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FOTH 3:16

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Well i just saw it on the main site.It said John Cena is definitely heading to SD! in the draft.Now this is still spectulation but with the word definitely it is probally true.

I think Cena going to SmackDown! is a good thing for the show and the WWE.We could see three things happen.Cena fued with Edge,Cena fued with MVP,or Cena turn heel and fued with Taker when he comes back.Also we can get a top star on RAW like Batista or maybe Edge.So I can see a lot of positive things from this move.

What do you guys think of this possible and seemingly likely move.
This may very well be a spoiler, but it confirms my theories from a while back. That being..

Since Raw & E.C.W. will begin traveling together, and Smackdown will become the "stand-alone" show, they will need a reason to pull in viewers. Edge & The Undertaker are good, but not great in the understanding that they could draw in thousands upon thousands of fans. John Cena, for better or worse, is the guy that sucks idiots in by the thousands, if not millions. His style has people flocking like moths to a flame.

While I believe this will certainly help "revive" things as John Cena on Raw has worn out his welcome, I fear that unless Edge moves to Raw, which I can't see with Randy Orton being hurt.. this is only going to hurt Edge's Main Event opportunities, as John Cena will no doubt take over the top spot. Edge may still play the heel, but through storyline standpoints.. Edge has lost a step, and Cena has stayed the same.

I'd love to see a Cena v. M.V.P. feud as well, but in the end I doubt they'd have Cena lose. He rarely ever loses, and when he does.. its because of huge controversy. So overall, Cena going to Smackdown will allow them to be a "stand-alone" program, but he'll also destroy the better (wrestling) talent that has survived at the top of that brand.. because he'll bring his "storyline" quality and overshadow everyone.
i hope for a cena v taker fued to come from this because the 1st one they had he was just a rookie and it was only one match. but i wonder whos gonna take over cena spot on raw i hope its not hardy
This would be a good move for the WWE. Michaels, HHH, or Cena needed to be drafted because those three were hogging up the spotlight on RAW long enough, and with one of them leaving, it opens a door for another superstar to make a name for themselves on the top show. This may only be a rumour and Cena might still be on RAW after the draft, but you can bet your ass that Michaels or Trips is going to SmackDown if Cena isn't.

With SmackDown acquiring one of the biggest stars on RAW, chances are that RAW will get Taker, Batista, Mysterio, or Edge in return. Some top stars needs a change of scenery and WWE needs to make some big changes if they want to increase their ratings again, so Cena going to SmackDown is highly possible at this point. But, then again, this may as well be a bunch of lies that WWE purposely leaked to help boost ratings during the draft next Monday, and we end up with a crappy draft where the highlight of the night is Finlay going to RAW and Umaga going to SmackDown.
I would say that Cena moving back to SD! is a good thing for not only the reasons mentioned in any of the posts above, but also because this may give him a chance to go back to the "Dr. Of Thugonomics" gimmick that put him on the map. I'd love to see Cena come out in an old school jersey to his old "Word Life" theme music on his 1st SD! back. He needs to become a heel or tweener like Austin was back in the day, and his old gimmick would be the best way to do so....just my two cents.
i think Cena should be going to the show that kickstarted his career. Cena started his career on SmackDown against Kurt Angle and last time i saw Cena in a SmackDown ring (he might have been in one since but its not in my memory) as a SmackDown superstar was at Judgment Day 2004 in his "I Quit" Match against JBL. i was at that event and i thought it was a great match. Cena needs a fresh start and some fresh storylines to keep his charcter from getting stale. i may not be the biggest Cena fan but i would really like to see him go back to SmackDown and kick some ass.
This is somethign that should've been done forever ago. Cena is flat out stale on Raw anymore. He has absolutely no one left to feud with except maybe Kennedy, and that's just not going to happen right now. Over on Smackdown, if nothing else it's fresh. Not a ton of people to face, but it's a change of scenery. Also, it means no more Cena on Raw. Not that I hate Cena, because I don't but he's been there far too long now. This could be what he needs, save for a heel turn of course. Could be a decent shake up if nothing else.
Well if this is true all I can say is THANK GOD. I like Cena, but he has gotten really stale on Raw. This will of course lead to new storyling oppertunities. Maybe even a long overdue heel turn for Cena. I personally am looking to fueds with MVP, Taker, Mysterio, and even Matt Hardy. He will probably make Matt look like a fucking tool but it would at least be something new. The only bad thing that will come of this is that Edge will have to take a back seat once again. Other than that this will be great for Smackdown.
I'm hoping Cena going back to Smackdown! (if it does happen) is possibly the begining of a new era in the WWE. One of the most important things it would allow obviously is some fresh or at least fresher feuds (Batista, Undertaker, MVP). I'm also hoping it could be a different direction for the WWE. If Cena goes to Smackdown!, so will a lot of the younger viewers. Make Smackdown! your show for the younger portion of the audience you want to sponser. It's on a perfect night for those "kids" being Friday night and most younger kids get to stay-up late.

