Man, the Bar Room got rimmed in the 2010 WZ Draft...

Honestly, Zero and Crashin, what's the big deal? The only difference is that the pair of you get to be insignificant in the Prison, where your "talents" would be better used, in my opinion.

Someone needs to thread this motion in the Bar Room. It's not lime they're getting banned, just getting moved to somewhere more appropriate.
so before I get banned for it or something I thought I should let you know that I DID make an alt but I do so out of necessity at the time. See, I was trying to log in to come here and respond to all of you but I couldn't get in. I kept trying "The Game Rage" and my regular password but I wasn't getting in. I wasn't sure if I was banned or locked out due to problems with the site as that happened to me not long ago, and in that case I had to make an alt so I could let Admins know I was locked out and needed assistance. So that was what I was going to do.

I didn't have any other way of trying to find out what was going on or how to get in, so that's what I did. Before using it though I tried my name again after clearing my cookies and cache since I hadn't done that before. After getting to my 3rd attempt I figured maybe I should just try and change my password. Then when I got the E-Mail about that I noticed it said my username was now "The Roid Rage" and thought "No fucking way, I don't seriously have to log in as that do I?" So I tried it with the new password and it worked. I thought I could still log in under my regular username and it would just say "The Roid Rage" not that my name was actually changed and I had to log in under that. I did not however use the Alt to post or anything, as I said I had a situation and that was the only thing I could do to try and fix it at the time, so don't use that against me. I had a legitimate purpose a legitimate reason, and I told you myself not trying to hide it. Reading this thread and the prison rules thing reminded me of the deal with Alts in the prison so I figured I should let you know so it didn't come back to bite me in the ass like it did that other guy. Also keep in mind I might have more than one because of when I was locked out. The new one was Overkill Inc. That's me and my friends old tag team.
Ah, here we go. The fun begins.

Hey Game Rage, why don't you pull the needle out of your ass and try and put a word fort on me. Because I will go Jenga all over your shit.

Ah, here we go. The fun begins.

Hey Game Rage, why don't you pull the needle out of your ass and try and put a word fort on me. Because I will go Jenga all over your shit.


Excuse me ? You haven't given me anything to make a word fort out of, so how do you expect me to verbally decimate you? I don't know what you think has begun, or how there can only be one or what that one is? Clearly there are more than one of us in here so I don't know what your getting at.

You should from now on be known as "Hatred Soup" I once had a soup native to North Korea, a friend of mine made if an international food festival we held in college. We didn't know the name of it so we called it "Hatred Soup" in tribute to North Korea, hence forth since that's apparently where you are from, you shall now be known and referred to at least by me as "Hatred Soup". Come to think of it, it was some really good soup, to bad it has to be associated with you. Oh well. Enjoy the dark ages over there.
Excuse me ? You haven't given me anything to make a word fort out of, so how do you expect me to verbally decimate you? I don't know what you think has begun, or how there can only be one or what that one is? Clearly there are more than one of us in here so I don't know what your getting at.

You should from now on be known as "Hatred Soup" I once had a soup native to North Korea, a friend of mine made if an international food festival we held in college. We didn't know the name of it so we called it "Hatred Soup" in tribute to North Korea, hence forth since that's apparently where you are from, you shall now be known and referred to at least by me as "Hatred Soup". Come to think of it, it was some really good soup, to bad it has to be associated with you. Oh well. Enjoy the dark ages over there.

I am so disappointed. That was about as interesting/funny as the late Christopher Reeve's sex life post-horse. You are a bitch-made cunt. So I will therefore call you "bitch-made cunt"

I hope your girlfriend/life partner leaves you for a real man. Like NorCal.
I am so disappointed. That was about as interesting/funny as the late Christopher Reeve's sex life post-horse. You are a bitch-made cunt. So I will therefore call you "bitch-made cunt"

I hope your girlfriend/life partner leaves you for a real man. Like NorCal.

Do I smell a desperation here? Someone desperate to try and make a name off of coming at me like their really a threat? Listen up Hatred Soup, I'm really not impressed and this little tactic of yours to try and seemingly lure me into some kind of....whatever the fuck it is.... it isn't working ok. Who are you anyways? I've never heard of you?

