their weather-beaten faces.

Hooded man: Yes, a with-hunt is a completely flawed process but it seems like the only process we have.

The hooded man whips off his hood to reveal the smiling face of John Constantine. He stretches out his arms and takes in the surprise of the people who are watching.

Constantine: But I, for one, know what it feels like to be on the wrong end of a witch-hunt.

At All Or Nothing, my victory over the other “competitors” was almost assured. They knew that not only was I the favourite for the win but I was also the most talented man in the ring. They set out with an agenda and they followed through on the promises to shut me up. I entered the ring at All Or Nothing as an unbeaten superstar that had every possible advantage over the rest of the trailer-trash that made up the rest of the match.

Yet, in true with-hunt style, A decision for my fate was already made. I was the victim of a with-hunt at All Or Nothing and it is not fair! Never before have I felt the cold injustice of the WZCW Universe rain down upon me with fiery hate. I was attacked for being the best man in that ring and for no other reason. They knew that I would have been their downfall and they took me out for reasons that were out of their hands.

However, justice is something that must come to us all. Just like the people who share this stage with me, the All Or Nothing 5 will have to face my vengeance and my justice could freeze beer. Never before have I been so motivated to prove what I can do and Austin Reynolds should know that better than anyone.

The Showtime Power Trip has finally come together and Austin Reynolds was the first man to feel the cold hard touch of justice. For too long he has masqueraded as a Champion and now his reign has finally been ended at my hand. As I team up with Showtime David Cougar, the All Or Nothing 5 can rest assured that justice will finally catch up with them and although I am not the EurAsian Champion, anything can happen.

At Meltdown Madness and Ascension Anarchy, anything is possible. It is then that I will begin to make amends for what happened at All Or Nothing. When we play the odds, the chances of facing at least one of those despicable peasants is favourable. Or perhaps it will be that heathen Ty Burna that faces the wrath of a scorned man...

Constantine puts his hood back on and heads back towards the lever.

Constantine: Yes, the actions of everyone will finally catch up with them and it begins at Meltdown Madness and Ascension Anarchy.

The screen fades to black as the turning of a metal lever sounds and the sudden straining of rope is heard through the pouring rain.
The screen is black, when slowly, but surely, an image appears.

The image fades out.

Suddenly we find ourselves looking at a grand old mansion. There are many expensive cars/limousines in front of the house. A fountain dominates the front of the house. The lights are on in a lot of the rooms. Something big is clearly happening. We cut to the inside to a grand old hall. It’s very busy. Everyone there is in their best clothes. There is a small band playing classical music in the background. People are eating h’orderves and drinking what appears to be champagne. There is a stage with a podium on it on the far right of the hall. Stood next to the stage are two people. They are Baron Philip Holmes & Baroness Caroline Holmes; Steven Holmes’ parents. Both are in there 60’s, but look younger because of their relaxed lifestyle (and in the Baronesses case; plastic surgery). The Baron glances to his wife and nods as he walks on stage. He makes his way to the podium, pauses to clear his throat and begins to speak softly into the microphone. The band stops playing.

Baron Philip: Ladies & Gentlemen, as you are well aware, we invited you here tonight, not for me or my wife, but for my son, the great Steven Holmes.

There is a wave of applause as the baron requests them to stop.

Baron Philip: Please, save your applause for later.

He pauses, trying to remember where he was. He figures it out quickly and continues.

Baron Philip: My son has succeeded in every field he has participated in. Whether it be academic or physical, my son has surpassed all those around him. Anyway, this year, my son finally achieved his long held dream of signing a contract with a professional wrestling promotion called WZCW. My son made his debut in May of this year and he hasn’t looked back since. We all knew it would only be a matter of time before he became a champion and sure enough he did. On November 7th my son and a man named Dr. Steven Kurtesy became the World Tag Team Champions. It was a proud moment for our family. Naturally we called to congratulate him and he told us some lovely news; he was coming home for a few days. You see, in order to do some promotional things for a group our son is part of called The Crashin Movement, our son was visiting Britain and he’s found his way home to Holmes Manor. So Ladies & Gentlemen, allow me to welcome back home the World Tag Team Champion; Steven Holmes!

There is a thunderous applause as Steven Holmes enters in a tuxedo. He is accompanied by a servant of the family who is carrying a metal suitcase. Holmes has a huge grin on his face and bows for his audience. After a few moments his parents come up to him. First his father who shakes his hand and then hugs him whilst his mother kisses him on the cheek. The applause continues for a few moments before Holmes signals for them to stop. Slowly but surely they do. The baron has returned to the podium by this time and continues to talk.

Baron Philip: Now Steven will be making a speech very shortly but please enjoy the drink & food in the mean time.

There is a smaller, ripple of applause before people continue to talk, eat and drink. Holmes’ grin is still plastered across his face. It can be described as no less than smug. Once again the proud parents approach him.

Baron Philip: You’ve had that grin all week haven’t you son?

Holmes: Oh yes father. Oh yes.

Baroness Caroline: And how are you my dear boy?

Holmes: To say I’m on cloud 9 would be an understatement. All or Nothing was by far the single greatest moment of my life.

Baron Philip: Well you clearly deserved it. You showed that you were not only physically better but also mentally. The way you and the rest of the Movement out thought the entire division was marvellous.

There is a pause before the Baroness interrupts.

Baroness Caroline: What’s in the metal case son?

Holmes: I thought you’d never ask.

He signals for the servant to bring the case forward. The servant comes forward and opens the case. The faces of the Baron & Baroness light up and Holmes chuckles to himself a little. Holmes asks for the servant to pass whatever’s in the case to him. Carefully the servant takes out the WZCW World Tag Team Championship and passes it to Holmes. Holmes cradles it like a newborn child, holding it very carefully.

Baron Philip: What a magnificent sight my boy.

Baroness Caroline: Is that real?

Holmes: Oh it’s very real. Your son is a champion of the world. One half of the best tag team on the planet. Now if you excuse me I believe it’s time for me to speak to the people.

The parents are still slightly gobsmacked by the brilliant sight of the championship while Holmes ascends the stairs of the stage and walks to the podium. He places his championship around the microphone to show it to the public. The people realise and turn around to listen to the speech. He leans forward to speak into the microphone. He begins to address the band

Holmes: Gentlemen, if you would please, play Beethoven’s 5th , quietly of course, whilst I deliver my speech.

They nod and very soon afterwards, the famous notes are heard.


Holmes: Excellent. Ladies & Gentlemen, welcome to Holmes Manor, home of the world famous Holmes family.

There is a brief applause before Holmes signals for them to stop.

Holmes: Please save your applause for the end.

Holmes pauses as if to recollect what he was about to say. It doesn’t take him very long and he continues.

Holmes: On November 7th 2010 history was made when The Crashin movement, comprising of myself & Dr. Steven Kurtesy captured the very championship you see in front of you now; the World Tag Team Championships. It was the single proudest moment of my life and a night that I will never forget. This is a fantastic achievement to win a championship in a division that is experiencing such a resurgence. For myself and Dr. Kurtesy to be the figureheads is a great honour indeed and we will do our upmost to be the champions the division deserves. But it’s just the beginning.

Holmes cheesy grin turns into a sinister one as the music continues to play.

Holmes: You see in the coming months, it’s going to be a very exciting time in WZCW. We’re just about on the road to Kingdom Come, WZCW’s biggest show of the year and an event that will be shaken to it’s very core this year. Before Kingdom Come there is a very special event; Lethal Lottery. The trademark of Lethal Lottery is the Lethal Lottery match itself, where 20 men will enter but only one shall emerge with a shot at the World’s Heavyweight Champion at Kingdom Come. And that man will be someone from the Crashin Movement.

Holmes pauses to chuckle slightly before continuing.

Holmes: All or Nothing was indeed a gamble, as the name suggests. but Lethal Lottery, while the odds seem long, is a sure thing. I personally shall see to it that one of us wins the match. But even before that, there is another event; Madness & Anarchy. You see, while I’ve been at the forefront of trying to destroy the Mayhem Division and our domination of the Tag Team division I’ve come to realise that a little bit of Madness & Anarchy can be a good thing...but too much can be disastrous. We at the Crashin Movement have shown this to be the case and I’ve taken action as I have my petition to end the Mayhem Division. As you can see from the exit, I have provided a copy of the petition for you all to sign. Please do so.

The music begins to build to it’s conclusion.

Holmes: And now Ladies & Gentlemen, to continue my point, I have no idea who my opponent shall be at Madness or Anarchy or what type of match it is. BUT I can tell them this; no matter who you are, I will take your mind, your body & your vey soul and I will crush them because no one stands a chance against Steven Holmes or any of the Crashin Movement.

Holmes face has contorted into a strange and vicious looking shape as the music hits it’s dramatic end. Holmes is in fact sinisterly leering over the podium.

There is a brief pause before the audience erupts into applause and the parents do the same.

The screen fades to black as the sound of applause takes us out.
Rebecca Serra knocks on the door of Blade’s locker room and Blade’s voice comes from inside the room.

Blade: Come..... In!

She opens the door and walks in to find Blade sitting before the TV, an Xbox controller in his hand, playing Grand Theft Auto, looking determined to kill as many virtual people as possible. The room is filled with litter like cigarette butts and wrappers from Subway sandwiches. Blade’s eyes are bloodshot and his left eye keeps twitching slightly, and he’s speaks so fast it’s difficult to know what he’s saying.

Blade: Damn hooker, gonna shoot you right in your crack ****e face!

Rebecca: Umm, Blade?

Blade looks up at Rebecca for a moment, looking irritated.

Blade: What!?

Rebecca: What’s the matter with you?

Blade: The matter? Nothing’s that matter. Unless of course your talking about my perfectly normal, nothing to worry about eye twitch. In fact I kinda like it, gives me some new depth I think. It’s good, really good.

Rebecca: What are you talking about? What have you done to yourself?

Blade: Done to myself? I have no idea what you mean, dear girl.

Rebecca looks around and sees the amount of empty Styrofoam coffee cups lying around.

Rebecca: Blade, how much coffee have you drank?

Blade: Not much, maybe 18 cups in the last 4 hours?

Rebecca lets out a heavy sigh.

Rebecca: So basically, you’re totally wound up...

Blade: Little bit.

Rebecca shakes her head.

Rebecca: Oh well, let’s get this interview over with I guess. Can I sit down?

Blade nods quickly and motions for her to sit down as his virtual self drives a large hummer, mowing down pedestrian after pedestrian, as Rebecca looks on, slightly shocked.

Rebecca: You have some issues...

Blade: Excuse me; this is how I release frustration. Some people, like Mr. Baller, play basketball. Some, like Phoenix, cut their wrists. And some, like Doug Crashin, compulsively *********e. I stay up for 3 days straight and play video games that allowed me to virtually beat a virtual hooker to a bloody pulp with a virtual baseball bat until my eyeballs dry up. Hey it could be worse, at least I'm not wound up on coke. And hey, I could start killing people for real, like a raving, maniacal, politician-gone-mad fool.

Blade laughs for several seconds before going back to having his full concentration on the game.

