Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
Just below you will find The Rock's Smackdown promo in its entirety, recorded by a fan:

He's still got it and then some. Importantly, he says he'll be guest hosting Raw. Quite frankly, there is no fucking way he will not be the best guest host by a country mile.

Best promo man in the history of wrestling, easily.
I read this and I don't believe it. This sounds to me like when Hogan called out Austin once. It's a nice idea to hold us over but I doubt it will happen.
It doesn't matter (sorry) if it doesn't happen. This one segment will keep fans happy for another year or two. Look on youtube and dailymotion and The Rock's promo before battle of the billionaires and his hall of fame speech, they are massive hits. This promo will be watched over and over again by sad fans like me. If he does one of these every two years it is more than enough.

If a miracle happened and he did guest host, well I for one would likely jizz in my pants. He would beat Ted Dibiase sr easily for me, who is by far and away the best host so far.
Do you know what impresses me most about that promo? He worked the crowd to perfection and he taped it a week beforehand. The pauses for the crowd were in all the right places and lasted for the right amount of time. Many modern day superstars can't get that right in the arena, never mind in a pre taped piece.

But yeah, The Rock doesn't really fit in with the modern day faces, but there's no way the fans will let him be a heel if he did come back as a guest host. Hopefully Punk will prosper further from "The Rock" rub.
Vintage Rock. As usual, Rock's delivery makes me wish Cena would stop trying to be him on the microphone.

Most entertaining segment in a while? No. Best promo in a while? No. Jericho "getting caught" bashing Canadians and Calgary and Punk's recent stuff have been too entertaining for me to pick Rock over them, but it's still VERY good to see Rocky again.
Rocky! Rocky! Rocky! that segment makes me miss the good old days, him hosting Raw would be awesome, lets croos our fingers its not like Austin vs Hogan.
Most entertaining segment in a while? No. Best promo in a while? No. Jericho "getting caught" bashing Canadians and Calgary and Punk's recent stuff have been too entertaining for me to pick Rock over them

Couldn't disagree more. Not sure what was special about the Jericho getting caught promo? And CM Punk's promos have been great, but it's a different style. Different strokes I suppose.

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