Now obviously with Cena on Smackdown!, it would be an older audience tuning into Raw. Which means they could possibly push Raw to be on the edge again. I don't want to see the Attitude Era reborn, I want to see a new Era! But catering to just the younger audience (as the really have been for awhile) is obviously hurting the WWE. I know a lot of young kids who can goto see Raw live, but unless there's no school the next day, rarely do they see it other then TiVo.
I hope they don't move someone over to Raw to compensate. Raw has a variety of faces lying above the midcard but below the main event, Michaels, Jericho, Jeff, Kennedy, Regal (when he returns).

4 big faces there in case we get a heel champion, HHH turn/JBL/Regal. Any of Michaels, Jericho or Hardy would get the biggest pop ever in they dethroned a heel champion, Jeff or Michaels probably would over a face HHH. Smackdown is in need of talent, Raw is swimming in it, a rearrangement should stop the mass burial of people such as Burchill who are lower down the card. Hell, without Cena's boring promos, we may even get time for longer tag team matches!
*Well I may as well discuss it now that any surprise of it has been ruined by the previous thread made*

Ok I actually think this is a good thing because John Cena is overdone on Raw and SD! will be a nice breath of fresh air for him and everyone else. It will also give me another reason to watch SD!

On Raw John had done everything with everyone and he has nothing left to do, on SD! he will have new fueds along with alot of fresh stars to work with. He will probably be in the light of SD! as well, but I guess this means for sure that he won't be winning the WWE belt.

Poor Will is worried about Edge getting overtaken by Cena lol. I don't think that will be too much the case, although he may be the one to take the belt off of Edge.
Freaking brilliant. Best thing WWE have done in a while actually. Cena had outstayed his welcome on Raw to put in nicely. I didn't like the guy, and I can now avoid him easier than before.

Randy Orton is doing a brilliant job on Raw, and I totally love the guy. I wasn't a huge fan at first, but now he entertains the hell out of me. Orton should have the belt, and Orton should keep the belt. He, along with HHH, HBK etc will be enough to keep the viewers on Raw. Also I see a nice change going on, as Cena will drift even further from Raw main eventing, meaning a spot will most likely open, possibly for Mr Kennedy.

On Smackdown Cena will also be better. When he first started out there with the rapping gimick I liked him. Hopefully he can go back to something similar instead of being the most hated guy in wrestling like he was on Raw. As for the Smackdown main event, I think an Edge and Cena feud would be interesting. I'm a big fan of Edge, and hoping he will bring out the best in Cena.
Cena going back to Smackdown...an interesting plan since he's feuded with pretty much everyone on RAW at present and people will just bitch about the fact that they're seeing JBL vs Cena again for the second PPV in a row, damn long feuds.
At least if Cena moves to SD he will have the likes of Edge to feud with, although I think more big names will need to travel across along with him in order to keep things fresh. I mean, if Cena's the only name to move, all he'll have really is Edge, MVP and Finlay to really feud with on his level.

The downside is, if Cena moves, fans will move so my theory is that the other big draw on SD moves to Raw to balance out the fans, meaning Rey Mysterio getting buried by the big guys on Raw.
Cena on SD! would be bad ass as hell because him being on Raw the last 3 years has really gotten boring.He needs to come out with his old Thuganomics Music and were jerseys and rap again before each match.Since SD! has Big Show and I really hope he doesnt win the ECW Championship at NOC, he could reignite their fued and keep that going.Cena brings in mad fans on the mid-card and that makes the watchers saying,"If that was the third match,I wonder how good the main event is!"Cena could have feuds w/ Show,MVP,Matt H.,Finlay,and hopefully some other talent like Shelton or Elijah Burke from ECW.
think this could be great, fued with edge and them a match vs UT at Wrestlemania.
Mvp vs cena would also be great, both a bit of street image with bling bling.
He would indeed go well with Show,hardy,mvp and all the other talent KURT said.

SD! needs a major star or else it's gonna get really boring with UT, batista and edge fighting over the title time and time again.
Do u guys realize how awesome that would be? Cena over to Sd accomplishes so many things its unbelievable. It opens up raw so we can finally get some new contenders going apart from the usual three. Over on SD there are so many new feuds and story-lines its great. I wonder how Vikie is going to treat him....The only thing that would make it better is if cena turned heel and then feuded with Batista or the Undertaker which would be great. Dare i say it team up with Edge? Rated Rko over on Sd except Rated...FU? lets leave that to creative. Imagine how good cena would look as a heel with the WHC wrapped around his waist.
Sweeeeeeeet!!!! Cena going to Smackdown can only spell good things for WWE. First of all it opens as many of you have mentioned, the main event scene on Raw. It also could potentially revive Edge vs Cena which was a rather sick feud when it was just Edge and Lita. Now throw La Familia into the mix.

