Matt Morgan Returns at House Show; Leaving TNA a Swerve?


Pre-Show Stalwart
I suppose it is possible that Matt Morgan will be going to WWE in the near future, but what if he's not.

When I watch IMPACT each week I still see insurance commercials with his face plastered all over it, and they still show Matt Morgan in clips from the last ten years when they air them. So my thought on this is what if Matt Morgan keep's these cryptic tweets sounding like he's jumping ship to WWE shortly, and changes his twitter from tnamattmorgan to bpmattmorgan (what does the bp stand for?). Myself I think he is sticking with TNA , and I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up being the leader of aces and eights in the end.

He comes back as more of a bad ass, and is seeking revenge on TNA for holding him back when it comes to the world title, (beatdown of current world champion ARIES, and former world champion ROODE, and KURT ANGLE all in one night).

So does anyone else feel this MATT MORGAN drama on twitter is just building more hype for himeself for WWE return is all a swerve?
1. hes allready worked for wwe
2. TNA could never pay him what wwe could
3.wwe cannot sign him til the tna vs wwe lawsuit is settled (wwe allready stated that)
4. he will never get to that star power level in tna. half of their star contracts are cushy matts was not. oh and their writers and idea men suck ass! aces and eights are a prime example (2 old wwe guys) thats original its like the 1980's all over again!
5. oh and wait lets not forget the gay ass chanting.( pretty corny!)
1. hes allready worked for wwe
2. TNA could never pay him what wwe could
3.wwe cannot sign him til the tna vs wwe lawsuit is settled (wwe allready stated that)
4. he will never get to that star power level in tna. half of their star contracts are cushy matts was not. oh and their writers and idea men suck ass! aces and eights are a prime example (2 old wwe guys) thats original its like the 1980's all over again!
5. oh and wait lets not forget the gay ass chanting.( pretty corny!)

1. So did Christian when he went to TNA. He came back as a main eveneter. That's not such a bad thing.

2. TNA isn't on the same level as the WWE. As the company grows, so do the paycheques.

3. This is true. They stated it when the whole Flair thing came up about him coming back.

4. Some stuff they write is stupid, i'll give you that. But the Aces & Eights storyline is not "2 old WWE guys". Thats just who they have playing them. Those 2 won't be the guys under the masks when it's time to take them off.

5. Again, agreed about the chanting.

I don't think it's a swerve. It would be a swerve if it were Kurt Angle, Jeff Hardy, Mr. Anderson. Etc, etc. Matt Morgan just doesn't have the backing to make it a storyline in TNA. I hope to see him show up in the E.
1. hes allready worked for wwe
2. TNA could never pay him what wwe could
3.wwe cannot sign him til the tna vs wwe lawsuit is settled (wwe allready stated that)
4. he will never get to that star power level in tna. half of their star contracts are cushy matts was not. oh and their writers and idea men suck ass! aces and eights are a prime example (2 old wwe guys) thats original its like the 1980's all over again!
5. oh and wait lets not forget the gay ass chanting.( pretty corny!)

There is so much stupidity in this comment it's amazing. Aces and Eights members are not even known at this point. The guys mentioned are being used as stand ins and are not the final members. And BTW I think you're alluding to the Outsiders storyline, which happened in the 90s, not the 80s. :lmao: You sound like you know an awful lot about wrestling..... :rolleyes:

As far as Matt Morgan goes, hey, until he signs with the WWE, anything is possible.
Like mlp said, anything is possible until he shows up on WWE TV. Many are expecting the leader of Aces and Eights to be Jeff Jarrett, but having Matt Morgan as the muscle of the group wouldn't be such a dumb idea. But still, after Aces and Eights runs its course, Morgan would go right back to the spot he was at and probably wouldn't be too happy about it. Personally, I see him going to WWE and being rebuilt. I think WWE realizes they made a mistake during his first run by giving him that ridiculous stuttering gimmick and will hopefully push him as the powerhouse he can be. Actually I think that forming a tag team with Ryback could be the way to go. It would allow Ryback to work on his in-ring skills with guys other than jobbers and build both guys to be unstoppable forces against some real opponents. Eventually have one of them turn face and feud together, split them with the draft, blah blah.
i wouldn't be surprised if he did come back to TNA. how many times have people talked about wrestlers talking time off to come back new and refreshed? having him off for tv for several months and then returning focused on the world title would give his career in tna a huge push if done right. plus getting people to think he is going to wwe will get people to watch a little closer. considering tna is now live for the summer too, if they kept him off for a while longer, his return would be kept secret and be a surprise. right now, i wouldn't be surprised if he showed up on either show.
BP stands for Butt Pirate he is joining forces with Orlando jordan.

