"Matt Hardy is... Matt Hardy!"

The Dragon Saga

Whale in a Teardrop

The title is correct. Matt Hardy has confirmed, that he is indeed... Matt Hardy, who'd have guessed after all these years, huh?

Seriously though, someone needs to shut down his YouTube page because with almost every video he posts for the "world" to see he only goes on to make an even bigger ass of himself than he did in the previous one. Now he's babbling on about... The Gospel? And how he's going to show who the "real" Matt Hardy is?

Fantastic. We might get some insight into how hes became such a jacksass.

seriously matt hardy? wow wtf he must be on drugs or something he is a complete joke i've always said he was a joke and now this just makes me believe it even more.matt just needs to retire and get off youtube period.
I don't know what is the most sad to see, Matt Hardy or you guys.

Matt Hardy is doing that to be funny, he just chuckle and laugh it off, Matt is working the Internet and it works you give him reason every freaking single time. The guy is a heel and he knows that he need to be one even on the Internet so he make it so that you hate him or think he is crazy.

A while ago he said that he was the reason for the ratings increase and when people didn't understand it and start bitching him he said "ok break time, I am playing my character kids, now you know it, end of the break" (not exactly like that) and the same thing happenned in the "feud" with Val Venis when he said reveal that Val was doing it to try to book a match and he said I am saying thing on the Internet and in my youtube vids to promote myself too.

At first I thought Matt was becoming crazy like Jeff but when I saw those vids where he opened up on his motives I understood that he was like a modern day Brian Pillman (stop trying to be offended because I put his name and Pillman's in the same sentence). In Jericho's book he said that Pillman was acting crazy and everyone was buying into it in wCw when Pillman turned around and did a wink to Jericho. Jericho then said he didn't know why Pillman let him in the act but he did.

Matt is playing a big act trying to keep himself relevant whether it works or not or that you like it or don't that's what he's doing.

Edit: Matt know that in TNA the heel must have x-pac heat so to say (Hogan, Bischoff, Bully Ray, Matt Hardy) I think only Anderson right now is not hated in real life but he is starting as some people don't like his matches. TNA is full of fans that are smarten up on the business and will cheer good athlete, if you want to be a heel in TNA you need to have horrible in rin skills or be hated for real.
I dont really know what to make of this but my guess would be he just wants their to be a buzz about Matt Hardy. I mean we watch Zack Ryder videos and we say he's hilarious. We watch Matt Hardy videos and we say has he went fucking mad. Im at the point with Hardy's bullshit that I think he's doing it for attention and I just dont care.
I don't know what is the most sad to see, Matt Hardy or you guys.

Matt Hardy is doing that to be funny, he just chuckle and laugh it off, Matt is working the Internet and it works you give him reason every freaking single time. The guy is a heel and he knows that he need to be one even on the Internet so he make it so that you hate him or think he is crazy.

A while ago he said that he was the reason for the ratings increase and when people didn't understand it and start bitching him he said "ok break time, I am playing my character kids, now you know it, end of the break" (not exactly like that) and the same thing happenned in the "feud" with Val Venis when he said reveal that Val was doing it to try to book a match and he said I am saying thing on the Internet and in my youtube vids to promote myself too.

At first I thought Matt was becoming crazy like Jeff but when I saw those vids where he opened up on his motives I understood that he was like a modern day Brian Pillman (stop trying to be offended because I put his name and Pillman's in the same sentence). In Jericho's book he said that Pillman was acting crazy and everyone was buying into it in wCw when Pillman turned around and did a wink to Jericho. Jericho then said he didn't know why Pillman let him in the act but he did.

Matt is playing a big act trying to keep himself relevant whether it works or not or that you like it or don't that's what he's doing.

