Match of the Week

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I'm also going have to go with Mysterio VS Punk. This was a good match, and it was a great way to open the show. I wanted to go with Jericho VS Undertaker, but even though it was a no DQ match, the interference from Edge just killed it for me because it took the focus off of what could've been a very good match.

Christian VS Sheamus was too bad either. Seeing as ECW is about to be history, it was cool to see a WWE champion VS ECW championship match. Also, I did like the triple threat tag team match, but I wish the Straightedge Society would've won because CM Punk is clearly the best heel in WWE right now, but I want to give Miz and Show a chance as champs because It'll bee interesting to see how far WWE will go with them.
I'm torn between Christian VS Big Zeek for the title on the final ECW, and John Cena VS Triple H, but I'm going to have to go with Cena VS HHH. The Christian/Zeek match was fun to watch, but there wasn't anything really special about it. Sure there were some cool spots like when Zeek sent Christian through the shopping cart, but still this match just didn't do it for me. I know Zeek won the title, but what does that really even mean? ECW is dead and gone, and Vince will probably get rid of the title soon enough, so it will all end up being pointless.

Triple H and Cena are two of WWE's top stars, and they put on a pretty good match. While I don't agree with Jerry Lawler and Michale Cole constantly trying to remind us that every time these two wrestle on free TV we're witnessing a "Wrestlemania main event" they have put on a couple of good matches. The best one they had was probably from Night Of Champions 2008. This match wasn't a classic by any means, but it was pretty good.
Well considring Against All Odds is a part of this week, I reckon I should go with a match from there. Nothing was that great on TV this week. I didn't even bother watching Cena/HHH, given that I've seen it a million times already. I guess Edge/Batista was already, but not really a good match.

My pick is going to have to be AJ/Samoa Joe. Even for those of you who haven't seen the match, I'm sure you can imagine just how good it was. AJ is the best in the world and Joe isn't that fat anymore. That makes for a great match.
Well, I'm a little late seeing as how a new week of wrestling is already well under way, but I'll go for the main event of the final ECW as match of the week. Admittedly, I don't watch TNA so I haven't seen Against All Odds. Anyway, I chose Zeke vs Christian because I thought it was the best match out of some rather mediocre matches on WWE television this week. That's not a knock against WWE as I expect storyline progression over match quality in pre-PPV shows.

I thought Zeke and Christian used the extrume rules stipulation well as they provided some nice spots in a match type that's hurt by the PG rating. It didn't exactly flow, but it was mostly entertaining and kept me guessing as to who would win. I also liked that Zeke went over because it makes sense in terms of giving him something to brag about when he debuts on Smackdown.
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Alright, this seems to be slowly dying again. Let's see if we can revive it?

I haven't watched Elimination Chamber, but I heard it had a few good matches, so you can pick from there. Personally, I'll go with Bryan v. Jericho from NXT. It wasn't that great of a match, but with it being Danielson's first match and the first episode of NXT I thought it was kind of cool.

Edge/Miz from Smackdown wasn't half bad either.
I've got to go with the Smackdown Elimination Chamber match. It was a terrific match. There was never a dull moment in it and had a nice shock in the end. R Truth got to do some moves, its a shame he didn't get to last longer though. Punk got another promo in which I thought was pretty funny and him and Rey had a nice little match with a good way to eliminate Punk and carry the feud into WM. Rey was once again awesome. Morrison had a great showing and I even thought he could of pulled off the upset. Jericho was great, I loved when he hid in the pods from Taker' that made me laugh quite a bit and Undertaker wasn't too bad. Probably his best match since he's returned.

Other matches I thought was good was MVP vs The Miz at Elimination Chamber. Dolph Ziggler vs JoMo vs R Truth and Christian vs Carltio. None of these we're superb matches but they we're fun to watch. I haven't watched Impact yet but I doubt it could top the chamber match.
I didn't see either of the Elimination Chamber matches, so I'll have to go with The Briscoes VS The Young Bucks from Ring Of Honor for the tag titles. This was a very good match, and it was filled with a bunch of crazy spots. This match was very physical, and some good tag team work was showcased throughout the entire match. At one point in the match, the Young Bucks superkicked both of the Briscoes, but they Briscoes came back with a pair of superkicks of their own. This match was just one hell of a battle.

Edge VS Miz was pretty decent, but nothing else on Raw or Smackdown was really a worthy candidate. Daniel Byran VS Jericho was pretty good, but I think this could've had more time. Also, TNA really didn't have anything worth nominating this week.
So I think I'll have to go Rey Mysterio v. Luke Gallows from Smackdown this week. It was a fun little match that really got the crowd going and Rey did a bunch of cool flippys and the like. Really gets you excited for the upcoming Punk/Rey matchup, which should be awesome indeed.