This isn't even slightly amusing but I must obviously respond. Call me what you will, it doesn't matter. None of that will make you anything more than Hatred Soup.
I am Macca. X and NorCal think Im cool. I already have more credability than you at this current junction.

Desperation? You've obviously never been to the Prison before, have you?
I am Macca. X and NorCal think Im cool. I already have more credability than you at this current junction.

Yet you can't spell "credibility" I had to correct your spelling of "Fueled" in another post. I don't think anyone liking or disliking you has anything to do with your credibility as much as it does with your ability to kiss ass as I've seen many people do around here. At THIS junction you're just looking pretty dumb from where I am sitting. I don't know why you feel it necessary to pick a battle with me, especially when I am clearly trying to be merciful. Do you not appreciate mercy? I am sure at some point I will teach you to, but once again do I really want to waste my time on you anymore than I already have? I mean, this is enough as is. It's not like I won't respond to you, I'm at least obligated to that much by my own pride. But, if you think you are worth of a crack at me sir, you are sorely mistaken.

Desperation? You've obviously never been to the Prison before, have you?

No I haven't been to the prison before, I've been making a name for myself outside of it since oooooooh forever, never been stuck here before. Obviously you have become quite accustomed to it though and don't appear to have any aspiration to go any further. That's swell. Have a nice day Hated Soup.
If by "making a name of yourself", you mean being a biased, inarguable, roid-infested rageaholic cuntbag, you're on the right track there.
If by "making a name of yourself", you mean being a biased, inarguable, roid-infested rageaholic cuntbag, you're on the right track there.

Is that all you got? I know you can do better than that, none of that is even original that's all old shit! Come on boy, hit me with something good! Let's see what you got!

Dude, that shit just isn't going to phase me anymore. None of that has any truth to it, your just trying to earn brownie points with somebody but no one cares, and your dogged on more than anyone on here besides maybe Doug Crashin. I feel sorry for him he's at least good some times, but you? You have never been any good any time. What the fuck makes you think you are een in my league? You've made a name for yourself as the dumbest fuck on here. Sure I might be the most hot headed at times, but I'm at least the shit!!!! You suck at everything, I have maybe seen one post of yours that was passable as not total cat vomit. Now really, go get made fun of by the people you are trying to suck up to like usual.
Is that all you got? I know you can do better than that, none of that is even original that's all old shit! Come on boy, hit me with something good! Let's see what you got!

The truth doesn't have to be flashy or impressive. It's still true.

Dude, that shit just isn't going to phase me anymore.

I give you about two more days before you fly into another all-caps rage.

None of that has any truth to it, your just trying to earn brownie points with somebody but no one cares, and your dogged on more than anyone on here besides maybe Doug Crashin.

I could've sworn I just said that it was true. That would be why I said it. I find it hilarious when people think they know why I'm doing something. It just exposes them as the self-important asswipes they are.

What the fuck makes you think you are een in my league?

Who's in prison again?

You've made a name for yourself as the dumbest fuck on here.

And yet I'm smart enough to not warrant a stay in prison. Interesting, that.

Sure I might be the most hot headed at times, but I'm at least the shit!!!!

You just keep telling yourself that, cupcake.

You suck at everything, I have maybe seen one post of yours that was passable as not total cat vomit.

Try looking outside the Bar Room. I don't actually try in there.

Now really, go get made fun of by the people you are trying to suck up to like usual.

Sure thing, but I'll be back to poke you through the bars. Because it's just so much fun.
The truth doesn't have to be flashy or impressive. It's still true.

Yet no truth has come from you, why are you bastardizing it? Calling me names isn't going to do you any justice. At the end of the day I'll still be The Game Rage, and you'll still be a zero, and that's the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Come to think of it(here we go) You Can't Handle The Truth!!!(a few good men - Jack Nicholson, classic)

I give you about two more days before you fly into another all-caps rage.

And I give you a lifetime before anyone takes you seriously. Really? That shit isn't going to work man. I got what I needed off my chest, and now I'm paying for it. Then you decide this is some moment of opportunity because your not going to get creamed by a whole group, just me. What ever floats your boat skipper.