Edit: Matt know that in TNA the heel must have x-pac heat so to say (Hogan, Bischoff, Bully Ray, Matt Hardy) I think only Anderson right now is not hated in real life but he is starting as some people don't like his matches. TNA is full of fans that are smarten up on the business and will cheer good athlete, if you want to be a heel in TNA you need to have horrible in rin skills or be hated for real.

excellent finally some1 smart is on this forum well done RD u are the only 1 that realises that he is a wrestler and a heel trying to get heat
I don't always care for Matt Hardy. To his credit, he is constantly on the net addressing fans and critics alike. Also, he's been doing this since he was a kid and definitely enjoys his work. While some have always considered him "mid-card" or "Jeff's brother", he has reinvented himself in desperate attempts to get noticed and break through to his own World Title reign (I.e. MATTHEW HARDY, "Cold Blooded", and now the "real" Matt, whatever that means).

What he doesn't enjoy is internet papparazzi prying into his personal business to make him look like shit, which it has.

Early into this it sounds like another video of his that we will likely pan and call him an asshole for, but at least he's trying.

I strongly endorse Mike Killiam's recent WrestleZone column which he goes into this sort of thing much more thoroughly and accurately then I have just now.
I don't know what is the most sad to see, Matt Hardy or you guys.

Matt Hardy is doing that to be funny, he just chuckle and laugh it off, Matt is working the Internet and it works you give him reason every freaking single time. The guy is a heel and he knows that he need to be one even on the Internet so he make it so that you hate him or think he is crazy.

A while ago he said that he was the reason for the ratings increase and when people didn't understand it and start bitching him he said "ok break time, I am playing my character kids, now you know it, end of the break" (not exactly like that) and the same thing happenned in the "feud" with Val Venis when he said reveal that Val was doing it to try to book a match and he said I am saying thing on the Internet and in my youtube vids to promote myself too.

At first I thought Matt was becoming crazy like Jeff but when I saw those vids where he opened up on his motives I understood that he was like a modern day Brian Pillman (stop trying to be offended because I put his name and Pillman's in the same sentence). In Jericho's book he said that Pillman was acting crazy and everyone was buying into it in wCw when Pillman turned around and did a wink to Jericho. Jericho then said he didn't know why Pillman let him in the act but he did.

Matt is playing a big act trying to keep himself relevant whether it works or not or that you like it or don't that's what he's doing.

Okay let's get something straight here...

You're an idiot.

No really, you are.

Hardy has been doing this stuff for years, and if you're going to say it's because he's a heel, rewind back to when he was in WWE. Shit like this always happened. Hell, he got released during when he started talking about distinguishing between Matt Hardy and Matthew Hardy as alternative characters/people/identities. He was posting videos expressing disinterest in the WWE product before he was released etc. And he was a face during all this.

It's heat alright, but X-Pac heat. People just legitimately hate him, it's not a case of him just trying to "heel it up".
Matt Hardy's best moments were the feud he had with Edge. I don't think he's ever had that kind of response from the crowd before or since. I think he'd work well back on Smackdown but I'd have to say it'd be mid-card/IC title picture.
Is it just me, or does Matt Hardy remind anyone else of Ultimate Warrior?

They are both completley detatched from reality, unable to seperate a wrestling character from their real life persona. They both use the internet to try and draw attention to themselves. They both think they are still being the biggest thing in wrestling (despite neither one ever being the biggest thing in wrestling).

If it wasn't for YouTube, we wouldn't have heard from either of them in years. God, I hate YouTube........
Whose wanting to bet he's going to start wearing make-up? Back to camera and all that.

The thing about Matt and even Zack Ryder, is that they are the pioneers of using social media videos to add dimensions to their characters, if only to the 10%ers, so despite not being a fan of either, let's give credit where credit is due for doing something different. Whether you like the guys or not, no-one can deny that people are talking about them because of their videos.
His videos are a bit strange. There is really only two ways to look at these videos.

1. He's a moron. He makes no sense and is just trying to be something he is not. Which is interesting.

2. He's brilliant. He's realized that he's being talked about in one form or fashion, therefore he's remembered. So, he's willing to do whatever it takes in order to get his name out there and it's working.

In either case, the latter is working. So, I guess that's something.

However, if this is close to the real Matt Hardy, the dude has serious social problems. Fucking weirdo.
Who is Matt Hardy?

