Mason Ryan


Registered Boozer
...just push the guy already. Yeah, I know the haters will say this is just another "big guy", but he really has the look and the intensity to be the next Batista, or better. If WWE are smart, they'll put him in a singles feud with Randy Orton. I think it's the next logical step for a man that could be the next superstar "big guy" in WWE. What do they have to lose? Undertaker is on the verge of retirement, Kane is all but gone, Batista is long gone and Sheamus has lost his spark. Give Ryan a chance......because if a monster heel role works out for him, eventually he can become a monster face, just like Batista.
He isn't ready for a big feud yet. He probably will feud with Randy Orton in the future, but he's too green to do a promo. It simply won't draw. They're both bad in the ring and on the mic.
He isn't ready for a big feud yet. He probably will feud with Randy Orton in the future, but he's too green to do a promo. It simply won't draw. They're both bad in the ring and on the mic.

Although he is green, he has the look, the physique and the presence to carry such a feud without even speaking. Look at Brock Lesnar, for example. The guy didn't say anything, but just destroyed his opponents. Ryan should be pushed the same reality, he doesn't have to say shit for a long time. I say strike while the iron is hot, because there's really nothing to lose. WWE is screaming out someone to grasp the "signature big guy" role and maybe Mason Ryan is the man to do the job? He certainly has me impressed, thus far.
Although he is green, he has the look, the physique and the presence to carry such a feud without even speaking. Look at Brock Lesnar, for example. The guy didn't say anything, but just destroyed his opponents. Ryan should be pushed the same reality, he doesn't have to say shit for a long time. I say strike while the iron is hot, because there's really nothing to lose. WWE is screaming out someone to grasp the "signature big guy" role and maybe Mason Ryan is the man to do the job? He certainly has me impressed, thus far.

It is impossible to put Mason Ryan in a feud with Randy Orton now. Randy Orton is in the middle of a feud with CM PUNK!

Don't be a TNA and abandon feuds silently.
sheamus got buried because the guy in charge of the raw creative team dislikes sheamus so it was a biased move, kane is still in, but he has been pushed aside for new talent, undertaker is only guaranteed to be around at wrestle mania and some of the weeks before.
as for mason ryan, he could do it, however he would need to break away from nexus and do something for himself.
It is impossible to put Mason Ryan in a feud with Randy Orton now. Randy Orton is in the middle of a feud with CM PUNK!

Don't be a TNA and abandon feuds silently.

I know...I know. Perhaps have Ryan start off by destroying someone like Mark Henry, then move up to R-Truth, followed by Morrison and then maybe Orton. Either way, WWE need to capitalize on Mason Ryan's huge potential.
Don't be a TNA and abandon feuds silently.

I instantly thought of the Undertaker with Kane and the Nexus when you wrote that. They completely destroy the Undertaker but he returns like that never happened. WHAT? WHAT?

Back of Mason Ryan, I don't think he should be pushed. Call me a hater if you want but I don't think he deserves it. Nothing about him screams 'give me a run.'
he looks really un-athletic and like he can barely freaking move in the ring...just another big body... what separates him from chris masters or the half dozen other 'physique' guys?
I watched him wrestle in FCW, and I think pushing him would be ******ed. CM Punk deserves the long awaited push, not Mason Ryan. A feud with Randy Orton with Mason Ryan would be terrible, they both suck on promos.

I don't mind big guys to be quite frank, Sheamus, Batista and Jack Swagger are all talented. But Mason Ryan is as green as hell, and pushing him would be stupid and pointless. CM Punk deserves the world title right now, not even The Miz.
Well, it wouldn't be "TNA-ing" a feud because Mason is in the Nexus; it could just be a logical extension of the CM Punk feud. Punk could use Ryan to rest up whilst softening up Orton. But I agree with the masses here, Ryan is too green, and that's putting it nicely. Also no mic skills = no WWE push.
How can you not like Mason Ryan. Look at this guy. He is built as a one man wrecking ball. He defiantly does look like the new Batista. I believe strongly that Mason Ryan is the new leader of Nexus. No CM Punk tonight but that was ok. Mason Ryan came down and lead the charge for the attack on Orton. Mason Ryan ripped his shirt off and was trying to get heat for his attack. This guy is getting his push now!
CM Punk once said (and I'm paraphrasing) that you can't push a guy because he has a great physique. If you push him based off that only he looks like a jackass because 10 other guys on the roster are built.

He has a great look and intensity, but that doesn't mean anything. Yea Vince has a hard on for him probably but Vince has a bigger hard on for money. I don't see him as a draw yet. Being around Punk and Orton and being in the big feuds due to being in Nexus will do him lots of good. To me, he's like Batista when he first came on with D'Von. Raw talent.

