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Mark Madden - your opinions?


purveyor of confusion
Mark Madden posted this on WZ earlier, kinda shitty attitude if you ask me

The end of TNA Impact was, indeed, groundbreaking.

The end of TNA Impact was stupid on so many levels it almost defies description.

The end of TNA Impact cemented Dixie Carter’s legacy as one of the very dumbest people to ever be involved with wrestling.

Dixie Carter went into the ring and, surrounded by one mid-level star and four scrubs, devalued her own company’s brand name for the sake of a promotion that has, for all intents and purposes, been dead since 2001 – a promotion that Vince McMahon OWNS THE NAME TO AND TRADEMARKS OF.

I’m not sure if McMahon will bother, but he certainly seemed a victim of infringement last night. You can’t stop people from chanting “E-C-W.” But should you encourage them? You can’t stop a fan from hoisting a sign festooned with a logo McMahon owns. But should you keep putting it on camera again and again?

No matter. McMahon's lawyers couldn’t possibly damage TNA as badly as Dixie and her management team have.

Sad part is, TNA’s ECW-themed show will probably generate fractionally more buys than a normal TNA PPV. Nostalgia sells. Those hokey “Hardcore Homecoming” shows drew a couple decent houses. But that doesn’t mean it’s the right move.

I am amazed by the continuing deification of a company that never built enough fan interest to stand on its own two feet financially. ECW was innovative. It changed the face of wrestling.

But ECW never assembled more than a cult following. Despite that, the cult's members get super-served every so often.

Ah, what’s the difference? TNA’s brand name is permanently damaged anyway. Do a Mid-South tribute show next month, a look back at Portland Wrestling the month after that. Who cares?

The vast majority of wrestling fans don’t identify Mick Foley with ECW. But Mick will attach himself to any cause that pays. Tommy Dreamer, Raven, Rhino, Stevie Richards…none ever meant anything in a big-time promotion, and it wasn’t for lack of opportunity. Dreamer’s tears aside, when ex-ECW guys lost their jobs in WWE, it was because they couldn’t cut the mustard. Those bums should be grateful they got the paychecks they did.

If Sabu comes back for “Hard Justice,” TNA should tape his match in advance and beg Paul E. to provide coherency via editing. Then it really would be like old times.

Guys like Kurt Angle are going to take a back seat to this nonsense. That shouldn’t happen. Not even for one night.

The comparison between ECW and TNA was totally silly…with one exception. Like ECW, TNA exists on the principal of someone who knows something about wrestling sucking a money mark DRY. But Paul E. did that with the ambition of ultimately rising above it. No such ambition can be spotted at TNA.

Hey, have fun. I will. I’m having fun right now as I think of Dixie Carter smiling broadly during “Hard Justice” as TNA fans chant a brand name owned by Vince McMahon.

“The chosen begin their path towards greatness. The ill-fated are doomed from the beginning. The unfortunate devour themselves, searching for annihilation.” Makes a nice epitaph, doesn’t it?

I'm not really sure what to make with all the hateful things Mark Madden is saying, doesnt he still work for TNA? or was he let go?

if he was indeed let go, then i understand the bitterness, but it seems quite immature to rant like this being a recognized wrestling columnist, and it probably "scorched" the bridge after this.

what say you?
I say that:

A: Please learn how to fucking post. That includes how to use quotes if you are going to cite something, how to title a thread so that it is clear what is going on, and how to add your own spin and questions to someone else's content so that you don't get the spam bullet.

B: To the best of my knowledge, Mark Madden has never worked for TNA.

C: He is 100% right. TNA is going to bump PPV buys for a month or two with the corpse of a WWE-owned product. This is great and all for a little bit of buzz and some good numbers, but does nothing towards rebuilding the brand and such. It does nothing towards making more people fans of TNA. I love a lot of these guys, but quite honestly they aren't dependable draws.

D: Your sig makes me laugh, but not the way you want me to.

Someone please merge this thread into some other "HARDcore Justice" thread or something, or better yet, delete it.
I say that:

A: Please learn how to fucking post. That includes how to use quotes if you are going to cite something, how to title a thread so that it is clear what is going on, and how to add your own spin and questions to someone else's content so that you don't get the spam bullet.

sorry still kinda new to the forums, I'm not all super-cool like you.

