Favorite Match You Attended

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Wrestlemania X7: The Rock vs Stone Cold was the best match I have ever attended. The Austin heel turn made it even more better because it was unexpected at the time.
Growing up in the Pittsburgh area I had the priviledge of seeing many classic house shows when I was a kid. The first memory I have is a match between Rick "The Model" Martel vs. Hercules. I don't remember any of the night but this was the first match I ever had the priviledge of seeing. I remember Martel being dominated the entire match but pulling out the win in the end by using the ropes.

Other memorable matches seen in the good old Civic Arena (now Mellon Arena because everyone has to be a corporate trademark these days).

"The Macho King" Randy Savage vs. The Ultimate Warrior in a steel cage

Mr. Perfect vs. Bret Hart for the Intercontinental Championship

Sgt. Slaughter vs. Col. Mustafa & General Adnan

The Rockers vs. The Orient Express

Virgil defending the Million Dollar Championship against Ted DiBiase (Before anyone asks why this match is on my big list Virgil is from Pittsburgh so it was a great thing to see a hometown boy made good.)

Countless appearance by the Big Boss Man, Tito Santana, Hillybilly Jim ... etc.

Summerslam 95. The whole night was unbelievable. My dad got us B level seating for the first PPV to come to Pittsburgh that either of us could remember. The matches were for the most part solid. The main event was completely overshadowed by the ladder match between Shawn Michaels and Razor Ramon. Man was that something to see.

There were many others but my most memorable wrestling event moment was something no one would ever expect. It was the morning before the Super Bowl in 2004. The WWE was holding an event that was headlined by a match between Brock Lesnar/Kurt Angle/Eddie Guerrero. This was shortly before Latino Heat won the belt off of Brock. The event was pretty damn good. I was second row ringside and got fun of by Paul Heyman. Ok, it was probably my fault. I was wearing a Dude Love t-shirt. LOL The thing I will always remember about this night was a match between the Big Show and Hardcore Holly. I know a lot of you are thinking "That's it? That's this guys best live wrestling memory?" YES IT IS. Because it showed just how real wrestling can be. Big Show and Holly are having a mediocre match and it had Big Show holding Holly down on the mat in a side headlock. A basic rest lock, but I will never forget it. He has Holly down, and all of a sudden there is a scream from the crowd. "BIG SHOW YOU SUCK!" To which Big Show not skipping a beat screamed back "FUCK YOU I'M RICH!" The crowd lost it. As did Big Show and Holly. I'm not kidding that Big Show held that headlock for about 5 minutes and you could see them both shaking with laughter. Being in the second row I swear Big Show looked right at my section. Saw we were all laughing, started laughing again. When this match was over I immediately went to the nearest stand and bought a Big Show "Chicks Dig It Big" T-Shirt. It was one of the worst "wrestling" matches I've seen, but will forever be my favorite moments.
I was at WrestleMania X, where the classic between Bret and Owen took place. This is widely considered the greatest opening match of all-time, and I'm not about to argue against it. These two put on one hell of a match, and it could not have ended more perfectly.
The ones that come to mind are

Shawn Michaels vs Angel Wrestlemania 21 Los Angeles Staples center
What can I say about this besides this was an absolute clinic put on by two of the best in ring performers ever. This was so highly anticipated that the expectations seemed like they would never live up to them but the boys pulled out a classic.

Rock vs Austin WM15.. The show also contained one of the worst live matches ive ever seen Taker vs Bossman HIAC. But Austin vs Rock made up for it.. It was the inevitable encounter between the two biggest names of the attitude era. This was builtup great where there was a great epic match feel in the arena and the crowd was hot from bell to bell.

And lastly I got to see a house show right around WMX and saw Shawn Michaels and Razor Ramon in a ladder match and I can tell you it was amazing. HBK has always been someone that goes 100% everynight and they put on a classic at the old Philly Spectrum
My favorite match that I attended (and I'm sure I won't be the last one to say this) was HBK VS Taker at Wrestlemania 25. What can I say about this match that hasn't been said already? It was two legendary future hall of famers going at it at the biggest show of the year. I was 16 rows from the ring and got to see two of my favorite wrestlers in what might be the best match I have ever seen. The "Heaven VS Hell" theme the entrances had, the endless string of finishers and two counts, the crowd reaction, actually being there for it in person.... That was the best match I have ever attended because it had such a special feel to it that I will remember forever.
I've only attended three ppv events, one Wrestlemania (Wrestlemania VIII), one Summerslam (2008), and one In Your House event (In Your House: Buried Alive), all in my hometown of Indianapolis, IN.

