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Mason Ryan - Money in the Bank Face Turn

The HEEL JuiceLee

Pre-Show Stalwart
So every1 knows that CM PUNK will be taking some time off in the near future,He has threatened to win & then take the belt with him.So its pretty obvious that the NeXuS will disband real soon.Well i have heard that the WWE is real high on Mason Ryan & i think it might be time to give this man a super,huge,monster push even if he isnt ready for it.!!

I think Ryan should pull off an unexpected suprise victory in the MiTB ladder match.Then later in the night keep him ringside during the CeNa/Punk match. Have Punk win after a long match,then when he is celebrating Ryan can spear him,Then cash in his briefcase and turn face by saving the belt from Punk...

Does any1 think its time to push Ryan???

Does any1 think Mason Ryan should turn on Punk & go Face,or do u think he should stay heel???

Let me have it!
First of all, I don't believe the guy is even remotely over. The poll on last night's RAW was obviously set up, but Ryan is not ready for a main event push. Pushing him slowly is the way to go, especially when someone like Ryan is so green in the ring. I have yet to be impressed by Mason Ryan's ability in or outside of the ring and I don't see much changing in the near future. If they can manage to get some sort of crowd reaction during his matches then I might give him a chance but I just don’t see why the WWE are so high on him. He's not Batista, not anywhere near that level. In fact, I don't see much potential. I don't think the WWE should give Ryan a main event push until they are sure he is ready.
I think he should be pushed, but over time. I thnk everybodynwants a new Batista. But mason Ryan could be this guy. Just give him the whole evalution story line except with nexus. Have him turn on the leader just to take the belt.
He seems to slowly be improving, I hope to see him in a the midcard scene within a few months, but to be fair this time next year I see him there, slowly picking off a few select jobbers and trying to put on some shows with some main players hopefully.

If he wins MitB I see him taking the Jack Swagger approach to being in WWE,
1.Win MitB
2.Cash in
4.Wait he was WHC o_O?
I don't know if Mason Ryan should win MITB, but I do think that he would make a decent face. I do see him as the next Batista and I was actually a Batista fan. I could easily become a Mason Ryan fan. Ryan needs to learn some more moves and become a better wrestler. I don't think it's the right time to push him just yet, but in a few months he woill be ready.
Just think about how long it took the actual Batista to get over.. years!

I don't see it in Mason's future though, the man has nothing to me.. no voice, no wrestling skills, terrible finisher and a bad haircut

He's just another big man that will eventually fall
i don't think it is the right time i really don't like Mason Ryan or Even Batista so i don't want him to get a push at least at this point of the year maybe after 1 or 2 years i can think of that and he has to get more credibility in ring he has NO skills and IF they gave him a push it is just beacue he seems like Batista or the next Batista that's all
It's not a bad idea in principle, but the timing just isn't right for it at the moment. If they had pushed Ryan for longer then it would muddy the waters going into Money in the Bank. Also, WWE are doing Master v Apprentice at the moment with Riley and Miz with both guys over with the crowd for the most part.
Hamler nails it, yet again.

Not only should Mason Ryan not be pushed- I personally think he's too green to be a member of the roster. They need to send his ass back down to developmental, stat.
The idea is a good one though. That would be a great way to push Mason...if he could actually wrestle. He's got an amazing look, but no one can take him seriously, given he can't wrestle or speak on the mic (at least he hasn't been showcased to be able to). The fans were making a joke out of him last night. They were chanting Batista the entire match. XD

So while, it's a fantastic push idea (and I'd keep him heel)- Mason Ryan isn't ready. Simple as that.
They will push Ryan cos he fits the profile of an up and coming British star, something they are building a stock of.

WWE is making moves over in the UK, they just had a booth at the BodyPower Expo where I work... They are very serious about the UK as a market and they want Brits to face off against guys like Sheamus, McIntyre and Wade Barrett down the line, hell even Baby Bulldog... Ryan is on the roster cos they are blatantly planning a Wembley Summerslam next year for the 20 year anniversary...
I would say no but look at Sheamus. I'm not gonna go on about Sheamus, but, he did win the WWE title within 3 months. Why can't Mason Ryan? The argument is Sheamus did more than Ryan before winning the strap, so, I doubt he'll win at Money in the Bank. But, he may win the MitB Ladder Match and build him up for a few months.

Put it this way, if CM Punk wins the WWE Championship, the RAW Mr Money in the Bank will storm out and cash it in. It allows Punk to the win the Championship and not have to go through the "Elimination Tournement" to crown a new WWE Champion ($100 says Cena will win) or have a stupid Battle Royal on Raw the next night ($100 says Cena will win).

This of course is dependant on Punk actually leaving and not playing a storyline that people so truly believe.
Oh hell yeah give this guy a push! I'd like to keep this guy a heel and have him just destroy everyone who challeneges him THEN have him say "since ive beaten everyone else its time for a title shot." And i would love to see him spear the shit outta Cena for the title.
I really don't think this would work very well at all. Mason Ryan is way too green to even be sniffing that main event air right now. Max above has stated to us to just "Look at Sheamus" what I don't think most understand about Sheamus is that he had been wrestling internationally for a while before he even got called to FCW. Mason Ryan basically got trained there, just in like the last two or three years. He's not ready just yet, and probably won't be for awhile.
i bet you're one of those ppl who also believe in the past that jack swagger was the future of the wwe :lol:

I thought it becomes obvious that whenever the wwe put guys who are not built properly and are not over to win the title, they will flop immeidately. There is a proven track record. Jack swagger, sheamus, cm punk first two title reign etc. are examples.