I could've sworn I just said that it was true. That would be why I said it. I find it hilarious when people think they know why I'm doing something. It just exposes them as the self-important asswipes they are.

RRRiiiigghht, ok. You keep following that star, second star to the right and straight on until morning.

Who's in prison again?

Who's still irrelevant? You.

And yet I'm smart enough to not warrant a stay in prison. Interesting, that.

It has nothing to do with smarts, no one gives a shit enough to do anything to you. Although I have seen people in here ask for you and Crashin to be put here. I wouldn't be getting so confident just yet. Besides it's not like I was doing everything I could to be liked and to get attention like you, I did what I did on purpose and knew what was going to happen. You, no one likes and everyone knows you suck, period. I'm not trying to get into a flame war with you here but seem to be wanting that very thing. I am trying to be merciful here just stating the obvious.

You just keep telling yourself that, cupcake.

Oh I don't have to tell myself that, plenty of other people tell me enough as is. I don't need reinforcement, I know what I got, and I know I got skills. I never said I was the best, surely there are better. I am at least honest and realistic, but I can give anyone a run for their money, any time. You couldn't tie anyones show laces before the race, let alone give anyone a run for their money.

Try looking outside the Bar Room. I don't actually try in there.

You don't try to post anything worth reading there, but you try your damnedest to get everyone to like you which is pretty pathetic. I don't exactly want everyone to hate me, but I'm not kissing anyones ass like you to get ahead. You try too hard and it's obvious, people tell you all the time all this stuff, but now that I'm in the prison and you're coming here like a child to manipulate the opportunity as much as you can, you think you can avoid it here, guess what, You Still Suck. The one post of yours I saw that was worth a damn was actually outside of the bar room and I even responded to it giving you props on not sounding like a complete idiot for once. Look like I should have said nothing. To think, I've actually felt sorry for you before and felt compelled to even stick up for you? Huh?

Sure thing, but I'll be back to poke you through the bars. Because it's just so much fun.

Oh of course you will, that's what you're good at, being a bitch. After all, it's not like you'll ever get me in a precarious situation like this ever again, so why not take your shots while you can. I can forgive, but I do not forget. You will get your turn just like everyone else.
Yet no truth has come from you, why are you bastardizing it? Calling me names isn't going to do you any justice. At the end of the day I'll still be The Game Rage, and you'll still be a zero, and that's the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Come to think of it(here we go) You Can't Handle The Truth!!!(a few good men - Jack Nicholson, classic)

No, I'm pretty sure what I used to describe you is pretty truthful, if your last thread in the Bar Room is any indication. Also, using movie quotes in a serious statement is just lame. Like, WWETributes lame.

And I give you a lifetime before anyone takes you seriously. Really? That shit isn't going to work man. I got what I needed off my chest, and now I'm paying for it. Then you decide this is some moment of opportunity because your not going to get creamed by a whole group, just me. What ever floats your boat skipper.

Yes, ranting about how everyone's out to get you on the forum that you're supposedly having so much trouble in is really a smart move. Really, how you could be even slightly surprised that this was going to happen? Also, I've never liked you, never will, and I've made that clear in the past. This is no different.

RRRiiiigghht, ok. You keep following that star, second star to the right and straight on until morning.

More movie quotes. Try something original for once.

Who's still irrelevant? You.

Between irrelevancy and sheer mind-numbing stupidity, I'd prefer irrelevancy.

It has nothing to do with smarts, no one gives a shit enough to do anything to you. Although I have seen people in here ask for you and Crashin to be put here. I wouldn't be getting so confident just yet. Besides it's not like I was doing everything I could to be liked and to get attention like you, I did what I did on purpose and knew what was going to happen. You, no one likes and everyone knows you suck, period. I'm not trying to get into a flame war with you here but seem to be wanting that very thing. I am trying to be merciful here just stating the obvious.

There's a difference between annoyance and hatred. I may have said things that people don't like, but nothing to garner pure unrelenting hatred, despite what certain people will say. You, on the other hand, can't say the same. And again, stop pretending to know why I post anything to begin with. You don't, end of discussion. Pretending that you do know only makes you look like a bigger jackass than usual.