Rebecca: Riiight... Well, how are you feeling after All or Nothing? It was clearly a mixed back for you, as you managed to eliminate your rival, Phoenix, from the match, but then you came up just short of winning the EurAsian title yet again, with Chris Beckford coming out on top.

Blade’s face starts to get red as he starts to pummel yet another hooker in the game.

Blade: Phoenix is nothing to me anymore. It is 2 – 1 to me, I have won, and I no longer need him to fulfil my destiny as I now see how weak he actually is. But knowing him, he’ll be a sore loser and challenge me yet again. He cannot just accept that I’m better, which, unfortunately for me, means that my destiny will lead me to cross paths with him again in the future, simply because he cannot accept defeat. But I will cross that particular bridge when I come to it... As for Beckford winning the EurAsian title instead of me...

Blade grits his teeth and starts to look angry, still attacking the virtual hooker.

Blade: I had the title.... It was mine. And Beckford attacks me from behind and steals the victory!! And now what? I’m just supposed to work my way to another title shot again? It is a sad injustice that has plagued me for most of my career in this company. And it leaves me with quite a moral quandary. What am I supposed to say now? Do I put on my usual confident smirk and proclaim that Chris Beckford’s time as champion is short and that destiny will bring me the title, even though I know, and people can see, I have a slight twinge of doubt that I have never had before in my life? Or do I say that I’m going to take this into my own hands, go to Bateman or Myles or whoever, asking them for a title shot, and leave my destiny and self belief that have gotten me to where I am today left for dead? I haven’t slept since All or Nothing because I am haunted by how close I was to winning that title.

Within in the game, Blade is now still hitting the hooker, despite the fact that she died 3 baseball shots to the head ago.

Blade: No! I refuse to accept that I have to decide! Chris Beckford of all people is not the one who is going to disrupt my destiny and destroy my self confidence, he is not worth that! That EurAsian title is mine, and it is going to call out to me until it firmly around my waist and justice has been properly served! I don’t care how I do it. I don’t if I have to go through everyone on the roster, I don’t care if I have to threaten Bateman or Myles or whoever, I am getting my shot against Beckford if it’s the last thing I do whether it’s through my destiny or otherwise. Beckford is worthless; he capitalised on me destroying Baez for his own gain and stole what is rightfully mine!

Blade is now furiously pounding the B button on his controller, causing the character in the game to keep beating the dead hooker.

Rebecca: Uh... Blade, she’s not getting any deader, calm down. Perhaps I'm stating the obvious, but maybe you shouldn’t have drank so much coffee...

Blade stands up angrily and throws the controller at the television, causing the screen to smash, spraying glass shards around the room.

Blade: GOD DAMMIT!. I don’t care about Phoenix, I don’t even care about the rumours of Rush’s return, I just care about hurting and destroying, I want to make people feel how I feel right now. I truly feel sorry for whoever I’m up against this weekend on Meltdown Madness. Because, you see I now no longer have a television on which to play my games and I’m going to need a new way to vent my frustration. A new way, such as destroying whatever poor fool is unlucky enough to be drawn against me at All or Nothing. That is a warning to every member of this roster. If you find out you’re facing me... For the sake of your health and your career, don’t even bother showing up...

Blade storms out of the locker room and the scene fades.
The room is dark. A large mass can be seen hunched over, dressed in zebra print. His attention is focused on something on the desk. Suddenly, the door opens and the lights turns on, illuminating the room of Wasabi Toyota. Leon Kensworth looks on in shock at what he sees.

What the hell are you doing, Toyota?

The desk is covered with a fine, white powder which also covers the credit card in Toyota's hand as well as his face.


Toyota seems slightly dazed and confused, not fully aware of his surroundings.

Jesus, man. I didn't know you messed around with that stuff. I'm gonna call the cops.

Toyota suddenly comes to his senses.

Settle down, Leon. You have nothing to worry about.

Of course I do! You're a crackhead, man! Crack is wack! Crack is wack!

Kensworth attempts to run out of the room, but Toyota is blocking the doorway, a packet in his hand.

No, no, Leon. I don't bother with such ... evil. This is sugar, my dear friend. Pure. Columbian. Sugar. Have a taste.

Leon reluctantly licks the sugar off the large, Japanese man's finger.

Why in the world would you be snorting sugar?

That's a silly question, Leon. To help me relax, of course. Haven't you ever studied biology? Injecting pure sugar directly into the bloodstream does wonders for a man's body and soul. Without it I might be a little ... crazy.

Umm, yeah. Let's get on with this interview, shall we? What happened out there on Sunday? It looked like the Brothers in Arms were in control out there until..


Toyota bellows at the top of his lungs causing Kensworth to stumble backwards, unable to speak for a few moments. Toyota just stares at him intensely.

Yes, the Crashin Movement won at All or Nothing and cost you and Scott Hammond the World Tag Team Championships thanks to some dirty tactics. Your thoughts?

Kensworth asks the question weakly and leans backwards as far as possible.

I know what happened Leon, I was out there. Scotty and I, we were in control. That match was ours. Then out of nowhere, those pathetic scumbags jump us and before I know it the match is over. Can you believe that Leon? Can you believe that?!?!?

Toyota has a crazed look in his eye and begins laughing somewhat maniacally, almost turning into a crazed sobbing.

All three of those men are worthless. They are the villainous, putrid, devastating evil I've been trying to rid this world of. Steven Kurtesy poses as a medical professional in order to inflict deep, throbbing psychological pain on whoever crosses his path. Holmes is just along for the ride, constantly talking about money and aristocracy and whatnot without actually doing anything of note.

And their supposed "leader", Doug Crashin, is the worst of all. He's been nothing more than a complete joke ever since he joined this company. Now he's simply content with jumping people from behind because he doesn't have the balls to actually get in the ring and fight. Scotty and I are out there training every day, working hard hoping that we may eventually accomplish something special. None of the Crashins know the first thing about hard work. They're pure, absolute, EVIL!!!!

I understand your pain, Toyota. Just the other day they were making fun of my haircut. Can you believe that? I thought my mom did a great job. Anyway, with the dominance of the Crashins lately, do you plan on leaving the tag division to pursue some more manageable goals?

That's not how it works. If I leave, the evil will still be there. Vengeance will not come to fruition. Scotty and I have been obsessing over the titles ever since we joined up together. We aren't quitting that easily. The Crashins will be taken down, giving redemption to all they've hurt. Alex Steele, Bud Dakota, and ... Hunter.

About Kravinoff, you get over it yet? Seems like you've moved on pretty smoothly in his absence.

Scott Hammond is a great tag partner, Leon. I couldn't ask for anymore from him. But Hunter and I, we had something special. Everything just came so easily when we were together. Not only were we great champions, we were great friends. Ever since that was taken away from me I haven’t been the same Leon, I truly haven't.

It something I have to deal with every day, the scene of the beat down flashing in my head, wondering if he's OK. It's just another reason for me to get back to my Buddhism and to continue my mission, purging the world of all the violent worms that possess it.

You seem to be all over the place at the moment, how do you think that will affect you come Madness and Anarchy this week?

You're wrong on that one, Leon. I'm as focused as ever. I'm hoping and praying that I get either Holmes or Kurtesy this week so that I can give them the beating of a life time.

And if someone else is unlucky enough to be drawn as my opponent this week I'm going to pretend that they're Doug Crashin and beat them to a bloody pulp as well. I have to send a message, Leon. Scotty does as well. All that matters right now is fighting our way back to the top so we get rid it of those cold, heartless, bastards. They will pay for everything! They will pay!!!!

Well, thanks for the interview. It certainly was ... an experience. Take it easy, now.

Toyota doesn’t say a word as Kensworth leaves. As soon as the door closes, Toyota rushes to his desk and dumps out a brand new bag of sugar. He digs in eagerly.
The scene opens in the locker room area where Baez is lying unconscious in a bench. Alisha is by his side waving some cardboard like a fan and Baez has an ice pack on his head.

Alisha: Come on… Wake up. It’s not enough that I carried you from the ring all the way here, now you can’t even wake up? Come on. The loss in the Pay-Per-View wasn’t so bad.

Baez moves a bit and moans.

Baez: …ouhhh…

Alisha: Don’t make me get the cold water you slouch. Wake up. Beckford barely hurt you with his Cross Country.

Baez: …Beck… Ford…?

Alisha: Yeah. That slimy, worthless parasite that had to sit outside while you beat the crap out of Blade only to sneak the win after you exhausted yourself. That loser. Don’t stay like this because of him. Don’t fuel his cheap ego.

Baez; Blade…?

Alisha: You had him like a chew toy that just kept bouncing off the wall. All he did was kick out while you kicked his ass. You’d been EurAsian Champion a lot sooner if he’d just stay down.

Baez: …Euro.. Asian…?

Alisha: Yes. The belt you fought so hard for. That you defended with pride after what Big Dave did. You took it upon yourself to save that belt while everyone else was focused on the Gold Rush tournament. You stuck up for it and Chuck Myles. And it was taken from you by that lousy Beckford.

Baez: …Alisha…

Alisha: Are you waking up?

Baez …well…

Alisha: Yeah?


Alisha stumbles surprised by Baez’ reaction. Baez gets up acting quite disgruntled.

Baez: So Beckford won because I was too busy fighting Blade? What a sly little bastard. How many opportunities has he had at a title anyway? 156 and a half? I had to serve him the win on a silver platter for him to finally pull something off.

Alisha: That’s right. He’s a parasite.

Baez: You be quiet. He won fair and square. I can’t complain about that. Unlike one “Showtime” and his new beloved, “Powertrip”, Constantine. He just couldn’t be the Crashin leader like I expected, could he? What a joke. He talks so big but probably has the “cohones” of a salamander. Say… Ummm… What’s next anyway? Rematch for the title? Blade? Casual match with Everest? What?

Alisha: The next shows are Ascension Anarchy and Meltdown Madness.

Baez: You lost me, hon.

Alisha: Randomly drawn matches.

Baez: I thought all TV matches were picked at random, unless a grudge had to be settled.

Alisha: Since when are matches not related to a grudge?

Baez: 1986?

Alisha: Oh brother. So… What now?

Baez: I don’t have a damn clue. This is stupid. How am I gonna sound cool and tough if I don’t know who my opponent is? Well, whoever it is, better have an enema ready. Else a big bottle of Kickassery may end jammed up his ass. I hope it’s a title match. Any title. Mayhem, Tag Team, Eli…

Alisha: Womens!

Baez: I don’t recall any women in The ‘Z. I thought you paid more attention to the shows than me?

Alisha: You could re-activate it. For meeee. Pleeeeeaseeee.

Baez; I’m an ass-kicker, not a lover.

Alisha: *sigh*

Baez: Anyway, Elite X, EurAsian… I mean I think I deserve one after All Or Nothing. Hey maybe I’ll get a World title match. That would be the ultimate F-U from me to Dave. I’d love that.

Alisha gets up from the bench and walks out of the locker room with a lowered head as Baez just keeps rambling about potential opponents.