Well, he's a irrelvant, ungrateful, grape loving wack-job, who see's a suspension as "a few week's off, yes!" He's is also busy still trying to cling to his brother's fame, why else do you think he went to TNA? I wish matt would stop making these ******ed, braindead video's that he's only doing for exposure and to fuel his own ego. Seriously I wish Matt would just shut the fuck up already.

Maybe if he didn't become fat, lazy, ungrateful and repulsive, he would've gotten some sort of push in WWE and still be somewhat relevant.

The fact that he and his junkie "doesn't care about his fans, or the company" brother have fans still baffles me.
Whose wanting to bet he's going to start wearing make-up? Back to camera and all that.

The thing about Matt and even Zack Ryder, is that they are the pioneers of using social media videos to add dimensions to their characters, if only to the 10%ers, so despite not being a fan of either, let's give credit where credit is due for doing something different. Whether you like the guys or not, no-one can deny that people are talking about them because of their videos.

True, and there's always that oft repeated old adage, "There's no such thing as bad publicity!"

Sadly I don't really see it that way, not for Matt Hardy, he's fallen in and out with the web savvy crew so many times most of the people who watch his videos are either already die-hard MH fans, or simply snarky smarks seeking to smirk. I love it. Basically everyone who sees one of Matt Hardy's videos thinks, "What a mahoosive tool!" With the exception of the aforementioned die-hards.

Still, nice positive buzz for Ryder at least.
ok, there are a couple of things about the responses in this thread that piss me off a little bit.

1. its not like he's forcing you to watch his videos. if you don't like his video's (I don't) then they are easy enough to ignore, so why would you seek out something you know you don't like, just to sit here and complain about something you can easily avoid?

2. To all the people who say he is a fat lazy bastard who needs to retire, your just an ignorant prick who won't give credit where credit is due. Your ignorant because its obvious he has gotten in much better shape then he has been in years, and your a prick because your sitting here bitching about a guy who has been having nothing but quality matches since he's gone to TNA. Its obvious he has rededicated himself to wrestling since he's left the WWE and If you can't give him credit for that then your just an asshole (and i don't mean an anderson fan). :bringit:
Matt Hardy makes me laugh, what happen to his Destiny and him reinventing himself and becoming a major star in TNA. Didn't happen want to know why, cause your lower mid-carder, and look your already jobbing in TNA.

Nothing as changed, maybe you get paid pretty good for working less but thats about it. He really needs to face it, he can't over come his brothers shadow, he don't got the IT factor.

Look at all the major star that came from WWE, went straight to the main event and wining titles. Come on Bubbah Dudley is now a major player in the main event scene and Matt Hardy is jobbing, that as to say something.
I think this is pretty strange. I understand he is a heel and is trying to keep himself relevant and get heat but the reactions to his videos just seem entirely negative, with people just thinking his is coming across as a loser/idiot/moron/insert insult here.

Matt Hardy is good enough in the ring to play his heel character without needing to resort to YouTube and X-Pac heat to try and get himself over. If he spent more time working on his character, in ring performance and promos THAT HE COULD CUT ON TV then he may be higher up the ladder in TNA than he is now.

He seems to spend more time on his shitty YouTube channel, trying to create these new personas that he does NOTHING with on Impact. Matt, why not try and get over in front of a crowd, instead of a computer. You can judge the crowd reaction accurately, rather than just reading responses on an internet site.

If you want to get over, do it on the program. You have been part of the premier faction in the company, and done very little to improve your persona. You spend too much time tasering your idiot brother. Sort it out son.
You know what i find funny? Matt Hardy gets pissed on, because he makes youtube videos about himself. But when Zack Ryder does the same thing, oh he is a genius and people want to see him on TV. Whats the difference? They are both doing youtube videos to get talked about, and guess what fools it works. So to the one bitching about Matt Hardy's videos you are the idiots.:lmao::lmao::lmao:
You know what i find funny? Matt Hardy gets pissed on, because he makes youtube videos about himself. But when Zack Ryder does the same thing, oh he is a genius and people want to see him on TV. Whats the difference? They are both doing youtube videos to get talked about, and guess what fools it works. So to the one bitching about Matt Hardy's videos you are the idiots.:lmao::lmao::lmao:

The difference here is that Zack Ryder makes witty, clever and entertaining videos, while Matt post insane rambling bollock-juice that does nothing to entertain or further his character. Big difference there, anyone who can't see that is an idiot.
This was terrible, and pointless. I don't understand what Matt Hardy believes he's accomplishing with this sort of junk.