B: To the best of my knowledge, Mark Madden has never worked for TNA.

as I stated in my 2nd message, trying reading everything first before being a douchebag...kthx

C: He is 100% right. TNA is going to bump PPV buys for a month or two with the corpse of a WWE-owned product. This is great and all for a little bit of buzz and some good numbers, but does nothing towards rebuilding the brand and such. It does nothing towards making more people fans of TNA. I love a lot of these guys, but quite honestly they aren't dependable draws.

just your opinion

D: Your sig makes me laugh, but not the way you want me to.

wow, i'm so burned, i wish i was as super-cool as you!

Someone please merge this thread into some other "HARDcore Justice" thread or something, or better yet, delete it.

or even better yet, dont read it
there, hopefully I cited my source properly, i left my error there just to show that I'm not super-cool like you!

have a great day!
In this instance I agree with Mark Madden whole heartily. I don't usually agree with him he does come across very bitter towards TNA most of the time. However everything he said about ECW is true. TNA should be moving forward with their product not promoting a defunct company that their competition owns the rights to.
hey Maestro48239, I've been here for years but just recently got "cleared" to post an opinion! wow, am I proud! Dude, don't flex on these heads, I understand their side but ain't fucking websters "wrestling" dictionary being cited on a daily basis! I love wrestling as much as the next "pro" guy! It is something i've always had (like comics for others) as something I love, regaurdless of what anybody says!!! YA WRESTLING IS FAKE!!! I AIN'T RETARED, I JUST LIKE FAKE WRESTLING BECAUSE IT IS BETTER THAN MAT WRESTLING, WHICH IS GAY AS FUCK LOOKING!!! DON'T JUDGE ME MONKEY!!!
sorry still kinda new to the forums, I'm not all super-cool like you.

You know, I know life takes up time, and people aren't always on here everyday and take absences and such. But dude, you joined before I did. Just sayin.

as I stated in my 2nd message, trying reading everything first before being a douchebag...kthx

I was replying while you added a your second post. You're welcome.

just your opinion

Well, yeah it's my opinion. That's what the thread is for right? Instead of just saying "That's, like, your opinion man", reply with your own opinion and why you think I'm wrong. That's called driving discussion.

wow, i'm so burned, i wish i was as super-cool as you!

I ain't cool, dude. I think that if you're going to rock a silly statement like that, you better live up to it.

or even better yet, dont read it

In all honesty, I wish I hadn't.

there, hopefully I cited my source properly, i left my error there just to show that I'm not super-cool like you!

It'll give the place some character. Glad you found the edit button.

have a great day!

I don't know whether it's that everything is slow here tonight, or because you rock the Brody avatar, but I'm going to help you out kid. I'm going to try and save this thread.

Mark Madden; one part genius, one part mouth, one part bitters. The only group of people he's meaner to than his fan base is TNA. He's been highly critical of TNA, and only got meaner once Bischoff and Hogan joined in. But, behind the venom in his attacks, are his criticisms valid? Take for example his recent comments about TNA's ECW invasion (which can be found above in the OP). While laced with Madden's trademark loathing for TNA, he brings up some valid arguments:

1: TNA is planning on moving forward with booking plans that will lead to McMahon owned images and logos flooding Impact, and fans chanting the name of a company long since dead and buried (and also owned by McMahon), instead of it's usual "T-N-A" chants. Compare this to the criticisms lobbed at TNA for booking around "Hall of Fame" rings that many took as being the WWE Hall of Fame rings whether they were or weren't.

2: Assuming they take time to properly build their PPV main events, how is a Jerry Lynn vs RVD match pushing TNA talent? How is that rebuilding the brand? The best case scenario is a few of the more functional guys stick around as enhancement talent after the big angle, and yet wouldn't that make it just like WWE's ECW reboot?

So what do you think: is this just more TNA hatin' from Madden, or does he make sense with his criticisms?

I feel that he is right on the whole time. It's common knowledge that he is no TNA fan, but his criticisms, especially regarding the allusion to a company owned by the competition, are legitimate. To be fair, this isn't the first time a promotion has borrowed liberally from the history of another, but in TNA's case they should be working on tooting their own horn right now, not putting on the same show Shane Douglas tries to put on every other year or so.

What do you think, WrestleZoners?
Mark Madden always say bad things about TNA nothing new here. although unfortuantly he is totally right in that this ECW thing is just a bad idea.

All this seems to be is a another shameless nostalgia grab that will get a good rating for a week until people remember the golden rule of nostalgia and that is "its never as good as u remember it."