Baez: Maybe I’ll face somebody like Joseph Rios or Sincade. I’d get to fight zombies! Or maybe…

The screen fades to black as Baez just keeps going oblivious to the fact that he’s alone.
The scene fades into a small park, with children playing on swings, as the camera pans into a small chapel in the centre of the park, Scott Hammond can be seen sitting in the window of the top floor bell chamber. He is holding his hands in prayer. He whispers to himself a little before opening his eyes, staring sideways on from the camera

I was taught at a young age to be gracious in defeat. 'If you lose, it means your opponent was simply better than you on that day' is what was instilled in me from day one. Even on the streets of London, bare knuckle fighting, that was the only code of ethic. Rolling into the All Or Nothing PPV, I felt good. I felt a great sense of pride, a sense that I was finally answering the call of destiny. Wasabi Toyota, a man who lost a very close friend, called out, and I answered. I answered not because of destiny, but because a man needed help. And it worked. It still works. Make no mistake about it, despite what has happened, The Brothers In Arms are still stronger than ever. Whilst those around us fall at the hands of the enemy, we stand tall.

Hammond rises from his seat and walks down a narrow stairwell as the camera follows. He opens a door to the main chapel, looking out on a small charming alter. A Priest can be seen seated on the front pue, looking up at a crucifix. Hammond walks over and sits down looking forward at the alter

Hello my child, what ailes you?

Three men, father. One a doctor, one a wannabe-Japanese mastermind, and one an aristocratic ********...please forgive my potty mouth.


These men...they have commited terrible, terrible sins.

What sins do you speak of my son?

They ended the career of my best friend's former tag team partner. Ended his ability to provide for his family. They then ended a young upstarts career after a match that we had with them. It just makes no sense.

What doesn't?

How is it that acts like this are rewarded. You see father, these men were given a shot at the tag team championships last week in a tag team elimination match at a PPV called All Or Nothing. Myself and my best friend, Wasabi Toyota were also involved in the match. We had beaten out two teams before this group of...degenerates attacked us from behind and won the gold from under our noses. They just stole them. Like that have stolen everything. I have become a very, very desperate man father. I cannot even speak with Toyota about this, as I fear my dark thoughts are too much for him to fathom at this time.

Why have you come here, child?

To ask of you a couple of things. Firstly, that you bless my soul. Secondly, next week on Meltdown and Ascension, there is a random drawing, for competitors on both shows to face anyone else on the roster. I have come to you to pray that I draw one of those men. One member of The Crashin Movement. Any one of them, I don't care. Whether it be 'Mr Pulled Hamstring' Doug Crashin, or that posh, tea sipping self righteous Steven Holmes, or finally the doctor, Steven Kurtesy. I don't mind which of them father, I am just here to pray for one of them. And I can only hope they place me in a steel cage with them, so that there is nowhere to hide for those scumbags.

Is that all you wish for my son?

No father, there more thing. I want to ask for your forgiveness. You forgiveness for what it is that I am going to do come Meltdown or Ascension. I am going to do...terrible things to one of them. If not this week coming, well lets just say that for The Crashin Movement, it is simply at matter of time. The Brothers In Arms will take our revenge against these men, father. And I want to be cleansed of the blood that will inevitably be on my hands. Can you do that for me father?

Come with me.

The Priest takes Hammond off towards the alter as the camera cuts to a shot outside of the chapel. A few moments later, Hammond can be seen emerging from the front door of the chapel. He looks out at the sun, and puts on his coat. He breathes out what looks like a sigh of relief. He then turns to the camera one last time

Doctor, Steven, Doug...I'll see you real soon.

He turns his back on the camera and begins walking away as the scene fades to black
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Fog pours in through the gaping parking garage opening at a WZCW house show in Fort Lauderdale, Flordia, as Leon Kensworth fiddles intently with his microphone. He turns to his cameraman after a few moments and speaks into the tool of his trade.

Is this f*cking thing working yet?

The cameraman gives Leon a big thumbs-up before both turn their attention to the silhouette of a mysterious figure entering the garage. The (apparent) man is carrying something large, flat, and rectangular in his arms which appears to have skinny legs extended towards the ground and is covered in some sort of curtain. Leon’s eyes widen as the man escapes the fog only to be revealed as the always well-dressed Hunter Kravinoff. The Ugandan Wild Man meets Kensworth’s surprised gaze, smiles heartily, and walks over to greet the man with the microphone. Kravinoff sets down what’s quite obviously a picture of some sort which has been covered and placed on an easel.

Oh my gosh... Where have you been?!

Kravinoff looks as though he’s caught off guard by this question.


You’ve fallen off the face of the Earth these last two months. Management couldn’t get in contact with you in your hut back in Uganda. What gives?

Oh, right. I set up residence up north and forgot to tell anybody where I’d gone. Sorry about that. After suffering like I have, a man needs solitude to heal his body and soul for the battle which lies ahead.

Kensworth shrugs dismissively.

Well I guess that makes sense. Where exactly did you find solitude?

Kravinoff rubs his hands together gleefully at the prospect of giving this fine place his stamp of approval.

Medicine Hat.


Medicine Hat, Alberta.


Of course.

What made you head there?

It was there where I originally encountered the creature you call Sasquatch. The game up there is highly underrated.

So you went to Canada to hunt Sasquatch?

Kravinoff laughs playfully at the suggestion.

No, no. I mastered Sasquatch long ago. I went to Canada to see what other rich, skill enhancing experiences the land had to offer.

Did you find any?

Not in the realm of hunting. Moose and squirrels are simply no match for a hunter of my advanced skills. So I ended up watching a lot of your cinema to quell my boredom.

Disturbed by the prospect of hunting squirrels to kill time, Kenworth decided to focus on the more socially acceptable aspects of Kravinoff’s statement.

Oh, that’s pretty normal. See anything decent?

Once again, I’m afraid not. Good Will Hunting wasn’t exactly what the title led me to believe.

Kensworth attempts to hold in a condescendingly chuckle as Kravinoff stares at him with ubiquitous purpose.

But don’t think I got nothing from the experience. Rather, it sent me to a public library to do a little bit of reading about psychology and the inner workings of the human mind. I sharpened my intellect so that I might become a better killer. And you know what I found?

Kensworth shrugs dismissively.

Literate people?

Yes, those too. But more importantly,

Kravinoff grows more forceful has he presses on.

I discovered exactly what kind of hypocrites you supposedly “normal” people are.

Leon looks perplexed by Kravinoff’s assertion.

Excuse me?

Malice informs Kravinoff’s words as he attempts to justify his point of view.

You people cling to logic, science, and the politically correct. And in doing this, you deny the truest, most essential parts of your being. You deny the energy that calls from deep inside and instead choose to commit yourself to the regulation of this basic instinct. And in recent decades, this gap between people and their passion has done nothing but grow.

What makes you say that?

Kravinoff glances at the picture which is obstructed from view, before glancing back to Kensworth.

The way you people have ostracised my new manager makes me say that.

Kensworth’s eyes buldge as he looks from the picture to Kravinoff.

Your... new manager?

Indeed. Would you like to meet him, Leon?

Kensworth nods as Kravinoff grabs himself a handful of the curtain draped over the picture.

Well, without further ado, I introduce to you my new manager...

Kravinoff pulls the curtain off and tosses it dramatically aside.

This is a joke, right?

Oh, it’s far from a joke. For years, you people questioned his emphasis on sexuality. You let psychoanalytic theory fall farther into the background because his theories are untestable. You’ve let reason kill passion, the truth. But this man...

Kravinoff stares longingly at the man in the picture.

...this man refused to back away from what every single one of us intrinsically knows.

Kravinoff turns his attention back to Leon and enthusiastically grabs his own crotch as Leon’s eyes once again grow wide.

You see, the father of psychoanalytic theory knew that pure libidous energy existed in each of us. Our sexuality informs our life, and in the jungle I denied none of it. I was free from the constraints of society and welcome to embrace my id. But here in the developed world, you people spend every waking moment trying to deny the true intent behind the fire in your pants!

Kensworth shakes his head in disgust.

You’re sick!

I’m right! And it’s what gives me a killer edge here in WZCW. You see, I’m not like John Constantine, a man who spent his time in politics trying to avoid letting his true colors be seen. I’m not like Austin Reynolds, who needs to stroke his ego with huge ratings in order to feel welcome to be himself. I’m not Gordito, a man who needs parties and music to let his wild side out. And I’m definitely not like Wasabi Toyota, a man who would rather hide his blood lust under the guise of a hunt for justice than admit to himself the truth regarding his nature.

You see, I’m not a liar. I’m an honest man. And there’s a whole pile of freshly slaughtered moose that can attest to that.

Kensworth looks extremely uncomfortable with everything Kravinoff just said.

From here on out, I plan to commit myself to nothing but honoring the paragon of virtue that was Sigmund Freud. Every single night, I will dedicate my match to his memory and win by win, I will restore psychoanalytic theory to its former glory as the most important school of thought in psychology!

Kravinoff breaths deeply, taking in the bombshell he has just dropped on the wrestling world.

Kensworth, growing increasingly uncomfortable, attempts to change the subject.

Does this mean you’ll be looking to exact revenge on the Crashin Movement for what they did to you?

In time, my wrath will find everyone in WZCW. That said, I have no significant grudge with the Crashin Movement. For brief, intermittent moments, they give into the killer, libidous energy which roars in their members. I can’t hold that against them. But what I can hold against them is that in many other moments, they deny their true nature, they suppress their id. I can’t abide such behavior. It makes them just like each and every person who sits in the audience. It makes them weak. To run from one’s libido means one is not really a man. Sigmund and I will make this clear at Madness and Anarchy.

You see, I’m a man whose fighting skills were refined in the most dangerous jungles on this planet. Madness and Anarchy don’t present circumstances to me which are in any way unfamiliar. I never knew what was hiding around the next corner. And yet I conquered whatever it was that happened to cross my path, be it polar bear or panda bear. I’m the ideal killer for this event, and there is no doubt that in restoring honor to Freud’s theories I will both ravish and ravage my opponent. Scenes of a sexual nature will ensue, and WZCW’s locker room will have to face the uncomfortable truth which they have denied for so long.

Kensworth stares dumbly at Kravinoff, not knowing what he can mention that won’t lead back to the topic of sexual energy.

Well, I think we have everything we need here... Right, Chuck?

Kensworth looks at the cameraman who gives him another thumbs-up.

Kravinoff smiles warmly as he picks up his picture of Freud.

Good to see you again, Leon.

Same to you.

Kravinoff walks off into the depths of the building as Leon tries to shake off the awkwardness of that interview. He attempts to make small talk with Chuck as the camera fades to black.

This fog isn’t normal for Florida, is it Chuck?
*camera cuts to a park, children running around as the sun sets. To the middle-aged man sitting on a nearby bench, it appears to be the picture of serenity. This scene is soon ended, however, because as the man gets up to stretch his legs, he's grabbed from behind and dragged away from the main park area. The camera follows the two behind some trees, as the attacker is revealed to be Chris Jones, who pins the man against one of the trees*

Jones: You know what you look like to me?

