Megaupload Shut Down

Unless you have proof Megaupload was the one actively reproducing content without express written consent, AND a jury of 12 citizens say so...yes.

Guilt is a legal term. They've only been charged, not convicted. Wordplay aside, I don't think they were committing piracy, but allowing piracy.

Point taken...I should have clarified. I didn't mean courtroom/legally guilty, I meant actual guilty, which is a completely separate thing. I don't know if I see much difference between being a pirate and being an willing accessory to pirating though. If they knowingly allowed the pirated content to be distributed through their servers, etc, whether they were the ones that actually created the pirated material or not is irrelevant. The original incarnation of Napster didn't actively reproduce pirated content either...look at how well that defense worked for them...
Shutting down MegaUpload for hosting pirated content is somewhat akin to dropping a hydrogen bomb on New York City because you can buy cocaine there.
My quick take on SOPA:

The Admin CP here on Wrestlezone is huge. I mean there must be close to 100 options to go into and each of those probably have a dozen things to mess with minimum. I mess with about 5% of it because that's all I need to use to do most of my work as admin. I don't mess with the rest of it for one simple reason: I have no idea how it works and I'd screw up a lot of stuff if I touched it.

So your opinion is that elderly lawmakers who don't even know how to properly use e-mail shouldn't be the ones to decide how computer laws are implemented and enforced?
So your opinion is that elderly lawmakers who don't even know how to properly use e-mail shouldn't be the ones to decide how computer laws are implemented and enforced?

Now hold on there, you're saying that legislators ought to have some idea how the Internet works before legislating on it?

That sounds like communism. Or socialism. Or terrorism. It sounds like whatever buzzword will allow me to discredit your opinions.

Besides, everyone knows the Internet is just a series of tubes.
So your opinion is that elderly lawmakers who don't even know how to properly use e-mail shouldn't be the ones to decide how computer laws are implemented and enforced?

Not without someone independent (as independent as possible that is) explaining every single detail to them.
Point taken...I should have clarified. I didn't mean courtroom/legally guilty, I meant actual guilty, which is a completely separate thing. I don't know if I see much difference between being a pirate and being an willing accessory to pirating though. If they knowingly allowed the pirated content to be distributed through their servers, etc, whether they were the ones that actually created the pirated material or not is irrelevant. The original incarnation of Napster didn't actively reproduce pirated content either...look at how well that defense worked for them...
It's much more complicated than that. How many times had you gone on Megaupload to look for something, and found that it had been pulled? It happened to me a few times.

The difference between Megaupload and Napster is that Napster encouraged the piracy. Megaupload was simply a file upload hosting site. They SHOULDN'T be going through people's personal files looking for illegal content. If they get a claim of illegal files, they SHOULDN'T trip over themselves to remove it, before taking the time to properly investigate the issue.

Do I think Megaupload was an innocent victim of all this? No, not at all. I think they knew exactly what their service was used for by many people. But, unless it comes out they were actively trying to block legal avenues of illegal content removal, the crime is being committed by those who are uploading the files.
Man this whole thing is stupid as hell. What's happening to the world? Seriosuly, I don't even download music, I do zero illegal activities on the web, but I still feel that I would be effected by this.

The SOPA/PIPA/MACA/whatevertheshitheadscallthemselves are basically modern day nazi's. They want to pick what we see, they want to pick what we don't see. They don't like it, it no longer exists. That goes against the U.S's whole "freedom of speech" does it not?

These assholes are worse individuals than the people who do the pirating for frig sake man, anyone who supports them really need to get a clue on life, and fairness in life.
Now hold on there, you're saying that legislators ought to have some idea how the Internet works before legislating on it?
Ted Stevens is rolling over in his grave.

Besides, everyone knows the Internet is just a series of tubes.
DMCA prevents me from posting a Youtube video explaining the joke to the young ones.

Not without someone independent (as independent as possible that is) explaining every single detail to them.
Independent is defined by who has the most money to bribe with, when it comes to politics.
Ted Stevens is rolling over in his grave.

DMCA prevents me from posting a Youtube video explaining the joke to the young ones.

Independent is defined by who has the most money to bribe with, when it comes to politics.

Unfortunately that's true. I mean, it's not like these people could hear both sides of it, listen to what their constituents say, and form their own opinions on it. That would be some kind of socialism or un-American.
Man this whole thing is stupid as hell. What's happening to the world? Seriosuly, I don't even download music, I do zero illegal activities on the web, but I still feel that I would be effected by this.