Drew McIntrye v. Matt Hardy as well as Orton v. Dibiase were both pretty good as well, other than that, nothing much else, especially since TNA was a steaming pile of shit.
I'll have to go with Orton VS Dibiase. Usually I don't care all that much for an Orton match, but this one was actually pretty good. You knew there was a chance Rhodes would get involved, and they did. Orton took both of them out, and got a pretty good pop from the crowd. It makes you wonder where WWE is going with this storyline of the Legacy break up?

Also, TNA didn't have anything worth nominating again this week. Maybe the tag match between Hogan/Abyss and Flair/Styles will be something to remember.
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So I think I'll have to go Rey Mysterio v. Luke Gallows from Smackdown this week. It was a fun little match that really got the crowd going and Rey did a bunch of cool flippys and the like. Really gets you excited for the upcoming Punk/Rey matchup, which should be awesome indeed.


It was close between this and Orton vs Dibiase but I thought this match was more fun and entertaining. It's also probably the most impressed I've ever been with Gallows/Festus in the ring. I also liked the after match antics where Rey embarrassed Punk as it keeps the story ticking over nicely. Solid effort from both guys in an otherwise underwhelming week in terms of match quality.
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I'm going to go with the triple threat tag match. I thought it was fun and I enjoyed watching it. I thought it was a nice change of pace as we normally don't see to many triple threat tag matches and I do like them so it gets my vote. Plus it helps that JoMo and R Truth got the win.
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Well i watched both the triple threat tag team bout, and the Gallows-Mysterio matchup from SmackDown. Both matches were pretty good...not great or memorable, but they served a purpose. I have to give the edge to Rey vs. Luke though, as I felt the tag team match was too abrupt. It could have gone longer, I thought, and I was rooting for the Harts instead of another mish-mash team like Truth and Morrison.

Luke Gallows has improved in the ring since coming back from his hiatus. I just realized that he shed some good pounds, and looked pretty good out there against the smaller Mysterio. And Rey did his usual thing. It was the typical big man-against-small man stuff, but it worked. Plus, it helped plant more seeds for the future, as far as Rey-Punk is concerned. I thought they were going to involve Rey's daughter somehow, since they showed the interaction between her and her father before the match. Perhaps in the future.
So, apparently there were some more wrestling matches this week. Who knew? Anyway, the return of the Monday Night War was the big thing this week, so the best match had to come from there, right? I think it did. Williams v. Daniels v. Kaz for the X Division Title was a very fun match and definetly the best we've seen on Impact in a number of weeks. That's something we should be seeing nearly all the time from TNA.

There were some other solid matches as well. The main events of both Raw and Impact were fun, and of course you have to consider RVDs return, regardless of the length.
I'm also going to have to go with the triple threat X Division title match from Impact. This was a fun match, and it was by far the best match on Impact that night. Plus, I'm really happy to Kaz back as Kaz, and not Suicide. The Hogan/Abyss VS Flair/Styles match wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It wasn't great or that good, but It was okay. The first match was more so about the return of Sting than anything else, and the second match just had too much of a clusterfuck ending for me. Although, we did see some nice brawling from Flair and Hogan.

WWE really didn't have anything worth nominating. The whole gauntlet stipulation killed the Cena/McMahon match for me. Over on Smackdown, WWE decided to go with Cryme Tyme VS Hart Dynasty for the 10,000th time. It wasn't a bad match, but these two teams have wrestled each other WAY too many times. Also, R-Truth VS Miz and Morrison VS Big Show were okay matches.
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For this past week it's really between Kaz/Daniels/Williams or the Legacy handicap match. I really can't decide. Both had good points. William's winning the 3 Way Dance was and wasn' a shock. There was the possibility of changing the title on he big Impact but I don't blame them for not. I'm surprised really that Randy lost. With the rumor of the three way dance at Mania I was expecting Dibiase & Rhodes to get in each others faces helping Randy win.
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Shit. I forgot to do it yesterday. Just so this thread doesn't die i'll quickly do one.

There wasn't many good matches this week from either company but my favourite was probably the triple threat from TNA was pretty good. Kaz and Daniels worked well and Williams was out of the ring for most of the match which was good as he is shit. It was fun and entertained me a lot.

The Handicap match from Raw was quite good but bored me in places and RVD vs Sting was good just for the crowd when they found out it was RVD.
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For me it's the Triple Threat Match from TNA. Williams, Kaz and Daniels made a phenomenal showing. That spot with the Northern Lights Suplex/Roll-Up combanation was very innovative by Kaz. TNA has to put more spotlight on the X Division.
That happened last week ^^

Anyway I'll do it today so I don't forget and so the thread doesn't die.You're welcome GD My match of the week was probably Luke Gallows vs Rey Mysterio. It wasn't anything special but I was entertained throughout and the post match beatdown Rey gave was great. I really bought the hatred Rey feels for Punk and taking it out on Gallows.