Man: What....what is the meaning of-

Jones: You look like someone who took the song Aqualung too seriously.

Man: What?

Jones: "Sitting on a park bench..."

*Jones looks past the tree, at the park*

Jones: "....eying little girls..."

*Jones looks back at the man, wicked grin on his face*

Jones: "...with bad intent."

Man: Wait, wait, wait. I'll have you know that my daugther is right-

*Jones covers the man's mouth with his hand*

Jones: No, no. Don't try and defend yourself. The word of a filthy pedophile is less than nothing. Just accept what's about to happen.

*Jones then suddenly lurches forward, his forehead connecting with the man's forehead, causing him to let out a muffled cry. The man slumps down, Jones reaching up and rubbing his own forehead*

Jones: Oh, Wilhelm...why did you have to do this?

Man: Wha....who's-

*the man is quickly cut off by a sharp kick to the face, courtesy of Jones*

Jones: Shut up! You don't have the slightest clue what you threw away in your arrogance! You and I...we could've been something, Wilhelm. We had an understanding, we understood what needed to be done. We could've made a difference. WE COULD'VE BEEN FRIENDS! But you just had to make it about you! You just had to satisfy your own malnourished ego!

*Jones kneels down and starts wailing on the defenseless man, screaming at him the whole time*

Jones: You just couldn't deal with the fact that I was better than you! That I always have been better than you! That I always WILL be better than you! You hated that and it'll kill you in the end, Wilhelm! And if it won't, I WILL! DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?!

*Jones eventually stops, looking at the bleeding, whimpering man*

Jones: Well...look at that. I've made you bleed, just like I did at All Or Nothing. I did enjoy making you bleed, Wilhelm. I do enjoy making you bleed. But that wasn't enough for me. No, I need more from you, Wilhelm. Ask me. Ask me what I want.

*the man just barely manages to croak out the next sentence*

Man: me?

*Jones grins, standing up, pulling out a lead pipe from his jacket*

Jones: I want to hear you scream.

*Jones then swings the pipe down, the pipe connecting with the man's knee with a sickening crack. The man lets out a pained, weakened scream, whimpering with blood and tears running down his face*

Jones: ...That's a start. But don't worry Wilhelm. You'll experience worse soon enough. Whether it be at Mayhem Madness or Ascension Anarchy, it makes no difference. I've always been partial to anarchy, and...well, we all go a little mad sometimes, don't we?

*Jones kneels down beside the man*

Jones: Hey. You're not going to do that again, are you? No, you're not. Because now you know better. Now you know that your Savior knows what's best for you.

*Jones gets up, grinning as he sneaks off, lead pipe left behind as the man whimpers helplessly*
Excitement, Hectic, Emotional. These are three words I would use to describe the last few days in my life. At All or Nothing I did two things that I am immensely proud of. First I pinned Constantine after a ''team'' effort from all the competitors in the EurAsian 6 pack challenge. We showed him that we had had enough of his attitude and decided to fight back and shut him up once and for all. Second and most importantly, I achieved something that I've been fighting for ever since I stepped foot into a WZCW ring. After months of being so close but so far, it finally happened, I got championship gold and became the EurAsian Champion.

6 guys walked into that match and any one of those 6 guys could have walked out EurAsian Champion, there was no clear favourite. It was tough, as all 6 pack matches are, but I had a game plan. I just wanted to hang on as long as I could to get into the final three competitors because when that happens it's all about being in the right place at the right time. Blade, Baez, Phoenix, Michael Winters and John Constantine are all tremendous wrestlers but nothing was going to stop me finally getting what I have been searching for. After everything I have been through in my debut year in WZCW, from squaring off against Carmen Bratchny in the Lethal Lottery, taking on Lars Reider and Ty Burna among others in the King For A Day Elimination Chamber to going up against Austin Reynolds in an Inferno match, it was all worth it to stand before the WZCW Universe as your EurAsian Champion.

It's easy to forget why we do what we do here in WZCW. For the most of us the fans are the most important part because without them this would all stop, there's no need for wrestling if there's no crowd to rock. I think most people forget that which is why every time I go out there I give my all and try to ensure the fans go home happy. I think we achieved that at All or Nothing. The action was thick and fast paced, Winters and Phoenix had a strong showing as did Blade and Baez. When it came down to it though I just picked my moment, I saw an opportunity and took my chance and I'd like to think that the fans went home very happy with the outcome of the match.

*Scene opens with the camera zoomed in on the EurAsian Championship. The name plate on the belt reads ''Chris Beckford'' As the camera zooms out slowly we can see Chris Beckford Stood next to Leon Kensworth. Chris has the EurAsian title wrapped around his waist but is in casual wear with a pair of jeans and a plain black T-Shirt.*

Kensworth: Are you ready to do this?

You bet.

Kensworth: Then lets do it *Pauses for a few seconds* Hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to a WZCW.Com Exclusive. Joining me in a few moments will be the new WZCW EurAsian Champion Chris Beckford but first lets remind ourselves of what went down at All Or Nothing.

Harrys: The following is a 6 man elimination match. The rules of this match are as follows. Six people will be in the ring and will be fight under elimination rules which will also include DQs and count outs. Once we get to the final three the rules of the match will then go to the normal rules of Triple Threat where the winner will become the new EurAsian champion!

They turn and nod their heads and all jump Constantine and start punching him to the ground. Phoenix runs and hits him with the Rebirth. Constantine holds his head and slowly gets to his feet. Winters comes up from behind and lifts him up and hits The Crucifix. Baez readies himself as Constantine slowly gets on his knees. Baez runs and bounces off the ropes. Smashmouth connects. Blade walks up and lifts Constantine to his feet and hooks his arms. The Halo. Beckford goes to the corner and climbs the ropes. He stares around the arena before landing Cross Country. Beckford with the cover. 1... 2... 3.

Harrys: John Constantine has just been eliminated!

Phoenix grabs Winters arm and wrenches it behind his back, Return to Heliopolis is locked in. Winters tries to reach for the ropes as Phoenix locks in a Headscissors as well. His arm is a few inches away, but he is unable to move himself forward. Winters fights to get closer, but after a while he can no longer fight the pain and taps out.

Harrys: Michael Winters has been eliminated!

Phoenix is by the corner as Blade runs in and pushes him hard into the turnbuckle. Phoenix turns around and Blade hooks his arms. Blade goes for The Halo. He hits it! Blade crawls for the cover. 1... 2... 3.

Harrys: Phoenix has been eliminated!

Copeland: The person who gets the next pinfall or submission, Beckford, Baez, or Blade, will be the new EurAsian Champion.

Baez points to the corner and climbs the rope. Blade stands up. Baez goes for the Headbuster. Blade catches him and hits a 180 degree Spinebuster. Blade with the pin. 1... 2... Baez kicks out.

Blade starts to pick Baez up and set him up for The Halo. Baez suddenly breaks his arms free and locks in a Head lock. Turns it into Twisted T! The cover 1... 2..... Blade kicks out.

Baez flies at Blade. Comes up short as Blade is able to kick him in the gut midair. Blade hooks his arms and hits a quick Halo out of nowhere. Blade lies on the floor for about 6 seconds before slowly crawling over top of Baez. 1... 2...... Leg Drop by Beckford off the top rope breaks the cover. Beckford hobbles up to his feet and turns around. Blade is bent over almost standing. Beckford quickly hooks his head, Cross Drop over top of Baez. Blade rolls over to the side of the ring. Beckford stumbles over to the corner, looks back at Baez on the mat and climbs onto the top rope. He stands straight up and stares at the massive crowd all cheering him on. He looks down at Baez. He nods. Cross Country! The ref makes the count. 1... 2... 3!

Harrys: Here is your winner... and the... NEW... EurAsian Champion... Chris Beckford!

Copeland: Chris has done it! He has finally done it. After months and months of outstanding matches that went down to the wire, Chris has finally broken through and won his first big event match! Chris is now your NEW EurAsian Champion joining the likes of Big Dave, Showtime, and the current World Champion, Ty Burna.

Beckford buries his head in the ring, fighting back tears. The ref shakes him and presents him with the EurAsian Title Belt. Beckford finally looks up and smiles. He takes the belt and lays the belt on the mat. He rests his head on the belt, before getting up and raising the belt over his head. The crowd roars with huge Beckford chants. Beckford climbs onto the turnbuckle and posses with the belt. He kisses the belt and raises it again. He climbs off the turnbuckle and hops outside and begins to celebrate with the fans along the sides. He enters the crowd and climbs up the stair and posses with the fans in the crowd.

Kensworth: The EurAsian Champion Chris Beckford joins me now. Chris I guess the first thing is congratulations.

Beckford: Thanks Leon, it's been a tough first year in WZCW but this caps it off brilliantly and I'd like to say to all the fans out there that I couldn't have become a champion in WZCW without their continued love and support so thank you very much for that guys.

Kensworth: Talk us through the match from your point of view did you have an idea of what to expect and a plan of making it through?

Beckford: Not at all, I mean the first thing I said to myself was, survive until the final three and then anything can happen. With so many variables in the match it's almost impossible to have a plan and execute it.

Well you did get down to the final three and managed to pin Baez to pick up the Championship, tell us about that moment.

I just saw an opportunity. I saw Blade staggering and decided to hit him with the Cross Drop and saw the best chance of the match to get up top and hit the Cross Country on Baez. It was nothing personal against Baez and I'm sure if the roles were reversed he would have done the same thing. The moment the ref counted three I just couldn't believe it. All the work that I and Sam Remmington had done had paid off and it was just an amazing feeling.

Kensworth: Of course Sam has now left your employment and what a fitting way to end it.

Beckford: Exactly, you know people come into WZCW and don't win a single championship so for me to pick up the EurAsian championship in my debut year is a great achievement for me and I want to dedicate the win to Sam because I couldn't have done it without him. Now I plan to join the elite stars that have used the EurAsian championship as a stepping stone to the top. The likes of Showtime and Ty Burna are names that spring to mind and to be even mentioned in the same vein as them is a huge honour to me personally.

Kensworth: Do you think people will compare you to the former EurAsian champion Big Dave?

Beckford: I doubt it. Big Dave is a fantastic competitor and some could even argue the best EurAsian champion in WZCW history. But we both have different styles and have completely different mindsets so to compare us would be silly.

Kensworth: Up next for you Madness and Anarchy. How do you see this playing out?

Beckford: I'm excited for this, it's a completely random show where anything can happen. I could be up against Ty Burna or I could be up against Toyota. I could be in a steel cage match or have my first championship defence in another 6 pack challenge. The possibilities are endless and I like that unpredictability. What ever happens and no matter who I get, I'll be giving it my all. I'll be ready.

Kensworth: Okay well I'd like to thank you for your time Chris and wish you luck for your match or matches this week. Ladies and Gentlemen the new EurAsian Champion Chris Beckford.

*Beckford leaves the interview area*

Kensworth: Join me again next week when I'll be looking into the WZCW and the career of former Elite X Champion Frankie Smith. That’s all for now Goodbye.