Oh well at least it seems like Joe is in a storyline for the first time in months.
Mark Madden is and will always be a fat over opinionated ******.
He just truly is one of the maybe 4 people, that I am at a lost of words for describing when it comes to him. Even if he is right, he comes off as an arrogant fat snob.
But to Mark Madden, Mark Madden is never wrong.

PS: He is sort of right, but he as always comes off ass...do I really need to say more?
It'll give the place some character. Glad you found the edit button.

Mark Madden; one part genius, one part mouth, one part bitters. The only group of people he's meaner to than his fan base is TNA. He's been highly critical of TNA, and only got meaner once Bischoff and Hogan joined in. But, behind the venom in his attacks, are his criticisms valid? Take for example his recent comments about TNA's ECW invasion (which can be found above in the OP). While laced with Madden's trademark loathing for TNA, he brings up some valid arguments:

1: TNA is planning on moving forward with booking plans that will lead to McMahon owned images and logos flooding Impact, and fans chanting the name of a company long since dead and buried (and also owned by McMahon), instead of it's usual "T-N-A" chants. Compare this to the criticisms lobbed at TNA for booking around "Hall of Fame" rings that many took as being the WWE Hall of Fame rings whether they were or weren't.

2: Assuming they take time to properly build their PPV main events, how is a Jerry Lynn vs RVD match pushing TNA talent? How is that rebuilding the brand? The best case scenario is a few of the more functional guys stick around as enhancement talent after the big angle, and yet wouldn't that make it just like WWE's ECW reboot?

So what do you think: is this just more TNA hatin' from Madden, or does he make sense with his criticisms?

I feel that he is right on the whole time. It's common knowledge that he is no TNA fan, but his criticisms, especially regarding the allusion to a company owned by the competition, are legitimate. To be fair, this isn't the first time a promotion has borrowed liberally from the history of another, but in TNA's case they should be working on tooting their own horn right now, not putting on the same show Shane Douglas tries to put on every other year or so.

The way he phrases his 'criticisms' is the problem.
His flaming is so turned on that you sometimes tend to never observe anything constructive and just makes Madden look like a bitter old twat!

I'm sure he's not.
I have seen TNA shows (though not very regular) and I'm familiar with their problems.
However if Madden is going to say stuff like

I am amazed by the continuing deification of a company that never built enough fan interest to stand on its own two feet financially.
Is TNA going bankrupt now??!
Never built enough fan interest to stand on it's own two feet financially?!?!?!

You know what,
TNA is just giving something a last run and I do agree about Madden's buy comments about the next PPV.
Problem is, when some new storyline comes along, TNA f*ks up their old good-running storylines ala Hogan's coming and MEM just disappearing.

So maybe Mr. Madden should just write a column where he isn't using phrases to give it wit, humour or understatement because whenever he does, he ends up looking like a disgruntled dino-mark.
The way he phrases his 'criticisms' is the problem.
His flaming is so turned on that you sometimes tend to never observe anything constructive and just makes Madden look like a bitter old twat!

I agree, more or less. Many are the times I've read a post of his and felt that there was something there that was making a point, but was buried under often two pages of bile. And it's a fun read and all, but hardly seems unbiased. Then again, he's in the editorial section, so he doesn't need to be unbiased in the first place.

I'm sure he's not. I have seen TNA shows (though not very regular) and I'm familiar with their problems. However if Madden is going to say stuff like "I am amazed by the continuing deification of a company that never built enough fan interest to stand on its own two feet financially."

Is the TNA going bankrupt now??!
Never built enough fan interest to stand on it's own two feet financially?!?!?!

I think he was talking about ECW. He was complaining about why ECW is held up as being something current companies should emulate when it wasn't able to support itself.
I have to agree with what he said, despite the apparent hatred for TNA. I used to watch TNA until it went into the shitter. WWE doesn't always make me happy, but hell, I enjoy it much more than TNA. And I was thinking that since WWE does own ECW, he could easily sue TNA for using it. I don't think Vince will, but he does have a case if he ever wants to. Dixie is really trying to poke the bull with a possible lawsuit here.