Another idea that Cena may go for is arriving on Smackdown as an upper mid card and feud with MVP. After all there really was nothing wrong with his feud with JBL as a mid card feud. Both Cena and MVP can do promos and both get a decent crowd reaction... more so Cena, but who's counting.

Then there is always every one's favorite idea. Turn Cena heel. I like the idea of a heel Cena over on SD!, possibly like Booker T did when he first went to SD! and how he was very bitter about it. From that point I can see him going on and feuding with people like Batista. Overall though... I don't see a heel turn coming.

There is one thing I do fear out of this... What are the odds of Batista going back to Raw... That IMO would leave the main event scene as dead as it is now on Raw. We've all seen Batista vs HHH, and God knows that we'll see it again and every promo will be like so...
Batista: I'm the animal
HHH: Evoultion made you

So Cena going to Smackdown I am in full support of. However I hope that Raw does not get screwed if it does happen.
I hope to god this isn't true . As much as I hate Cena being on RAW I'd hate him being on SD! twice as much. This man is responsible for ruining the once coveted WWE title with that horrible, cheap design he revealed a few years ago. I'm quite suprised that with HHH being a traditional, old fashioned wrestler, the title hasn't went back to its original design.

If Cena goes to SD! I can only imagine what the WHC will look like once he wins it, which we all no will happen if he goes to SD!.

To be honest I dont believe he'll go to SD!, it would certianly be a breath of fresh air for RAW but also a step down for Cena. We'll most probably see the highlight of the draft being Umaga to SD! and MVP to RAW and even though I want to see that happen I hope I'm wrong about them being the top drafts.

Hey, maybe WWE might shock us this year and actually '' shake things up'', which they have failed to do in every draft imo with the ecception of Cena & Batista a few years ago.

If this is true this is what I see happening:

Cena gets drafted to SD! but will still face Triple H @ NOC with the stipulation being that if Cena wins he takes the title to SD!.

Edge is drafted to RAW leaving RAW with the 2 champions. If Batista defeats Edge @ NOC he takes the WHC back to SD!.

Cena beats HHH and takes his version of the wwe title back to SD! which makes sense.

Edge retains against Batista and the WHC is back on RAW.
This would be a good move for the WWE. Michaels, HHH, or Cena needed to be drafted because those three were hogging up the spotlight on RAW long enough, and with one of them leaving, it opens a door for another superstar to make a name for themselves on the top show.

LOL WUT?! No, you can exclude Michaels... he's hasn't hogged shit since way back. He if anyone, should be in HHH's position at the moment. Either way, as Will said... it's obvious that Cena's move is to draw in more fans for SD! No matter how much I hate Cena, everyone knows the marks flock to the wannabe-Hogan. I just hope he doesn't ruin what Edge has made of himself... because basically every great storyline(or Heel) is ruined when Cena enters the equation. Aw well, still doubt SD! will become the cash cow... even w/ Cena. All I'm hoping for is that the draft brings more action to the tag team and mid-card title scenes.
You guys are getting too excited over a rumour. Sure it could happen, but it also couldn't. I hate to burst your bubble (actually I don't) but look at your source. How much garbage has Ryan Clark posted on the main site that has turned out to be nothing. Now all the sudden, he uses the word definately and everyone craps their pants. If he has the information, why wouldn't he share it ASAP. I mean, if he obtained it, why couldn't someone else. He should want to get this news out before anyone else. The fact is, he told you to listen to WZ Radio to get the news simply because no one listens to his show. Its funny how all the internet critics bash Cena, yet foam at the mouth everytime he can bring them viewers.

As for the move, your top draw on the B show seems rather stupid, but it makes sense for this one PPV. We've seen Edge vs Batista and Triple H vs Cena recently, but its been a while since Cena vs Edge and Batista vs Triple H. The draft is right before the PPV. Cena and Batista can get drafted to each others shows and simply swap opponents.
You guys are getting too excited over a rumour. Sure it could happen, but it also couldn't. I hate to burst your bubble (actually I don't) but look at your source. How much garbage has Ryan Clark posted on the main site that has turned out to be nothing. Now all the sudden, he uses the word definately and everyone craps their pants. If he has the information, why wouldn't he share it ASAP. I mean, if he obtained it, why couldn't someone else. He should want to get this news out before anyone else. The fact is, he told you to listen to WZ Radio to get the news simply because no one listens to his show. Its funny how all the internet critics bash Cena, yet foam at the mouth everytime he can bring them viewers.