*The scene fades*
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If any one of the guys who gets beat tonight says that they don’t go over every single of their moment of their match in their mind, then they are a liar. Every defeat comes as a result of arrogance or poor decision making. Some human flaw – no one is perfect.

Where the FUCK did I go wrong?

Austin Reynolds was lying on his chest while WZCW medics treated his shoulders with a multitude of ice packs and massage. As the medics were doing their work they were careful not to talk to him too much. He was visibly seething from the moment he came backstage. His face was almost beetroot red and his eyes, you could tell that his mind was whirring away with a million thoughts passing through his mind.

Constantine.....and Showtime planned it all along. That political prick tapped Showtime and the ref bought it. I had no chance. I was going to get screwed no matter what because if I was going to pose any threat at the end of the match – he would be there. It was a miraculously smart plan. I had not expected it out of the pair of them.

The medics had left. Were they done? Austin sat up, moved the ice pack and wiggled his fingers. He walked to his locker room, slammed the door shut and got the shower running. He keyed a short text and got ready for the shower.

Constantine and Cougar, anytime, anywhere, no holds barred, make it happen Dom.

Ten minutes later, he came out feeling somewhat refreshed, having managed to mostly wash off the stench of conspiracy that had flooded his mind. He reached for his phone and saw a response to his text.

Denied, sorry bud. They said no. Something about random shows this week – chin up, will work on it.

Austin was fuming. This only furthered his firm belief that this entire scenario was a conspiracy. The phone vibrates again.

It won’t help but management told me tonight that you are the longest reigning Elite X champion in company history.

Great news right? thoughts exactly

A knock at the door snaps Austin out of his nightmare. He wasn’t expecting visitors and this night could not get any worse. He opens it and in front of is Chris Beckford, the new Eurasian champion. He didn’t seem to have the belt on him and he just had a casual t-shirt and sweat pants.

“Hey man, look....I just wanted to say I saw what went on in your match and I couldn’t believe it. I was all ready to come out there but the match was over before I knew it.”

“Yeah the damn idiots planned it to damn near perfection.”

Beckford breathes in deeply as if he doesnt quite know how to address the situation

“I know the irony of this situation – me having won tonight, you having lost. It’s crazy”

“I hadn’t thought of it like that.”

“Look, I just wanted to let you know that your time will come. The Lethal Lottery is coming up and then there’s Kingdom Come. You have all the potential in the world and Showtime and Constantine can’t touch you on your day.”

“Thank you – it means a lot. Congratulations yourself by the way. You came through one hell of a match.”

They shake hands. Beckford goes his own way while Austin gets ready to leave. The night needs to end and he can’t wait for his head to hit the pillow.


A week later and Austin is in a simple studio. Behind him is a large projector screen which is currently showing the WZCW logo. Austin is wearing his trademark suit and is looking extremely smart. The smile on his face betrays the events of recent weeks. He seems to have some of his old pop back.

“What makes the Lottery, Lethal? Is it the fact that anything can happen to anyone? Is it that any one of nineteen other guys all have a chance of going for the same prize that you are and anyone of them can stop you along the way?”

The projector above Austin just out of picture whirs and rumbles into action. We see footage of The One Big Will and Titus winning the previous Lethal Lottery matches. He pauses to observe the brief highlights.

“Such is the road we tread. We are on the road to Lethal Lottery but at All or Nothing, I went in with everything and left with nothing.”

“I got conned by the alliance that no-one saw coming. They screwed me and my fans. I don’t know how they did it and I don’t care why. I figure Constantine was desperate and I am wondering if Showtime offered him a bit part on The Show. Or producer credits. I could have got that chump a job as a runner on a two bit Hollywood Z List movie that would be worth more money.”

As Austin speaks, his bitterness emerges and he turns away. Behind him, footage of the All or Nothing screwjob is rolling.

“But David Cougar and John Constantine have made a mistake for life. Whether it is a career pact or just an alliance to get things done, it doesn’t matter. I will end them, as a unit and then individually. They can’t beat me without distractions. With no interference I can put them on their back quicker than lightning.”

“This marriage of convenience, this sham that took my title away from me will not have a honeymoon. As soon as I get my hands around their scrawny throats, I will expose them for the big-headed pricks that they are.” Austin smiles but his furious intent is clear. “This union is going to be ended before you know it. I am going to light a fire underneath their asses and watch their egos burn it to the ground.”

“I don’t care when it happens, it could be Meltdown or Ascension. Without my title, I have no restraints. I will bring ratings no matter where I go and everywhere I go, an ass kicking for Cougar and Constantine will follow.”

The footage behind him stops, leaving a last image of John Constantine and Showtime smiling before an image of a spinning roulette wheel appears.

“And when the roulette wheel appears this week and shakes the company up, I would give anything to face them.”

“But I don’t care who I have to face or what odds that I have to fight, when I look across the ring I will see the faces of Cougar and Constantine. I have to make sure that they pay for their actions.”

When he mentions the men whose actions at All or Nothing, his eyes glaze over with furious anger for a brief second before his clarity remerges.

“So bring on psycho Barbosa, known to his friends as Barbie, he just looks like Showtime on a good day. Or the Crashin Movement, our tag champs, who speak with the same lack of conviction as David Cougar.”

“Or how could I forget Constantine, the guy who is so dull that he makes Chris Jones and Sam Smith look like they have some charisma.”

As he makes these jibes, he displays the typical Reynolds charm – a broad grin on his face and a slight swagger as he swings from side to side.

“I could face anybody on the roster in any type of match and you know what. I can’t wait. I am going to expose the roster for what it is – a vacuumless sack of charisma-less and muscle-bound freaks. There is only one Ratings Winner and the events between now and Lethal Lottery will show that. I am going to be at that event and show that at All or Nothing, I was being thwarted by punks and circumstance. ”

He looks at his right shoulder, where he so often carried the Elite X title with incredible pride.

“I’ve lost my title already so now I have nothing to lose. But amongst the madness and anarchy, I will succeed because ratings need to be won like never before.”

The scene fades as the final image is the spinning roulette wheel stops with Austin's five-star logo at the top.
The scene opens upon a cemetery where rows of gravestones are neatly lined up, some of them have wreaths of poppies laying against them, the silence is changed as the sound of ‘The Last Post’ is blown in the background, the bugle plays as triumphantly as it can until it finishes off into silence. The camera pans around as it views a gathering of people who stand in silence, remembering those who fought and died for their country, each member of the crowd has a poppy pinned to their left breast. The camera eventually pans across the crowd to find Big Dave standing there in silence in a short coat and formal looking trousers.

Eventually the silence is replaced by the voice of the groups who are in discussion, except for Dave who remains in silence, he decides to separate himself from the group. He looks out at the row of graves before giving a final nod and then leaving the cemetery in peace, he walks along the path in deep serious thought. He eventually stops at a bench nearby, he bows his head down

You mock me now, but my time will come

His head raises up as he proceeds to sit down on the bench and address the camera, leaning directly into it.

And that time may be sooner than you think, despite not being a victor or a loser at All or Nothing, my will and determination has not swayed. Everest and all you hypocrites may have had the last laugh that night but soon my time to return the favour shall endure for now. While Everest and myself have some unfinished business, my attention turns to the event that I should say is my realm, Madness and Anarchy. Last year at this event I was victorious in what would be described as the ‘luckiest’ draw of the night, teaming with Ricky to take on Titus and succeed in victory. While you may call it luck, I call it fate, for I reign supreme over the screams of madness and the disorder that is anarchy, this is the night where I shine the most and fate will hand me what will be the most benefitting element of all, the path that cements my future. This could be from getting Everest in a Cage match to finish what was left unconcluded, or getting my instant qualification into the Lethal Lottery, or better yet, my shot at the World Heavyweight Championship.

He looks away before turning straight back with a slight smirk on his face.

Now many of you may laugh at the idea, especially Chuck Myles, that the chances of me facing Ty are 32 to 1, and the odds of it being a championship shot are 5 to 1. But the fact is that regardless of this ‘ban’ I have which soon reaches its end, my chance to get my deserved shot can happen this week because the random draw negates any ban, so if I walk out with that belt around my waist, I will have the eternal last laugh because I beat Myles to the punch, having his own concept used against him gets me what he prevents me from getting, I just get excited from the thought of it happening.

He stops for a second as he holds a thought, that thought makes his clench his fists before looking down to the ground.

But then, the thought of you naysayers has been…poisoning, my mind.

He looks directly up again.

You see, last year you mocked my efforts with my good friend Ace and our ‘leader’ Ricky and saw us as a joke, the people who couldn’t get the job done. What happened then? I shone and lead by example to bring gold to the rWo and continued to shine in its demise. Now a year on, I hear the laughter recite their song, mocking me for getting the job half done with Everest. But I ask why? Because Phoenix defeated him? Or Titus? Ty Burna? Ricky? You fail to see the actual point that occurred at All or Nothing. You see, I didn’t defeat Everest, but I never lost to him either which proves one thing, that the question that was asked got answered, that being, was there any difference between him and myself? The answer was nothing, absolutely nothing. Despite past achievements of holding certain belts and being a former World Champion, I proved that I could go toe to toe with him and still leave on his level because we were as good as we could get. Nobody has ever kicked out of the Stamp of Authority, but it takes someone of Everest’s calibre to do something like that. I don’t respect him for it, but I know it’s that pride of the World Heavyweight Championship running through him that kept him going as he could try, much like the pride of being the World Champion inspires me to do more. But that mockery, the one similar to what you gave me last year, it opens a part of me, like a headache that wants destroy anything human that remains in the mind, it’s ready to make me unleash and this is where it comes full circle again to my domain.

Dave stands up from the bench, he paces towards a car that’s parked nearby.

Because this only inspires me to unleash that pain you bestow upon me to know what you cause inside my head will come back to haunt you, but I can only take responsibility for the actions I cause against anyone who is unfortunate to be in my path. You will be responsible for your own demise and misery, leaving the image of me standing in watch, at my peak and upon the thrones of Olympus as I look down knowing that no matter what happened then, what happens now, the only certainty is that you will look up and beg for my mercy knowing you were wrong to question, mock and oppose me. It’s only a matter of time as it begins to whisper the fateful countdown, you may not hear it now, but as each moment paces, the whisper will get louder to the point where it screams at you, burning the agony against your skull until it finally stops, and the moment hits you with silence, and that look upon your face will be the one that I will remember as you look back, deflated and defeated as you see nothing but my hand raised in victory, knowing that I did nothing to you because I made friends with karma, the same person who will make you her bitch.

He opens the door of the car

It’s only a matter of time…tick

He sits down at the driver’s seat.


He slams the door shut and drives off as the camera pans around at the quiet scene once again as through the clouds a small beam of light breaks through.
Scene opens at the site of Meltdown. It is late in the morning and Leon Kensworth and Johnny Klamour are standing outside of the arena near the entrance. Johnny is having a smoke and talking up a storm to Leon, wildly moving his arms to add emphasis. Leon looks about as board as can be, until his attention is drawn to an oncoming vehicle behind Klamour. Klamour turns and sees the limo rolling across the parking lot. The license plate reading “SPT”.