Between 1991 and 1996, I attended I think every house show/ppv event that the WWF held in Indianapolis. The streak was broken when Raw came to Indy in early 1998 (that was when Foley and Funk were pushed off the Titantron in a dumpster), and other than a Nitro show that I attended in 1998, I didn't attend another wrestling event in Indy until 2003 when Smackdown came to Indy (that was when the buildup to the Hogan/Rock rematch at No Way Out began).

I've been to numerous Raw and Smackdown shows in Indy since then (although I've missed a few in recent years). With the exception of Eddie Guerrero's final match against Mr. Kennedy, which was on a Smackdown taping held in Indy about 5-6 days before he died, none of the matches on Raw or Smackdown really stick out to me off the top of my head.

So needless to say the ppv matches are the ones that stick out. And thus I would say the best match I saw live is between three matches... Bret Hart/Roddy Piper from Wrestlemania VIII, Macho Man/Ric Flair from Wrestlemania VIII, and the Undertaker/Edge Hell in a Cell match from Summerslam 2008.

I would probably have to say that the two Wrestlemania matches were probably better matches (I would certainly put Flair/Savage over the Hell in a Cell, but I could definitely be swayed if someone wanted to convince me that the Hell in a Cell was better than Hart/Piper). I was so excited to be at a Wrestlemania. I had only been watching wrestling for about a year up to that point, and Wrestlemania VIII was only my 2nd live event that I attended, so it was very memorable. The Savage/Flair storyline was epic, and the matchup was epic to say the least. I wanted Savage to win so badly, and I was extremely excited when he did.

Piper/Hart was a great matchup that hooked me. Both Hart and Piper were two of my favorites, but I was still rooting for Bret. Piper's heelish tactics instantly had me worried that Piper was becoming a bad guy and was going to cheat to win. I was pleading with Piper to put the bell down when he came close to hitting Bret with it. And I was relieved when he put the bell down. That moment was so dramatic and is one of the two highlight spots in the matchup. The other one is the finale when Bret countered Piper's sleeperhold and pinned him, which I thought was simply one of the coolest things I had ever seen (still one of the best finishing spots in any matchup I've seen, another one of the many reasons that Bret Hart reeks of awesomeness to quote Edge and Christian).

Both of those matches are probably two of my favorite wrestling matches ever, and seeing them live makes them even more memorable to me. Those are probably the two best matches I've seen live.

However, I have to say getting the opportunity to see a Hell in a Cell match live is something that I'm very thankful for. There's nothing quite like the Hell in a Cell match, and it's truly a special thing to see live. Especially one as crazy as the Taker/Edge matchup was. The ending for that match has gotta be one of the coolest things I've ever seen live (not just in wrestling, but concerts and other live performances as well). It was brutal, it was exciting, it was fun to watch. My jaw dropped repeatedly throughout the match. I'm thankful that I can tell people that "I've seen a Hell in a Cell matchup live." That's certainly something that not every wrestling fan can say for themselves.

So yeah, I'd have to say it's between those three matchups. Some runners up would be the Undertaker/Mankind Buried Alive matchup (that's another rare matchup that only a few wrestling fans can say they've seen live, with me being one of them), and Batista/Cena from Summerslam 2008, and I got to see if I remember right, at a house show right before Summerslam 94 (which was when Diesel and Shawn Michaels won the Tag Team titles from the Headshrinkers), a tag team matchup between Bret Hart and Razor Ramon against Owen Hart and Jim Neidhart. After that matchup, Bret and Razor walked around the ringside area to greet the fans, and I got to high five Bret Hart which is definitely one of the biggest thrills of my wrestling life haha.

Great topic.
the single greatest card I have ever attended live was the great american bash in 1988 in Detroit, talk about a calvacade of stars and great matches! you had them all! russian chain match, Rude vs Koloff. Scaffold match Midnight express vs R&R express, 8 man tag, the 4 horseman vs the road warriors and 2 top names i cant remember now. but the match that shone birghter then them all, was the main event, a tag team cage match, on one side you had Kevin Sullivan and dirty Dick Murdoch, vs the American Dream Dusty rhodes, and believe it or not, the original Sheik! what a match that was, everyone bled, fire was thrown and there was even a double turn, and in the end, there stood dusty and dick, after fighting off sullivan and the sheik, they buried the hatchet and shook hands. best part about it, i was 8th row main floor, talk about the carnage!
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