I'll use an analogy. Mason is like a 6'5" thin, broad shouldered flame throwing 19 year old lefty. He is incredibly projectable, but now is the time to keep him in A ball (sparingly used, highlight his strengths until he gets better).
So the general consensus here is that Mason Ryan doesn't deserve a push...

I disagree.

I'm certainly not saying that he deserves to be shoved into the WWE title picture anytime soon, but he deserves a decent singles feud.

I know he's "green" in the ring, but so were many current superstars before they improved and became main event material (e.g. Cena, Miz). Ryan isn't just another "big guy" such as Masters. I don't really know how to express this, but the best way I can put it is that he just has "the look". He is intense, scary looking and a potential human wrecking machine. Nothing like this has been seen since Brock Lesnar and to be honest, Brock was great in the ring, but he had too much of a baby face thing going on. Ryan just looks like a beast, and that counts for a LOT. His in-ring ability will most likely improve, given time. WWE would be foolish not to capitalize on what appears to be a potential goldmine, just like Batista was (whether you liked him or not).

Just my .02 worth and just my opinion.
The thing is, if you put him in the ring, because he's so intense, and because he's so green, and because he's so ridiculously strong, he'll kill people (in a bad way).

Put him in a tag team, let him do half the work, or do the squashing, whichever. Then when he developes, start him in a singles feud with a large but good wrestler who won't get hurt too bad if he fucks up, then put him in a feud with a ring general, then to the main event.

About a year away from the main events. Don't want him getting exposed as being green or hurting someone.
Ryan is, in one word, a beast.
when i first saw him come in to the WWE i knew that he has so much potential and WWE being in the slump that they are right now, should definitely utilize someone like him. Build him up as the next Batista, but better. Have him destroy the new nexus and go singles to become the next wwe champion. that IS potential staring WWE in the face if i have ever seen it.
To say anyone is green is really unfair. It sounds as though it's their fault somehow for not having the opportunity to work matches and get better. Actually, what have Otunga, Mcgillicuty<sp>, Harris or Ryan done since they've left NXT??? A few quickie matches but nothing of substance. WWE realizes they made a mistake bringing most of those guys over to the big time shows, and they're backpedaling to cover up that mistake.

Mason Ryan (while the name is just bland as hell) looks like a monster in the ring. We don't truly know what he can do because he hasn't had a chance to do much of anything other than be part of a group beatdown now and again. The one match he had with Orton wasn't terrible, I was entertained at least, and I know he's got to polish up things before he can be near ME status. But hell, why not let these guys fight once in a while? What are they so afraid of? Turn 'em lose, fire Otunga, that lisping little sissy bitch, and move on with the product. You can't create stars if you don't give them a chance to shine.
Yea but you shouldn't put other guys in jeopardy by having them in the ring with a strong green guy. Bring him along until he can think for his own in the ring. You don't want him to look out of place because then he'll have that deer in a headlights look and will kill his monster persona. If he hurts someone then it's even worse.

He does deserve a push, just not some insane main event push. Put him in a tag team like I said and let them go along that way. Batista him, that worked out pretty well.
I dont like the guy

he's boring he's just big an intimidating like Batista was and I never liked bastsita either.

he might have a chance at banging melina but thats about the best thing he will do in the wwe.
I never liked the Ultimate Warrior.
Or Ultimate Dave Warrior 2.0
And I don't like the new version either.
That said, he looks like he might be able to carry my groceries. Does that make him good?
Lucid, even though you (and me) don't like guys like that, if they're over then they're over.

I think everyone here is equating a similar look to "next Batista" without actually evaluating his talent. Never having seen him work a match or a feud. If he gets over like Batista, then push him. If he doesn't, send him back to Golds Gym where you found him.
In effect, I know nothing about the guy. Maybe he's the next big thing.
Not my taste, really but that's ok too. Takes all kind to spin the Earth around.
Mason ryan just got back from a few weeks off from the Orton-Punk storyline and the first thing he did with his fellow Nexus guys was take revenge for what Orton did, so watch over the next few weeks and the Raw GM will put them 2 into a match aswell as Otanga & Macgulli.
What I really like about stables, and it's one thing that most successful time periods have is stables, is that everyone gets the rub. You can suck a dick in the ring, but if you're wearing the colors of the biggest heel team or the biggest face team, you're more over than you were before.

Remember right before the tude era went apeshit? You had the hart Foundation, DX, Nation of Domination, budding ministry, corporation, TONS of stables.

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