Leon: Oh look, I didn’t know Stone Temple Pilots were playing on Meltdown tonight.

Klamour: You dolt, that’s STP. That could only be one of two great men.

The limo comes to a stop beside them. The limo driver gets out of the car and opens the passenger door. Stepping out of the limo is the Elite X Champion, Showtime David Cougar. Showtime has a huge smile on his face and the Elite X Title hung perfectly around his shoulder.

Cougar: Kentsworth. Johnnnyyy! Bet you weren’t expecting to see me.

Showtime walks up to both men, Johnny approaches him first and happily shakes his hand.

Showtime… it is as always good to see you. I knew you could do it… I was rooting for you the whole time. I even bet Leon 50 bucks you would take the title from Reynolds.

What are you talking about Johnny? You lost all the matches. I have the bar napkin here with all your picks.

Johnny takes the napkin from Leon’s hand and rips it up. He stops and turns slowly to Showtime’s disapproving look. He takes off his shapes and stares menacingly at Johnny. He then starts to smile and laughs.

That’s alright Johnny, in fact that’s exactly what I wanted. A lot of people thought that I would continue my skid, that they knew somehow their hero would be befallen from some wrongful act, that this would be the very last moment that they would see their beloved star on their favourite show. Was it a contract squabble? Could he really be moving on to greater things? But like I knew I would, I prevailed and shocked the world by ending the mock reign of the former Elite X champion Austin Reynolds, and by doing it in the most unexpected way.

Yeah, by bribing that crocked politician into fixing the match for you.

Showtime and Klamour turn sharply towards Leon. Showtime approaches him and stands over him. He then extends his hand and shakes Leon’s and then leads them towards the arena.

I appreciate your honest opinion, I face many a tough critic and that was cold shot. But had I not been in such an ecstatic mood you might’ve ended up an early season cancelation.

Showtime signals his limo driver to carry his luggage inside and leads Leon and Johnny back inside.

The fact is Leon I was in complete control of the match. I was up 3-1 and Reynolds only point was a count out. I could’ve continued my assault and ended the feud and the controversy right there and then. But why do that? Why after helping Austin reach the top tier would I want to send him back to the very depths of mediocrity? Because it wasn’t enough. Because deep down when Austin spews his own self ego out to himself in the mirror, he knows he can’t beat me. He knows he can’t beat anybody with any shed of talent in this company. No, a plan ordinary finish where the better man, Showtime David Cougar, stands tall was not enough. The fans deserved more. They needed something bigger.

Leon you may say I had Constantine out there for insurance, in case I wasn’t going to win. Well you can read the telegram I sent Constantine. It will confirm that it was plan all along to let my lead slip. I knew that I would beat Austin. By one, two, three, four, however many, I knew I would win. To get the ultimate payback I had to make him feel just as I felt when we fought on Ascension, like he’d been screwed over. The look on his face and the fans shocked reaction made me realize the perfection that I had created.

I have taken away from Austin everything that he had and yet still left him among the main event here in WZCW, and now he’ll have to prove that he really does belong here. And with Lethal Lottery on the horizon and every man competing for a spot, Austin knows he has to go through me to win that match and get a shot to face the WZCW Champion at Kingdom Come and this time there will be no excuses for him to be able to fall back on when I soundly beat him and effectively set my place as the greatest champion ever in WZCW, and soon to be the only man to hold all 4 singles belts

Showtime, Leon, and Johnny, get to the doors and start walking down the hall towards Showtime’s dressing room.

Showtime that is without question the most brilliant idea I have ever heard. Without question I am going to do whatever it takes to get you nominated for an Emmy.

What my umm esteem colleague is trying to ask when you get past the ass kissing is why did you pick John Constantine?

That is a good question Johnny. Thank you Kentsworth for reiterating it to me.

Leon sighs.

That’s Kensworth.

Sorry Leonard, anyway I did put a good amount of thought into whom I wanted to help me. Chris Jones did suffer an unfortunate loss and seemed like a fine prospect, but there was just something about his anger, too combustible, too chaotic. I thought Tucker and Bomb, two young minds I could mold. But then I thought about the personal egos of the two and the fact they sought revenge on the Crashin Movement, something I wanted no part of.

And then I thought the Crashin Movement, strength in numbers, but to be part of a group named after a decrepit jobber, no thanks. And I think I even bumped into Барбоса, but then I thought he might wind up hitting himself with the chair.

The truth is I didn’t think of any of those guys. I knew all along I wanted Constantine to be the man to help carry out this plan. Constantine has been a force here from the moment he stepped off the podium and into a ring. He handled Reynolds inside the ring all too well and solidified my views on both of them. As corny as this may sound you guys… I believe in John Constantine

Showtime enters his private dressing room with Leon and Johnny close behind. He takes off his jacket and hangs it on the chair. He steps towards his bar and pours himself a drink and asks them if they would like a drink. Johnny accepts and Showtime hands him a drink.

Any politician will tell you they need the support of a wealthy backer, a member of the upper echelon or a man with powerful connections, to win the support of the public. Just look at how Sarah Palin supported those members of the Tea Party Movement and most won of their election seats. Now don’t compare me to that cuo cuo nut Palin, but all Constantine really needs is one man to say, I support John Constantine. And I believe in what Constantine is saying. He is a voice of great things and a powerful supporting character, quite possibly the John Lithgow to my Michael C. Hall of Dexter for comparison. And with my connections I will help spread his message across to our viewers who will rally and support their Hero’s, the Showtime Power Trip, while we prepare for a bigger free for all than the next presidential election, the Lethal Lottery.

Showtime sits down in his chair facing Leon and Johnny. Johnny takes a sip back and laughs.

Showtime that is a brilliant idea, this plan has zero holes in it.

I can think of one. Showtime what happens when Constantine decides he’d rather go after you and your Elite X championship instead of feuding with 5 different guys? Or what if you guys happen to face each other on this week’s Madness and Anarchy?

Mine and Constantine’s union is on a term by term basis. He did exactly what I had asked him to do and in and in return I will provide him the means to spread his words. We have an understanding and will work towards the ultimate goal, winning the Lethal Lottery and establishing our dominance in WZCW. For the moment Austin is barely a blip on our radar screen, deflated from his loss, and we will work towards righting the wrong that was the EurAsian Title match. Beckford does not deserve to be mentioned in the same breath as Ty, Big Dave or myself, and Constantine will correct that costly error the guilty 5 have made. If we so happen to face each other on these shows then we will no doubt do what he have to do for the fans. Bones may break and egos could be crushed, but the union will stand and the Elite X title will remain a part of our take over. If I have anything to say about it, it will remain on my shoulders.

Showtime looks down at the belt. He rubs his name plate and then looks back at Leon and Johnny.

As for this week, I could face any one of those 6 men that have wronged us and take one off of our man hunt list, or some lucky individual may get his chance to be in the spot light and step into the ring with Showtime David Cougar. I remember last year’s Madness and Anarchy. I was up against a brash but talented new comer Marcus Chambers. He and I were in a First Blood match and the end result of his humiliating defeat was his head being smashed through a limo window. Just wait and see what I have in store for an encore this year.

So to all the new comers, Ferbian, Cooper, Hays, and Winters, to all the champions, Beckford, Wunderbar, Crashins and Ty, and to all the has-beens and losers Hammond, Jones, Baez, Gordito, Big Dave and Everest, the best pure wrestling champion is here to begin his conquest towards the biggest prize in this company, the WZCW Heavyweight Championship. And with my associate John Constantine by my side, it will not be long before every belt in WZCW belongs to the new Super Titans of WZCW, it will not be long before everyone becomes a believer… of The Showtime Power Trip

Showtime turns and looks at Leon and Johnny still standing by the door.

Well... which one of you was smart enough to be taking notes?

My note pad... where did it go.

Johnny pulls a tape recorder from his back pocket.

Got it all right here.

Good... now spread the word.

Johnny runs off and waves Leon's notebook behind him. Leon notices and chaces after Johnny. Showtime goes to shut the door. He hears his phone vibrating and goes to check his text messages. He received one from John Constantine who wrote his first declaration.

"The actions of everyone will finally catch up with them and it begins at Meltdown Madness and Ascension Anarchy."

Showtime texts back.

"and so The Show begins tonight"
The camera turns on and we see Cory sitting in the WZCW locker room when his phone rings. He pulls it out and when he sees the caller ID he smiles and answrs it.

Cory: How's it going man, it's been a while hasn't it? (He listens to the perso on the other end before he continues.) That's awesome we're gopnna have to get together at some point and catch up. Hey guess what happened whie you were off becoming a famous wrestling star. I went out and became a WZCW superstar. Yeah, I got my first match this up coming week but due to the fact that the matches are picked by random i have no idea who my opponent is or what kind of match I'll be in.

At that moment someone knocks on the door and when Cory opens it Alex Bowen walks into the locker room with his phone to his ear and a huge grin on his face. Both Cory and Alex laugh as they put their phones in their pockets and share a fierce hug.

Cory: You're a dick, you know that right? You make me think you're on theo ther side of the city and won't be able to make it this way until after the show later this week but here you are standing in front of me. How did you get past the security anyway?

Alex: You're looking at the newest member of the WZCW roster. After seeing you at that house show a while back I got to thinking. I've been in a lot of wrestling companies and I've held both singles titles and Tag Titles with my brother David. In WZCW though I've never held a title and i came back to change that. Which is actually the reason I wanted to talk to you. With the noth of us here in WZCW I was thinking we could form a tag team and win the WZCW Tag Titles together.

Cory Thinks about it and looks like he's on the verge of saying no but when he sees the look of concern and disapointment on Alex's face he burts out laughing. Alex shakes his head and punches Cory in the arm.

Cory: Dude you know I had to get you back for what you did. In all seriousness though i wouldl ove to tag with you. The Crashin' Movement won the Tag Team titles at the last PPV and at siome point down the road me and you will beat them or whoever is has the titles and hold them high above our heads not just for us but for all the Juggalos in the world.

Alex throws his arms around Cory and gives him a big bear hug.

Alex: That's awesome man we'll go over the details of our team later but right now I have a question for you. On the phone you mentioned the matches that the matches were picked at random. What the hell were you tlalking about?

Cory: This weeks episodes are called Meltdown Madness and Asencion Anarchy. What that means is everyone on the card for each show is paired up at random, we might not even be on a team this week and fight eacho ther or we could have a match for the Tag Titles. I'm thinking we're gonna have singles matches, whether they'll be for a title or not is anyones guess. Enough of this, we haven't seen each other in years , Lets go grab a drink at the closest bar and cath up, I'm paying.

With that Cory puts his arm around Alex's shoulder and they both leave the locker room as the camera fades to black.
The scene is Jordan Lights locker room. Jordan has just walked out back after his defeat at the pay per view. You can see the look of frustration on his face as Lilith is not too far behind him.

I thought I was going to win that match! Damnit Lilith I thought that match was in the bag!

Jordan slams his fist into the wall as Lililth takes a seat across from Jordan.

Jordan, you may not have won the match, but you did really good. You said yourself Baller was improving.