I really have to say, this could be one of the nails in the eventual coffin for TNA. The ECW thing has been done. The more you do it, the less it will be appreciated. TNA might get lucky and scrap a few viewers, but I can tell it will get be over used and TNA will continue misusing their talent for old wrestlers who should have retired already.
He's made no bones about it that he absolutely despises TNA. Honestly I agree with everything he's been saying about the company. TNA is trying everything to get better ratings and their latest little stunt involves copy infringement.
I think he was talking about ECW. He was complaining about why ECW is held up as being something current companies should emulate when it wasn't able to support itself.

My bad then, but maybe ECW is the last remaining UNIQUE brand.

Here's what I mean
If tomorrow on Tv I see a stupid bad gimmick (like Festus) I think " Sh*t that'd be ok in the federation years, can't believe they are doing it in 2010!!"

If tomorrow they had a bikini contest I'd go " Attitude era, Sable (Homer drool):boobies:"

And when I see a bleeding mess of a man go through a table... A FLAMING TABLE...what do I recall..... E-C-dub!!

So I think they have a lifetime value of entertainment, however since the company has folded and the pioneers are aging fast, you have a little gap of time to make full use of a commodity like ECW
He's made no bones about it that he absolutely despises TNA. Honestly I agree with everything he's been saying about the company. TNA is trying everything to get better ratings and their latest little stunt involves copy infringement.

It's not Copyright Infringement until TNA starts using ECW logos and music or starts implying that it's ECW in TNA more than they have. Remember back to early nWo, when there was legitimate tension enough to Vince to sue over the implication that WWF had sent those boys over. They even went out of their way to address that on television. The situation now is drastically different, but that possibility remains the same.

Still, the point he makes is that TNA will be seen as showing that ECW is greater than TNA. And ECW is a McMahon property. Thus, it can be seen by fans as TNA admitting that WWE/ECW was/is a greater product than their own. That, or the possibility of it, doesn't seem beneficial to TNA.
I personally enjoy his editorials I look forward to them every week. I feel he spoke the truth last week when he said "if tna wants me to stop sayin they suck,stop sucking.(Or words to that effect)I honestly wanna see this whole thing plays out in tna.I think at the end of the day its all about the wrestling and I feel like ppl forget that.and that's coming from a wrestler trying to make it in this industry
how about tna hire mark madden? would he still slam them? of course....NOT!!! Mark madden is a fucking idiot, he was the same dumbass that said "fly fatass fly" when dude was a fatass that couldn't een fly himself! I'd like to see him "fly" against all the "fat" guys his skinny ass shitted on! spike dudley would break his fatass jaw and make it fly like a kimbo mouthpiece!!!!!

mark madden, you are and always have been a fucking loser who can't draw! you hate wcw but you couldn't ever cut the mustard? You're a fat fuck who can't cut a knife with your man titties but can't cut "low life" wcw mustard? and your dumb ass can't even touch tna mustard without trying to suck it out before the cut?!! get the fuck outta here, colin dlaney will knock you out! Hate me! YODEL
It may be a blunt and even bitchy way of putting things but it's the truth.

It's TNA's continuing problem and I say this as someone who would love to have 2 or even 3 or 4 strong companies to drive everyone on and increase competition but TNA after how many years in the business is still struggling to get over its own identity. They have enough young guys with talent in the company to have a strong brand , but they keep falling into the trap of trying to use the past. whether its the nonsense with the rings, the current ecw angle , hyping to the nth degree every last jobber and star released from WWE who signs with them. Continually using the older guys like Flair , Nash and that generation over their own younger talent.

Its frustrating to see
Madden is right on this one. I actually can't believe what I saw on Impact last week. Like...weren't they building an invasion storyline the week before with a blatant ECW vs TNA mentality? That was kinda cool I guess. Then...NO WAIT! We respect TNA! We love TNA! Oh Dixie, smart and beautiful Dixie, I BEG OF YOU...just ONE more night? Umm. Okay. TNA is literally making no sense whatsoever. I think it's time to press the reset button like when Russo and Bischoff took over WCW creative in 2000 (I believe) except without the whole f*cking it up part.
I personally enjoy his editorials I look forward to them every week. I feel he spoke the truth last week when he said "if tna wants me to stop sayin they suck,stop sucking.(Or words to that effect)I honestly wanna see this whole thing plays out in tna.I think at the end of the day its all about the wrestling and I feel like ppl forget that.and that's coming from a wrestler trying to make it in this industry

Very very very true, and yet deeper than even you may know. Wrestling isn't just the match; it's the promos and the angles leading into the matches, and it's the personalities in the matches. Where TNA has problems is having all this great talent and yet not committing themselves to set order of things. Everything is 100 mph, which is neat on paper, but in practice gives casual and newer viewers very little to grasp ahold of. Pleasing the hardcore crowd is nice and all, but they can't and won't support a national company on their own, and this is proven.