As for the move, your top draw on the B show seems rather stupid, but it makes sense for this one PPV. We've seen Edge vs Batista and Triple H vs Cena recently, but its been a while since Cena vs Edge and Batista vs Triple H. The draft is right before the PPV. Cena and Batista can get drafted to each others shows and simply swap opponents.

Agreed big time.
Cena isn't going to Smackdown. You don't take your hardest working wrestler and the face of your company (Not to smarks but to the rest of the world) off of your flagship show and put him on your B show.

Vince McMahon isn't that stupid.

Nobody listens to Ryan Clarks horrible radio show (I've tried to listen before it just sounds like two guys making jokes that no one thinks is funny) and he is trying to get people to listen to it to justify still having a show.

I'm also sick of Clark's little comments he posts when entering news on the site. Like (Oh what a great idea THIS will be) or whatever. You don't have a column on this site so don't act like you do.

Rant over and Cena won't be going to Smackdown.
A.LOL I really wouldnt belive this til I saw it. Seriously. With the ratings the way they are right now, do you REALLY see them sending CENA of all people to SD!??? I surely dont.

B. slim. they most likely wont opponet swap, but just title both matches as the belts could go with them to their new brands. which, funny enough, could very likely happen if you think of it. Batista new WHC going to RAW, Cena, new WWE champ going to SD!. Would cuase a stir and a half.

C. I love how everyone praises this move, while complaining about repetitiveness in other threads. Correct me if im wrong, but im fairly sure Edge Vs Cena was something we saw about 18374938 times a couple of years ago. And that version of Edge was WAY stronger and more entertaining that this version is.
A.LOL I really wouldnt belive this til I saw it. Seriously. With the ratings the way they are right now, do you REALLY see them sending CENA of all people to SD!??? I surely dont.

B. slim. they most likely wont opponet swap, but just title both matches as the belts could go with them to their new brands. which, funny enough, could very likely happen if you think of it. Batista new WHC going to RAW, Cena, new WWE champ going to SD!. Would cuase a stir and a half.

C. I love how everyone praises this move, while complaining about repetitiveness in other threads. Correct me if im wrong, but im fairly sure Edge Vs Cena was something we saw about 18374938 times a couple of years ago. And that version of Edge was WAY stronger and more entertaining that this version is.

I love how people claim Cena should be on Smackdown because he's too stale on RAW, yet HHH and HBK were both there before him and have feuded with literally everyone. I say it would be more logical to keep Cena on RAW and bring over some more rivals from Smackdown for him to feud with on that show. He's the companies top draw and should be on the top show, unless WWE is trying to make the brands equal again like they originally were. They could put HHH or HBK on Smackdown just temporarily by getting drafted then traded back in a few months (neither of those two would go to Smackdown either).

The title swap would be cool too, but I think the WWE likes their title on the A show instead of what is essentially the WCW Title.
Well, if you remember right, thw WHC actually DEBUTED as RAW's belt. So I wouldnt doubt it swapping for just a whiile at least. If this move is for real, then its a clear sighn that they are trying to go with making the Brands a much stronger independent entities(which is the way they SHOULD do it anyway)...And trips or HBK on SD! would totally fucking own, but I dont see it happening, and neither does anyone else. Triple H Vs Edge would be fucking sweet, as would HBK Vs Edge in title feuds. neither seems enough like a team player to do so though. Funny though, as two guys with supposedly such huge egos, you would think they would wanna go there and prove how great of a draw they are, and make SD! the "A" show.

The only other reason I could see Cena going to SD! is to drive up ratings, so they may shop the show around with a good price tag on it. They can say "look who is on this show...John fucking Cena....JOHN CENA....and look at the ratings since...you should pay us more....
When the WHC belt debuted on RAW, Smackdown was actually the better brand. The WWE was trying to make each brand equal, but Smackdown had Rock, Lesnar, Hogan, Angle, Benoit, Eddie, and even Vince McMahon was mainly there. RAW had HHH, Booker T, and a few other notables. With the brands being even, it didn't matter that RAW had the WHC. When all the top superstars (Rock, Austin, Angle) started going to RAW, it became apparent that they wanted RAW as the flagship program. Cena and the title were shipped over after the WHC Title was always the main event because RAW was the better show.

I've never got the feeling that HHH or HBK feel they are truly the best, which may be why they don't want to go to Smackdown. They enjoy RAW's supporting cast (mainly Cena) more than they lead on.

As for getting the price of Smackdown up, there is no better way for them to do it then to put Cena there. Eventhough few here chose to admit it, Cena is the WWE's best draw and most marketable character.

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