McMahon Incest Angle Axed


Kee Kee

The new McMahons DVD features commentary from Stephanie McMahon where she says that she had to nix potential incest angles. According to her, Vince wanted himself to be revealed as the father of her baby and when she said no, he pushed for Shane to be revealed as the father. She turned that idea down also. She also said no to Vince's idea that her wedding to Triple H be aired on PPV.

Source: PWInsider
Why would anyone suggest an incest angle in the first place let alone with himself and his own daughter? That angle would be worse than the Katie Vick story, although I am curious what it would have turned out like.
This surprises me...even from Vince. I know he would put just about anything into an angle, but my god, Thats taking sh*t to far.
that would make wrestling alot more interesting but wtf! that would be sick thak god steph has some morals i wonder what triple h thought about this.
I could imagine how it would have played out...maybe drawn out over a few weeks with DNA testing...then some lab scientist comes out and announces the father...Vince McMahon. I think they would have caught many people in the audience hurling. That would have been the most controversial thing since 97 Survivor Series.
The actual truth with HHH being the father and the DX angle would have been better storyline and recieved by the fans. I am starting to believe Vince may need to be on drug therapy. The last angle with he and Stephanie was tacky enough when he wrestled his own daughter. Linda needs to wack they guy upside his head and kick him in his ass.
Yeah, they need to come out and say Triple H was the dad. They kind of set it up a while ago when they ran into each other backstage. Vince said to Triple H something like 'oh, have you met my daughter Stephanie?' and then they looked at each other with a smile.
That's truly disgusting, i'm glad that she decided to get rid of all those angles, as they all are just stupid and wrong.
Vince is a no good bastard and is lower than trash even with all the money he has....
i hate vince. but man hes fuck up. Thats the sickest thing. WHat father would do this. i mean wow shit hes really got problems
No way! The Katie Vick angle was funny as hell! Proof that HHH can get away with anything and get any story line he wants!? Vince is a legend......remember kids if it wasnt for him non of us would be posting on this forum right now!
thats what that sick fuck will do for money... i think everythings starting to get to his head... if i was triple h i would beat his ass
you need to go and do something with your life... stop bein such a horn dog... i guess you dont go on many dates do you?
I dont think this would have been as "OMG Sick Fucker!!! Gross Incest!! Thank God for Steph"

This angle would have been interesting..You have to remember that vince is a Buisness man and tends to know what he is doing. I bet it would have brought in some ratings and first and foremost it would have brought back some of the old WWF days.
Y 2 Jake said:
Why would anyone suggest an incest angle in the first place let alone with himself and his own daughter? .

Cause it gets people talking. Cause as stupid as this and many other ideas are, at least one can say that they're mostly original. I see people bitching non stop about recycled situations and how they want originality, then when we find out possibilities concerning it, that also is bashed. I agree that this particular thing is stupid, but overall there are shitloads of contradictions amongst fans.

Y 2 Jake said:
, although I am curious what it would have turned out like.

That answers your question as to why such an odd thing would be suggested.

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