I do wish Mark would put out more of what he likes in TNA because they deserve some credit.

how about tna hire mark madden? would he still slam them? of course....NOT!!!

Mark wouldn't take that job, buddy. He doesn't need it and has made it clear he wants nothing more to with wrestling than what he's got (a part time column on WrestleZone).

Mark madden is a fucking idiot, he was the same dumbass that said "fly fatass fly" when dude was a fatass that couldn't een fly himself! I'd like to see him "fly" against all the "fat" guys his skinny ass shitted on! spike dudley would break his fatass jaw and make it fly like a kimbo mouthpiece!!!!!

Ah, I see you are one of those "if you can't do it, you can't knock it" types. Being overweight and having a crass sense of humor doesn't take away from the fact that he is a legitimate critic. The job of a critic tends to leave people feeling the way you do here. It's unfortunate, I suppose, but tough cookies. I'm sure you really don't like the guy, but for the sake of the thread would you mind telling me why being a fat ass makes his claims and criticisms invalid?

mark madden, you are and always have been a fucking loser who can't draw! you hate wcw but you couldn't ever cut the mustard? You're a fat fuck who can't cut a knife with your man titties but can't cut "low life" wcw mustard? and your dumb ass can't even touch tna mustard without trying to suck it out before the cut?!! get the fuck outta here, colin dlaney will knock you out! Hate me! YODEL

Ok, really, only that first sentence seemed to make any sense. And for the record, Mark Madden commentary was one of the only draws WCW had in it's possession towards the end.

This reminds me: don't be a douche.

It may be a blunt and even bitchy way of putting things but it's the truth.

Pretty much how I feel about it. It could be done with more respect, perhaps. But his job isn't to be respectful or fair; it's to write a column that is credible and that attracts readers. I'd say he's quite successful at both. He's usually one of the only things I'll search out on the main page.

It's TNA's continuing problem and I say this as someone who would love to have 2 or even 3 or 4 strong companies to drive everyone on and increase competition but TNA after how many years in the business is still struggling to get over its own identity.

I think that's a little unfair. Most other national companies you or I would know had years and years of experience under their belt by the time they grabbed our attention. In the time since it's creation, TNA has come a long fucking way. You can't really take that away from them. They have an identity, just not a fully fleshed out and realized one at this point in time (they have in the past). It's more a matter of them sticking to that, or any other one vision that doesn't depend on short term fixes, or on older stars demanding high prices for limited uses (see also: Mick Foley's contract).

They have enough young guys with talent in the company to have a strong brand , but they keep falling into the trap of trying to use the past.

I feel they screw this up constantly, but having a history that you can use from time to time is a very fucking good thing. When used properly it is a great promotional tool, and that brings me back to this ECW-TNA thing. It's not that I think the idea of TNA bringing back those guys is the worst part; it's that the timing is kinda bad. Since the return to Thursday, TNA's goal should be the establishment of it's hierarchy of stars and finding the fluid balance that allows all performers to get a little time week to week so that no one gets lost after disappearing for weeks on end.

whether its the nonsense with the rings, the current ecw angle , hyping to the nth degree every last jobber and star released from WWE who signs with them. Continually using the older guys like Flair , Nash and that generation over their own younger talent.

Its frustrating to see

Some of that stuff has been great for them though. Though they picked a great number of crap ex-wwe guys, some of them were worth the money. Anderson and Pope came in found some of the best work of their careers. Hardy and RVD brought in star power that didn't feel like the geriatric "MEM" (oh no, that kind of crap just got called "The Band" instead). The change in ring has only improved the ring product, at least I think so. I agree with the rest of it, though.

Madden is right on this one. I actually can't believe what I saw on Impact last week. Like...weren't they building an invasion storyline the week before with a blatant ECW vs TNA mentality? That was kinda cool I guess. Then...NO WAIT! We respect TNA! We love TNA! Oh Dixie, smart and beautiful Dixie, I BEG OF YOU...just ONE more night? Umm. Okay. TNA is literally making no sense whatsoever. I think it's time to press the reset button like when Russo and Bischoff took over WCW creative in 2000 (I believe) except without the whole f*cking it up part.