"Well, you're interested. He got people interested. People are taking notice."

Yeah, and where has that gotten him before? Now he's a mid-carder on the Junior Varsity show. Actually, he's currently suspended for showing up late all of the time, no?

If Hardy had an ounce of acting ability, this might not be so painful. All of his videos would be less painful. I was happy when WWE got rid of the guy, and TNA should do the same. I'm sure another expert here on the forums will come in and post how many toy dolls and t-shirts Hardy sold last quarter, and I will still refuse to give a shit. The Hardy's have been a cancer for a long time, and this particular brother isn't any good to begin with. Why keep him around?

So, thank you to Matt Hardy for introducing us to himself... again. Now, please, stop this nonsense.
I am very proud to say I have never seen any of the man's videos and I never will.

My opinions hereafter might seem very biased but frankly Matt Hardy is nothing. Nothing worthy of discussion but we must. Matt Hardy is trying to stay relevant, gets points for trying but unless you can go in the ring and make delightful magic on the microphone, you're just better off leaving wrestling altogether coz that is what it boils down too.

If anyone mentions Zack Ryder here I will e-bop them on the head Whack-The-Weasel style. Ryder is pretty good in the ring and something Matt used to be. Hardy is too old to change and just uninteresting to follow.
The difference here is that Zack Ryder makes witty, clever and entertaining videos, while Matt post insane rambling bollock-juice that does nothing to entertain or further his character. Big difference there, anyone who can't see that is an idiot.

Ok but the thing is, that nobody forces you to watch his videos. Last time i checked, if you didn't like something you don't watch it right? So why are people bitching about videos about Matt Hardy when they don't like him? You don't like him, don't watch him its simple.
The difference here is that Zack Ryder makes witty, clever and entertaining videos

wow...you sure have low standards. I've only been able to stomach a few of his videos and all i saw is him with a paper made championship belt some used to make when they were kids, standing around, talking in a really dumb tone and saying how his "championship" is the most important little thing. Oh and he shows "zack ryder" signs from Raw.
His webshow is really pathetic

as for Matt, he's not blind, he knows a lot of people hate him because he left the 'E but of course he's not doing them to attract hate.
He's doing them because he's barely on two tv shows/month in meaningless matches and even though he's really working his ass of he's still not feuding with anyone or doing anything notable. So in short, he's doing these videos so people will talk about him and...it's working.
If you hate him so much just do what I do with Ryder's videos: Don't frakking watch them.
wow...you sure have low standards. I've only been able to stomach a few of his videos and all i saw is him with a paper made championship belt some used to make when they were kids, standing around, talking in a really dumb tone and saying how his "championship" is the most important little thing. Oh and he shows "zack ryder" signs from Raw.
His webshow is really pathetic

as for Matt, he's not blind, he knows a lot of people hate him because he left the 'E but of course he's not doing them to attract hate.
He's doing them because he's barely on two tv shows/month in meaningless matches and even though he's really working his ass of he's still not feuding with anyone or doing anything notable. So in short, he's doing these videos so people will talk about him and...it's working.
If you hate him so much just do what I do with Ryder's videos: Don't frakking watch them.

People don't hate Matt Hardy only becuase he left WWE. People hate him becuase he wanted to be released because he felt like he was being "misused." When, in reality he gained immense weight, had a shitty workrate his last few month's, and was happy to be released from WWE. IMO the only reason he left WWE is to go to TNA to play second fiddle to his junkie brother. He's doing these video's to try and stay relevant, but it's still not working.

Zack Ryder is getting over with his video's, while Matt is getting more heat becuase of his video's. Maybe if he didn't act like an ass to get himself released he would have some more respect.

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