Oh I don't have to tell myself that, plenty of other people tell me enough as is. I don't need reinforcement, I know what I got, and I know I got skills. I never said I was the best, surely there are better. I am at least honest and realistic, but I can give anyone a run for their money, any time. You couldn't tie anyones show laces before the race, let alone give anyone a run for their money.

Oh yes, you got such mad skillz, yo. Yeah, all fear the mighty keyboard warrior with his massive words forts that don't actually make any points whatsoever and just re-enforce the warrior's epicness. Honestly, do you read over what you type before you hit send?

You don't try to post anything worth reading there, but you try your damnedest to get everyone to like you which is pretty pathetic. I don't exactly want everyone to hate me, but I'm not kissing anyones ass like you to get ahead. You try too hard and it's obvious, people tell you all the time all this stuff, but now that I'm in the prison and you're coming here like a child to manipulate the opportunity as much as you can, you think you can avoid it here, guess what, You Still Suck. The one post of yours I saw that was worth a damn was actually outside of the bar room and I even responded to it giving you props on not sounding like a complete idiot for once. Look like I should have said nothing. To think, I've actually felt sorry for you before and felt compelled to even stick up for you? Huh?

Wow, you just love to pretend you're psychic, don't you? Well, then, let me clarify something. I post what I post because I want to. That's it. If I find something funny, I'll say it, and if people like it, fine. If not, oh well, don't give a shit. If I wanted to be a kissass, trust me, you'd know. Instead, here you are, reading between lines that don't need to be read, looking for something that isn't there. It's just pretentious and haughty and, quite frankly, you should know better.

Oh of course you will, that's what you're good at, being a bitch. After all, it's not like you'll ever get me in a precarious situation like this ever again, so why not take your shots while you can. I can forgive, but I do not forget. You will get your turn just like everyone else.

Oh look, no sense of humour either. What a shock.
Don't lump me in with Zero please.

Sorry, wasn't my call I was just stating my observation on that one. I personally think you're alright when you aren't teaming up with everyone to attack me.
No, I'm pretty sure what I used to describe you is pretty truthful, if your last thread in the Bar Room is any indication. Also, using movie quotes in a serious statement is just lame. Like, WWETributes lame.

Was there any point to anything you just said there or was that just another feeble attempt at trying to put me down so you can look like a hot shot? My last thread in there was nothing more than an indication of how fed up I have become with this exact kind of thing you are pulling right now. What's your problem? What did I ever do to you? What makes you think it's open season on me? Because I'm in here? Well, You're talking to me all wrong, it's the wrong tone(Christopher Walken). I don't care if you don't like it, or if you think me trying to throw a little humor into a semi-serious statement is good or bad. Just leave me alone, I have nothing to prove to you, and there is nothing you can prove to me or anyone else that we haven't already figured out about you.

Do you even realize how bad this makes you look? Forget about me being in here, what about you? You're the one coming here trying to kick a man when he's down. How do you suppose that makes you look to everyone else? It certainly isn't going to improve anyones perception of you if that's what you think and it doesn't take anything away from me either.

Yes, ranting about how everyone's out to get you on the forum that you're supposedly having so much trouble in is really a smart move. Really, how you could be even slightly surprised that this was going to happen? Also, I've never liked you, never will, and I've made that clear in the past. This is no different.

I was ranting about a lot more than that, you were even in my thoughts when I was making that rant. It wasn't just about me, it was about everyone who gets treated unfairly here without warrant. I never said I was surprised by what's happened. I knew. I knew what the outcome of that was going to be, but really needed to be heard for a moment, and get some things off my chest as I already said. You never liked me, never will, and as you've said have made it clear in the past. I don't recall that, but that's fine, I'm not everyone's flavor. I'll just remember that the next time I'm around and everyone is attacking you for no reason. I even felt sorry for you, I must be dumb.

More movie quotes. Try something original for once.

I used it in an original way, and it got the point across, deal with it.

Between irrelevancy and sheer mind-numbing stupidity, I'd prefer irrelevancy.

Why be picky, you seem to have both down. So much for a preference.