Jordan sits down and begins undoing the tape on his wrists still looking a bit frustrated.

Lilith, I've busted my ass to get to where I am, I'm almost a year in here in WZCW , I thought for sure it was my time.

Lilith looks at Jordan with a look of disappointment on her face.

What's that look for ? What do you have to be so disappointed about ?

Jordan, you're still dwelling on the past. The match is over and I'm sure you'll get another chance to qualify for the match. You're a great wrestler, Baller just had your number tonight, and also Ferbian's, don't worry. I'm sure Ferbian feels the same as you do right about now.

Jordan grabs an ice pack out of his bag and puts it on his on his neck.

Look this week is Meltdown Madness and Ascension Anarchy Jordan! You've got to be ready for anything, you realize that right?

Jordan pulls out a t shirt and puts it on and tucks the bag of ice in it.

Lilith, you know what? You're right, it's time I start embracing who I am. I've got to be ready for anything. I am ready to fully lead the straight edge life style. I'm better now then I've ever been. With no foreign substance in my body, I see clearly now. This week , whatever show I appear on, I will show everyone that straight edge is better. I will make an impact, I refuse to fade away, I'm young, it's my time to shine. I'm ready for this week, and I will make it to the Lethal Lottery and I will be in that match.

Jordan that's the attitude you need to have! Straight edge is a healthy lifestyle and you will see the benefit from it. I promise you that no matter what, you will feel beter as a person. And I can promise that you will succeed.

Lilith hugs Jordan, forgetting that his neck is sore from the submission hold Baller had on him before Jordan walks off into the showers as the scene ends.
A blinding light pans across the mirror, slowly revealing a man dressed in a pin-striped suit equipped with a title belt draped over his shoulder, which causes the intense glare to reflect back at the man who is staring at himself through the looking glass, Dr. Steven Kurtesy. He adjusts his new possession, the WZCW World Tag Team Championship, to remove the glare away from the mirror and wears a proud smile on his face. After relishing in the moment, Kurtesy snaps back to reality and turns around, looking for a place within the confines of his personal office to showcase the achievement. He soon realises there is nowhere and becomes disappointed for a brief moment, until an idea pops into his head. He proceeds to exit the room and, in the corridor, goes to the trophy cabinet. Kurtesy notices a perfectly pre-made position for the championship, located next to his first title. He does not care that the spot was reserved for the second title from his first reign as he carefully places the belt inside. He closes the door of the case and locks it with a key, taking in the view as he sees his two greatest accomplishments. He remains in deep thought, not noticing Sandy Deserts who is heard humming a cheerful tune as she enters the hallway, wearing a floral summer dress, beach sandals, black shades and a straw hat with a rose attached.

Morning, doctor!

She happily walks up to Steven and she gives him a hug.

How have you been?

I'm excellent, Sandy! It feels like the best day of my life.

She releases the hugging grip.

Is it because I've finally returned from my vacation!

It's because I have finally re-captured the title that was stolen from me a long time ago, the WZCW World Tag Team Championship!

Kurtesy becomes quite elated at the statement, whilst simultaneously, Sandy drops part of her happy expression, noticing that Steven cares more for his career than her. However, the experiences she gained on her holiday bumped her mood back up... as well as the fact that whenever Steven gets into one of his thought trains, there is no stopping it.

It's like, I have been revived... rejuvenated. I feel like I have the strength of a thousand men... all because this title gives me that special something. It's as if the hole has been filled, the null I felt is now void.

Take it easy there, Steven. You don't want to wrap your head around that championship and become obsessed with it.

Steven, for the first time, looks at Sandy with a questioning look.

On the contrary, my dear... whilst part of my new-found emotions extend from fulfilling what the Movement has set out to accomplish and regaining my property, there is another whole dimension to what this championship has brought me... a foundation!

It is now Sandy who looks at Steven questionably.

Let me ask you a question... how many people can you name off the top of your head that have been a multiple time champion?

Deserts, who loves a challenge, ponders for a short moment before answering.

Well, you've got Baez who has held the Mayhem title for a record amount, as well as James Baker... there is Everest with the World Title... oh, Big Will and Gus went back and forth with the Elite X title... and then there is...

Sandy is stopped by Steven, who laughs off her remarks.

I think a more appropriate question is in order... out of all the multiple-time champions, how many can you name that have been a multiple-time World Tag Team Champion?

Sandy thinks for quite a while and tries coming up with an answer. Steven becomes unamused as he realises the fact that Sandy is standing right in front of his trophy case, staring at the contents inside it, but is yet to find an answer.

... You?

Steven becomes delighted.

Is there anyone else?

To the best of my knowledge, it's just you.

So, if I am the only multiple-time tag team champion, what would that make me?

A doctor?

Sandy smiles cheekily as Steven blankly stares at her.

Well... yes... but, this achievement would make me the first ever of its kind! I am the first man to become a 2 time WZCW World Tag Team Champion, thus making me the greatest tag team wrestler in this company's illustrious history. What makes this much more sweeter is that in every tag team I have been involved with, I have become a champion... giving me the distinction of being the most dangerous and versatile tag team competitor to grace a WZCW ring. Don't you see Sandy... my accolades in tag team wrestling ALONE have cemented a foundation for me as becoming a future WZCW Legend!

Okay... at first I thought you were overwhelmed with the victory, but this is just getting delusional.

Didn't everything I say tell the truth?

Yes, however...

Then how can I be over my head? I understand if I exclaimed that I will be a 45 time champion by this year's Lethal Lottery, but reiterating how many titles I've won... hell, I could even say that I am better than Jordan Lights. I am better than Mr. Baller. Better than Phoenix. Tucker Graham. Wasabi Toyota... Big Dave. I am better than every single one of them... and, in saying this, I will not sound like an egotistical narcissist. You can pair me up with anyone and I guarantee you, we will dominate whoever stands in our way. How do you think the Crashin Movement became so successful?

Sandy thinks about saying something, but decides it’s best to let Steven finish his rant before speaking again.

And with these titles, we will continue to be successful. We are not here to cheat, or to get ahead in our careers via short-cuts... no, we are here to bring prestige back to these championships. By us merely holding them around our shoulders, they are already leaps and bounds on a higher level of credibility than they have been for the better part of this year. The last time these championships were considered prestigious was... well, the last time they were on me. So for anyone that wants to challenge us for these titles, the Movement have one thing to say to them... I hope you are prepared, because contending for these belts aren't for the feint of heart. Trust me, I'm a doctor.

Steven tilts his head back in the air and looks confident, with Sandy looking quite confused. In an instant, she quickly bursts out in laughter.

I'm sorry Steven... but it sounded like you just cut a promo in front of me with no-one else around to hear it.

Steven shakes his head as Sandy is still chuckling, blinking his eyes a few times before rubbing them in disbelief.

Whoa... where am I? I got lost in one of my thoughts, didn't I?

Sandy nods.

I got to stop doing that... anyway, how was your holiday?

Sandy becomes elated, wanting to divulge everything to him about the trip.

Excellent! I see what you mean about the weather in Australia! All those male bodies glistening in the sunlight... I felt like melting!

Steven turns around and heads to his office, regretting ever asking that question...

And the women...

... or not.
Hancock is sitting in his house. He looks out at the neighborhood and points at a house.

Hancock: Inside that house is a child rapist; I’ve seen him commit the act. And he is an artist, a master in his trade. The way he subtly follows children as they walk home from school, the way he rolls down the window and offers the candy, the way he opens the door and welcomes the children to an event they will not be able to forget, the scar on a perfect life, the nightmare that has entered the real world.

Of course this was how he acted the first year of my residence here. He’s just given up. The kingdom he once dominated and ruled is now a common backyard he strolls around from time to time. He has a leg tracking device and orange stickers all over his house and car. His neighbors with kids have moved away and he now only can barely recollect he got a fresh capture. Do I feel sorry for him? No, he was the one who got into the trade with no good ending, and he gave up on the art he perfected. But I see myself in his perverted eyes.

Hancock opens the backdoor and starts walking to the house.

Hancock: I was once the king of the Indies, the feared grappler with a past that would make you cry. Now the only thing about me that makes you cry are my awful jokes.


I could hit the brainbusters, I was not the one bleeding but blood was stained across my chest, I was the one staring down at the person as they stared with glazed eyes at the gymnasium lights. I was the master in my art; I was the one who brought my downfall.

Now the last win I can remember is the win against a midget in a robot suit, and that wasn’t one of my jokes. I remember being able to leave the ring a proud man but the continuous smelling salt awakenings are clouding my memory.

Am I still Hancock? Or am I now somebody else? A person that I can’t recognize in the mirror that loss column slowly grows higher and higher. Every loss is like a police visit on suspicion of pedophilia.

First knock and he was able to divert it. Second, he’s put on a watch list. Third he is charged but released. Fourth, he can’t escape it. His name is on the danger list, his face on posters, and the metal bracelet around his ankle. He remembers the time when he looked in the mirror and knew nobody knew the true monster behind those eyes. But now the only thing in that mirror is a defanged man.

Hancock looks inside and sees the man sunk deep in a chair staring at a TV.

Hancock: Is this me? Am I the lost soul who has lost all of his previous weapons?

Yes, I’ve lost to every person on that roster and now I’m not even on Pay Per View. Now the question I must face is if I am fine with this new state of being. Do I want to lay down every night and just collect the pay check? Or do I want to headline Kingdom Come, hold the title in the air, and hear the crowd chant, “Hancock, Hancock, Hancock” I hear the chants but they are beyond the horizon. But consider this lottery the first step forward.

The lottery has always brought forth change in lives. Beggars become millionaires, kind people become misers. When my name is called in the WZCW lottery I shall move from the chair from which I have sank, I will don my weapons, I shall enter the ring, and with that first step into the ring, I shall be one step closer to hearing my name chanted across the world.
The scene opens with the image of a courthouse. It is just after sunrise, and the surrounding streets are empty. Sam Smith is sitting at the top of the steps leading to the huge oak doors.

Smith: This... Is my domain. This... Is where I feel comfortable. You see, this is where I developed my killer instinct. This is where I won my first case, at this very courthouse.

Smith stands up, motions toward the huge white courthouse. He points to one of the two giant pillars holding the structure up.

Smith: Regardless of the situation, you always need a strong foundation. I came back here to revisit my past, to tap into my foundation. To win, you need the basics... That's why I'm here. I came here as a young trial lawyer, just trying to make a living. I learned from the best here.

Smith slowly begins to descend down the steps.

Smith: During my time as a lawyer, this courthouse was a sort of sanctuary for me. Whenever I needed to think, I came here. Something about this place just sparks something inside of me. It brings out my true potential.

Smith begins to walk away from the courthouse, towards the park across the street.

Smith: This park is just another place for me to think. It's calm and protective. Huh, in some ways it has all the qualities a good lawyer should have. This park is another reason I chose to come here today. It's beautiful during Autumn. I've always liked Autumn. The golden leaves shine, to me... They represent ambition.

Smith stoops down and picks up a fallen leaf. He begins to play with it in his hands.

