Matt Morgan Returns at House Show; Leaving TNA a Swerve?

What a foolish swerve it would be, focusing on a niche part of their internet audience (as opposed to the internet audience as a whole), just for the sake of saying "you thought we'd do this, and we didn't, hahah!"

Matt Morgan is pretty much forgotten about in TNA/IW. He had a run where they tried to convince us he was main-event material, and it just didn't take with people. (Although apparently RVD's a main-eventer to some people, so I guess everyone who's ever headlined a pay-per-view must be a main-eventer.) How does swerving the audience by bringing him back in make any money?

I just don't see how swerving the audience about Matt Morgan would do anything for TNA/IW.
(Although apparently RVD's a main-eventer to some people, so I guess everyone who's ever headlined a pay-per-view must be a main-eventer.)

It's the fact that RVD is a former TNA world champion and has held world titles in other companies, that is what makes him a main eventer as opposed to Morgan who has never won a world title and has only been in a few PPV main events.

But yeah as for everything else I do agree if this is a work it's a weird one, and yeah people saying MVP is coming because the poster says "tick tock" that's looking waaaay too much into it.
So Morgan is at it again on twitter and my Nash and Morgan suggestion might have a leg to stand on <insert Nash joke>. For all the MVP speculation, while it would be possible there is a simpler explanation. Matt Morgan does the Hellevator as one of his finishing moves and he usually looks at his wrist (at a fake watch) in the middle of it.

Rayne, TNA doesn't have that casual audience the WWE does. IMO it is really hard for them to do something that is "too inside" presently.
I've noticed something here, the whole "WaR" thing, there's now a recent picture of Devon wearing a Raw is War t-shirt.The WWF/E haven't used the "War" name in quite some years if I'm not mistaken.

So either this is the WWE starting some type of ex-TNA angle which is doubtful considering they're pretty childish about acknowledging that other companies exist or this is indeed a TNA swerve.
Morgan is not going to be part of Aces and Eights. Morgan is not staying with TNA. Morgan is not going to WWE, yet. Maybe one within the next year, but not anytime too soon. He is done with TNA and this isn't a swerve in my opinion.

Matt Morgan has been on quite the break. I can't even remember how he left. Was it something with his arm being injured?
has there been any type of confirmation or explanation about the contract Morgan was said to have signed for 5 years back in 2009? did he or did he not sign for 5 years? or was there something like an out for one of Morgan or TNA?
having Morgan tease that he is out and interested in WWE wouldn't make it look like he was still TNA and part of A&8.
Morgan is probably still with TNA. WWE isn't going to go near anyone from TNA due to the ongoing lawsuit.
First time to post on WZ! Want to throw this out there... What if WAR is the name of TNA's all new live show to air weekly. Hogan is the GM of IMPACT and Jeff Jarrett will be the GM for WAR!!! The A&8's will be the build up to the debute of WAR with a stable of some TNA wrestlers ie: Matt Morgan, Devon, and some others yet to be revealled and recently released men and women wrestlers plus the A&8's. Initially they will declare WAR on IMPACT wrestling and eventually defeat them to gain control of the thursday night time slot with WAR LIVE airing every week. IMPACT will go back to tape delay airing in a new time slot...lets say on sunday morning. This explains the sudden departure of several of the wrestlers from IMPACT when actually they are going to be reassigned with new contracts to the WAR brand. So I'm fully confident that Matt Morgan will remain with TNA under the WAR brand. As Morgans message implied TIC TOC the count down to the debute of WAR LIVE to break out onto the wrestling scene!
I was thinking about this for a little while now, and I really don't think people care enough about Matt Morgan for this to be an effective swerve if that is what they were planning. If he was leader of Aces and 8's I think it would be a huge letdown for everyone. To be fair though I have never cared about Matt Morgan, and I would not like to see him back in WWE either.
First time to post on WZ! Want to throw this out there... What if WAR is the name of TNA's all new live show to air weekly. Hogan is the GM of IMPACT and Jeff Jarrett will be the GM for WAR!!! The A&8's will be the build up to the debute of WAR with a stable of some TNA wrestlers ie: Matt Morgan, Devon, and some others yet to be revealled and recently released men and women wrestlers plus the A&8's. Initially they will declare WAR on IMPACT wrestling and eventually defeat them to gain control of the thursday night time slot with WAR LIVE airing every week. IMPACT will go back to tape delay airing in a new time slot...lets say on sunday morning. This explains the sudden departure of several of the wrestlers from IMPACT when actually they are going to be reassigned with new contracts to the WAR brand. So I'm fully confident that Matt Morgan will remain with TNA under the WAR brand. As Morgans message implied TIC TOC the count down to the debute of WAR LIVE to break out onto the wrestling scene!