The SOPA/PIPA/MACA/whatevertheshitheadscallthemselves are basically modern day nazi's. They want to pick what we see, they want to pick what we don't see. They don't like it, it no longer exists. That goes against the U.S's whole "freedom of speech" does it not?

These assholes are worse individuals than the people who do the pirating for frig sake man, anyone who supports them really need to get a clue on life, and fairness in life.

Yeah; it's exactly like Nazi Germany.
Unfortunately that's true. I mean, it's not like these people could hear both sides of it, listen to what their constituents say, and form their own opinions on it. That would be some kind of socialism or un-American.
I'm still waiting for the moment Americans wake up and recognize how little we actually need Congress. With modern day technology being what it is, there's really much less of a need for them than ever before, and we CERTAINLY don't need them in order to get laws passed.

The day is rapidly approaching when this country could completely change our government in nearly any way we want.

Yeah; it's exactly like Nazi Germany.
Every year, with each passing legislation, it's becoming more and more similar. We have Presidential candidates tripping over themselves in a rush to deny homosexuals the same rights as heterosexuals due solely to their Christian beliefs, we ship suspected terrorists to other countries to be tortured when we don't want to do it ourselves. Arizona and other border states are trying to pass legislation which requires proof of citizenship for simply looking Hispanic, the NDAA makes it legal for US citizens on US soil to be detained indefinitely without legal representation by the military for "suspected terrorism". The Patriot Act granted the government the ability to spy on its own citizens. We've even been in multiple wars overseas to expand our power and influence.

Each year, with each passing legislation, the United States has become more and more like Nazi Germany.
Yeah; it's exactly like Nazi Germany.

It's obviously to a much lesser degree man I'm not mentally ill. But the concept is there, the comparison is easily drawn from it. Only difference is they aren't killing the millions, just being complete assholes towards them. And it's against us nerds, not jews(unless your a jewish nerd).
It's obviously to a much lesser degree man I'm not mentally ill. But the concept is there, the comparison is easily drawn from it. Only difference is they aren't killing the millions, just being complete assholes towards them. And it's against us nerds, not jews(unless your a jewish nerd).

If you were mentally ill in Nazi Germany you'd have been put in a gas chamber. Irrelevant to the thread, but it's true none the less.
Not me personally, but there are many that do. People pay for platinum accounts on Megaupload. One person backed up his entire file history on Megaupload and had a lifetime platinum account. He lost all of that.

I came close to buying a lifetime with Megaupload a couple of years back, then I discovered better services, but I still have quite a few files attached to my Megaupload account that were bloody useful to have there, backups of CV's, graphics work that was too big to email, that sort of thing.

I know my mate Charlotte recently spent money on Megaupload premium. Bet she's gutted.

This bums me out, but at least this case is being tried under current law, and if Megaupload can prove they took reasonable steps to curb copyright infringement then they should be free to resume trading. I bloody hope so, because the FBI has just cost me work that I didn't have backed up anywhere else. I know I should have, but hard drives die, y'know?

...We have Presidential candidates tripping over themselves in a rush to deny homosexuals the same rights as heterosexuals due solely to their Christian beliefs...

Each year, with each passing legislation, the United States has become more and more like Nazi Germany.

A strong argument for the separation of Church and State, if ever there was one. The whole "God Bless America" thing really oins me. It's ridiculous.
Sly hit on a key point that is at the root of many of the problems in this country. It has to do with the massive amount of information abound in our society now. It has long since ceased to be possible for one person to know everything even within a single field yet across society we are at the whim of how individuals vote or feel. Instead of relying on compromises among experts we are run by what a group of individuals feel they can sell to the ignorant masses. On top of that these individuals are more or less obligated or encouraged to rely on one side biased information when they make up their mind on the subject. I understand the merits of having such people sell the ideas to the public but they should not be the ones making the ideas in the first place because they just don't have enough knowledge on the subject usually.
seems like they scared Filesonic too –All sharing functionality on FileSonic is now disabled. Our service can only be used to upload and retrieve files that you have uploaded personally. If this file belongs to you, please login to download it directly from your file manager.
Where the fuck is Gelgarin with his retort as to how I'm supposed to do something about a country not turning into Nazi Germany?
Kim Dotcom lived across the road from some family friends.

Saying that there is some stuff that is a little fishy about how the entire thing went down as far as it goes for the extradition stuff.

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