So how is a face turn and a title victory gonna do any good to mason ryan if the guy has not been built properly and involved in any major feud at all? He is gonna flop. Bank on that
I think in the next few weeks WWE should get Mason Ryan, Mike McGillicutty, and David Otunga's name really popular because after Money in the Bank have Cena beat Punk.Then the next night have Nexus attack Cena with Mason Ryan leading the way, leading to 3on1 assults on Cena every week.Then once Ryan gets a WWE title match with Cena have him dump Nexus and fued with Cena.Kinda unrealistic but it could happen.Another way is to have Punk win the WWE title at Money in the Bank the simply hand it to Ryan.
Mason Ryan has the look of a superstar.....but he does not yet have the talent or mic skills to make the push work. It would bomb, and it could ruin his career.

I think that Ryan winning MITB and then cashing in on Punk just as he is about to leave the WWE with the title is a GREAT idea in principle, but it has come 18 months too early. There is no way that Mason is ready for a World Title, he is as green as grass and is probably only on the roster right now due to looking like Batista. If he looked any different he probably would be still in developmental.

I think he will eventually get a monster push, but it should not come that quickly. No way. It would be a disaster.
As Naitch said, the idea of having Mason Ryan turn on his mentor by cashing in his MitB contract is a great story, sincerely a tremendous idea... but it is totally ruined by the fact that Mason Ryan is nowhere close to ready for the burden of the WWE Title around his waist.

Mason Ryan is, as Bill DeMott would say, green as goose shit. His wrestling ability in his match with Evan Bourne on Monday was totally exposed as he failed to succeed in pulling off some of the most simple moves, like being rolled-up by Bourne for a pin. Now this type of stuff can fly under the radar and be relatively harmless when you're on the midcard, but he'd be in way over his head should he be put in the spotlight of the main event.

Great idea in theory, horrible idea in practice. It's too bad he doesn't show the same promise that Batista did when he got started in the WWE, otherwise this would be something that the WWE could seriously tease, even if they didn't actually want to pull the trigger on it.
Mason Ryan should not even win this match, never mind turning face at the same time. He is shit in the ring and on the Mic, and there are superstars who are more deserving of the briefcase than he is at this moment in time including guys like Dolph Ziggler and John Morrison.
I like Mason Ryan, a lot. He's got that look (except that hair cut!) and he seems to quickly have become a fan favorite. If he goes face by thrwarting CM Punk somehow at MitB, what for him next? I think he'd get lost in the shuffle. The best bet for him is to remain an enforcer for somebody and slowly turn "Virgil" over the next year.
I do not think Mason Ryan should get the WWE championship for at least another year or two. Rookie title runs are extremely hit or miss. You could be the next Kurt Angle or The Next Jack Swagger. Angle flourished because he had the charisma and natural talent to lead a company, while Swagger failed because he was a cowardly champion in a monster heels body. Let Mason venture out on his own first, Sure you can have him turn on Punk because it might be quite entertaining,but, There is no way he should win the Strap off of him its just way to soon.
I would be against a face turn for Ryan. He is better off as a monster heel. Just look at Batista, he was much more interesting as a heel. Mason Ryan as a face would be even worse. I say let him dominate a bit to get over and then try a face turn after he has had a lengthy heel monster run because he is more likely to get over that way. Turning on Punk would not be such a good idea. He could just strike out on his own if/when Punk leaves. It is an interesting idea but it would benefit Mason and WWE in the long run to not turn him for a while.
Mason Ryan as a face ? No way ! He needs to get over as an unstoppable heel first and also show he can have quality matches.

I do love the Batista chanting at him though - I think he should get angry every time he hears a Batista chant. He could even do a promo saying "I am not Batista" then trash the place as the fans keep chanting Batista at him.
I agree that this guy should get pushed for sure. I tend to agree with the group that thinks the push should be slow and gradual. Mason Ryan definitely has "the look" but I haven't seen enough of him on the mic or in even a decent feud, to say he's ready for a push now. It's also too tough to get a read on whether he should go face or stay heel for his push. I kinda think he should go face but let's wait and see.
I hope for nothing but the best for Ryan, being Welsh and all.

However after his match with Bourne on RAW last Monday Night, I'm convinced that this guy is way too green to have even been allowed out of FCW. He's got the look and maybe his accent on the mic will be enough to sway us into thinking he's good on the mic, just like Sheamus, or it could work out horribly and sound like nails on a chalkboard like Drew McIntyre.

I think he just has too improve in the ring before he's even allowed to take part in a legitimate feud. Who knows? A face turn might work out better for him like it did for Ezekial Jackson.
Mason Ryan much like Batista did, needs a faction around him for at least a year or two. I think all that happened Monday, was a bad attempt to get him over as a singles star that failed. He does have a great look and tremendous upside, but then again Heidenreich, Nathan Jones and Gene Snitsky were all monsters that looked good during an enterance and failed to show up in the ring. If you remember, it took them almost four years to push Batista on his own as a main event star once he was brought up to the main roster and he was surrounded by the best. Personally, if I were booking I would move him to Smack Down and pair him with Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase's little group or with Christian and maybe another guy or two. Once Nexus goes there is really nobody on Raw that needs a faction unless Miz starts one.

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