Welcome to WZ, bro. Not a bad reading of things, but I doubt that will happen. We can cross fingers and all, though.
Thanks for the welcome Waylon P. I do not think Morgan is the leader of A&8's, he could be a A&8's patched in senior member behind a mask. Since he sent the WAR tease msg. he has gone silent. Could A&8's have shut him down from revealing to much info? After analyzing it further, maybe WAR means moving to Monday Nights and going head to head against RAW, ie: The Monday Night WARS (WCW vs WWF) all over again. From a business point of view, now is the time to challenge the WWE while they are in the PG soon to be G era with terrible storylines, aging superstar talents, and very few up and coming talents with name recognition. WWE's middle age and older fans are not interested in the social/acting product being pushed for the last few years and want to see actual wrestling like they once enjoyed and what TNA has to offer now. Remember who was instrumental in the past monday night wars on both sides: Hogan, Bishoff and Jarrett, they know how to fight the WAR games and this time they could win the WAR.
i think his leaving is a swerve but i don`t see him being in Aces and 8`s - he is just too big to hide and you would think they would use him more so when he is revealed, it makes sense. i could see there being a war between them and TNA and Morgan returning to help TNA. hell, i could even see him coming back to help Aces and 8`s once they are revealed. I just don`t feel he will fit in wwe.
that video is terrible. I can't make out anyone.

better video here.

notice how the guy walking him out is D'Lo Brown. interesting?

I also read on another site that Morgan later came back to the ring and attacked Robbie E.

Matt Morgan after that show had this on twitter.

Matt Morgan &#8207;@BPmattmorgan

All 2nite really meant was I'm tired of "just be patient Matt", being patronized & most of all being SOLD DREAMS! The real question is......
Matt Morgan &#8207;@BPmattmorgan

Who am I with? Time will tell. 'Til then,Tick-Tock....
Matt Morgan &#8207;@BPmattmorgan THANK YOU to the fans who covered actions last night.Keep being my reporters of the truth!!!
Matt Morgan &#8207;@BPmattmorgan . Originally booked to fly elsewhere today, but staying in PA. Keep ur cameras rolling!
^ video of Morgan attacking Robbie E.

so who is Morgan with?! Aces/Eights?
I think it would be good to have him heel.

I think this is good, but I don't think it should have been done at a house show. seems like a waste. Impact or BFG would have been better.
Interesting turn of events and I assume they'll touch on this on Impact in a way that says Morgan isn't contracted to TNA. Throws an extra fly into the ointment with the Aces & 8s storyline because now we have to wonder if he is with them (I don't think so personally) or working on his own.

My take is that this WAR angle is a repackage of him as a more serious heel. A guy who was promised a lot by both the WWE and TNA and a guy that was let down time and time again. Now he's decided to take matters into his own hands. Hell this could be a mix of Brian Pillman's Loose Cannon gimmick and Sting's 1996 repackage. He could start showing up anywhere, at any time. If I were TNA I'd even him jump the rails at shows their talent is on in the UK, Japan and Mexico.
Why the hell did they have him "return" at a live event? What a monumental waste of a return.

Say what you will about Morgan, or his value to the company right now, but regardless of either of those opinions, what's undeniable is that you simply don't waste a return like this not on television. I get that TNA is knee-deep in the social market, and that word of mouth can really stir shit up, but again &#8212; why not on television first?

Also, another update:

Obviously, Matt Morgan is back with the company as his new storyline kicked off over the weekend when he showed up in street clothes in Bethlehem, PA, hopping the rail and laying out Robbie E. Morgan had been teasing he was going to WWE and the two sides did have conversations but obviously opted to stay with TNA. Sources indicate that a big part of Morgan's decision process was how he was going to be used in terms of importance for the company he signed with, so expect him to get a sizeable push.
he did something again, at another house show, this time attacking the referee. haven't seen video yet.
- For the second night in a row, Matt Morgan "crashed" a TNA live event. Morgan worked last night's live event in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. Morgan came down through the crowd during a Miss Tessmacher vs. Tara match and argues with Atlas Security before taking a seat.