Smith: Right now, ambition is something I most definitely need. I must win my match this week.... Speaking of my match, I'm very excited about it. Anything can happen. Anything. That's a VERY good thing. Possibilites always lead to change. Just like the trees in Autumn, WZCW will expect a drastic change.

Smith crunches the leaf up in his hand.

Smith: Hmph, I will crush anyone who gets in my way this week--

The calm morning air is pierced by the shrill ringing of Smith's cellphone. He checks to see who it is.

Smith: Excuse me, I have to take this.

Smth scurries away, but can still clearly be heard.

Smith: Hello? Yes, mmhmm. Wh-wh-what?

An obviously shocked Smith begins to shake his head.

Smith: No, no, no, that can't be. B-b-but we just talked this morning!

Smith let's out an almost primal scream.

Smith: NO!

Smith hurls his phone the ground, it shatters to pieces. He hesitates for a moment, then as if pulled down by some invisible force he drops down to his knees. The scene fades out as we see Smith staring off into the distance, an anguished look on his face, tears streaming down his cheeks. Whispering to himself...

Smith: Why.... Why... Why...?
The scene opens to a blackened room, save for a single light hanging above an oak chair. The camera swings around slowly to reveal Ty Burna who appears to have just finished his match at All or Nothing. He sits slumped over, the WZCW World Title hanging down from his lap. His breathes are heavy and metered, and finally he begins to speak.

I did exactly....exactly what I said I would do. I am still the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, and I broke Gordito to my will. However I must commend this man's effort, he gave me everything he could, he continued even after I bloodied him and became blind from his own blood pooling in his eyes. It's such a shame he and I are so different, he would make a great pupil to the dark arts the Ouija preaches. He understood that his focus needed to be only defeating me, and because of that I got what I wanted.

Ty slowly stirs and sits up, brushing the hair from his face. A sick grin forms across his face and suddenly a more livelier look comes to his eyes. He pulls the WZCW World Title up and throws it over his shoulder.

There's nothing more I enjoy then squeezing the life out of someone struggling and fighting with every bit of effort they can muster, only to fail. This is not an indictment on you Gordito, you have much to learn and so many more wars to survive before you truly understand. It is but a thrill to me, a thrill that I have experienced only a few times. At All or Nothing, it was exactly that thrill that you provided, and you did not disappoint me. But as they say, the work of the tireless is never ending, and now I look ahead, and Meltdown Madness and Ascension Anarchy. I could sit here and rattle off how I know my match already, how chance is always upon my side, but that is exactly what I did last year and this is a different age in WZCW.

Ty closes his eyes and leans his head back, his hand absent mindedly running along the etchings on the belt. He breathes heavily once more before catching his breath fully and his eyes open once more.

Last year Big Dave's old friend Ace David and I dominated in an unlikely tag team match. This year I am WZCW World Champion, this means that every fool that hopes for a match with me will make mention of the possibility of facing me for the WZCW World Title. Apparently they did not see what I am capable of, even in a match I had no personal issues involved in. I did not have to destroy Gordito like I have so many others, I merely used enough of my strength to gain victory. I understand the chance involved with this, and there is only one person who has the right to challenge me.

Ty suddenly leans forward and his face gets inches from the camera. His eyes suddenly flash red and his grin widens before he begins laughing maniacally.

I bet you all would just love to know who I feel is worthy of facing me wouldn't you? You would just love for me to say your name and perhaps Myles would give you the death sentence you unwittingly would request. I am assured you would want to make a poetic statement full of imagery to show your supposed power, to think that just a small bit of fear or doubt would cross my mind. Fools! I am the master of this domain. I control power that you could not possibly fathom. None of you! None of you are even worthy of knowing who I see as my true challenger. But that man knows, he has known it for months now, and perhaps chance will give him the opportunity he so rightfully deserves against me. Or perhaps yet another hopeless victim will step up with vigor in their eyes, and stupidity in their mind.

Ty reaches forward and grabs the camera, dragging it closer to him. His grin disappears and a look of anger forms upon his face. His hair begins falling down in front of his face and the camera begins shaking from the force of Ty's grip.

The disrespect shown to me by everyone in WZCW will not be tolerated! Gordito showed the proper respect for my power, but even he will not be spared if chooses to cross my way once more. The Ouija has grown in strength and so have I. I am the most dangerous man in WZCW, and whoever chance pits against me, will be decimated. This is far more than a threat, this is a promise. Whether it be Gordito, Everest, Big Dave, or the likes of John Constantine nipping at my heels like the small dog he is, it matter not to me. You will all bow down to the King of Darkness, whether you decide to do so by choice, or if I break your back and force you to bend to my will. You are just puppets in my master plan, and yet you continue to snap at the one who dangles you over the pit of hell. One by one your strings will be cut, and by then it will be too late for you to realize that I have had you in my hand the whole time.

Ty continues putting more pressure into his grip on the camera, and the lens slowly begins forming a crack. Ty continues staring dead into the camera, his gaze unwavering and not blinking. His eyes continue to glow red, almost gaining intensity as he continues speaking and his voice deepening.

Just like those rookies that saw me destroy that loudmouth nobody, whoever my opponent or opponents are will have doe eyes and they will know what fear is. They will know the very deepest depth of fear, and then they will be crushed. And just like an amused young boy with a butterfly, I will tear off their wings, one by one before they become nothing more than a puddle of guts beneath my feet. No longer will I watch amused from my rightful throne atop WZCW. No longer will I wait for someone to challenge me. I have decided to make everyone my prey. You falsely believe that you can hunt me, you believe that I am a trophy to set atop your mantle, when in reality you are just food to quench my hunger for destruction.

Ty continues gripping the camera and the crack grows larger on the lens. Ty's eyes suddenly revert to normal and the sick grin forms on his face again.

WZCW is in the throes of darkness, and regardless of who claims to be your savior, who can lead you to the promised land, I am the wrathful god who watches the pitiful struggles of the false prophets, and when I tire of watching them make false claims against me...

The lens on the camera suddenly shatters, leaving the feed completely black.

They will be surrounded by pitch black and devoured by the King of Darkness.

The feed cuts out as Ty's maniacal laughing begins echoing throughout the room.
The scene opens in a backstage interview area. Leon Kensworth is standing there, waiting for an offscreen signal that he is on the air. He seems to get it, as he begins the interview.

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, Phoenix.

Phoenix comes in from the right side of the screen. His face paint is all very dark and an aura of anger and frustration come along with him.

Before we begin Phoenix, for the benefit of the audience, I would just like to make it known that we are taping this before Meltdown begins, so you still have no idea what your match this week will be. Before we get to that, however, what are your thoughts on your match from All or Nothing?

Obviously, it didn’t turn out the way I had planned. I walked in hoping to leave as the EurAsian Champion, and that opportunity didn’t come to fruition. Unlike so many others who lose title matches, I don’t plan on dwelling on it or letting it hold me back. What happened at All or Nothing is in the past. I plan on taking any leftover frustrations from that match and taking them out on my opponent or opponents this week.

Let’s talk about this week for a few moments. Last year, you faced Celeste Crimson, and won by count-out in her second-to-last match in WZCW. What insight did you gain from last year, and what do you anticipate to come from this year’s Madness and Anarchy events?

Last year left a bad taste in my mouth. I was on top of the world. I had just won the tag team championships in the match of the year and felt like I could take on and defeat anyone. I prayed that I could get my chance from that draw; a match against Ricky or Titus or Drake or Everest. A chance to prove that I was and am more than a tag team competitor. Instead, I got to watch a BDSM video on the tron and “earned” a win over someone leaving the company.

Now, one year later, I am in a different place, but it feels so familiar. I am coming off a loss in a title match instead of a victory. I have proven that I can be at least semi-successful out on my own. But I feel as though I am still the same guy still trying to prove that I am championship material. So once again, for the second year in a row, I pray that I get that chance to prove myself. I want to face Ty, Showtime or Beckford and prove to them that I am a legitimate threat to any of their title reigns. A match with anyone less will be a massacre, but a match with one of those men will finally put pen to paper on the new legend of the Phoenix. A legend in which he becomes not only the most dangerous man in WZCW, but also the most dominant.

But if it so happens that you find out you are the unlucky victim who will be facing me, and your name isn’t Ty Burna, Showtime Cougar, or Chris Beckford, I have some advice for you. If you or any loved ones you may have care about your health and well-being, make this my second year in a row winning by count-out at the Madness/Anarchy show. That loss on your record will be much less painful than looking at the medical bills I will leave you with if you do step into the ring with me.

Phoenix pauses for a moment, and looks over at Leon for a moment before speaking again.

These are my favorite shows of the year, Leon. Two nights jam-packed with surprises. And this year, I plan on being involved in more of them than you may think.

Phoenix pats Leon on the back, and walks off-screen with a sly smile on his face. After a moment, the screen fades to black.
The screen begins, and all is black, nothing is seen. Not pinch of light, nobody in sight, just darkness. Then with no warning a flash, bright as the sun itself. The screen lights up, and a loading screen pops up. The bar begins to fill, slowly, more and more. Then when it is full, we shift to a menu. This is then followed by a video which begins to play.

Cooper: Welcome to the 47th web episode of "Backstage with Justin Cooper". After the biggest match of my career, at All or Nothing, I still have the time to give my fans. The better fans, the fans with class, the High Society. The best 10 minutes, of your life, it is like reading the bible. That is how much information, how knowledge you will receive while hearing me speak. Now, this past Sunday I was apart of a piece of mayhem. It was crazy, from drawing numbers, to competing against the crazy Barbosa.

We went into the match, as underdogs, we had no chance of winning. While we may have been beaten at All or Nothing, we still believe. Hays and I know, that we can win the tag titles in the future. The quest may have been put in hold, but it will not be stopped. Our hunt for the gold is like a highway. On Sunday the car broke down, but it doesn't take long for the car to start up again. For someone to pull over a give them a push, a little jump start if you say. I could go on saying, "We gonna take em down, smash em up, crack their heads. And leave those sum bitch's lying in a pool of blood". However I'm no redneck, I'm not even a stupid American.

Justin Cooper is pure Australian, I represent the best country in the world. You see, Australia and America are like WZCW. While America, represented by the veterans here. Go out and put on great show every night, it is a new day. Just like the world outside of wrestling, Australia is stepping up, the new stars are stepping up. A new wave of talent are moving right down the middle of this company. And leading this wave, none other then the High Society. It is time, with the random draw for this weeks show, both Hays and I will be out to prove we can stand alone.

That we are more then, how was it put?

Taking a deep breath, and then sits forward, with an intense look in his eyes.

"The last two chicks standing when last call came around, and we had to settle for what was left". This week I will prove to the world, that I can stand alone. But when the dust is settled, and the curtain is pulled for the end of the show. The image that you will remember, will be Justin Cooper standing tall. Over whoever I face, it doesn't matter, because whether you are from the tag division. Or the Mayhem division, Elite X, Eurasian or even the big boys in the Heavyweight Championship division. You all face the same fate, to be yet another chapter in the book Cooper. Nothing but the next opponent that fell to my Final Verse.

See you soon, whoever you may be.
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