Matt Morgan Returns at House Show; Leaving TNA a Swerve?

I would take Morgan over Abyss any day, easily. Abyss may be big in size, but he looks more fat rather than someone with muscle like Morgan.
Abyss reminds me more of someone like Mick Foley, where Morgan reminds me more of someone like Undertaker or Kane or even Brock Lesnar. tall and well built with muscles.
I don't think what he can or can't do in the ring wrestling wise really matters much. you're not going to be selling him as someone who can wrestle great. it's a TV show. he has great size. from what I remember he can talk good on the mic. he's good enough inside the ring for what most of your audience really cares about. he should be someone at least around the main event scene IF used right, and that should be as a heel, not a face.
I would take Morgan over Abyss any day, easily. Abyss may be big in size, but he looks more fat rather than someone with muscle like Morgan.
Abyss reminds me more of someone like Mick Foley, where Morgan reminds me more of someone like Undertaker or Kane or even Brock Lesnar. tall and well built with muscles.
I don't think what he can or can't do in the ring wrestling wise really matters much. you're not going to be selling him as someone who can wrestle great. it's a TV show. he has great size. from what I remember he can talk good on the mic. he's good enough inside the ring for what most of your audience really cares about. he should be someone at least around the main event scene IF used right, and that should be as a heel, not a face.

Like I said it's not about "what" he does, it's "how" he does it. He's just not that intimidating in the ring as he should be. Comparing him to guys like Lesnar and 'Taker is also insane. While Lesnar has the personality of a keychain, he's fucking huge and IS a monster. Undertaker on the other hand is exactly what Morgan should be. A big guy who has an excellent grasp on ring psychology.

When's the last time you saw Matt Morgan exhibit that? Never. All he does is the usual big guy routine. Face or heel. And that shit isn't exiciting or interesting anymore. It's 2012 and wrestling's built on the "Oh look at me, I'm big, I growl" method. It's not fun anymore. Even Vince McMahon is apparently shying away from it. The guy who pops a boner for big guys. It could be nice if said big guy had great mic skills and could tell a kick ass story, but Morgan has mediocre mic skills and zero ability in telling a story other than "you can't touch me".

... plus them pwetty white boots ain't helping much either.
I don't watch wrestling for the wrestling ability and most of the time can't really tell is a wrestler is good or not, so I can't comment there. but I think Matt Morgan has a great look. when I look at pictures of Matt Morgan, I see a similarity to Brock Lesnar. especially in these earlier pictures of Morgan. when I saw these pictures I thought it was Lesnar.

that's Morgan without a beard.

I do have to agree on the white. I don't like his look in white. I think he would look better in black.
some may not think the way a wrestler looks really maters, but I do. I think even what they are wearing can make a difference. Samoa Joe for example. he used to wear these multi colour trunks that looked like a beach ball. now he wear these black ninja type trunks, and I think his look is much better. I could do without the mohawk though.
I don't know what wrestling websites are legit or not. found this.
According to The Wrestling Observer, TNA wrestler Matt Morgan signed a contract extension with TNA two months ago and has been working internet fans ever since.
Does nobody see any value in Matt Morgan's return at the recent TNA house shows? For one, wether Morgan will be aligned with aces and eights or not, his "return" was never going to be out of nowhere for the IWC. We knew that Morgan was potentially lobbying for a bid in WWE...or we knew that it was just a work and Morgan was going to likely be saved for a big role/reveal as an Aces and Eights henchman. Either way, we knew something was up with MM behind the scenes. Bringing him back at a house show utilizes the reality of his situation (whatever it may be) and adds much needed heat to the character in the eyes of both marks and smarks. It also to the positive vibes associated with non-televised live events in general. In TNA, Cool shit, that actually matters to the story can happen there too, and this also placates to both types of fan.

Now, when Morgan DOES finally appear on TV (dont be surprised if they milk this live event thing for a while) it will be all the more intriguing. If nothing at all, it intensifies this loose breaking kayfabe/reality tv vibe that Impact Wrestling seems to be developing with great intention.

I for one am enjoying the shit out of it.

TNA is building a mystique to their brand.
meh I think it's a lack of faith of TNA in their AcesAnd8s angle to have Morgan just appear in a house show like this. They could have put him in the group and use him as the linchpin of the whole group. We all know there's not gonna be anybody magor in that group other than Jarrett. The angle is pratically going nowhere fast right now and Morgan could have saved it. But him coming in as a face(like it seems he will be) he will probably face the group but they are already pretty weak, their biggest guy can't even take out a dwarf like Aries on his own. So it's pointless for Morgan to come in as a hero.
meh I think it's a lack of faith of TNA in their AcesAnd8s angle to have Morgan just appear in a house show like this. They could have put him in the group and use him as the linchpin of the whole group. We all know there's not gonna be anybody magor in that group other than Jarrett. The angle is pratically going nowhere fast right now and Morgan could have saved it. But him coming in as a face(like it seems he will be) he will probably face the group but they are already pretty weak, their biggest guy can't even take out a dwarf like Aries on his own. So it's pointless for Morgan to come in as a hero.

the angle is going nowhere fast? right now the Aces and Eights story is the best thing going in TNA. there is a lot of mystery as to who is behind the masks, it could be anyone. what else is there? maybe the BFG series finished and Jeff Hardy will face champion Austin Aries? that has A&8 connection too.
seeing how Morgan showed up from the crowd and attacked a TNA wrestler one night and then a referee the next night, I would say it looks more like he's coming in a heel.
My take on this is that they are using the house show appearances to gauge the reaction of the crowd, and we will get an eventual relaunch of Matt on TV soon. Everyone would be excited, except for the 32 people who have seen him already show up at their house shows.

The WWE uses house shows to try new things all of the time.

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