Match you wish you hadn't missed.


Paint by numbers.
Here's an interesting yet simple idea for a thread. I'm wondering if there's one match you didn't get a chance to watch live, that you watched later and regretted missing on live TV or PPV.

I'll start it out by giving my choice:

The Undertaker vs. Jeff Hardy on Raw for the Undisputed Title in a ladder match. I was unfortunately stuck at the cottage for the week that this match took place. I watched it as soon as I could when Raw replayed the next week, but knowing that 'Taker didn't lose the title took a lot of the emotion out of what was a fantastic match, in my opinion. I've always regretted not getting to see that match live on Raw.
The first one that popped into my mind was Tyler Black vs Davey Richards at Death Before Dishonor VIII. This was indisputably the best ROH match of 2010 and maybe the best of the year, depending on your tastes. There was a ton of hype around this match. There was that awesome Michael Jordan voiceover video. Man, I was hyped for this match. Black had a pretty good start to his title run, but there were many doubts. Did it come too late? Was he destined just to drop it to Davey, who was the hottest man in ROH at the time? There was no answer to many of those questions, but this match with Richards was no doubt the decider. If Richards won, you would be crowning the hitherto uncrowned champion. If Black won, he became a true champion. It was a huge, huge match.

And I missed it.

Seriously, I was so ready for this match, and some party or something I had to be at stopped me from seeing it. I tried to avoid spoilers and watch it on demand. And I was almost successful. Until, as I idly browsed the Internet, I forgot myself, went to ROH's Wikipedia page for no good reason, and saw the current champions. "Tyler Black", I read. My brain is blissfully unaware for half a second, and then - "Oh, fuck." I blew it. Damn it.

I still watched the match, of course, and I loved every second of it. But I knew it would have been so much better for me if I could have been hanging on every nearfall, waiting to see who would win. I was a Black fan through and through at the time, although in retrospect I really think they ought have given it to Davey here and left Black behind as a footnote champion. But to the point at hand - I wish I could have seen this match live. It would have been so much better of an experience for me to watch this epic contest in its purest form.
Another one I wish I missed, not because of the quality but because of the pure emotion is Flair/Michaels at Wrestlemania. Looking back now the match obviously doesn't mean as much but at the time, it was the match to see. I got to watch the retirement Raw the day afterwards, but I always wished I watched Wrestlemania 24 live.
Randy Orton vs Undertaker at WM21. Couldnt watch the PPV that day and when i found out the chokeslam was reversed into an Rko i went nuts. I waited until the DVD came out and bought it just to see that moment.
The only one I can think of is, Last years royal rumble. not because of who won, but because of the Santino moment. I still remember how hyped up I was for the royal rumble for weeks before it. The royal rumble has always been my favourite match and I Didn't even have somebody I thought would win it. I couldn't watch it live because of reasons mentioned on here a million times before so after it had finished I started downloading it ready to watch and I made the stupid mistake of going onto facebook. where after finding out who won then moaning about it abit on my status, TM Decided it would be funny to then go into deep lengths telling me about what happend.

Me being a Santino fan, the magic was lost, I couldn't even get into the rumble match at all, and when Santino popped his head back up I didn't even react.
First of all, great thread. I consistently find myself interested in the General Wrestling section lately, because it seems to be offering unique questions outside of the typical crap copy/pasta'd in the other non-spam wrestling sections...

For me it will likely always be Shawn Michaels and Chris Jericho at WrestleMania 19. It was during a brief period where I stopped watching wrestling, mostly due to being young and having a hundred other things going on. I've seen this match a hundred times, being my top two favorite wrestlers, but I would kill to go back and catch this one live... Jericho was just coming into his own as a big-time performer, and Shawn was a true main event talent on his way to becoming a legend. The feud leading up to it was incredible, the story told throughout was unforgettable, and the finishing touch with Jericho taking the heel way out at the end was priceless. That match, and their feud in 2008 is why I love wrestling, and it's why they are my favorites.
This is tough for me as I have a shit memory and I can never recall if I've seen a match live or if I caught it much later.

One that stands out in my mind though; MITB 2010. Kane has always and will probably always be a favorite of mine and while I had always hoped he would get another World title reign, I knew in my heart of hearts that it just wasn't going to happen.

Then the night of MITB, I'm trolling the interwebs, trying to get caught up on all the wrestling I had missed and I read what happened. I was so pissed off at myself it was unreal. Not only did I miss it, but it actually fucking took place in my hometown, a mere 20 minute drive away from me. I didn't even know they were holding a PPV there.
Mine wasnt so much a match, but a moment.

Ive been a huge nWo and more specifically a Nash mark since I started watching wrestling and I was devastated I missed No Way Out 2002.

I cant remember what I was doing...but I remember all my friends talking about it the next day. Spray painting Stone Cold in the middle of the ring.Watched it months later and marked out.

Actually I do have a match that I wish I didnt miss.

Invasion. Jeff Hardy vs Rob Van Dam for the Hardcore Title. Watched Invasion about a year after it happened, one of the best hardcore title matches Ive seen, the part where Rob Van Dam gave Jeff the Vandaminator into that pit...OMFG.

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