Matt needs to get the hell away from TNA, he has a lot of talent to be wasting way to stupid commercials like the midget who ran for governor of California. When shit like Daniels, Devon, Eric young and X division ( now that aries is gone) are getting time on TV every week and Matt is doing nothing.

Matt Knows that TNA has their heads so far up there ass that it is hard to see the lack of fan base.

Last week I broke down and watch TNA. Robbie vs Jeff Hardy. The people that TNA have like Matt Morgan and Abyss and still #garbagejuice like Robbie E are in the BFG series. Jersey shore is dead, stop pushing it like it lives on.
I don't see it happening that way. Morgan has been MIA for months. While I know that's not exactly something new for TNA, as lots of people aren't used for months at a time, this strikes me as being something different. It has a different vibe to it.

Morgan has said himself that he's a businesman. He's been loyal to TNA and has said so many times. But Morgan isn't getting any younger and he's only going to have so much time to get in and make some real money before he's no longer a prime player. There's no guarantee that Morgan will be used better in WWE than in TNA, but he'll certainly make more money. At the end of the day, the man's got to make a living and has to go where he can get the most for what he gives.
I don't see it happening that way. Morgan has been MIA for months. While I know that's not exactly something new for TNA, as lots of people aren't used for months at a time, this strikes me as being something different. It has a different vibe to it.

I think Morgan has used the social outlets[like Twitter] to screw with people so they won't know which way he is leaning. Guess he's from the Chris Jericho school of screwing with fans just because he can.

Morgan has said himself that he's a businesman. He's been loyal to TNA and has said so many times. But Morgan isn't getting any younger and he's only going to have so much time to get in and make some real money before he's no longer a prime player. There's no guarantee that Morgan will be used better in WWE than in TNA, but he'll certainly make more money. At the end of the day, the man's got to make a living and has to go where he can get the most for what he gives.

Matt Morgan was in WWE in two different incarnations already. One was him teamed up with Nathan Jones, which was an abysmal failure and lousy booking. You could've had the best performer in the world teamed with Nathan Jones and it would've went nowhere. Morgan was a rookie at the time, so that was doomed to fail from the jump. The second incarnation was that God-awful version of Morgan in which he stuttered. In both cases, WWE failed to book Morgan meaningfully and they never intended to make him anything special. Just another big man on the roster.

While he may make a ton more money in WWE, I believe TNA is the better fit for Morgan. He really proved himself as a solid big man performer and I think he is smart enough to know it's better to main event in TNA than be the pre-show dark match in WWE. Because that's likely where he'd end up again.
I still don't understand this perception that WWE jobbers and nobodies make "a ton more money" than a TNA mid carder. Not that I have any financial information to back it up, neither does anyone else, but I highly doubt that WWE is paying big money to keep Tyson Kidd around.

As far as the possibility of Morgan's departure being a swerve, I can see it.

First of all, they're still running his DirectTV ads. He's not the only one who did those. Secondly, there seems to be a new "update" on Morgan's status every week. Every week he does something that further cuts his ties with TNA. Last week it was a comment, this week he removed TNA from his username.

There's too much buzz around someone leaving TNA and there shouldn't be.

Personally I hope it's not a swerve and Morgan left for real. Don't like him. I don't hate him but I really hope he's not going to be back soon, especially as a part of Aces and Eights. The guy offered everything he could so far and none of it was any good. If they wanted a cool powerhouse they can always push Joe or Abyss again. They're unique in their own ways. Morgan is as generic as it gets. Moving on.

On a side off-topic note, is Crimson alive?
I still don't understand this perception that WWE jobbers and nobodies make "a ton more money" than a TNA mid carder. Not that I have any financial information to back it up, neither does anyone else, but I highly doubt that WWE is paying big money to keep Tyson Kidd around.

As far as the possibility of Morgan's departure being a swerve, I can see it.

First of all, they're still running his DirectTV ads. He's not the only one who did those. Secondly, there seems to be a new "update" on Morgan's status every week. Every week he does something that further cuts his ties with TNA. Last week it was a comment, this week he removed TNA from his username.

There's too much buzz around someone leaving TNA and there shouldn't be.

Personally I hope it's not a swerve and Morgan left for real. Don't like him. I don't hate him but I really hope he's not going to be back soon, especially as a part of Aces and Eights. The guy offered everything he could so far and none of it was any good. If they wanted a cool powerhouse they can always push Joe or Abyss again. They're unique in their own ways. Morgan is as generic as it gets. Moving on.

On a side off-topic note, is Crimson alive?

I have no idea what TNA pays its talent (other than the news you hear about how much maybe Hogan or Sting makes) but if we're to believe that one list that supposedly has the WWE Salaries from like 2006 back then even the lowest of the low guys (i.e. Funaki, Nunzio) were making over $100,000 a year.
Zeven_Zion, the WWE contracts their wrestlers for approximately 200 dates per year. TNA/IW contracts with most talent on an "as-we-need-you" basis, for around 50 dates per year, closer to 75 now with the commencement of live Impacts.