Later after James Storm vs. Jeff Hardy ended in a 15 minute time limit draw, fans were booing referee Brian Stifler for more time. Storm and Hardy left the ring but Morgan ran down from the crowd and destroyed the referee with a Carbon Footprint. Morgan received a big pop from the crowd and was led out of the arena by security.
I hope he does get a big push. as a bad ass pissed off at TNA heel I think he could be good.

question is, is Morgan with Aces/Eights or not?
what is the time line?
Morgan was last seen on TV when he was attacked buy Bully Ray before his match with Crimson, on May 10th. the first A&8 attack was on Sting on Impact June 14th.
I don't think Morgan would be the leader, or in this case the President. but I think it's possible he is the one wearing the Vice President patch.
Why the hell did they have him "return" at a live event? What a monumental waste of a return.

Say what you will about Morgan, or his value to the company right now, but regardless of either of those opinions, what's undeniable is that you simply don't waste a return like this not on television. I get that TNA is knee-deep in the social market, and that word of mouth can really stir shit up, but again — why not on television first?

Also, another update:

Sure but at the same time the only people that will know of this are the 50 people at the house show and the internet fans, and we already know way too much about the product and what could happen.

Either way, I can't say I'm happy about this. I appreciate a good swerve but not when it involves a man who was given EVERYTHING he possibly could have aside from a World Title and it never EVER got him over or better. I'm sorry, this guy was in Main Events, mid-cards, a heel, a face, a contender, held belts, lost them, feuded with nobodies, feuded with Main Eventers and DESPITE ALL THAT I doubt there's more than 10 people who give a flying fuck about him.

You can blame TNA management for some of his flops but ultimately Matt Morgan is a goofy looking tall guy who no longer has the muscle he once had but acts like he does and is nothing special in the ring. I'm not talking about moves, fuck the moves, I'm talking psychology. He's never shown that ring prowess that COUNTS. All he has are some decent mic skills and that's about it.

Stay at the house shows Morgan, we don't fucking need you. Trust me.
I don't know how Morgan was used pre 2010, so I can't comment there.
I also can't remember how TNA was using him prior to having him become the new "enforcer" to Ric Flair with Immortal/Fortune after they kicked out Rob Terry, or however that went down. I can't really remember how he went from heel tag team champion with both belts to becoming face, but that was a mistake.
I don't know how they had planned to use him after his face turn from Immortal/Fortune, but once Anderson got legit concussion they needed someone else to fill in on short notice. enter Matt Morgan face turn. I think TNA misused him here, but maybe they didn't have any/many other options. as a face I think he was weak. I had expected one of Crimson/Morgan to turn heel when they were tag team champions, but it should have been Morgan instead of Crimson.

be prepared for a sizeable Matt Morgan push.
According to TNA Sources indicate that a big part of Morgan's decision process was how he was going to be used in terms of importance for the company he signed with, so expect him to get a sizeable push.
I don't know how Morgan was used pre 2010, so I can't comment there.
I also can't remember how TNA was using him prior to having him become the new "enforcer" to Ric Flair with Immortal/Fortune after they kicked out Rob Terry, or however that went down. I can't really remember how he went from heel tag team champion with both belts to becoming face, but that was a mistake.
I don't know how they had planned to use him after his face turn from Immortal/Fortune, but once Anderson got legit concussion they needed someone else to fill in on short notice. enter Matt Morgan face turn. I think TNA misused him here, but maybe they didn't have any/many other options. as a face I think he was weak. I had expected one of Crimson/Morgan to turn heel when they were tag team champions, but it should have been Morgan instead of Crimson.

be prepared for a sizeable Matt Morgan push.

Still I doubt he'd be pushed THAT hard. I just think WWE didn't want to push him even a little bit so he went crawling back to TNA who offered him SOMETHING so he took that. Think about it. If the push he's about to get in TNA was THAT "significant" they wouldn't be starting it at a fucking house show. Basically WWE rejected his big ass and now Dixie was stupid enough to welcome him back.

Not to be offensive to women or nothing but TNA really needs an owner with BALLS sometimes.

I just do not see the benefit of Matt Morgan. What's he gonna add to the roster that, say, Samoa Joe can't. You want a big massive ass kicking machine go to Joe, go to Abyss, hell even Luke Gallows if he's the alleged masked guy. What's this guy have that the others don't? An overinflated ego and a whole stack of delusions of grandeur.
Still I doubt he'd be pushed THAT hard. I just think WWE didn't want to push him even a little bit so he went crawling back to TNA who offered him SOMETHING so he took that. Think about it. If the push he's about to get in TNA was THAT "significant" they wouldn't be starting it at a fucking house show. Basically WWE rejected his big ass and now Dixie was stupid enough to welcome him back.