There's a difference between annoyance and hatred. I may have said things that people don't like, but nothing to garner pure unrelenting hatred, despite what certain people will say. You, on the other hand, can't say the same. And again, stop pretending to know why I post anything to begin with. You don't, end of discussion. Pretending that you do know only makes you look like a bigger jackass than usual.

Was that supposed to be your big left, right? You sting about as much as mild salsa. You are right though, I do get pure unrelenting hatred from people, I get emotional response which is a damn sight more than you get. People just tell you to bugger off because you are purely annoying, much like now. That's all this is, annoying. You're not proving anything, you're not getting anywhere. You're wasting both our time either trying to work me into a frenzy which isn't going to happen, or you think by coming in here and being rude to me for no reason that people are going to think highly of you for being a coward. I'm sure you'd like me to stop talking about your reasoning for this. Too close to the mark for you? You don't like the weight of truth my words carry towards you? It is hardly the end of the discussion, and you are hardly the one to end it with me. I can't believe you have the audacity to come in here and call me a jack ass when you are behaving this way.

Oh yes, you got such mad skillz, yo. Yeah, all fear the mighty keyboard warrior with his massive words forts that don't actually make any points whatsoever and just re-enforce the warrior's epicness. Honestly, do you read over what you type before you hit send?

You realize how dumb you sound here man? Seriously? Just quit, this is stupid and you're doing yourself a disservice. Why do you feel the need to do this? I already know, but why? What makes you think this is going to do anything but make people see you as even less than they already do? All you are doing is the same thing almost all my critics do, talk shit without making a valid point.

Wow, you just love to pretend you're psychic, don't you? Well, then, let me clarify something. I post what I post because I want to. That's it. If I find something funny, I'll say it, and if people like it, fine. If not, oh well, don't give a shit. If I wanted to be a kissass, trust me, you'd know. Instead, here you are, reading between lines that don't need to be read, looking for something that isn't there. It's just pretentious and haughty and, quite frankly, you should know better.

Like I said, what's wrong? Too close to the mark? You don't like me prying in there? You don't need to clarify anything for me, I know exactly why you are doing what you are doing. You take it all the time, all these people always tell you how shitty a poster you are, how stupid you and everything you say is, and now you see that you have an opportunity to do the same to someone else without consequence or so you think. You are doing this because you are wicked inside, and there is a vengeance in you that you want to unleash on someone and I have become the most available target. You don't have to say anything. You have behaved here like an insolent child and embarrassed yourself almost to new heights. I read between the lines, all to well for your comfort as you reveal and it appears. If you don't like what you are hearing you should have never picked this battle with me. I told you what would happen, and I will continue to deliver on my word if you don't back down, if you don't shut up, and if you continue to troll me. I have tried to be merciful to you, and you spit that mercy right back in my face. I have but one cheek to turn.
Was there any point to anything you just said there or was that just another feeble attempt at trying to put me down so you can look like a hot shot? My last thread in there was nothing more than an indication of how fed up I have become with this exact kind of thing you are pulling right now. What's your problem? What did I ever do to you? What makes you think it's open season on me? Because I'm in here? Well, You're talking to me all wrong, it's the wrong tone(Christopher Walken). I don't care if you don't like it, or if you think me trying to throw a little humor into a semi-serious statement is good or bad. Just leave me alone, I have nothing to prove to you, and there is nothing you can prove to me or anyone else that we haven't already figured out about you.

What's my problem? I think I've established by now that I don't like you. I never have, and I never will. People who come off as ten times tougher than they actually are and act like they're the best thing to come along in history really get under my skin, and you fulfill that to a T. You take everything that happens in this forum way too seriously, and when someone says something you don't like or you disagree with, you make it known. You're much more like Sidious than you care to admit, and what happened to him should be proof enough of the problem there. Is it cruel? Only if you allow it to be. If you learned to take what I say in stride, like I have with everything everyone's said about me, then you wouldn't be here right now, would you?

Do you even realize how bad this makes you look? Forget about me being in here, what about you? You're the one coming here trying to kick a man when he's down. How do you suppose that makes you look to everyone else? It certainly isn't going to improve anyones perception of you if that's what you think and it doesn't take anything away from me either.

If I honestly cared about what people thought of me, I'd have left these forums a long time ago. I'm still here, so that should indicate I don't give a shit.