Yes, the WWE is paying Tyson Kidd significant money, because he's performing for them much, much more than TNA/IW would request.
In my personal opinion no but I would be damn impressed if it was all a work from the get go. I was not aware Morgan was still on Direct Auto stuff since in UK broadcasts they cut out all the Direct Auto commercials and the impact of the week and stuff like that.

Personally i hope Morgan leaves because I'm bored to tears with him I'd ony want him back if he got a new gimmick/repackaged and changed his moveset up a little.
I am certainly not convinced Matt Morgan has signed elsewhere yet. Twitter in TNA is clearly being incorporated into stories more and more. Not just in the announcement facet either. I have considered him a possibility but I am not quite sure what the story would be. Morgan leading a heel stable based on guys with size that have got passed over for vanilla midgets and old people could be interesting. I would be hesitant to make him the focal point of a story like this because I haven't ever really seen him consistently play an actual character well, even if there is no denying that all the tools are there. Nash and Morgan could make an interesting combo though.
I really hope the Matt Morgan to WWE isn't a swerve. I think Matt is better suited to the WWE than TNA where his limited ring skills are horribly exposed by nearly every competitor he's wrestled.

Matt Morgan has the right size for the WWE and his limited ring skills won't be a problem, he wrestles the WWE way no matter where I've seen him performing. Matt's biggest problem is his mic skills but smart booking by the WWE could cover that.

Matt's biggest problem is that he's an unremarkable mid-card wrestler. TNA pushed him far to far when he headlined PPV's against Jeff Hardy, and shortly after those PPV matches he was straight back down in the mid-card where he's had extended and mostly dull feuds with guys like Crimson.

Matt Morgn in the WWE would probably stare at the ceiling for John Cena in the main event of Raw before trundling arround wrestling other meaningless wrestlers in the E or putting over the guys getting a push, but he'd probably make more money doing that than he would if he was lucky enough to main event a TNA PPV again. For that reason I expect Morgan to do everything to get back in the WWE. The only swerve will be a Matt Morgan swerve if he has no luck re-signing with the WWE, then he'd have to try and re-join TNA (although he might get work in Japan which would be his best option if he want's to be anything other than a mediocre wrestler).
I am certainly not convinced Matt Morgan has signed elsewhere yet. Twitter in TNA is clearly being incorporated into stories more and more. Not just in the announcement facet either. I have considered him a possibility but I am not quite sure what the story would be. Morgan leading a heel stable based on guys with size that have got passed over for vanilla midgets and old people could be interesting. I would be hesitant to make him the focal point of a story like this because I haven't ever really seen him consistently play an actual character well, even if there is no denying that all the tools are there. Nash and Morgan could make an interesting combo though.

Not a horrid idea by any means. Would finally give Morgan that tremendous footing to firmly hold onto a top spot, as well, without being able to main event a PPV by competing against Hardy, only to slip back to the mid-card immediately after without warning.

It could ultimately be something of an nWo-like rise for him, where he could quickly become the "Hogan" of TNA. The guy who wants the title so bad he does literally anything to get and keep it, including hiring and exploiting an entire gang of muscle to make sure it's kept on him.
I keep thinking for some reason Morgan is going to be thrown in with the Aces and Eights storyline. Everyone thinks he is gone and he shows up with Jeff Jarrett as the leaders of this new stable. Maybe mix in a few others that have been "lost in the shuffle" of TNA.

I personally would love to see him in WWE. He is on a list of about 5 guys I think would actually work out in WWE from TNA. The list IMO includes Bobby Rude, James Storm, Hernandez and Magnus.
I keep thinking for some reason Morgan is going to be thrown in with the Aces and Eights storyline. Everyone thinks he is gone and he shows up with Jeff Jarrett as the leaders of this new stable. Maybe mix in a few others that have been "lost in the shuffle" of TNA.

Yeah, originally i thought the same thing - but from looking at the guys in Aces.. none of them are the right size for Morgan (or, of the ones we've actually seen)

Personally, i don't think it's a swerve, and that he's using twitter to try to build up a bit of momentum for a WWE run..
I hope not.

Matt Morgan just doesn't have a place in TNA. Mainly because there is so much more talent on the roster that deserves time and space.

I just like Matt Morgan's fit with the WWE at this moment. WWE needs a big guy who knows what he's doing and how to move in that ring. Morgan is pretty athletic and can move like a smaller guy... just not into him in TNA... I think WWE could do better with him right now. I'd probably start him off a little below where Tensai started off.
Hmm, what is Morgan really up to with this twitter photo?