Not to be offensive to women or nothing but TNA really needs an owner with BALLS sometimes.

I just do not see the benefit of Matt Morgan. What's he gonna add to the roster that, say, Samoa Joe can't. You want a big massive ass kicking machine go to Joe, go to Abyss, hell even Luke Gallows if he's the alleged masked guy. What's this guy have that the others don't? An overinflated ego and a whole stack of delusions of grandeur.

I actually see this quite differently. Matt Morgan is a valuable commodity. There aren't many seven footers left worth a shit. Taker is gone for the most part, Kane is more awesome than ever but in a unique role but is also in his 40s..........and that's it. If you are Morgan, you have leverage like a mother trucker.

I believe there was bidding for the guy and that WWE had good plans for him but due to the lawsuit with TNA, they weren't going to touch him for a while. That leaves Morgan without a paycheck for months. Sure he could do indy stuff but why do that when you now have leverage to show your former employer?

My guess is that he told TNA what he was offered and made them promise him big things to come back. Dude wants to work and can't do it up north so he was smart and got more than he probably should with TNA. Granted I don't get the returning at a house show but then again, this is business. In business, your goal is to fuck someone before they fuck you. Morgan might have leveraged TNA, but TNA promised him the world and most likely won't deliver on that just as they haven't with him for years.

In any case, big guy will be upset within a year but his stock will be even less least you'd think so. Thing is though, there's ALWAYS value in a big guy who has at least some ability. Morgan has more than that and is an intelligent guy to boot. Thus, he'll probably do like a year with TNA now where he'll likely deal with the same shit as before. As much as I'd like to see him pushed over worthless shits like RVD, I don't know that he will. Shame though, because he really is a pretty good talent for a big guy.
Still I doubt he'd be pushed THAT hard. I just think WWE didn't want to push him even a little bit so he went crawling back to TNA who offered him SOMETHING so he took that. Think about it. If the push he's about to get in TNA was THAT "significant" they wouldn't be starting it at a fucking house show. Basically WWE rejected his big ass and now Dixie was stupid enough to welcome him back.

I have the feeling that this is pretty much spot on. He thought he was a big star, bailed and tried to get a shot at WWE. Vince laughed and offered him a bottom feeder job then went crawling back.

Im interested to see how this story pans out, but I doubt were about to see Morgan return to the main event.
I think TNA is swerving the fans by letting us think Morgan is with Ace's and 8's.. think about it..

Have Ace's and 8's rip through all of TNA.. meanwhile HEEL Morgan is ripping everyone apart ref's, wrestlers, etc.. SEPERATLY (meaning he's not with Ace's and 8's)

Then when all is lost with TNA.. and Ace's an 8's think they've won it all. beating all the impact stars.... they piss off Morgan who begins to tear them a new asshole with his new found intensity.. and thus you've just made Morgan a top guy again..

Its not that hard to figure out.. I actually like this move.. then keep his intensity and bad attitude as a face, so that when Ace's and 8's storyline dies out.. he can return to being a heel saying that TNA never gave him a shot and he took what was his, etc etc..

Either way this would work for Morgan and keep him in mainevent status. The shit write's itself.
I gotta say, Morgan should've came back on an episode of Impact. Making run ins at house shows is cool for those in attendance. But it kinda makes him actually coming back on TV less interesting, especially since we all know know that he's staying. He could be a part of A&8's, but I doubt it. If anything Morgan could be thrust back into the tag picture or challenge for the TV title. I'm glad to see him back though, even if his return burns out before too long.
Just wanna say I definitely agree it's stupid to have a return at a house show. What a waste.

& Hasn't Morgan already had several "this company isn't using me right" heel turns? Hell every time I come back from a wrestling hiatus he's turning heel on a makeshift tag team partner, first it was Abyss and then Hernandez

Basically whatever TNA is doing with him, either anti-face or heel, they should just stick with it and not turn him in the middle of the push. Just started watching TNA again, and I'm happy that Matt Morgan seems to be getting a push, but I'm expecting it to last until right before a ppv when TNA decides to yank him right out of the main event picture. Again. Then they'll stick him in another tag team until he turns on his partner. It's rinse & repeat with him.

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