I was ranting about a lot more than that, you were even in my thoughts when I was making that rant. It wasn't just about me, it was about everyone who gets treated unfairly here without warrant. I never said I was surprised by what's happened. I knew. I knew what the outcome of that was going to be, but really needed to be heard for a moment, and get some things off my chest as I already said. You never liked me, never will, and as you've said have made it clear in the past. I don't recall that, but that's fine, I'm not everyone's flavor. I'll just remember that the next time I'm around and everyone is attacking you for no reason. I even felt sorry for you, I must be dumb.

Believe me, if what people said about me on here really got to me, people would know. I wouldn't bottle it up and explode in a huge flamed-filled all-caps rant, like some people. And yes, I clearly want the sympathy of a close-minded homophobic idiot. My, it's like you can read my mind!

I used it in an original way, and it got the point across, deal with it.

No, it just came off as sad.

Why be picky, you seem to have both down. So much for a preference.

Who's in the prison again?

Was that supposed to be your big left, right? You sting about as much as mild salsa. You are right though, I do get pure unrelenting hatred from people, I get emotional response which is a damn sight more than you get. People just tell you to bugger off because you are purely annoying, much like now. That's all this is, annoying. You're not proving anything, you're not getting anywhere. You're wasting both our time either trying to work me into a frenzy which isn't going to happen, or you think by coming in here and being rude to me for no reason that people are going to think highly of you for being a coward. I'm sure you'd like me to stop talking about your reasoning for this. Too close to the mark for you? You don't like the weight of truth my words carry towards you? It is hardly the end of the discussion, and you are hardly the one to end it with me. I can't believe you have the audacity to come in here and call me a jack ass when you are behaving this way.

I'd prefer no reaction to a bad reaction, especially the kind you got. There is such a thing as bad publicity, and it's not what I want, so that argument fails. Again, I'm being rude to you because I don't like you, and I'd say the same things to you regardless of whether you were in prison or not. It's just easier because it's proof of how idiotic you are. As for "hitting close to the mark", keep dreaming. I told you the truth, that's all there is to it, take it or leave it.

You realize how dumb you sound here man? Seriously? Just quit, this is stupid and you're doing yourself a disservice. Why do you feel the need to do this? I already know, but why? What makes you think this is going to do anything but make people see you as even less than they already do? All you are doing is the same thing almost all my critics do, talk shit without making a valid point.

That would be because I was trying to, obviously. The fact that you can't recognize that just further proves my point, which I do have. You're an idiot of a grade-A caliber, and you being in prison proves that. If anyone's guilty of not making points, it's you, especially when you feel the need to write paragraph after paragraph of how awesome you think you are.

Like I said, what's wrong? Too close to the mark? You don't like me prying in there? You don't need to clarify anything for me, I know exactly why you are doing what you are doing. You take it all the time, all these people always tell you how shitty a poster you are, how stupid you and everything you say is, and now you see that you have an opportunity to do the same to someone else without consequence or so you think. You are doing this because you are wicked inside, and there is a vengeance in you that you want to unleash on someone and I have become the most available target. You don't have to say anything. You have behaved here like an insolent child and embarrassed yourself almost to new heights. I read between the lines, all to well for your comfort as you reveal and it appears. If you don't like what you are hearing you should have never picked this battle with me. I told you what would happen, and I will continue to deliver on my word if you don't back down, if you don't shut up, and if you continue to troll me. I have tried to be merciful to you, and you spit that mercy right back in my face. I have but one cheek to turn.

Aw, isn't that cute? He thinks he's a psychiatrist! How bloody adorable! Seriously though, I said why I do what I do, yet you continue to look for what isn't there, and in doing so, fall flat on your face and look like a giant douche. It's pathetic, to be perfectly honest, and the fact that you feel the need to emphasize your posts with ridiculous melodramatic grammar only adds to that. It's a discussion on a forum, dumbass, not a battle between two gladiators, despite what you like to believe. Let me know when you've come back to reality, K?
Now that I'm out of prison, this guy can bitch 'round LAB. It's a good thing, because I was starting to worry Macca was gonna have a good time in here without me, Prove me wrong Game Rage.

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