I am starting to wonder if Morgan's history trying out for the MEM is going to play into this somehow? Commence over analyzing this picture and report back! Have we ever actually seen Aces and eights beat up Angle? If tick tock has anything to do with MVP I might mark a little.
Am I the only idiot who sees the obvious here with the backwards R? WAR spelled backwards is RAW.

Looks more and more and more like he's WWE-bound.
Am I the only idiot who sees the obvious here with the backwards R? WAR spelled backwards is RAW.

Looks more and more and more like he's WWE-bound.

I hesitated even posting in this thread, even though I'm really interested, because the "insider information" I've been privy to in the last 24 hours would pretty much count as *SPOILERS* no matter what I said. And no, I won't tell anybody what I know, even if they DM me 100 times.

Taking out anything I know, and approaching this from the perspective I was at before this afternoon, I would say there's no way Matt Morgan whipped this up himself. How often do wrestlers put together their own promotional material? So far as I know he's still under contract to TNA; there's no way WWE would give him something like this to use that being the case. I've also never known Morgan, one of the nicest and most intelligent guys in the industry, to go out publicly and just bash his company. This screams "work" to me, even if it's a long-term one that's slowly been the works (read: back-burner or "just in case" folder) for quite some time.

I wouldn't be surprised in the least to see Morgan be one of the guys, if not THE guy behind Aces & Eights. And no, I don't think that backwards "R" is a coincidence. I was hypothesizing for a few weeks now that we may have been looking at this angle in the wrong way. A&E appears to be TNA's Nexus-clone. But what if they go about it more like the NWO? What if the backwards "R" IS intentional, and they try to redo the NWO in TNA? Realize, I'm not saying this is a GOOD idea, or that they should do it, or even that they'll succeed. But Hogan has been way too tame and int he background for far too long for me to be comfortable writing this idea off. What if TNA is going to finally try that "big angle" that will swing for the fences and go after the ratings? By Hogan's mindset, the NWO worked once...why not a second time?

Problem is, even if Morgan does get revealed as the muscle behind the group, there are no big enough free agents out there to bring into the mix. Unless, you know, the impossible happened and WWE did actually buy-out TNA... Then maybe there'd be some legitimacy to that Angle tweet today about him definitely facing Punk at some point in the future. There's about a 0.0001% change of that ever happening, and I probably sound like a giant "mark" for even suggesting it, but we've said "no" to the idea for so long, you just..never know...

The first thing I thought when I saw this was, there's no way in hell Matt Morgan came up with this on his own. There are only two possibilities: a) WWE produced this to hype or tease his return to WWE, or b) TNA produced it, to mislead us regarding his departure, which would obviously mean he is staying in TNA, making him a pivotal figure in the Aces and Eights storyline.

If he were "jumping ship" back to WWE, I doubt this would be a significant enough development for WWE to tease in this fashion, as he's hardly worthy of such hype. I also doubt they would spoil the return in this fashion; he'd simply appear, and let the shock value be what it will be. Plus, it isn't typical of WWE's style to produce a poster or vignette referencing TNA in this fashion, with a direct reference to "impact" in this fashion. WWE typically doesn't even acknowledge TNA's existence, I doubt they would produce something with direct reference to "impact" on it.

Which brings us back to option b, meaning TNA produced this to dupe the fans into thinking he's leaving iMPACT and heading to RAW. And the only reason they would do this is if he were an integral charter in the A&E storyline. That's where the smart money here is; Matt Morgan is staying put and TNA is finally rolling the dice on him in a major way.

It wouldn't be hard to put together a faction involving eight former WWE guys (assuming there even has to be eight; the aces and eights cold simply be a reference to the dead man's hand, not a number of participants). Off the top of my head:

Matt Morgan
Jeff Jarrett
Chris Masters
Luke Gallows
Mike Knox
MVP (tick tock)
John Morrison
Harry Smith

I see Morrison as being the least likely here, as he doesn't seem to fit the group, plus I see him back in WWE at some point. But there's any of a number of other guys who could be the last guy, including a guy who could also be thrown into the mix who has been talking a lot about MMA these days, which could be a further smoke screen to hide his involvement in all of this.

Either way, I stick with my original gut instinct. Matt Morgan isn't going anywhere.
I doubt anyone really thinks that Morgan sat at home putting that pic together in Photoshop. It doesn't mean that he couldn't have paid a graphic designer to put it together for him.

I feel fairly confident that the whole Matt Morgan thing is a work. I just don't see WWE having much interest in him. But even if they did, I doubt they'd go after him right now with the ongoing ligation between WWE and TNA. If he were on the WWE radar, I imagine WWE would tell him to shut up for now so not to give TNA any sort of case in their accusations of WWE having insider info on talent contracts.
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