Hardy vs Styles was good as well. It was nice to see these two battle seeing as the last time they faced off was 5 years ago. It was a good match with Hardy getting the win to cement his place as part of the TNA main event exactly where he should be, it gets extra points for Abyss chokeslamming Flair through the ramp.
I'm going with the Wrestlemania re match between Shawn Michaels and Chris Jericho from Raw. Now this match wasn't as great as the one they had at Wrestlemania 19 or some of the matches they had in 2008, but still it was a good match. HBK and Jericho usually put on good or great matches, and they didn't disappoint on Raw. The match ending in a count out was kind of a bummer for me, but I expected a ending like that or some kind of interference from either Edge or Undertaker to help further the storylines for the matches between all four men at Wrestlemania. I'm just glad Edge speared Jericho AFTER the match.
Didn't watch a ton of wrestling this week. Heard AJ/Hardy was decent, but I didn't see it, so it didn't happen. Obviously. I think I'll go with HBK/Jericho from Raw. Sure, it wasn't anything close to a clean finish and was pretty short, but they made the most of the time they were given and the crowd was totally into it, which was a big plus. Other than that, I didn't really see anything else that great this week. Looking forward to next week when I'll be able to choose between plenty of Destination X spotfests.
I thought the match that Rey Mysterio and Tyson Kidd had on Superstars was damn good and was, in my view, the best match of the week. There were a couple of missed spots in the match, but Tyson Kidd looked quite strong against Mysterio even if DH Smith and Natalya interferred a little here and there. If anything, their intereference only helped generate heat for Kidd rather and didn't take anything away from the match.

Now, while it was obvious that Mysterio was going to win the match from the start, it was still a fun and entertaining match to watch. I think it's probably the strongest that Tyson Kidd has looked since coming to the WWE. I'd love to see the WWE do something with him as he's just got too much natural ability to let go to waste.
The best match I saw this week was the Ultimate X match between Generation Me and the Motor City Machine Guns. This was a very entertaining match which showed us how good both teams are. There were numerous spots from both teams and some great double team moves. It wasn't classic Ultimate X match but it was still very entertaining and a great match.

A close second would be the ladder match between Kazarian, Amazing Red, Daniels and Brian Kendrick. This match was a very fast and spot filled match. All four guys got to do some nice things and it showcased the X Division well. Although I knew Kazarian would be the winner, I think the ending was still very well done and a great way to finish a great match.

The best match I saw on free TV this week was between Tyson Kidd and Rey Mysterio. This is probably the best match I have seen on free TV for months and its a shame it was on Superstars. Both guys put it some tremendous work and put on a great match. Like Jack-Hammer said the winner was obvious but that doesn't always matter. Kidd got to show what he's made of and hopefully Vince see's this and starts to push The Hart Dynasty as all three members are tremendous talents.

In second place is the Tag match between Beer Money vs RVD and Jeff Hardy. This match was a terrific main event and was a great way to close a show. There were some nice spots and was an all around good match. It was great seeing RVD and Hardy work together and was good seeing Beer Money main event an Impact and not be missed out. Hopefully all four guys have a spot in the Lethal Lockdown match as I would love to see them battle once again.
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Well, I didn't see any of the matches chosen by Jack-Hammer and TLC, seeing as I don't watch TNA and didn't happen to catch Superstars this week. Unfortunately, not too much stood out this week on RAW, NXT and Smackdown, but I'm going to choose the ten man tag that opened Smackdown.

I was really impressed with Ziggler in particularly as he was involved for long periods and looked good whilst doing so. Bourne had a nice showing as well and the Shelton/Bourne top rope throw was awesome and got a good response from the crowd. The end was good as everyone got involved and the action was fast paced and fun to watch. Kane came out looking very strong and the double chokeslam was pretty cool. Overall, it was a decent match which did a good job of hyping the MITB match tomorrow.
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If you didn't catch Destination X, you have to check it out. A couple of very good matches there. Generation Me v. MCMG was just ridiculous. Sure, it was more or less just a spotfest, but who cares? It'll be difficult to find a more entertaining match this year. Absolutely fantastic stuff.

The Four Way Ladder match was pretty good as well. Always fun watching Amazing Red oversell and convulse on the ground like he's having a seizure.
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Well the MOTW should be pretty easy this week. Last week was WM week, so the winning match has to come from there. Cena/Batista, Edge/Jericho, and the MITB were all very good, but HBK/Undertaker was just on a whole nother level. The match itself was great, and the whole thing with HBK retiring and all just put it over the top. This is likely going to be the MOTY yet again.

The only thing from TV this week that could be a possibility would be the Swagger cash-in, just for the historicalness of it all. He's a bad dude.
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