No. No no no no no no no no and NO! Don't you ever, EEEEEEEEEEEEEVER suggest someone do a next-gen New Blood reboot. EVER EVER EVER. I will make some TNA jabs from time to time, but I certainly respect them much more than anything from those dark ages.
Here is the problem I have with Mark Madden. His job is to be a professional journalism and he never once gives any credit to TNA for anything. TNA Impact has been solid to great for the past 2-3 months and 2 weeks ago it was obvious by his article he couldn't find something bad so he had to go fishing. You want to know what he started to bash? RVD's entrance music. Not once did he talk about Impact, but started to bash the entrance music. I mean any logical person can see Mark Madden, and like most people, already have t in their heads that TNA is bad and nothing will change that. TNA's TV has been on par and arguably better then WWE TV the past 2 months and yet they get no credit. Instead you have Madden fishing for things he doesn't like when he couldn't find anything on Impact to hate on. The guy is a straight up clown and doesn't deserve to talk about wrestling. For a guy that has no desire for the business anymore really shouldn't be having a weekly column on a very popular wrestling website. Everyone should stand back for a minute and honestly ask themselves why the fuck you should get all infuriated for them doing this. It is only making a ton of money right now with people coming from other countries to see this. Which last time I checked the whole point of owning a business was to make money any way possible.
I think it's hard to read Mark Madden's posts about TNA due to his obvious bias against the company. It's funny that he said that the ECW wrestlers who were fired from WWE couldn't cut the mustard. I guess he couldn't cut the mustard either, as WWE didn't want him after he was fired from WCW for almost the same thing that he's doing to TNA now. If he was such a great wrestling mind, he would be working for a wrestling company now, but he's not, so I don't buy into anything he says.

I really hope that Hardcore Justice is a successful pay per view. However, I have a feeling that it won't, not because it's not a marketable event, but because it hasn't been advertised effectively. There are probably a good amount of people out there who would love to see the real ECW one time, but they may not know anything at all about TNA. So that's the biggest downfall that I see for the event, but I really hope TNA proves Madden wrong.
I enjoy reading Mark Madden's columns. He's always spot-on in what he writes.

TNA is pretty much using the ECW name to make a few bucks, much like Vince McMahon and the WWE did. If this pay-per-view is successful, it will only be because of the ECW inclusion. It will be just like if LeBron James wins the NBA Championship with the Miami Heat, in which people will say that James couldn't win one on his own and needed Chris Bosh and Dwayne Wade. Just as well, TNA can't produce a successful pay-per-view on their own.

If TNA makes the mistake and does feature anything related to ECW, whether it be logos or music or something like that, I'll be waiting with great interest if McMahon does something about it since he owns all ECW assets.

I applaud TNA for making it this far, but it's time to pull the plug. It doesn't seem like anything can be done to save TNA.
I don't always agree with Mark Madden but I typically find that his arguments are logical and insightful given his inside status within the industry. This is not one of those times. He honestly believes that the ECW originals got a fair shake in WWE? Really? In my view, Vince did everything he could to bury guys like Raven, Dreamer, Justin Credible, Tazz, & Richards. They either had to job to absolutely everyone or were given some absurd/humiliating role to play out on television. Its no seceret that Vince has a pattern of doing these types of things with stars he didn't create....

Second, I also think its a bit of a contradiction to say that the pay per view will increase sales and then in the same breath claim that it is a bad idea. IMO, that doesn't make sense. Isn't the point to sell more of the product? I'm no buisness expert, but I assume that you make more money the more pay per views you sell and more cash is typically equated with success. Who cares if Vince owns the name ECW? He doesn't own the spirit of ECW which seems to be alive and well with a lot of people. Personally, I'm more excitied about HardCORE Justice than anything thats happened in TNA or WWE in 5-6 years.
I have to say that what has happened to the wrestling fans especially the Internet fans is "instant gratification"

First, a reply earlier mention that Madden was "fishing" earlier cause he didn't have anything. Also nobody called him out when he had said that Paul H. had no intention of TNA, which we have found out to be false.

Second, another reply mention his hate towards TNA and calling the fired ECW guys basically washed up has beens. The minds of Raven, Dreamer, Foley, and even Richards are brilliant. They are some of the last Old School thinkers that I believe could get the fan base back up.

And Finally, people lets wait and see how this plays out, lets enjoy the whole story instead of liking or hating a chapter.

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